Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 May 1889, p. 3

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Our first desire and ambition is to please e; one of our Customers, and by strict attention to "to the wants of our Patrons, and by corteon: everyone we hope to continue our past success. Please note that we consider it a favor and Show our Goods to you, Wall Papers, Ceilings, Styles, Borderings and Corners oi the Latest Patterns. at Choicest $tock of New It. works like magic, driving the disease or its symptoms out of the system. Try it I Try it! It builds up the entire system and renders you able to attend to your accustomed pursuits. Prepared only by The Peoplek 'Store! 1888.} Typhoid, Malaria, or Bilibfls Fever LOWER PRICES THAN EVER Mixed Paints, pure, in all colors; Paint and Kalsomine Brushes; ifi all siies; Boiled ant} Raw Oils, Varnishes, and all Painters Materials. Large Stock of Furniture, cheap for Cash. Glass in all sizes and cut to order. Usual ' stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed. P. G. SAVAGE, The People Cryâ€"Suva ifiuving: I 3mm". p‘na Butter and Eggs wantedâ€" Higlxesk i’ri-ce gm mm (m PRM’ISEONS, CIWCKERY, Bums & SilOES 393161133 AWAY DOWN; : ‘ 3 ‘_ fl « g u Chmce flour, Bacon, 8L0. always kept In SiOCk. CROCKERY :--1>mner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, itfijmrted direct from the Manufacturer and grand vulue. . lColored- and Black Cashmercs never reached before in Richmond Hill; also, in Dress Goods, Grapes, Satms, ’ Silké’, Ribbon‘é, Laces, 8L0. ' Our Home Manufacturéé, includiég l’rints, SeerS‘uckers, Giuglxams, Chambrays, Zephy_rs,,G_rey and‘ White Uotfon, Tlckings, Cottonades, &c., were bought before thejroccn't sharp advance in prices and (nistom’el‘s ére getting the benefit. of our foresight. SANDERSON BROS GHEMISTS AND BRUEGISTS, - - RIBHMI for the SPRINQ fifififi ' (Murcia, ‘lfié Cenwm ’ 03188 ALL KINDS OF Choice :: Groceries "ith British and Foreign Dry Goods directly iinfibfiéd; and all Domestic Manufactures. WE ARE SHOWING VALUE IN GROCERIES {EEK-U1 Parcels delivered if desired. 11°01). Age Tonic. Seasonabe Goods Ontario House ! IES:-â€"Always Fresh. of best quality, and at I'oéveéf Frices _ I â€" . 4 Highest price allowed for Butter, Eggs, Lard, Joc- RICHMOND HILL‘ â€"â€"â€"â€"V\’hern [here is theâ€"â€" V Is on hand again with his secdnd stock of As the Stock is large and must be sold. {30 TO THEâ€"â€" m: Saving! Snvud". P‘m‘l'mmmy 111W w for a ruiuy tiny by purchasing Household Summus at Um Ontario House. Are you tl'n‘ea‘i‘e‘ned with WM. ATKINSON, fâ€"Isn’t a raich SPRING; WILL. I). ATKINSON ~-â€"ANDâ€"-â€"- â€"!s New Fun;â€" JOSEPH H. HALL ;.Which, we think, proves to please each and every attention to business and by corteous treatment of a favor and no trouble to OIIâ€" Direct Impgxter RIL‘HMBNB III‘Li. are pleased 1888. “That while this association has alWays taken every opportunity of en 'do'rsing the a'etions and conduct of N. C. Wallace, Esq. M P., during the period of his representation of this riding in the House of Commons, it takes a special pleasure in recording at, this time its satisfaction with the steps taken by Mr, Wallace during the last two ses- sions of Parliament in endeavoring to destroy the numerous trade combinaâ€" tions that have come into life. Mr. WallaCe’s efforts having been crowned with success, this association believes that the trade and general interests of the country are in no small degree inâ€" debted to that gentleman for the firin stand taken byhiin’ in regard to those injurious trade combinations, and they cannot allow this opportunity to pass Without co‘nyeyingto' him this expression of their sentiments in regard to that important questionff Before separating tho convention passed the following resolution 00 motion of Mr. Armstrong, seconded by Mr. Bull 2â€"â€" Mr. Turner thanked the Doctor for his expression of confidence but thought the nomination should go to a vote. All he wanted was the carrying of' the con- stituency and if the delegates preferred Doctor Orr he would have