Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Feb 1889, p. 2

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(at Palmer House) Aurora, lat, 8th, 16th, and find do 8boufiville . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . ....18Lh do Markham ...... .. ...... 20th dc Victoria Square ...... .. ...21Hb do Thornhill ( Walker’s Hotel) 23rd do Woodbrjdge .. ‘ do Kluinbnrg . do Nobleton ...... do fiVithiznd air always on hnnd M the' places: of unpoimmnnb. It does away thh the pa_u‘:in extracting Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro tossiou, as follows . Richmund Hill.” . 9th A’s 24th of each mom- Toronto. Mm] 291,11, 1884. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. R. 3. CNN. B. mm l-nnb bflvm‘ Mm Unwersity of Toronto. M. 0.}! S. Ontario. L. AL, England (Late of tendon, England Rucgeou, hm. taromce Hours 8 to 0.30 3.113., and 1 to 2.30 am Fullerton, Cock & Wallace I8 King Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Ofice Ev‘ez‘y Saturday. Tbiq Uousnifi one of the Boat Hoteln to he fuuml uurth of Toronto. Everything is mmmgad in First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial 'l‘rnvellorfi. Good Summing and attentive hamlet-R. Terms, S151 1101‘ day. Proctnr’b Bus leaves this 11mm to connect with all the N R R Trains going Nurth and South. at 8 a 111‘, 12 n. 111., 5.10 p m. and (1.00 n m. ermmm HILL, ONT. O'fiMhnnr 10 n‘ m. All night calls atfront door bell nichmond Him, May 30th, 1887. Member College of Physlolanl a: Surgeonl. RATE OF STOUL‘FVILLE.) 07'7‘FIC‘E HOURS.â€"â€"From S 17010 3.. m., 5 to 8 p. m RESIDENCE Yoncge Sfmet, Rlchmond Hlll."‘v§ Riuumomi H111, ()ct. [SH], ‘82. " Vitalized Air for extracting. IigwiIIE-flll teeth Withflut pain at, the lowest prices. ;Best. teeth on rubber $5, cheapest $6. S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., LEWEEE A G 1“ Lawn A Nnvath, 1884 ' , ' R» f “1 Richmond Hill Officeâ€"C§$§ru‘}Bun§ ()n Saturdays. Money !0 Loan at Lowest Current Rates, BR. JAMES LiMn‘S’IAFF! AND 2 ‘ Vl'l‘A LIZED AIR . Dr A ROBINSON. SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA J Palmer, Prop. M Unm further notice, Mails will be closed at me above Office as follows :â€" DR. W. .s. ‘WILSON, MEDALIE‘FE TORONTO UNIVERSITY. Mail for the North. via. Railway, leaves once a day, in the morning, as above stated. EVEfliNG. Going Seméh, East, and West, at. . . . . , . . . . . 5.30 P83”? REFEREE NRTIEE I NEWER“) “H L WEST OFFECE. Go} ng 1‘4 girth, Seam, Eagtf and West, at. . . . . . . 7.40 Toronto, '1‘ 1 Huh mi Morning Mail from South, \Vest and East, by Ruilway,arrives at Evening Mail from Tnmnto by Yunge street Stage, arrives at . Nuht Mail from North, by Rail- w;1v, arrives WEE H‘GUBS '1‘ 1 Huh.” '9 Richlmm Hill 58 King , 9 A'it'énm Ndwmnrknfi ifallmni building, 10 U3 GOING sowrnj Hallnn'l Tmm‘llr‘g,' " ’ ii , , n K '1', x 37 3 Rio non-l Hill, EH )7 ; Th ‘nh‘ll, 38 J6 : Tor uto, 13,9 16 ., mum-W 593 Solving-3n: '[‘o m once est trade in all p placing our 1' and goods wher them. we v erson in r «st uewir the w'orldnvitk We will nlsu s ‘ .- line of our cw may call at yl mDnlhl all sh property. TI: - mndo after a which hav» rv ' run out“ 5( Barristersfiolicitors, Postmaster. REc‘nmond Hill,_Dec. 61h, 1886! J S Fullerton, {.Fo’esx‘u‘blim ' ' made in all par". by placing our machines and goods where the people can see them. we will send free to one gerson in Pach loaallty,the very «st sewingâ€"machine madm In the world.with all the nltacllmmta. X We will nlsu sendl‘reea complcta , line of our costly and valuable art samples. In return we ask that you show what we send. to Anne who may call at your home.und after 2 monlhl all shall become your uwn‘ properly. This 15nd machine (I mndo after the _ in '9]' patt‘nts, which hEVP run out: More )mu‘nls . b ' run out“ sold (orlkf’if. with the ‘3 anachmema, and now sells for $50. Best, strongest, most use. m machine in the world. HI in .' free. No capitol 'raqulred. Plain. brlef instruction 1:. more who write to us at once can u- cure free the u sewing-avail“ in Ihe world; and she figeat llneofworks of hi I: an ever slam “Huber in AKIN?!