i' . lit-twill. Eli on. ORR, MA?LE, l @1113 “ï¬nd: , 353mm. Richmond ï¬lll.0nt. _ No. 20 Whole Nd.-16§2: Volume, 31. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1'7, ’89 ,N0,7‘10E Togmswumflés. ‘ 1 34% 3: ’7'“â€"“ The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsible for the opinions of our Correspondents. .R. B: On, M. 15. and First Sllver Medalist University of Toronto, M. G. P. S. Ontario. L. I A L, England (Late Of London, Surgeon. Etc. unwilling) Hours 8 to 9.30 u.m., and l to 2.30 p.11] IIII. LE WIS II : LANG-Sill FF 3 .ï¬roriuoxn mum, on; * (Late .of Brooklyn N. Y.), formerl Pesiden’tr Surgeon to the State WUDIull’: Ifospital, KY, City, and Visiting: l’hyscian ,to $t.,Johu’e Hospital and Southern Dispenairies, Brooklyn. Our‘lou nouns until 10 e, m,; and from 6 to 8 p m ,Bichinond Hill Augv29th. , lSjBl ; England NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. Worldâ€" Localâ€"P. G. Savage. Localsâ€"Will D. Atkinson. may be round on me at Geo P. Rowell &Co‘s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)where advertis- ing contracts may be made for itIN NEW YORK _i_, 7.... ‘â€" 55 TH on WTHO’UT A-PLA<~T Vitalized Air for extracuiiig. 1 will ~L'ill teeth Without pain at the Iowa 1: r‘ ' teeth on rubber $8, cheapest 356:, v meal .80“; I C, H. RIGGS,I_L.. D. 8., S. E». Corner King & Yonchts, TORONTO... VITA LIZED A l R Or A ROBINSON. (g :scncnou DENTIST. AURORA Thankful for the favors of ti may still be consulted m pagt use and Genre." - OLD newspapers for sale at this oflicc 5 cents a dozen. THE HERALD from new till lst January, 1890, for 10 cents. SALE OF wall paper for two weeks at great reduction of price at Savage‘s. yams MEN’s, youths' and boys’ ready-made funny branch 0! the pro vivid and might be likened to St. Paul’sl experience, as contained in the XI of 20d Corinthians. His remarks in regard to p the Jesuit doctrine “ of the end justify- ing the means" was pretty fully estabâ€" lished. Father Chiuiquy for a man of // A , (bicycars is a wonder. Such force and ' activuy, such energy and such aptncss 35“. wouldlead one to think that he had not passed Ilircc score years of life, let alone reaching four score. Providence has wonderfully preserved him for u-good fpurposo, we must believe, and he looks [ «qual to many years yet of life. Ocronzn Winn AWAKEâ€"General 0. 0. Howard has written an article fertile young folks who read Wide Awake, which will also interest and' enlighten their elders ; we refer to the little paper , in the October number entitled “'How many Indians in the United States?" In the some number Miss Rosa King- sley, Charles Kingsley’s daughter, has a valuable contribution about f‘ The Boy who Invented the Telegrap-li’lâ€"Cliiudc Chappe. a little French lad. Mrs. God- dard Orpen in her “Famous Stones†series, gives a very different page of French history in telling the story :of‘ a , “The Diamond wakhce?’ ,Afler er; cacti;:3this;r.i£icvail?wsavï¬sxs cepting Mrs, White’s Public School incuus. EROYALBAKINGPOWDER Co., 106 Well Cooking paper about dainty preparations St" N'. ‘ " ’ for invalids, and the kindred one by Mrs Cavazza about “Sleep Slippers,†and Prof. Starr’s “Geological Talk,†and ‘ , ' ' u ' †' M rs‘ Cldï¬m s ' behawor letter’ the 1889. Apetition. was preseuted by Mr S Mew from if Absolutely Pure. This powderrri'eve‘r varies. A marvel of purity strength ï¬in wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary, kinds, and cannot be sold in Township Council. '- Council’i‘uet tilt Unionville On Saturday, Oct '12, suits and overcoats, splendid value, lession, as follows 5 (h C t a e oncre 6. Richmond Hill .......... 