“BR. LEWIS EL LANGSTAFF! Thankful for the favors of the past years traystill be consulted in any branch of the pro ï¬ssion, as follows Richmond Hill .......... 9th 55 24th of each room. B (at Palmer House) 'Al}ifo' " lst, 8th, 16th, and 221151 (30 touï¬ville ...... d0 Markham ...... .. I do Victoria Square ..... 219$ do Thornhil] (Walker’s Hotel) 231"’d do Wnndbridge . . . . . . . . . . . . ...28th do .leinburg ...... ...29th do lsobletnn . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . 30th do Vitalized m'r always on hand at the pinces 0f m‘pointmcnt. It does away with the pug; in oxtractii‘g .. Excmuoxn 111nm, ONT. (Lahe of BMW: NY), formerly Resident Surgeon to (J19 NY. State \Vonmn’s Hospital, N.Y. City, and Vining Physician m StJolm’s Hospital M161 sunlnum Dispensaries, Brooklyn. OFFICE nouns until 10 u m; and from 6 to 8 1; 111 Richmond Hill Aug 29th, 1880:: EVitalized Air for extracting. _1 will -ï¬ll fleet}; without pain at the lowest pnees. ‘.Best te‘eth on rubber .73â€. cheapest :36. C. H. RIGGS, L. D. S., ‘S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., TORONTO. VITALIZED AIR ! or A ROBINSON. Fullerton, (700k, Wallace Mï¬cdmmld. ,Dr Euston Shalom]! A and M B. Toronto Uni- versitymnd"! C 1’ S Omf Maple, Int‘e ni Torunto, has purchased the re'sidém‘n of Dr Orr, Mapleâ€" will continue practice from sumo place. 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Oï¬ce Every Saturday. J SFullerton- \V Cook, J R Miller. MWR‘ Toronto. May 2911a, 1884‘ CONVEYANCERS, ETC. Toronto Ofï¬ces-N“ ’4 “‘1†chambers} Richmond H H"! Ofï¬ce-5 x This Hmu'm's one of the Best Hotels to be found m‘rth of 'J‘ofonto. Everything is managed .2! First (‘luss Style. Snmrlo Room for Commer- cin] Truvdh rs. Good Sinhling and attentive nostlcm. Tums, $1 uer day. Proctor'b Bus haves {his Hn‘ml to connect wixh all the N R R ‘I'mim: going North and South, at 8 a m., 12 u. ‘17., 5.10 p m. and 6.00‘!) m. A (‘i F LAWRENCE Kuv27t11.1884 THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. J Palmer, Prop. HAJV. THE STAR 0n Saturdays. Mc'nry‘ 10 Loan at Lowest Current Ram to yard by post 1m mm] to A, MMIVM'CAIL JCFQ, 1%: rfish r, do, 2‘4 Adeluide b‘tne: East, Tmmlto, tl,( jr «hrisliz‘n u: (1 Humnm a, rmh‘erFL-H, (and r ‘ mril tn 1.,‘1‘9 In]!1m'livuhu'snf flu i1" (-luims. rh stn.fmnm.t.'0f1h«il'Ix(a:~0'-M.13; nml 11w nutum of 1119 sgonri‘ries (if m )) lvehl In them, or in dumnlt therew'f,‘ thvy will iln- [u er] 101'in oxclmh d {rum the meï¬t of 1!}? said juflmm-nt. Ev‘my ( leditnr llu‘uling n1q,;sccur1ty is t0 produce thé m mr bdm'e mi; 1110 Mnstnr in Orr’lilmry of we Fuprome ( nun-t, nf .]1\.<‘:1cutulcfur (Inturio nt 11?: ('lmmbm's in USmu-do Hal), in‘tho (.ity of ' L)" ya stn.fm|1m.t,'()f1h«il'Ix(a:~0'-M.13; nml 11w nuth of 1119 sgonri‘ries (if m )) lvehl In them, or in dumnlt there ',‘ thvy will iln- [NI‘FLU] 101'in exclmh d {rum the Lhuï¬c'of 1!}? said juflmm-nt. Ev‘my I leditm‘ lm‘u 'gg n14},;sccur1t)‘ is to produce thé H mm bdm'e hm! 11w Mnstnr in Orr’liu-ry of 11‘; Fuprome ( run-t, nf Judxcutmc for (mfurio nt 11?: (‘lmmbm's in Damn-do Hm], in‘tho (.ity of To; rmnn. on the Hh (lay of Amil‘ 1890, nt. eleven (.’(>V( I'm'enl‘ulh hung: the uuw appointed for UdeKL-x nt 11 on Lh'e 'clnjzmz. ; Dated Ll 28th Jay or Fkhrum‘y, 189". , Of London, England, Sir Wm McArthur, K C M G, M, P, eX-Lord Mayor )f London, V President. W WI Baynes,Esq,F I A,Secretary I313? {\UART tn :1 jmhmc-nt mi 1113 Chancery Division of the High Court nf Justice made 11%: ucm-n M" FLLHII'BY v. HmH‘N, the ( in in 1+.i1u1m1izzgztl P lmvfrg m y swcim: (It :exi-rul 1“. {unharfle m encun tram-e mu 11 11:6 13: “the (:r pny rvflivirit‘d ehure thrreof, of G ‘KWFF-E HILFON. late nf (he annslnp of Vaughan juttle (‘ounw of York )con'uu, “ho (Lind i1: m rLI‘Uut the u out}: of Fcluum'y, 1851‘, me, on or before the in Assuréï¬cï¬e“ $96}? 