. $85 Sï¬ï¬ï¬‚d {told Viabh. 11 ~ Sold rorï¬uou. umil lumy. Best 885 watch In the worm. Pulfect timvkeept‘r. Warâ€" y muted. Hrzwy Solid Gold 5 Hunting: (Eases‘ Both ludics‘ ml gmts' an s, with work: and muses (,1 equal value. {me Person in each X0- calliy can {iccurc om‘ free, {ozclhcx‘ with our large and val« nnblc line of flux-selmld Sample-s. These snmpks, us , ' well as the watch. “'1‘ send ’6 From my! nflvr ynu have kept them in your name {or 2 mnnlhs um! all-Win lhcxu to those who may haw called. Hwy Income your own property. Thom who write at mm.- mm he mm of ~ the “i=5? in m was E.A.W. $841 52an 1 ‘ Soldforï¬lo‘ Best 88.! Walt: Perfect time! W 'W Baynes.Esqu I A,Secretary Reserve Fund. . e... . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada. . . 1,200,000 Death claims paid. . . . 10,000,000 > TOP )M‘o REFERENCES. John McIlmleldJCS-fl. (J. J. Campbell, IEu ., Hon. SODILtOJ‘DdCDIflHLCI‘ A. . Smith, Esq. Jumés Motculfo, Esq. Rev. Enoch \Vood, D. Loans made on security of Company’s Policy at 5 per cent intercht. Lonnsmudo toChumh Tr ~ ccs, Mn low rate 01' interest. SL125: iv proslwctus. a. Assuyme Of London, England, Sir Wm.McArthur, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. â€"0AI§ REEPGESo nd Nnuufl Wuwy nu «xpn- , {n zuuc. U anion a: ., Box 512; l’orfland, Hum insurance, $l'5; - Seasn, mo. Mares taken to pasture and carefully attended to, on reasonable terms. 11. QUI'T’II‘N {-1 v, Charm, Oct 26, 1888â€"1 your (m; Ridges This Houseis one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed nl First Class Style. Sampln Room for Cmnnmr- cial Travellers. Good Stubling and ubtuntivo hostlem. Terms, $1 ’ver day. l‘rocior's Bus leaves this Hotel to connect will) [L11 the N R R Trains going North and South. uh 8 a 111., 12 a. m" 5.10 p m. and 6.00 n m. AND ALL SUMMER COMPLAINTS IAND FLUXES OF THE BO‘WELS IT IS SAFEi REHABLE FOR CHILDREN OR ADULTS; A G F LAWRENCE Nov 27th, 1884 THE PALMER E-A'EC’USzZ: RICHMOND HELL, J Palmer, Pr: “mun .uuuu ' On Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Current Rates Toronto Ofï¬ces-N‘†‘4 1ҠChumbors Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€" J SFullerLon: W 0001:, J R Mil PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN.‘H Toronto. May 29th, 1884. 1v Barristers, Solicitors, (X's. Oflices Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Ofï¬ce Every Saturday. 1 a 'l‘uiv Fullerton, €001; & Wallace Vitulized air always on hand at a'opointmunt. It does away wit oxtmcting Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro lession, as follows Richmond Hill .......... 9th 6: 24th of each mom; (at Palmer House) Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do touffvillo‘. . . .. ....18th do Markham . .. .ZOth do Victoria Sq are . . . . . . A . . . . . 213%, (10 Tlxornhill (Walker‘s Hotel) 23rd do VVoodbl‘idgo . . . l . . . . . . . . . . .281‘11 do Kleinbul‘g . ..,29th do Nobleton ‘30th do Barristersï¬olicitors, Vitalized Air for extracting. 1 will >1‘ill teeth without pain at the lowest prices. Best teeth on rubber 538, cheapest $6. VITALIZED AIR : R. B. Orr,I\I. B. and First Silver Medalist, University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. A L,Engluu<l' (Late 0f10§c€cx:, szgkxd ‘}11‘g§g}1,Etc. la’hfllc'e Hours 8 to 9.30 mm, and 1 to 11.30 p.111 RICHMONYJ En: , Orr, 011109 hour 10 a 111, All night culls at. from; door boll Richmond Hill, May 80th, 1887. ML JAMES EAMEWAE’ES ISS F. MoL. COULTER, TEACHER OF V Piano and Organ. ; A ‘ my .9 v. Mgrhug L: x a: (an?) r ‘3; A NE; ï¬nggmm Jw ‘ nr-=r\ MFAWEW..~1 Sta-ndsaf'or Mares at his own Stables, C, H. RIGGS, L. D. S., L Corner King & Yonge Sta, TORONTO. on Soc. 65 Trcusjor (Yunnan. 32.Wo]1iugton 351,, East, Toronbo CONVEYANCERH, ETC" Dr A ROBINSON. :SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA DR. GRR, MAPLE, A DEPEBRY, gum Eigizg'ui, flmmk ‘No.14]§ui1ding K: Loan Chumborsï¬h Toronto st. I)“: 15!; 883 Richmond 11111 2nd do [8th do 50th (10 2131’. (10 :3rd do 28th (10 39th do {Oth do lat the places of with the puhu in 'I' C MILLIC‘mé: Rear of the Central B unk J R Miller. 