9011 & 24 ' (at Palmer Hous‘e) th 0: “£11 want" I Agrï¬tmgst, 8th,16th,end 221?; go EMPIRE 15TH :â€"Clarkc Wallace, M. a: ‘P., was in Ottawa today on departâ€" .....21s.b a . - . mm“ £3“, «3' mental busmess. " 1""ng g3 Tim annual meeting of the East York . ..... .sutn do Reform Association will be held at Vituliz’ed‘air always on hand at the places of appointment. It docs‘awoy with the pu_n in Uniouvillc on Saturday. extracting; THIRD SUNDAYâ€"Services will he held in the English Church here, next Sunâ€" day at 11 a,m., and 7 p.m. ace , ug- TEA AND ENTERTAINMENT â€"â€"Thc Presbyterian Church is going to have a tea and entertainment on Thanksgiving Day. Fullerton; L [0001i & Wall Barristers, Solicitors, 6w. Ofï¬ces I. 1 Adelaide Street East; Toronto. ' melanom- Hill Post once Every Saturday. 9 J Si‘uiierton, w Cook, J L: Miller. ‘ PRIVATE TUNES ‘TO. LOAN. Toronto. May 29th, 1884. SCARLET ï¬annels, msz flanncls, opera I flzinncls, fancy flanncls, Tartan plaids, grey flannels at lowest ï¬gures at the , Concrete. lllllilliiinliiln' ] y»p 6m WE WILL take orders for a thrilling account of the Johnstown Flood, il- lustrated. Specimen copy may be seen at this oflicc. ' Beston. remainder of the number is given up to sixteenrilepuyersnvitll ingot their subscri ptions Stones‘ poems and pictures, a“ of a most I toward levelling Side road between lots 10 and 11, . . , cou.8..._' ,, . entertaining character; notable amoug‘ 'h‘mi‘GouldAe'cOnded by Mr Scottymovod thtw . -' - 1 - t o reusurei' be and is hereby instructed to pay the I‘m†‘5 Mr- Br'dgnfan 3 amusmg'Jonn Millerthcsuiu of $10 17,beiug twotlririls Court Calendar and the eighteen Prize vï¬nl‘llie of dpï¬uagda (70.8%er killed by dogs, as testi- . ( (III on . HIHG Nonsense Animals, the most remarkble., t 11y“ fouldgse‘conde 3y Mr Statenmgvol Slug; l-l ‘ . ' a e ‘reesurer be on, is here y out orize o c 1‘ pmr know.“ 0‘ medern n,dtul:al hISmFY' Se ttle the account of Kerr. McDonald, Davidson The poems include contributions from 61B1’atgersgï¬â€˜asinstgusbed by I139 (iguncil. (gaggin . -. i Inlet rtsccou e b-yMr xou ,inove at Graham T011160", I'S. Celia. Thaxter the Tramway- p_,,y on, the Order of H B Scuyniidg, and Mrs. Williamâ€"Stone all at th-Iir $2.! «1.3,bciiig liqu uniount expended on hill on b T - ’ . ', south town'linc at 3rd con. Carried. est. he canals are Margaret Sidney s. hm; Schmidt, seconded by Mr Scott, moved that fl 3 †l ' 7 - _ t e' reusui'er be null is hereby instructed to ply “We†af'd sum: (’OOIIdge 3 “LI,†' the followiugrravve‘l' ucnuuts.â€"* tle Knight of Labor. The short stories, "Jhliemï¬ï¬mzz ytis,..zz-, Albei‘eling‘lIlaullf, no; .- , - Jc ii Gr ‘ um,33 yds,$330 forl , A itche 1, “"_â€â€œe “"93, are ‘ Fri-WW at 50mm," bv uo; 1mm Graham. 7 ydsï¬u cts, J A Mitchell, R Leigh Younu, “ Niobe" by Anna H 0.» Auditions-,2 tiIFrederick Elliott for hauling “r ,I . . ,, ‘ , ', loud oftuinbcmfor bridge,cuir 2, division No. 5, 11le8. balm" Glbl‘allarfl, by LIISII- as certiï¬ed by l) Hioi'ner, roudoverscer. Carried. ' I. - Mr S utef secciii ed by Mr Scott. moved that belh £49m“, Gosfie’ mid Tom the Star ‘ilm'lreushierï¬uy R Goodyear the sum of ($4.48 Boy, by Miss Risley Seward, the latter fCor lurfiiri‘sh'i-ng inutcriul and repairing pile driver. , - mic . 