'J‘mv' ï¬rm. Hwyxcrwxcws. . 302m ‘)‘Xc1-)r>nnM.El-;q. 0. J. Cumphell. E‘qu a Run, vamt‘mMcMuster A. . Smith, Esq. IamosMetculfn. Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, 1). Loans made on security of Company‘s Policy at, £2 [for cont interert. Loursmude to Church Trustees, at a low rate of jutereat. Sand for prospectus. flmut “I? flfViN'h part of Hsbulk. It is n grand} double size 121:- scur-e.uslnr¢ze as i~ 1 .|-}' [m .n We wilhlso sh-wr you how you can: nuke from $1! IN N l \ ‘1.\_ lmst, from the slm’hwith- our run-rich >9 nnww . 1» nt mu» ‘~\'v Lin :1}luxpn‘ss charges. .. ‘. .. .y ... n . a .4: '.yv1‘[5’Axu_ unit! Barristersï¬olicitors, mix-35;, nixle z A; u: Ofï¬ce Hours before 10 u m, 2 to 3 p m, 7 to 9 p m --' GEORGE BIL-SON, DECEASED.-â€" 41-13 DR. EUSTOH SSSLEY; MAPLE Judicial“ Mine in Creditors Irma-a" :1†CF APRiL. [890, By mailto any lady sendinEus her post ofï¬ce address. Wells. Richardson & Co.. Montreal. K IéBQOK 0; FR {tsen‘e Fund. .. .. $10,000,000 Annï¬al Income. . . .'. . 1.000.000 1113‘de in 'Cunudu. .. 1.200.000 Dcmh chums paid. . . . 10,000,000 ITm-risicrs, Solicitors, &c. Oflicos PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN‘ SURGEON DENTIST, A UROBA Sec fltutal, & Trens. for Canada. 32_\\’cllingt0n St, East, Toront EEMILMEAN “gram, LIFE A D PERRY, «u uxprvss churgel. rilv nt mu» 1 urxs‘uxu, Mutt, Se. LU.. BL; as jmhmcnt mi 1113 Chancery High (‘mn‘t nf Justice made Fume!an v. Hmmw, the (S'd) NEIL M(LL‘AN, No‘ 1:4 Buihling & Lon) chtmzbersjé Toronto st ,1 an; 20;}: .leb 23ft! .28th .29th 30th T C MILLIGAN.‘ I?“ lst 883 the places pf Rear of the Central Bank Cl icf Clerk lyâ€"pfm No. ’12 Cnid~DY E Sisley Localsâ€"Atkixmun & Switzcr . , Localâ€"Vaughan S S Association _v Localâ€"Auction Saleâ€"R & A Vuhderburg may be round on ï¬le at G00 1“ Rows“ & (30’s Newspaper Advertising: Bureau (10 Spruce st.)where advertis~ ing contracts may be made for it IN NEW YORK The date printed on much pa‘fwi‘ denoted the time when the subscription exL . 'S.§ We do not hold ourselves rospnnsmw ror me opinions of our Correspondents. Your Vote and Influence is requested at thenext election in West York for the Ontario Legislat'ure on the following plal- form:â€" 1. Equal Riglns for all clqssos and creeds. Stand for Canada before party in resisting French and clerical aggression. 2. Provincial Rights should be subor- dinate to the interests of the Dominion at large. 6. A legish-ntion shortly before Elec- tions to save \lm expense and complications nllenr’ir‘g present system and also a seCreL ballot. 3. Abolish 1lle Separa!e Schools and have the English Iunguage taught. to all citizens 4. Abolish School Book monopoly and make 301100155 more efï¬cient. 5, Prohibition of the Liquor Traffic and the piacing of Licenses, so long as they continue, and civil service appointmenis in the hands of :\ Nun-l'aivizan Commiswn‘ 7. The continuance of the Nalional Policy, so long as the United States main- tain present anilude, 8.I ’l‘he preservation and development of mineral and limher imeresls. 9. Make Elections come on a ï¬xed day so that neither party could surprise the olher by springing an election on the cnunh'y. 11 Before capital gn‘s the hold upon our country that it has upon the United States†the position of those who labor should he made mmssmllnbl’e. 10. ' I’luce the redistribution or constitu- encies in Ontario with Ihe Judges of the Court of: Appeal. 