his support ten thousand times 0Ver. Dr. Orr pre- ferred not to accept thenomination at this time but at some future time might do so. The mover and scoondor con- sented to the Withdrawal and the Chairâ€" man declared Mr. Turner to be the unénimo'us choice of the convention. Mr. Turner returned his sincere thanks for the nomix’zation. The ballot papers were being distribut ed when Dr. 011‘ generously declared his intention of withdrawing his name from the contest in favor of Mr. Turner. He said he would give Mr. Turner his heartiest support, and was confident. that if a united efiort was put forward the constituency could be redeemed. Among those present besidhé the deleâ€" gates wererâ€"N. Ulérlm Wallace, Ml’l; Alfred Boullbn‘e, J. S. Fullerton, and others from Toronto. The Chairmah having explained the reason of the meet-â€" ing called for nominations.‘ A dozen or so nominations were made‘ including Mr. Meredith and J. L, Hughes Dr. Orr was nominated by Robb McCormick and Seconded by W. J. Smithson. Frank Turner, C. E. was nominated by J. P. Bull, seconded by Thomas Kersoy. The choice soon narrowed down to those two. Mr. Fir‘ank afunnier. 6.32.} the ‘C‘OhEer” vative Candidate in the Lccal Election. The Liner-41 Conse‘rvatives of West York met in convention in Weston, on Saturday afternoon last, to seiecfi; a", Candidate to contesy the constitnency “It the next Ontario eiebtidné. The meetâ€" ing, was held in the Town Hall, and Mr. D. W. Clendennnn, President of the West York Liberal Conservative A550â€" cialion, filled the chair. One effect the Combines Bill is seen in the dissolution of the Coal Damage Company of Ottawa. This company was organized by the combinslcr coal dealers of the Capital for the purpose of squeezing out new comers; but since the publication of the evidence taken before the Combines Committee, three lirms have successfully stood out, against. the local combine, and accordineg the Cartuge Company is dissolved, each dealer ‘h’i’e‘ii'é‘dffer engaging his own teams, Lakes and Upper St. Lawrence.-Moder- ate to fresh winds; fair and a little warmer. Lower St. Lawrence, Gulf and Maritime. ~Mo<lerate to fresh westerly winds; partly cloudy. with a few local showers; lower temperature. Envelopes (pnstpuid) to any ptm‘k 0113,11 culvimop. with their business card neatly p1 “'1541" thereon In Islam: ink for $2.00. Send copy Wlth remitâ€" _ peurline” ‘ ‘ Scents Each subsequent 1nsert10n,perline, . 3 cents. Contracts for time and space made on applica- tion Ar: 012. nh’aen’ss “nth I bv-Whtten mstrnchons will be inserted .mtil forbid and charged trans»- ant rates tauce‘ _ EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Oflice, Yonge Street, Richmond ‘ , Hill. Ontario. Terms of Subscrintmn 5-51-00 per annum in advance. \Vhen not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. Trunsitofi‘ "'Hartisements,firstinsertion, COUNTR?r MERCHANTS R. ’1‘. OF TEMPERANCE.â€"Richm0nd Hill Coun- cil, N0. 43, me‘ets in the Temperance Hall. every Tuesday evening MS o’clock I). m. Beneficiary certificates issued to members for $1,090 or in case of death $2,000, one half payable in case of disability. Mrs. John. H. Sanderson. Select Councillor. . A. O. U. W., IVY LODGE, No.141.â€"Meots in the Committee Room of the Masonic Hull, everv second and fourth Tuesday of each month, at 8 o'clock,p. m. Beneficiary certificate given for 32,000 in case of death. John Brown, Muster Workman, R. E. Law Recorder. Effect; of the Combines B111. FIFE BEIGADE.â€"Regular meeting first; Monday of every month, held in the Council Chmnber, at 7 p. m. Membership tree. Cerciflcuces issued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exem )tions. Wm H. l’ugsley, Captain. H. A. Nichols, Secretary. RICHMOND LODGE, A. l“ 81 A M, No G R Câ€" Mcsha in the Lodge Bopm, Masonic I] (L11, on the Monday on or before ful’mmr‘n, at 8 o‘claok, pm Jams Elliott, W M; H.132 Law, Lies. MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE.