Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 Oct 1889, p. 2

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R. B. Orr. M. B. and First Silver Medalist University of Toronto, M; C. I” S. Ontario. L. A L, England (Late Of London, England Surgeon, E to. 30mm; Hours 8 to 9.30 1L.m., and 1 to 2.30 p.111 RICHMOND fiflm‘n, ONT. (Late of Bfooklyn N._‘Y.), formerly Resident Surgeon to the N.Y. State W‘omau’s Hospital, N.Y. City, and Visiting Physician to BtJohn’s Hospital and Southern Dispensaries, Brooklyn. OFFICE nouns until 10 a m,; and from 6 to 8 p m Richmond Hill Aug 29th, 1889 DR. LEWES fl. LANGSTAFFE Vitalized Air for extracting. 1 will -fll] ’ceebh wnhnut pain at the lowest prices. ‘.Best: teeth on rubber $8, cheapest ‘ ' Thankful fqr the favors of the past years if aystz'll be cmmultod in any brunch of the pro lossion, as fOHmvs Richmond Hill ..... .. 9th & 24th 0f such mom- :5. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., TORONTO. (at Palmer House) Alumr‘azhlst, 8th, 16M], and 2_ toulrville.. Markhmnm . .. .. Victoria Squnre ...... .. Thornhil] ( Walker’s Hotel) W’ondbridge . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . ‘ Kleinburg. . Nobleton . Alirom. 15:, Sth,16bh,and 22nd do toutrville.. ...... do Markhmnm .. dc Victoria Squnre .. . .. do Thornhil] ( Walker’s Hotel) do W’ondbridge . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . .. do Kleinburg . ...... .. do Nobleton N 0th do Vitalized air always on hand at the places of lmpointment. It does away with the pan in extracting VITA LEZEE} AER ! DI’ A ROBINSON- :SUBGEON DENTIST, AURORA Euliermn, Cook & Wailace Barristers, Solicitors, 6w. Oflices f: 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Rat Ofice Every Saturday. Toronto. May 29th. 1884. hfiggfifififi £7. MILLEQIAPJ CONVEYANCERS, ETC N .14 Bâ€" '1 Toronto- Offices-cfumbegfll Richmond Hill‘Officeâ€"E Money to ann at Lowest Current Rates Is prepared to give 1{ 0113: m UL: piano or orgzm vain-run her own maidczzco 14' “mm iKh-IICO of yupils‘ le lb'v um :hisTfiéiéâ€"i‘hfgbnnec‘f WEE a.“ 61315 E I! 30ng North and South. at 8 a 111., 12 a. “1.; 5.10 p m. and 6.00 n m: ' DEVON" â€"- COW Oct 26. 1888â€"1 vear Sir Wm.McArthur, K C M G, M. P, ex-Lord Mayor 3f London, President. W W Baynes,Esq.F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund. . .. .$10,000,00C Annual Income. . . . . . 1,600.000 Invested in Canada... 1.200.000 Dem h chums paid. . . . 10,000,000 T017 HTO REFERENCES. John I\Ic])onuld,an. C. J. Cnmp‘bell, Esq., H01). SumLLm-McMuster A. . Smith. Esq. James Motcalfa, Esq. Ruv. Elmo]; \Vood, D. Loans made on security of Company's Policy at a) 1:01- cent intm‘mt. Loansmude toUhurch'1‘rusterts,ntulow rate ( f interest. Send for “prospectus. Barristersfiolicitors, EAW THE STAR SSEE??L3ۤ_'§QC’}’ J S Fullerton i H": mmâ€" u/t‘xldLrnVL'. 3:" \VKLL CURE 0R RELIEVE BIZIGU3‘1’532 DIZZINESg, '- r 1 ' DROPSY, LUTT u’FIfi/G r- an r: '1 in? /u)’PL;l./§L-, 7 '1 {‘ALT 1; i151”! h‘f/IE'TF rm] “Jaw; CHE, d every 5 VD :Gfb’i'fl" CF THE 87015414 0H, {1‘ 'r’iv’ [-38 or- THE SKIN, offilgease arising frjom , lzio’flEE’SfSL'r‘Oufv/IAQH, bLS (JR BLOOD, ’ rf‘gfii‘l 8: fiiqod Miikcr, ABOUT TO CALF. W! 153: 8.: Sea gel? C. H. RIGGSJL. D. S., {SS F. MCL. COULTER, TEACHER 0F l’im‘xo and Organ. FQR gfiLE. F LAWRENCE h . 1884 Palmer. Pr E PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL, Lllorton: VJ Cook, J R M11101: PRIVATE FUNDS _TO] LOAN. House is one of the Best Hotels to be arch of Toronto. Everything is managed Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- AVBIIUIS. qud Stabljng End atgenfive DR. ORR, MAPLE, Sec. & Treas.for Canada. 