WALL AND CEILING PAPER, AND BORDERIN GS. The Lightest Running and most improved high, roomy \ arm machine in the market. Sold cheap for cash or good paper. You will secflre exceHont bargains by calling at or writing to 1116 I "I‘émplcnoiw-Music, I H MAIN-STREET. -“ THE NEW WllUflMS SEWING. MflEHlNEï¬QFé‘9v DOMINION PIANOSâ€"Gland, Square and Upright; i Mahogany, Figured Walnut, Rosewood and other choir: woods, perfect instruments, sold on terms which cannot b beaten. Old organs and Dianna ‘ralmn in nw-lmnm Of world Wide fame, in numerous styles, containing Foley’ automatic mouse proof and all the latest improvaments at very, low prices and guaranteed to give the best v .' of satisfaciion. 3 Abï¬educed Prices. Mixed Paints in all colours. OiIs. Varnishes and Brushes. Window Glass 330% ngzgsï¬cut to order. The stock of Furniture is complete and in new designs at less than -) ALL READ Y(- UROCKERY AND GLASSWARE, GROCERVIES AND PROVISIONS FLOUR AND F QED. HANOS, 0f securing one of the abov’e valuable PriZGS. We will carry out all we advertise and you can Obtain full information by calling at the FIRE PROOF. ‘ ‘Will. D, Atkinson. We are going to introduce ourselves to you and we want to see every man, woman, and child within a radious of 10 miles take advantage of this To the person guessing nearestâ€"A Gold Watch valued at ........... $40 00 do do do 2nd do ~Lovely Silk Dress. do ............ 30 00 do do do 3rd do â€"-Hnndsome Dinner Set do ............ 15 00 do do do 4H1 do ~â€"Vcry Pretty Dress Robo,do ........... . 10 00 do do do 5th do â€"Bcautiful Toilet Set. do 5 00 Andra/addition 10 the above List of Presents we will (live -t0‘*every' Cash Purchaser of $5.00 worth of Drv Go’ods, Crockery, etc., a Beautiful Cake Stand, or Water I’ltcher, or its eQnivalent. “murm‘w my, 9~:-.u~ rev! w a, When we will present to the Successful Gucssers the follow- ing Beautiful, Costly, and Useful Gifts :â€" v-Mumfz'cent Prawn t8- 911 Monday, November 4th, and continuing until ‘ Further Notice, we will enter upon F1 PROOF PRODIGIGUS BARGMNS Unparalleled A Tremenéaus Smassin m ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬itï¬ ~' PETER G.‘ SAVAGE. Tremendous Opportunity ! DOMINION ORGANS SEEWWG MISflHINES. uu a LnL‘UD_Ulullu, oquare and Uprlgnt ; m Figured Walnut, Rosewood and other choice act instruments, sold on terms which cannot be Old organs and pianos taken in eXchange. :ng 4N4! AGAIN, FOR THE SEASON IN [La cheap as mmthor 1101150, if not cheaper Opportunity I Fâ€"At the“ -â€"â€"-ANDâ€"â€"â€" WM. FLEMING»;- 30 00 15 (IO 10 00 5 00 “ Even Augustine himself, in the earlier part of his ministry, held election to be GbiiditiotmL But as early as the year 397, he discovered that such an election was in- consistent with man’s entire dependence on grace‘for ability to perform good works, a doctrine which he held most firmly. He therefore advanced the new theory that God’s electing some to everlasting life. de- pended upon His mere good pleasure in View of reasons known only to Himsell'; that God from eternity predestinated some to repentance, faith. good works, and ulti- mately to salvation. while others He left, to go on in sin and perish eternally; that the number of the elect is ï¬xed unalteralily and†for ever; that this election of some to sal vntion through grime. while others are left, without, grace and perish in their sins, is no injustice on the part of God. because all men deserve to be left in their sins. He denied that God really wills the salvation of all men. and he justiï¬ed preaching: the Gospel to all, on the ground thatwe know not. who are elected and who are not. When this theory was advanced by Angus- tine it met‘wiith opposition», and it: was not always‘st‘at'ed as guardedly by those who em- braced it as it was by its author. Hence those opposed to it drew the frightful pic;- ture of it, which has been called Predes- timrianism.