-Libr(u‘y of over1000 volumes open every Tuesday evening, in the Masonic Hull, from 7 to 9 o’clock. Wm.Pugs- lev,I’rosideut. George Trench, Sec. RE Law, Librarian. A‘NVIENT ORDER OF FORESTEnswC/OII‘SC Rich- mond. No 7046, meats in Masonic Hull every alternate Friday at 7 30 pm Oscar Brown, C it, C E Sheppard, Secretary é BIRTHODISTOSHI‘ViCOS at 10 30 n m, mm 680 p ‘11 Sunday School at 2 30 p m P yer meeting every \Vednosdny and Thm‘sdmv a emng m. 7.30 Rev J.« 3.1-. Simpsml, Pastor. Rev G. N. Rutledge, As- sistuntn VILLI'Ldfi COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm P1123167; ; Coun- cillors, E G Savage, Wm A Sanderson, W Atkiu‘ sou, p1; WiJson. Clerk, M Teefy _ ST MARY'S (E. ~JJSHJ-SerV1ceS at 3 pm, nx- cept the third Sunday of every month, when the Service and sacrament me held 111, 11 um Iicv ‘V W Bates, Rotor ROMAN CA'FIiOLTtP~SOI‘\‘iCeE : ’J'hornhill at? am and Richmond Hill rut 1” 30 um ; the fullnwivd Sunday mt Richmond Hill M.» 9 um, and Thornhill at 10 30 a. 11!, Rev Father ]d{‘&n,1“ust(:r. PnEsBYTERIANâ€"Sm‘vims at 11 a m, nndGSO p m Prayer mommy: on Wednesday evening at 7 30 Rev \V ‘-‘ Percival, pastor The York - Herald. . H._ VKJ-JEFLER, Sfiillage WEST YOEK. PROBABILITIES. ‘HERALD” OFIFCE, Richmond Hill, 0111: S(’)C1E"1‘1ES ()1 I Untfnms PUBLISHED BY Post Masters, Doctors and BusinesssMen ,czm gmve 1,000 Of Great Service. “I have used lâ€"Iagygird‘s Yellow Oil l'oi cuts and scalds on hmses’ shoulders, and they got. better at once. I have also used it for sprains, burns. cuts and croup amnng my children, and can recommend it highly PS of great value.” ‘4’. Service; Minga, Never Despair. Even when all seems lost, lhére is yet bopev Many a dospairing. disheartened victim of dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney complaint. scrofulu or rheumatism, has been brought backm health and usefulness by Burdock Blood BIHM‘S, [he greatest remedy EnoWu for all blood diseases. {Prer to will effect llmr, (‘lljf’Ll ; and among all 1119 benefiis which [he (hm-ovaries 0: that celvbvaled pliysicinn and philnnllil‘opisl have Conferred ngmn mankind, this is cer- iaini’V nm the least ilngmrlnnt. Many an industrious ~tiller 0f the soil. whose services me needed in the field, is at Iliis moment languishing on a bed nf‘ sickness; the hands that should guile the plough or grasfi llie bpnde render'cd powerless by Rhe‘ummism. Many a tniler in every ln‘uncli of producxive labour is éimilm'ly Gilli Eé‘d: and we aim imagine will) whntjny these sdli‘ererb Would hail the menns of immedinle Cure. To all such we feel justified in recmnmending this balsamic remedy, the npplicalion of which, Willi the aid (If 21 {SW dnses of Hollowny’a Pills to regulate Ilie internal organs, would, we feel assured, restore them to health and uéefulnesiâ€" Daily Argus. H“ cuumrles. We Cannot rensmmhly dnuht, in view of [he \x'ell-nnesled sum» menls which have bwn laid bel'me us, sus- tnmed us they are by clrcumslances within our own knowlede 'hut the Ointment re- We huvejt m) igumzmionnllle aplhglily â€"llm 1e$llmnnj of Il'gmtfi ville”: (I , 'lmt I'lwnmzuigm, ll; .9??? dveply mowed, guy he curwl byllm 1egular and persimmn :wplioalim) of Hollowuy'o Ointment. This. we feel assured, Will lgevwelcume inlelli- gence to thousands of 91 ’erem. bed-ridden hylhe (llsmmm (Sr limping Will) 8 'eued juinPs almlg Ilie pmhwuy [0 (ha, {0015). In a climate wllew llle quiclaslli'or‘ sunxclitfves makes a leap of llllrty delrr'oes up ur (lml'n‘, lhn complaint is of CO' »_ ii pmvflk-lxt one; and in om“ new svlllumenls at the West, along the alluvial burden of our great rivers, in the hmnluck swamps of tll'e Smith. and in all low and damp Ioczilions. few persons reach the age 0f forty yc’m-s willmut u rheumatic visitmiun. It clear, therefore. that a preparalim which will afford lmmediule relief, and «(I‘m eVPn- luully a thoroughcnre ol'lhe complaint, must be of especial value to 'lee people of 1‘ na- “ Donl’t lull: to me ahmtl your political ‘isms.' 7’ sninl :\ facelious old valotmlinarian, “I Lgll you thexe’s no ism on 0::th so bad :19 lilieumuliyn ” The venerable suffeler was righl. SI. Lawrence's gridiron or Qualimnzin’s pallet of fire was not more emplmlicnlly