John McDmm1(‘l,Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., 'Hon. SenntorMcMustor A. . Smith, Esq. James Metallic. Esq. Rev. Enoch \Vood, D. Loans mudn on security of Company’s Policy at (3 per ccn’fv interest. lonnsmudc toChurch Trustees, ntnlow rate of interest. Sand for [prospectum 385 So id Gold Watch. Sold for 190. until lately. But 86.! wauch In the world. Porfecl timokeepcr. Warâ€" Iautell. Heavy Solid Gold ff? Hunting Cases. Bath 1adies' nX‘y and gems' aizcs,with worlm I, a and cases of cqunl value. , One Person in each loâ€" -' cnltiy can secure one free, together with our large and val- unblc line of Household Samples. Thnsc samples, as wvll as the wntvh, we send ‘ Free. and umr ) on have kept them in your home for 2 months nnd shown them to moss who mav have Called. (hwy bomme your own propertv. Those who \ui’o at once um he sum «1‘ receiving Hie Watch "nd .‘s‘nlnplos. Wemy all (xpreu, froight,etc. Address "uwn A: 00., Box 512., Portland: Maine. Of London, England, Sir Wm.McArthu1-, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor 9f London, President. W W Baynes,Esq.F I Aï¬ccretary Reserve Fund. . .- .. . $10,000,000 Annule Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Invested in Canada . . . 1,200,000 Death clauns paid. . . . 10,000,000 T017 33-110 REFERENCES. EA‘W ï¬ssmgesec’y A‘urorn, lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do touï¬vflle ...... “19th do Markham ‘ ‘ . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘2’)th dc Victorin Square ...... ,. ...21M; do Thomhil] (Walker's Hotel) 23rd do Woodbridge ...... .. 28th do Kleinburg . ....9th do Nobletou . .. . ...... 30th do Vitulizod nit always on hand M1 the places appoilltnwnh It does away with the pan extracting. Oct 9.0, 1888â€"1 your THE STAR 7 LIFE (th l‘almer House) A‘urorn, lat, 8th, 10th, and 22nd touï¬ville.. .. ...... .HJRth Markham“. . .. ‘2’)th Victorin Sq1.nro.. . .. ...21M; Thornhil] (\Yulkcr 3 Hotel) 23rd Woodbridge ...... ..28t-]1 Kleinburg ...... ...29th Nobletou . .. ...... 30th “A G F Imwmcxcmm Nov 27th, 1619-} This Hnuseis one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Torontn. Everything is managed .11 First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers; Good Stubling and attentive hostlcrs. Terms. $1 vor day. I‘metorls Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 a 11.1., 12 n. \n., 5.10 p m. and 6.0017 131. . '85 So id 1 Sold for .10 Best 865 ch Parfecl chuck maystill be consulted in [my lï¬'xLï¬cl; birth-Gilgd tension, :13 follows Biclnpopd Hm“ .. 96h & 24th of each mom- EWEEEEE $1 EEEEEEEEW CONVEYANCFCR S, ETC Toronto Ofï¬ces-N“- ‘4 m“ Chmubers,1 Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-13, Fullerton, Coek & WalEaee Barristers, Solicitors, &0. Oï¬icas "" 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post OflSce Every Saturday. J SFullerton, W Cook, J R I PRIVATE FUNDS 1TO|LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. J Palmer, Prop, On Saturdays. Money to Loam at Lowest Current Ratcsl THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Feet’h' Withï¬ï¬apéihâ€" 'ut the lowest ‘brices.§‘;}3é§a teeth on rubber $8, cheapest :36. 31.22 , i Young Berkshire Pigs u»- -Boars, and Sows- I Vitalized Air for extracting. I win-till 9063;}; winhquï¬ pain at the lowest prices.