12. Honesty, economy and efï¬ciency in all depn'lmema. With the above nmendmenis the strong Imlds of the hoodIEIs. ofï¬ce-seekers and those who trade upon race and cxeed for place and power would be broken dawn, and many a home now destitute and deso- lnled would be made comfortable and happy- ‘ To ihe Hecturs of West York. RLV. T \V“. Jolliffn, of Bradford, will preach the. Annual Educational sermon in the Methodist Church here next Sunday evening.- GOLD SKATING.-â€"Tllere was good skating at the new rink on Monday evening last, and a large number of young people participated. i‘lEE'l‘ENG.â€"â€" The White Rose Lacrosse Club will hold auzeeling in Rupert’s Hotel‘m-night for the purpose of reâ€" (vl'gunizaliun. A large attendance is rrquesled. Omarâ€"Division Cvurt,‘ w‘hs held in Ihe Count Hrvuse hr're yt-sterkfly, and the3 viilnge prosonxcd quite a lively appearâ€"1I unco, there being a large nunrter 0U Fulmcrs and othels having: businrss at‘ the Uuurt. There were in all 2.8 ’ cases 1' entered, 23 of' which were dirposed oi}; the wmuiuil g 5 ieing adjourned. Judga' Marga-n immidcd.‘ -' BUBGLAlW.â€"~Bu‘mglars at Bradford Il'iud l'uur places on1 Monday night. Busmoss appears to hwé been bad, as Kluy’, uly secured about a dollar in cop- ycrï¬ï¬â€˜revolver, a gun and some goods. Mn. TOMLINSON’S second letter reâ€" cechd too late for this Week. THE Propeny Owners’ Association, of West Toronto Junction, are advocatâ€" ing the necessity of better postal fucililies in tiini tovm. J1»le Harrison Moore, of Newmarker, has passed xhe necessary examination to enable him, to obtain a commission no" Dominion Land Surveyor. YESTERDAY was Division Court Duy. LAST Monday was St. Patrick’s day. 3EFORE you buy Wall Paper see our stock at. the Concrete. OWING to illness of the proprietor, the Bradford Witness was not issued last week. MR CHAS. Pa‘nner has sold his trot- ting Gelding, McDonald2 to Mr. Harper of Toronto. THE gill who has ‘a new sealskin sucque can attend Lent services with wruppcd devotion. Mussns. Aminson 85 Swilzer have this week rcceived a large importation of dry gods, ctc., ï¬om the “old sod." CATARRH‘, QATAR‘RHAL DznrnzssH-IA‘V rsvzn’ A uzw Hon: murmur. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has: proved this to be a fact, and the result of this ï¬scovery is that a simple remedy has been iormul‘ated where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. NBnâ€"Thia treatment is not a. snuffroy an ointment; both have béen discarded. by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatmeï¬t is sent on receipt of ten c'ents by A.‘ H. Dime}; &‘ Son, 303?th King Street; Toroutd; Canadaâ€"Toronto Globe. Sufferers frgmflatarrhal “03.111161331161113 )arefully read the above; THURSDAY, MARCH 20, ’90. Local and General. NO T1013 T0 SUBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS; Em 913ml: “imam. Richmond Hm. Ont. Wï¬ole Nb. 1654 . W. Olendenan. Yours. (90., Volume 31. MISS DICE, the popular milliner at the Concrete. has returnvd to lrfer charge. She informs us that. she has a’ large stock of the latest designs and is now prepared to supply her lady patrons with all the novelties of the art. - AUCTION SALE.-â€"R. & A} Vanderâ€" burgb intend having a sale of their farm stock, implements, 010,, on Saturday, 29th March‘ on lot 24, Con. 2nd Vaughan. The proprietors are about removing to Manitoba so the sale will be without. reserve.â€"ADVT. FARM TO LEASEâ€"Parties desiring tp‘ lease a ï¬rstâ€"class farm, situated in ï¬lm" Township of Markham, admirably adapted for stock raising will do well by consulting Co]. A. Arnold, Thomhill, or John R. Arnold, Richmond Hill. See bills. A LEATHER MEDAL.â€"Thc Liberal man should be awarded a Leather Medal, made out of Newton’s best, fo'r his remarks in‘ reference to the HERALD in his last Week’s paper. And a brass one for his cheeky article on the tollâ€" gate questioll not long ago. C. P. R.