Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Jan 1890, p. 3

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Will. D. Atkinson “LA - Fire Proof’s - “The York Herald.” ‘ v â€"-Sn.vel Saving! Saved! and money ] Th° P°°p|° cry Household Supplies at the (m Butter and Eggs wantedâ€" Highest Price Paid, FULL LINE 0F PINWISIWNS, CINWKERY, BOOTS & SHOES PRICES AVVAY I)OVVN. Choice Flour, Bacon, &0. always kept in stock. Mar 11, 1888 PIANOS,‘ DOMINION PIAN OSâ€"Gla‘nd, Square and Upr1ght;in Mahogany, Figured Walnut. Rosewood and other ChuiCt.’ Woods, perfect instruments, sold on terms which cannot be beaten. Old organs and pianos taken in exchange. Of world wide fame, in numerous styles, com-dining Foley's automatic mouse proof and all the latest improvaments, at Very low prices and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction. %%THE NEW WlLlIAMS SEWING. MAEHINE,%§%‘% The Lightest Running and” most improved high, roomy arm» machine in the market; Sold ' c’h‘eap for cash or good paper. Jon will secure exceller bargains by calling at or writing! fo the Temple-.oi-Jlusia. , ‘ MAINws'ft-REET. - WM‘.- FLEMING; FRESH 85 SEWING MACHINES. DOMINION ORGANS, Ontario House ! And some of the y«Save! Saving! Saved! and money laid up for a rainy day by purchasing Household Supplies at the Ontario House. You Must Get SUBSCRIBE FOR FOR ALL KINDS OF TO BEâ€"â€" GO TO THE JOSEPH H. HALL TEAS It was moved by Mr. W. Johnson, and secdnded by Mr. Pearson, that, Mr Smithson, who has filled the position of vice-president daring last year, be elect- ed president or the association in the place of Mr. D. W. Clendenan‘, who is retiring. Carried. The Empire sayszâ€"“Mr. John White, ex-M P., in speaking on the McCarthy Act, said. that nine out of ten Reform- ers would vote against the McCarthy Act, his reasons being that by doing‘sb‘ they would hope to hold Ontario. The eformers intended to oppose every- thing that would tend to affect or injure the Church of Rome, so that when Sir John dropped out the Catholic and Reâ€" form vote could be consolidated and pewter attained in the Dominion hy the Liberals.- Mr. White’s impression was that do arfiendizl'tent to the Act would be offered by the Government to leave the whole question of dual languages to the people.” The annual meeting of' the Conserva- tive Association of West York was held in Weston Tuesday df'texnoon; The; secretary read the minutes of the last meeting, which were adopted, after which Dr.0rr was-asked to fill the chair until the chairman for the current year was elected. Dr. Orr introduced to the members the president, Mr. Smithson, who thunk- ed them for the honor conferred upon him, and said he would endeavor to fill the position to the best of his ability in the interest of the party. He consider- ed that the time had come when all Conservatives should be handed to gether, which would most assuredly re- sult in the overthrow of the Mowat. Gov ernment. The present candidate, Mr. Clendeoan, he considered to be a man that every Conservative and every man should feel proud to support, as he had so ably in the past filled the positions of trust to which he' find been elected, and would be one of the ablest men in the Local Legislatu'i‘e'. Envelopes “pug! to any part 0? the Dominion with their usine a card neatly printed thereon in blwk ink for $2.00. an (1 copy with remit.- tance. ‘HERALD” onrca, It was: moved by Mr. Laughton, seconded by Mr Goulding; ther Mr. Bu! be 1e elected secretqty;‘_ Uafried. Dr. 011‘ mbved and Jfi'.wzi§imson seconded a motion that Mr. Griffiths be re-elected treasurer. Carried. EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing Oflice, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription :â€"$1 00 per annum in dvanee. When not paid in advance $1 50 will 9 charged. Trensitory advertisements, first insertion, per line .......................................... 8 cental Each subsequent insertion, per line ......... 