1y-p6m‘ The ’iiversxde band was in attendance and undermined the guests with clmicc music {or several hows. Mr. and Mrs Fullfvzm will upcnd their honeymoon mum: mu Thousand lsluuds.â€" Empire. Alter the wedding the Whole party took carriages for Mr. John Cosgrove’s beautiful llll‘ill collage at Kew Gardens, where a sumptuous repast was prepared for them. They were received by Mrs. (Jusgrove, who t'lllil'lllL‘Ll lierfrflgncsls by her kindly and generous hospitality. Her genial husband gave hishullenliun m Ihe mule punlion 01' lhe company {ill eleven o’eloeli, when the happy couple departed. A most pleasant evening was spam. The nuptials of Mr. Thomas Sullivan and Miss O’lieilly were celebrated at SL. chhuel’s Cathedral last night by Vicar- Gcnoml Laurent. The bride was dreseed in cream silk, with diamond ornaments, and the bridesmaid, Miss Annie O’l’willy, np- pem'cd at the commonly in a most graceful and becoming habit. Senator U'Donohoe, unvlc of the bride, gave her away, and others present at the marriage were: Mr, and Mrs John Rennie, P. Walsh, Ottawa; It. Talby, Whitby; Miss Sullivan, Miss Shea, l’ctorboro’; Mr. and Mrs. Leaï¬er, Mr. and Mrs. Mend, Mrs. J. l). llunlley, Mnund Mrs. McIlnary, and Master Leo Cusgl'ovu, the son and heir of Mr. John Cosm'uvc. and Protestants. Amount of coilccliou. besides the usuni Collectinu for church pur» poses, for the Protestant ()rphuns’ Home was $14.52. SPECIAL Sermonâ€"The Rev. W. W. Percival having been requested to preach a sermon for the Orangean of 11.0.1; No. 91, of Thornhill, and their visiting brethren, he kindly consented to do so, and on Sunday afternoon last the church at Thornhill was crowded to the doors by a large congregation largely composed of Orangean from different parts of the county among the number being some high up in the Order. It was very gratifying to the lodge members to notice the presence of the Grand Master. tev. Mr. Percival took his text from lst Timothy. 4th char- ter. and the ï¬rst three verses. He preached an earnest sermon exhortin;r the congre- gation, and especially the members of the Orange Order as to their duties as citizens Ecuom. Romainâ€"The School Board met in the school room on Monday last at which ten members were present. An account from Mr, McCuuig for $4.50 for dictionary was ordered to he paid. As there was not enough money in tho trcnsury to pay the tenchcrs thcir han year’s sol-(try it was re- snlvcd to borrow $500.00 for that purpose. The estimates were then made for the prcs~ out your, ns follows:â€"l<‘or Public School purposes, $1,250; for High School pur- poses, F5250. Mr. McUuuig‘r addressed the Board on the equipment of the High School and other matters, after which a committee was appointed to purchase a chemical ap- paratus and other things necessary for the school. Board adjoumed. Tonox'ro INDUSTRIAL Funâ€"The Di- rectors of this Fair, which is to be held this year from the 9th to the 21st Septem- ber, are already actively at. work making preparations for the same, and appear de- termined to make it excel in magnitude and attractiveneSs any of its predecessors. We have received a copy of the Prize List. which is very neatly gotten up, and any of our readers who may desire a copy can secure one by dropping a post card to Mr. H. J. Hill, the Manager, at Toronto. A large amount. has again been appropriated by the Directors for new special attractions, and the erection of additional buildings, etc- Dommmn Dunâ€"The “glorious†First wns celebrated in Thornhill by a Presby- terian picnic at the Hawthorn Mineral Springs. It is almost needless to say that it passed off well. The heat of the day proved to be a good salesman for the icoâ€" cream. The speech-making for the strengthening of the mind was offset by the daintiea for the refreshment of the body. Everybody who attended was pleased. The Richmond Hill Band added much to the enjoyment of the day. STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL. â€"The young people in connection with the Church of England purpose lxoldinga grand strawâ€" berry and ice-cream festival on Dufl'erin Grove, the residence of Jno. Brown, Eeqc, Richmond Hill7 on Tuesday evening, July 9th, lb’b‘f)‘ The “and will enliven the oc- casion with choice music. ’l‘cn served from 5 o'clock until 9. Tickets}, 25c; children, 150. Proceeds in aid of Chm-cl: Fund. SABBATH SCHOOL PmNm.