â€"0n‘ Tuesday e‘kebing the C. P. R. ran 5 special coionist train‘ containing 400 passengers, most'lyvsturdy yeoman of'Ontario, with their wives and families. 68 carâ€"loads of stock ac- compz‘nied the settlers, who go to Maui“- toba and the Territories. ANNIVERSARYâ€"Mr. Will D. Atkin- son, the live proprietor of the Fire I’roof' dry good stme, held his Annivensnry Sale on chmsduy hut, and we are pleased in nolethat it, wasa decided success and proved his business ability, However you will see by his change of ad. that he is still in business and to the front in all the branches of the trade. ACCIDENTâ€"“’0 are sorry to learn that a painful accident happened to Mr. A. Campbell whilst at work on Monday, in which one of his eyes is seriously ina jured incapacitating him from perform- ing his every day work. “'0 trust that it will not be the cause of any length- ened loss of time and that before many days he will be at his. usual avocations’. GENEn-AT; SESSIONS.-â€"At the Court of General Sessions Thomas Moses‘, Steymrt White, Thomas Edwards and Daniel Donahue appeared enalhe charge of manslaughter, as having caused the death of Henry Leach, of Markham Township, at the l’ape avenue crossing; on'Nnvr-mber 8th last in Toronto. The case was put off until the next sitting of the court. CREDIT SALEâ€"Nelson Smith, Auc-z lioncer, will sell by public auction on Mondnv, 3lst March, at l’Zo’clock noon, on lot 9, in (he 4th Con. of \Vhitchurch. a large quantity of farm mock, impr ments, household furnim'rc, etc., the properly of Henry Gowvr. The s‘nlé will be wilhout reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. For further phr- ticulars see posters. Mrs T1105 Hicks Ernest Bishop Ida (HMS '1‘ Lynns Gen Hmd Garnet Duncan Lnurw Brown Minnie Dihvvrth Gem‘ge anpn‘ Nina F Frown Fn d Smiih Snm Byers: Florence Moodie Gt 0 Sims Annie “1qu giurliu Hill] anV‘Mackie ' 6 Han ison ROYAL TEMPLARS‘ SPECIAL MEET;- INGS.-â€"AL the weekly meeting of the Royal Tcmplars of ’l‘cmperance hold in Richmond Hill on Tuesday night lust, it was decided that a Week of special meetings should he held for the beneï¬t, of the temperance cause It is expected that the meetings will be held during the ï¬rst week of April. Committees were appointed torccui‘e speakers and singers and to arrange a prngramme. Every effort, will be made to make this the best series of meetings held in can‘â€" neclion with the order. . At the meeting of the order next Tuesday night, a full attendance of members is requested. Reports nl'cnmmittccs will be received and further arrangements made. ’J‘Im LAET OF THE SEASON.-~Tllc last carnival of this season was held in the new link last evening, and although the attendance was not as lalge as on former occasions, every one seemed to enjoy thcskuting immenm’ly. The band was onlmud and ermtiibuted several seâ€" lections in a masterly manner, and those in costume, though not large in mam"g displayed some good representations; The following is a partial list :â€"â€"â€"- WATCH YOUR PREMXSESm-Thnre a trump tailor at present going through the village and neighborhood with {1 most pitiful tale of Want and woe. He is a prof'CSSiuna] beggar, and what is worse, a deliberate thief; and while the occupant of the hcuse is procuring something to satisfy thb‘ hiingerpf' the applicant, said applicant will be picking up anything of' vuiue lying nround‘ Look out for him and don’t leave him during his visitâ€"Bradford News. It VuAIUly Lb LII\UL'5 Wall Paper ! \Vall Paper! At the Concrete i‘fVuH Paper! Wal‘l‘ lepcl:_!