Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Nov 1888, p. 1

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Locked Up All Night in a Cold and Dix-mm Basement. A New York despatch says : Mrs. Math- ilda Matheson, a widow residing at No. 55 Summit street, Brooklyn, has been in the habit of sending her 6-yearâ€"old daughter Maggie to the Industrial School at No. 139 Van Brunt street every morning to be cared for during the day. One of hir brothers always escorted the little girl to and from the school, which is conduufed by the Children’s Aid Society, and is a sort of day nursery. The children generally are quartered in rooms on the upper stories and fed in the basement. Mrs. Matlmson said that shortly after (3 o’clock on Saitur» day evening she Bent William for his sister. When he had rung the hell for eevm‘el minutes a woman stuck her head out of a second-story Window and informed him that Maggie had been sent home some time before. William returned, and, as Maggie had not yet arrived, the mother was nearly crazy with fear. After searching the neigh- borhood she gave the alarm to the police, but they were not able to find her. Mrs. Matheson searched the streets all night, and about 70’olook on Sunday morning found Maggie, surrounded by a number of gentlemen, on Van Brunt street. Her eyes were inflamed and her cheeks swollen. She was blue from the cold. and could hardly stand on her feet from exhaustion and Wright. Mrs. Matheson said, after taking the child home, she told how, after being dismissed, she went down in the basement, where she fell asleep and remained so for some time. When she awoke she was unable to get out, but spent most of the night in screaming and crying. Nobody came until morning, when the 14 yearâ€"old son of the janitor descended the ntuiru and turned her into the street. Mrs. Mithwson indignantly said 2 “ They might have either brought her home or sent me word that she was there, instead of to rning her into the street in her broken down con- dition." The usual banquet to the Cabinet Minis- ters was give:- at the Guildhall this even- ing. Lord Salisbury delivered a long speech. He denied that the Government had yielded to their opponents on the ques- tion of policy. They were never more resolute or more confident in advancing a "policy which they honestly believed they / pould successfully execute. England had perhaps noticed that popular institutions xisted to the westward. (Laughter.) * vents in America would add more to the istory of electioneering than to the his- ory of politics. (Laughter and cheers.) fthere was any complaint against the Washington statesmen it did not involve (the two nations. (Cheers) The Wash- ;ington statesmen had not apparently commended themselves to the approval of Americans. (Cheers) In regard to the peace of Europe, Lord Salisbury said it appeared that all of the rulers had an earnest and intense desire to maintain the peace. He t1 usted that they would continue in their present attitude. The only danger might be an outburst of the people of some country, who might disregard the wise counselof those in power. Year after year saw larger armaments and vastcr services for defenâ€" sive purposes. If the prOCoSS coneimml where’would it end? He had heard on good authority that five great powers maintained 12,000,000 of armed men. He did not suggest that that fact ought to diminish the confidence of the public in the maintenance of peace, but he thought that amid such preparation the English‘ Government must not remain unready. (Cheers) If England’s commercial com- munity felt that the Government’s power of protection was insufficient. the terror that would result would cause a greater loss than any expenditure necessary to maintain confidence. But European nations must view their armaments with misgiving. England only sought to protect her shores and her commerce. The panelled sidés of the kid are wrought no less baautifnlly than the tap. 1n the centre of one side is a. globe on wings, reprsenting time; on the other is a burning: urn, a. symbol of death. On one of the end panels of the lid an owlâ€"the bird of the nightâ€"holds a. field mouse lightly in its ~01&WH; on the other end panel are a. but and two serpents. Two vines creeping up from the foot of the lid meet about a. human skull carved from nature. Out of the skull‘s left eye- eocket creeps a lizard. giving the death‘s head a most ghastly appearance. A cuter- pillar crawls along the rim around the emblem of death, but rnund about are deieiea and roses and a. butterfly, While in the bottom of the vine is a bird. Above the plate and directly over the place Where the heart of the deceased will be are branches of English and American oak intertwined. In place of a glass cover at the head there is a. brass plnte, (met and engraved, representing the river of (loath and the angel of death leading a fair maiden down through the reeds and gfl'zwdv‘fi into Lethe's Waters. In the horizon the Ellll is just sinking from eight. Below the river are engraved the words : HENRY KILLER. In each lower corner is a stanza. of poetry composed by Mrs. (Dr.) Hiller. All the panels of the lid have foliage and flowers, maple branches entwined with morning-glories and other symbols of nature’s beautiful side, but mingled with them are snails and serpents and grass- hoppers, a marsh fly and horrible dragons with ghastly grinning faces. Probably the Most Unique Casket Ever Devisedâ€"A “'ife’s strange Iribnte. A Wilmington, Mass.,despatch says: Dr. Henry Hiller died Monday evening and will be buried Sunday in the most expensive and elaborate cofliu ever devised to hold the mortal remains of man. In order to avert this common fate of humanity or at least to lessen its force, Mrs. (Dr) Hiller conceived the idea some years ago of. pre- paring burial caskets for herself and her husband, which would not only rob the grave of its victory, but would express by their carved