Turnnto, 'l‘lmrlmilL Richmond 11111 hing, A 1m n'n vanmrkot, llUUlqu Lumling I‘IKVHUJHI Landing. Nuwm alum, A H mm, hing, Richmond Hill, 'l‘lnvrlvhvll, ‘ Lo 'i‘qluu UFHBE HUEï¬ES To’ronto Ofï¬cesjfly. 14 Building K’ Lam: uhumbcrsJG Toronto EL Richmond Hillbfï¬c “"“1‘ “f “10 e-Cuntml Bunk On Saturdays. Money. to Loan it LowestyCurmnt Rates; MORNENG. Going NONE}, mam, East and West uh . . . . . ; 7.40 EVENWQG. Going Sunnis, East, and West, at. . . a . a a . .. . 5.30 Mail For the North, via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the mowing, as above stated. Thankful fortho favors of the past yonrr may still be consulted inuuy brunch of the pro fession, rm follows: Biplngopd Hill .. 9th 6.: 24th of each month (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, Will, and 22nd Sboufl'villc ...... Markham.“ .. Victoria Square . u . Thornhill (\Vullicr'fl Hotel) Woodbridge ...... .. Kleinburg ...... Nobleton . Morning Mail from South, Vest and East, by Railway,u1‘x‘ivcs at 10.30 Evening Mail from Toronto by Richmond Hill, Dec. (ith, 1886. This Home is: one of the Brit 1101018 to Do found north of 'l'm'untn. Evarvthingr is 1mm in First. Class Style. szmlu Room fur ()mnn- 2 sin] Travellers. Gond Stuhliz' ' and rattrntiva hustlers. ’i‘nrms, 951 m“: day. Flu/Junk Bus loaves this Hutu] tr) cmmuct with 1111 the N 1i 1% Twins going Nam: mxd South: at 8 LE 12., 12 R. 11)., 5.101) 1n. and (3.00 1! 1-11. Yongc-smcet Stage, arrives at. 7.00 Night Mail from North, by 1’»:inâ€" way, arrives 7.45 C. H. RIGGS, L. D. S., S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sta, TORONTO. VITALEZED A l R ! Woodbridge ...... ...28t}1 do Kleinburg . ibh do Nobleton . . . . . ‘ . . , 30th do Vituliznd air always on hand at the places Impoinpnont. Itdoos uwny with the pu_n uxtmctmg PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN‘ Toronto. May 20th, 1884. Armour, Gordon & Williams Until furtlmr nulice, Mails will be closed at the above Ofï¬ce as follows :â€" _ A G F LAWRENCE Nov 27th, 1884 THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HELL, Vitalized Air for extra hug. ,agwm 43)] teeth wmhout pain at the h st prices. Best tooth on rubber 58, chenpcrit Fullerton, Cami; S; Waiï¬acc BARRISTERS. SULIGITDRS. ML l5 Toronto Stréet. Toronto. E. DOUGLAS ARMOUR, WM. Sn'rox (h'numN A. J. WILLIAMS. . (11110 3' Palmer, Prop, 18 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond. Hill East. 05cc Every Saturday. LAWRENEEMEEEELEEE “ember College of Physicians 8.: Surgeons. (LATE 0F STOUFFVILLE.) OFFICE HOUBS,â€"From 8 to 10 a. 111.,5 to 8 p. In RESIDENCE $53.9 HEIGHEMM} RE E F; WEST EPFFWE. DR. W. J. VVELSON, MEDALIST TORONTO UNIVERSITY. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Ohicehour 10 a m. All night culls at front door boll Richmond Hill, May 30th, 1887. BIL JAMES LANGSTAFF! AND R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Mmth University of Toronto, M. C. I’. S. Ontm‘io. L. AL, England (Late Of London, England} Surgeon, Etc. EEOflice Hours 8 to 53.30 u.m., and. 1 to ‘21") yum Barristersï¬olieitors, J S Fullerton, TEFLAIN ‘TXIWEE Yonge Street, Richmond Hill. Richmond H111, Oct. 12th, ’82. F. Mg. COULTER, TEACHER OF Piano and Organ DR. J. A. PALMER, Barristers, Solicitors, (kc. ()fljcos Dr A ROBINSON. CONVEYAN GEES, ETC ARRWALS. DR. ORR, MAPLE, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA GUIN( 533; '7 a. m. to ’3 ‘?.80 13.11% M. 1‘11: 1‘113‘ ‘y, Post master. : E J imam. iffdnï¬iv. flmtnl, m u. (I' [V 1 mad, 1%», um \V (look 0') 11 'll '17 11 Richmond 11111 'l' C NILLIGAN (:8 do do do (1 0 do do (10 do t] {9 p] noes pf J R Miller. 1 y-pCm Uli 1f) 30 I 4% A10 QUARTERLY MEETING.