Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 Nov 1888, p. 3

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Special Bargain List : UVereoats $5 to $38, worth $8 to $12; J oh Lot of Fine Dress Goods; Buck Mitts, California Buck Gloves, Fur Top Kid Gloves; Knitted ditto and Curl Back, Kid Face Dress Gloves, Ladies' 4-button Kid Gloves 50c; Beau- tiful Shaws Very cheap ; Pants to order, $3 50 worth $54 50; Best $1 50 Ladies’ Button Boots yet made ; Choice Teas at Wholesale Prices, COME FOR SAMPLE, {)GbOur Stock is fully assorted and prices marked close in every class, with many lines of Job Goods which should be seen by close Cash Buyers. Come and test our words. No trouble to show goods. 7t. W. NEVILLE- Richmond Hill. ,» a... --.â€" ~' -ztm:zna ... . ALL KINDS OF Choice :: rcceries â€"â€"â€"-GO TO THEâ€"~â€" WWWWMWCMX sasscsssarwryrfivcsaewecssfimww l ) I On arie easel FULL LINE 0F I’llilll’lglfl’hb, CliflillillliY, 3001‘s & SiiflllS. PRICES AVVI’XY 1)O\VN. Choice Flour, Bacon, Ste. always kept in stock. ‘rhe People Cry-Save! Saving! Saved! and money laid up for a rainy day by purchasing Household Supplies at the Ontario House. Butter and Eggs wantcdâ€" Highest Price Paid. JOSEPH H. HALL. March, 1888. ‘ THE Filth PROOF. Is now filled with a Large and Splendid Assortment of Every Department Complete. Dress Goods in the New Makes and Colorsâ€"Cheap. MILLINERY MAE’TLE GOODS In great variety at the A large assortment of Worsted Suitings and Canadian Tweeds at such low prices as Wlll astonish our friends. Leading Groceries, Hardware, Croekery,&c. Constantly on hand. ISAAC CROSBY. SPRING: Are you threatened with -â€"â€"-=â€" {1888. 1888.}â€" Typhoid, Malaria or Bilious Fever TJAI‘EE Iron Age Tonic. It works like magic, driving the disease or its symptoms out of the system. 'fry it I Try it I It builds up the entire system and renders you able to attend to your accustomed pursuits. Prepared only by SANDERS-.ON Enos». BHBMISTS AND llllllllGISTll, BIGHMGNB HILL The largest stock in town and will be sold cheap. NEW PA'I‘T‘EERM FOR THEE FALL TRADE Ready mixed paints in all colors ready for use. Now is your time for cheap room paper. Oils, Turpes, Varnish, Glass in all sizes. Leds, A large stock of . Fâ€"Uâ€"Râ€"N~Eâ€"â€"T~-U--- Râ€" E in new designs at less than Toronto prices. . Usual stock of Groceries, Flour 8t Feed at bottom prices. P. G. SAVAGE. T . fink: '4â€" z:- heW-Yor "H PUBLISHED BY in. H. KEEEEER, nvEnY THURSDAY, At his printing Office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription :â€"-~$1 00 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 so will be charged. Transitory advertisements, first. insertion , per line ................................. . Each subsequent insertion, per line .. 3 cents. t, Contracts for time and space made on applicaâ€" ion. Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until foi‘bid and charged transn- ent rates. 14"“- Post, Master's, . Doctors and (3001an , MERCHANTL fittifiiisl‘ttt Envelopes (postpaid) to any part of the Dominion with their business card neatly printed thereon I in black ink for $2.00. Send copy with reinit- tance. “HERALD” OFFICE, Richmond Hill, Ont PROBABILITIES. I Lakes and Upper St. Lawrence,'â€"Moder- ate winds; fair weather; light snow in a few localities. Lower St. Lawrence, Gulf, and Maritime. ~â€"Light to moderate winds ; lair weather; a. little higher tempera he Cochranc elected for East Nothum~ berlahd defeating Dr. Mallory, the An- nexation Candidate, by 53. At the Village Council meeting last Monday evening Mr. John Palmer apâ€" peared before the council in reference to being taxed for more dogs than he owned and blamed the Clerk for the mistake and in the course of his remarks said: “ It Was through Mr. Teefy that he lost $20 for sheep killed by dogs.” As there were a number of ratepayers present and heard Mr. Palmer’s state ment we give the particulars as found in the minutes and let our readers form their own opinion. At. a meeting of the council held on Dec. 20th, 1886, Mr. Palmer made application for the sum of $18.00. being two-thirds