Bymbology the thought that life and death are one and the same in nature's grand economy. A Kingston despatoh says : There is an unhappy student in the medical coliegn here. He has been boycotted by his fellows, who have sworn to refuse to speak to him or recognize him in any Way. He is ac- cused of telling the police the hiding place of the resurrected bodies recently recovered. He denies the accusation. Some years ago a. student for similar work was given twenty-four hours to leave the city. Months afterwards it was discovered that he was not the culprit. THE Duke of Argyll is very fond of bird and animals. At one time he imported to Inverury some moose deer. Canadian starlings, Wild turkeys and musk rats as an experiment. The deer died, the rats and starlings have never been seen since, but the gobblers are (icing well. â€"â€"Things do not always follow as a matter of course. A man who makes puns is not a pundit ; neither is one who plays in a band a bandit. Salisbury Speaks at the Lord Mayor's Ban- quotâ€"He J okra About the Sackville Affair, and Talks of European Peace. A last (Friday) night’s London cable says : The procession to-day on the occaâ€" sion of the induction into oflice of the new Lord Mayor was devoid of the usual pageautry, and was a. tame affair generally. The weather was fine. A CHILD’S TRIERIBLE VIGIL. A RERIARKABLE COEFIN. An Unhappy Medical Student. AFTER DINNER TALK. ANew York reporter has been [taking various famous clergymon for their views on heaven, “ its seen by the eye of faith.” Here is what Tolmage thinks : “I imagine that we shall do in heaven what we do on earth in our most t‘lovafied moods. The constitution of our minds will not change, and I imagine that our tastes that are dominantnow will be dominant then. One of the great satisfactions of heaven is in the fact that a man can follow his tastes there that he has1 po. sexed here. A great many persons cannot follow the tastes they naturally'possess in this world because they have to encounter' dif- ficulties in getting a livelihood. A man may be fond of music, yet here he is obliged to heave coal. Another has a. fine tosteiot‘paintings, but on earth he can afford nothing better than a chromo. A woman may have an exquisite taste for hesntifiililowets and can appreciate fine scenery, but she hardly ever Sees anything outsi'loof the city in which she lives or the dull routine of her homo, where all her test: s are suppressed. In heaven her tastes will he gratified. A Christian astronomer when he dies will enter upon an enlarged spin re. 11o will have a better observatory at his disposal, a further reach of explora- tion. In heaven tho astronomer will see tilt other worlds. He will see all that God has Ori‘il‘ ..i. In othar wordsho is going to ho furnishei with Celestial rapid transit. He will be able to visit Jupiter before l'mc-ukiast and rafter tea. go to l creurygflter having spent the day with a few rionds in Mars. The bodily (imitations that confine us will all be gone. The soul will be re- leased and enjoy a frfirdunl which will be deli;,li=ful uni expanding. 0:1 earth we can have no real or my quate conception of the human soul, no more than we can the aspirations of the bird we see confined in its cage. The soul is cabined up and has only a couple of windows an inch S 0 or two square to look through. In heaven the vision will be limitless, its movement SVVIILGI' than thought. My ideas of heaven have greatly changed. When I first entered the ministry I had imagined a poetic heaven ; now it has be- come to me a home circle. We can do there whatever we please; our nature is enlarng there; we will enjoy more free- dom, a. h or state of existence, and go on improving through all eternity. We have an iinpsrfuct nature in this world, and here we cannot no as we please. We are bound down ; our lwst moods how: no scope, no freedom ; we are tied down in a great nnny instances to uncongeninl pursuits to which we have nine devoted by accident or the force of circumstances. In heaven all this will be chm-god. Locomotion will Ln: 131ml, and, “to use a material 2;», we shall he chic to fly like the birdâ€" that is, if. We want to go anywhere the more wish will accomplish it. This body of ours is the some i~.-. outward form that it was swen years ago, yct it is smoother bod . Here is a Sch)” on my finger that I got when l was a boy. It is not the some r, ior our boxlies change every Seven years, yet it is there. We lose this holy at death, and we are promised another body at the resurrection. But that burly will ho a. spiritual body. It will he rliuphanmis, luminous, ethereal. The soul will hate room for expan- sion, Vlnrs will be no dross or corruption. My idea is that in heaven our natures will be so (mlezrgod, beautified and enriched that every delightful longing of the purified soul will be satisfied. ()ur higher aspirations Willbe gratified, our sensibilities refined and soothed, our tastes for the beautiful, tho‘true. have full and perfect smtisfscxion. In short, heavon will boa state, a condition of happiness the extent and fullness of which no human mind can comprehend or fully understand. There will be no material life there, as the Spiritiiulisis lx-licvo, but an immeasurably enlarged sphere of existence, no time, no space, no hindrance. To wish will he to do, a buatiiic ('Xlsit‘llci‘, the glory of which will be equal to the glory and goodness of God.” “on Intgrview With :1 Deli-gate frmn the Colony at Lees Creuk. An mawa duspntch Rays: Canada will have to Wl-JHLlO wth the Mormon queslion next. Messrs. Curd, Lyman and Taylor, tlll‘ro mvmbors of rho Mormon Church, are ham. They TLLH' sent the Mormon settle- ment at- L/Mâ€"H Crook, N.'