All the articles included in last week’s list will not be in next week’s, but it will be just as long 3" " hï¬d'as‘ intei‘esting. ‘ We thank all our customers for the kind manner in which thev waited to be served, and We hope to be better ï¬repared next week. The Ontario House! ‘ a we haven’t time to get out a list of Bai'rgeiins for next Wednesday, but depend on it they will be thé‘re. WILL D. ATKINSON, BARGAIN BOY. V The Bargains were Bargains, and when we say we Will give Bargains we mean it, IsEVVe expected a crowd but We have to apolo- éize to our hundreds of customers on that day for i101: having expected a jam like there was. "cc '1 TREMENDOUS CROWDS, GREAT SCRAMBLE. ' FOR ALL KINDS OF Fresh Groceries, Canned Goods, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, ‘ ~Baking Powders, Fish, e130. 'i‘horlcy’s Caftlc Food, G. W. Niclmldas For. ‘ tilizcr’s, Six Different Brands. THE FIRE PROOF, FLOUR AND FEED PIANOS, DOMINION PIANOSâ€"Gland, Square and Upright; in Mahogany, Figured Walnut. Rosewood and other chojéo Woods, perfect insit'r'uments, sold on terms which cannot be Beaten. Old' organs and pianos taken in ex’éhange.‘ Of world wide fame, in numerous styles, c-om'ainin‘g‘ Foley’s automatic mouse proof and all'the latest'ihiproveménts, at very low prices and guaranteed to give the best of satisfaction. %%TH-E- NEW WILLIAMS SEW'IN'GaMAIIHINE'flgéï¬e The Ligl‘nest Running and most improv‘bd high; roomy arm machine in the market. 50k? cheap for cash or good paper. You will] sé'cure excellent bargains by calling at or writing“ to the - ; 'l‘emple--0f--Music, ' MaINHSTHEET. - WM; FLEMING?" Wedï¬esday, March 19th,1890. Always 0% Hand : The York Herald. buR BIG MEGAN DAY Is the Place“ to?" Go '& SEWING MACHINES. JQ$EPH H} HALL. DOMINION ORG-ANS; SUBSCRIBE "FOR A Genuine Success; 99 I EVERY THURSDAY, ' " 1 At his printing Ofï¬ce, Yonge Street, in ~11m0nd . Hill, Ontario. ' ‘ Terms of Subscr‘ipmon :â€"â€"$1 00 per an'n‘um in advance. When not paid in advance $1 50 will be charged. 1 Tmnsitory advertisements, ï¬rst insertion, " In the session of l888 the House or Assembly was startled by .the informa- tion that there was a deï¬ciency in the bank balance as eompared with that .shown in the Public Accounts to. the extent; of $14,680, which arose from") errors extending over a series of years‘ and that corrections would have to be made "to that amount. Of course this did not snow b‘lunderingâ€"not at allâ€"for the Treasurer has developed the new theory that making corrections does not imply previous blundering! But this was not the worstt For it came out on oath when the committee commenced to investigate that. the Auditor knew as long ago as 1878 tlmt the balance was wrong, but. went on coolly presenting and eerti‘f'yin‘g a false balance to the House. It Was sworn to also and not hdenied that the present Treasurer was made aware as long ago as 1885 that the bal- ance was wrong, lut still permitted the Provincial Auditor year by year to pro: sent a false balance to the [louse and; country/l This is so astounding that the public could not be expected to beâ€" lieve that a Provincial Auditor would do this, or Hut :1 Provincial 'l‘re'tsurer would knowingly present to the [louse the accounts with this false balance,were it not that the facts are established on oath.â€â€"Empire. It has been said, " Tlxut tltlcre is no propOsiticu so mongttnu'sly untrue liu morals or pcliti'é'a that we will' not uu- tlertttke to plow it by scinctltitig which fthttll sound like :1 logical d'eniims‘rgtti: n. Ef'mï¬i‘ admitted principles ‘7 The Globe, ‘ having ï¬nally adopted the {503mm ot' apologist for the dual languages, dual system of public education, and such a' policy of' government us will continue to seprtra'e our community by race tl"d re ligicus barriers, seeks to make excuse For itself by trying to prove that in rculit)‘ vtli'e. Protestants of Quebec unl tlu» Envelopes postpuid to any part of the Dominion with their business card neatly printed thereon in black ink for .3410. Send copy With remit-- ï¬ance r ’ ‘HERALD†OFIFCE, The Muddled Public Accounts. Ur Catholics of Ontario can have equal educational righ‘s in no other way. It argues that if Roman Catholic separate schools are abolished in Ontario. Protes tant separate schools will be abolished in’ Quebec, the majority in both instances having an equal rig‘ht to'do this. It admits‘ that. Ontario would be doing a less injustice to the minority forcing her system of public schools on the Roâ€" man Catholics than the Roman Catholics of Quebec would be in forcing their pub Iic schools on the Protestants of Quebec, 'ttasutib‘i as the public schnos ( f 0aâ€" tario are really nonâ€"ssctarian, while these of Quebec are doubtless Roman Catholic is to be the indie of what 2’3 non sec tarian ?