â€"â€"'l‘hc reguâ€" lar qurtcrly scrvmos ol' the Richmond iiill Methodist Church will be held on Sunday next, Nov. 4, commvncing at 10 o’clock 3.111. The llcv. Mr. lluulgin, of'Am‘oru, is expected to ocuupy the pulpit. A MEETINU of the School Board will he held next Monday afternoon at the school house, to consiilm‘ tho applications as lonelier for the public school in pluco of Miss Spraggjc, who sent in her unsig- nation at last meeting, and for other ini‘ portant bunincsa. EXPERIMENTAL FARMâ€"Tho Nova Sculin Government has purchased 100 acres of clmico land on Bilile llill, Truro, N.S., to be used and occupied as :m exporinmnial farm in connection with the Provincial Agricultural Hollow}. UEAFNERS Cumm.â€"â€"â€"A very intcr~ eating; 132 page illummtod book on dwfness. Noise? in the head. How they may be cured at" your home. Post free 3d.â€"Adds‘css Dr. NICHOLSON, 30 St. John street, Montreal. AN exchange has the following: marâ€" riage notice :â€"“A man named Spunk married 1; girl named Spink. Now they have twisted it up to be sure; past tense Spink ; present tense Spunk ; future tense Spank, A FOUNDRY BURNT.â€"-â€"~Sllclburn0 haa sustained a loss in the destruction by ï¬re on Tuesday morning; 01‘ last week, of' the Messrs. Wilson Bros foundry. Loss estimated at $10,000; illsuraxxcc,$2,500. CHILDREN‘S and Ladies†Mantles and Ulstm's at Atkinson’s, the Generate man, from 31,25 up. Also a great pile of Mantle Clotjï¬s and Ulstcrings to be made up to your order. FOR. sale at this ofï¬ce the Scientiï¬c American, one of the best papers pub- lished ; 100. single number; $3 per year in advance. THE order of' domestic work nowadays is cleaning house and putting up the coal stoves. SOUTIIDOWNs.â€"Mr. Marsh in this class came nigh making a clean sweep an Bradford Show, Winning $23. POULTRYâ€"Messrs. W & ATVVI‘ight, of Richmond Hill, took more than half the prizes in this line at the Bradford Show. WE believe :let Crosby takes the cake for Drcss Gooï¬s that are cheap as well as good. READ F. Kirkby’s change of adv. in this issue. He has just received a supply of fresh oysters, hnddie, ciscoes, cod ï¬sh, spice roll, 830. Call and see him. No. 22; UORRECTION.â€"â€"-Thc 150 appeals we mentioned in last week’s paper should have been credited to the Aurora Borealis. Tuxos‘vM. chfy. (‘h21,11gu~â€"F. Ki my. Club flutesâ€"«Truth. La<:u]sâ€"\Vn’1. Atkinson THE regular monthly Fire Brigade meeting will be held to-morrow (Friday) evening. pipes cheap. PRIZEâ€"“(TC notice that Mr. Wm. S. Snider has secured a silver plated nupâ€" kin ring as a prize in one of the Wilson bible competitions. WE WILL take subscriptions for the Daily Empire by the month, quarter or year, payable in advance Fun; BRIGADIRVROSHNIY meeting ï¬rst Frirlnv of every mmnh. hold ‘11 the Council ()hnmlwr. {LL 7 p. m. anbe '5» Iran. Curtiï¬cutcs it‘suml to Inn-mimm entitling" Llwux m C(‘l‘i‘uin 1n’i\'ila,;;ns mula 'wvminm. \\ m h. l’ugbluy, Captain. 11. A. b mm, szwtul'y. A. (L 'U. \V,, M Y Luncn, No.1117 117.0(qu 11m Commitlvn Hrmm uf 11m M: Hull, cnlv s cum! Mllll {um {11 'l'mrmmv 0% («MI momh. 21.1, N (11 wk," m. lhxnvtiu n'y (Hamil-Mu :iwan lur s..<MU in (‘uwm' Month. .lmm 3:0“11, Mzmbur \Vflx'lxllllll), {1'1" McMnmm, lhsuou 1t. ’1‘, (W Twm‘xcn \xmt of]. N0, H, nu m the . “flurnntivo T1199 1' '(-\’w lh-ni-fmim‘y cc Mums rd 0‘“) or in (mg ()1 duqu ,& ~1110hmm1dHiH Comp 1]»(11‘211100 Hui}. Utu'll mgubs o’clnuk 1», m. 10d 10 nwmhels for ",000. one hnlf lvzu'nhlo in mum of (Juuuculur THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1, ’88. Tm: HERALD till the end of‘the year for ten cents. GRITZ for Poi-ridge and Pancakes at the Fire Proof. THE best 500 Tea in the market :cun be procured at Crosby’s. The date printvd on each paper denotch the time when the subscription vxpires. We do not hold ourselves I'osponsiblo for the opmioug of our Correspondents. THIS PAPER l K5 I“ l 1‘ l 1333?.Knvvuil.\7(I<»’SN1;\\':;;H1)H* Advorlising Imrmm (10811111110 st,)\\]101'(‘:ldu'rli: ingonutr ‘ ‘ IN NEWYORIi VILLAGE Um‘w :Lâ€"liouva. Wm l’nqqlnv ;(‘mm- CNN, , 1’ (‘r Sm ugu. \\'m A Sanderson. \V Atkiu‘ sun, Dr \Vilsun. Clerk, M Twa AR > ORDER OF 1"th{TS'K'ERS--COUI'E I“ h- mmn' ]\'()’.’