32 Vfi’elfiugtog Styliust, Toronto “fig E“; 3‘»: m! -â€"â€"A YOUNGâ€"â€" Eificfliwi. Of London, Enginnd, (fun: y of Aliistun) flmtul, 1* AkD PFBBY, @vgal. 0n Saturdays 23mm. LEEE H. QUETTON Sr. GEORGE, .Oak Ridges OF THE HEART, £8581"? V CF THE 8705414014, DR 'r’lb’ESS 0r- mg SKIN, ,No. 14 Bilildirig & L'o‘an Chumbersfib Toronto st. Richmond H111 T C MILLIGANJ; Dec 151: 88-3 Rear of the Central Bank mRONTQ lyâ€"p6m No. Z9 Localsâ€"Will D Atkinson. Locals and Changerâ€"Wm, Atkinson. \VeeklyRE mpireâ€" The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold Ourselves responsibl‘e for the opinions of our Correspofidenta. may be found on file at Gen P A I’. Rowen (it Co’s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)whare advertis- ing contracts may be made for it IN NEWYORK NEW braid trimmings at the Fire Proof this week. Will D. Atkinson. THE Streetsville Review is a first-class local paper. NEW and elegant ribbons this week at. the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson. DON’T forget the lecture to night at the Presbyterian Church on the Jesuit question. NEW plaid dress goods for the ladies at the Fire Proof this week. Will D. Atkinson. NEW wool bootees, infantces, hoods and caps for the babies, this week at the Fire Proof. OLD newspapers for sale at this oflice 5 cents a dozen. MEN’S, youths’ and boys’ ready-made suits and overcome, splendid value , at. ‘he Concrete. MRS A. Proctor won the first prize for driving at the Newmarket fair yesterday. THE HERALD from now till end of the year for 200., cash in advance. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10, ’89 NEW hats, stiff and soft, for the gentlemen'an the Fire Proof this week. Will D. Atkinson. FLOOR oil-cloths; linoleums and carp' ets, direct importation at the Concrete- the cheapest in the country. BY PROCLAMATION issued, the Parlia- ment. of Canada stands prorogucd to the nineteenth day of November. James Wilson, 3 Carlton brickmaker, levanted a few days ago. leaving debts to the amount of about $500. ~Uomet. Tms has been a great week for new arrivals of goods at the Fire Proof as you will notice below. Will D. Atkinson. THE champion “ Irishman” has been found. A Junctionite ate fiftyâ€"five roasted potatoes at two sittingsâ€"Comet. the pfize list Hmi appears in our Baper this week. SCARLET flannels, navy flannels, opnra flannels, fancy flannels, Tartan plaids, grey flannels at; lowest; figures at the .Coucrete. CLARKE WALLACE’L; announéement thrt gamblers will be run off the Wood- bridge fair show gmuuds stamps him as a friend to protection for farmers.» Telegram. AGAINST TIME - Mr David Pugsley, of' Eglinfzton, backed his horse to do five milesin 20 minutes. on the road. The event was decided last Wednesday when his horse won in the excellent time of 19.38, leaving Mr. Pugsley, a winner to We extent of $25. PARTISAN abuse may increase but cannot lessen the political size of‘D’Alton McCarthy. Ilis stature is measured by tho. esleem of llle people for a man who sav'ed their country from the shame of having a free Canadian parliament be“ come a silent partner in- crime. WE WILL take orders for a thrilling account of ihe Johnstown Flood, iiâ€" Iustrated- Specimen copy may be seen at this office. SNOW.â€"inst Sunday morning on rising: from our virtuous couch our eyes beheld the beautiful snow. It. was very pretty to look at. but oh, what a damper came over our feelings at, the thought of the long: dreary winter ahead. LIKE the great Edmund, Burke, D, P. Callill also wields a powerful pen When W. D. Gregory lacks time to dash off his brilliant weekly letter to the Richmond Hlll Liberal, he? asks Trustee Cahillto Write a sparkling: column of comment and satire. full of such utter :mees an glitter like jewels on the foreâ€" finger of Tiluc.â€"~'l‘clegram. 