“- QBUE ,5; 00., or 74.0, Ant-um). “gnaw CONVEYANCRR S, ETC. . No,14 Building & Loan oro n T 0 C?" 'chumberst» Toronto st. norm 9 42 ‘wmnrknt, 9 53 allami Landing, 10 U3 TEXAIN TIME. 1m F. McL. COULTERL'I‘EACHER 0F Piano and organ C. H. RIGGS, L. D. S., 13R. J.'3A-:g;PALMER,- Barristerfi, Solicitors, (cc. Ofi‘wea Mel-ton, W Cook, J 1: Miller PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN. mm @mflfi. DR. 05???” MA OLE, ARRIVALS. TORONTO. MORfiEING. 593 genin g-Sfaqh‘ipg‘ k gamma NORTHJE s 05 £11 9 03 :12 EEMILMEAW fimtzfl, £95231 1W. . NG sowrnj 4 r .¢ Imam. _ ’7 a. to 7.30 p. m- MW mohmond H111 T C MILLIan "in :12 m2 :l‘z ‘12 1 45 111113 5 4.0 2 55 i6 32 105/ am. 6 41 ‘ If? {'53 EFREE lymfim 10. I) 0 7.00 7.45 p43 03 no 16 [16 :15 6 +8 5 m 7 )2 ‘7 12 7 23 7:33 55 A FEW Fur Caps at $1 00, $1 50. $2 00, 33 (J0, and $4 00; worth $1 50, $2 00, $3 00, $4 00, and $7 00 at the Concrete House. , No. 36 ; SLEIGH Rumâ€"1‘31 pupils from St. Vincem College, Toronto, drove out to Thnrnhill on Tuesday and had dinner at A. Collins'. ABOUT 3,000 Rolls of Wall Paper arrived at. the Concrete House this week and they comprise elegant gilts. whites, and browns in all the newest; stylus. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 7, ’89. COLD WEATHER.â€"The weather has set in cold. THE ANNUAL meeting and dinner of the Farmers’ club will beheld at the Franklin House, Markham, on Friday, 8th Feb. AN ACCIDENT.â€"-Mr. Alex, Fleury, of Stoufiville, got his hand caught. in some machinery knives and thus had the misfortune to lose three fingers. (‘hnngmâ€"F. Kirkby. Change and Localsâ€"Wm. Atkinson ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rent by a sick child sufi‘eriug and crying with pain or Gatling teeth ‘2 If so, send at once and get in bottle of MRS WINBLow’B SKIOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEMTHING. Its value is incnlcul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer in ~- mediutely Depend upon it, mothers, there is no mismko about it, It cures dysentery and diur- x'lmerL, regulates the stomach and bowels, cures Wind colic, softens the gums, reduces inflammaâ€" tion, and gives tone and enemy to the whnl a system. Mus VVINSLOW'S SoocerG SYRUP F01: CHILDREN TEETHING ispletisunt to the tastemnd is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses and physicians in the United Stilt/CF. and is for sale by BJI dragging through-- out the world Price twentwfive cents a botth Be sure and ask for " Mns WstLoW’s , SooTHmG SYRUP ” and take no other kind. NAME the king first mentioned in the Bible. TWEEDS at Atkinsnn’s, new arrivals, at $350, 450, and 500 per yard. See them' COLD.â€"-The weather of Tuesday and \Veduesday was the coldest we have had this winter. Yesterdav morning the thermometer registered 20 ° below zero. THE advance guard of the tremen- dous stock of' spring goods ordered in the British markets reached the Concrete House to-day and are being opened up as readily as possible. FANCY DRILL.â€"-The members of the Fire Brigade will please bear in mind that the next drill will, take place Ioâ€"morI‘OW (Friday) evening, commenceâ€" ing at 8 o’clock, The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscriytiun expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondencs. CHANGEâ€"A change of' base of' the lolegrapb office will soon take place in this village, so it is said. FOR SALE at the HERALD More, Witness numbers of the Montreal Carâ€" nival. Price 20 cents. HORSESâ€"Mr. Robert Trench was at the Palmer House on Wednesday of this week, purchasing horses to take to Manitoba. He bought a number of‘ fine animals at prices ranging from $125 to $150. LECTUREâ€"Rev. W. W. Percival will deliver a lecture this evening; in the Lecture Room of' the Presbyterian church, on “ John Wesley and his place in History." Lecture to begin at 8 o'clock. Collection in aid of the Sunâ€" day School. ‘ D ‘ may be round on me ut Geo P. Rowoll &Co'sl\'ewspuper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce SEJWIN‘TC advertis- ing con tracts may be made for it in NEW YORK UEAFNESS CURED.