ï¬â€˜.Bost Unlocks ullthe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneye and Liver, carry- ing off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Bilioueness, DyS< pepsm, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryuess of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelavs, Serofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Ner’vousness, and Genâ€" eral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the happy influence of BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. ' RICHMOND JIILL, ONT. (Late of Brooklyn N.Y.), formerly Resident Surgeon to the .N.Y. State \Voman’s Hospital, RY. City; and Visiting Physician to SLJohn‘s Hospital and Southern Dispensaries, Brooklyn. OFFICE HOURS until 10 u m,; and from 0 to S p m flBichmond Hill Aug 29:11, 1889 VITALIZED AIR ! Or A ROBINSON. :SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA T. Bilflï¬â€™dlm & 00., Propriomm. Toronto, R. B. Orr, M. B. and First Silver Medaliat University of Toronto, M. C. P. S. Ontario. L. AL, England (Late 0f tendon, England ï¬urgeon,Etc. [3011109 Hours 8 to 9.30 u.m.,’and 1 to 2.30 p.11: DR. LEWIS fl. LANGSTAFF: Barristersï¬olioitors, Thugkf‘ul for thgfqv'm‘a of _ the ‘pnsntfl years THE KEY TO 7 HEALTH! [SSï¬F‘lMcL COULTER, TEACHER OI" gPianoï¬andprgnn. FOR $ALE. C. H. RIGGS,;L. D. S., :- Cornet King & Yonge Sts., TORONTO. (6mm. â€"--T, 13., Rogialcl‘edr- Sec.'& Trans. for Canada. 3Z‘Wcllington St., East, Toronto DR. ORR, MAPLE, H AE‘D'PEBRY, tau. lsv flrv, w W!†.IIV YE» $94., wag gm}, gawk. H. QUETTON Sr. GEORGE, ,Oak Ridges .No‘ 14 Building 61 Lbun Ch nmbers,15 Toronto st. Doc lst 883 Richmond H111 T C MILLIGAN.L; an- of the Central Bank J R Miller. 1y-p6m JUBILEE SEWXCES.-~Jubilce services in connection with the Methodist Sab< bath School, at Thornhill. will be held (I) V.) on the 14th, 15th, and 16th days of Sept. 1889, in the Methodist Church, at Thornhill. Six names only as Superintendents cover the ï¬fty years in which this school has been in exist-- once, one oflhem Mr. Josiah Purkiss covering two-thirds 01 this time. THAT great shipment of crockery that We told you about lms arrived direct from Messrs, Barker Bro;., manufac- turers, Lington, rear Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordsliire, England, and comprises the most complete and beautiful lines of dinner, luncheon, breakfast, tea and toilet sets in ivory, printed, enamclled and plain ._ware ever brought to our town, at the Fir-e Proof this week. Will i). Atkinson. To These intending to pay Toronto :1 visit during the next two weeks we would advise them to make their headâ€" quarters at the new and commodious hotel, the Arlington, situated on King street west, corner ofJohn. This house is most pleasantly situated, and is fur- nished throughout in ï¬rsbclaes style. Street cat's pass the doors every few minutes to Exlï¬bitiomâ€"Adv. SOME of those gentleman’s tics and scan-fa, at 12;}, 15, 25 and 35 cts. which were formerly sold at 20, 25, 35, 45, and 50 cts, are left at the Fire Proof. No one should miss this opportunity. “fill .D. Atkinson. DISORDERLY.â€"~A poor unfortunate fellow got himsle into trouble yesterday and made quite an exciting time in the village. We understand he drew a knife on our able and muscular constable, when he soon found himself landed in: side the walls of our strong and gloomy prison. He was afterwards allowed to go. RECEIVED this week at the Concrete :1 large consignment of dinner, tea and toilet sets direct from the manufacturer in 'Staffordshire. The goods are extra value. A nice tea set fOr $2.00 ; dinner a tfor $5.85; toilet, 8 pieces, $1.90. OUR SUBSCRIBERS will notice that we change the dates of payments this week. Those who have paid previous to Saturday last will ï¬nd due credit given them, To THE DEARâ€"A person cured of Deafness and noises in ’the head of 23 year’s standing by a simple remedy, will send a description of it FREE to any Person who applies to NICHOLSON, 30 St. John St, Montreal. A BAD CUTâ€"Mr, French goes around with his hand tied up. The eï¬'cct of coming into close contact with a chain attached to a cow. A ragged nasty cut and not pleasant to have. YOU can’t get any fan to boat the 250 line at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinâ€" son. THANKSâ€"“70 desire to convey our thanks to the Queen’s Printer for the compliment received in the sending to us the Statutes of