1‘ “ ' ‘1‘“ "‘19 9f W‘ï¬l‘mgmn and the Rock) Mr Slater, Selimde by Mr Schmidt, moved ODntulns. ', x - ' 9 t, thntMr Albert Quuntz be out orised to c cam “it; AWJke ls 40 a dilc-Inles‘uiid protect guard roiling on 2nd con, Vcar- D. IAOlbI'Op Complinyfublislicrs, I om osile-lnts l3 and 14. Also to have 3 toise of i. ~ 3 stone broken at Hoshil Hill, amount required pit) dbl I on order of commissioner when work is _ C(Imï¬gï¬%§§1‘ Curr‘ed , . .. in "do t,-sccou ed by mr Schmidt, moved the adoptiou'of-th‘e report of the committee appoint- ed by this council to effect a. settlement with the cdiincil'of the municipality of Richmond Hill i'c i‘nilvmy bonus, and further that the Treasurer ‘ 50¢ Village Councrl. be rind isdicr’eb‘y authorised to pay the amount CONVEYANCERS, Tmc. "Tomato Bakes No.14 Building & Lem Tubman-ens Toronto at . Richmond , , ’Hil'l Ollie mm or am , . e‘Contrul Bunk 0n Saturdays. Mime-yttcï¬im szï¬cwm Current Ra (es 3:". AG F Dismisses; Noveltqu " 11‘ G MILLIGAN.L a Till-IE PALMER HOUSE gRICHMOND HILL. ' Palmer. Prop, k it .Barristers,Solioitors, , Hound uprth oiToronto. Everything is menu! ed ..in First Class Style. ‘S‘Eirmplc Room for Commer. “dial Truvellbrs. Geod ‘S‘tubling n. d attentive «hostie‘mx'l‘e'ins . ‘b’er day. P ocbor’s, 12 r ‘lonvoexthinijfawi'uï¬umeuh Win? all me. ,1; 16h 'Truihs'goihg Nerflimnd South. at 8 a. m., 12 a, \n., 5.10 p m. rind 6300 n m. . . r 'v Ethnic. ' (2'7 , , ‘ F. McL. COULTER, TEACHER or I __ lane and Organ. , Richmond Hill . ig'OR - SALET â€"â€"â€"A YOUNGâ€"â€" DEVON â€" COW Good Miikcr,‘ ABOUT TO OALF. B. QUETTON Sr. GEORGE, Dot 26. 1888â€"1 year a _0a.k Ridges THE STAR} LIFE Assurance Slic’y‘ Of London, England. J Sir Wm. MoArthur, K C M G, . ' I", ex-Lord Mayor of Londo , President. , W W Baynes,Esq.F I A,Secretary ‘ Reserve Fund. ... .Sl‘0,000,000 Annual Income. . . . ; . },60Ll.000 Invested in Culiada...’ 1.200.000 Death claims puirl. . . . 10,000,000 'l'or DJro Reservations. John McDonnli-I,Esq. C.J. Climnbell.Esq., Hon. Seimtoi-McMnster A. . Smith, Esq. ~« , James Metculfo, Esq. ltcv. Enoch Wood, D. of Company's Policy at Loans made on security 5 per cent interest. Loansmade toChurcli Trustees, at It low .rnte .0! interest. Send for |prpspectus.. {I A‘ DiI’E-BRY, Sec. AZ Trees. for Canada. - 32_Wellington St., East, Toronto Dec 1st 883 ‘ i CHE KEY To HEALTH. EA W. u, Unlocks ellthe clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, curry- iug off gradually without weakening the system, all the impurities and foul humors of the secretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity cf the Stomach, curing Billousness, Dya- sclf with a necktie, scarf, collar, or sue ponders at the Fire Proof Will D. Atkinson. in reference to Tuesday evening's meet ing in the Presbyterian Church a week linen while handkerchier at 5 cts. each columnpf the Daily Werld and HERALD to the end ’of 1890 'for two dollars sum-Gem? "‘_“ ‘ " ' " Thlslflbu‘eeis’one‘of this Best Hotels to Le attention to {he advortisenlenti'n another â€"â€"â€"â€" l-(I ‘- Gold Dust cornmeal for. 15“ (Rood yellow sugar for ...... SM 00 ‘lile Reeve in the Chair at the Concrete, :tlie big Sale we predicted for them and 00“ read and approved; they are just the whack for lighten new dresses or for remodelling old ones at the Fire Proof. ins: IIII‘II‘ houses very high this year a'ong tho Assiniboinc River, which fact is stayed by the Northwest Canadian to be an unfailing sign of a liaId winter. been a p;irticipulor.-â€"~ Globe. of Ilic Royal 'I‘einplars last Tuesday evening, musical lion to the nrinicul 001‘. 