81b Tilson’s rolled oats for ...... ,25cts 10 “ Gold Dust cornmeal for..... 250m 9 ‘_‘ Standard oatmeal for """ ...250ts 15 " Good yellow sugar for.....,$1 00 at the Concrete, OUR friends on the east side of the village will be glad to learn that- they will not be assessed for any railway tax this year. livetlie Reeve and Counâ€" cillors credit for this much. “ Clam” Chowder is all very well. but as the old saying goes, “the proof of the soup is the eating of it." and the unâ€" doubted place (0 see the newest goods at the least money is the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson. THE York Tribune is issued now twicea week. Do not overshoot the mark, friend, at the same time .we adâ€" mire your pluck. See that your subâ€" scribers pay in advance, else V GREY fldnnels from llcfs per yd: splendid-all wool 25 inch at 20c per yd. See the 25 inch Melton, f'ull width, at the Concrete, direct importation. as good as can be bought anywhere for 120Ls per yd. See Wm. Atkiusdn‘s new ad. Local and General. 311w 2am imam. Richmond Hlll. Ont. N0 TIOE T0 SUBSCRIBERS. Wm thth the Mar‘ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS? Whole No. 1631 : Volume 31. Sgn for A NOVEL ACCOUNTANEâ€"An old‘ tradesmen in a village close to Kingstoni keeps his accounts in a singular man- ner. He hangs up two boots, one on each side of the chimney and in one he puts all the money he receives, and in the other all the receipts and vouch- ers for the money he pays; at the end of the year, or whenever he wants to make up his accounts, he emptics the boots, and by counting their several and respective contents he is enabled, with a little trouble, to make a balance, which is doubtless as satisfactory to himself as ifit had been done by “ double entry.” LECTUREâ€"Father Chiniquy lectured to a large audience in the Presbyterian church last Tuesday night, on “ Home and the Bible,” a subject which proved extremely interesting from his able handling He dwelt on the fact that the Church of Rome,although outwardly professing to love and obey the Bible, in reality are at enmity with its teachings. He strongly condemned the ceremony of the mass, and exhibited the wafers used in it to represent our Saviour. After warning his hearers of the danger they ‘were in of drifting back into Romanism, the lecturer concluded with a touching appeal for assistance in his work of i evangelizing the French Canadian people. BUILDING NoTEs.â€"That energetic builder, Mr. John Kelly, of Headford, is making things bum in ‘this section. He has put up an astonishing number of buildings this season, notably John Palmer’s two houses on Yonge St, Reuben Pugsley's house at Eglinton, Adam Henrick’s at Hendford, Wm. McGill, Markham Tp., John Elloon, Buttonville, Wm. Bundle, Markham. Among the additions and barns he has put up this season are those of John Boyle, Alex. Malloy, of Vaughan, Alox. Cameron, Teston, and Walter Heaslip and James Newton, Elgin Mills. The houses are mostly of brick, and the style and finish of the great majority of them reflect great credit on Mr. Kelly’s ability as a builder. WEDDING â€"On the second, at the‘ residence of Mr. James Gormley, on Isabella street, his 'daughter, Miss: Maggie, and Mr. Garnet-t H, Meld’rum, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, were united in marriage, Rev. Dr. MoTavisli, of the Central Presbyterian Church, officiated. The bride and groom Will spend their honeymoon in England. On the eve of his marriage Mr. Meldrum was presented with a handsome gold watch by the managers and Sabbath-school teachers of the Cen- tral Presbyterian Church as a token of the esteem in which he is held by them, land of their appreciation of his services as secretary, which position he has held in both organisations ‘i'or a number of years. Mr. Gormley- was formerly a resident of Markham. DAVIDSONâ€"Suddenly, from acute inflammation, on Tuesday, the lst of October, liobinn Barclay, wife of A. B. DiwidSonl’ublic School inspector, aged 33 years mm 2 months. It was only on the 18th of April last that Mr and Mrs Davidson were married, and im- mediately afterwards they settled in Newmarket with every reasonable human prospect of a happy and prosperous