†_ In the foregoing extrac'l, " wills the sal- yation of ï¬ll men,†plainly means simply, " has decreed,†etc. . a Elder’s Mills; 0116‘; Simâ€"The above named gentleman boasts that he is an Augustinian. I have shown inaformer article, that Galvin distinctly says that he‘fully agrees with Augustine (m the questions of predestiuation and election, those on which; among†otlr‘e‘r'u,Fnther Egan says that he himself dill‘ers widely from Calvin. Therefore. His Reverence, con~ trary to his own opinion, is, on them, just. a very good Calvinist. I now proceed to show what. Augustine’s views on the qrws~ tions just mentioned were. I quote from Murdoch’s translation of Mosheim’s Church History : ~ The facts are simply these: Sometime ago when I spoke to Mr. Pugsley about the walk being so narrow he very coolly rev minded me that I put it down. I never asked for a new sidewalk; all that was asked Was that it might be made one plank wider. With the plank already there the job might have been completed for about ten dollars; but even this small sum was refused. However, I want no ill-*leeling about the matter. It has always been my Him as far as lieth in me to live peaceably with nll men, and if the Council (annot see their way clear to spend the small sum of ten dollars. or if they think that by so doing they are conferring a special favor on me, then by all means let it remain as it is, anti as far as I am concerned here is the end of the lesson. Thanking you, Mr. Editor, for lbe‘ space I have occupiedr DEAR. Slte,â€"â€"l'n last week’s HERALD Mr. Pugslcy states that I must be mistaken about him promising to lay a. new sidewalk down Dulferin-street. There was, however, a slight mistake in printing. and if you will turn up the original you will see where the mistake lies. By inserting the double l after the letter [ it makes all the difference. BONBON FOR FATHER EGAN. The New World. IUPEPSIA is derived from the Greek, and means a condition of perfect di- gestion. This condition is always attained by Iliuse wiio Use Burdock iilooll Bitters. the only guaranleed medicine for all forms of dyspepsia. constipation, biliousness, rheumatism, scrofula and all blood diseases. go among the farmers and solicit their patronage to a Market here if one were started; also, send circulars to the Toronto buyers and ask them to attend. One day a. week would be enough at the start We hope to- see this matter taken in hand by the Council and carried out properly. To the Editor of the Herald We believe it would be well to up-~ point a Committee of three good men to WITH REFERENCE TO SIDE- WALKS. Now, the cost of' starting one in Richmond Hill is comparatively nothing. We understand Mr. Palmer will give the Council use of Lorne Hall, a very suitâ€"- able and éonvenicnt place, free of rent, they to keep it clean. This is very kind of Mr. Palmer and we think the Council should not hesitate to take adâ€" vantage of' his offer, The Clerk’s salary will not cost the ratepayers anything, whereas other places have to pay $100 or , $150 annually. Two tables the length of the Hull can be built for $10. This is the total cost v 310. We have not received an answer from Newmarket yet, but from our own knowledge and from what: others have said, we know that they are well pleased with their undertaking. The farmers from miles around attend the Market there regularly, and the whole. place is beneï¬ted by the large increase in busi-- ness. From Stouffviile :â€"â€"“ In answer to your enquiry if the Market in this Wiâ€" lage is giving good satisfaction I answer Yes! Our citizens are glad because they can buy their stock of apples, poâ€" tatoes, vegetables, fowl, butter and eggs direct from the farmer. The merchaan are doing a much larger business now than before we had a Market.