-â€"-A very interâ€" esting 132 page illustrated book on deafness. Noises in the head. How they may be cured at. your home. Post free 3d. Address Dr. NICHOLSON, 30 SL John Street, Montreal. FAIR.-â€"Tlle monthly fair which was held here yesterday was the best for a long time. Although the weather was intensely cold a large number of sellers and buyers of stock were present. We understand the prices paid were good. ORILLIA has got a daily paper, the Times, the first number to hand. CHANGEâ€"Vie beg to call attention to the change in Mr. F. Kirkby’s adâ€" vertisement. His enlarged space in this day’s paper shows that he appreciates printer's ink. Enemy and perseverance and judicious advertising is ensuring Mr Kirkby success in his business, CARNIVAL.â€"A carnival was held at the Metropolitan skating rink on Tues- day evening. The Richmond Hill band furnished music for the occasion. A large number of skaters from here and ThOI‘l’llllll were in attendance. Good ice and lots of fun is the report we received. REVIVAL TEAMâ€"The Eureka Dueus Revival Team have been engaged by the Richmond Hill Council of Royal Tempâ€" lars to hold a series of meeting in this village. They will hold their first meeling on Thursday, the let inst” in the Temperance Hall. Full particulars next week. ADVERTISEâ€"Some persona wonder that business is so slack and that so few persons call to see them. We do {not wonder atit. In private life it would be thought a strange thing for persons to attend a party without an invitation, so also when a shop keeper has goods for sale and the medium for letting it be known that he has those goods is at his very door, and he does not avail himself of'ir, is it any wonder he should put on a poor mouth and complain that no person calls to see him ? Advertise ! Advertise in your local paper and then your will have no cause to comglainy Local and General. «its ‘v‘fiark {Eifzsmm N 0 T1011} T0 S UHSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond HHI. Ont. Whole No. 1596 : Volume 30. Uaul) Dhmqlunmm-Luu b’mkgunng IS good; snow is pxeumul. THE Carni'ul number of the STAR. for sale at the HERALD store. AT IIOME.â€"-Thc public are cordially invited to attend an "At Home” in the Lecture Room of the Methodist Church on Friday evening of this week. Refreshments served from 7 to 8 o’clock, after which a literary and musical proâ€" gramme will be rendered. A full house is expected. Admission, 15 cents. VALEDICTORY.â€"Ollr friend Arthur Pemberton, of the Stouffville Advance. published his farewell address to the readers of that paper in last week’s isâ€" sue, having sold out to Messrs. Hodge Bros., publishers of the Tribune. We hope the new arrangements will be a benefit to their; enterprising village, A BAD SIGHT.â€"We take the fol-- lowing from the Bradford Witness:â€" A boy named Ball, while coasting here, recently, was stuck in the eyes by a snow, which nearly blinded him. Being unable to see, he ran into a telegrah pole while going at high speed and badly injured his back.” EMPIREZâ€" 1873 to 1888, inclusive, the duty collected on imports from the United States amounted to ninety mil- lions of dollars. The Grit leaders pro- pose to abandon these duties, and the Globe, speaking [for them, urges that these millions be raised by taxes on real estate in the cities and the farms in the country. NEW PRINTS at Atkinson’s, the newâ€"- est colorings, the latest designs, and the best, fabrics at the iowest prices. YORK PIONEERS.