8 cents‘ t. Contracts for time and space made on applica- wn. . ; Advertisements without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and urged transi- ent rates. Elect Officers and Llsten t6 8359351: as In Support of Their Candldété‘ The following vice-presidents were elected: South YorkI Mr. Allan H. Royce; East York. Mr. G. Wood; West York, Mr. E. Smith; South» West York, Mr. O. J. Boon; North Etobicoke, Mr. H. Taylor; Centre Etoâ€" bicoko. Mr. G. Pearson; South Etobiâ€" coke, Mr. C. Jackson LEast Vaughan, Mr. J. McNeil; West Vaughan, 0.310â€" Lean; South Vaughan, A. Kefl'er; South West Vaughan. S. McLure; Parkdale, Mr. R. Uarny; Brockton, Mr. Jas Armstrong: Richmond Hill, Mr. J. W. Elliott; Toronto, Mr. Wm. Cook and Mr. J. W. St. John ; Woodâ€" bridge, Mr. McKenzie; West Toronto Junction (north), Mr. ,P. Laughton: West Toronto Junction (south), Mr, R. L. McCormack. COUNTRY MERC ANTS Envalnnan nontnnj tn nnv mn‘l: o After the election of officers Mayo! St. Leger was called on, and said that he Was very much pleased with the suc- cess predicted by the president in the coming election, and that he was sure if the Conservatives would be directed by the president balf'the battle was already won. The mayor gave some election experience in Ireland. which proved to those present that he was in earnest when attempting to gain an election, and that he would try his best For Mr. Clendeuâ€" an, who. he felt sure, would do his duty and who was a man he would trust with iotit bonde. Dr Orr spoke nex't, and said it wasI the duty of Conservatives to go to work and keep at it. to deal leniently with the candidate and to allow him to excr cise his own judgment as to what would serve the riding best. Mr. Meredith had now laid down his platform. which was a ver)7 liberal one, and contained many planks which were at one time ‘ltetttrm‘ a‘n‘d which were assuredly for~ the good of the country. Mr. Meredith was entitled to the support of the Roman Catholics, as he was working in the interest of the Roman Gutholic lnity. it Was to their i‘n‘terest to have one s'c‘hool system, and that as perfect as could be procured, not a sectarian eduâ€" cation for the children, which in the separate schools th‘S u‘nhappily not what it should be. The license system also needed much improvement, which it would receive under Conservative rule, Politicians had no right to force any body of men to vote for them on the peril of losing their menus of living. The licenseeommilssioners should consist of one person chosen by the county couu cil, one by the Government and the other be the county ju’dge. If Mr” Ulehd‘e'nan were elected he was sure it‘ would be a favor to the country, as the Reformers were planning treason'able measures, such as commercial union, annexation. etc. But he was sure that Canadians would' ribt sell their birth- right for a Few cents“ a pound on woo when in'a“sh0rt time our country would be populous euou‘ghlto have use for all of our produce, and h'e'hope'd‘ ho‘ would never see we Sta’rs‘ anti” Stripes float over any Canadiah dityx ' -â€"g_ West York Conéerifatlves. The jYork Herald. The Morality of Politles. 'KEEPLER, I‘UBIgIBHED BY Richmond HillI HQ); Post Masters Doctors and BusinesusMeu gcgm gave 1,000 “ Authenticated miracles ofthe present day are believed upon the testimony of re- spectable WitneéseS” Tth is to say, "Miracles, the reality of Which is proved by the testimony of respectable witnesses, are believed in upon the testimony of re- spectable witnesses.” Three cheersl His Grace here speaks of believing miracles. when he means believing in them What about those miracles of byegone daysâ€" the miracles of Christ. and His Apostles? Their reality is proved by respectable wit- nesses. Are we not to belieVe in them also? “ It. would be folly and temerily to Ieject them all,” that is, all miracles of the kind described. Would it not be "folly and tetherin to reject” any of them? It seems to me that in would. A.