Canada, 52 Victoria, LACROSSEâ€"A. Lacrosse match on Friday last was p1ayed on the Park grounds here between Newmarket and the White Roses when the latter were defeated two games to one. The play extended to two hours. Potted ham, corn beef, salmon mackâ€" erel, chipped dried beef, lobster, and all canned meats are to be procured at the very bottom ï¬gures at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson, NO SALEâ€"Mr. Jordan’s property met wiih no offer yesterday worthy of being accepted. The highest bid was $550. WE will continue to sell those beautiâ€" ful striped and plain dress goods for one week longer at 80 per yard at the Fire Pro’of. Will D. Atkinson. A NEW FOREMANâ€"We expect to have the services of Mr. Cleghorn toâ€"morrnw or next day, to take the place of Mr. Bundy. who left for home this morning. He comes highly recommended, as an intelligent, steady man, fully capable of performing the duties required. WV. 0‘ T. U. will meet at 7 o’clock in the Temperance Hall, 10th inst. A full attendance is requested. ETWO cans of the best machine oil for sale at this OFFICE. FOR stylish millinery go to the Con- Crete. YOU will be surprised to see the beautiful $2.00 tea sets at the' Fire Proof". Will D. Atkinson, 188 . THE HERALD from now till end of the year for 306., cash in advance. AN elcgant dinner or breakfast set, at $5.85, part of' the great direct importaâ€" tion of crockery at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson. Holtâ€"The weather has been exces- sively- hot for the last few days all over east. west, north and south, VAUGHAN Council meets next Tues- day. annl~Mni1 Advertising Agency. A New Book--H. S. Goudspecd (1: C0. may be Iound 0111110 at G00 1 P. Rowen &Co’s Newspaper A dvortising Bureau (10 Spruce Bh.)where advertis- ing contracts mu‘y be made for itIN NEWYORK FOR the best assortment of Gent's furnishings go to the Concrete. No. 1‘! ; THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, ’89. The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. Local and General. N0 TJCE T0 S UBS CHIBERS. Em $333131; flaw. Richmond Hill. Ont. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Whole No. 1626 : Volume 31. DEA 13H. BUGGâ€"At Aurornpn September 2nd,Jnmes Bugg, Esq., aged 70 years and 11 months. YOUNG~AL Richmond Hill, on W'edaa esday, Sept. 4th, 18%. Alexander Young, aged. 74 years 10 mos and 20 days. KEEFLEnwAt Briduewa'l'er. N. 8.;011 Thursday, Sept. 5th, 1859, Maria June, daughter of the late Joseph Keefler, of H uliiax, N. S., and sister of the proprietor of this paper. If you want to buy or sell a Farm, ad vertisc in the Toronto V LEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 10v,0'0'0 farmers’ homes every week, and your advertisement should meet the eye of someone who wants to purchase. Advertisements of this class are insortcd in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents a word each insertion, or TwenIy Cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address Tm: MAIL, Toronto, Canada. JOHNSTOWN DISASTERâ€"Though the Johnstown disaster occurred more than two months since, the interest of the public in so remarkable an event has not ceased to be active. H. S. Goodspeed & 00., of New York, have just issued a very complete and richly pictorial hisâ€" tory of the event, which is a work of the deepest interest and power. No reader will care to lay aside this thrilling nar- rative unï¬nished. In the world’s horâ€" rible records of evil wrought by the un- tamed forces of' nature, few catastrophes have been more heart sickening. The tearful loss of‘ life, the vast waste of property, the great interruption to busiâ€" ness, destroying the complex machinery Mhich fed so many thousands and conâ€" tributed to the interests of the whole land, are hard to match. Death and ruin take a thousand shapes, but rarely have they assumed a