10, l889 -â€"At the call of the Reeve the Council met in the C'le-rk’ oflice. Members present: the Reeve, Councillors Atkinson, Savage, Sanderson ' and .Wilson. The minutes of 2ist Aug. nil-intention read and approved. , The Clerk read a communication from the Council of the Township of Mark- haui, dated the 2nd Oct, relating to the claim of the village in regard to the Railway chcnture Fund. Moved by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Sanderson. that the Reeve, Dr “'ilson. Councillor Savage and the clerk , of the Village be a cmmn-itteeto meet the committee of the Council-o1†Markham Township, to adjust the Railway Debut): YOU will have no trouble to suit your- (our specialty). CROWDED Our.â€"-A com go, crowded out. BEAUTIFUL colored bordered handâ€" crchiefs at 3cIs. or two for 5 etc; pure I tthe Fire Proof. Will D Atkinson. CLUBBING.â€"â€"Wc beg to call especial l ' 22m} Ali-2‘ ,"1889.‘ Council then udjhurlied. 0†001‘ I4. l889â€"Tlie Council met on 9 “ Standard oatmeal for . . . . . . . 25 ms l the call of the Reeve at the Clerk’s ofï¬ce Councillors Messrs Atkinson, Sanderson The minutes of 10th 83E» Tilson’s rolled oats for......25 cts 0? .n. a present : THOSE plaid dress goods are having and Dr' “ flmn' A communication or printed circular l was rcceivod and read. d‘iited 2‘6th Sept , relating to a proposed" amendment in the assessment law. from the Mayor of Otâ€" Iawa. Will D. Atkinson. A SURE SlGN.â€"i\l uskrats are buildâ€" The f'nllnwinc' accounts were read:â€" Josenli Hall. for lamrr oil, nails, ctc., 819.59; John Piper. for work on sideâ€" lwallm $8.75, II. Marsh, for lumber. GBIY fltinncls from llcts per yd2‘,$557‘; H. A. Nicholas. {hr repair of splendid all wool 25-inch :it 200 per yd fencine. $2 25; M. H. Herder, printingi See the 25â€"inch Melton, full width, at fb'ills, $1.75. ’ H the G‘I’ICI'Cte- dim“ Impom‘ï¬o'h as W“ Councillor SandersOn‘ moved seconded , , ,. , as can be bmlgm anywmm for IZCIS‘PGI' lby Councillor Wilson. that the Treasur- ld- ;er be :mdis hereby instructed to pay THOMAS FIIEI‘PAuii’s DEATH. .â€" Mr. “‘6 above acooums' .Cumed' Thomas Slicppzird, of Fa t York, in The Reevei‘m behalf 0f the eon’mitlee his 85th yearydied on Sunday. Mr appointed at. the last meeting of the Sheppard was one of the few remaining Council. verballv reported. that the joint of ,he rebel pamots of 1837_ He re_ committee of the Markham Township mained rohu-t to the last, and retained Cmmcn and “the Council “(the Village loo an vxcellent memory oftlie events in "f R‘ichmm‘i HI†met at Uni‘mvme I 0" which lie was to the last proul to have [um um I'm" to ad-IuSL me premurc , Fund. when the committee of Markham Township Council mndc an offer of SETTLED â€"- A committee of our Coun- ‘cil mm. to Markham on Friday last to cim’sult Willi the committee of the Coun oil of Mai'kliuin-‘Townsliip in reference to overpaid railway bonus money. Agreement Was come to that we should get back $300, which sum was passed at the Markham Coulis l next. day. minutes of which appear in another column. It is the intention to one; in Ilie paik a building for agricultural pur- poses and this sum will help to meet the cost of the some. The settlement of this matter reflects credit upon the members of our Council that it has been done without resorting to hard measures. Tilt: R. T. CF 'I‘.