â€"'-""["hey hold wage in’ re‘verénc'e which God has by evident miracles blessed with curative powers” One may reVerén‘c‘e an object without believing that it, can Work miracles. " He did so in the case of the pool of Bethesda.” that is blesssed it with " cura- tive powers." But it has nu such‘ powers now. EVen the best Catholics never think 0t~ going to it for healing. Sm,â€"The Father’s late Archbish‘dp says}:- "' Miracles not mentioned ih’ th'e Biblé’ are not objects of Divxne failb'.” Wliat an obfec't of Dif'ine faith is, I érdn‘o‘p u'nderi stand, and the same is true of tHthands and thousands and thousands. His Grace lben quotes what John says about the miracles wroughl at it. Here, he, of necessny, represenls the person cured, as going into it .01) his own feel, not as being " hove in," to use a sailor’s phrase. as he elsewhere dues. " And He is with His Church to the end of the world." No meeslunt could be wander in the faith zh‘zmrzhe learned prelam is here. Mr. ‘D. W. Clendenah, the candidate; was the n'eit speait'ér, hut was suffering from 1a grippe acid said that as this was a business meeting he would not make a‘ long speech. He was very well acquaint- ed in York and he soon hoped to Be well acquainted thrd‘iigh Vaughan and Etobiooke. Dr. Gilmoiir’s right hand supporter, Mr. H. H. Dewart, had rec- ently declared for annexation, but he was. if returned, going to help to up- hold the British flag over this Canada of ours. Great Britain now appreciated her colonies, and he wished to see the whole of the empire more closely banded. He had declared in favor of equal rights to all,which he thought met with the approval of the Conservatives of West York, and the abolition of' separate schools. He agreed with what Dr. Orr had said about the license system of Mr. Mowat. and also condemned the system of voting for the Local Legislaâ€" ture, which was not a private vote. He thought that. there was no time to He lost, as the 'e'leétie'us might done on lit airy time.” w Qâ€"“Do Catholics place any faith in holy wells and fountains ‘2” " The arm of God is not shortened.’ Quite true. Sfieechesfiefe} gils'o delivered by Mr. Fovirler, Mr. Goulding, Mr. T. J. L. Peake, Mr. Medlfind‘ Mr. Johnson, Mr. R. Wallace and othelst after which the members of the aSsoCiation dispersed, wen pleased ME their candidate and their chances c’f s‘ucécss in‘ th’e. election- " He Can attach His graces to wHafeVer objects He pleases.” This is first-class Protestantism. “ He has imparted curative powers to the herbs and minerals of the earth.” His Grace says nothing about those of the sun, moon and stars. He is correct again it! what he says about these herbs and minerals First, the herbs: There is senna. lrom which a most delicious, refreshing. nourish- ing and strengthening drink is made. No doubt. His Grace drank thereof at times when he was a boy. I fear that he did so, like the school-boy “ creeping like a‘ snail, unwillingly to school." Urinks such as] described, are made from camomile and wormwood. Who has not heard of boat - hound tea ” the sovereignest cure on earth" for a' cold either had or good ? A great im- provement on this tea it? making it thick with sugar, but without a. shillelah in it. The latter might intake one slip and tumble. hast, but far from lea‘s‘t, is the bean from? which that am‘brosial drink. or nectar, or whatever you like to call ll,‘ castor oil, is made. No doubt. His Grace has drunk thereof. I hope that he did] not chew it. before doing so. That way ofl taking it, is not, for practical purposes. a; suc<ess. BONBON F013 FATHER EGAN. Second, the minerals: For example, there are salts of the Epsom and Giauber kinds They are often used in union with senna, as many asmalt boy and many a small girl know. No words can describe the delicacy of the flavour of'tea made of sauna and salts, But the cures wrought by means of these herbs and minerals " of the earth,” are not mirmulo'm; "‘ He {Gody can do so with anything else," that. is, “impart curative powers” to it. His Grace is most, sound in the faith here. Well, He has "imparted cumlive po 'ers to “certain fountains and wells; W have some cf these waters in Canada, foi'exumple, the 8:. Leon and Caledonia Springs In the United Slates there are, among minus, the Sarulogu Springs. In France. there are, for example‘ the mineral waiers of Vichy. And so on. But the cures wrought by means of them, are not miraculous: “ But faith and hope are necessary to obtain anv miraculous cures,"-â€"â€"I do nu; say that I hope their llw m‘imculuus cures in Father Egan's Chu‘rch are obtained wholly by faith and h‘upé‘,wilh‘on‘t the aid uf certain