the value for sheep killed by dogs on or about the 1st of August of the same year. Now in making application for the compensation allowed in such cases all parties have to make an affidavit the 4th clause of which reads as follows :â€"â€"“ That I now, with» in three months from the time at which the above mentioned sheep were killed, claim compensation for them at the rate of for each sheep from the Maui cipul Council of the ....... .. (village or township as the case may be).” When Mr. Palmer was asked to make the. above affidavit he of course refused as his sheep had been killed four months and twenty days, and on that account M r, Palmer did not. receive his money. The Presidents. The United States have had twenty- three Presidents, vimâ€"Washington, John Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Mon- roe, J. Q. Adams, Jackson, VunBurcn, W. H, Harrison, Tyler, Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Ilaycs, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, and B, Harrison. Presidents Tyler and Fillmore were married twice, Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, at Ford’s Theatre, Washington, D.C., on the 14th April, 1805, and died about 7 o’clock the next morning having reâ€" mained unconscious from the time he was shot until his death. Garfield was assassinated by Charles J. Guiteau, in the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Depot, Washington, July 2, 1881, and died from the effects of his wound at Long Branch, N.J., Sept. 19Lhâ€"80 days from the time he was shot until his death. The political affiliations of the different Presidents were as follows :â€"â€" Washington, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Federalist; Jefferson. Jackson, VanBurcu, Polk, Pierce, Buchanan, and Cleveland, Democrat; Madison and Monroe, Democraticdlepublican. W. H. Harrison, Tyler, Taylor, Fillmore, Whig; Lincoln, Johnson, Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, and B. Harrison, Ileâ€" publican. Presidents Tyler, Fillmore, Johnson, and Arthur wore elected Viceâ€" I’rcsidents and succeeded to the presiâ€" dency by the death of the President. Grant was the youngest man ever elected President, and Garfield was the young- cst at the time of his death. Wash- ington, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, and Grant sewed two terms or eight years. Lincoln was in his second term when he was shot. W. 11. Ear. risou's term of ofiico was only one month. \Vashington died at the age of 68, John Adams at 91, Jefferson at 83, Madison at 85, Monroe at 72, Quincy Adams at 80, \V, H. Harrison at 68, Tyler at 72, Polk at 54, Taylor at. 60, Fillmore at ‘ 74, Pierce at 65, Buchanan at 77, Johnson at 07. Buchanan died unâ€" married. RailWay. Since our last article on Railway we have been studying the different routes up and are convinced that if the C. I’. R. would run their proposed line of railway from Sudbury Junction via. l Richmond Hill instead of via Clurcmout they would not only have a much shortâ€" or line but would not be running parallel with either the Midland or Northern lines, and they would also have a much more level part of the country to build through, The line of railway from Sudbury Junction to Toronto via Claremont as surveyed and proposed runs about as 1follows : From Sudbury it runs southâ€" east to French River, crossing the river west of the French settlement, and then almost direct to Byug Inlet, a village situated on the Magauettawau River five , miles from its mouth. From there it runs southeast to Parry Sound, a town of 2,000 population and County Town for the Districts of Parry Sound and Muskoka. From runs nearly south to Halo, on the Muskoka River, and keeping nearer the Muskoka Lakes than the Georgian Bay. From Bala it turns in a. more easterly direction until l it crosses the Northern about four miles . south of Gravenhurst, when it again ,turns south crossing the Midland near ‘ Thorah or Beaverton and then again at lUxbridge. From Uxbridgc to Clare~ mo'ut it runs in all directions as thatl erald. than Clurcmont that they would have to i " Scent, itouchcs at or near Vrooniauton, a village l . I1 ill, keeping on the east. side of Youge build some twenty-three miles of rail- way to reach a place hardly twelve miles distant. The line we propose is much shorter than the one just described, there being, some 4-1 miles difference. It is this :’ "to line as proposed via Claremout ,in Brock Township. Now from Vroo~ 'mauton we propotie turning south-west, crossing the Sutton brunch near Mt. Albert and thencc‘dli'ect to‘ Richmond street, and from there south to Toronto. We have drawn a large map showing the line from Sudbury to Clarcmont and the line we propose from Vroomanton via Richmond Hill, which may be seen at this oflice. Wheat Price's. Thinking that the cause of increasing prices in wheat and flour would be of interest to our readers we give below a portion of an'article found in Monday’s Ildtzil: “ Mr. Pillsbury, of Minneapolis, who owns the largest flour mills in the world, has just issued a confidential circular in which he gives his reasons for believing that before the next harvest flour and wheat prices will reach a much higher level than at present, independent of speculation. Dealing first with the two States -â€" Minnesota and Dakotaâ€"in which his own enormous purchases of wheat are chiefly made, he shows that about 72,000,000 bushels were ground in the United States between September 1, 1887, and September 1, 1888. This wheat made about 17,000,000 barrels of flour, of which not more than 5,000,â€" 000 barrels were exported, leaving about 1,000,000 barrels per month for home consumption, The highest estimate of the last crops of Minnesota and Dakota is 65,000,000 bushels. Accepting this figure, Mr. Pillsbury shows that of the quantity mentioned only about 44,000,â€" 000 bushels will be left as a supply for the mills between Sept. 1 last and Sept. 1, 1889, as against. 72,000,000 in the. preceding year. At the rate at which they are grinding at present the mills that are running on Minnesota and Da- kota wheat will at the end of' thirteen weeks of' this season have left a. supply of only 22,500,000 bushels for the rest of the year up to next September, or a little less than oneâ€" third per week of the supply they have been using for the past ten Weeks. By further calculaâ€" tion he shows that at the outside the supply of flour during the first eight months of 1889 will be about 500,000 barrels per month, as against an average supply of'1,000,000 bushels per month for the sixteen months preceding Januâ€" ary 1 next. In these calculations, Mr. Pillsbury says, he has made no allowâ€" ance for the poor quality of much of the season’s crop, and he does not believe, moreover, that. the winter wheat miller-s will be in a position to supply the v. deficiency.” Mr. Pillsbury also states that the crops in European: far below the esti~ niatcs that any Government is willing to give out. Europe calculates on rccciv-- ing 100,000,000 bushels from the United States and 8,000,000 from Canada, whereas they will not receive sixty per cent. of these amounts. Even on the basis of their exaggerated estimates of their own crops and of those of Canada, Russia, the United States, India, and other countries a shortage is inevitable, but when their own actual Wants and the supply of exporting countries are taken into account the deficiency is enormous. â€"_._.t 04 Vaughan Council. 40“ “)W ‘_ 412% “SLKMMVKEW.E ' I / Our Washington Letter. (From our own Correspondent.) servers, and his brilliant management of the Republican campaign places him away in from among party leaders. His inelhodsl were derided by hosts of people, but thel cause is judged by the effect. and his ef- forts have the seal of success He is now in Washington, undoubtedly for the purpose l of watching the Congressional returns. The House will be desperately close, which- ever party wins, and Quay does not desirel his party to be left. W bile he has not air- nounc‘ed his porpoises, the conference beâ€" tween him, Gen. Dudley and Gen. Mahone was for the purpose of ascertaining if Virginia could not be counted for the