â€" An interesting program was rendered by the members finnnd Hill. which was agreed-fur on‘ beâ€" 3 half of the village Councilf The report was received and-adoptch Mr. Atkinson moved seconded by Dr. yilsnn, that a levy of$750 be mmle this year for village purposes Carried. The Council adjourned to meet at 3 p In. Tuesday, Oct. 15th, in the Cl'érkb oflicc. OCT. 15, 1889 â€"l’ursuan‘t to? ad journment the Council met; the Reeve ‘irr the chair. Councillors presont: Messrs Atkinson and Sanderson. The minutes of ulhet'ing of l4lh inst. were read and approved. ' ‘ Mr. Sanderson moved, seconded by Mr. AIkinson, that the Treasurer be and is hcrcbv authmised and instructed to pay the Reeve, Assessor and" Clerk the sum of $3 each for performing: their duties as selectors of jurors for‘ the present wear, under the statutes in such" coco made and provided. Carried. Mr. Sanderson introduccd'By law No. I32, “ to authorise the levying: and colâ€" nnd literary. The lodge was enlivened by excellent porâ€" l'oi-niunccs by the members of the Royal Tcnmlars Vocopliouc Bond. a new addi tiilonls of our vil- lage. Sevnial laughable choruses were rendered and were highly appreciated. as certifio by O‘Gllbddl‘ overseer; ‘ under the supervision and subioct, to the approv- Dr Far-cw furnieh’ad hi pass, 0 ‘in full settlement of the claim" of Richâ€" , agreedxuubn. Curried. » Mr Schmidt. seconded by Mr Gould, moved that the Treasurer be and is hereby instructed to pay ‘Mf (f-Grebner $5.50 for griivellinig done on Div., Our WashingtOn Letter. \From our own Correspondent. The election of Mr. Blaine to the presi- dency of the 'l‘hree America’s Congress is warmly endorsed by President Harrison and the sclemion appears lo please the foreign visitorsfor if there is one man in the United States with whose career they are familiar, that man is James G. Blaine. There was a carefully laid plan to secure the position for William Henry 'l‘rcscolt. of South Carolina, though why any clique should ask the selecâ€" lion ofa. man of whose existence the great majority of his fellow countrymen ure bliss-- fully ignorant, is beyond echoepliom yet this is always so. No sooner is a famous man named for an honor than all his enemies in his own party , combine on some now Moses. The new Moses may be ,peace- fully slept out n pailicularly long ife ‘lieepr iiig lhe'fliesofl' of himself in county courts but still his selcmion is insistedeon and his asionishl‘ng'uhiliiv'sW‘o'Fnfltouby R lhou- . sand Whirl-s. Thus Mr. Treacott, of Bald Knob, S. C., was insisted upon us a candidate against James G. Blaine. Hon. Henry G. Davis, who is one of the United States representatives in the Con- gress, says that he believes some valuable work will be accomplished. The majority of the visitors express an earnest disposition to promote better Commercial relations with the United States. Many say proportion of their trade Ilmt now goes to Europe should go to the United States. A few of the delegates, on the other hand, while cordial and fiieudly. are reticent as to the commercial opportunities Mr. Davis lidxlsihnt he is conï¬dent lhnl United Slates interests will be substantially beneï¬tled All of the United Slates delegates will iioL make lbe excursion to the various industrial centers, but It is proposed to have at least- fOIJr or five of our representatives always with the pally. __~_nc-â€"â€"â€"â€" BIRTII. EVAstAt ll'aplc, on :Flldfl‘y, 11th October, 89, the wife of John Thos. Evans, of a son. DEATH. BlinP‘IIrâ€"At Thoriihill,on S indsty. Oct 13, Mrs Bridget Bropliy. aged 51 years, KILI’ATRICIiiOI Typhoid fever, on ’I‘huvsdny night, Oct. 10th, 1889. at the Hermititgr, the residence of .1..It. Arnold, Emu l‘livry J: ne Kilptitiicl‘, of Sti'ltl 1' er, Scollund, ugcd LU yours, She was buried in the Presbyterian buri 1 ground, the funerul being 0 inducted by the Itcv W \V Perciva‘, hiWitiiNcuAOu the 7th inst ,lut Muriottu, (In1 - forum, Grime ltiiil‘, l‘clict oftlie lute C. 19, Lruvreuce, 8. id formerly of this place, in the alst‘yeur of