â€"The annual picnic of the Union Sabbath School of SS No. 16, West. York, was held in the grove, of Mr. Samuel Peterman, on Tuesday, July 2nd. The ten served by the ladies was ex- cellent in every respect; games of all kinds were indulged in, and the Downsview band provided excellent music in abundance. The allendanee was good and all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. Receipts, $50.00. NOMINATED.-â€"A good man nnda good farmer of forly years standing, in the per- aon of Mr. John Gibson. of Markham, brollier to Mr. Fullerton Gibson, of Rich- mond Hill, has liven nominated in the in- terests of good government to contest the election for the Local House for the con- stituency of the East Riding of York. JAMES L. Hughes, ofToronto, has be?†nominated to contest West Middlesex against, Hon. G. W. Ross, Minister of Edu- cation. WE BEG to acknowledge having received from the Queen’s Printer for Ontario a copy of the Statutes of Ontario for 1889. DURmG the storm of Thursday last a post on Arnold street was struck with lightning. We are satisï¬ed it was no worse. READ Kirbky’s change of adv., he has got something to eat for everybody. COMMUNICATION. -~ George Tomlinson’s second letter is reserved for next week for want of space. . To THE DEAF.-â€"-A person cured of Deafness and noises in the head of 23 year’s standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FREE to any Person who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. John St, Montreal. VAUGHAN COUNCIL meets next Tuesday, the 9th of July, ' 'I‘hodnioprintcd on each pnpcr donotoa the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. Changeâ€"F Kirkby Convictionsâ€"“1‘ 11 Bull Local and Genéfél: THURSDAY, JULY 4, ’89. SULLIVAN-O’REILLY. mm ‘w‘ï¬mé’: 33mm. Richmond Hill. Ont. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. maw ADVERTISEMENTS} W £1019 No. 1617 : Volume 31. m BRONZE ON EACH PLUG and PACKAGE gmmg Tï¬ï¬aeco UULLQWAY’S PILLS. H Though good health is preferable to high honour, how regurdless people often are of the formerâ€"â€" how covctnns of the lat er! tinny suffer their strength to drain away ere maturity is reached, through ignorance of the facility afforded hy these inemnparable Pills of (llICCling the ï¬rst Iitlttn'ttt'tl symptoms of derangement, and reimztating order witlmut interfering in the least with their pleasure or pursuits. To the yenné‘r especially it is important to tnuintuin the highest digestive ellieienuy, willmut which the growth is Stunted, the mum-lee become lax, the frume feeble, and the mind slethl'nl. The remove. of indigestion by these Pills is so easy that none save the must thoughtless would per- init it to sup the spring of life. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MM]. is noth for “ Want†advertisement. If you want to buy or sell anything. “you want-.1 situation, a mechanic, 9. business, machinery, Iodgingfl, it' you have lost or found anything, or if you want to find out wuero any :18 is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and rend the advertisements on the third page of that, paper. The charge is two cents It word ouch insertion. Adress Tim MAiL. Toronto, Canada. Freely Used. R. WM. MANN, of Ottawa, Ont.’ writes : l have used Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry in my family with the very best results. I recommend it to my friends and think it the best medicine in use for all summer complaints, diarrhoea, dysentery, etc. OTTAWA, Juno 24bh,1889. Sunâ€"Ii, was with n feeling (7f conimiscrutimi tlmiiltmvki‘ie lust lonk (ii Fuiherl‘lqnn as ho lmltlollhu L lust W4:an from tho pulrlic gaze. I hilve m'm‘ “men boon impressed with thin mel- lLllUllol meal in of intellectual weulmuss. ’l‘lu- Jiu‘l-z (,‘zulu equity with which he (lulive 'ed judgiantour-trips the originul and ilelies critiâ€" Uin‘lll, for unc moioua fully in its own peculiar \mll; can iur surpass the wildest extru‘vugzmce 0f wit<1mrfuct nonscnwV mm he perpetrated only by (L imiurul numslmll and is beyond the ranch