future before them. On Monday uiternoon Mrs Davidson was apparently in her usual health uud 110 one dreamed for a. moment; of the dark shadow so swiftly approach- ing the happy home. In the evening Mr David- son attended the young people's prayer meeting and it was not; until after his return that he knew that anything was wrong. It; was nearly eleven o'clock on that night when Mrs Davidson was taken with acute inflmnnmtion of the bowels, and notwithstanding that every remedy was ap- plied, and the services of two doctors were secured, She grew rapidly worse until about half‘ piLSt four on Tuesday afternoon, when death put an end to her Hufl'erings” ofthe honor for paSsing'three med varid then throwing the rubber to Piper, who put it through. The third game conâ€" tinued for 25 minutes, the ball passing all over the field, but hearing more parâ€" ticularly upon the Bradford goal; finally a scramble took place at one side, in which Wiley secured the ball and passed it to Hewitt, when he scored another game for Newmarket. The next game resulted in not a little roughness, which laid 'up Hewitt With a broken nose and gave the game to Bradford in 42 minutes At 6 o’clock, darkness coming on, the match was decided a draw." Nearly half the Newmarket team is composed of the '5 Young Canadians,” atone time so celebrated in the annals of history. Mrs Starling returned home yesterday, after a. pleasant visit a few miles north of Anrom. Mrs; Geo.'Trcnch, of East Toronto, has been visiting on the Hill for a. few days. Miss Ward and Miss Mason are visiting at Mr Thos. Palmer's. GILMOUR-EDGAR-‘Ofl Tuesday. Oct.8th, at the residence of the bride‘s brother, Mr Geo W Edgar, West Toronto Junction, by the Rev E‘ B. Harper, 1), D_, Dr. J. T. Gihnour, M. 1’. I’. for West: York, to Maggie, only daughter of the late John Edgar, Exam, of Toronto, formerly of Brantford, E Y. PLowaG ASSOCIATIONâ€"At a meeting of the Directors of the East Riding of York Plowing Association held at Mr. Webber’s hotel, Unionville, on Saturday, the 5th inst” notwith- standing the unpleasant weather, about two-thirds of the members of the board were present. The committee appointed at a previous meeting for the purpose of examining fields placed at their dis- posal, reported in favour of Mr. Thomas Hood’s field. After some discussion it was deci'ed by alnmst a unanimous vote that the match be held in Mr. T. Hood's field situated on the townline between Markham and Scarboro’ nearly opposite the 5th Gen. of Markham. A considerable discussion took place and "there seemed a wide difference of opinion with regard to the day the match should be held, but when the vote was for Wednesday, the 30th day of October, "1899, it carried. The meeting ad- journed to meet at the same place on Saturday. the 12tl1inst.,at2 o’clock. pm., when the prize list, rules of the match and other business will “be at- tended to. M1‘W.T1‘0nch acted as judge of carriages at the Newmurket fair. Mr Jos. Comisky wasjuage of horses at the Stuyner show. Society Notes. MARIllEI) DEATH. YIR. R1VIR1N0E.â€"Not a grate whoil ago, ther wuz a praste uv the name uv Maren Farah, at Munthryhall. I supâ€" pose he’s gat an image uv the name uv Misthriss Farah, or Mother Farah, wun uv the same koind that. oi’ve ricommind ed yirsilf to git‘wuu uv. But how cud he be a praste in the odour uv sanctity an’ have an image uv that koind? In this way: He’s a Maronite praate. Now, the Howly Father lits ahll thim prastes have an image IN the hoind oi’ve minâ€" shund, that takes a noshun to git wun. Uv coarse, ther’s lashins uv thim that has aiteh wun. Now, Yir Rivirinee,‘ isn’t it a moity quare thing that the Pope sez, fur example to yirsilf, “Father Aygzm, you're an Oirishman ; therefore, if you git fur yirsilf an image IN the name uv Misthriss Aygan, oi’ll take a howlt uv you an7 turn you afi‘, bag au' baggage, frum bein’ a