Re» publicnns. This would have relieVed New York of its importance in the electoral college, and cooled the ardor of the New York politicians to own the earth. New York has controlled lhelast two adminis- trations, and would not be loath to rule another. ' The big New York conference will pretty well fix the cabinet slate. Mr. Quay will probably ask the Postmaster-Generalship for John Wanamaker. California will probably demand a place. Warner Miller’s claims may be bitterly opposed by Devi P. Morton. Their ill-feeling is of long stand- ing, and Morton’s memory is still sound. Western candidates loom up. Alger, Sher- man, Forakeryold Governor Rusk. and a dozen others are in the fight. McKinley is not regarded by his friends here as in the race. A cabinet. position is considered as a burial for Presidential aspirants, and Mc- Kinley has a long head. Politicians now at the Capital are tnlké ing of an extra session of Congress, to be called very soon after Mr. Harrison’sinaug- uration. The expectation of the passage of a tariffbill during the coming winter is decreasing. The work of preparing legis- lation of that sort is a matter of vexatious detail and dragging debates, and even with the extra session, over a. year would be likely to elapse before a new tariff bill would be on the statute books. A Spring session would at least give the new House an opportunity to decide its membership, effect organization. and be in shape to get quickly at work and receive important com- mittee reports early in the following De- camber. The packages of silver dollars being shipped from the New Orleans mini to the Treasury Department have been tampered with. The money is shipped in sealed wooden boxes, each containing two can- vass bags with $1000 in each bag. Two boxes were found short last week. In both lead had been substituted for the money. The Treasury officials say it is clear that the seals on the boxes had been broken and counterfeit seals substituted. This theft wul probably go to keep mysterious company with the unsolved $40,000 national baud note robbery of last winter, as the detectives are without a. clcw thus far. Lawyers are greatly interested in the de- cision of the United States Supreme Court, rendered by Justice Harlan, denying the writ of hobcas corpus in the case of Judge Terry, now in jail in San Francisco for contempt of United States Circuit Court. 'l‘crry knocked down the marshal and drew 1-. knile in open court. His attorneys conâ€" tend that the order was irregular as it Was made in the appeulaiit’s absence, and with- out previous notice of the 'court's intentions, and without any chance being given him to belicui'd in his defense. Justice Harlan, after elaborately reviewing the case, con- cluded that the jurisdiction of the court at- tached the moment the contempt was com- mitted, and that, being committed in the presence of the court, the contempt ad» milled of no defense and forfeited right to defense. The Sioux Commission, which has so signally failed to accomplish anything, is preparing its dying report to the Indian Bureau. The members are now wrangling over the causes of their failure to obtain the consent of the Indians to the terms of the act throwing open the reservation. The report will contain little thathas not al- ready been made public. The comn'issiou is firmly united upon its recommendation to prevent the intermarriage of squaws and white men. The report will allege that these “Squaw men" teach the Indians vices, sell them whisky, take their property, and finally leave them without providing,’ for their halfâ€"breed children. These ullé gatious receive credit except the one as to The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met. at the Town Hall,_ou Tuesday, the 13111 Now, at 10 am. Members presentzeâ€"Xl‘he Reeve, and Councillors A. Ilusseli, I. Reaman, G. High and 1’. Darius. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The following accounts Were presented: Dis'riocr No. 1. A. Muldocn, lumber and cedar .................. SE 21. 79 Jas Clary, 5.; ilays’ labor between lots 30 1111(131, lst con ................ . .. 19 3S T H Keys, repairing 4 1 LG. scraper 4 50 at .lhe I‘Ollce Slall‘m- “or igllomnce Wni Mellioluputtingin culvert and haul. availed her not, and she will have to pay ing lumber for same .......................... 3 25 the usual 41:90 1- e R Humble, repaiiing culvert“, cedar posts ‘“ “ “n ' and 12113:; :iails....,..... 12/15 ___‘ Jus Oliver 0ft plank at .‘10 per Ii .. . 5 00 JUIIll'Iilll dance on account of go g NATTONAL PILLS are sugar coatrd. gow‘lcouo 0D ulllll'OV'fl‘l 0i 00mâ€" “? 00 mild but thorough, and are the lcst h “ m "j""C,Â¥','.,',}$f" """"""" " Stomach and Liver Pills in use. ‘J L Card, builr in bridge on sideline be- tween lot ml 6, in the 8th con 1:30 00 One Good point Ilonry l’otcrs, buildingr . , . . KNEE“ brmgom 30 [,0 Cut ofythe many possessed by Burdock DIST,“ Blood INIIOI'S is that it may be taken at all John hft31(lllllnll, ropaiiiii» 2 50 seasons of the' 10;” q } ' .. Robt Rumble, 114 loads {gavel ....... 10 :40 ‘ H I I .‘ )I ’ 1‘ “d )3, Him,” 3,70“: ' lloht ltiiinblo. culvert l'O'pIEUIIICl'I, 5 4 00 m 0 ( ' u I “5 “My “.9 [ht-00 busy B S are Jus Oliver, coo ftplunkaud' now a ct- always at work and domg good. Mrs Dick, for plank.............,... 1 "0 Moved by M r. Reunion, seconded by M r. Russell, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the foregoing accounts. â€"Carried. Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Devins, that the Treasurer be and is hereby sum of $430, for the Vaughan Agricultural Societyâ€"Curried. Moved by Mr. High. seconded by Mr. Devins, that the Treus. be authorized to pay , John McSorley the sum of $2, for burying horse that died on the 6th coo, opposite lot I5.â€"-Carriei1. Moved by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Reunion, that the 'I'reasurer be, and is here- by authorile to Day the following zâ€"lloht Rumble, for services as Health Inspector up to (late, $6 â€"-Curried. Moved by Mr. Iiigli. seconded by Mr. Devins, that the Treasurer be authorized to pay the following claims for sheep killed by dog or dogs. being two-thirds their value :â€" i‘vlichael Ostcr, 2 lambs killed, 5 sheep killed and 2 sheepdamuged, $42 05; Jacob Brown, 2- shecp damaged, $6 (iiâ€"Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet. on Friday, the ldlh of December, 1888. >94 UNNECESSARY WORRY. It was getting late when the girl said shyly : Mr. Hurkiutou.” “Iain,” he replied. “ I have in my pocket a $50,000 package of government bondswhiclil foolishly forgot to deposit today, andâ€"rind aside from that Iâ€"love you so devolcdly. Miss Schermcrhorn, I am afraid to learn my fate.” “ As for the bonds, Mr. Harkiuton,” rc- plied the girl, with a business air, “ pupa has a safe in the house; and regarding the the other matter. whyâ€"why, 1 think so part of the country is very rough andl 'Uxbridge is elevated so much'higher A many of us are apt to borrow trouble, Mr. Harkinton,” authorized to pay to Thomas Wallace the. “ You look worried about something. teaching the Indians vices. The squaw man does not exrst who could instruct the full-blooded Sioux in the ways of sin. The Sioux has nothing to learn. Nov. 16th, less. 1 l r l l l l r04 At the Police Court in Toronto on Satur- day last Annie Fayette, a married coloured woman, pleaded that she did not know that she was carrying a revol‘rcr on her poismi until arrested for drunkenness and searched Prevailing Sickness. The most prevailing complaints at this season are rheumatism, neuralgia, sore throat, inflummations and congestiolts For all these and other painful troubles lagyard’s Yellow Oil is the best iuteruaE and external remedy. LEPROSY 1N DAKOTA. A case of leprosy exists at Hurrold Hughes county. The subject is the chilo ol'Mrs. Bausum, who was a missionary It lChina when the child was born. The at- ,fliCte(l family are allowed no communica- ltiun with their neighbours. l Reliable Rémedy for Rheumatism. Procure-aboitle of Hugyurd’s Yellow Oil from your medicine dealer, and use ac- cording to directions. It Cured Ida John- lston, of Cornell, Out, of that complaint. and she recommends it as a sure cure rh‘or 25 years it has never failed to glVe satisfaction. ,leave less sear if Victoria Curbolic Salve is? applied at once. ‘ l A Narrow Escape. l People who are exposed to the sudden changes of our northern c imate have little‘ chance of escaping colds. coughs, smc‘ throat and lung troubles. The best safe-â€" guard is to keep Hngyurd’s l’ectoral Bulâ€" lSE‘Ifl at hand. It is a quick relief and reliable cure for such complaints. 