\V.T., and came to Ottawa on business with the Interior De- pzu‘nmunt. The delegates are desirous of Serum-nag a town him an Lees Craek. Mr. Gard was interviewed by a reporzer yester- day. He said : “ We. haw: numerous let- ters of intruduoiion, and bufore going home we will visit; Montreal. The colony consists of 125 souls. We. do not; exclude other Chumizms; from the settlement. Our busi- ness! is combined ranching and farming, but not on {L largo scale.” “ Du you prOpUSC to practice polygamy ’2” “ \Vc do not propose to break the laws of tho country,” was: the response. “ We are ('jln-inians. We believe in Jesus Christ, mnl bi‘llOVC in Him as strongly as any seat on the [new of the earth." ” In what omential particular do you differ from ori‘nodox Christianity ‘2” “ The gyent diffuronoe in that We believe in THUG-"I'll us well as ancient revelation, through the medium of prophets, seera and i‘u‘fllluiors. We will not do any proselytis- mg in any particular place.” “ Is your Uhuroh gaining ground ?” “ It is in a. prosperous condition, despite persecution by the American Government. The faith wus revealed to Junk-pl] Smith, our first prophet, in 1830. Our adherents now number half a million and apart from Utah we have colonies in Arizona, New Mexico, Idaho, Colorado and Nevada. The settlement in the Northwth is not the' Inception of a. movement to transfer our ontii‘e Church to the promotion of the Bi‘itirh flag.” Mr. Bows-*1 investsd a qu dollars in a ti :ket in a lottery a. will ago. Amanda, and Mrs. Boggs (horrifiefi) ~Oh, Mr. Bogge I To think that- 1 should ever be a gambler’s wife ! Mr. Boggsâ€"And iv drew a $15,000 prize. Mrs. Boggg (hugging him rapturously)â€" Oh, you denr 02d Boggsy ! Now I can have a. sealskin sacque. Can’t I? Premature A29- Customerâ€"“ Is that horse fast ?” Dealerâ€"“Well, he's not so fast as he used to be, but he‘s a. fine horse yet.” “ He looks awfully old.” “Yes ; he was fast in his youth, you know.” Dr. Tahuage on the Pinbable Experiences :3!ch WQ‘WAS‘X‘W 2? mam DIOR‘HONS IN THE NORTHWEST.‘ THE SENSES WILL SURVI‘VE. WHAT HEAVEN WiLL BE LIKE. It is Different When You Win. VOL XI of Tlmse \Vlm Will Get There. l A last (Friday) night’s London cable says : The doctors who have examined the remains of the latest victim of the murder fiend refuse to make any statement until the inquest is held. Three blood- hounds belonging to private citizens were taken to the place where the body was, and placed on the scent of the murderer, but they were unable to keep it for any great distance, and all hope of running the assassin down with their assistance has been abandoned. The murdered woman told a companion last evening that she was without money, and unless she obtained a supply she would commit suicide. It has been learned thata man respectably dressed accosted the victim and offered her money. They went to her lodgings on the second floor of the Dorset street house. No noise was heard during the high, and nothing was known of the murder until the land- lady went to the room early this morning to ask for her rent. The first thing she saw on entering the room were the woman’s breasts and viscera lying on a table. Dorset street is short and narrow, and is situated close to Mitre square and Hanbury street. ANOTHER ACCOUNT OF THE HORROR. The murder which took place in Spite!- fields, Whitechapel district, on Friday morning, is undeniably a continuation of the series which was for a while inter- rupted for want of opportunity or incli- nation. In this case the murderer worked leisurely, as is made evident by the fact that the killing was done in a room front- ing on the street on the ground floor and within a few yards of a temporary police ‘ station whence officers issued hourly to patrol the district. Although the metro- politan police system is not yet discredited, the bloodhound theory is entirely thrown out, since the murder was not discovered until 10 o’clock in the morning, while the streets were teeming with people and traffic was going on uninterruptedly. ‘ Gen. Sir Charles Warren was early on the scene and told a reporter that all the precaution in the world could not prevent the work of such murderers. The sole chance remaining to the police, he said, was to catch them red-handed, and their change of tactics increased the difficulty. In the open air, where the killing has been done hitherto. the chance of their apprehension was slight, but in the case of an indoor murder, such as the last, the hope of arrest- ing the perpetrator was almost barren of fruition. This latest murder will undoubt- edly cause a large number of arrests on. sus- picion, but whether the monster will be brought to book is matter of extreme doubt since he has left no clues not marked over by the officers investigating the previous cases. The most annoying feature of the case is that the arrest of a number of inno- cent persons will have to be repeated. In the House of (‘ommons last night Mr. Conybeare asked the question Whether it was true that another woman had been murdered in London? General Warren, the Chief of the Metropolitan Police, he said, ought to be superseded by an officer accustomed to investigating crime. The question was greeted by cries of “Oh! The opinion of Archibald Forbes and Mr. Winslow, that the assassin is a homicidal maniac, is confirmed by the latest murder, and the prediction has become general that another murder will soon follow. The brutality of the mutilation to which the last body was subject surpasses all the others. In the room to which the corpse was taken chunks of flesh and portions of the viscera. were strewn on the floor and table, and the stomach of one of the sur- geons gave way at the spectacle. Oh 1” The Speaker called “Order! order I” and said that notice must be given of the ques- tiqq in {he ugual way. > Mr. Conybeare râ€"epliedâ€"I have given pri_v_a.te_noti_ce. - The Speakerâ€"The notice must be made in_vyriniyg. At 1 o’clock in the morning Mary Jane had been heard by a fellow lodger crooning a drunken song, perhaps to the murderer. From that hour till half-past 10 o’clock, when the body was discovered, is all a hideous blank. Before the post mortem