â€"â€"At a meeting of the York Pioneers in Toronto on Tuesw day, Mr. Lee, on behalf'ol' Mrs. Steven- son, of that city, presented to the society an old Pennsylvania musket used dur' ing the rebellion of 1837 by a man named Sheppard, residing in York Township. SPORTSMEN. â€"- Some of the sports around Woodbridge take an occasional ramble through the woods of that neigh- borhood in search of foxes. IMPORTEDâ€"Cu“ and see the new spring goods which M r, Atkinson, of the Concrete House, has just received from the British manufacturers, L. O. L.â€"-Bro. Sheppard attended a L. O. L. meeting at Buttonville. a short time ago, mm a large number of members of N0. 91, Thornhill. After the business was over, they enjoyed a sumptuous supper at Bro. Perry’s hotel. PUBLIC Normaâ€"The annua} meet- ing of the Vaughan Plowmen’s Associaâ€"- tion, for the election of office and direc- tors for the ensuing year, 1889, wiil be held at, Richardson’s Hotel, Maple, on Monday, Feb. the 11th, commencing at 2 o’clock p.m. All persons who am inâ€" terested in the success of the above Association are kindly requested to attend. A FEW of those Fur Capes at half price are left at Aikineon’s but they are sure to go this kind of weather. See them. A GREAT FIREâ€"The large fire at Blifialn the other day amounting to $3,000,000 should admonish people against building such castles in the air as are too much the rage in American cites. WE congratulate Mr. John Morgan, 0? Willowdale, upon his election as Deputy Reeve of York. A better man could not have been chosen.â€"North Ender. THE Inspector’s annual report of the York Counry industrial Home was sub- mitted at the meeting of the council. It shows that the number of inmates at the end of 1888 was 101; admitted during the year, 58; deaths, 13; disâ€" charged, absconded, and sent out on trial, 36; number of inmates at the end of December 110. The total expendiâ€" ture was $7,516.54, the amount received from the County Treasurer, $6,529; average weekly expenditure for each inmate $1.11. LIGHT READING.-â€"We have to acâ€" knowledge receipt of the following Government books: Report of the Minister of Public Works for the fiscal year 1887-88; Department of Marine for the year ending 30th June, 1888; Report, &c., of' the Inland Revenues to same date; Public Accounlsof Canada to same date; Report of Post Master General to same date: Department of Militia and Defence to 315: December, 1888; Trade and Navigation of the Dominion to 30th June, 1888; Report on Canadian Archives by Douglas Brymner, 1888. R. T. or T.â€"At the regular meeting of the Richmond Hill Council on Tuesday evening last. the members were given a surprise by receiving a friendly visit from nearly twenty brethren and sisters belonging to Thornllill Council. The programme was furnished by Miss Wiley’s side, consisting of three choruses, two readings by Bros. Sanderson and Peache, an essay by Bro. Rutledge, and solos by Sister Ida Simpson and Bro. W'. D. Atkinson, all of which were well reuderen. Speeches were delivered by a few of the visitors and a. very pleasant evening was spent. SEED UATALOGUE.â€"-We have just received the most handsome Canadian Seed Catalogue we have yet seen ; it is issued by The Steele Bros. Co. (Ltd,,) Toronto, and Contains description and prices of everything in seeds,roses,climb- ing vines, flowering bulbs and grapes; a book of 112 pages, profusely illustratâ€" ed, has also a chromeâ€"lithograph plate, showing four varieties of their “New Art Collection of Flower Seeds." New and rare novelties in flower, vegetable and field seeds occupy a large portion of the work. This firm occupy the Mam- moth Seed House, corner Front and Jarvis streets, Toronto, (visitors to which are always made welcome), and have an immense establishment, employâ€" ing 100 hands, and doing business from the Atlantic to the Pacific. We be- speak for this house the patronage of all who are desirous of buying first-class seeds and encouraging Canadian enterâ€" prise. Send your address 1'0r a cata- logue, they, are mailed free, UN) UK the Au [‘Ul‘u papers acâ€" know Inge-a the “ cum ” Ian-5t. “Wick. Speaking