guise so horrible as that in which they rushed down on the people of Coaemaugh Valley. The record cannot fail to be of perennial inâ€" terest, and to stir the hearts of all whol read it for the next generation to come, t'or such a catastrophe, mercifully, comes but once in a century, if so often. ‘l‘lnough time has now elapsed to enable ’the proper veriï¬cation of the facts to be imade, and a careful and studie d stateâ€" ment to be given to the public worthy of so startling a subject. Any hurried and hap hazard narrative of an event which stands so unique in our history, is far from doing it even partial justice. The author has given us in this book a record both vigorous and accurate, and every reader should have the work in his hands. The book is an octave handsomely printed and bound, and contains 522 pages, embellished with fortyâ€"eight ï¬ne full page illustra- tions. Agents are wanted. H. S. Goodspeed & Co. pay all the duty. I’ALMERvAt Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, 3rd Sept, the wife of Mr Charles Palmerpf a son. OBII‘IIARY.â€"~Another ofthc old re- sidents ofthis place has gone to that bourne from whence no traveller returns. No longer will the stalwart form and genial, p‘easant,countenance of Mr. Alex. Young be seen in our streets. Although we have been aware that Mr. Young: has been in poor health, yet we were somewhat shocked on hearing of his death which took place at his residence in this village yesterday at 'noon. Mr. Young was born in Dumfriesshire, Scot land, on 15th of October, 1814, and was the grandson of one of the Lairds, of Scotland. He came to this province 48 years ago when the country was alâ€" most a wilderness, and bowed out for himself a good farm which enabled him to retire a few years ago on the rent . of it. The late Mr. Young was married twice, he leaves a widow, three sons and four daughters to mourn the loss of an afl'ectionate father and husband. The funeral will leave the house at 1 o’clock to morrow (Friday) for the Presbyterian Church where a funeral sermon will be preached by the Rev. Mr. Cameron, formerly of this place but now of Briton. He will be interred at Brown's Corners, Markham. Mr. Young did not take a very active part in politics, but we beâ€" lieve he always supported and voted Conservative. Homowu’s UINTMENT AND PILLS.â€" Ever useful. The afflicted by illness should look their diseases fully in the face, and at once seek a remedy for them. A short Search will convince the most sceptical that these noble medicameuts have afforded ease, comfort, and oftentimes complete re- covery, to the mosttortured sulferers. 'l'he Uintmenl will cure all descriptions of sores. wounds, bad legs, sprains, eruptions, ery sipelns, rheumatism, gout, and skin affec- tions. The Pills never fail in coriecling and strengthening the stomach; and in reâ€" storing u. deranged liver to uwholesome condition, in rousing torpid kidneys to in- inerease their secretion, and in re’establish- ing the natural heallhy aclivily of the bowels. llollowny's are the remedies for complaints of all classes of society. FATHER BERGINE’S P10N10.â€"â€" At Father Bergine's very successful pic- nic held in Newmarket,on Tuesday,in aid of the church, a spirited lacrosse match between Bradford and Newmarket clubs was plztycd, Bradford winning in three straights. A scratch baseball game be- tween Richmond Hill and Newmarket was well played, resulting in a tie. The contest For the gold headed cane between the Warden of York, Mr. Ramsden, and Mr. James Kelman was won by Mr. Kelman by over 600 majority, realizing over $200. 13 to 12 we understand is the correct score of the baseball match. PRIZE LIST.