Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 4 Jul 1889, p. 3

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S. T. Magoo, Town Constable J. W. Williamson... . . . . . . . . William Malloy, Insp., N. Y. William D. Brown... ........ Wm. Mulloy, inspector ......... do do ......... do do .. ...... do do ........ Emma Giles ...... . ....... John N. Dafoc...... ......... License Inspector, E. York do do J. T. BrownI C James Brownlec, George Bone ..... John Woac‘ls, jr... C. 0011., Joseph Bogart ..... Wm. Malloy, Inspector, N. do Alex. Hay ..... Wm. Kemp, Hy. Graham.. do . Henry Graham...... U. P_. Railway ...... Henry Graham...... Sarah Brown ...... Joseph Hotaling ...... C. Sinclair ...... Henry Graham ...... 0. Com, John Quinn J. S. Meads, Inspector 0. Con., Joseph Bogart ..... Bridget Rotsay . . . . . . . . . . . Alfred Burnie...... do ...... Annie Graham ...... Henry Graham ..... Mary A. Walker.. do Wm. Cox... James McLaughlin... do Wm. Dixon, 0. 0.... John H. Millard ...... C. 0011., Jescph Bogart ..... John H. Millard . . . . . . . . . . . Thos. Sinkler ...... do T. C. Hallett.... Thos. Carlyle, 512... John Harrington.... Robt. Shuttlcworth Wm. Kemp, C. 0.. do Wm. Boyer ...... Wm. Hazard ...... R. Wilcock, Inspector, Mrs. M'Muhon ...... do ...... Wm. Cox, C. U ....... Wm. Dixon, C. 0.... Essie McKenzie ...... Wm, Dixon, 0 0.... do Wm. Cox, 0. C ....... Mary Staunton ...... Wm, Cox, 0. C do . do Charles Clcglxorn ...... William Leith ...... Geo. Busby, 0. (30m. do do Archibald McLean... Ben. Shurpley...... C. 0., Wm. Cox...“ do ...... John McKay ...... Wm. 00X, 0, do do . ..... Robert Burns, 0. U... do do Patrick McDonald... . Richard Cox, 0. C... For Quarter Ending June 11th, 1889, Before Justices of the Peace for the County of York, transmitted to thls Office by the Justiceswhose names are annexed, and, now Published by me under Statute. ~ THOMAS H. BULL, Stock magnificently assorted for the Summer Trade. All Goods at the Lowest Figures possible. Sugar, Fruit Jars. Jelly Mugs, for the approaching Fruit Season ; Extra Value. Highest Price allowed for Butter, Eggs, Lard, Dried Apples, Bacon, &c. “7M5. ATKINSON, Domestic Manufactures, Millinery, Mantles, 8w. DRY GOQDS~â€"- I839. NAME OF PRU SECUTOR Office of the Clerk of the Peace, Coufity of York, Toronto, June 11th, 1889. U. Con. Vil. Constable â€"-Direct Importer and Dealer inâ€" SCHEDULE OF RETURNS OF CONVICTIONS, Alex. Sutherland John Wood...... Joseph Rotsay... George Vanzant. George Staley Aaron Robbins . Wm. D. Morton D'Arcy Morton. l‘. J. Keena ...... George Hill...... Bernard Doyle .‘ J. J. Treaey ...... Joseph Taylor... Gordon Bailey... John Callender . John Webber lohn Kennedy... Amos Forsyth... Bruce Yuke ...... ‘ Augusta Herlin. Fred Johnson... Henry Leach, jr. 1*}. Monkman.... John Good L. MeWilliams. Thos. Carlyle,vjr. Duncan llall.... Duneun Campbell John Marr ...... Simon Sinclair... Joseph Chapman A. A. Cnrren Joseph Chapman llioht, Harrington (loo. E. Brady... lienben Palmer. William Kenton. William Kenton. linear-(l Webb... John Staer Joseph Chapman John Brown ...... George Oliver. ml Arthur Woodgatej James Stevens...‘ J . Hutchinson...‘ William Potter .1 MatthewBrandon‘ James Mackie...‘ J. Smith ......... 1 William Green Wm. Hendrick .1 lobert Preston l William Brown .‘ David NcMaster Fred MeMaster. ll. Harrington... >l“1‘:lnl{ Dance Chris’er Sinclair David Barry liobt Edmundson Thos. McMullen James \Vhilluns William llyan... Martin Sheedy...‘ Geo. McCreedy. John Atherly . .