murrs or relics. b'ti'L I have slroug gvouud fm faith [but they are. “ so that God is the ultimate mum. of all graces and mercies.” Hxs Grace's theology here is excellent. but his logic is exâ€"ecrahle. “ Witness the! Wondcérful Cures at the fountain of Our Lady ot‘L.»urdesâ€"â€"" Bul the supposed cares wrought there are veuy different flom the cures wrought by cerium he: ha and mine‘ra’la‘. His Grace says nulh- ing of the wond‘élful cures at the fountain of “ Our Lad}! ot La Sulelle.” One ml" the La Salome Founmm party sand to Another. “l'ur Larly ot Lnurdes has cutout Our Lady: of La. Salute.” A good deal of the genulue water of Lourdes is obtained in "this Canada. of ours.” “- Encuurnge home manufactures.” I fancy I see a seller at the real water of oli-‘furdes (“ Beware of counterfeils”) and a milkman. each with his cafilc, on business bent, meeting at. "the cow with the iron tail.” Wonderful crea- ture! to the one. she gives genuine water of Lourdes; to, the other. blue milk. A pri‘efit. in the first provinée east of us. once imported a cask of miraculous water from Lourdes; For' every bottle of it whichx‘he 3016‘, he put ifh'one of l'eau‘ du’ Oa'n'dda. -By’ ahd bygthé' c’nn’knla’of sald'cask Were @mmmnmiwifimm. compared with those which Iéft Lourdes. like Tim‘s knife which his brother Phil. gave him, after 111's fqrmer had put a new {'blade into it. and next, a new handle to thai blade. Yet, strange to say! the miraculous power of the water was ‘f: nivir a hnporth” the less. I wonder ifa bottIP, be the same more or less, of real genuine water of Lourdes put into an ordinary weil I or spring, would have an effect. on the lat- ‘ter, like that of yeast on flour. _ It would [do no Karin to try the experiment. “which ’(the wonderful cures at the fountain of Our Lady of Lent-Clea) no sane man can deny,” Then. according to His Grace, everyone who does not believe in these wonderful cures, is a. l‘u‘natic Whirrâ€"oo-oo! The immensely greater number of people in Canada, to go no further, only laugh at these wonderful cures. They look on them as only wonder- ful h-mb-gs. Therefore. imitating the language of Carlyle regarding England, we may say that Canada has a. population of between four and five millions~mostly lunatics. These cannot all be put into asylums. The idea of so many lunatics being at largel What can we expect but f' bloody murther” to " hold high carn- itialfl” V When one goes to his Heda‘t night, lie doesi not‘kuow but when he a'v'vnlies next morning he will find that some lunatic has come in' during the night. and “kilt him intoirely." He may rummage all over the house fdi-h‘is head, but in vain, for his murderer has“ czirried it oil“. 0, that I could veil the horrible picidre from my mental vision! Many aone in my, place, would Want. “a drop 0’ su’thin’” to calm his nerves, butI will rather not take it, and suffer, though it is allow ed for “ medicinal purposes.” STAMPING of all Jesfgn'éoii cloth. plush, or any olher material (10%;? at the HERALD Office, cheap. Leave your orders. foifi'lents of Toothac‘h‘el _ H CAN recommend Hagyard's Yellow: Oil as name mire fo'r toothache. I sufl‘ered for several days. th en I heated my cheek and rubbed the Yellow Oil on it and was immediately xelieved. Mrs. David G. Arnolt, Russell, Man. : “ Some Protestants bring from the river Jordan in vi/hiéh' Christ was baptized, and they hold it it) reverence." As I have al- ready said, reVerencing a thing, is very different from believing that it can Work miracles. In the Museum of Knox College, Toronto, there is water from the Dead Sea. Nobody ever thought of “ wonderful cures” b'eing virodglit by the waiter of that; sea. i313er’fi Mimi, Uni. The third page of the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for ” Want." advertisement. If you want. to buy or sell anything. Ifyon want asimation, a mechanic, 3 business, machinery. lodgings, if you have lost or found anylhmg, or if you want to find out Wuere anyone is, advertise in Ibe Toronto DAILY MHL and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is [wo‘ Cents d. wdrd each insertion.