†In answer from Uxhridge we have the following ,â€"“ Our Market is one of the principal attractions to our town. Al- though the cost of so ï¬ne a building was against many of the ratepayers at ï¬rst, I don’t think there is one in Uxbridgc that would vote against the By-Law again. Our merchants are working on the cash system and do an enormous business on market days. Over 81,200 exchanged hands at the Market here the other day for farm produce." The reports which we have received from other towns in this neighborhood respecting the advantages they have, and the beneï¬ts they have derived, by their Market is more encouraging than we anticipated, and sheuld assist; our citizens to determine whether we shall have one or not. COST OF A MARKET IN RICHMOND HILL -â€"O'L‘HER PLACES HEARD FROMâ€"â€" THE MflRKET QUESTION ! @mmmmimï¬mw I remain, yours reapeclfuily. J. Bnan 'ENWIGF (tinner to the delegates to the l’un-Ameri can Congress enrly in Dccemhrtr, probably about the 10th, its (Ht that tlltlt‘ the govern- Ots of the states interested in the Ptiilatlel pliin centenary will all be in 'i't'itsliiii;§tt>tt. The ï¬nance committee of the Llallt'ttttl Board of Promotion of the Three Americas exposition has iss‘ued Fl circular, urging at! the citizens nf the District of Columbia. to Sign a memorial to Congress, asking that \‘t’nshingttm be 3' lected as the site ("or tlm World’s Fnir inlS‘JZ. The memorial pro poses the ' issuancu (if ui,?~l;'),0(l(),000 (if “is- tricl oi Columbia bonds as a. guarantee fund for the expensvs of the exposition in case Congress should think it necessary. THE MARITIME CONFERENCE. The attempt of Delegate Hall, of Eng- land. and his associates to run the Muri- time Uonterenee to suit themselves was de- feated yesterday by the combination of the United ‘Statest and South American delegates: The “Board at “'ltitcllstll.†as it is called, opposed llltl cungresshfrom theyï¬rstand only joined in its delibeiations “by order of the govern- ment. The Board is the antiquated barn note that has for generations ï¬xed marine regulations in Great Britain. When the conference was ï¬rst proposed this organi- zation fielt Shocked nnd grieved that any bddy of men on the face of the earth should have to supersede its authority. They did ï¬nally consent to enter the conference for the discussion of one subject only, viz: the "rules of the road †'l‘hese settled they would refuse. further participation in thel deliberations. 3y the circumlocution oflicm ' ' ' ‘ ‘ Kit-simulch the‘eur of Lord‘l The ï¬ght. for the exposition of 1892 was deï¬nitely opened yesterday by the arrival of Colonel Jones and Governor Francis, of Missouri. the missionaries who are to give their reasons for their faith in the merit of St. Louis. Their headquarters are at Wil- liard’s. The Chicago representatives have been here for sometime. The interests of the windy city before Uongrcss will be looked ufser by vex-First Assistant Post- mast:-r~Gcneml Allen M. Slcwztson. The executive committm ot' the \Ynshington prurtmtcrs met last night but no dufinito, action was taken. It is intended ti ive a Congressional visitors toï¬'te Executive Mansimr C(Jmp‘lainhirtmzly 0f the difliculty ot'aeeing the President. They say that he has no time to give anyer but, his cabinet ofï¬cers. As these gentlemen have the entrée at all huurs, it wunld seem unjust! that they monopolize the two hours given] to other visitors. Alumst every morning' the carriages of two or three cabinet. ofï¬cers: can be seen around the White House {'romi 10 to 12 o’clock. A Crmgresmnan who calls with a constituent nnd is turnml away day utterdny naturally (eels mortified. I: humbles him and injures his strength at home. ’ V.~_J . I recommend you to read up Paley on crimes in general and on forgery in particular, also Lord Bacon‘s essay on “Mockory,†befure you submit: to me your “opinion†of Paul‘s letterâ€" stealing and forgery in commotion with Hutchi- son’s eschented estate. I have the honor to be your obed. servant, J. 0. HU I‘CHISON. “ Then in urdm to test tho truthulnesn of L110 “ executors â€"â€" :70in lt'r‘Intyrc and William Paulâ€"â€" " Iwi‘ote asking t1.