‘ Robert Keeley... Alfred Perkins... Joel: Lovell Barney Kiley William Baker... M ary A Shsrpley James Little John McFarlanel Wm. Tustin ...... John Seagor ...... John Williams... John Lenard.... Robert B0yd....; James Lewis Dan. Bailey ...... Patrick Kelly . James Steepe....l Burt. Connor. . . William Boyce... William Burton John O'Keeffe... D. llleDonald.. Gus. Lynn ...... Thomas Learny alias MeGibbon.l ‘Jured Irwin ..... R01and Salter. Jared Irwin.... Wm. Akey '1‘.F. Brown.. NAME OF DEFENDANT fivimon Neglecting or refusing to deliver body to the Ins. of Anatomy. Drunk and Disorderly Neglecting to deliver up body to VInspeâ€"ctor of Anatomy.- Interfering with Constable ...... Selling liquor, foripther purposes than medicine: Allow’g dog at large without tag Drunk and Disorderly Assault ......... Surities to keep the Peace Disorderly conduct Anr=2rult ......... lontravening Liquor Act Nonâ€"payment of Wages ....... . Gambling for drink . . V . . . . . Gambling For drink Selling liquor without license . Gambling for drink . ...... .. Profane language on highway . Assault and Battery Breach of Liquor Act do do do do Disorderly conduct 1 do do jAssault . ........ lShooting insectivorous birds . . ‘Disorderly conduct, 1 do do do do ......... do do Malicious injury to dwelling . . Wages Assault ........ {Shooting birds...... ........ do Unlawful sale of liquor Insulfing language. do do Trespass . do u...- Refusing to pay Wages Trespass .. .. .. do ...... do .. .. .. Assault Trespass .. .. . . do . . .. .. do ...... Assault ...... do ...... Destruction of Property 11 do do do do Assault Threatening language Trespass do do Drunk . ..... Insanity Drunk and Disorderly Abuse ...... Keeping a cross dog Drunk ...... Assam: night watchm Assault .. Trespass . ..... do ...... do ...... do do Assault do Assault ...... Trespass ...... do ...... do .. .. . . Disorderly conduct . do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Assault. ..... . Disorderly conduct do do Drunk . ........ Drunk and Disorderly do do Wugus ...... Vagrant .. . Drfmk and Disorderly NATURE OF THE CASE. watchman i88Q. dd 23 June 1 April 13 do 13 Feb. 11 ‘April 20 ‘Murch 20 ‘April 29 ’May 11 do 11 June 8 May 29 April 5, May d0 7 M arch 29 April 1 do 1 do 13 d0 23 May do do March CONVICTION. Mixed Paints, pure, in all colors; Paint and Kalsomine Brushes, in all sizes; Boiled and Raw Oils, Varnishes, and all Painters Materials. Large Stock of Furniture, cheap for Cash. Glass in all sizes and cut to order. Usual stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed. P. G. SAVAGE. Wall Papers, Ceilings, Styles, Bordermgs and Corners oi the Latest Patterns. at LOWER PRICES THAN EVER It works like magic, driving the disease or its symptoms out of the system. Try it I Try it 1 It builds up the entire system and renders you able to attend to your accustomed pursuits. Prepared only by The People’s Store! 1§88$ Typhoid, Malaria or Bilious Fever SANDERSON BROS. UHEMISTS AND BRUEGISTS, - - BIBHMD] DATE 25 27 29 27 10 11 15 16 23 23 25 29 14 25 29 Iron Age 1889 . M. NAME OF CONVICTING JUSTICE Wm. Cane, J.P., Mayor Newmarket Is on hand again with his second stock of As the Stock is large and must be sold. Are you threatened with d‘ Riddcll, II. Treloar SPRING: FINE, PENALTY. on DAMAGES. $15 00 1 00 2 00 20 00 3 00 20 00 20 00 50 00 20 00 1 00 2 00 1000 10 ()0 10 00 5 00 5 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 85 00 00 00 Iâ€"‘bâ€"‘U‘NC’JNNIâ€"JHbâ€"l 100 100 100 2 00 15 00 3 00 20 00 20 00 RIBHMDND HILL’ 200 200 200 200 200 300 200 200 200 200 950 500 200 100 100 100 H. BULL, Not paid Paid do do do do do do Not paid do FINE WHEN PAID OR TO BE PAID TO SAID JUSTICE. Paid do N of. paid Paid do do do do Not paid do do do do Paid Paid do do paid {1888. g to Provincial Treas., i to J. H. Millard lTreasurer Newmarket 5}; to Provincial Treas.. k to J. H. Millard é Compiainant. 