dart. llis nlis‘iructivo inctics throughout this prutrucizod discussion were nut [L Harv e imitation of the National Iiiuui limuiuo, but the egotism, hyyuerisy, mu] Vill'hi \'(’l'lr(mif_\',lll‘0 truly his: own, Pillstilllllll. hi", nui‘immlity in the cmlmusi ‘1011 of mi li'j<i1 Sl w; strongly fm'nred with women. How «luvs hu dun-Jul Mm clnLrge (if Ronniin (Inthulic idolut imply with one of his bust mlgivliu hinilus, mnl i, h miimmcmwy11ml (‘lllldlliill {:nndncsc, which Hwnlu: to us inspiiu of rhuteric, intimates the wiclimlno‘ss ()flllllixlll;!811(f]l u oluu‘gelvut I 110le iii-i lii‘x‘i'ri‘nue will rui'ullucl Limb Protestants :Lro ‘Hiii‘ tlu‘mily wivliul (mm; H lmwiil liii‘1\1â€lc}( nine )um's t!) tlwsu limnun lll]]l(JHLUl'S who carried (in IL sucrilegious iruillc in Spurious rel , mu} who. I understand feund iheir most lucwutive ï¬eld in Amurieu, whither liu-vo been shipped entire ostoologicnl specimens ofnlmb iamï¬ortysd to 1:0 the remains of curly Christian Inartgrï¬, freshly dug out of the Ciztucomlis of Rome Some of the silly peorlo who have been perform- ing their devotions before What they illlliffillfld to be “holy relics" have, been worshipping the bones of Roman piuumra and criminals taken from coinnmn graves. But that is not :ill the wickedâ€" ness of lion]an (‘uthnliesr Gerard) nSpaniier, ‘ who murdered “’m. the Silent, at Delft, in H01~ land, had the promise of being iniu‘io u Count, ‘t-opzetlwr with a large astute, and to hch the ‘ Order aflst. Jugn conferred upon him, if he would only take the life of this great foo to the Church of Home. He accordingly obtninod u. situation in the household of the Dutch monarch and awaited his opportunity. He conconlcd himself on the stair-case of the palace, and when \Villimn pnsflnd he rushed out nnd stabbed him mortally. He of course Ilml for his life butwus tulien before liolmd quite floured tho town, the people exâ€" pended their despair “you his miserable carcass. H0 (lulled “mm and told thorn thut for this niur- (101‘ llowould soon 1J0 1L stunt in heaven, and would lurvo iln‘ ï¬rst plum) on the right hand of Gmi. We law 1150 how the Grout, Henry was stabbed in Punt: :si‘reotsmussnssiimtml by the {has '1; Anal ivgguin. “limit; this; time (mine to light i Mal»: Gunpowder l’lut, whereby 4 ’ 2;;i«1;(li)il':3 (:UGlKIi in ICU/(land, I 4 one inlornul moment, blown up; mm the llmil’s gcbycl, and mccurseil incredi- ln‘li‘iiu: illnlniries, and puisonons coni' mm of the, lion nil llnllflnn, su‘usiiiutw‘x in their room. The all Hull in'itlli (if tlie living (lml in lu'eoinu u. i'ul'ninlzi, u Hlnuv ‘ inmm: (if ilm {Uri-1‘41: ullinwrzi, iLll wl l ,x ., to prom: Unit the ilUVUli and lmw : ii‘ i upun Lhe wicked (luetrino (hut “ the Cihi .iusii (3.8 the nmunï¬." Yours res w ‘ii'ully, FINER THAN EVER. EMBROIDERY cotton and silks for sale the HERALD slow. ’l‘hr: «mtm'tnmmcnt011M011de cvvning in the pnrk was {L190 21. grvnt sum was. The \Vuthhur was way favornblc. Thu px‘ugrzu’u announced was carried out to the gum sutinuction of those present. ’J‘hv mhlvs were richly laden, the ground lighted with bountiful luntcms, diffvrcut natisz wvro I'OPJ'ca med in tents, club-swinging fnl‘lnml put 01' the 1m mm, mum the bund en- livened the m'ucvmlings with excullunt music. The owning: seemed to be thnrnughly enjoyed, and, i110 (Hurts of the young people thoroughly appreciated by (L11 pro out. The proceeds $200 will be applied to the church fund. ’10 the Erlilor 0/2710 Herald. , m V “W “uuhbw, uuu sorrow that follows,glooms and paralyze-s the hvartl Tho singing by the choir added much to the inspiration and (-njoynmm. The choir was IL high stand Hmong: Hm clmirsof tho Methodist. Chum: 1, mm“: thv Ringirg of Just Snbbnth reflects grout credit on the louder and on ouch member of L114) chair. “flu “in rCAh L First, †Mn, 6 c nuuctor?†Will he watch to resist tom 1131191011 and can he stand the rough storms of ilc. .