- Address Tm: MAXL. Toronto‘ Canada. FULL RANGE OF GOODS FOR ATHE WINTER:â€" Winter Foot Weak Such as Men's Snow Excluders, plain Overshoes. Men’s Alaska and Rubber Ankle Boots, Men's Telescope Felts. Ladies“ and Misses’ Carnivals“ Overl- slloes. Rubbers. Felt Bo‘o‘ls ahd Slippers. Kangaroo and Alligath Boots, :1 full range of Men’s Long Boots, 8L0. Call and see us. â€"'-Custom work a specialtv. Sewed and pegged repaining neatly and prompfly done.â€" To THE EDITOR: Please inform our readers that I have a. positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use t ousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shalvl be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of our readers who have 'con- sumption if th‘efi] wfll send me their Express and Post 0 Ice Address. Respectfully, T. A. 51-00“ . M.C., I86 West Adelaide St“ TORONTO. ONTARIO. SGRSWWTWW The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris,» Berlin and Vienna... These Cities have immense hospitals teeming with suffering humanity. Crowds of students throng the war-(is studyin under the Professors in charge. the most renowned hym- ciaus of the world teaqh an prac- tice here, and the institutions are storehouses ofmediqal knowledge and experience. With a View of making this experienee available to the public the Hospital Remedy Co at great extpense secureti the prescriptions 0 these hospitals, prepared the specifics, and al- though it Would cost from 25 to $100 to secure the attention 0 their distinguished originators, yet in this way their prepared specifics are offered at the price of the uack patent medicines that floo the market Hind absurdly claim to cure every i'll rom‘a‘si‘nglé bottle. The want always felt for a reliable class of domestic remedies is now filled With perfect satisfaction. The Hospital Remedies make no unreasonable claims. The specific for Gatarrh cures that and nothing 9150i so with the specific for Bron- chitis. Consumption and Lung Troubles : Rh-‘efimaifi‘sm is cured by No. 3, while troubles of Digestion. Stomach, Liver and Kidneys have their own cure. To :these is added a, specific for Fever and Agile, one for female weaknessâ€"a general tonic and blood-maker that makes blood and gives form and fulness. and an incomparable remedy for Nervous Debility. If your Drugglst does not keep these remedies remit rice to us and we will ship to you direct. Now lit, n {l quo no other remedy Ldiscontinuo quack cure-all mediciuesr'and une instead thcse high clars Hospiia‘ Rem s Wliltih emanate from scientific sources. and thus prolong your Iliii'e.’ A! oid high priced and dishonest quack who preicnd that their medicines cost a fabulous amount. Any respectable physician wi‘l tell you that there is no n ' e knonn. that should cost more than One Dollar for twentyfivt: The medicine for female weakness and ‘i rvous (lcbility is where these dishonest quacks get their workZin, in‘fai'iably doing irreparable injnr ' tn the patient. M me no letters that you are unwilling should be sold and bartcred to‘othcrs in the same disreputable business. for t ‘oir prmnlses‘ of secrecy are worthless. The quack Octopus spares neitlier the trusting male» or the confiding female,» Buy gwl' n reput- able and responsible firni doing businessundcr a genu'i .1: name and not under some foreign ali 3,,“ o gunrnnlec «me bottle ofany of our medicines 19 give more genuine bcncfit than a down ofanv special or patch. [TLCLliCiIl in the world. ONE D‘OLLA g-HosPITAEREMEw 00.;1‘0mnt0fianjg My Stock is now complete for Winter Trade and incluries a -â€"-R. SIV.ERS.-â€"~ TO BE HAD 01? KLL DRJC GISTS. T. mezcx. N0. 4â€"L ER AND KID/VETS, DYSPEPSIA AND INDIGEST/O , CONST/PAT/ON, BRIGHY’S DISEASEâ€" A favorite alaughter-fie/d for the quack who has ruined more stomachs than a/c'hol. Use a remedy sanctioned in high places. $7.00. N0. 5â€"FEVER AND AGUE, DUMB AUGE, MAME/A, NEURA LGIAâ€"Few know what grave damage this does the sysiem; It Is treated to break it for a time. Use a remedy that aradlcates it. 81.00. N0.