â€"-â€"-Mr. Thos. Crawford (Secretary), of‘ Collingwood, has kindly forwarded to this ofï¬ce copy of the Prize List for 1889 of the Great Northern Exhibition, comprising the Nottawasaga Agricultural Society and Collingwood Horticultural Society. The days are Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 25, 26 and 27. Entries close Saturday. Sept. 21. We shall be very glad for any one desirous of seeing our prize list to call and view the same. Our business is to serve the public and this is one of the ways of doing it. Sermon BOARD MEETING.â€"At the School Beard meeting on Monday no business of much account was transactâ€" ed. Seven members were in attendance and five absent. Messrs. Brown (chair- lman) and Messrs. Switzer, Naughton, Glass, Duncan, Russell and Savage pre~ sent. The minutes of former meeting read and conï¬rmed, and the following resolution was carriedzâ€"“That the elecâ€" tion for public school trustees be held on the same day and in the same manner as the municipal election.†BlR’I‘lâ€"l. Post Masters Hill uml vicinity tlhnt sho removed two “Motors and doors cast of her tormor resulenco on Centre ‘ BusinesssMeu‘ ‘ . \ u - A '< v 3mm have 1,004) 1 shed; W :81]: yin“: 5.1m lb 1:14:31)“ ed to do , Envelopes (postpuid) to any part of tho Dmnininn 1 fr- [1 Mb 1- '(IL1335 V V 0121‘“ .Wifli thkei‘f 1;“?9052 83rd 31819§1tly Drillth “10113911 I She is also prepared to givo lessons in cutting ï¬nes.†m m ‘“’ ' ' hem “my W‘Lh 10mm"mmlï¬mngufter the sLylo of Professor Smith’s ‘I‘HERALD†OFIFCE, b’qmu'c. Richmond Hill. Ont Julxu yam; Frances M. Abbott. in September WIDE AWAKE " Gang ï¬fhingl-éy? W“ m"â€" WNW†And leave us naught; but grief and shames For promiwd joy. Still thou art blesb compared with me! Thou knowst not are, sine, curve, degree, Thou feursb of: questions styunge and freq mu“, But, Pussy, mouy a one who aims Fin-as Fortune’s favors are but names. The beï¬tjflgid sc_hemes of cuts and Games , Thou‘rt drï¬ly rrrhoirwpweï¬. Would I, upon my feet, like thee Had always hopped ! To tempt‘lthyit’usta. Thou surely, 1 think, shouldst receive Thy share the waste. By night: the June~bug ontmnce gets; Mnsquito there, his knife he Whats; Each one far more. our pexgco upsets ’J‘lmn thou. 10116 6117077!“ Why art than so ubjnred of pets. Admired by none? Of world ’ryr'rdildV «thls. Cheer up! thou art of much care riddenâ€"â€" “ Igu’runce is bliss I†I doubt nu, whyles, but thou may thiove. What then ? Poor beastie, thou maun hvo And sugglllenouglg the red ants leave .v, ._- _:-v_ of some old gage; Kepler, mnylmp, thy body took Fur his soul’s cage. I'm truly éorry thou'rb forbidden The Star House‘s precincts, mul art chiddeu When thou Wopylst ‘19‘121‘31 the mysteries hidden Bubkoepst th‘y place: 7 D" And, sitting solemn as a judge, Surveyst the class. Thou muun ha.’ heard, by hook or crook, “ A out upon a. queen may look.†Pcrchanco thou’yz haunted by the spook l\£,, vv cu, mummy, uuw uu , umurous 00351218, 0, What ambitions in thy breastie 1 Thou strivest to be learned too hasty, Wi’ pitoous mew. An’ yet I'm luith to rin an’ chase thee, 0r cry out, “ Shoo !" Each morn thou climbst the window ledge, And clinging to the ontmost edge Thou hpedgat 110;; Repellent nudge, There was a forlorn, vagabond cat that haunted the observatory in the spring of 1880. As regularly as recitation time came, she appeared on the Bill of the open window, and it was one of the daily duties to poke her off her perch. Prof. Mitchell was too kind-hearted to have her killed, and nothing else could have convinced the area- lure that her presence was not desired. What brought her there no one knew, but this is what was read at the Dome-party: Wee, sleekit, ‘eow’rip’, timorous'pegtstie, r\ _‘_,A ,, 1 There was other poetry too, some of it impromptu, and some which had been previously considered. Several weeks be- fore the invitations were given out, a waste- basket stood inside the observatory door, awaiting contributions in verse. Here is one specimen, which met with some favor atamy ï¬rst. Dome-party. Prof. Mitchell’s position at Vassar gave astronomy u prominence there that it has never had in any other college for women, and in but few for men. I suppose it would have made no difference what she had taught. Doubtlcss she never suspected how many students endured the mathe- matical work of junior astronomy in order to be within range of her magnetic person- alit' There was another consideration, too that might have had its influence. W11 that has ever been connected with the allege has notbeard of the Dome- par ‘2 J Trudgeou 'l‘ Klinck ‘ J Louver '1‘ Brown VVidcs.