‘i 1011;},“ltoos he lovo his home,†and here were related some of the preachers experiences in knowing the homes of cities where husbands spend their evenings away from home in clubs and other plzLCOS. Ho showed that the young women were found in icligious services, while the woung man were found in the club- nmm, 1,110 0011 and the theatre. These habits nronotulwuys ubmnlonod when men get mur- ricnl. .lsmLc loved his homo. V 'l‘liirL , " ls lie n Christian? the preacher pic- tured “homes whom the husband was not a. Christian xmd tho wifn was. The sirnggln, the sorrow that follows,glooms and numlyzcs the hvm‘t Hwy- ms vuuLvu. The evening sermon treated on “ The choice of mi husband.†Gen. chap. 2-1, verso 58: "Wilt thou go with this man." A great number of people came from the surrounding country. Many of the people having known the Rev. Mr. Johnson in his early ministry, and the congre- gation was thus 11- verv inspiring one for the preacher The former part of the sermon was n. description of the early life of Rebekah and Isaac, and the events that cluster around the text. 110 said there were three questions that ought to be uskmi by every wonmn when up- pi'ogichud by solicitziï¬onsiikp the text. , , ._y N mu.“ m “chum†M v :4, “ The bride the Lamb‘s Wife." In a style pecu- lim‘ly his own he delivered an excellent dis- course on the relation of Christ to His Church as snggoslodbytho t-(A'l'. He beautifully showed that as tho bride is the choice of the husband so Christ passed by the ranks of angels: and chose men and was one with us that he Luith win us to himself. T1101], having won us he stands as the datum] - l ‘nspirlmioln of His Church. m1. The Rev. C. O. Johnston prmmched morning and evening and the congregut uns \vcrev unusually large even for 11.11 “universal y. ‘l‘he subject of the morning service was, “A bride chosen.†1!; W113 busud on the words found in Rev. chap 21 v 9, H 'lmn Inn‘Jn «LA T. "1 u I .. Tho services oflrzsb.S11ndnyin the Methodist Church wuru looked forward to bynmny as a bill}? (13911003le inturcst. Thu baseball match bet‘x'xccn the Young. 0211m- rlJuns‘, of thin 111mm, and mo Thornhill (31111), which was p1 {Lyell hero on Dominion 1711‘) resultml in :1 vjvmry for the visitors, ()ur boys: have only hud u Week's practice and thorcfuro could not be oxpoctrll {u comprtewith a. term) which has been drilling: siucr‘ 0 I y :vvpring. The Tum-“hill man are «good tic-Nora and made some cxccllmb plays with ll); 1:u11s.whmelm the home teum mmla poor pitching, throwing, and. catching, but fortunately \\ we (mod lmttcl',;. Time was 03110.1 at 1140, having; 1)] (byud only ï¬ve innings, with the iollowv im; score :- Young Peopge’s Anniversary. Thomhill Young; (111nm XLUIS Thus Year’s COMMUNICATIONS . CUT and PLUG See Baseball. A I’L-C’UTESTANT‘ 12 Runs If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad vertise in the Toronto V £1va MAIL. That paper reaches 104,000 farmers’ homes every week, and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, 01' Twenty ("ems u wmd for ï¬ve insertions] Address Tm: MAIL, Toronto, Canada. ASH‘At 0:171Ridges,(m Tnoï¬dwy morning, July 2nd, William, son of M1’.Jnmes Ash, aged 8 years and 8 months. Mrs Sonrlo and Miss 1’0] lock, of Toronto, Woro visiting fx‘icuds in this village tor a few days. FRANUY~HASTINGS~011 June 4th, ‘89, by the Rev Newton Hill,of Markhamâ€, D1“. Frnncy, of Richmqu Hill to Marie M., only daughter 01 T1108. Hastings, Esq†of Almira. VANDERDURGHâ€"DIOODDG â€"At the residence of the bride’s father, on VVednc-bduy, July 3rd, 1889, by tho Ru v. W. W. Purcivul, Mr. William HqundL-rburg:11, to Miss Sum, second duugll- lbie'lilof Alex. Maudie. Esq., all of Richmond 1 . Judge Fulaonbridge and his daughter paid a visit to Richmund Hill on Tuesday evening. ]\ 'ss Lihbiu Wilson, 01' Holland} Landing, is visxbizxg LLL Mr Wm. Snudursou. Mrll‘rnncis MoCcuaghy returned from Wood- stock on 'J‘uusduy. Tho BL-(svu and his Indy left her on Wednesday for lx’mwick. Mr M. Tocfy is visiting his daughter in Orilliu.