“le fur u cermiu extract from " the will, merely to see if iï¬ corresponded with “thecopyl got from Registry ofï¬ce, Mr Paul “got my Iettoi‘»~1u ‘ i mentioned or showed it “ to tho other axoeu'tox', and answered it, to suit " himself, actually signing McIntyre's name to “ the lt‘ttm‘ to heir. I, however, at that time “ knew no better, but a’fmr seventeen years John “ McIntyre uuducnivoilnm, for he nova stuv my “letters and now-r uulvlu (1 Paul to 3111 Lil) “ mime to unylliiiig min: “in.††~ - lfyou haw forgotten this statement by the heir to you in 1872, this nxtitmt will I‘lmill] in to your memory and that in your reply yul book not ll, 5! glitast notice ufib as if fm'gvi'y and latte-L. ending werelziwful and not worth your while to bother about, particularly as the SUâ€" licitnr for the conspirators wanted that affair kept quiet, and tl' , world never lmow thth by in- dirucl; llJflY'l'l-valls his numerous, wealthy, and other influential relatives wei‘u remotely related to myself on Murgumb's line of kindred, [Wilson- Bellâ€"Hutchisdn clan]. _. ~ _ r: ww muncs an envelope. 01m 01' exect1to£s “nubbeï¬.†them always and cuuce.xlud them from the other 110nesnono~he also replied to heir and forged the other’s name at foot of reply, without “is knowledge or conswb. But you knew all this long ago, yet I Want the public also to know be- t ‘ the gqneml elections. Tho legal heir under date 3rd Dec., 1872, wrote you a, lung exposition of the case, setting; fol L11, among other things, forgery and letter-shaming. You sent an evasive shuts reply to him on 2661; Doc.. same your‘ 1‘ {lowing is _1m oxtmet :â€" Now by his will (3W0 Cxccntnrs woi‘o npphinted Legal heir in Lhwhmd wth to them, using both nu , . , _ HON. OLIVER MOWA'J.‘ Attor11ey~GeuomL Premier, etc , etc. HON SIlc,â€"â€"(lio forgery mu] letter stealing)â€" Without Wishing’ to cm: undue reflections on the suncmtytot' tho Beurahwstubuto laws or functions of {my public servant unlit-yr the men, l lmve the honor to raspaotfully acquaint you thath u. literary mun in public interest-s1 I do not over- step duo bounds of modesty in mulling your Ser- ious attention to the unfoxtuuuto, ve 'V alarming moronsu u] m’imo in ovr hm], Cspcciully lotto» stealing uud forgery. I do this with honest View of gruluitoualy usmigting the Ontario Gnvuv'n» mout towrrds cunsidvrmg if smug unwmlmonts in our laws um roses “.3 11101-0 stringn.:zlcâ€"tl)118 cope with said ggowmg evil in our business urtor‘ ‘. Sumo bollCYU uï¬â€˜suces pf that kind are sometimes either met with f r too little “punish- 111ent,m‘ ( altogether quiet} ', condoned and winked at. for pulliic’al or other fn'endly purposes, which instead of rampaging crime} increases in. W. This reminds “1010f an glaring, case 113 point, to Wit, Ilutcl} u 36301:ch . I Toronfb. YOUR HoNon,â€"Re Hu‘tchisan Escheut :â€"I have J the honor to submit tlie following Crown matter to your attention :â€" ‘ According to Ontario Eschent anw of 1874, 37 Victoria, chap 8, it is plainly laid down that. the Lieutenant-Governor may make grants of es- cheuted lands to [my person for the vm'I’Use 0f transferring or restoring the 5121110 ï¬t! “any 0110 of the family." With respect to above land the Attorneyâ€"General by 0rder~in-COuncil nf ADYII. 1584. took upon himselfi as it. were, the ï¬xed rights of Luw Courts in private Renl Estate, transfers and conï¬rmed the hired man’s convey- ance of said eschew. to one‘Yuill for $2,000. Now, clearly no private individual can lawfulli' cou- vey eschews like mere Rcul‘ Estate. Nmther men patitioned Idr it, becuua‘e 'being aliens in kindred they had neither mom] or legal rights. The AttornoyGleneml knows I' in the nudis- puted legal heir of Crown mailbag undulso the 01-1157 0110 who petitioned foa'sulno. My uncle‘s tube esoheuted only by mocident~not through M. Youi~ How) a mriiost convenience I respect- fully crave u, reply to this epistlo. I have the honor to be Your most obedient humble servant, J. U. IIUTCYIISON “ Rubbing the ueen,“ in allow mg ,1; to stand good and vulh in his Onlerdmflouncil the Atâ€" torney-General :‘hcvhl b.