“ Byes.. I have forgotten all Iever knew about the. sun, moon and stars. I should not recognize the zenith if I me! it face to face; and as for azimuth, I do not now know whether it is the name of a place or a planet. But I never shall forget lliose lit- tle tables lighted with candles set about the great stone pillar in the dome, the bouquets and souvenirs at every plate, and the poetry, in that print-like handwriting, which Prof. Mitchell made for every one of her girls. m. M ABRIED MEN Wm Frishy. J Rowbnttmn G Forester, s C Foreste D Lmvis.. C McKenz: g Quiue... Total ......... . 45 Total., .. 36 A1530 the members of the I. 0. (J- T marched from the hr†t0 the lawn headed by the Stonfl'ville Band, which was presem during the evening and enlivened the pro- ceedings. The bondï¬res and Chinese Ian- terns brightened up the lawn while the crowd enjoyed an em‘nesl address delivelod by Rev. Mr. Simpson and Mr. E. Stouffer. of 'l'oronlo, favored us wilh a song which was loudly encored, but he did not respond. All told it was a most. enjoyable and suc- cessful Halvest Home. ssar has always been rather l'nmous f0 ‘ts social and public entertainments; bu ll the glories of Commencement Week p before this unique :party that came lurduy before. Itwas usually held in the averting, and it was one of Prof. Mitchell’s standing jukes to tell the girls when the company broke upjnst. before Sunday morning to be careful On their way home not. to disturb the President, as he was writing his baccalaureate sermon. Prof. Maria. Mitchell’s Dome ‘ Parties. Considering the business of the season we are lmppy to state that a most success- ful Harvest Home was held on Mr. Kliuek's beautiful lawn on Saturday last, The day was all that could he desired for the occa- sion. During the uï¬ernoun :1 exhibition game ofCiickeL was played between lhe married and single men of the surrounding vicinity, in whlch all seemed greatly inter- ested. The following is the score :â€" Mr. Fundy, who has been in this ofï¬ce nearly 12 monthsts been compelled through sickness to seek rest at his home in Claremonb. He will be missed in those societies in the village, in which he took a. most active interest, as also in~ the Church and Sunday School with which he con- nected himself almost since the ï¬rst day of his urrivnl.1~ We desire, as also those of his friends whom he leaves here,soon to learn of his perfect restoration to his wanted health. Good Templars Harvest Home. M11! William Clarke, Deputy-Reeve of York Township, visited this ofï¬ce on Monday for 11. short time, during his stwy in the village. Mr. Clark is rm earnest member of the Temperance Order. “’0 Wore glad of the visit. Miss Priscilla. and Miss; Pearl Moore, of Buï¬ulo, are visiting at Mrs Trevethun’s. Mrs Joseph Hull returned on Wednesday Inst * having enjoyed her Mackinaw trip very much. Miss McConughy, accompanied by Miss Mc- Laughlau, returned on Mondaylfrom Woodstock. Rev. Mr. Cuswull, of St.Btu‘t11010ch’s ChurchI Toronto. Spout a few days in the village and vicinity last week. ‘ The Rector and Wife, of the parish, are visiting 1n Orangevillo. The duties of next Sunday will be in the churches of l‘riuity and St. Mary 1001:- od after by u. clergyman from Toronto. _ Miss Lizzie Konnersloy is spending a. few days In Toronto. Miss Ethel Keener is visiting in Toronto for a Bholt Limo. By mall to any la'dyâ€"sgvrcï¬rgus her post oï¬'lco addresz. Wells. Richardson & Co†Montreal. A COOK ‘ BOOK _ FREE Society Notes. 