‘ Miss Kliuck, of lvlglilzgton. is visiting at Mr. it E. Law's. Mrs Jus. Rum and child, of Toronto, are the glwists of Mrs Julm Elliott. Mrs Amos might and family are hem Visiting 101‘ at 10w weeks. Miss: Emma Shch has Lions to Toronto for (10111110 01 Weeks. Kelly’s Cross, RE. I. IDNEY complaint. and bad stomach troubled me for years, but I was cured by taking less than one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters. For my present good health I owe my thanks to B._B.B., W§itea James German, Sr. ~ ‘Iavv. blAMlA-VIEJIAI uuuuhclfl BLIUUIU Us icerried on nimrt‘ from politics. Yet the ‘ Liberal and the liberal men who control its issues deliberately state that all the men appointed as returning ofï¬cers were Re- formers, with that our readers can place what conï¬dence they please in the whine that we sometimes hear about politics being introduced into municipal elections. We would advise next time the appointing of school boys inithe place, at least, of some of those who acted last January. they per- haps could count as high as a hundred without making errors. The scribe of the other paper threatens us, if he has again to refer to this subject. to point out the penalties the Assessor laid himself liable to. Our friend is evidently hard at work posting himself from the little book G. B. S, kindly brought him on his last visit here and perhaps qualifying himself to act as the deputy of the Attorney-General. The ï¬rst vacancy in some municipal council will be well ï¬lled by a man of such rare astutcness and happy the council which secures his services. The Liberal at;er for an explanation oft tho ~â€"â€"~-~â€". Ask your new found fricndsl perhaps they may furnish the meaning of it. l The young mun does not deny the impeach- ment that he said the Reeve was pnrtinl in his conduct in the chair as an ofï¬cer of the Court of Revision. No, nor will he deny that he hastened to make an apology when he came to his senses, having been for the time being off his base. Adieu for the present. In our paper of the 20th we referred to l the fact that a vote was or votes were refused under oath in the township election that :wcre gladly taken the year before. The Liberal replies :-â€"“ As to names being re- fused under oath last January that were taken the year before must be a deliberate falsehood, (why not say lie) as no election was held the year before.†How quick the editor is with his deliberate falsehoods, Our readers will read 1887 instead of 1888, a slip of the pen, but how quick our friend is to take advantage of it. Yes, we repeat what we said week before last when the present 1st Deputy was up against Mr. Elliott, the same voter or voters with the same right to vote were gladly then accepted but last January refused. For the benefit of our friends in the township who do not see the Liberal, we make the follow- ing extract to give them a chance of read- ing something choice: “ All the deputy returning otiicers were Reformers and they gave the Conservative candidate the beneï¬t of the majority of the doubtful ballots, ‘ whereby he was declared elected. He must therefore be trying to throw the onus on His Honor Judge McDougnll, who made the recount; and declared Mr. Malloy, Reeve.†We occasionally have it laid down by the Reform side in the press and out ofit that municipal matters should be For the purpose of showing our readers who do not patronize the sheet across the way,gwe ‘etring together a few ofthepearls that grace its columns last week and ask them if they ,do not think the writer of the same does credit to his earlier education. Is it not, gentle reader, a waste of labor and love on our part to try to improve the structure of our esteemed friend, especially when it has such a shallow and sandy foun- dation to rest on. Here are some of the quotations: -â€" “ Falsehoods,†“ snivels,†“wail,†steeped in malice and bloated with the venom of a rattlesnake.†“inconsis- tency,†“abuse,†“dummy,†“coward,†“tramp,†“mud,†“thick in the head,†“coward among cowards,†&c.. &c. And all this from one who did not hestitme to boom his little sheet with extracts from old ï¬les of this paper, Bah E It is too sicken- ing to think of. How very oftoz. are we in this world deceived by appearances We come across a creature lying basking in the sun beauti- ful to the sight as the colors of the rainbow but beneth that beautiful colored skin is the sting of death and corruption. So is it with some men, their outward appearance so meek and mild and looking at them one would never dream that beneath that quiet milk