“ ï¬ned one thousand pounds sterling t0 the Crown as a Warning; to 1111 other high ofl‘xciuls against playing fast and 10030 with Imperial mid private rights with impunity. Copy hnreot‘ furnished L110 YORK HERALD for YVng publication. w w -~--â€"u v“ uvkua W J““b" on the meritsâ€"â€"to remedy the mistake by [Ln- nulling said Order-inâ€"Council in toto. I may 0})- serve that the hired 1mm sold the estate While the Escheat Appeal was pending before the Privyflp‘uuoil and at a time when the Dominion and Ontario Governments were waiting to learn which of them had the right to dispose of BS- chents. Therefore it_ is indirectly an act of un..1 ‘ :. .n In the public interests I respectfully submit to Your Honor that ALDnrnoyGenerul Momt’o's absurd disposal of April, 1831, to the. hired man‘s friend Yuill is a. laughing stock and calculated to bring the Administration of Ontario into utter contempt by the masses. Acting upon this logi- cal and lawful assum‘pï¬ourhand expressly in the interests ofjusticeâ€"of morality, I feel impelled to desire that Your Honor will be moiously pleased to take the matter into imme iate con- sideratio bxcmlling a Council Meeting to_ judge my. u... - Our courts of justice never usurp the :uuctions 0f the Attorney General in‘ csz'ï¬tm,t {iisposalsy neither should he usurp their. functions by (115- posing of 1111 050110th by the laws regukujng Real Estate under court juriisdiution. The one is a transfer between private personsâ€"the other is a. Crown mutter between it and petitioners only, and deeds of [my kind are not; recogniskid in tho Inger case. . crime To THE LIEUT.â€"Govmmfw Our Washington Letter. From our own Correspondent. SEEING THE PRESIDENT ROBBING THE QUEEN. THE WORLD’S Mm. [ADvEmusmumm . ] TORONTO, 16th Nov., 1889 (ADVERTISEMENTJ W’émakmsma; ‘onoNTo, 15!: New, 1889 QGUParties from a distance getting Sale Bills printed can have them done in time to take home the same day, Not Only For Man. (JAN say that your Hayyard’s Yellow Oil is the best thing, I ever saw {qr croup, coughs, colds, cuts or llux'ns, and ft is good for man or beast. MISS E. M Bovxms, Claremont, ()nt. Yellow Oil cures rheumatism, neuralgia aud all pain. We are prepared to do all kinds of Plain and Ornamental â€"Printing at the LOWEST PRICE and on theâ€"- â€"Shortest Notice possibles \thlheabovo amendmenm Hm shong holds of the boodlerm (flflc0€eekers and those who [rude upon race and creed for place and puwer would be broken down, and mahy a home now desmutc and deso- laled womd be made comfortable and happy: ‘HERALSW “OFFICE, 11. Before capital gets the bold upon our Coumrythut it has upon ‘he United States, the position of those who labor should be made. unassmlable. 12, H onesly, economy and efï¬ciency in 12, H ones!) allr depm‘lments 10, V Place the redistribution of constitu- encies in Ontario with the Judges of the Coiurrt of: Appeal. 8: The preservation and development of mineral and timber iuteresls. 9. Make I‘lieccions come on a ï¬xed day so that neither party could surprise the oiher by springng an electiuu 0n the country. G. A Registration shortly befoxe Elec- tions to save the expense and complications attending present. system and also a secret ballot. 7. The continuance of the' National Poiicy, no long as the United States main- tain present attitude, 2 Provincial Rights shoxila be subor- dinate to the interests of the Dominion at large. 4. Abolish School Book monopoly and make Schools more efï¬cient. 5, Prohibition of the Liquor Trafï¬c and the placing of Licenses, so long as they continue, and civil service appointments in the hands of a Non-I’artizan Commisaon. 1. Equal Rights for all classes and cre‘eda. Stand for Canada before party in resisting French and clerical aggressioï¬. 