examination a photographer was set to work in the court and house. The state of the atmosphere was unfortunately not fav- orable to good results. The photographer, however, succeeded in securing several negatives. The post martcm examination lasted two hours. and was of the most thorough character. Every indication as to the manner in which the murderer con- ducted his awful work was carefully noted, as well as the position of every organ and larger pieces of flesh. The surgeons’ report will be of an exhaustive character, but it will not be made public until they give evi- dence at the coroner’s inquest. Mr. Cunningham Graham then asked whether General Warren had already re- signed. to which Mr. Smith, the Govern- ment leader, replied, “ No.” Dr. Forbes Winslow sufys the murder is the work of the same homicidal lunatic who committed the other crimes in Whitechapel. The harrowing details point to this con- clusion. Whitechapel is, I fear, becoming a much maligned district. It is not altogether the modern Alsatia that, from much we have lately heard, many people may naturally infer it to be. It is a quarter of eastern London containing not less than 60,000 inhabitants ; but it is the most thickly populated and the poorest part of London, end the criminal element here is propor- tionately large. To a stranger by day the place has no other appearance than that of a very busy, crowded neighborhood, full of large warehouses and stores, and the streets so blocked with traffic that a timid person may be a quarter of an hour waiting for a chance to cross a road. Whiteehapel is oonterminons to the Thames and some of the large dockyards, and in addition to the stationary has a large foreign popula- SO METBING ABOUT WHITECH FLPEL. The Police Management Discussed in Parliament. MEDICAL AND POLICE SURMISES. Enormous Increase of the British Navy Contemplated. “JACK THE BIPPER” ONCE MORE. Body a Woman, Terriny Muti- lated, Discovered. ANOTHER LONDON HONRON. THE SCENE OF THE TRAGEDIES. RICHIVIOND HILL THURSDAY, NOV'Erfi-fiBiiR 22, 1888. Wonderful Roch That Stands on a Pennsyl- vania. Farm. Imagine a. stone, in size containing about five hundred cubic feet, in shape nearly as round as an orange, in weightnot less than 80,000 pounds or 40 tons, and so nicely balanced upon a rock that a child 10 years of age by pushing against either the north or south side can rock it back and forth ; yet the strength of a. hundred men with. out levers or other spplivnces would be insufficient to dislodge it from its position. Such is the celebrated rocking stone on_the farm of J. MoLeury, two miles west of Monticello. This is one of the greatest natural curiosities in our Whole country. What sculptor could chisel out a piece of marble of its size and then poise it so nicely that it would vibrate under so light a. touch ’I But its shape, size and position are not the most wonderful things about it. Its body is composed of a. somewhat loose and soft sandstone, in which are imbedded numberless round and flinty pebbles of a diamond like hardness. In all the valley Where it is situeted it is the solitary speci- men of its class. Around and under the rock are of a. totally different structure. The table on which it rests is a. herd stone nearly as firm and close grained as the bluestone of our quarries. From whence came this wonder and how ‘Eâ€"Philadclphia Call. We had not been surveying thebusy scene many minutes what a scene Whitechapel road is on Saturday night lâ€"bei‘ore we heard a cry, and instantly there was a rush towards a gateway. It was only two ladies quarrelling ; but as we hurried up a small boy saluted us with a grin and exclaimed, “ ’Erc ye har, guv’nor l This way to the murder! Triple murder up this court I” There was a roar of laughtor, and, the true cause of the case being ascertained, the crowd dispersed. The border line between the horrible and the grotesque has grown very fine in VVhitechspel of late. There has probably been a revulsion of feeling, and the inhabitants have relieved their overstrainod nerves by laughing. Certainly last Saturday night, although another murder was confi- dently expected, the general body of so 2t». seers and pedestrians weremalfing light of . the matter. Along the pavement, which for many a mile is-hedgcd wi s h slicoQi'uggalleries and various arrangemenls based upon the six throws-a-penny principl’a _}’!l£‘11t) of hoarse voiced ruflians Vim-:2 *‘ "1H: a penny _ puzzle, in which the pzi,'â€"’~ “ms m'nud Jack the Ripp-r. Jack W13 “[3011 every tongue, male and female, last Saturday night. ’ he eostermongrl‘ hansing his goods dragged him in; 511?‘1115:Cl<f100t0r assured the crowd that _~h13 marvellous medicine would cure even JMk 0f hid evil propensities; and at the peiny Shows. Out- side which the most ghasly PIC/Gums of “the seven victims,” all games and Grim- son drops, were exhibited, tle Proprietors made many a facetious reIfl'enm‘ ‘50 the local Terror. Just past the PfiVilion Theatre we came on a gentleman VhO Was standing in the roadway and banging 1‘1 Mi empty bloater box with a big stick. As soon as he had obtained an audience is ‘ delivered himself as follows: “ Tennyi brooze! Tennybrooze! If there’s any gent as was here when I give Tennybroozc for the Seesirwitch I‘d be werry much obliged if he’d come forward. I give every one as bought my enverlope Tennybrooze when he was 20 to 1. and now I've got an- other enverlope ’ere what’s got the winner of thaGamnge. If there’smiy one as ’ears my voice ternitc as was here when I give it, he’ll p’mps say so. I haint Duglis ’All, and I haint Jack Dickinson, but my brother's the ’ead jockey in a big racin’ stable, and my information’s the best as money can buy, though I sell it in White- chapel for a penny. I belong to White- chapel, and I like to do my neighbors a good turn. I haint Johnny the Ripper. I’m Johnny the Tipper. (Roars of laughter in the crowd.) Yus ; Johnny the Tipper, what give