and water exterior the venom of the adder was lying dormant. It is fortonate, very fortunate, on such occasions, when men show their true nature, to be sufï¬cient- ly above their reach that their abuse and venom will be as harmless as the biting at the ï¬le by the creature that they, on such occasions so fully resemble. It has been said from the same fountain sweet and bit- ter water ennnot issue and again men do not gather ï¬gs of thorns, nor of a. bramble bush gather they grapes; and yet a more homely phrase. what can you expect from a pig but a. grunt. From the source whence it comes you can place just such value as the abuse or praise is entitled to, knowing the man with whieh‘one has to deal. is of itself n great antidote to the poison that issues from his lips. 1 Ones more m: refer to the subject which the above heading so aptly and deftly ï¬lls. We have net as much space at our disposal- this week as usual, so We shall not follow him through ull the abuse and venom that last week’s article abounds in. It is well‘ sometimes to stir up a certain animal so that it. may raise and expand itself so as to give you an opifyortuuity to count the num- her of rattles that encircle" ‘9 body. "Our N109. Young Man†Ag Society Notes. DIAIRLLIIL‘D DEATH. am Or to TERMS: 20901'0013L of the purchase mouoy to be paid down an the day of 532x10. For bulunco terms will be 111mm known at the 51110. * For further pau‘Liculurs Apply to 1mtt3,iu the ï¬lth CUIH‘LmJUII Hi" the Township of King, Doing pui'buf Vilmng Jim; 5, liomlmfm‘u er» roncously culled Village lint :1, in the ï¬rm mince of lots in the Village of Huwunulvillo, 110w Nubletuu,containing 2 rumlï¬, described as fol» lows:7UOiuniCnciiig ut Um onstnrly limit; 7 chains; from His southâ€"oust; angle of Lot 6, then Houth Tl llegrms, Wash 2 chains 52 links, than north 3) \lvgruos, wust z chains, then nm‘hll 74 dc~ gums, Mist 2 chains 5‘3 links. to the said easterly limitunfl. than south 0 nlegrvmz, gust 2 Mining, alunumid custody limit to tho pliqu of begin- Thu following improvmmmta nro fluid to be erected on the premises :~A frame house heated by hot air. By Virtue 01‘ i’tm’ur m†Sula cmxminwl in at certain mortgage which Mill 1m yroduuod ALL the Sale the jollowing: l‘mynrt Thursday, the 11th July, 1889 [-FI 1%S'Eâ€" +3345 VVUdl‘Jï¬ï¬ She is ulsn prepared to give lossuns in cutting and ï¬tting uft-ur tho si‘ylu of I‘rofl-saor Smith's square. WILL CURE GR RELIEVE Bags to announce to the ludics of Richmond Hill and vicinity that; 8110 has mmuvod two doors east of her former residence 011 Centre Street \Vth, where 53110 LS proptu'cd to do AYING done business in Cmmdxr for yours, our I‘l’plltlLtiUVl and responsibility is estab- lished. \Vo wunt three mon in your vicinity to roprusunt 11:), lo \vlumi oxolmivc territory will be given. Ilnmlsmma quJit frue. Salary and ex. pauses mull 1w l'ly. Provinus experience not l ruquironl. Write an (mm: for terms. kï¬liurdy Stock for Canada lL Specialty. MAY BROTHERS, BrL/OUSNESS, D YSPEPSIA, I;W)iGE5’T/0fll, J/l UND/CE. EH YSIPEMS, SALT RHEUM, HEART/BURN, HEADACHE, And every species of‘ disease arising from uisordcrcd Li‘JER, KID!» , STOMACH, BOWELS OR LLOOD, \Vill visit. Richmond Hill \Nodnosdny and Saturâ€" day nftnrnoon of each week. Day or night culls promptly attended to. A full supply of medi- cines constantly on hand. 31'. NEWER ï¬jZQ“ Gold Medalist of the ()an-io Veterinary College, Toronto. June 1:5L11-4i A Close Call, FTIC L suï¬â€™ering for three weeks from Cholera lufantum so lllut I was not expected to live, an<L at the time, would even have been glad lmd donlh culled 1119‘ so great was my sum-ling. a; Friuml recum- meuded, Dr. Fowler‘s Extract. of Wild Strawberry. which noted like magic on my system. But for this medicine I would not be alive now. John W. Bradshaw, 393 St Paul St. Montreal, 1’. O. F. J. GAL'EUANOUG The Ancient Capitai. UEBEG. I have been troubled with indigestion for the past two years and have tried many medicines without avail. I tried Burdock Blood Bitters and can say there is nothing equal to it. Thomas O’Brien. 