n bed of [figment than the couch of aha martyr {p i“;eufimlishl It is generally considede ‘l'fy the faculty One of the mom nhstinum as wpll as one of the must pninl'ul of maladies. and it ceriainly does re 's[ all ordinary remedies with 9x. traordinzny perlinncily, Skill and sgiqnfib; however, in [his age of prr IESS; Emmi 10 masler All oppmilinn; nnd even Ihis pain ful disease. entrenched among Ihe mnsclos, and inlm'knlt, as it were: will] ‘Ille‘ sinews ideentlons of our frames. is compelled to yield [0 [he curnziyvs [hey hal’e provided. “ D. BOYLE, , ‘ w. H, I‘UGSLEY, WWWOLSL On mail-on or U. M. McCunig. seconded by W. Trench, the Auddoré' annt wan adopted. The Auditors” Report for lhe past year was lheu load, which was as follows :~-â€" 111011151031) HILL, May 7611, 1889. To the nffi on! of the Richmond Hill Mechanics' h 'tmxm, This: i5 to cm't‘fy that We have examined the Treasurer’s bunk; find balance due Treasurer, 1960, cm'rzsct, and “15:0 “(1‘0 due. from three Members fur tickem to the institute. Signml, The Lilnm'iun dew the anlion of the Directors to the fuck thrx’v serum] othe mazuzim‘s in the Library needed binding. The matter was referred to the Library Committee and lhe meeting “dimmed. The following Committees were then slruck:~ Debateâ€"H. M, McCuaig, G. Newbery. and I. Crosby. . Libraryâ€"~MCCHHig, Clnbine. Law. Financeâ€"Boyle. and Innes. 1. Imclureâ€"Trench, l’ugsleyténd \ViIson. Renl‘ingâ€"Sanderson, and Law. . :, On motion nf Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Newhery7 Mr. R. E‘ Law was appointed Lih 'm‘ian m lhe same salary as at plesent. Mfidflks oflast Directors” Meeting read, revised and approved, on motion of Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Newbery. Re-Unionâ€"Dr. Wilson, H. A. Nicholls, T, F. McMahon, and W. A. Sanderson. Members prespnhâ€"Messrs. A. R. Innes (President), G. Newbery, W. Trench, H. M. McCuaig, R. E. Law, W. A. Sanderson, D. Boyle, and the Secretary, T. F. Mc- Mahon. A meeting of the Directors of IheuMbe: chaflics’ Institute was held in [He Librhry Kgom, on Monday evening, the 20th May, 1 +332 l We have neglected hitherto acknow- 2 lodging receipt of address issued last I r ‘month by D. W. Clendennan., Esq, first Mayor of the Town of West Toronto Junction. It is a.plain business like document and reflects credit on _ the writer, By it we notice that tlieyihuve a guod system of water-works, costing so far, less than $100,000, capzrhielol' supplying three million gallons ot'wziter {or day and which will he completed about the 1st July. Water for fire; manufacturing, and domestic purposes will be supplied in abundance. The Sewer Question is also dealt with tow gether with other subjects. The Mayorl refers to the separation of' the town! from the county as followsgâ€"m” One old the most important; muttch of the near future will be the separating of this town from the county of York. The Statutes allow this by bylaw submitted to the people of the town. After the bylaw passes it is‘declared that all Countyryoads and bridges in the toWn shall belong to the town and that. the 1 town shall he e‘h‘titled to its share of the assets of the county. his would give us Dundas Street, with the toll gate 011', l and $12000 to $15,000 which might Be invested in buying the Westan and Davenport; Roads within the limits and other needed improvements. We might also get a Registry Office opened here, a Division Court, &c. Our share for keeping up the county jail/and court house would be fixed for five years by arl-itration and would be but a trifle. We would escape all taxes for colitith roads, bridges, high school, county council, &c., and also escape having $4,500 a year collected in the town for tolls and spent‘up north.” Aâ€"wnâ€"nAA.