‘8â€"-NEI?VOUS DEB/L/TY. LOSS OF POWERâ€"A quack curdâ€"ridden public wil. hril a genuine remedz for my unfortuaie condition. No. 8 is Gold I), whit, one_triai will prove. Beware of Ignorant quacks who chum?" high ,p'ic s for cheap an‘l worfhless drugs and pll/s, tie properties of whichnhey are utte-ly ignorant, and who expase you tag/selling your confide tial letters to others in” the same nefarious business. Usewo; 8d‘ndlluc again; $7.00. Wfifi‘Z'gâ€"MzrflEaméhmdfe”bibkén 3de becausé they neglect t 983 diseases until (hronic and seated. Use No. 6 am! regain health and strength. 81.00. N6; Lima/1, FJRM AND FULNESS depend on good blood and lots of it. If weak, If blood is poor, If scrawny, use this perfect tonic. $7.00. No‘. giâ€"fEMALE WEARNEss, , lflleGULAfl/TIES, We read of the Great NapoleonI Whose ambition was to conquernthe world, but Holloway has done somethin'g else. for. in- stead of shedding oceans of human blood. he has cured his thousands, and spread great joy. among the poor sons and daught- ers of affliction by his wonderful Medicines; and, although he does not pretend to “raise the dead,” yet he has given strength to the halt and soundness to the lame; and if he has not -‘ opened the eyes of the blind,” he has soothed the pain-worn, and comforted those on the brink of the grave; and in the four quarters of the globe his preparations have found their way~â€"not by the force of the sword, not with the aid of legions, but have been silently borne on the bosom of old ocean in our huge merchant ships to every ‘c‘o’rxiet'_ of the civilized world where sufi'eiing’ triad is to be found. But to do all this gigantic work. to accomplish so wondrous a deed, regain-ed much thought and much energy, for withtr‘dt these com- bined, this mighty work could not have been accomplished. And thus he did it. There is 3 Wise saying, "Don’t spare plint- er’s ink!” and Holloway spared neither " printer’s ink.” nor vast piles of the preci- ous metal, gold. He advertises in all the languages spoken among civilized nations -â€"aud whether you go into France, Spain, Belgium, Holland, Prussia, Denmark, Russia, Greece. Portugalt Switzerlandâ€" nny, we might say all the kingdom‘s‘of the worldâ€"and in a thousand tongues they talk of ” Holloway’s Pills l "â€"in a thous- and languages they utter “ Holloway’s Ointment I ” We a’re filled with boundless wonder and astonishn'ierit that one man, one mind, one head, could plan and devtse all this; and we say that, if one man has really done so, there must be some wonder fq‘l curative properties about his Pills and 'Ointment. â€"I’oels Close‘s Historical Notices Amongst men uho have forced their way to fame and fortune. we may name. as an example to all. worthy of imitation. the famous and justly celebrated Thomas Holl- oway, better known throughout the “wide, wide world " for his Pills and Ointment. Othese medicines it is' not our pu poae to speakâ€"we are not Writing. pufl“. but solid plain facts, to show what énn be done by great strength of mind; and that: what. one man hasfioue another may do, provided theft he has the ability and determination to use it. with all his soull Mén of Extraordinary Nerve and Flrmness of Purpose . Foli Hou’se. w: the world. l‘erfu t timekeeper. Wunmted hem-n, SOLID GOLD hunting cum-54 vBoth ludiu' and gent's sizel. , with workl and c as e s o! .aquol vulue. ONE PERSON in 4 each locnlhy can Secure one .' free, together with our large - v and valuable lineoffloulehold -. ' Samples. These samples, as well u the watch. are flee. All the wark you need do is to show what we send you to‘ those who callâ€"your friends and neighbors and those about youâ€"lhutalwnyavresult in valuable trade {or us, which holds for yenra when once started Ind thus we us repaid. We pay all expl'cu, freight. etc. Afler. gin know All. li‘ you would like to go to-workhfor us. you cut. B"! from $20 to $60 per week and upwdrds. -AddrEls§ tlnwu a; 60., Bbx 81 2, Portland, Maine; p'firé S'p’ices go to the Concrete sums! G“RED 0 U a 61*: w {$55 Hun" ,Golfl, , h ./ fiMUffutton D" am >. '1; Proprietor. Wort}: 3190.66 TURKEY RED embroidery cotton and. embroidery silks in all shades for sald it the HERALD Store. This Incomparable Medicine has séé'ur ed for itself an imperishable famé throughoijflth'e World for the alleéia'tiofl and cix're of most diseases t6 Which‘ htz'ifia’iiity is heir. The Pills. Worth their ‘Neigh: in Gold; Pills& 0intment the increase