praste, an’ put you among the cursid hirities, so oi will." But to Father Farah he sez :â€" “ You're an Arab, wun uv the Maronite ciai‘gy. It’s, therefore, ahll roite f'ur you to have a Misthriss Farah.” Whoy, *oi ax, shud the Howly Father make a dufllierence betwaee yiz? Hasn’t an Oirishman as warrum a heart as enny uv thim Arabs ? Whey shud it be ahll roite fur a Maronite-praste to have wun uv thim images oi have afore described, an’ it be a monsthrus sin fur himsiif to have wun ‘? As he’s linfuliyble, he’s'only to say the word, anf make it ahll roite fur himsilf and ahll the rist uv the ciargy to have thim. Me brother, it ud look moity soshible to see you an’ Misthriss Aygan goin’ alang the sthrates arrum in arrum, or yiz both in a kyarridge an’ yirsilf dhriv- in’ wid wun hand, an’ yir other arrum around hur to kape hur frum fahllin’ out. Here’s another quare t-hing,Yir Rivir- ince. The Pope lits thim Marouite prastes say mass in Syriac, instid uv Latin. Shure au’ it's mesilf that ud loike to know the mison whoy. Oi rémane,Yir Rivirince,s wel‘l wisher, '1‘. FENWICK_ Elder’s Mills, Ont A meeting of the Directors of the Rich- mond Hi” Mechanics" I litute was held on Monday evening, the 3.0clober. 1889. x A‘Rl‘lunhgslPresident] D Boyle, W A Sanderson. Dr Wilson, J E Clubine, R E Law, H M McCuaig and the Secfreta ry. V The ninutes of meeting held on the mm of May were read and»confirmeda TURKEY RED embroidery cotton and embroidery silks in all shades for sale at the HERALD Store. HoLLown's Piusâ€"With the darkening days and changing temperatures the diges- tion becomes impaired, the liver disordered, and the mind despondent unless the cause of the irregularily be expelled from the blood nnd body by an alterative like these Pills. They go directly to the source of the evil, thrust out all impurilies from thecirculation, reduce dislempered organs to their natural state, and correct all defective and contain inated secrelions. Such easy means of in- stituting health. strengxh nnd cheerfulness should be in the possession of all whose stomachs are weak. whose minds are much harassed, or whose brains are overworked. Holloway’s is essentially a blood tempering medicine, whereby its influence, reaching the remotesl fibres of -lhe frame, effects a universal good, milmfiuy C'Bm'juiuee meet. ébme- time during {he wee’k’, find that the next Dxreclors' Meeting bg,_flxeld on Tuesday evening, the 15111 Ocldber. The regular monthly meeting of the R H F B was held on the evening of Oct. 7, 1889, after practice, in council chamber. Liem. Savage in the chair. Minmes of lust meeting read and advaed. A discussion was opened re entertainment on New Year’s, and it was finally moved by Foreman Redditl, seconded by Fireman Trevelhan, that this brigade hold its annual entertainment on New Year’s night, 1890. -â€"Carried. ‘ ‘ Moved by Furemnn lledditt. seconfled by Fireman Cuwie,1hat Fireman W. Atkianyn‘. W. 19‘ Wiley, Secy. C. McLean, G. Treveâ€" than, be a. cummiltee to prepare a program for annual entertainment and report at next [Heelingâ€"Carried, Moved by And, Atkinson. seconded by Fireman McLean, that Lieut. and Secy. be a committee to wait on Masonic body and ascertain 00a: per night for basement for drill practice.â€"â€"Carried. Executive Commiuee reported through LieuL that they had {011046317th instruc- tions of brigade and procured a leader ful the band in the person of Mr, W. Sheppard Report was received and adopted ‘ 7 Mo§ed by Mr. Trench. seconded by Mr. Duncan. that the stufl'of teachers both High and Public be re-enga’ged for 1890 at the present salaries. â€"Curried. Viâ€"Movéd by Trench, 'seconded by Dr Wilson that the accounls of Innis & Son and 'l‘yntjrall b9 paid ~pgr1;ied:‘ Moved by Trench-seconded by Savage, that the fee charged Mr. F. Lee for lesson at the High School be $1.00 per term.