(Hf'x.1nm:tsiu 'J'mnm-mnoo HuH (, cry “Mornnto Friday uL 730 pm W' in Willey, C R lemoxn LODGE. A. 14' (K' J". M, N0 ‘23. G R Câ€" “1901s in the 1mm. Room, Mnsnm‘c Jinvl, 011 L110 Mommy m] m' M ‘ '0 iull mum}, m) b o'c]uck,pm 1. Crosby, \V M; it. E. Law, Soc. NIECHANICS INm‘n'u’ruâ€"Librnw of over 1000 Volumes (won evury ’J'uenduy uvenimr, in Hny Masonic 112111, from 7 t0 9 o‘clock. “unPuys- hugl’rosidcut. ILA. Nicholls, Sec. R E Lmv, Librarian. LOCAL AND OTHER lTEMS SIIlMING at Atkinson’s from 60 per yard. NIc'rnnmm‘wï¬nrvicns11.131030 a m, and 6.301) 111 Sunday Schun] 21L 2 ill) 1) 1n 1’1'1Lyc1‘nxechixlg mm'y \\"v<.’nosdny and Thursday mmnngnm 730 liov J. NA Mmpson, Pustur. Rev G. N. ltutlcdgu, As- instant. .‘s‘ L‘ M “(V's (EPRM'OPAL.)73W'YICUS ut 3 p m, ex- (‘cm mu lmrrl Sundsz of OVCJ')‘ month, “110,11th Mrwcuuml sacramentmom-1x1 M [I 1L m Sunday bchuol at 1 :30 p m lluv \V Butcs,1iuctor PRIEF‘RYTI‘. m AN Flm‘viuos at; 11 n m, undï¬iâ€™ï¬ )1111 Prayer-nu ï¬g 011 Wednesday evening at 7 9'0 Rev \‘J \‘V J < ind, pnstm‘ ROWAN (LVIHOLT':-~»Scrvim : ’l‘hm'n‘m'll (1139 um U‘mlkié'hhlu?!" 11mm 1‘! J)! mm; the, Mlhm'lmz Sm:er n‘n 1:703“.li Illil 21L 9 mm mul’l‘horuhiil at {0.30 [L11], New 1‘ Lbu‘.‘ ' :11 L’ '10". ï¬lling/3 gammy @112 $311: ï¬stula. Richmond HHI. Ont. N0 TICE TO S UBSC’A’IBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MASON’S for stoves and stove r (liSLLbillLy. a. 'iifmuu .l Hy.me on, Sulcu Whole No. 1582 : (1}? U 1’. (‘IHES ‘() (JILG'J‘I ES “(V {m )‘mmd vmmn uth‘co Volume 30. Lu: every Comacrvutivu in the cuimlx'y will hunt in Law :1 limb of “Thu Chieftain,†when it. can be got so easily, \\'llilU 1211140 uumln-rs 01' Reformer»: will also want illlh’ l'.lilhl'ul likeness of llu; .l'rcmlcr 01' Hm Dominion. A HANmOMH i ’mcmun:.-I\"Jo have received from the Empire (mice, Toâ€" ronto, one 0!†the Busts 01' Sir John szcdonled, uivon as a premium this full wixh the Wx-i-My Empim. It stmthi eleven inuhms high, is a most, faithful like,ch uf' the i'rmuiur, and wuuhl make :1 hnmimmc m‘n:um::1t in (my parlor. 'I'hm'c will no (hmht he Huh for them, RELEASE1>.â€"~-Hanmh Boyd, who has been conï¬ned in the county jail :rt Eurâ€"- lin ton (lays. on the charge of being imu plicntoll in the guiding; ol' the poisoned candies which caused the death of Mom Cherry1 zit Cult, has bmrn released, The Mown, Government have committed a grave error if they mused Hm arrest of Miss Boyd without just grounds of her guilt and her being in :1 lowly state of' lil'c should have made them equally careful as though she walked in higher circles. The public should demand to know upon what grounds she was dc~ privml of her liberty, 0UP. LITTLE MEN AND WOMEN.â€" For liLtlu folks beginning: to read there is nothing; so good as Our Lillie 11162241,)le Womt’n. published by D. Lotlirop Com~ pany, Boston. The last number is beâ€" fore us and we can say this from personal examination. It is made especially for youngest romlers and has plenty of short stories and pretty versow~all easy for the little ones to read and understand. it. costs but :1 dollar :1 your. The pubâ€" lishers will send a sample for 5 centsâ€" 01‘ of their four ningzlziuoa for 15 cents. THE EDITOR’S WOODâ€"The followâ€"- ing appeal for wood, from the Arthur Enterprise, is the. most affecting thing we have soon for sometime:â€"-“ Those who have wood to shed prepare to shed it. now, particularly those who last, Winter promised us wood on subscription and forgot to deliver it. The harm-st is over, the summer is past, the roads are good and still we are without wood. Would you bring us 501110 woodâ€"wooden wood 7†HE HAS BEEN Slmcnssi'trh of the older portion of our citizuns will remember Wm. Daiby, who was born in this village whom he lived until a young man, when he 1ch to seek his fortune in the West. He is now one of the must substantial business men of Victoria, 13.0., and Exâ€"Muyor 01' that City. 110 paid the place of his birth :1 visit this week and called on nmny of his old friends who were glad to see him. ANOTHER BRICI\.