yer ’l‘ennybrooze ; and here I’ve got the winner of the Cambridge at 20 to 1, and it‘s one penny." Johnny the Tipper then went round with his envelopes, but evidently he hadn’t a rating audience, for the sale was slack, and, cursing his “ blooming luck,” Johnny put his hands in his pockets and took the certain winner of “ the Cambridge” off with him to another pitch. I’m afraid he hadn’t hacked his Cesarewitch tip for himself, as he was in the last stage of raggedness, and as he turned away I heard him mutter that he'd been out six hours and hadn’t earned his “ doss ” yet. A Dallas, Tex, despatch saws: Mrs. Judge Hirsch, of Navarro County, gave birth to six children on the afternoon of Saturday, Nov. 3rd. The mother and children are doing well, and the father is trying to be happy. A reporter who visited the homestead found about 100 peo- ple present, all examining the babies. There are four boys and two girls. The father, George Hirsch, is 31 and his wife 27. They have been married five years and have three children besides the recent accession. Hirsch is of German desvent and has named the boys Frederick, Mills. Cleveland and Thurman. The girls are Victoria and Louise. All are perfectly proportioned.bub very small. The babies all seem healthy. The Hirsch family is poor, and the mother is a large, healthy woman. The babies are all tagged to pro- serve their identity. y ME. Hardupâ€"No, dear; I’ve been so em barmssed since we were married that ' have forgotten all about it. Wife (tenderly)â€"-Do- you remember, Charles, how embarraased you were when yoiprglmsfed to p39 ?_ A. little 4-yearvold girl in Macon, G3“, has just got $5600 for a father who is (lead. and has the assurance of $19.50 a. month from now until she is 16 years old. Uncle Sam makes the payment under the arrmrs of pension law. tion. In the evening is the time to 550 White- chupel to advantage, when the large houses are closed down antl the hum of traffic has hushed for the day; then the women with- out bonuets and the men without costs take their ease in the street, in front of the bars, anti at the theatres that throng)r the neigh- borhood. On Saturday evening the place is en fate, for three reasonsâ€"because every one has some money, because no one hurries home (not having to rise early in the morn- ing), and because a large portion of the deni- zens are of the Hebrew pvrsuasion, who aft-er sunset go in for B. “rare high time.” Here, then, is to be seen a strange mixture of row- dyism and villeiuy, struggling poverty end drunken destitution, half naked impudence and fluunting Vice, fine clothes and flash jewellery. Following is a. graphic descrip- tion of something that can be Been there, by the gifted pen of George Sime, Whose knowledge of London is, like the late Mr. Weller‘s, both “ extensive anal peculiar” : Good Cause for Forgetfulnrss. Six Children at; a Birth. ROCKING STO E. Within twenty-four hours hue docmr was famous in the oivy, and, (hangs: t0 the pens of the reporters, within forty, “€11” hours his name had gone all over the S ’5'“:- Eiis Iask of. patients ended. The young; “4v AIL“). J A, ““ ngfiof the liquor dealer. The sign was hung oné morning, and the doctor stepping into the sti'get was startled by an effect the young lady Khaki foreseen from the first. He read : ' A 7 _ ,}.,..u 1 aHudcd to, while a member in good standing oi the Methodist Church, was a). flaming free-thinker. She was not a spirivnliat, but an honest inquire): as to the hunt. She had marvellous mammary of planch‘exte, but; explained it without allowing Skismfi inmrterenne. However, uurv\ \r'r, She belieVOL film-t if mind r3171: not am beyond matter, mere would be some .riy of making it known to the living, as she firmly held in the supremacy of. mind over the body on earth. While discussing these and like topics, an agreement was entered into between this lady and the writer to the effect that the one dying first, if still retaining Spiritqu life, should return and set all the doubts of the survivor at rest. Years passed away, the writer had been for a. long time a. resident of Minnesota, and the compact was :5 thing scarcely ever thought of, when it was recalled. by the reception of a newspaper then two weeks old, which contained an account of the last illness and death of the lady, a sketch of her life, and a full report of a funeral sermon not at all in harmony with the views she held while living. the- that cognizant of the sermon, she gave no sign so far as I know. No message relative to that or any other ideas or experiences after death came back at that time. Some months after a member of a. secret Order,to which I belonged, died. He was not an intimate friend, press of business kept me from the funeral and there was nothing to impress it on my mirizlnsurely nothing to cognect it with my compact with the dead 19. y. A press telegram relates that Stephen Pearl Andrews and Courtlandt Palmer had 15D. agreement that the one dying first should within one year after death send to the survivor a certain message. The exact words of the message were fixed upon, and as neither the meaning nor wording of the message was known except to these two, the receipt of it by the survivor would go a good ways towerds proving life beyond the grave. Andrews, the noted Spiritualist, died first, but although in the flesh familiar with most leading mediums of this country, his disembodied spirit found no means to send the signifiosnt words fixed upon to Palmer, the materialist, and the latter went to his gray": unconvinced of the life of the soul after the death of the body. The writer can tell of, a similar compnct, having a dissimilar but hardly more satisfactory ending. Eighteen years ago a disciple of some unusual mediculism hung out his shingle in a small city in the State of New , York. A lack of patients rapidly taught him the need of patience, and are many‘ months he was confronted by grim necessity, the mother of