3. Abolish the Separate Schools and have the Engliih language taught to all citizens, Your Vote and Influence is requested at thenext election in West York for the Ontario Legislature on the following plat- form:â€" If you want to buy qr so!] a Warm, ad vertise in the Toronto WEEKLY MAIL. That paper reaches 100.000 farmers] homes every week. and your advertisemen’é should meet the eye of someone who warns to purchase. Advertisements of ï¬his class are inserted in the, Toronlo WEEKLY MAIL for Five Cents n word each insertion, or Twentv Cents a word for ï¬ve insertions. Address THE MAIL, Toronto, Canada. T0 the Electors of Wast York. iEnlishu-w' who immediately ordered thm ‘Jv l’rho English debgates should participate in Who entire conference This Oldt‘l‘ was imperative. but in revenge Messrs. Hall et al have engaged passage for home for De- cember 11th, and endeavor by every poo sible means to rush through the business that must be completed befme they leave. Business was rushed through last week in indecent haste, without consideration or discussion. Nov. 22nd, 1889. D. W. Clendenan. (Crowded out of Inst issue.) Jaé Primmm Yours, (8 0., RICHMONB HILL. 0111‘ Agc’nts have mun} advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice New Specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured {mm us, such as a complete list: of NEW RUSSIAN APPLES, the RIT- SON PEAR, SAUNDERS I’LUM, HILBORN RASP- BERRY, Moonu’s RUBY and BLACK CHAMPION CURRANTS. MOORE'B DIAMox‘D' GRAPE, etc. our Nursery Stock; previous experienca not necessary; any mun with 1mm; and Gummy (ï¬rm succeed; terms liberal, either salary or Commission; Outï¬t frog. ‘ “IE WANT reliable, energetic man to 5le UURRANTï¬. MUOJ‘E 3 UIAMUND ULEKL’L‘J BUG. We have given particular utb‘ent' on to the propagation of hardy Varieties suimble to the northern sections of Canada. of the population. Under the genial, purifying, and strengthening powers exerted by this excellent medicine the tongue be- comes clean, the appetite improves, diges- tion is quiclrened, and assimilation is ren- dercd perfect. These Pills possess the highly estimable property of cleansing the entire mass of blood; which, in this reno- vated condition, carries purity, strength, and vigour to every tissue of the body. .A Night Alarm. AWOKE last night to find my little boy so bad with croup that he could hardly breathe. but on giving him some Hagyurd's Yellow Oil on sugar, and rub- bing his chest, throat and bucl; with it also, he was soon sleeping‘quictly and awoke next morning completely cured. JOHN ELLtor, Eglington, Ont. AGENTS Fanthill Nurseries; Largest in Canaeia. HOLLOWAY’S P:I.Ls me the medicine most in repute for curing the multifarious maladies which beset mankind when dry, sultry weather éuddenly gives place to chil- ly. drenching days. In fact. these, Pills ofl‘er relief even if they fail of proving an absolute remedy in all the dislurbances of digestion, circulation, and nervous tone which occasionally oppress a vast poninn --â€"â€"_According to the nimli semi-annual apportionment of primmy school inlerest fund, there are 627,44“ children of school age in the 8mm of Mich. The sum upâ€" propriated is $464,614.36. ‘ A Big Nugget OF gold may make a man rich, but it cannot make him liculihy. lf afflict- ed will) any form of dyspepsia, lllliu‘JSnOSS, constipation, scmfula, had blood, kiany complaint or skin disease. the remedy Ilmt will make you well is Burdock Blood Bit- ters. It is the best blood cleanser known. Valuable to Know. CONSUMPTION may be more easily preyented than cured. The irritating and harassing cough will be greatly relieved hy‘thuuse of Hagyard’s Pccloml Balsam that, cures coughs, colds. bronchitis and pulmonary troubles. A Main Statement. ALL poisonous wnsw, and worn 01.},- mutter ought to escape from ï¬le system through the seerelions of the bowels kidneys and skin. BBB. cleanses, opens and regu‘mtea these natural outlets for the removal of diseme. -Liberty of Speech lâ€"«A Braziliar, who cheered for Don; Pedro the other day. was promptly killed by oxdor of the new author- isles. For terms apply to NOV 14â€"- I'Mia {HSTWG Nome, WANTED. STONE & WELLINGTON. Toronto, Ont purlfy,regi11ate nnd'improybquhafify r Bhood. They assist the digestive organs, (: t e ‘ - increase the secretory powers of the Li\' - F the nervous system, and throw into the tion the purest Elemoï¬ts fur sustain†, repairing the frame. ' “ " ' r - - This 1ncomparablc Médioine has :- ed for itself an Aimper'ishuble 1 throughout the “701M for the allevi- and cure of most discasas to \~ humanity is heir. The Pills i149; Manufactured "oii'ly- ’a‘tallm-uï¬ , $ or Hollowav’ers‘tabh. . 