_ a large variety stock A great R prices Mother Hubbard Bushwlmmkcr Little Red llidlughood Soldier Boy anromn l‘luye Irish Gallant ' Gipsy Chinese Boy Flower Girl Jovhoy Shanty-man .Syriur: A School-hoy Flower Girl .Suilor Boy Dude Josiah Allan‘s V. ife‘ patterns 10W new AN OLD STORYâ€"Henry Legge, a farmer living at Oak Ridges, was on Thursday morning swindled out of four dres'sed hogs. He was driving into the city, when he was approached by a strnugei‘ who offered him $33.36 for the than pigs. The offer was accepted and the pork transferred to the stranger’s Waggon, which was at Cook’s hotel. Payment was made by a cheque made on the eastern branch of the Bank of Commerce and signed “ Thomas Hope." The farmer presented the cheque, but was informed by the ofï¬cials that they had not an account with such a person. The farmer realized that he had been nwindied and is now assisting Detectix‘ie Black to ï¬nd the cuiprit.â€"-Saturday’s Empire. V By J W ALLISON, E)der“s Millagom; 3.10ACnnferenco. 3:30â€"Classiï¬cation of the books of the Bible, _ By REV T FENWICK, Elder's Mills, ‘Ont 7:30~Confercn'ce. ‘ Bzoow'l‘he Proper use of the Bible, By REV A MCLAUGHLIN, Sherwood, Ont REV ’1‘ EDWARDS, Kleiuburg, Director KLEINBURG.â€"Institule exercises in’ connection with Vaughau'_ Township Sabbath School Association will be held in the Methodist Church. Kleinburg, on Monday, March 24th, 1890. The pub"- lic will be cordially welcomed and Sab- bath School workers are really needed at the meeting. The following programme will be mar-outed: ERGâ€"DevotionalExercises. , , A " ODâ€"The \Vljferg of thgrbooks of the bel‘o, CooPs FOR. FOWLs.â€"A Verm‘Ont correspondent says he has kept his fowls duringr the summer. for the last ï¬ve or sit years in portable Coops on the grass, moving them each morning. He ï¬nds the plan ‘both convenient and proï¬table’. His coops are cheaply and easily made. They are twelve feet long by four {’th wide on the ground, the sides running too pointa‘t top. About fou’r feet at one end is enclosed for a roosting? place. and less space at the other end For nests. To strengthen the sides he nails a strip halfway up on each side, the ends of which extended an as to form handles for movirg the coop. In such a coop he keeps from 10 to 12 hens and a cock. 'l‘hey arehalloimd to run at large when they will do ,no damage, but during most of the summer are kept in the Coopâ€"Funnels? Union. 2:00 p mâ€"Dcvntimml Exerciï¬el BUâ€"Tbe Books of the Bible, 4z'00â€"Confer5nce 00â€"Adjourn. Miss Maggie Sterling went '30 Toronto on“ Mon day. Muss Muicnhy, of Oriilin, is visiting at Mr jrfy's. R March, Erq , has been nthending the (fraud Jury in Turmxgo thih weal-t. B'ias (‘mhmpf’I‘hm‘uhiilZ-hns been Visiting her cousin, Miss Nuliia Lun sniff. Capt. M. Gm-inger, of the Salvation Army Waterford, is visiting her mother, Mrs H. F“ Hopper. Mir-s Minnie Davis, of Toronto, is visiting her grandmother, Mrs 1(0th Hewisun. \ Mrs Jnhn mum, of Peel township, after spend- ing 11 pleasant visit with 1101' daughter, Mrs J. W Elliott, rammed home on Tuesday. Miss Hopkins, of ?:1rkd£119. who was visiting at Mrs R. ngison’s, returned home on Monday. Rev. Mr Demiil. of Oshawa, W518 at the l’ulmer House (:11 ’l‘ursdny. He was herein the interest; of {he Oshawa Lndies‘ College. We regret to loam shut Mrs Cutherwood, sister of My Thos. Dnbsru, is (Lt the present time in u very puny state of! health. That typcs and shadows were dissolved; By his own death men were ubsolved From all transgression, fulï¬l [110 test. The gate to everlasting rest. A Gospel free, that all m 311:6 know ;' ’l'hut shows ml'how to live below; And teaches how to dwell in love, A forctuste of our home above. Christ, His disciples nave. command, '1'0 juurney fm'th in every land, That “ every creature" thus might. hear, That men might everywhere draw near In heaven no "Isms" will we ï¬nd N0 dngmus to disturb the mind, No Sad contention, which divides, For satau over such presides. "Iis his device to lure men’s souls, To lend them, where his power controls; With all his subtle arts and wiles, In lubyrinths of ureeds beguiles. And laughs when thus his baib (smeceeda.