of a recent assignment. it a)“ . We were much surprised and pained on Sunday afternoon last to learn that a telegram had been received in this vilâ€" lage from the Masonic Order in Victoria, B.C., informing the Richmond Lodge in this village that one of its members had died in that city on Sunday morningy Feb. 3rd, in the person of Mr. D. T. Fairbairn. Mr. Fairbairn was, at one time, an employee of this office, and he was one whoinwas liked and held in high esteem by the general public. On his leaving here he was tendered apublic supper by a large body of villagers, young and old, at the Palmer House. Mr. McMahon, editor of the Liberal, was at that time very intimate with the subject of this short sketch, and was one that interested himself considerably in giving this mark of appreciation to a worthy young man who has gone home before he has reached a little more than a third of the allotted time allowed to man. Mr. Fairbairn was the son of Thomas Fairbairn, Esq., Ex Reeve of Teeswater and the proprietor of a paper at that place. We only voice the opin- ion of all who were acquainted with the late Mr. Fuirbairn in saying that he was an intelligent, genial, good fellow, and a good workman, and if faults he had, and who has not, his good qualities out balanced byfagany short-comings. Requiescat in pace. "â€"lmulmess like snme others ' Phil.7 saw Aurora’s coining: greatness, as through a glass darkly. and went into the building business too steep.” In another para- graph the same paper observes: “There appeg‘s {0 be a general stampede now guing’on. As the Deputyâ€"Reeve says; ‘ W110 is going to be left to pay for our waterâ€"worka.Y ” The reaction has evidently set; in much sooner than antic- ipaléd and an the sand has been sud« dcnly dumped out of Our cotemporary. â€"Era. Death of Mr. D. T. Fairbairn. ILLUSTRATED LECTURE. -â€" " Max U’Neil’s Journey from Asia to Europe ” was the title of an entertainment we had the pleasure of attending on Thursday night last. The company attending was not large but it was select and ap- preciative, and the best of order reigned in the Masonic Hall. The interesting lecture was delivered in an easy and off hand way by Mr. L. 0. Armstrong. Those thut- Were not present missed a cheap twenty-five cents worth. It would have proved a good recompense to the youth of the country and been equal to three months’ schooling to them to have attended this one lecture and witnessed the embarkation of " Max O’Neil ” at Hong Kong and journeyed with «him in sight through Canada to Windsor Castle. The views in the Rockies would have been a revelation to them as it was to most of those present. The lecturer occupied over two hours but the time passed so quickly in view- ing the beautiful pictures on canvas and in listening to the lecturer that it was altogether too short. The last regular meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Fire Brigade was held in the Counci] Chamber on llsnflay evening, Feb. 4th: commencing in 8 o’clock. I‘ueutISavageuin UH“ chair, Aud. W. D. Atkinson Scc’y pro (Rm. Committee on revision of Band By-Laws reported progress. Minutes of Echial meeting held on Jan. 7th read and confirmed. Steward Txench passed the bailot box for the candidates Moses Ransom, Fulton 8011168, and Frank Sims. Ballmv was found clear each time and said candidates were declared duly elected members of R HF 13‘ The Execulive Committee handed in a list of names of members up to date, to- gelher Will] the list of hosemen, &0.. for the present year, which was as follows :â€" Hosemenâ€"M. Brillinger, J. lnnes, C. Wright, C. McLean, Jay Sanderson, T. Trench, G, Wiley. W. Atkinson. Hook and Luddmâ€"â€"G. (Towie, Alfred Wright. A. Wiley, 0. 