invention. Hls ‘ office was on the second floor, and nearly all the front wall of the building between the sill of his windows and the tops of the windows below was occupied by the sign of a wholesale liquor dealer, who did business on the first floor. With the doctor’s family occupying a position as companion and friend of the Wife and in some measure governess for the children, was a young lady whose mental brightness was out of all proportion to hrr worldly fortune. She urged upon the doctor the necessity of some announcement of his principles which should attract first atten- tion and then business. Accepting her views’liohsd painted a long, neurow sign to hang just under the window, and above ‘ Hm m” vn‘ nf HM: linnnv Ranlnv 'l‘lan ninn “you I Another year went by. Then one morn- ing, after I had been some time awake and as I was lazily summoning resolution to get out of bed, a singular thing happened. The wall of the room opposite the bed, and directly in front of my eyes,became a stone wall. That this change caused me no sur- priEe was the only experience making this seem like a dream. Piercing the stone wall was an arch about eight feet high and opening into a passageway which I knew to be of interminable length. Into this arch- way from the long passage approached the dead member of the secret Order already alluded to. He was fully clothed in uni- form he had no right to wear except in transacting business for the society, under orders. He bore orders in the man- ner customary in the sociuty. He gave me the salute due from him to one holding the position I had attained since his (hath. He spoke clearly, plainly, perfectly naturally, and with official gravity : ” Miss â€"â€"r~- instructs me to tell you that there is a life beyond the grave. Her duties are such as to render it imp i. . lo to return herself to give you any information.” He saluted again and disappeared, the arch and wall were gone, and I, now the most astonished man on the face of the earth, was staring at the familiar features of my room. There was no consciousness of an awakening, no sensation of having slept since early dawn, but greater wonder and an excitement momentarily increasing, which made it difiicult to dress. So far as I know there had been nothing in my mind or surroundâ€" ings for weeks previously likely to call up such a vision. I do not explain the affair, nor regard it as significant. It left me only confident that I was not sleeping at the time. Whatever illusion or delusion may have deceived me, it was not, in my opinion, a dream. .Recently I read of the doctor as a great limit 1' in some mind or faith cure move- mem in Chicago. Just how it differs from the rest; I never took the trouble to find out, but as his msdicaiism is different from orthodoxism so his faith differs from other faiths or his cures from other cures. In interviews given to press representaâ€" tives, he is to-day remaking almosij identically the theories held by the lady, 1311b which he soou‘ced while she was a member of. his family. Perhaps she has converted him by posthumous argument. The foregoing is a record of facts and actule oxperiences.â€"~ S't. Paul Piomer Press. California papers note that. a great change has come over the old mountain mining counties. The mines are no more, but in their stead are orchards and forests. Bartlett pear trees growing in quartz piles. and a dense grown}: of young woodlands creeping down over the abandoned work- ings are among the things that would astonish the old forty-miner. He who deals min l‘oison deal: out Death John Baxter, Wholcgalc Doalefil‘ in 111.0 UOI‘S '1‘ W0 GEO 3T STORIES Was it a Dream ? WHOLE NO 1,580 NO. 21. Li-lé'rOErQ-AD (D 1"" O Nmeuuwr-h'TL/Uw HJ' What is the Proper Temperature for Chill November. With November’s chill days, furnace j fires are agiow, and the great stove in the ‘ cellar has begun its season’s work. After watching sick beds in rooms heated by steam, by open fires, by stoves and by fur- nace heat, lam decidedly in favor of the last, provided sufficient moisture be added I to the heated air before its comes into living rooms. Steam heat is too dry, open fires cannot keep up an even temperature nor warm a room in northern midwinter, and stoves burn oxygen from air too rapidly without providing a fresh supply. In a certain house where professional duty led me every day of last December, there was not a daily variation of temperature of two degrees from 70° Fahrenheit the whole month. Plants grew luxuriantly and flowered in wide halls, and climbing vines converted more than one room into an amateur conservatory. The master, a man of leisure and scientific mind, told me that his delightful winter home was heated by two furnaces ; that he had dis- carded steam after a year’s trial and was satisfied. Ventilation was fully provided for, and the sick chamber, whence my patient soon emerged, was attractive enough, even to one who was leaving for summer islands of the Caribbean. What is essential, from a sanitary point, in heating houses, is to have temperature even throughout. There is probably no better way of catching cold, of laying foundation for pneumonia or bron- chitis than stepping out of a warm bod into a cold or cool hall. Every skinpore is open or relaxed, every nerve of resistance is half asleep, and the insidious chill that has proved forerunner to so many dangerous diseases of chest and threat, sends one shivering back to blankets that are some time in getting warmed up again. \Vhile ‘ sleeping, room temperature should be lower ‘ than the rest of the house, kept so by open windows, and if this suggestion is followed there can be no harm done by needful nightly wanderings. A, proper range at night is 00 took") degrees Fahrenheit. Beside the bed of those who are given to these nocturnal excursions should always stand. a. pair of: bedroom slippers, ready to be slipped on at short notice; for cool currents of air are always playing about floors, and bare ankhs are exceedingly sensitive to smell temperature variations. T‘hcre is u. change of late years in the winâ€" ter host of American homes. With almost universal substitution of better forms of heaters for old time stoves, and better understanding of ordinary health law by _ the people, has come a cooling down of the n'focating temperature that made our mes dry forcingâ€"houses and sent our P, ople out into the wintry cold about as .V. ell fitted to face it as if they were naked. 