~ Diveiting men from Godly «Mods, From Fxrith mid Chhrity u) stmy: . _‘ In duubc and darkness lose their way. In controversy he delights; _ 'NmLth cloak (71' good the soul he blights; “him they forget that fnith gldne, In Jews can for siii' (Lt/J Our cruezl‘s sh’onh’i blend in hiiijmoiï¬f, And bmmier grow our charity; All forms‘imd dogmas cease to be, A sinn'ce of needless enmity. While Chrisiiims full (‘u’g by the Wily, Each striving to iiiuintitfn‘ the any; The world looks on and laugh: with scorn, And Christ is pierced with sharpest thorn. I1 (fliri9tiniis, so called, everywhere, Would live the life their words declare,- Millennial glory earth would bless, 1%:thin 1‘3 in true righteousness. Whilé are ‘ . wouid flock to hem- tho news, 05 Gospel 1 me, its precepts choose, Because the§ u She love that reigns, Where Christ His‘peuceful sway maintains. And guided bv the \Vord 0; God, Our lives will shed a light normal, And sinners will dmw near and see, 'lhut (ihxiï¬tiuns dwell in .mity. God as our Father, Christ our Head, And by the Holy hpirit led, We'll journey on communng free, As members of one family. Richmond Hill, March Ist, 1590‘ ATKmSnN~On the 14th inst, at 220 Jameson avenue, the wife of William 1’. Atkinson, Esq of a. daugkwr. 1\Imu".§oxâ€"’AGAR#At the residence of the bride‘s father; on the 184th 11186., by Rev. J. M. Simpâ€" son, Mr. Joseph'J, Mormon to Miss Annie Agar, hm]: of M urkhnm. REYNOLDS-~KI'NNEEâ€"â€"A' ' the .Meifhodist pur- snnuge. Mingle, on March 19th,- by the Rev 1’ l‘mnbclï¬ Huh‘y‘li‘eynnlda M Mimi», eldest daughter of mmial Kimlw, Enq, inspe’ctm‘ of weights and measures f: r the counties of Peel, York and Ontario, all of Vaughan. THOMPEI‘Nâ€" Or. Tuesday, 13th inst.Y at \Vexford. Scurboro', Francis Thompson, in his (39th year FINNleAt her father's residence, 2nd Cpu, of Markham, Maria E. Flume, aged 22 years and 6 mouths. LUBBOCKâ€"On Thursday, 13th inst,“ at 'laii; resi-’ d.nce,l\lm‘klmm, Richard Imbbnck, aged ‘26 yeurs. [He wus buried on Sunday last at '1 hornhlll cemetery ] SIBBAI.Dâ€"â€"Ab Eildon hull.Sutton West, on the Jnh inst.I in the eightieth year of his age, 'l'homus Sibbnld, Commander R. N.,12Lte ilcputyâ€"Lieï¬teuunt County Cornwall. Eng. laud. Ml‘KINM’LVâ€"At ‘28 Charlotte street, Toronto, on Friday morningh March 14m, Dmmld Mc- liiixuon, aged 69 years, formerly of i110 town- ship of Brock. The deceased was the father of Mrs. Robert Holland of this village. The funeral took place on Mmidaylust to the Soviet) cemetery, Cun- ningham ' If honvon we all exuect to reach. Christ’s doctrines We must surely tench Where no intolerance in‘fmmd, But Christin.“ faith and love abound. MiRs Gilfis, of King, is {be {$195!} of Miss Storey Charity Suffereth Long and is Kmd.†Society Not-es .r 15y REV ’1' ELWARDé,K16iuburï¬, Ont IAFTEBNOON 8E SBION EARRIED EVENING BE SBION DEATEI. l3IRTEl. Barley d‘ Outs m Pens d( Dressed Hogs, per (thickens, per pair Butter, 1]) r0115. Eggs, fresh, doz‘ Potatoes, per bag A1‘1‘1!‘S..,,.,..m. Omens, per ha", Cabbage Turmrs, pe h Carrots, per do Hay, per ton ..... Straw, per ton. Running Sores Healed. llmd n pnin in my lPl't side. which broke out in running soreg. Burdock Blood Bil- tem was the only delcim‘ which gave me r’éllef', allllough In'ied many others. My Side is all healed up now, and I am able to go m‘nUnd after being in lwd for over n. jénr without, relief. 