-â€"Thc Luncnburg Enterprise s::ys:-“ Anoiher brick 01‘ gold weighing 255 was brought in from the Muhrn Mines on Monday last, the rczsult of 11; days crushing." The Mail had boner make a note of this, they are noL such a poverty strick- en lot, down that way as it, for reasons best known to itself, would try to make others believe. CAMP Bellf’ord Grey Flannel is conâ€" sidered the best; it can be bought at the Concrete for the price of ordinary flannel; a nice 26 inch Grey Flannel for 130 per yard. DEBATES.â€"~The R. T. of T. have decided to hold a series of debatca durâ€" ing the winter months. The ï¬rst one will be given on Tuesday evening, Nov. 13th, the subject for discussion being GET you job work done at the Her- ald ofï¬ce. All kinds of work done on short notice PRESRYTERIAN Cunneu;-ll1r. II. A. Percival, of Knox College, Toront occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian, Church here last Sabbath, morning and evening, preaching to large congregations at both services. Ilis text in (he even- ing> was taken from lst Samuel, 9, 2. YOU can buy at the Concrete for 750 each of the following :â€"-(5 boxes of good matches, 9 lbs gold dust cornmeal, 8 lbs best standard oulmeal, 6 lbs rolln‘d oats. “ Which has done the most to f‘urlhe; civilization, the sword or the pen.†We learn that this society is increasing in numbers very rapidly and that the weekly entertainments are good. SERIOUSLY ILLâ€"We regret to an» Bounce llmt Mrs Pollock, late of this village and now of Toronto, is seriously ill. The old lady is now in her 88th year and naturally lier constitution is not able to resist, any very severe attack of sickness. BAND 0F HOPE.â€"â€"T11e next meeting of the above band will be held in the Temperance Hull to-morrow (Friday) afternoon. We hope that the attendance willbe larger than at last meeting, as thisis a hopeful way of furthering the temperance cause. THE Pawnâ€"Rev. Mr. McTavish, of' Jvlglington, occupied the pulpit of the, Methodist Church, hero, last Sunday" evening, in plnce of Rev. Mr. Rutledge, who was at VVhithy. He tool; his text from St. John, 156, 40:11, “ And Nuth~ anicl said unto him, Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth? Phillip saith unto him, Come and sec †SIMILAR TEXTS.-â€"It so hnppencd last Sabbath that Rev. Mr. Bates, of St. Mary’s Church, preach from the same text, szni616,10,iu the afternoon as Rev. Mr. Simpson, of the Methodist Church, had in the morning service. A SHIPMENT of New Era Baking Powder with 10ver presents at Cros by’s LADIES’ and children’s all wool Hose from 90 per pair at Atkinson’s, SECOND DIVIDENDâ€"T110 liquiGaâ€" tors of the Central Bank have given notice that they are ready to make a second dividend to depositors of 33% per cent. It is calculated that 75 cents on the dollar will be paid ahogothcr. YOU can buy stoves at C'. Mason’s cheaper than in Toronto. TAXES.â€"â€"ln another column will be found an advortisemt notifying the rate- payers that by calling (It the post ofï¬ce and paying the amount of their taxes bclln‘e the liith of Nov. they will save 5 per cent ol‘tlio rates levied. F EE ! 33.252} 1n lll.l‘,lll"n‘<'1ll\‘<‘, mu] {1, Inigo 1W1) Picture Book, that will Hudy put You nu the. rum] to :L hund- Hulhe fur “mm. \Ynihu quirk, um] wuxl 5c, hilV’Ul'. 1‘1 Truly pLLy l‘ubtu' '. A \V 5155151,, Ymmoubh,‘ On Primle Nnv. 'ZHJ, Hi‘kfla‘hmtimn .‘5 70 nf (T )duhumus,Lancaster Show)», Slwtthnrn (MAO :1 m1 Jm'm implements My I; dug: to Hal Su‘mimmm, ‘¥1‘<~]1,nn farm. 10!- :30 mum of 31110011., Marklmm. Tin Rust'l‘v-t'. Hu‘m {u cmmuulcu at 10 mm. balom ltlckurdt, Auctioneer. Nun's: (illiclv >11 ~11, 115 {My dons, pm 111mm: ......... l'uil’h, per duz (‘:L1“n.t,s, 1w!" 1.2:†“24, pm“ (Mn... Nan, mar Lou. [A fry-0 HOE/*0 of MI snh-t; will ‘nn viwn in this pan, to puruus gening their bills lumtud ut this olllou. Wth 1112" ‘mw by]: ‘ mun: »At Bum :3 Luke, on 1608, the wife 01' ML \Vm. DEVI‘. N‘.