â€"_. The First Mayer’s Address. The Worst of all the Isms. Mechanics’ Institute . The magi wHo first, instituted pew fenting ought to have a leather medal. There is more conflusion and pain results from this immoral custom than will be blotted out in ibis generaliou. Hangmg is too good for the Alien who first ca‘mblis‘fl‘ed tliis system} Miéf oh Earth. I , As morning sun, with stypng and vivid ray, Driveafmm ,lbi: Mirth the sullen mists away, SpiBJ}. B. in strength and power grand. Doih .rout. disease and stay death's heavy hand. The annual session of, the Mount Vernon Ladies' Assoc-him)”. I,qu closed its annual services and its reports show a smisfuclnry prosperin and ever ixncxeasing general in- terefit in the sacred home of Washington. Wnfihington; May 17, 1889. The plincess English (mixer, ‘35; was natural in u. cud whn had married a suVuge princvss for her money, m:de :1 great hnwl about, the printms marrying belww her st:- tiun. Whth it was rcp'esenmd lo 11in, l10\vevei',-l}ml Consul Duty was ‘11 great grandson on his mothers side, (if Lord Mel- bourne‘ who was an under Secretary of Stale during the enriy portion of" Queen Victorfu’s reign, and is also re‘med 1,0 the Wallacns and McPherson‘s and so on and so on my Lord D‘Arcy W45 necessarily dia- armed. ‘ ‘ Now society in the South Sea islands is humping itself to celebrate. the considerably man nqptiuls in the mpfit approved fashion. In all [Hid there is sotnsihjng that. amuses me. A ynix'ng American. who was a year ago an humble page in the Senate rakegs Ih (High his ancestry with a fi_ue,comb to find a pedigree that 'fits him to wed a South Sea island prinbeés; whose mother wore a ring throdgh'herjnosg and Whose arm‘dt'mher was an epicure in [he matter of" boiled missionary “hen Consul DMy arrived at 'l‘u‘uilti, lhie maiden 'as filmy free. Uf cowse, Hie yuunsz no’dlemeu of the islands were sighing for her favors were [on numerous {or comfort. A good many nf them wele g‘fpal‘ and howling swells and how she could refuse them all uclually shocked the court. But Doly came Md conquered, As quick as he lundvd on the magic island, his loud spring suit made in; impression on her susceplible young ‘l'nhiliun hem! {Nd but a few short months and (hey were et- gaged. age 0!‘ 22 years. packed up his lawn tennis ‘suit and his flannel liiuzers and hied himself awayflto [he myul cnnil. of Tuhuili, a Cnurl gflv‘rlmse very exisleme A man might be niirely ignorant and siill do business; but a court that Dory writes Enok to his friends is not to be sneezvd at. Many moons ago un lijnglishman, n Izhl'd D’Arcy. wilh a fine 933‘s for live imiin chance married a nnlive p:inc.bss oflhe Suulli Sea Island Til-day [he resull of llre marrin IS a beautiful dusky 'l‘uliiiinn I‘VlYHCOH3 _?0_ in lier own rum the largest proper” owner on the island. She pussv es vucna plantaticn gulurc and peail ii, . ies wurlh unlold mil- lions. Public Printer Palmer is notmllowed to get lonOSnme, or forget that lots of people are warmly interested in his welfare and are willing, nay anxious, to render him all reasonable nssistnnce in conducting the :ili’airs of his office. Congressmen have been frequent callers this week. The Grand Army delegation has called to urge the retention and the favoring of ext-soldiers in promotions And the oflite seekers hnve called by the hundreds to urge their own cases. It is expected tlmt employes discharged during the Democratic adminis- tration will be reinstated and that short work will be mhde of Democrats. Mr. Palmer when in the Chicago Post-Office made a re(ord for pnrtizunship which the office seekers fondly hope he will fully sus- tain in his present. place. About a year ago an err-page of the Senate, Jacob 11.1)oty, wns appointed a United Slutes Consul in Tulmili. Dow, who had reached the serious and diplomatic In the course of a few hours the Presi- dent sees a queer collection of people. The other dayl saw waiting for an audience about a More of people. There were Send- tor Chandler, nervous, quisicml in eXpres- sion, doned in sombre black. Near him were seated an old gentleman and abevy of hnlfa dczen pretty girls. Next to them came Prof. Langston, the colored educa- tor and politician, oily but: yind‘ictive. scheming, pushing, restless. Across. from him was seated Col. Thomas Ochiltree, the red-headed ranger of the Rio Grande, dressed in the misiest of light plaid ‘suits‘ and tnlking to