4} \County Trersurer License Inspector do do Treasurer Newmarket do do County Treasurer Aurora Treasurer, County Treasurer License Inspector . Complainant Inspector do do TO WHOM PAID OVER BY SAID JUSTICE Treasurer Newmarket .. William Malloy, 1nspector.. County Treasurer George Busby. . . do do County Treasurer do do do do do Treasurer Stoufl'ville County Treasurer Informer Treasurer Richmond Hill Treasurer Vaughan do do do do County Treasurer County Treasurer Inspector County Treasurer Plaintiff Plaintiff Town Treasurer West Toronto Junction do do Treasurer West Toronto Junction Complainant County Treasurer Treasurer West. Toronto Junction Treasurer West Toronto Junction Our first desire and ambition is to please each and every one of our Customers, and by strict attention to business and to the wants of our Patrons, and by corteous treatment of everyone we hope to continue our past success. 'Please noté that we consider it a favor and no trouble to show our Goods to you, Ever brought into our Town. The business, we are pleased to say, is improving every day, iwhich, we think, proves what we have often repeated, viz :â€" (1). “ That the Prices are Right.” (2). “ That the Quality of the Goods is Right.” Choicest Stock of New The Fire Proof Store QG=A11 Parcels delivered if desired. Stoufiville Seasonable Goods 4} Treasurer N. Gwillimbury OKLAHOMA RICHMOND HILL, “Where there is theâ€"â€" Clerk of the Peace, County of York. Isn’t a patch on-‘- WILL. D. ATKINSON -~â€"-AND---- Clerk of the Peace. One month at hard labor. Bound to keep the Peace. Five days at hard labor. Five days at hard labor. Bound for Sentence. ‘Five days at. hard labor. Five days at. hard labor. Five days at hard labOr. IF NOT Pun, WHY NOT ‘I-GENERAL OB- sznvmons. Time given. Sent to Gaol. Five days at hard labor. Five days at hard labor. Bound to keep the Peace. ;Time given. ‘21 days’ time given. Party left. Committed. One month at hard labnr. Two days at hard labor. Bound for Sentence. Bound for Sentence. Bound to come up for Sentence. Bound to come up for Sentence. Bound to come up for Sentence. Bound for Sentence. Bound for Sentence. Bound for Sentence. Ten days at hard labor, 21 days’ time given. Party left the place. Committed to gaol. On second charge to be fined. Committed for five days. Bound to keep the Peace. Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, and all disord era of tho Throat and Chest, us also chfi, Rheu mutism. Scrofulu and othér kind of skin disease Manufactured only at Profess- or Hollowav’s Estabhshment, 533. OXFORD STREET LONDON, and sold at 13.1341, 29. 9a., 4s. (5d, 115., 22, and 335 and; Box and Pat, and in Canada. at 36 cents 90 cents, and $1.50 cents, :1ch the large sizes i proportion. will be found invaluable in every Hdusohold the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours, BAD LEGS, OLD WOUNDS. COLDS {If}? CAUTIONâ€"1 hm e no Agent in tb ) United States, nor are my Medicines so' 1 there. Purchasers shuuld therefore let 1: to the label on the Pots and Boxes. Iflne address is not 533, Oxford Street, Londu. they are spurious. increase the secretory powers of the Liver, hmce the nervous system, and. throw into the circula- tion the purest; Elements for sustainng and repairing the frame. Thousands of persons have testified tha. by their use alone they haue‘ been restored to health and strength, after. every other means had v-ovcd