9&oept in rooms where sick are, or aged penions, mercury should never rise above 70 o . nor fell below 65 ° . A narrow range. ., W . 3 ; out; Within such limits hes the zone of health. Foreigners coming here in cold weather used to find our houses insupport- ably hot; and more than one visiting med- ical man has said to me, “Now I see one of the causes at work to produce American nervousness.”~Anm‘ican Magazine for N â€" ’I‘CNIIH‘I‘. The Edinburgh Am'iszZMH'st states that during the last nine months there were exported from Scotland 2,954 Clydesdale stallions. Of the number exported 1,671, or more than one-half. went to British North America and 568 to the United States. The Mm] ern Cane. First Dudeâ€"Bajove. ole chappie, you’ve follgofiten yoaja Walking-$10k tqnight. “ Wham lottery marringeia I” exclaimed Fora. ” ‘J’s'hy, there’s Mary Andrews, she’s married Dz) Smytheâ€"mther Btupid, but the best- catch of the season.” “ Yes,” assented Miss Snyder. “ But it is a. queer lottery. She drew a blank that is worth ten thousand & year.’ ~How can you say that a man contracts debts when he is constantly expanding them ’1‘ The smallest winning jockey on record iii, without doubt, Kibchener, who rode Red Deer, the wimmr of the Chester Cup (Engâ€" land) in 1844. Red Deer's impost was 56 pfauuds, and of this Kitchener’s bodily weight was a few ounces less than 40 pounds, the balance being lead in the pad. The cheerful man or woman is infinitely less likely to succumb to disease and. in- fection than the discontented and unhappy. When we found a soldier in the general hospital during the war, discontented and homesick, we made no delay in getting him a. furlough, we'll assured from previous 0b- servution that few under such conditions would recover. On the other hand, no sick- ness was so threatening and no wound so severe but that we had hope of his re- covery when we found him plucky, cheerful and hopeful. We fear that too few physicians and attendants upon the sick!- too few parents and children and neigh- borsâ€"are well enough versed in psychology. Of all the misfortunes that befall the sick, none is greater than the visitation of a. long-and-sad-vissged physician or clergy- mun. One of the greatest blessings of the Christian religion is that it imparts to its sincere possessor a contentment with the present and it hopefulness of the future, a cheerfulness end happiness, that not only preserve health in the individual, but exert a healthful influence on others.â€" Bullutin of the Iowa Board of Health. Sécond Dudeâ€"Didfi‘t fohget it; 3300 tired to carry it. The late Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Randolph Churchill,says l'Rmpier " in the London Illustrated Sporting News, Oct. 27th, has taken to dreaming winners, and, when: is a very great deal more, dreaming Lhem eoouretely. in a. vision a. few nights since His Lordship dreamed that No. 22 (Veracity) on the card had won the Cam- bridgeshire, and, being a. practical dreamer with a belief in himself, he backed No. 22 to win him £1,000. There is no doubt about this most recent addition to the list. For one moment he may have doubted whether he was a. fier at dreams after all, for the first number put up by the judge was “ 2 ” (Tenebreuse), and we began to Wonder how it was we had missed the white jacket and green cap, but “ 2 ” was epcedily taken down. The judge had told his man to hoist “ 22,” but the chattering round his box made his voice inaudible, end so caused the mistake. However, the " 22” was soon put up, and Lord Randolph awoke to the fact that: he had developed a. new accomplishment and had won £1,000 A l'vIerry Heart Boat]: Good Like a. Bchicine. CALENDAR OF HEALTH. Stallions for Canada. A Queer Lottery. The Turf. Before one of the Liverpool revising bar- risters a claim was made on the part of John Pritehard, whose qualification con- sisted of freehold houses in Howe street, and whose residence was described as “ Rhosllanerchrugog. near Ruebon.” Mr. France (to the friend who appeared for Mr. Pritchard)â€"--“ You say that Mr. Pritohard lives at -â€"; you know the place.” (Laugh- ter.) The Applicantâ€"“ Where '1” Mr. Franceâ€"4‘ Oh, I can’t pronounce it (loud laughter), and I must leave itto Mr.Leader. (Renewed laughter.) Mr. Leaderâ€"“ Does he live at Roseâ€" ; you know where I mean ? Applicantâ€"“ Yes, he lives there." Mr. Leaderâ€"“ Well, we must accept that, for I can’t for the life of me pronounce the word. It is sufficient to strangle one." (Great laughter.) The vote was allowed. ‘ Momma '(regarding her suspiciouslyâ€" “ Bessie, you didn’t kiss with a. burrowing motion when you went away from home. You’ve learned that from somebody with a long moustache l” â€"" It is no longer fashionable," says the Boston Journal, “ to wear flowers in the street, but it is considered correct to carry two or three roses. 