a friend in his fumilialrfihl- lrusive, self-sufficient. manner. In a group at the farther and of the room View, couple of old-fashioned colored country preachers. respectfiil and respectable. ac- eonfpfinied by a broken d )wn old colored man and woman. The faces of the four were anxious and troubled and the old wo- man looked vnleading‘ly frorn one to another ("or hope. They say not. .a’ Word but. await. their turn to enter the President's presence, The four have come to ask Ihut tlw Sentence of this old woman's son, who is to be hanged this week he commuted and, God help her; there is no lmpel In most cases the furmets’ notes passed into the hnnds of third parties in their own neighborhoods, and the efforts of the hold- ers to collect them ,has led to litigation. As a rule the courts held that the makers must pay, but in one suit just decided by the county circuit court the plaintiff was defeated on the ground that the note was obtained by fraudulent deviCee, of which the plaintiff had cause to be aware when he discounted it. It is understood that the plaitttifi'in this case holds over $6,000 in notes of this description by Orleans county farmers, which he must lose if the Michi- gan company is responsible. The game originated in the west, where it was ex- tensively worked a few years ago, especial- ly in Iowa. The ‘fBoheminn oats" game has been \vurked extensively thrmighout New York, About two years 3:30 agents (the Michigan company travelled among3 .,the farmers. ostensibly hov'lllll'tfllllce it new variety of Innis, said to he much superiv r in quality (and productiveness to any of t 18 old kinds. ll was claimed thatJhe MichiJun cniwern controlled the whole of the small available ,stuci: of seed of this extrnmditmry product, ‘ which it was selling to fin-mete at the rate of $15 a bushel, with an accompanying l guarantee that would secure the buyer( t against any possibility of loss. Say. the l'urmer tuuk ten bushels. costing $l50. :he could give his note for the amount, pnyulle on the let of September next following, i latter he had gathered a crop. In melting [the sale, and as a guarantee of good faith, l l the company’s agent would give the farmer l is hand to pay him for his crop at the rate iof a. bushel for his first ten bushels and $5 for every iidditional bushel. The com- pany was refiresented to have $100,000 cash capital and to b financially sound. Hun- dreds of farmers in t‘je central and western parts of the state invested injhel cuts. The agents of the company haste ed .19, have discounted the farmer’s notes, and that generally ended it. so far‘ as the company was concerned. The farmers admit that the company did pay as agreed in a few in-I stances for the first. crop raised. but allege that such an action was intended to inspiie confidence and extend sales. 1 l ( Cur Washlngton Letter. Frbm our own Correspondent. Bohemlan daté Go. At 2 p m , t!) hear and determine on npp< (HS against the Assessment Roll for the, current year, of which all persrms interested um rcqm ted to take uutice,»|1m1 govern mmusuives nncmdl)‘ vly. Clerk's Qflice, Rich}er m1 Hi1], PUBLIC NOTICE is: horohv nivnn, to m‘, Mmm it.m;nycnn<mru, that 11:0 limit si‘lfimwnf Um unrt of Eirndnn, fan flir‘ “Hagen,” humnmxd Hi1], wi‘xl he hold in the Cummil Ulmln‘mr. on Mmulny, May the 27m, Wig}, Will visit Richmond Hill \Vednesdny and Satur- day afternoon of Bach week. buy 01" night calls promptly attended to. A full supply of medi- cines constantly on hand. Monday, mm of J “no, 1889, Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our Otfice is OprposifzrefiUr; S. l’VaitEnt 0f- flee. We hswe no sub-agencies, all business ct. hence can transact patent business in less ire gime and at less cost than those remote from \Vgsmpgtoq. _ Send model, drawing, or photo.. with descrip- tion. We advise if atentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not ( ue till patent is secured. ' A book, “ How to Obtain Patents.” with refer- '7 A‘Bdok: Iifibvwit-o' Obtam Pfiéiitflsi’wnh‘fifeh ences to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, THE, UUUBI UP REVISWN Vlllage of Woodbridge Q. A.»SNVOW & CO. Gold Medalist of the Ontario Veterinary College, ’l‘uronto. WILL CURE 0R RELIEVE BIL/OUSIIEEZS, DIZZ/NESS, prism/Jam, mops Y, I.