1 stroy the children. Freeman’s Worm Powders destroy and expel all kinds of worms. . A-Reasonable Hope Is one that is based on previous knowledge ,or experience, therefore those who use 13. iii. B. may reasonably hope for a. cure be- ;cause the previous experience of thousands lwho have used it, slioWs it to have succeed- ,ed even in the worst cases. l 1 Senator Quay is the observed of all ob»! l MALAiiiu. p broken up and prevented by using 0111-... ,Aromalic Quinine Wine Will be Fully Met. Indications of dyspepsra. such as sour; stomach, heartburn, sick headache. rising} and sour-mg of food. wind on the stmxuzt-l‘, ore. choking or gnuwmg sensation ut the pit of the stomach are folly met by Burdock Blood Bitters which has cured the worst cases on record. FEVER AND (‘11111.S t. 1 THE Daily Empire. for sale at t HERALD store; price two cents. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for " Want ” advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want a situation, a iiiw'lmnio, a hosi- uess, mac hiuery, lodgings, if you boys lost‘ or found anything, or if you want to find out where anyone is, advertise in the To-- ronto DAILY MAIL and read the advertise - ments on the third page of that paper. The charge is two eeuts a word each 111-- serti'on. Address Tris Mun, Toronto, 110 Canada. ‘ â€".â€".v -_.___ BomowAY's PILLS AND Circumstaâ€" Travellers to and from distant clinics Would do Well to bear in mind that these changes and the altered diet and surrouudimzs of their lives entail manifold risks to health Occasions are sure to arise in which ihei will need a remedy such us these renewed Pills and Ointment. and no traveller by land or sea should ever fail to have a sup ply at hand. Then he may truly be said to have a physician always at his call for lln various emergencies of travel. Chills and fevers should be promptly treated. and the printed directions should be carefully stud led at the Commencement oftu illness. to Holloway’s remedies can be safely used in all climates. WHEN WHEAT-GOES DOWN. All kind of man and faces You’ll see within the pit; The eyes in many cases Willi speculation lit. Some faces. true, are. smiling, I But for n coal-black frowh, Just watch the face of “Ancient Hutch” When Wheat Goes Down. . ADVICE TO IsfiOTHERS” Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying \vitl pain or cutiiiig teL‘ i ‘.’ If so, send at once . i get. a bottle of M ’ ‘ roe CHILDREN ' n I.\ o. able. It will reli .VL. the poor little so. i mediately Depend upon it mothers, there is mistake about it, It cures: century and (Ti rhma, regulates the so into] wind colic, softens the gums H. tion, and gives tone and enemy to . system. IVIRS WIN snow‘s Soorurxe SYRUP " CHiLnnnN 'I‘icu'i‘nmo isplcasnut to the trash is the prescription of one of the oldest and female nurses and physicians i'; ' ‘ States. and is for sale by all drug out the world ! IIEAV EN AND EARTH. There are no Shadows where there is no Sun ; [Shade ; There is no beauty where there is no Ami all things in two lines of glory run, Darkness and light, (*bon and gold inlaid God comes among us through the shrouds of air ; And His dim tran is like the silvery wake Left by you piunaee on the [mountain lake Fading, and reappear-ins; here and there. mâ€" Yemrhzs and PLUG Sucking use FINER THAN E See 7%? o in Buouzs on EACH PLUG- and PACKAGE. ACTS AT THE 8AME TIME ON THE weaves, THE LIVER, " THE BOWELS,‘ andtheKlDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick ‘? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become Vclogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced into the blood that should be expelled naturally. “ . cum. ME 8 {COMPOUND WILL CURE BILIOUSNESS, FILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY 00M- ‘ PLAINTS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALEWEAKNESS,RHEUMA- TISM, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free action of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why suffer Bilious Pains and Aches P Why tormented with Piles, Constipation! Why frightened overDisorderedKidneysl Why endure nervous or sick headaches! Why have sleepless nights? Use PAXNE’S Canrw COMPOUND and rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegeta- ble remedy, harmless in all cases. ' Sold 5}! all Druggilrlr. Six for £5.00. WELLS. RICHARDSON 6i. CO.,Proprletom. MONTREAL, 12. Q. .5“ a A BURN on em will heal quickly and, ' ‘- ' assis- enable us to offer that c than the subscription price of 4 sir-"1mm DESTROY THE wows or they may df-l tion and comfort for wife and mother, and of copyrights of page weekly, is ~ husband a. n d ' “b3 for the children. have been secured. “Eid- r' was Bits so popular as a source 5415 for old and young", will. be . TRUTH and El Address all Oi'tl 177$ ‘a ‘4. .E. M... . l l PrivatBLoo... ‘.' ~ l .., ! ONLY 531 PER ANNU 'l l P. ood. the STOMACH AND BOWELS, Increase, the They assist the digestive organs, cleans rotoi‘y powers; of tho Liver,brnce nonorvous nd throwiiito the circuia. ‘,ion the pun u l'll‘nnents for sustaining and repairing the frame. ' 1. Thousands of persons have testified that "W their use alone they hauc been restored '0 health and strength, after every other means had "0""u’;)(l unsuccessful. The Ointment. vill [)5 found invaluable in every Household who cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, HAD LEGS. om) WOUNDS. cones, Coughs, Sci-c Threats, Bronchitis, and all :‘tisord' JI oftlio ’l‘lir :natisni. Semi 0. Chest, as also Gout, Ithou u. and other kind. of skin disease Iliunnfactured only at Professn‘ or Hollowav’s Establishment, 1:06) 000. OXFORD S"itEE’I‘ LONDOI‘H and sac 30 c 010i ‘ it‘ls. 131., Cs. 9.1, is. (Ll, 11s., 22, and 33s. and Pot, and in Canada. at 30 ceiils nd 551.50 cents, and the large . n. sizes i (if... /AlTTl0N~l. have no Agent in 0' United St ' l ates, nor are my Medicines so i rhcre. Purchasers should therefore 10: li)lli01ul)’cloil the l‘ot and Boxes. If address is not 533, Oxford Street, Loudtt. they are sy “ The Trade L ,vistcrcd in tit I'lUilS. rs of my said Medicines are .L, and a1 so at \V'znilringtou THOMAS 11.01.140th London. nan. 5th 1 81 53 Oxford street, .1 , is l aged avenues of the and Liver, carry- neut weakening the all the impurities and foul banners of the secretions; at the same time Correc .' ten vi. o rig Acidity of the Curing Eilioueness, Dye. Shades-Toes, Dizziness, . ' sti' ai‘icn, Dryness 31‘, Dimness of ch, , Salt Rheum, , lula, Flattering of t, Itcrveuaness, and Gen- ility eral D other similar Complaints harry BLOOD BITTEES. Is all these and many! s l I it E This Incomparable Medicine has secur- ed for itself an ir'nperisliable fame tliroughoutthc World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases to which humanity is heir. N r I Fills nurlfy, regulate and improyc the quality of I yield to the EURDOCK influence - of maximum s 00., Skepticism. Toronto; (Height, 11 inches.) ltfl's'i’llitil since its establishment . met. Willi unprecedented succoss, mid f’t‘I't ‘ stands in the proud position of Canada s1 nal: but, in order to place the V9 a“!!le in the. hands of every Farr iioii this fall, the Publishers ' 3 prepared a Handsome and Life-like Bust (h SIB JOHN thCDONALD 'von to every sub riber to the W 4.." PATH“; " l TEA“ IN A‘s/Writ ' HOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE. ddress THE EMPIRE, Torin. 'J‘istmis‘rsrwn} -' Arrangements have been made ‘ - the publisher of ‘E‘RMTfi v scellcnt journal with our own paper a." “it? id 1' I' ‘ e infer-mails " father, 0 f ill pleasure audit the works of the best story"; Eye? is igliter and funnier .th. ‘1‘er x~s~mmzuwm~ . . ALE for ‘one year. .3” ers to,thls Officejwith ille‘Ctlol‘i.

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