9. cluster of pink: or a. bunch of violets in the hand." Where Was the Real Calvary of the New Testament ‘2 (Rev. Dr. Charles S. Robinson in the November Century.) The only representative site for Calvary now offered pilgrims in Jerusalem is found in a couple of rooms inside the old edifice; one is owned and exhibited by the Greeks, another by the Latins. These share the same disability; bothâ€"since the church is already so full of traditions on the ground floorâ€"had to go up a flight of stairs into free space nearer the roof. And there it is, amidst tawdry curtains and gilt bedizenments of candles and altar shrines, that this ancient spot upon which the cross of Jesus Christ rested is pointed out, and the veritable hole is shown in which it was , planted. And the thieves' crossesâ€"a : decorus but rather inadequate distance of five feet between them on the right and left of the middle oneâ€"are ranged alongside. And down underneath, far below across some intervening space, left by grading away the actual soil of the hill, so we are sagely told, is the grave of Adam! Tradi- tion has related that at the crucifixion of Jesus some drops of blood fell through upon Adam’s skull and raised him suddenly to life; and there are com- mentators who declare that so the prophecy quoted by the Apostle Paul (Ephesians v. 14) was Well fulfilled ; “ Awake,thou Adam, that sleepest (for thus the former versions read in the text), and arise from the dead, for Christ shall touch thee.” The art-people say this is the origin of the fact that in those early rude representations of the death of our Lord a skull is introduced. Cany any man of sensibility be blamed if he makes an im- perious demand that something moreâ€"â€" something else at leastâ€"shall greet him in answer to his question, Where was our Lord crucified ‘2 If there should be no_ other advantage gained by the acceptance of a. new site as now proposed, this would be enough ; it would put an end to the awkward and offensive imposters daily ex- hibited under the roof of that filthy old church. They are a standing mockery of the claims of the Christianity they profess to uphold. Those ceremonies of Easter at the tomb where our Lord is declared to have been buried are a caricature of an event so glad and holy. The struggle around the flames that are chemically forced out of the smoky hole in the scpulcher, so that devo- tees in frantic zeal may light their lamps, brings death from the trampling of thou- sands, fills the house with howls that put heathenism to shame, and sends true be- lievers away with an infinite disgust and bozzox low? in “110;; hearts. DOW long must such a scandal be patiently endured? Mrs. Oscar Wilde Surprises Her [Society Associatesâ€"Style of the Dress. It me long been the cause of hissing and reproach on the part of tedious and dis- cursive reformers that women must rival the Athenians in their desire for new things wherewith to clothe themselves and flaunt within the radius of the male regard. If a gown is a good oneâ€"a becoming and a beautiful gownâ€"they ask: “ Why must a female consider it a reason for shame and sorrow that she must wear it many times ‘2" And then we are told that in the days of our grandmothers it was not thus ; that gowns then were handed dowh from mother to daughter, and a woman’s best frock re- mained her best frock for a generation without causing her a pang. Those can believe such tales who choose, but at all events it is true and vouched for by veraci- ous Americans just now returning from the season in London that Mrs. Oscar Wilde, one of the acknowledged beauties of the world’s capital, has worn one even- ing gown, and one only, through- out the entire three months which make the fashionable period of society there. The esthete designed it for her himself, and it is eminently becoming, being made of pale pink China crape, embroidered with gold and in the extreme of the directoire styles. Of course pale pink craps will not last out a season. It is almost needless to suggest that at the end of three months it would have probably changed to deep gray, but while the material was constantly re- newed the model remained the same. Mrs. Wilde has a beautiful, a perfect figure. She is tall, and while well rounded is lithe and sinuous, and there is not an angle about her, therefore she can afford to wear that extreme type of directoire fashions which pitilessly display the faults of a woman’s outlines, and beside whose revelations those of the bathing dress are as nothing. This eccentricity on the part of the esthetic’s wife caused infinite talk. People couldn’t believe their eyes when they met her night after night in the same gown. It came to such a pass that when they knew she was on the list of the invited the guests always watched for her and laid bets among them- selves as to whether she would have the courage to wear the pink gown again. When she appearedâ€"~a1ways in the pink gownâ€"a smile would pass over the waiting audience and the women would raise their eyebrows expressively at each other.â€"New York World. ‘ Bessie (just home from boarding school)â€" “I’m delighted to see you, mamma." (Kjgses helm), WORE ONE GOWN ALL SEASON. ' Upm‘l‘the “flororrr 541:6 'lgliggTV-“Ao And to recover them she springsâ€" ’Tis nothing but a. wig, by jings I Thadamséi sv‘éeiéifigvcfy'iné? m ' Her rippling locks of shimmering gold I'Y ' “Na uAA 1.1.“. A... L Were réu‘fia 11713; firfié‘éfézmfifinlgu 3W Wherever in the world I'd be That would be joy enough for me I By“, grchioug ! whatflo we behold ? Uponrfilry BEE-sit» i'eaivfli‘fivgtwww And every glyamigg, golden thread 1r”, The golden i‘ipfilgsfign'gig’g {my And thou art deemed an angal bright, Dropped down to grace the ball to-night. W139? mptu‘re. were that‘beauteous head V. ,__... N -w-” -AAuvvuy Is lovelriuwoman‘s glory. Love lurks among the tresses fair, And every ringlet is a. snare. Oh, rare and radiant majid. at thee "A, m , _. “x...” v... “4‘ How many Eyes are glancing! Around thyrsngwx negk they see m1_A _,.s, The o?tâ€"rei1ۤt§$&_§{6ry;:zu "I" That: lovely woman’s 313.113 indeed, 7.. 1A..»1._ _A___,, ., THE PLACE OF CRUCIFIXION. How lightly throu h the dance aha trips I Howtastefully s e dressesl What eyes, what: cheeks, what lips I What lovely golden tresses 1 Ah. surely, ne’er, o‘er shoulders lair, Rolled such a. wealth of golden hair! In ever}: dancing {El-sea we read Run in the Family. At the Beach Hotel Hop. They All sum; It.

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