1 also use Burdock Pills, nnd ï¬nd them the heal I have ever tulke’x‘i. MRS. B. Mmms, TOH.t)N'F()- TH'r'mSDAY, MARCH. ‘20., 1891 PRICES A'I‘ FARMERS“ WAUGONS Wheat full, new, per b'ush., 00 Spring do .. 81 Barley do BR OMS do 81 Peas do 00 D sad Hogs, 11011 1001‘!) The Emperor of Germany has acâ€" cepted Princé Bismarck’s resignation and all the ministry have resigned. Ths trouble is said to arise out of the U'hanâ€" C'eilor’s' dietermincdl nppmitinn‘ to th‘é‘ restoration to the Duke of Cumberland, claimantto the throne of Hanover, 0F the‘iarger portion of the Guelph funds. All in a Heap. Malarinl fever le ft me wilh my blood in a terrible state. with boils breaking out on my head and fnce. I was 100 weak to work or Pven walk. but arlpr taking a qnnrtm‘ of a bottle of Bmdnck Blood Bitmrsl was able {0 Work. The buils all want nwnv in ahenp, as f! Were, and my s’lrvngth full‘y retulm-d béfm‘e'the hntlle was done. Fun}. W Unwas, Winona, ()n'. Slrlden flCClIlenlfl ut‘wn Ml'ull urt'z‘ï¬na‘. farmers and all “lm wnrk in the open air, bf‘Sldf'S the exp'vsure lo cnld :fhd‘ diuml, producing rhwumulism. lame bï¬ck. stillE juinls, lm1'.onrs<., 0’0 lel‘m‘v Oil: isâ€; ready remedy for a‘l sush tumbles It is hand} and reliulwle. and cim be used internally or externally. Thifleen’ thousand miners of’ Germany hufe sent to the Emperor VViHinm a telegraphic mess:ng thanking: him for the goodâ€"Win he‘ has shOwu towards workingmcn. Two Men Testify. ‘ GEN FLEMICN.~UHG hunk: of .Hag-- I yuzd‘s Yellow 03] cure-d 1m: of [um-- hugo after nll else failed. PETH: A\ \VATSHN, I7'nu‘1-Fuils..\l. Y. “I used Yeliqw 0H for group INS Mule"; and II;\iSl {in}: I ï¬nd no lwner remmly for it. FIT-'krml" ’iJL'RKm, Fuux b‘ul's, N. B.- Sir John MacJOnald has promised {but ‘he 81‘. Lawrence canals were likely to be cn‘argod throughout within the next three years. The station agent at Hilx‘tsblirf, Ohio. refuseâ€! to open the safe fin". a burglar on: Mi‘uday uight'und'vï¬is‘ 811d dead. _ I .A' BriHiant Record‘ WILD 801m mu] it nut isnppm‘ted by genuine ms'm. '1‘71‘8 success ul Blurlock Blond Hitlan hr width] (m n-2'Frit and‘apprnvm} by 1! 'nl. II puviï¬ws thy Mood, and 6mm dupe-1:. ‘cnvaripminn. hilious- [-0391, sidk hvad~cheland allsimilnr com- plaints. B. B B. ié purely vegutublc. Coid \‘omlmr h‘lr‘i‘killed fl f‘en'st oneâ€" third of lhc mbuccb fln‘nls in the tobacco counxies uf wostum North Carolina. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wlmlesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of 10W test,sh0rt weight Mum or phoRphthn powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., 106 Wall St†N.Y. Gold Mmlnlist and Hnnorury Member of the Ontario College of Veterinary Surgeons, Tc ran to. Richmond Hill every Wednesday and Satm'davy w afternoon. v > Calls by Muil, Telophnno, or otherwise promptly attended to Sii‘oc‘is of earthquake have been felt :16 Bonn, Mnlugu, and other places. A gsnorul inundation is feared in ‘ï¬orthan Louisiana. Brvd [Mufch 1888 By J‘ C, Snell, out of Imported Stock, is m! extra good Emu", having way sound young Sd‘ws of his gen for which I want a fl‘CEh Boar. I will 'scll him sooner than I would otherwise have dODP.‘ The Supreme Court of Wisconsin has decided that the 81qu has no place. in [Be common schools. 'T‘he French CMmber of' Deputies by 318m 78 has vnt‘cd conï¬dence in the new government. â€"T }-l 0 RN H 1 L L, (O N '17-â€" 139526115584 \eax‘ n‘Ea r 1 Olermont- BOA H FOR SA LE. Absolutely Pure. REM aew \4acn... .m mm TH E M A RK ETS Veterinary Surgeon. . . __m Labor items. H. QUI-zl'rum Sr. Gxaoncn‘ Oak Ridges @ktllnnuuglt, Mount Piensam, Ont. 00 $ 81 BR 81 0!) 