â€"-/\b Richmond 1m] 1, MRS, tho mm 01' Mr J Hurley (mm Mr. H, A. remian non 01' Rev. W. W. Percival 1th is; zxttcuiimg h'ilox College, "fornutn, VLLH in the Vlllug-J on Sunday Vlsimlg hm p monks. Mr and Mr," might", of (ium'gOtO\\'11 Junction, 1mm} been naming at Mr Osuur Brown’s this weak. _ Mr, Hugh McCoan‘hywho is studyinglnw with (11m, in C9: Garvin, 'L‘m'unto, spent; lust Sunday 111 tow!) wifll his fnilhor. KHFIH I'lvo. Wiley spent Sunday with her mother '1‘ ‘o "\1 S Ruthlth warm at Aurora visiting . 1“ K - on M :vxdrzy. Mr.\\'m. 1):L]by,0f Victoria, '13, 0.. 11st been viz, lying at the Manse this week. Rev. Mr. Rutledge has been Visitinr: in \Vhitby and Olscwiu ‘ during; the lust wm Nisn 1 visit 11‘10111 m Lmv 11m gone 10 Bruntford to a mu] )‘OlaLLiVCS for u fmv wuclm. u I 9; Bessie Hedditf,hv]m hns been at New- ' ' for 501111111410, hus rcturuz‘d 110nm. “When we say that the ways of our present Minister of Education are past ï¬nding out, we are putting it as mildly as we know how, and we feel sure the majority of the people of North York will agree with us that his actions, in reference to the High School question in this riding have been entirely incomâ€" prehensible. In the ï¬rst place he doâ€" liberately violated his own rules when he grunteda High School in Aurora without the necessary buildings and grounds being provided, and now, on the very heels of this precedent he just as deliberately refuses a High School to Sutton where both buildings and grounds have been provided, and where the people were prepared to comply with the law in every respect. Then again the ground was entirely covered in the case of Aurora; there beinga High School both north and south of it at a distance 01" a few mile§ while Suttou’s nearest point is twenty miles distant. without even railway eommunioatien." VETERINARY COLLEGE, â€"â€" Perhaps he best known Veterinary institution in America is the Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, on Trunperanee street in Toronto, which was‘ForumllV opened for the win- ter session on \Vodnesdny afternoon, The nroistudents in attendance from all p s of the States and Canada. in {not “ um; men have come to Toronto from Europe and Australia. to gain the knowledge dispensed at this school. it was Established in 1865 and since then the men so in the number of students has begio great that; additions have had to“) mode and now it has been determined to build new buildings to meet. the requirements. It might be interesting to state that the graduatng class in 1886 was three, while in 1888 it numbered 125. \Ve notice that at the regular meetng of the Veterinary Medical Society held on Thursday even- ing the following olhoers were elected :â€" Fred J. Gallanongh, of Thornhill, Seeâ€" retary; J. M. Kuhn, Assistant See’y; L. 1{.Balrer, Treasurer; D. Suylor, Librarian. SUTTON HIGH SOHOOL.â€"-Tlie North York Reformer remarking upon the Sullon High School has the following: SALE Nï¬ï¬‚‘ES.-â€"A recent Division Court decision may be worth a year’s subscription to some of our readers to know. Sometimes, at auction sales, the purchaser ï¬nds that he has made a fool- ish bid and then refuses to Sign a sale note as required by the published terms. Here is the law in the matter; He man makes a purchase at a sale, and refuses to give his note or money therefor, the article may he rc'soid, and the ï¬rst. purchaser sued for the differâ€" ence rcaiizcd, if any. A man is at libâ€" erty to bid or not, as he may ehoose,but C. P. R, at. Toronto, met-with a painful accident on Monday, Oct. 15th. He was in the act of prying up the iron bar at. the door Ora baggage car, a. small piece of steel being in the way he struck it with his hammer to detach it, when it flew upwards striekiner him in the right eye, and inflicting a severe wound. He has had one operation performed by the doctors at the hospital and expects to have another this week. The doctors say his eye will remain disfigured but they think he will have his sight again . having (moo bid, and the article knocked dawn at his offer, he is bound by it. BAD ACCIDENT.