the secretory powers of the Livonbm the nervous system, and throw into the cireu tion the purest Elements for sustaining an rupnitiug the frame. Thousafidé of persons have testified (ha by their use alone they bane been restored lo health and strength, after every other} means bad --oved unsuccessful. will be: found invnluabie‘in? every Household’ the cure of Open Sores, Hard Tumours. Coughs, Sore Throfifi‘s. Brofiohitis, and (111‘ é‘ipsloni ers of the Throat and Ghost, as 9.150 G( r " Rhea matism. Scrotum and other kind of ski; disease Manufactured only at Profese or Hollowav’s Establishment, 533. OXFORD STREET LONDO’Lir. The Ointmen’fi «My vun .4 VA VA: uv‘vu Lu... 4. uu'lIuL a, BAD i.EGs.0LD’ WOUNDS. outfit} Weakness and prostration of {he neryoud system~ suter follow that overwork. and worry which brings sorrow and sdffering tci so many Cihidian homes. The terrible;‘ results of neivbus weakness, are seen on every hand. Pfiins in the baék, poor and unrefreshing sleep, lack of appetite dys-l pepsia, and lost energy and strength, are-the first symptoms of more serious and dahgqi.‘ qus trouble. This is the way that Paralysis, _ V , ,,_ _f . ‘ t A Wonderful Vegetable Discovery Thu * Removes the Terrible Results of Overwork. ; 7 . ,‘I Péresis and Insanity begin. Do not delay itinoment longer, {or some time it will be too late to regain your lost health and Gitality. Use Paine’s Celery Componxia" now, and the dull eyes will rtgain then" brilliancy, the checks will grow rosy, the brain bééémé clear, the nerves strong and steady, youi asleep ‘ rgstfnl‘ and _ rgfresl'iing, >ur1f , remflate and improye the quality of E 00 . They assist the digestive organs, clam“ £6 et’iie'good,'r afxdvhealth and hap inc?» wi l takt; ghe pla‘cg bf f‘hjsery anl_suf eying, A. Sabiston, the well kno'wn'lithcgraphtt': of Montreal, writes : ‘f In the summer of 1888 I had to work very hard, and was troubled considerably,w.ith insomnia (aleq‘fi lessness). I resolved to tx‘y your l‘aine‘s Celery Compound, and after taking the contents of two bottles, felt like a new than. A good night’s rest gave me strength for the duties of the day, and instead of starting out to business in the morning; feeling as if I had completed a day’s worli instead of being about to commence one I started out in’ good spirits, feeling fresh and strong. My wife and various friends; to whom I recommended the medicine; have been benefited greatly, and in fact: ‘Paine’s Celery Compound is a household word in our family.” KENDALL’S SPAVIH GURE. Bmmnun OF CLEVELAND BAY nu) Tnonmo 13mm Bonsai Ewwoon, ILL, Nov. 30, 1388. DR. B.J.Kxbeu.Co. - ' ' ~ *1 ."- Dear site: I have always pufchhefid Ken- t Omen on CHARLES A. Smirk, % annng vmflcuxe .Iiy the hand?) i 1: W0“ 8 ll er uan - '- one of the bgstfimengonqemhy I have W197 en mien-three ears. in, > Your-truly,y OmLam'bm. DR. B. J. KENDALL 'v Dam- Sirs : I desm’to-gtvglyon testimonial of my; [:0 opinion of you: Read 1’s Spavin Cure. I have»- use is {92' Lameness. Stifi‘ Joints and s avins,:nnd I havede it a‘sure cure. I 00:93 81 rewmmgnd It to allhorsemen.‘ ’ - Yours truly; ‘ ‘ A. H: Gngmpg. . ‘ The Most Successful Remedy ever discov: erred. as it is certain Vinita effects and does not blister. Read proof below. fir KENDALL’S SPANK? NIKE; - SANT, Wm'row COUNTY, ouxo, Deé. 19. 1888. DR. B.J. KENDALL ()0. ‘ ~ , Gents: I. feel it my dutyto 6a whatI have done with your Kendall’s Spavin ure. ~I have cured" twenty-five horses that had awning» ten of Ring Bone, nine amlcted with gig Head and- seven of Bi Jaw.‘ Since Ihsve a one 0! mm“ fog” and gllowfi 3,19 attractions. I have never as acaseo any n. W ‘ Yours truly; Maw Wk. .- - â€" ~ - "V .. Homfigctor.’ Price $1 bomb, «an:wa 05. A11an gists have t 0: pay 3% it for you. or it will be sent to mvadgen, ptot flea by the premier tors. DB. J. 3:31;“; 00., Enosburgh Fallls, Vt»; _‘..... --- *-â€"-.â€"-â€"-â€"_â€". rs. Jill. A g. gnu“ Um, nuusuurgn anus, V k. gem) BY Ahlx: Dnvwmwsz KEMDALL’S SPAVIH GURE}. KEIDALIL’S' SPA!!! EUR!» A fiué ihvigorétéi'; " STOMACH AND BOWELS,‘ AT“ 330035.“, 2151; vaember 3. 188i y, ‘ A 711mm”. ‘ Manager Troy Laundry Stables.

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