5m 60 18 15 60 50 40 40 56 6 00 80 n 4. 16 65) 3 n 87 45 00 :50 50 V Ifymi want to buy or sell a Fm'm, mi vertiaa in the Toronto W Eklih‘i MAIL. THM paper reaches 100.000 ï¬u‘mers‘ homes every week, and your advm‘xisemedl should meet the eye of someone who wams to purchase. Advertisements of this class are inserted in the Toronlo WEEKLY Min, for Five Céms‘ a word euch insertion, or 'l‘wenlv‘vaonla a word for ï¬ve insertions, Address THE MAIL. Torénto. Canada. #Smmiwwï¬ BT08.%‘ ~â€"â€"'â€"â€"~.F 01513.“â€" , . EOILET ANB FANCY ARTICLES," â€"â€"Perfumes in Grea‘téï¬â€˜V‘arietyfl‘ HAIR, NAIL: AND TOOTH BRUSHER CALL AND EXAMINEI OUR STOCK. â€"-'â€"The Manufacturer?â€" LEFE TORONTO. Adthorized Capital and other Assets Over $2,000.000. PRESIDENT Rt Hon Sir John A flucdmmld, P C, G CB Geo Gooderhnm, Esq URUGGIS'I‘S; : {IEPParties Ham :1 distance getting Sale Bills printetf} :caâ€˜ï¬ have them done iw time to fake home the same day. We are prepared to dd all kinds of Plain and Ornaméintal‘i; -â€"â€"Pl‘iilflllg at the LOWEST PRICE and on théâ€"L-a "+Shi'n‘tcst NoTicc possible; ‘ HERALD†GFFIOE} “ â€"-â€"'â€" Mï¬ï¬kï¬ THES The Place for Clothes is G001) FET , H , GOQD If you'v'wd‘nt to 5:60 a good thing in Clothes, gaze on Hm man who is {5%qu Suits. Eb looks gqod, he feels good; We’re prbhd 0f 'him. [s‘ hoodoocd by his clothes, hoodoocd in business, in society; in his family. The Moral is; buy your clothes of the MANAGING DIRECTomâ€"Jno F Elli's, Esq have them return again. I M “A N A RA DECA L C- . Epileï¬sy or Fanning Sickness a life-long study. v 1 Warrant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now reéeivinga cure. 4 §end It once {or :1 treatise and a Free: Bottle of my infallible Remc’dy. ‘Give Etï¬i’ess and Post Ofï¬ce, It cost") you nothing: for a trial, and it w“ cure > you. Address :â€"H- G. ROOT.‘ M.c., Branch Ofï¬ce, “85 WEST ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO: ' _; ’_ '1' 115192 1;]; éih‘eï¬i's EVE}: Atkinson 3t, $witz‘e-r. ' Importems.» Use Wilmer Hui hantS , Down went MeGinty * * #6" Dressed in his best Sunday ClotheSj MANY A "MAN M. H. KEEFLER, Agent, RICHMOND HILL OF whom we are which. The specialty'of our Clothing '15 VICE J‘RE SIDEN'I‘S THAT SUI'I‘ WAS" A‘ . REGULARi $70 5‘ Pweéï¬géiwa POOR WEACK-» I Hnlrn for chum-H] hands, [[s; puril'yiru and healing propurï¬ies renders the Skin _suf't and silk-like in ilS textures. RICHMGNB HILL. \Villimn Boll, Esq THE CONCRETE. h‘sloadia. Ban ass watch at the :world. Perfeck tim ekueper. Warranth heavy." souh oonn' huntlbgï¬llu ‘Bmh ludies’ Ind suit Illn- wim works and cup] of quul value. ONE rut"): in each locality can Iecuro one’ _.free, logether with our ‘hrgu, qnd. valuable line «Household , 3. p105. These anmplal, 3: well, as the watch. are (Fee. All the work you‘ nced do is to show what Ive-56nd 3'0“ ‘0 ï¬lo" Wh" “ll-Wm! flirnvls and neighbors and those about youâ€"thatnlyvan tall!!!- in m mahlo truth for ml, which holds for years when once “Armed, and mm we are n‘puifl‘. We pay ull express, freight. etc. After. 1 knuw all, if you wnlrldJiku tu go to wntk for u. you an Addre ' 1mm 925) to $1“) per wch and upwards. .:son AL (10., Box 81 :5, Portland, Maine m0ch drawing, or photo., with descrip? tion. We nix-2m if dlumzntable or not, heap charge. Our feennt notillpntentis secured. 'J A hunk " Hnw to Obtain Patents.†with A 1;ka “7 1‘10“ tr; Jam» 011005 10 actual clients in your State, county, 0! town, sent. free, Address, _ -“ c; A. gmaw & GO; Opposite Patent OIilce, Washlngton. D. c: \Vhen I say Cure I do not mean qu t9 _stop thegn {qr autime, an_d_t_|3en THGUSANDS or BOTTLES“ mm mm YEARLY. RICHMOND HfEL‘ b0 U R N E W i355 80] Id >Glilll WAagcy VW on)! 781-763.‘