â€"-Mr. Asa B. Wilâ€" son, of this place, but who has been working in die Coach Department of {lug FELL IN.â€"â€"Last Sunday Mr. Barâ€"- ncy lileWilliams met with wha: might. have resulted in n drowning accident, He was on his way to church and while Walking; across the narrow wall; a: 3‘3,"- son’s pond his feet slipped from under him and he fell into the water at a place abouth feet deep. Had it: not been for some boards near by Barney would have experienced some difï¬culty is saying himself. We think the Village Council should see that a railing is put along there to prevent such accidents. This is not the only person who has had a narrow escape at the same place. 36 INCH Grey Cotton weighing 5 oz to the yard for 90 at the Concrete; lmavy 34 inch sheating for 4&0 per yard and 27 inch for .L MEL Vmw, yer bush, bpring do ‘y do do (10 pm- 10011.3 112L111. TH E M A R K HTS 'l‘Ojcl )3: ’1‘6): THURSDAY, Nov. 1, 1888, )‘HII‘HS AT FARMERS' WAUGONS Society Notes. Sale Reglster. IE [11']: Y] . m-l Love Stu-ins, :I, pack- goods worth two (whims It 071 Smldn , Oc'r. Joseph Duvlux, of u Sumluy, (ML. Hull, 01' u usuu .V121 1 21 0 ($7 41 L“) 20 (In 1-1 m) 1 HI) ] '10 n 0 0|) 00 410 22 yU u 110 L70 7%11 (I0 00 eqiml vnluu ’XE l’EllSiIN in 0:1ch locality can Boom-o one ll‘lï¬iiii. How in Ullflpnssilflof Wanna-u] ‘wn want mm per- ' son in (men lmnllly, to map In ï¬lalrlmmeauun NM‘VW tn Hum; “‘ o Ill, :; cmn‘rlslr‘ llvm ofmu‘ valuable and vcxy unoful Eli) USE Will}; Ei/kmlll'l‘l‘h .Tnesu samplergns well a? the watch,wo HOllll {remand nlmr you hava kept them ln your honm fur ï¬e mnnlhs and shown tlmm ‘0 tlumo who may have (‘nllmlï¬lmy lmmnm your own In «morty; it In possible h) make, this 'eut nll‘cr, Hauling llm 310114110 Gull!) wxm-ll mu! (JOS' mumrluu free. as the Hlmwluguf‘ the nmnplca in any locality, alwuys rmulm in u lm‘geu‘mlu {01' us; ant-r our Numplcs huvo been in n lm‘n I ll y fur a month or Wu) We ummny gut {mm $1000 to $5M“) in mum from the surrounding country. Thin, the most wonderful offer over knownjs made in order that our nmnplca may be placud M (mom where they can be svcu, ull uvur Anmrlca. wnm at once, and mnkeï¬suro onho chance. Re‘mlvr it will he lmrdlynny trouble {or you to show tlwmnuples in than whrnnny cull at your homo and your reward will be most sutlnfncmry. A pmstul curd on which to wrllo us COMB but 1 cent and after youknow ull,i(you do not cure to go further, why no harm ls dune. llul. if you do hum] )mn' mulruss at “has, yuu (tun swung F‘MEHZ mm of the herd. uulid gold wan-hum ln \llo world nndmn- largo llncut ST 1n: - M3 pl. - a, l 'gm, utcn of all kinds. Spin-cs, Iintxmh, 1 Canned (hunk, (Kn. 1"1‘1‘51‘ ()J‘aLnrr Grapes, Spunibh Onions, Na, J 1m *" Lu 1mm 1'11 (“chant Huddio, Cisgcoos, Cod I'M), Jidngiml, Chemo, Spica l‘wï¬l, 8:15,, 6' 9?“??EUW', '?¥“F9F‘.‘£9°vr5£¥5jza 'rgx' ' rm 1% 1%: Er" And 110 is imh‘nrlw'l to 01:1 1' r (my thnl‘utoq Invimi (Hr (Tmmuy, \11]!'!:U, Public 801mm} and Railwuy 'J’m’pnm will \‘nilmiurily (:2le “ml pny “1011' at his: ()Ii‘mn. before Mu: 1"iftcunthm bur qum-Hnid. usy Lérm‘o‘. For [miller 1-uvii " opened us: IL ’i'ompormmo Hume. (200R m:- commodubion for the travelling yulfl' Choice temperance drinks. Bosh hmnds of Cigars. Com- .mndious rooms for travellers. Richmond Hm. A. J. RU PERT 7 J um; 21; L’rmn'wtm‘. ‘HH UNDERHIUTSJ'ID 1's ruthm‘laod fr) iï¬vn . noticc to the Rahapzuorr; of the “‘13:. of Rdahmmul Hi1}, Hunt 110 Mill motive ihu L'.