‘.’QIGESTI.0N, FLUTTERING JA arm/05. OF THE HEART, ENS/FEMS; ACID/TY 0F {MAT 12.95057, TI-IE STOMACH, mamas»; DRY/v5.98; _: HEADACHE, 05 TH): 8KI.‘V, A_nd every species o?dlsease,Aa;riising from fiAsordered LIVERl KiDNEfl/S, STOMAVH, . BOWELS on. BLQQD. V , fl.“ V.“....J I ...... out when and bow Holloway’s Pills are to be taken, that their‘purif‘ying and regulating powers may malst by adjusting and strengthening the consliturion. F. J. GALLA NOEL} Ho’thdwn-‘s Oixi‘ttnxi‘ AND PILLS.â€" Abscesses, Erysipelas, Piles.~â€"Unvarying success attends all who treat these diseases according to the simple printed directions “rapped ronnd each pot and box. They are invaluable to the young: and timid, whose bushfulness sometimes endangers life. Though apparentiylocal, diseases of this nature are essentially blood diseases, but a little attention, moderate perseverance. and trifling expense will enable the most diffi- dent to conduct any‘caee to a happy issue without exposing secret inti.mities to any one. The Ointment checks the local in flammation and alleviates the throbbing pains. These directions also clearly point .3 I - - -- - .tn .uL-.. ‘7 v' ' Smoking Tobacco T: mhfiflffifll £50.} WEEKLY Empire and IIERAiD' from. now til] MYRTLE IN BRONZE ON LEA CH PLUG and PACKAGE " MUNICIPALITY OF menu-1m; HELL. The third nnge of“ the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “ Want" advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. If you want usituation, a mechanic. :1 business, machinery, lodgings, if you have lost. or found anything, or it" you want to find out wnere anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and read the advertisements on the ‘third page of that paper. The chdt‘gé is two cents a word each insertion. Adress THE MAIL. Toronto, Canada. Policeiflwn Sufier , From rheumatism, dyspepsm, hilinnsnms, kidney complaint and many other iils, in exactly {ha same manner as ordinary m?"- thls, and Burdock Blond Ritlers cures them quickly and permanently just as it ulwuvs doesin every case, from whalcver cause wiaiug. May 16â€"2i Veterinary Surgeon. , Ifyou want to buy or 821’ a Farm, n}- vertise in the Toronto V HZKIX Mun That. paper reaches 10./ 000 {Ev-mum's” bomb, even-y week. and your advmlinmmut ahoulu meet the eye of sumemw er. wants In purchase. .Adverlisemems uf' thi class are inserted in {fie 'I'nrunld WMKLY MAIL for Five Cents a wme cach insertion. nr Twenlv Cents a word for five insexliuns Address THE MAIL, Tm'nnlo. Canada- Opposite l‘atent Office, Washington, C- Dear Sirs : -1 can rncnmmend anm‘fl's Yellow Oil as a sure cure far My nvwnism, from which dismsa Isnffered fur summimr’. but \"Ni cured whh two home's. II is I'nw brat thing I can g9! fur mun or horse. J. Mustard, Straihnvnn. 0M. FINER THAN EVER. Will be held in the Mechanics’ Institute Hall, on MEy 161hIIégg‘ This Year’fi NQTCE. CUT and; PLUG THORNHILL, ONT , At 8 o'clock, p m Goad for All. See JOHN McCLI‘REt P rletors, mp ,TGRQNTQ. M. TH E FY‘ OLE 1:11 I N H U1 0 1' k wrs. m; B. J. KENDALL 00., Enosbliz'gb Fills,’Vt., SOL-D BY ALL DRUGGISISE . r ) ~ ‘ Price $1 er home or six bottles for , . All Drugd glam haw; t or can list it for you. or “finite sent?» to any address on receipt of Erica by the proprio- wrs. D1; B. J. KENDALL Col posburgb Falls, Vt.“ ~_._‘ __- ,d, DR. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sun's : I desire to give you testimonial of my good 0')IlJi0)l of 1 our Kendall'tsslmvln Cure. 1hva used ii; for tumult-.025. Slifl' Juints 2! ug! Slmvi ns, and I ‘nuvu mum! n a sure udru,[001‘ub any recommend 1h LU ml kux semen. Yuum “1.1" _A.‘ H. SHIP," yuan-m. Winnâ€"u. t SAW, WINTON COUNTY, 01.110. Dec. 19. 1888. DR. B. J. KENDALL Co. Gems: I feel it. my duty to say what [have done with your Kendall’s Span'in Cum. Ihqve curezlv ‘wcuty-flve horses that had Spuvln ten of king 13mm, nine afflicted with Big and and sewn of Big J2! w Since I have ha ought your hooks and [0110th the directions,1 have new: losta ease of any klnd. ‘ ‘ = - Yours truly. Amuw ern. Horse Docum- DR; B; J. KENDALL 06...”