10 E Forester. E Stonffcr. A Smith. H Brown, F. Dixon “1' McDonald F Meek“ D McKelL “ J Dixon ..... E Hitclxcom. H McDonald. Wlfles ...... Byos.‘ SINGLE MEN 15 Bogs to announce to the ladies of Richmond Hill uml vicinity that; she has removed two doors cast of her former residence on Centre Street “[0315, where she is prepared to do Is prepared to give lessgns on the piunqqr organ pupils 7177 u . "'1" _â€" ‘n‘ eithpr at her own resxdcuce or the remdunco oi Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should aarefully read the above. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “ Want†advertisement. If you wanc to buy or sell anything. If you want a situation, a mechanic, 3 business, machinery. lodgings, if you have lost or found anylhing, or if you want to ï¬nd out wnere anyone is, advertise in the Toronto DAILY MAIL and rend the advertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a word each insertion. Adress THE MAIL. Toronto, Canada. North and south by turn him gums, Then one looks both east and west, Till its hard to make (im'viun Which widu picture pleases best. Come and seek than in this village, All the rest the boiler ile‘dS, Breathe fresh air and 1 HR W 11-0 Wumr, quurivr timing/11 thus: ry mamas. ‘ On 10 Richmmui’ be your motto, As Lhu FTHW‘XIOI‘ months drnw nigh, Not till wintry blush are coming, Say to Richmond Hill ‘good-bye." 011 {L l1ill our Richmond rises, l‘rmully here she sits on high. ’Mid her golden ï¬elds of harvest Where her orchards plonso the oyo. ‘ On to Richmond‘ than yo burghers,’ Yo who in the city uwoll Breathe her mountain air ye toilers, And though sick ye"ll soon be well. Richmond Hill I know will 131011.30 you, And will ï¬ll you with delight, Here joy drives away all sorrow, As the day drives forth tho night. Would you see n. Panorama Nature hero affords to act, Climb tlml. massive lofty steeple And you’ll smisfy your heart. Yet beware l~F<xr hem t‘lm Spm'l’OW As of old huth found her home; How the swallow hath her dwelling, Ere to southern climes she roam. In this land. our gram; Dominion, Hero II. ‘ Rinhmond’ you may see ; Richmond ma'nr by Slavery cursed, Home of Bntons over free. “ ()n to Ric‘nmonfl !" On to Richmond 1†Yus the Northern soldivrs cry: Four yours; uffonvm‘ds they 1'01).th it, Though their tons of thousands die. of property (1n ‘On to lemmnd 1' ()n to Richmond 1' So each wurrior rousud his mum When Um country's foes were mustering, And each day was big with Mo. embracing also, a history of the floods in \Villimmwmt, Lock Haven, Huuhuryand all tho floudml districts in the state of ’ Ponnsy]vxmin.. Msn in \V'u‘shingtou‘ D. 0., Now York, Murylnn(LVirginin 211111 “'05â€; Virginia, all of which named the tutu] loss of over 11,000 livos and the d ruction of (we ‘ $40,000,000 worth 0cfnvo_622 varies; “lust-rated yvith Forty- E‘iahtï¬fwtl'i E Engravméis- Moved by A. Wrighh seconded by C. 'l‘revellmn, that the Execuiive Committee be instructed to pmcm'e n lender for the band at the rate of per month. provided the members of said hand pay into the funds thirly cemts (30 cents) per moth for tuitionâ€"Carried. " The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade held its regular monthly practice and business meet- ing on Monday evening, the 2nd of Sept.. 1889. Captain W. U. I‘ugsley in the chair. The minutes of previous mooring were read and adopted after the FPCIelnl'y had bren requcstcd to State Ihe Ume wf ï¬re in Ward N0. 3. Livnt. Savage, as a membrr of the execu- tive cammiltee, repm'tpd that the [mud and lhe execuï¬ve committee hm! as yet, come to no FelllvanL relative to the hiring of a teacher for said hum]. On motion of C. Wright, SPCC‘Hded by C. 