‘ {Lt his Gilles Iiilti1t1m Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, an'l all Patent. business conducted for Medan-am IiPccsa Our (.Ilï¬ce lb ,1) pusitn 'E Q. Patent Of-a flee. \Ve have no snbr men. all businoara direct, hence can transact, wm'nt: bu‘sini‘ng in less time and at less cost; than those remote from ’gslï¬â€˜ngton. A Book; “116%; m Chitin ]“:x£~n(,s§,†with refor- cnccs to actual clients in your b‘tatc. county, or town,scm. free. Address, , This 1m“ 4101‘ novm‘ vm‘iov A umrvc] of purn‘y sirmugbh 11ndWholoanrxnp Mum (monmuir-ul than th wrdimu‘y kinds, :1, 1d ( V 111mb he $0M in Cumpntitinn with the multitude of low M‘FX,S]|<>)'L weight alum or phosyhnm yuwdm‘s. Huh] only in cums. ROYAL limgme I’m-mun Cu, 1w quI St, N. Y. MUNICIPALITY 01‘ Rio 11m&m 1% (“7% A.» (.4- 15th OF 1‘€()‘V’ICT"I Clerk's omccflwchnmnd Hill Octubcr Asst, 1Ԡ' Sept. 27th, IHFI‘S Oct 26, 1888-] year LI'Sund E10(1é1,_drawhm 01- manta, with descrip- ‘hou. We ndvmc if pz'fmxmhm or not free of charge ~()1) ' Fee nut $11} 1311] yaiont set†or]. To Imionï¬; 7 HF. SITBSCIHB'JQR 1mm to infm‘m his mmw friends nnd patrons that 1m 1m? pub in u full L friends nnd patrons that 1m 1m? put in u full line of (1001111le Hulls, :md :11] L110, lnfwst im» proved muchinurygmd is phamu‘od ‘m (in chopping on tho shortest possible um u-u. “Milo thankful for 1mm, ,fm'urs he would soh'cit a cuntimumcu U! the sumo. Clmmving (10110 (\n \Vcdnn' ‘ 0. 11nd Sutdrdzbysa Cash paid for \Vlmnt. _ RAM LA BE YOUN TEEERE . j-TQ.’ ‘9 E'enrir-Eï¬arnwâ€" w E * v.4 C5; â€"â€"Y0m 95.. b i: in m E: K Pay Your Taxes and Save 5 per clam. GRAND CENYRAL HOTEL is 1‘0 opened us: IL ’i'ompormmo H (x. Good at C. A. ï¬lï¬iflï¬f @G. Ifyou want in "my or 914': a Farm. EH1: , E 33 5; “:3 ., 717‘“ vertise in the Toronto VYEEKIX MAIL, ‘ t ' £1 ‘ 'i , That paper reaches 100,000 farmers’ homeï¬â€˜ every week. and your advertisement. shnfld‘ . meet, the eye of someone who wants tof 9 purchase. Advertisements of this class are} insaned in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for; - ._ .g e Five Cents a word each imwrxion, ori [f1 Twenty Cents a word for ï¬ve insm‘timxm‘ OfLmflon,Tiwhmd, Address Tm; MAIL, Toronto, Canada. I Sir V7131. MCAI‘th’LL‘. K C II G. Gwen-ï¬es am? Eai‘iéfewmm By order (if the Conn (REGISTERED) ON HAND FOR SALE Opposite Patent Office, Washington, I). C. newt, 52am?! u may {uï¬b/ 006.18th, 4h) Abmï¬uteiy ï¬gure: FAR!“ 0f 1 .117†(alr‘m‘m‘: w 3 OTHER TAX 'E’ F.1'<);â€"-:h OK, ‘ N {B'ï¬â€˜ E 6 £3ro 1 ours 1105p0 " â€"AXD'- Ii. Q‘UL'l‘TUN ST. (11-20mm. ()uk Ridges â€"A T‘â€"â€" TL :4: Clark and Treasurer THOMAS comc Iiitllluond ill, 1’.() mu; lint [loin tvtym‘ m Tu him 01 Novcm c «1110 to The House 1“urnisliin;_rs and Carpets are simply lovely and we have just the article8 you Want for the full llonsu (liennings. Hemp Cur‘puls, in stair and room, for 70 per yard ; Union Carpets {1:500; Wool Carpets at 750; Tapestry Carpets from 27C to 750; lirnsrwls 85c to $1 2:3; and Velvet l’iln at $1.35. Uni-min l’olrs, Lace Curtains for 500, Undo lilinzls in all the laziest designs, Spring Rollers and Rings. “In llllVP, positively the, finest stock of Dress Goods to he sum in the village for 7c par ymd, C(msinling oi" Mellnns, Velvours Foulrs,‘ Nixrgurâ€"ln'ails, JorseV Cloths, Men's illnill. 'l'wccd effects. Cuslmiercsz and French Marinas in nll the latest shades. Our Dress 'l'rinimings :im w< ll :issnrlml and is up to Our usual slumlrml. A liL‘ornl discount to dress ninliers. lviithiiil‘s New York Fashion l’lulcs to hand, cull and get one. . Our Crockery in direct frmn the Stal'I'oi-(Pliim [iUllUliCS and can not he excelled in We l]£i\‘C bcnniiikzl 'l'czi Sins at $1,310 and China. at $4.00, lini‘inly 01' design mnl iinirli. Cups nnrl Saucers at 450 per di/Z., plans M 5m: per «inn. Our Groceries are fresh and nuw and :1 unruniuuu‘ to “we 'on satisfaction. Take . _ ‘ i a look tiEVUU‘Vll :im' mLilSiV Voursulf as Ln tlm Cunnnctcness of our stock. C1 ., u n In this limited spaeu it would lw imprvssihlc to enumerate more than a few lmdillz‘: lines and all he has {Joli tn My ls? that you call on him and take a