her age. Her end was pence. "fl .Take NO Chances depend 0| solid fuels qunls Ilngynrd's Yellow ()il fol BU"; burns, sculds, {inst bites, cliill)lnin8. IH‘IH‘M' gia. croop. sore Illl'U'II and aclivs and pains of every dHSCI'Illtl-lll N.» mailer \vlieie the \‘pillll or soreness is. or from WIIill lI arises, H'au'yurd’s Yellow Uil will give quick Irelic: f. I ,-_mpo~ l:‘_ All ,IPLKOIQ', lei 185 )(is gravelaï¬lbbl f Cllulllledt mr Scuiiiidu'séco’udcd by Mr Gould, moved that whorithis.,1.:ouiicil adjourn it stands adjourned till 'E‘nturdny, the 23rd of November, Currich - =rir Slater, seconded by Mr Schmidt, moved that the courncihgmnt permission to Dr Lungstufl'. to put up.» olges and run a. telephone line from Thornliill Buttonville, provided that it does ' not interferel in any way witbpriuate‘ineereots or with thetmveiling public. The Workrtoiheâ€"r (lone 8.1 of mar 'S Omnuier end the mover. He [Dr Luncs'nï¬i .ugreeiug to be responsible for any u'ccdcn’ts Occurring during the course of con- structio'ippd coi tnuatinn otsamei Carried.- MrScott,’secoudec by Mr Gould, moved that. the Tree r'he' rind is hereby instructed to pay ‘ a aim of $122, new: for me! cl.“ a ry funi'y du iii; tiielr “35611-1 ill- ‘eil Iggieelief‘until advised‘ to try H i;- yardfs Yellow Oil. Since Ill911‘I have lounl into. been udiiiimhle remedy for buI'IIS'S‘H'P Ihrmitallll;i-henin1mm Mus‘ F. UA‘Ml-ZIIDN I37 Richmond St. Toronto. - -‘ :‘_ aVCCE ‘ lMei/cherries Institute. Tliedircctors of the above Institute Iiiet‘iushe Library llooua. cw Tuesday evening.,-Oct.,15 ‘_ Minutes of last meet ing readjp‘ud adopted, ' ' Tlicliibrai‘y' Committee pri‘seoted a report;.,rc=t.li.brui'y, which after beiu'l‘ sliglitlygamcnded was adopted on motion of: ' him-('1‘ chslcy, seconded by Mr. Michelle? The Committee recommended thrift"certalnflliiauazincs be cancelled, as theyafp po‘f‘rcad: by the members, that, nelilfhiioks be..purcllased as soon as the V, fundsgwil'l'aduiit; thct the members be invited through the local papers to sugâ€" gestto the President, Secretary, Libra- rian or other director, the names of any new bucks desired; that magazines not to be bound be sold at a reasonable Valuation.) that catalogues be given free to- tickctyliolders, etc. ,. The lie-union Committee were in structc’d to secure talent for an enterâ€" taium‘ect‘tas soon :as possible, and the meeting adjourned. «5.4â€â€" Attacked Three Tlmes‘. AVlNG been hunched for the third time will lnflain'n story Rheuln‘ltis‘m which-kept me in bed-six weeks under medic;il cure. without relief, I i‘esoll‘e-l I.» [y Burdock Blood B tiers, and helqu I II II finished Illinl‘liird bottle I was able In work ngï¬l'l (inches Ran Garden Hill, Uni. >01 HOLLOWAY'S CIN'I'Msrr AND PILLS HI'P‘ thelipstpllicpllcapesl, and [he mosl popu- ,. . lui' remedies, At all seasons and under all circuinslahCes they may be used with safer j good' ' and with, The certainty of doing Eruptions;V'rasllcs. and all descripiions- ol . - . . I \Slx'lll (1156:1595, sci-es, ulceral'imis, and burns , are presently bentâ€"ï¬led: mul' ultimately cured by these healing, lIlOtIICH‘IHPIHS‘ The Ointment rubbed upon the abdomen. checks all tendency to i-rrillu [lot] of the bowels. and uverls dysentery and ollier disorders of Ilie intestines. I’ilnples. lrkilches. Illflltnlm'rlllullfl of the skin, muscular ‘puins, Iieiiralgic alfcmions. and Blllitrflellgglullds can be effectively 0V8!