'J'revelhan, A. Ash- mn, C. Powell, E. Glover, L. Gaby, I’. Maclem, J.Cmssman. Suction Hoseâ€"all King. Tongue menâ€"U. Morrison, R. Garbut. Engineerâ€"J. Brownlee. Fir. C. Wiley proposed I)’. McWilliams as a proper person to become a member of the Brigade. Hook Wright. mm, C. Maclem, For. B. Reddilt gave nctice that he would, at next regular meeting, make a motion to amend Clause 7, See. A, oflhe Brigade By-Laws. Drill Sergeant Sheppard addressed the meeling in reference to Fancy Drill. He muted that Lhnae who had utlended regular had made excellent; progress, but some nights lliere were not ennngli of filemen present to make a corps and he had to ask outsiders to fall in. He asked that. the members of the Brigade attend regular. Nearly every one present volunteered to nllend as regular as possible during the rest of the term. The next drill will be held on Friday evening. A physician, who is connected with an institution which conlnins many children. says: 'There is nothing more irritating to a cough than to cough. For some time I had been so fully assured of this that I recently determined, if possible for one minute, at least, lo lessen Lhennmher 0f coughs heard in a certain ward of the in- siilution. By the promise of rewards and punishmenfs I succeeded in inducing them simply to hold their breath when tempted to cough, and in a little while I was my- self surprised to see how some of the children entirely recovered from their disease. In Better Humour Now. “My son, aged eleven, was cured of an eruptive humour that covered his head and face with sores, by two bottles of Burdock Bloud Bitters and Pills," testifies Mrs. Mary. Fulford, of Port Hope,, Ont. 'Constant coughing is precisely like scratching a. wound on the outside of the body: so long as it is done the wound will not heal. Let n person when tempted to cough, draw a long breath and hold it until it warms and soothes every air cell, and some benefit will soon be received from the process. The nitrogen, Whlcl] is thus rev fined, acts as an anodyne to the irritated mucous membrane, alluying the desire to cough and gives the throat and lungs a chance to heal. At the same time a. suit- able medicine will aid nature in her effort to recuperate.’â€"thltim0re News. Meétiug adjlmrned. Fire Bugade Meeting. TRY NOT TO COUCH. . Prlyma auâ€", Ian-st. Wauk. Vi muent it saw . era ' Phil.7 saw, ;, as through a1 0 the builu‘lng another paraâ€"erves: “'J‘herei A Professional Opinlcn. Rev. I“. Gunner. Ml), m Lislowel. Ont, says regarding B 11R . “I have used your excPHenL Burdock Compound in practice and in my fumiiy since 1881. and hnid it No.1 on my list, of sanurive remedies. Your three busy B’s never aging. weaken or worry.” Miraculous. " My miraculom cure was that Yhad sur- fered from kidxmy disnnse for about two years. was off“ work all that time. A friend told me of B. R. 13., I tried it, and an: hap- pv to say that I was cured by two bottles,” Wm. Tier. St. Mary’s Ont. Worms CAUSE MUCH SICKNESS among children. Fmemen’a Worm Powders me vent this, and make the child bright and healthy. To SUBSCRIBERS.â€"P}ea% observe the date on the address slip of your paper and oblige your’s truly. A Great Sufierer. That person who is afflvoted with thu- mmism is a great, sufferer and greatly to be Dilied’ if they cannot procure Huayard‘s Yellow Uii‘. This rmnedy is a certain cum, not, only for rheumatism bun for all exter- nal aches and internal- pains. COSGROVEâ€"In Richmnnd Hill, on Jan. 26131. 1899, the Wife of Mr \Vm. CosgrnVe, of a daughter. REIDâ€"In Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, Feb 4th, the wife of Mr. Abner Reid, of u. dnughter, This powder never varies. A m arm] of puricy flh‘flllfl‘h and whnlnamneness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be suld in competition with the multitude uf low testfihm't weight. ulum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKlNG POVVDEI’. 