...vvg, ......., «uvv-w. Auuu. ' Dear Sirs: I have always purchased our Ken- .rlall’s Syavln Cure by the half dozen ottles. I would Ilka prices in larger quantity. I think it Is one of the beat. Imimenta an earth. I have um»; it: on my stables for three years. Yo urn truly, CHAS. A. SNYDML, KEEBQLL’S SPANK“ KEfi'EfilL’S SPAN! BEBE: KEfiflfill’g gpkazfi WEE. The Most Successqu Remedy ever discov- ered, as it is curtain in its cffgects and does not blister. Read proof pelcw. e3 ls a unique tome and appetizer.‘ Pleasant no the taste, quick in Its action, and without ting mjux'lous effect, it gives that rugged healt which makes everything taste good‘ It cures dyspepsia and kindred disorders. I‘hvsiclana prescribe it. $1.00. SIX for $5.00. Dx‘uggists. 1.40 7/7 TED F000 #2: KENDALL’S 3%VEH GEM. Mmmfiwiured oniy nt Professé or HoHowav’s Establmh‘ment, 533; OXFQRD S’I‘R’EE'I‘ 1302:1501»; and sold at is. 151‘Y 25, 9d. 451. 6d_, 113., 22, and 33; enchliox and Pat, and in (Human at 36 cen‘fi' Wneutsl and $1.50 cents, um] the huge sizes i DronorLion. The 'I‘md ‘ Marks of my mid Medicines nro giatol'bd 1n ()Muwa, und n at ‘Nushingtcu DIAMOI‘ID DYES will be {01111.1immhmble every Hmmehold the cumof Open Soy-0s, Hum Tmnnnra, (3011mm, Sore Ti: mat; annchifis, and n11 disord 01’s of the Throat and CL >st,nsn,1fl0 Gr ' 1.11m nmtism. Scrufulu. and other kind of Skill. 4.1130359 {1-3.3 CAUh’néâ€"l have no Agent in t1 .- United Slates, nor are my Mydicinfis so.) there. Purchasers shuuld 1H9ref0ré In? to the label on the Pats and thes. If I. e address is not 533, Oxf'md Street, Londc‘; {hey are spuriuus. “In the spring of 1887 I was all run down. I would get up in the morning with so tired a. feeling, and was so weak that I could hardly get around‘ I boughta bottle or Falne’s Celery Com- pound, and before I had taken It a. Week I felt very much bther. I can cheefully recommend lt to all who need a bulldlng up and strengthen- lng medlcme." Mrs. B. A. Dow, Burlington. Vt. TITcTeuso L110 soni‘cmn‘y pnwm-s of the Liver,brnce the nervous system: nfid throw. intu_ the cirenlno‘ tion the laureth Elements Lot su‘c‘buiuiug and repairing the frame. Thousands of” persons: Imvé (nélifie'; H n by their use alone may haue been restored t9 health and sr'rongth, after 'every other means had v-oved unsuccessful. The Ointment BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDS. CULDS, BEES mm purify, regulate and impron the quality 31’ w 8 God. They assist the digestive organs, c'lonur'i the u I have used Paine’s Celery Compound and lo -: V. -_ . has had asalutary effect. Itmvlgomtg ed the system and I reel like a new man. It lmproves the appetlte and. facilitates diges- tion." J. T. COPE. LAND, Prlmus. S. c. '8ng medicine means more nowâ€"n-days than n; ma ten years ago. The Wintcrot 1888-89 haslem the nerves all fagggd out. The nexves must be strengthened, the blood purified. liver and bowels regulated. Palm’s Celery Compoundâ€" the Spring medicine ofto~day-â€"d0es i111 thls. as nothing else can. Prescribed by Phym'cm' Recum’memied by Druggz'sts, Endorsed by Mintqu Guaranteed by the Manufacturers to ba rcbf, thdmn _. u...) uvvul - ed for itsellf' an imperishnble Fame throughout the “70th for the alleviation and cure of most. diseases to which humanity is heir“. ‘ Painefis Celery Gompound Effiéfiakes , I] 7; You Hungry WELLS. RICHARDSON 8: 00., - MONTREAL. fE’he est Spring Mdicine. hunt}: or: Crunucs A Sx'rzzn, ‘ - BREEDEB on" Cmvgmxm BAY As!) Txommu Bum Bums; ' limwoon. LI... Nomad. 1:368. 7)» Jr v-....-- n" This STOM ACII AND W "â€"7 w orth their " fiVeigffi in 1ncompnrable Medicine has secur- The Pills ygqogpm, 1:. Y., November 3.71883. ,. 'A: H. Gnaw'rv» Manager Troy Luauqu gamma. Color anything any colon Never Fail! Ahmysmrel Nourisim babies peyy‘rcqlzl, The lesiciuus' jauorue,‘ THO 31:1. S HOLLO W A 6 "9518755: Gcld

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