'I'rm'exhan (he report was accepted. This powdornovsr vnrles. A marvel of purity strength mlzl wlmlesmueness. Morn economical than the ordixmry kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low testshnrt Weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only {Eï¬cgm‘k ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., 106 Wall CATARRHAL DEAFNEssâ€"HAY FEVER A new HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a. fact, and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay (ever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N.B.~This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment ; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is Sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DIXON (is SON, 303 West King Street. Toronto, Cenada.â€"â€"Toronto Globe. Miss A. Seager Miss Sterling The meeting then adjourned. TITS ISY A VISITOR FROM TORONTO “ Pretty Richmond H111.†Absolutely Pure; BY CEO. T. FERRIS, A. M. Fire Brigade Meeting. A COMPLETE HISTORY OF THE , and UONEMAUGH agmrfl £ ' FLOLDI) I "HIS. GOODSI’EED & (10., NEW Yum, Gï¬ï¬ï¬‚. Gï¬RD. (formerly of Alliston): CATARRH, le 13‘315 Groceries, Confections, and Fruits :The Lightest Running and most improved high, roomy arm machine in the market. Sold cheap for cash or good paper. You will secure excellent bargains by calling at or writing to th 'l‘omplcuofnlï¬usic, MAIN-=51“ BEET. - MARKHA WM. FLEMING. THE NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MAEHINE,%§ I Of world wide fame, in numerous styles, containing Foley automatic mouse proof and all the latest improvements, at very low prices and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction. Come, Come, 00mg DOMINION PIANOSâ€"Gland, Square and Upright ;i Mahogany, Figured Walnut, Rosewaod and other choi woods, perfect instruments, sold on terms which cannot beaten. Old organs and pianos taken in exchange. Bring on your Butter and Eggs, Raspberries, Black and Re Currants, Bacon, &c., 87.0. {lï¬pflighest prices paid. Fair Warning and Fair Sale. Richmond Hill, July 25. Spring Arrivals of Baots & Shoe {have just received a large and well assorted stock of Boots and Shoes. R1: now prepared to Offer to my numerous customers the cheapest and very best goods in the market, in fact I have a full supply of everything in the line of Boots and Shoes in Ladies and Gents ï¬ne work of all kinds and styles and prices, Misses’ and Boys’ of all descriptions, Children’s of all sizes and colours. I have also a variety of Ladies’ slippers and Oxford Shoes, and also a heavy grade of goods in Men’s laced Bellas Half Boots and Long Boots. My Stool-r is second to none north of Toronto and the cheapest in town. No pup or canvas goods but all solid leather. We invite the public to call and inspectthe. goods_ They have been bought at. the lowest. cash prices and the quality first-class. guarantee satisfaction, Custom work aspeeiullv. Sewetl and pegged repairing neat and nr:\n\‘.Iln PIANOS, and promplly done‘ Barbed~ Wire, M00011 Bros. & Co. Galvanized Wire, Oiled & Annealed Wire, Shovels, Pails, Carpenter’s Tools, Building Paper BARREL QHURNS, $5.0 Farmers 81 HSARSWARE STOR Any Dealer selling other Oil for Lardine will be prosecuted Aud_also come_and buy your dishes to eat them‘fiom. M’cColl’s Lardinc Machine Oil so Cheap! LORNE @TORE ! Best Chum made. Repairingj‘prompfly attended to. C. MASON. Richmond Hi Best "Value for Your Money Something to Eat. R. SIVERS’. Why use poor Oil on your Machinery when you can get. RICHMOND " HILL ‘or sale by IL W. Neville and Sanderson Bros, Richmond Hill‘ pQMINmN ORG-ENS, Also for everythingzelse in the lille_;0f SEWENG MACHINES. ASK YOUR M ECHANT FOR ITâ€" TORONTO. â€"â€"FOR-â€"-â€"- You can get‘ AT THE Stoves. Tinware, Hot Air Furnaces, Eave Troughing, Metalic Rooï¬ng, Iron Pumps, Baths &; Sink OSCAR J. BROWN.