8.13.13. cures dyspepsia, biliousâ€" ness and constipation. Under 1nortgpmo from John Rubinsom Part of A Solid Fact. THREE years ago i had liver complaint and indigestion. Nothing did me any good ImtilItriud Burdock Blood Bitters, thieo bottles of which cured me. I shall use 3.13.13. as my mpdicine. John Floyd, Barnesville, ND. '13. B. B. regulates the liver. J 11110 G AUC'EEQ'E‘? gALE An Old Time Favorite. THE season of green fruits and summer drinks is the lime when the worst forms of cholera morbus and bowel complaints prevail. As a safeguard, Dr. Fowler’s EX- lract of Wild Strawberry should be kept at hand. For 30 years it has been the most reliable remedy. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and crmnot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test,short Weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only ism 0%}st [ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., 106 Wall 1’... .Y. Juno 13th~8i Veterinary Surgeon. rVILLAGE 0F THORNHGLL, AL 10 o’clock in the foronoon at the Thorn- 11111 Hotel, in the In the Village of Nublvton, in the County of York, them: will be sold on Miss Sterling JOS. IIULLINGSIUIAD, ESQ Suhn. Absoluteiy Pure; JONES BROS. Sulicflurs,’ : MACKENZIE, mnbu Strum, 'l‘nronlo‘ â€"()F VA] Cflï¬ï¬‚. LGflK. THORNHILL, ONT , Dill/MESS, ’ DROPS Y, ‘ FLUTTER/IJG' THE STU/MACH, DEVIL/ESE} OF THE SKI/V, OF THE HEART, ACID/TY ()F N m'sr‘rylmzn‘ JQBONTO. liouhbsbor,'N.Y uborg ll Groceries, Confections, and Fruits FULL LINE 0F PMVISIONS, CROCKER‘Y, BOOTS & SflflES PRICES AWAY DOWN. Choice Flour, Bacon, 810. always kept in'stock. The Pe0ple Cryvâ€"Su‘vol Saving! Saved! 11nd mmmv lucid n > p for n. ruin day by purchasing Household Suyplics at the (mm '0 Houso. 001%, 001118, Butter and Eggs wantedâ€"Highest Price l’ai Is the only safe and sure Oil for Self-Binders, Threshing h'lachincs and Mill Machinery generally. Manufactured llcColl Brim co. -â€"â€"â€"~G0 T0 'E‘EE 23â€"â€" ,«v WWW :5, gig ,WW ‘Wï¬a myâ€: I BARREL GREENS, $5.00 Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, Oiled & Annealed Wire, Shovels, Paiis, Carpenter’s Tools, Builgipg Paper u .. ._..w, of Ladies’ slippers and Oxford Shoes, and also a heavy grade of goods in Men’s laced Bollas Half Boots and Long Boots. My Stock is second'to none north of Toronto and the chenpest in town. No paper or canvas goods but. all solid leather. We invite the public meal] and inspect these goods. They have been bought at the lowest cash prices and the quality ï¬rst-class. I guarantee satisfaction, Custom work aspecialty. Sewed and pegged repairing neatly and nrnmntlv rlmm and promptly done. Strawberries and other Ii‘i‘uits constantly on l)"l‘.d ,‘uroccries in trmnom‘ions quantities at immense reductions Flour and Feed delivered on the shortest noiiwn New Williams and Standard Bowing Machines on hand. drop me a. card and 1 will call around and see you. WANTED. Richmond Hill, June 25. spring Arrivals of ms & SIEes I have just HARDWARE RE LARDINE March, 1888 And also come and buy your ALL KINDS OF ï¬Choice :: Gmaeries have just received a large and well assorted stock of Boots and Shoes. I am now prepared to offer to my numerous customers the cheapest and very best 809d3 in the market, in fact I have a full mmnlv of' evervthinnr in Man . Lommm @WQRE : Best Churn made. Repairing promptly attended to. $omethmg to Eat. Butter, Eggs, Bacon, and __ ._,_, .. ode in the market, in fact I have a full supply 6f eGéfjtlrxï¬ng in the‘ line of Boots and pres iniLadies and Gents ï¬ne work of allkinds And Sold by 11. \V. Neville and Sanderson Bros, Richmond Hill and styles and prices, Misses’ and Boys’ of all descriptions, Children’s of all sizes and colours. I have also a variety A01»J: y 1- ‘ A .. -m ï¬Otï¬ggg f“? YEA-â€" f a» 45;} “45‘: was: mfl RICHMONB HILL Eggs, Bacon, and other produce in exchange. KPMAIKE HASTE TO SHARE THE BARGAINS Also for everything else in the line of MCCOLL’S CELEBRATED SIVERgv. TORONTO. â€"Iu Canada to be had at t~ â€"-â€"â€"F() R - MASON. Richmond Hill ALSO Stoves, Tinware, Hot Air Furnaces, Eave Troughing, Metalic Rooï¬ng, Iron Pumps, Baths & Sinks, dishes to eat them from. JOSEPH I-I. HALL. Viachinus on hand. If you want one flame, MACHINE OSCAR J. BROWN.