00., 106 \Vull St. N.Y. NEVER ALLOW Ihe bowels '0 remain con sllpaled lest serious evil ensue. National Pills are unsurpassed as a remedy for con- stipalion. Look Out for It. If you are troubled with a cold or cough, however light the attack, lookout for it. do not allow il to» settle on the lungs; break up the cough by lumenng xhe tough phlegm with Hagyand's Pectoral Balsam. VICTORIA CARBOUG SALVE is a wonder- ful healing compound for CHM, wounds. bruises, burns, scalds, boils, piles, pimples, &c. BR0WNING~RARK~011 tho 6th inst, at; the Methodist parsonage, Richmnnd Hill, by the LOVJ. M. fSimpsnn. Mr. Murk Browning to Miss Mary Rank, both of Aurora. LONGâ€"On 3rd (km. of Markham, on Monday Feb. 4511, the wife of Mr. Long, aged :24 y ' s with in. view of making provision for their shipment. COOKâ€"0n the 3151: January, at m Brunswick avenue, Toronto, the Wife, of Willimn Cook, barristervut-luw, of a daughter. WHE undersigned would» be pleased to com- _ munimmte with farmers huviug horses 01' Implements which they purpose shipping to the CALVERTACANTILLONâ€"-Ah the pzronm’a mmntw. York NiHs, on JIM]. 23,1337 Rev. (1‘ Siunxsun, J. 1‘: (mm 1i, Lf 1‘ctrulcu,to Aggie metfllon, Brumfom‘. â€"-Y0ung Short-Hornâ€" B‘ulls- v Oct 26. 1888â€"1 vear fronting on Yongo stfeet, Buildings fair. Good orchard, and well Watered. Anyone desiring a firstâ€"class farm crumot do better. Terms liberal Farm for Sale Or to Rent. Further'particulm‘s can be had by npplying to David Flatt, on the premises, or by letter to John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Cmnpbe11,Esq., Hon. SenatorMcMuster A. . Smith, Esq. James Metcnlfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 511er cent interest. Loansmade toChurch Trustees, at a low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. Of London, England, Sir Wm. McArthur, K C M G, M. P, eX-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes,Esq,F I A,S‘ecretary Reserve Fund . . . . . . . $10,000,000 Annual Income 0 _ . _ . . 1.600.000 Invested in Canada.. . 1.200000 Death (:lanns paid. . .. 10,000,000 TORONTO REFERENCES- THE STAR I‘LLW'. RAM LAMBSI, YOUNG BERKSHIRE PIGS. assurance $063; J 9.11 24â€"3w '(REGISTERED; Dec. Nthâ€"Sm Notice to Farmers. Townshlp of King. :ONTAINTNG 1‘15 Acres; 120 Acres cleared ’ being comp-used of putts of! fihseiutefiy Pure; LOTS 67 ANI) 68 North-West in March Next. Sec. :9: Trans. for Canada. 32 Wellington St., East, Toronto in the lat con. of tho M AI{RI IE1) 13 IRT Pl. A D PERRY, LIFE \VM. 0‘ PATTERSON II. QUETTON Sr. GEORGE, Oak Ridges THOSA B (REFILL, Bradford. Ont Dec 15¢ 883 Proprietor, I'ARKDALE FOR sale at this office the Scientific nmiCun, OW‘ of the 11m: pnpurs pub- !m‘ilcd: 10c. tingle number; 3 per 50:11- lu advance. «Ema “E’fiCHING- At prices to suit the times. Repairing done at reasonable" prices. . C- MASON. Richmond Hill» Emfiwme ~ Hmdwgre, Tinware, Stoves? Fummes, and, FOR CHEAP AND Fiafigfi @EaSS Groceries; (3-0 To THE LOBNE QTORE. Of world Wide fame, in numerous styles, containing Foley‘s automatic mouse proof and all the latest improvements, at very low prices and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction. DOMINION PIANOSâ€"Gland, Square and Upright ; ine Mahogany, Figured Walnut. Rosewood and other choice woods, perfect instruments, sold on terms which cannot be beaten. Old organs and pianos taken in exchange. Raymond Sewing Machine, and the Eagle Steam Washer, Wringer, Eta, Em NEW WILLIAMS SEWING. MACHINE,?§{§5E§S‘ The Ligh1cst Running and most improved high, roomy arm machine in the market. Sold ‘ cheap for cash or good paper. You Wllla secure excellent bargains by calling at or writing to the 'I‘omple-mfi-Jflusic. MAIN-JETREET. â€" MARKEIAM. He has just imported direct as any man in Town, and the: first for the Spring Trade, a beautiful line of decorated in colors, and gilded SEEB mafia, swag m mggsafigngg a ARE THE BEST. My New Catalogue IS NOW READY, AND CONTAINS FULL DESCRIPTIONS, ILLUSTRATIONS AND PRICES OF THE FINEST VARIETIES 0F It is the handgomest Catalogue published in Canada. Mailed free to all intending purchasers on application. Every Farmer and Gardener should have a. copy before ordering SEEDS for the coming season. Farmers visiting