â€" Carried. ’School Road met on Monday afternoon last. There is not, much business to call the Board together once a month. lu2t'uct, some of the members think six times :1 year is quite often enough to meet. n There were present‘ Messrs. Duncan, Lyuen, Switzer, Trench. Wilson, Savage, Russell and Brown (chairman). Minutes read and/adopted. Moved by Duncan," seconded by Lynett. that Mrs. W'iley’s 't‘étjuest be granted, to place a substitute in her department the last week in October.‘ Letth er to Father Aygan. The meeting then adjourned. Mechamcs’ Institute. Fire Brigade Meeting. Board of Educatlon. H. A. NICHOLLS, Secy. Last Sunday night a crowded audi~ ence gathered in the Presbyterian church to listen to Father Chiniquy,whose fame has resounded through the world for more than a half century. And well were they repaid for their trouble. Father Chiniquy told the people at the outset thatit' they had come there to hear the Roman Catholics abused they would be disappointed, for he could not abuse those whom he loved and pitied. Referring to his past history, he said that after a most successful work in Quebec among his people,and also among the Protestants, of whom he turned a number, the Bishop of Chicago petition- ed him to go to the Western United States, there to he at the head of a colony of French Roman Catholics that he was to have brought from France, Belgium and Lower Canada, while the Irish Roman Catholics were to be massed in the Eastern States, and gradâ€" ‘ually they together would work the two sections till the Romanists ruled the States. Father Chiniquy joyfully agreed to take part in‘ this great plan. Going to lllinois, he soon had about seventyvfive thousandimmigrants,all Roman Catholics Towns, villages and farming commun- ities clustered around him. Churches flourished. Meanwhile he had been studying the Bible day and night, and at last-light broke on him. It was on a Saturday afternoon. On Sunday he Went to his church. it was crowded even more than usual. nearly a thousand worshippers were present. They, of' course, were surprised to find him begin the service differently.'and their surprise deepened as he told them of the great change which had come upon him. After addressing them for nearly two hours he found his audience in tears and upon asking them to dismiss him as their pastor, not one raised his voice to do so, but when he asked if they wished him to'remain and teach them the way, they were unanimous in their consent. So he stayed with them and that day he had the joy of seeing nearly a thousand begin to walk in the new path, whither he has since led thirtyâ€"five thousand. He closed with an earnest appeal to time present to aid him in his work among the French»Canadians, who are dying in darkness at our doors. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low Lashshort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in Ctfilfly ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00‘, 106 VVaJl 813., . . 1n the year 18;?) the present owners of the Scientific American newspaper commenced iis publication, and soon after established 1). bureau for the procuring of patents for inventions at home and in foreign countries. During the year 1815 there were only 502 patents issued item the U. S. Patent ()Xfice, and the total issue from the establishment of the Patent Office, up to the end of that year. numbered only 4.347.