533. OXFORD STREET; men‘m: (1:3? CAUTIONâ€"1 have no ' Agmv-fi United Sta-lee, nor are my [Med ‘ 5'? there. Purchaser? shuu‘lfl. the ' to the label on the Peta and 130,. _ . address is notâ€533. Okford She-'3’», - they are spuribus.‘ T113 Trade Marks of my said MN? Io w gisbercd 1n Ottawa-,und also at W I ‘ A (1011th, Sore Threats, B'ronchltié, in ‘ a}? J, ers of the Throat and Chest, “also ‘Gv_ matism. Scroiula and other kind. of 5‘ d3 3 and sold at 13. 1gd.,‘23,9d. 4s. 6d: {11 ‘ '53†ml each Box and Pot, n’ ' d in’cmaéi ‘w 3&5 90 cents, and $1.50. cents; and the hum : 219:; " A nroportion. 4' , WES & ï¬iï¬m Thousands of pe'rsbns ï¬dï¬Ã©' t'eszT by their use alone they haue been ; to health and strength, after every means had voved unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every Hon the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tumours. TURKEY RED embroidery cotton embroidery silksiu 3,11} Shades for at the HERALD Store} vv‘ uyuu vulva. Mud.“ lllll' “Iaâ€"Ab“- LEGS. OLD w‘qUNum .10 The omth a?†n... oékguugu. {gr ‘v 0,, mflzï¬inm mpOo A 801415" BY‘ A17?" Worth their 'Weight in THOMAS 3 Oxford stream. London; nun DI:- B» -L.Km»LI3:ALy Co. . Dear 811's :1 desfg W70 we good opinion of your-Kgndaï¬ n sod is for lameness. S twins, and l have found :11 y recommend it; to all bars Yours trulyJ, SAM.WINTON 001mm. m: r ‘ DB. B. J. KENDALL Co. , ' Gents: Ifeel it In duty m \r-a‘ with your Kendal s Spavm twenty-ï¬ve horses that it Bing Bone,nina‘m'fl[Watt~ 11 ; seven of Big Jaw. Since 1. m m; books and followed the an: .,.iomt, 10589. case of any kind. ' ' g ,. .4 Yours truly. Am, Omen gr CHARLT. . ammmz CLEVELAND BAY AND Thor. . ELMWOOD', DR. B. J. KENDALL Co. Dear Sirs: I have always rU*-~h dall’s vain Cure by: the hmr ti wonldl o pricosinlarger qu one of thbéablfesglméiurgnta \on e cumys es or ye: Yours truly, \ . Paine‘s Cclery‘ Com ound can be pur- chde at any dru ists for one dollar :1 bottle. ‘ If he shoul , not- have it on hand, order direct from WELLS, RICHARDSON 8: Co., MonngL. 4;; .4 a . ., us. EQEHQAM’S Yours truly. fl E’éEï¬MiL’S SP7?" Manager "ï¬n-«r I? as“: ,,ï¬ *2» ,2 KEï¬-MLL’S ' Spawmé ever aging the ‘Comyound, h‘e; headaches dis- appeared, appetlte was good, anth spirits tEVived. a; , 'FPAnm'g Gourlc‘y, of River Beï¬udette, HQ.» found the. Compound a certain cure for kane§ngidhnqw vixen as she The 1110“ Successful Ré cred, as it is crrtaiu In its not blister. Read pr Many a Canadian lady has the same r0150?) (9 be gratefuj.» .- KEESELE’S is omy too, (rue. It is why we see sq many Indies pale, weak, langgid, and suffering from headaches and innmï¬Ã©rable weak- nesses. “They cahnot stand the strain upon mph ’s'yétem. Many of them have foii’hd the means to sustain lheir_fa.~iling slre‘ng‘th, to give color to the cheeks, and new lifejand vigor to the body, in Pain'c’s Celery Compound. This pure and scientiï¬c rémédy' is especially adapted tame needs of Woman, and is daily makin the mqst tflilarkable ' cures. Mrs. W. ‘. Cooper, b Hypblite $1., ’Montrea}, was for a ldï¬g (Inï¬troubled with nervous‘ headaches, m? “Emeï¬ter M .sPiriss’ 9m: Aï¬cr Pr 1 “ M " "‘b m .. rlstg‘ggseg _ 11:33:2ng 7 or ($201.1. A New and'Dl'stinct Fdrlï¬ I insane I‘ which id' nmï¬gung ; omen. How some at Them 'Rogxilné'GLFresI; Co lexlqn, Perfect nealghrand p‘erb Phynlffl beauty. STOMACH Aim BOWE, ‘l‘HE “LADIES! Bmo'gym, N. I. womc'xf by WOH’IY about serjgants and overwork in caring for the home. This A gréat London Physician says that he notes a new and; distinct form of nervous disease pro« Jan. 5th; and, Sah‘