look; through. The first thing that will :xl‘rilm you is the enormous piles of " ~~ w ' ‘ -- "V ‘-«r we A. z» '""’1“' - i‘weeda, Coatings, VVGibbgtklij, Fwilblhgs, Overcoamngs, etc., Which Would seem almost too much For a city store, and in fact you can get more variety and much lower priced suits than in any city More. Mrs. Atkinson has got a trcnicmlnus stock of Ladies’ lllnutlingg, Ulsterings, etc, which are being turned out rapidly in the shape of' stylishly made Coats for full and Winter wear. Uni-i got Hm latest New York, London and Pmis styles down tn a ï¬ne puini and as the Mfllinory Department is [HIM] with novchiv/S 5hr: has 101s tu work on and everybody is Silir‘iiCd 111m our Millinery Down-11aneclipsusby lung odds any previous efl'mzs. N:.WWVV‘°JM“ Q’WVW."VW’WW/V Sir Vd'm. Mm. rihuv. K C II G, . f9, eXâ€"Lord Mayor 01‘ London, President. VJ Baynestqu I Aflocretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income. . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada. . . 1.200.000 Demh clmms paid. . . . IOl‘UOOï¬OO (i‘onox'ro REFEIHGNCICE. Tnhn 1Rfl)0nnh1,l"<q. C. J, Cznnpbdl Esq., 11. “mlzlmrhh†{201‘ A. . SIIijtJJ, V: . James Mutualfn, 1 linv. Llnuch Wood, D. Loan: made ()1) m, uritry of Cmupuny’s Policy {L11 5 par cunt inn mt. Lon‘nsmude {0011111 ’J'rustecï¬, atn 10W TILLO of interest. ï¬end for prospectus. Has on lmnd a large stock of all kinds of Coal and “"0an Stores, also Hardware, Eave Troughing and everything in the tin and hardware line cheap for Cash. Repairing promptly attcudcd f0, Raymond Istho (“fly safe and sure Oi] fa)? Sv‘iy‘r‘sindvrs, Thresl‘ting Machines and MM L‘vluchmvry genomliy. Manufimturcd by The Lirrhtest HmmiwP b b and most improved high, roomy mm machine in {he “Mikel Sold .‘ i. f . .. y. . ‘ 1 Y ‘]| (Hi (IE) ()1 £11511 (H 800“ I}<l;,i i. on W} H; secure excellent bargains by caning: at or writing to the {E15232géiatmesiwï¬{asis, ~ Mï¬INm Sï¬zwrmmlï¬ffl «a aQARKIXAn/E. f FLEMENG. Ly 0;, a“ 93:: rm: am VVare a!" 5 k. A Vm'y Fins Rim: mi? ‘E’Vï¬ï¬i DOI‘VE‘IENION PIANGSâ€"4z‘mnd, Square and Upright ; in Mahogany, Figured Walnut. Nesswued and other choice: woods, perfect instrumenis, sold on terms which cannot be beaten. Old organs and pianos Taken in exchange. FOR CHEAP AND Fï¬i‘gféj Maw @mamï¬eg GO 5ka $3“013.E. Eiswï¬ 5% Ca, Of world Wide fume, in nmnm‘ous styhzs, containing Foley’s automatic mouse proof and all the latest improvements, at very low prices and guaranteed to give the best of satisi'zimion. ' Efï¬wam a; "A? 7’7 ?i"'=w- ' Add @WVW mm Wm. Atkinson, Concroio Him 15%)., Direct IIIlpOI'ter- E $3 to :mnouucc to his {Hummus i'rivuds :x-nu 01.: New Goods from the mumi'xmi’mum in _ arrived and z! '0 opened up and n LA BEEN E 'i‘hzmlxs t0 L120 frimnls far szirlflwrn] support, in ï¬ve punt. \Vmfld M11511}: solicitu con-â€" tilmuncc of your yuhmmgu. All gun's] [rum xun'l minus right. ____._‘_,___.__ ï¬ï¬ Way-3w wxvm‘lafr __,,,,A Ema-.Jwï¬kldsiï¬-iluï¬aï¬g ‘W’ma Aikinsma “is? Emacs-213m Hausa, _._.__._â€"‘ Jllrf (q Am! Soc. & Trans. for Cunudu. 32 Wellington St., , Toronto mln‘flwdiror't frnjn 7‘71 um going L0 bu smld :1 Ighvnd. tyrst Saving Making and {.7th Eagle 85mm, Washer, Wriwger, Em, Etc, And Sold ‘ny R W Neville and W» :gcu *~ “ m xmv A D PERRY, EQHENEQN @EGANS, MCCOLL’S (jgamzéammv “CE? {:33 ‘ WWWVW’V‘m‘U x.»â€" amine" NWWW!‘ J'WM gawk Warm 1%): 7595:; Ijï¬ï¬â€˜ikiï¬m Doc 15!; 5183 IT- -,{3‘("~m »g n a“. «mu-2‘â€" _E:L .«3. s,“ h" f" , 43 Mai. MEASGI‘J’, Richmonél Hill. w. 5445:, I‘Mfm. (‘nys mm. Runners, Bmh‘ndm Sets, ’m' Um'v U'uy \wl’l “SLUIIHh you. biLH und SOC. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLPJNTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOVVELS; IT IS SAFE AND RELEABLE_,FOK‘ CHILDREN OR ADULTS. dwmrm Bros†liiuhmond Hi†Cz‘rocza. MERHW {SEEETEEY w ENE nut: Hz: :1 my imam»: that Hm, 1M! Shipments of m, Emmisz um} h‘olaud have ad}; for inspection. R AM PS MACHINE r‘." \J