†This clumsy sophist must ad but that there is» a test by which see-- :‘itrihnisar can be discoverrd and a very easy one, that where there. is no religion taught there Can be no religious soc- tariauism. Its one argument falls to the ground when it admits that the dif- ï¬culty ot' the position would be b.cau<e ot' the claim Frenethemadians Would make that their system is non-sectarian even While it is notoriously so. The Globe holds that even if' the school larized and the minority in Quebec deâ€" manded that the same should be done there, the French-Canadianseould make the claim that their schools are thor» oughly secular and that. there is no rule by which We cbuld prove the contrary to be true. The Globe must have ï¬rm Faith in the brazen untrutht’ulnces ofthe Frenchâ€"Janadians if it believes that they are willing to call their religious system of education secular. Its argu ment‘is simply subterfuge, If the Onâ€" tario system of public education were made entirely secular. that is, contain no elementof' religious instruction of which' the Catholics could make eomu plaipt‘ the Equal Rights theory would be t'uily'carried out and the Protestants of Quebec would'have no rcastm to be afraid of the application of the Equal Rights test to education in their province, for ithe same rule if applied there would .leave‘ b‘oth Catholic and Protestant on ,ï¬t’h'é sortie footing, the child of neitherl would ï¬nd any interference with its rc- ligior). What more could be asked? The lion in the path is the determination ef‘tlre hierarchy to continue the separate: school system in both provinCes and the1 readiness with which Frenchâ€"Canadians are willing to aver that black is white and that they are entirely patriotic, oral and unprejudiced, even when‘they are doing that which has notthé slightâ€" est semblance of liberality or patriotism. The Globe may as Well admit that it demands for the French- Canadians libâ€" erty to pursue tlreifr'u'arrow, sectarian and racial idealï¬-ee from any interferâ€" ence on ounpértv, while they shall be permitted to obstruct our ideas of pu‘ogress, and destroy What the best thought ol‘the c‘ountry believes necessary to unityi‘and permanence ° system of Ontario were thoroughly seen:â€" l Butthe Globe asks: “ Who l'; -2,†parlino ..... a ........................... Scents Each subsequent inwrtion, ner line. 3 cents‘ t_ Contracts for time and space made on applica- mn. « Advertisements,.wibhnut written instructions will be inserted mm forbid mid urged transi- ent rates. THE World says 2â€"“ That it. has learned on worthy authority that the date has been ï¬xed for about Tuesday 17th of June as the time to hold the Assembly elections †We Lhink it would be advisable to have some ï¬xed day for the holding of the Dominion and Local elections, except in cases wherein parlia- ment. does not sit its full term. COUNTRY MERCHANTS M. H. KEEFLER, “Don†in Saturday Night; The York Herald. PUBLISHED BY Richmond Hill, 011 Past Masters Doctors and BusinesssMcn 901m have 1,000 7 '1},.eIW() Judges shall decide the tmvn- ship and Memorial Division pIiZes by them- Selves. taking notes (-f lhu 4mm or farms for the gnld medal lor Iho Urnnp The following are the Electorial Districts in York County: York, E.â€"-Markbam, Scarboro’. York, I‘i.,â€",Georgina and N. Gwillimbury, E. Givillim‘om‘y. King, Whitchurch. York, ‘1'.â€"~‘7fluihan. Yo‘rk. The following are the conditions, etc: 1. Any furrow desiring to compete shall mu‘ke his applicdtion in writing to the SECâ€" retnry of the Agricultural Society of his Township on or before 1st, May of each year, upon which said society may coil 2: meeting for the purpose of deciding which of the npplicants shall be returned to this Association; but no Township Society shall relutn more than thrice competitors. 