‘ , ‘ ,,,‘,,,,, In conversation With one of the firm, who had commenced the businesss of soliciting,' patents in connection with the publication of the Scientific American, more than forty years ago. I learned that his firm had made application for patients for upward of one hundred thousand inventors in tho United States, and several thousands in difiorent foreign countries, and hail filed its many cases in the Potent Office in a, single month as there were patents issued during the entire first year of their business career This gentleman had seen the Patent Ofiioe grow from a sapling, to It sturdy oak, and he modestlv hinted that many thought the Scientific American, with its‘ large circulation. himl performed no mean share in stimulating inventions H.111] advancing the inter- ests of the Potent ()ilice. But it is not alone the patent soliciting that occupies the attention of the one hundred persons employed by Munn & (70., but u. largo number are engaged on the four publications issued weekly and monthly from their oiiico, 361 Broadway, iT.Y.. viz : the Scienti- fic Amoriounthe Scientific American Supplement, the Export Edition of the Scientific American, and the Architects and Builders Edition of the Scientific Ame icon. Tho first two publications are issued every week, and the latter two the first of every month. Up to the first; of July this year there have been granted 466,413. Showing that, since the com- mencement of the publication» of the Scientific American there have been issued from the U. Si Patele Oflice 402,166 patents, and about one-third more applications have been made than have been granted, showing the ingenuity of our people to be phonomenulnnd much greater th'm even the enormous number of patents issued indicates. Probably IL good many of our readers have bad business transacted through the oflioes of the Scientific Amoricundn New York or Wule ington, and are fumiii-Lr \Vlth Munn $5 Co's mode of doing business, but t‘mso who have not will be interested in knowing nomething about this, the oldest patent soliciting firm in this country, pro- bably in the world. PL one visiting the 011363;: of the Scientific American, 361 Broadway, N. Y., for the li rst time, will be surprised. on entering the main 011108. to find such an extensive and elegantly equipped establishment, with its walnut counters, desks, and chairs to correspond, and its enormous safes, and such 1L large number of drunghtmnen, speci- fication writers and clerks, all Busy as bees, re- minding one of a. large banking or insurance office, With its hundred employees. Progress of Inventions since l845. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should 3Mefiully read the above, QATAHRHAL DzArNEssâ€"HAY szzn‘. A new HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustaehian tubes. Microscopic research, howaver, has proved this to be a fact, and the result of this discovery is that a. simple remedy has been formulated Where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N.B.â€"â€"This treatment is not a. snuff or an ointment; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DIXON & Son, 303 West King Street. Toronto, Canada.â€"Toronto Globe. flu WEE/77. OYA EGWfiS Ah“. n-..“ nuR': . Father Chiniquy at the Hill. Absoiutefiy Pure. CATARRH, DRY GOODS, ,- CROCKERY, DOMESTIC STAPLES, GROOERIES, ls Offering to the Public for Fall and. Winter, 1889, the largest and best selected Stock or imported â€"RICHMON D HILL HARDWARE STORE~ To be found in any house in the County of York. Goods were never nicer and Value was never better at any time before. he Peo le Cr â€"! Saving! Saved! and money mm In for a. rainy day. by purchasing: T p y Household Supplies at the Ontario ouae. Groceries, Confections, and Fruits March, 1888 FULL LINE OF PRQWISIONS, CROGKE'RY, BOOTS & SleS PRICES AWAY DOWN. Choice Flour, Bacon, &c. always kept in stock. Butter and Eggs wantedâ€" Highest Price Paid. Come, Come, Come, wwfifiurug. FRESH And also come and buy your dishes to eat them from. 0:1? Repairing promptly Intended to. It will pay you to buy your stoves from 0G=HIGHEST PRICE FOR BUTTER AND EGGS. $omething to Eat. Ontario House ! 952% DIRECT IMPORTER @374 Also for everything else in the line of C. MASON. CGNCRETE HOUSE, FOR ALL KINDS OF GO TO THE â€"â€"*FORâ€"â€"~â€"- JOSEPH H. HALL. STOVES, STOVES z CHEAPER THAN . TEAS-

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