the city will find my select stock of FEEL; mm ., SEE S It is the handsomest Catalogue published fin? Canada._ Mailed free to_ a}! integding tieâ€"mgtâ€"comliul‘etérin Torc'mto: Please Call before purchasing. For Cataiogue, address Which contains a complete Dinner Set of over 100 pieces; also two of 83‘ pieces each, and four nice Tea Sets of 44 pieces each, and some nice Toilet Sets of 10 pieces each. He also has beautiful patterns of White Granite Tea and Toilet Sets and also odd pieces to sell separately ofthe best quality and most beautiful patters, which cannot. be had from‘ any other house in town. He can also sell von anything you want. in his line. He can 89” you a beautiful HANGING LAMP; samples can be seen at: his store and you can buy one cheap for cash and make your home look beautiful : also all other kinds of lamp gmtds, glassware, &c. But, remember at all events to come and see that beautiful decorated ware just- received. No sweeping discounts for his prices are clean as his goods all the year round so that at any time you may get your goods clean from high prices He has also opened out: a. department expiesselv for Groceries. a complete stock of which he will always keep on- hnnd of the choicest and cleanest quality at the lowest prices. A share of your patronag is esteemed and solicited, And also don’t forget his usual department of Fruits and? Confections where at all times can be had all kinds of delicacies of the choicest liinds. Buv his own manufactured pure, rich confections. free from glucose. staroh and‘ other! ndulterations. In this department you can get. Oranges. Lemons. Dates, Figs. Raisins, Nuts. Fresh Roasted Peanuts, Cakes, Biscuts, Canned Fruits. Fish, &c,, aud‘everybhiugz in this line you could wish for. Only ask for it. Come and buy. AR. 'PI-I BET Ne aalo IS NOW READY. ND COTAINS FRMEEAN’S WORM PQWBERS Are pleasant to take. Contain their om Purgntive. Is a. safe, 311m, and effectual destroyer of worms in Children or Adult»- W" -- V Thauks b0' the friends for their liberal support in fhe push: 'WouI’d-i kindly solicit 9. con-4' tiuunnce of your patronage. All goods fresh and-primes right,- HURRAH FOR Just openedâ€"direct frmn Englnnd. Tea Sets, Plates, Cups [uan Saucers, Bedroom Sets“, And we going to be sold at prices SO low that they will ustonish you. $393.11an see. MQGHNES. cry Fine Line 0f White Granite Wan-6‘ PGRCELAEN WARE EQMINEQN GRGANS, REGHWSGE‘é MfiLL Is the place to buy all kinds ofâ€" ‘ 885 So Id Gold Watch. Soldfor 100. “minutely. Belt $55 watch In the world. Peri.“ limekeeper. Wur- rnmed. Heavy Solid Gold g Hunting Cues. Both lldiel' < and gentl' lizcsflvith work- ‘ and can of equl value. OnePerson in «ch ‘16: 031217 can secure one free; together with our large nndulé m‘ole line of Household Samples. Those Inmplu, .1 well u the watch. we lend Free, Ind after you have kepg them in your home for 2 momhs and Ihown them to thou who may have called, they Income your 0?"; propen . Those who write at once can be sure of n-celvmg the ate]! and Samples. We ny 1H cxpl‘esl. mlghtmtc. Addmu Bun-on dz Cm, ox 812, Portland, Maine. 885 So Id I '~ Soldfor 10 » Bent $55 wuc ' ‘ Peri.“ lime] Eaveats. and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pam“? business conductedrfor' querate 1:995. Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent 0f- flce. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct. hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost than thoae remote from Washington. . Send model, drawing, or photo., with deacrlp‘: tion. We advise if Mcane or not, free of charge. 70m fee not pe pill patent i§_eeqx_x_rad._ > “£33015 7"Ii8§v”€c§ GEM} fiEi/éfiisifiv'ifiiiéterg ences to actual clients in your State, county; or town, sent. tree. Address, ‘ C. A. SNOW 85 CO. 60$}. ADEEMBE a: aARVIs 51's. Opposite Patent Office, Washlngton, I). G. Geo. @RENOHU‘ WM. FLEMING. TGRQENTQ, @NT.

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