unsuccessful. The Trade Marks of my mid Medicines are gistercd 111 Ottawa, and also at \‘(uhhiugtou 33 Oxford street. London The Ointment tho This Incomparable Medieine‘has secur- ed for itself an imperishable fame throughoutthe World for the alleviation and cure of most diseases fa which humanity is heir. The Pills Pills & em Worth‘ their SOLD BY ALL mwééié'iié. to any address on recei 1; of rice by the to rte tors. AD}. BLJ. KINDLLLpCo Enoshurgh man, is. Price 01 1- bottle, or six bottles for $5. All Drug- glsts have tpr can get; it for you. 0;: it will be sent “was 9,11 “06193 91 w {W £119. 12mm .h-.. n- -.._ .__ Ivunvv‘ u, .uuu. DR. B. J. KENSâ€"£1700. Dear Sirs :I desire to give 011 testimonial of my good 0 Inlon of your Kenda 1’s vam Cure. 1 have used i_ for Lamenon Stifl" J oinls and S nuns, and I have found it a sure cure, I cordh :11 y recommend it to allbox‘somen. Yours truly‘,” r V _ >A. I}: Gugmm', By mail to any lady sending us her post omce address. Wells, Richardson & 00., Montreal. BREEDER OF _ CLEVELAND BAY AND Tnornm B3121) HORSES. Eurwoon, 1m, Nov. 20, 1888. DR. B. J. KENDALL Co. ' Dear Sirs: I have always purchased our-Ken, dan’s S avln Cure by the half dozen ottles. I would 11 (0 prices in larger quantity. I think it is one of the best linimema on earth. I have used it; on my stables for three years. Yours truly, CHAS. A. SNYDER. 01mm: on CHAELE A. SNYDER. g gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only to Cents." KENDALL’S SPMEWS was. SAM, erox COUNTY, OHIO, Dec. 19. 1888. DE. B. J. KENDALL Co. ‘ Gents: I feel it my duty to am what I have done with your Kendall's Spavm are. thave cured twenty-five horses that find myths.» ten or Ring Bone, nine afflicted with l Head and seven of Big Jaw. Since I haye' one of your {)0ng and fguowfin 311a directionsJ havemever osacaseo any: . . ’ Yours truly, Axnm Tummn. . - ' Ebrse Doctor. M find in many other waés SAVE Manes and make things look like N W, by usinÂ¥ EAMOND DYES. The work is easy, Sim}: 0, quick; the golors the BEST and FASTEST nown. Ask for DIAMOND bYEé 35:1 takE'no othér. The Most Successful Rentedy ever discov- ered, as it is certain in its eflects and does not blister. Read proof below. a KENDALL’S SPAVIH GENRE. “ I have been troubled for some years with a. compllcatlon of dimeultles. After trying Va,- nous remedies, and not finding relief. I tried Palne’s Celery Compound. Before taking one mu bottle the long troublesome symptoms be- fan to subside, and I can truly say now, than I eel like a new man. Digestion has improved, and I have gained ten pounds in weight since I have commenced taking the Compound.” HONESTUS STEARNS, Felchvllle. Vt. 51.00. six for $5.00. At Druggists. i Wnpgsiimogmnnson 8: 00., MONTREAL; ANY ONE cAN DYE For Gildiug or Bronzing FancyflrtifiqlersiUSE KEHMLEIS SPAVEH ,WRE. KENDALL’S SPAVIII MIKE. Ribbons, Feathers, son A Dress, or a Coat, } Any color qus, flags, etc. H TEN GENTS rurlfy, regulate and improyo the quality of I God. They assist the digestive organs, cleans I‘A aombines true herve tonic andâ€" strengthens qualities, reviving the energies and spirits. A 000K BOOK FREE Faine’s . Gelery compound STOMACEI AND BOWELS, T NOW pzAMOND' mm. 1 Cleanse the System Bmoggw, N. Y.. November 3, 1888. 7. "A. II. GILBERT, Manager Troy Laundry Stables. Wm: that most reliable medlclnoâ€" Palm’s Celery Compound. It purifies the blood, cures Constipation. and regulates the liver and kidneysmflectuallycleanse mg me system of an waste and dead matter. “Weight in (32016. THOMAS HOLLOWA Tum. 5th 151

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