- come by using [Iolloway's remedies accord» ing to the, I†instructions" accoui panyiug each packet; H>-<â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Llfd w-is a B Arden 1 NTâ€; lately l sin/lured iron: lien l \L’l‘r‘y- always precedd by connlipa'l n soothing, and piiii'fyinv: ‘ A committee was appointcdby the Select Councillor to make arrangements for at pumpkinâ€"pic social and a musical and literary Clllt’l‘lalllllieut to which the pub- lic will-be invited. on the first Tuesday in November, 1889. pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryncss of: the Skin, Draper], Iimness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen- oral Debility; all these and many other similar Complaints 'eld to the happy influence of I? .53ch BLOOD ENTERS. Ts mucus a C61, {Tupi-Edits, Toronto. Tun JnsUIT QUEsr'IoN.â€"-Tlfe meetâ€â€" ing on Thursday night. last in the Pres- byterian UIIIII'CII to listen to the lecture given by Father Chiniquy, was not so- crowded as on the Tuesday evening previous. 'I‘lic Jesuit question has been so often before the public lately Illal [every one alumst imagines that they .know all about it. Be that as it may, Ihe experience given by the lecturer of what he undcl'Went at the hands of the Jesuilsor their friends when lecturing ' lie Ifloviiwc of Quebec, was vu‘y l CARDh Miss AgeaZEe-sr (formerly of Alliston) s prepw'd "" "We lessons on the piano or organ it:th ill be: own, re lldence oi‘ the res'rlence of u pils. JJV. 13 val-lâ€... LI! 1 él’ecting of assessments of all“ rules and, ’texes authorised by the stature-s of (In tnrio in the village ofRicliin'oud Hill for the year 1389.†The Bvâ€"law‘was read a ï¬rst, second and third time and passch Thermos struck are as follows: For "County tax, $193 60~ rate one mill and ï¬fteen one-hundredths of a mill; for Public Scl‘mnl tax, $824 Gilâ€"rate ï¬ve ,mills; 161' High School tax, $262501â€" rate one will and ï¬fty-ï¬ve liundrcdthsr lofa mill; for Village tax, $787.50“â€" rate four mills and sixtyâ€"ï¬ve one-hurrâ€" dredths of a mill. Also the usual stat-4- utory taxes relliting to unassesscd per- sons, in lieu of'statutc labor, and doors», etc , “ whether on the Assessment ma or not." makingr Inv life it burden; A friend who ei Burdock 'lllood Bitters, I look three: butâ€" tles, mud now feel Iiivself a new man, LIIII my licndpchrs are things of the past. A I’m leiiias, '(Iilawn‘;0'nl. "I, __ If you \vuii‘l-to‘ ’buy or sell a li'iirm, all ve‘rlise in V, lth Toronto _Wi<;i;i(l.\‘ 'l‘hut paper ’ :reuches l00,000' l'ni'niers' homes cve‘ijy ‘wé‘elc, and your advertisement should meet the eye of HOIllBl/He' who wants to put-chaise. Advertisements of .Ihis "class are ,iiisci't'cd'in .Ihe 'l'orunto kanv M‘All. for Five-Cents a word each insertion or 'l‘wenlv (‘eiit‘s a word for ï¬ve insertions Address Tch MAlL, Toronlo, Canada. ACOOK». BOOK gay FREE mall to any lady-sending us her-post ofllce Ics'si' Wells. Richardson (I Gov. Manned. TEEFY, Clerk. MAIL ‘ ‘ . CATARRH. l QATARRHAL DEAFNEss-HA‘Y FEVER‘ A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Suï¬erers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a. fact, and the result of this discovery is that a. simple remedy has been formulated where- by catarrh, cetarrhal' deafness and hay' fever are. rmsnentlyflured in from one’ . to three simple applicatious'made atbomo by the patient once in two weeks. N.B.â€"This treatment is not a. snuff_ or’ an ointment ; both have been discarded reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on. receipt of ten cents by A; H. ‘ Dion & Son, 303 West King Street. ' Toronto, Canada.â€"Toronto Globe» Suï¬'erers from Ceturrhal troubles should Bareiully read the above. >0 4â€"...â€" The Alert Watchman \l’tNS us of up mat-hing danger. a backing couui warns on of cmninu COIISIIIIIUIIUII. ’l‘ilkctllnu by Ilie forelocix and? use Illigymil’s l’ecloral lialsam, the surest, Sufc'rit IIIHI hI-sl cure for coughs, colds. astlimii, Iltlill'ï¬t‘llPSS, bi'ouchilis, and I all throat and lung [roubles Almost Driven Ilnsane HAD'siich dalll'tfas iw m-y staunch and IH'HII that I thought l would lose my reason, but OII'IUl‘Hg‘ lim'tlock Blood l’rilleis I derived great lleiielil, l liuve used Hirer bottles and um now as well’us I ever was In my life, thanks in vour LIZZIE Downs,i Iti'dliei-yille Cut FOWLERS ‘EEXT: OF $97 .2» ‘WI LD “ _ TBï¬WBERRY ‘ C UFlESS~ HOLERA helm-a MOI-bus 3‘7 O L: I C ’an’? r‘ 3 l n ADAL SUMMER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXE‘&OF THE BOWELS IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR. CHILDREN OR ADULTS. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat/ant business conducted for Moderate Fees. 0111‘ Ofï¬ce .is Opposite U. S. Patent 0f- flce. We have no sub-agencies, all business ' direct. hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost than those remote from Washington. Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrip‘ tiou. We advise if lamentable or not, free of charge. Our fcc not due till patent is secured. A book, “How to Obtain Patents,†with refer. enccs to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent free. Address, 0. A. SNOW & co; Opposite Patent Ofï¬ce, Wushlngton..l). Cc 385 S III thd Wntch. Sold for 100. untll lately. \ Ben 8&1 watch In the world. i Perfect tin-keeper. War- I / rented. Heavy Solid Gold , â€% Hunting Cases. Both ladics' W} ’V and gents' sizes, with works $- and cases of equal value. One Person in each lo- ' mltiy can secure one free, together with our large undvul- uable line of Ilousehold' Sulnples. Thesejflnlples, us well as the watch. we send ' Free, and after you have kept them in your home for 2 months iind shown them to those who miiy have called, they become your own propert . Those who write at once can be sure of receiving the atch 1d Samples. \Vc my :11 express, ï¬elghtmtc. Addres- "usun d: 00‘, Box 512, Portland: Manne- And - , ATKINSONâ€"'â€" ‘~' â€"couceerevI-iouss, Eisner IMPORTER ï¬gs ls Oï¬â€˜ering to the Public for Fall and Winter, 1889, the largeét and best selected * Stock of imported DRY GOODS, that a large ‘ } «RICHMON D 9 Nothing 1‘ nivdicinc~lll ss « CROCKERY, DOMESTIC ; STAPLES, GROOERIEs‘, it, y s . .. ,- ' . ’ ‘ I[babe found in any house in the Corrutyt'of‘ York: Goods were never nicer a'ndI Value was nevcr'befter at any time before: _- newliniiiiisr PRICE um Bruins hut Elissaâ€"431}? l HILL HARDWARE STORE S EVER'.. COAL A-le) W001!) S'I‘OVICS A'I‘ AND BEIJOW CIT . PRICES. HARDWARE OF ALL KINDS CHEAP. :lilli‘lllllllltllllli; xiii lulu. STOVEP.IPES~.. 6:? Repairingv'pt'mnptly ulteiuled'to. It will pay youIIO'b'uy your amves‘fr‘Om ' FOR ALL KIN DS OF wwâ€"GO TO THEâ€"â€" * mimic House FIth LINE 0F I’IIIIVISIIINS, th001iltltÂ¥,‘lltl0’IS» ï¬e SI“) C PRICES AWAY Choice Flour, Bacon, &c. always lifept rn'stockla Saving! saved! mulmmicy. laid no for a. rainy day by purchasin' he People Cr ~Suvel ,T y Household Supplii a lit the Ontario House. Hotter and Eggs wan-tedâ€"Il'igliest‘l’Wice Paid. JOSEPH H»; HALL March. 1888. 001.116, Came -._.m___ S I “FORâ€"â€" Something to Eat. *=«â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" W" Also for everything else in the line of.†Groceries, Confections, and Fruits. And also come and, buy yen-rs dishes to eat-them from; on scan in ucr scatter.