4. The ,Jndg’és shall keep a detail of marks awarded to elich farm visimd. They shim award Iolhe bestmunaged farm in each 'l‘anship Snaier a brorze medal. whme lliree farms have cnmpetud. and inâ€" stead Ihereoi' to the best managed fur‘n in (he Electorial Division Shuie’iy n uilvvr medn', and {n We best farm in the whole Grgup u gpld medal. 5'. In util'dilion to any other points th.t may be lhought desirable by the Judges, Ihe' folle'wing shall be taken into consider- alion in eslllï¬nling what is " the best man: aged farm." (1) The compelng farm to be notless than ,one hundred acres, {WU-thirds of which must be under cultivation (15'! Cost of production and zielulive plwï¬lsl. __ _, _' I G. The of-n:i‘n;:.f§on by Ihe Judxes ‘to be not emlier than 2'5Ih May, and to‘ b}: ï¬nial)"- ed in September, 34 There shall be two Judges appointed by this Association, to go together from outsidelhe District. bein;r exmnined, who shall be paid their actual trnVelling expenâ€" svst In cases of a dispute between t?’ Judges, the President of; this {satrciation shall be called gpann "’Et as referrae. Henry Wade. Esq. Secrvtary of the Agâ€" ricultural and ANS Association of‘TQromn, has issued circulars that the association: have decided to continue their prizes and medals for ‘he best managed (arms. 2. The full name and address of the selected applicants attested by the Secretury and President. Of lhe Agricultural S ciely, to be sent to the Secretary of this Associa- tion on or before the [51!] May anntmIFy. 8 The 1-9pm! of the Jullges (0 be sub- miued [u the “ward. and forwarded to [he Commissionel of" Agriculture. Th‘é ,chu'xéil :01" 1119 mu'nicipnlity of [he 'l‘mvnahipof Vaughun. mm, at Ihx‘ Tow†Hall, Villm‘e, on 'l‘uesdny, the 11th of Maireâ€, [890. at 10' n. p). k The Ké‘eve in the chair. Members pgesenVLâ€"Mpssm‘ lllglx, Amold, Walsmx and Wutan. ‘ v M I The minutes ‘an the lagt meeting were read 9ndvtgnyanhlion conï¬rmed. The following petitions ware presented : From Chus Mcbvan and 26 nLhexs Hakâ€" ing to have [he sidemad from Klein?)qu tn the 6th Con. lmproyed.’ ’- V y From the tt~ttstee$of§chnhi Section ant i3 and 14. tmd others “skin: for u chanze in the hou: daties of said secth m. vi' :â€" I‘n):}th‘half nf lot 11 in the 8th Con.‘ ettsl half of 1})! thin the 9:h_ C-m, gmd the west halfof lot 10 in the 9th (Itm- ll'idcd to SChOttl Section No. lit. The Treasurer laid before the Council the Atttlitora’ Ilepnrt. otitttetow'tahip tic-- counts for 1889. Moved by Mr Arnold. seconded by Mr High. that the Auditors’ report, of lht? Ttensttret"’a accounts for 188‘.) be received and adopted by this Council and thnt thr Clerk is hereby authorized to httve 300 cnpios of the same printed in the usunt manner to he diyttl'ét'i among the SEVCl‘dt _CottitciH_(trs fut" distrtirutiunIâ€"Carricd. ‘ aned by Mr. High; secondedlty Mr. :th Watson, that. the pt’iliiUll at C. Men iiieun and 27 others re imptuving stde rout] Mpvea by Mr. High; aeconded by Mr. Wm‘ Watson, that lhe pmnion m 0. Mc- Ileun and 27 Others re impluving sxde mm between Kleinburg and 6th 0011., be re- ferred to the commissioners for Dist. No 3. -Curried. Moved by Mr. Arnold, éectyll<led by Mr Higl1,tlmt the Clem be instrucmd to notify the trustee-s nf School Secrion N1) 15. Iinn a petition has been plesenled lo Illi“ Cnnn Cll from School Sections Nos 13 and 14 In change noth purl al' lul. No. ll in the 8m Com. eusL halflpl No. ll in the 9th Conn and the weal llllll. of lnL-No 10in the ï¬lth Con.‘ into suclion N1) 13 Moved' by Mi. ' ligh, wcondéd by M1: Arnold, lliï¬t tlw’'l‘h'ensvx‘fel~ be ,wnd, is hereby authorized 10' pay the following road ac- counts:â€" Dist No.1 . Jes s Kellen; drawing g‘mvel... A. Reumun, do W, Ash, ' do W. Robinson. do l’vbel‘ (lubpr, do . Arbhur Coouibs, do ’ W Newman, ‘ (10:; R \Vulkiiugton. do J Baker, (13) () Lino. do : V Ash, do i J N888, do J Nessa, donning ,Gquu-nvi'umu. druwmg gravel J Graham, do A Prentiss, do W Wright, do W Hopkins, ï¬lling gravel. \V Bone, do 7D Rauismv, do G Mauisl), do G “one, , do Alf,» 2’31 ï¬nmble, drawing gravel Jno humble, do, . ‘Jnlm (iillia, do “H Bussingthwaï¬te, do Wm ltuuible, do‘ Chas Rumble, do ltobt MuCuï¬â€˜rey, do Robb \Vulkiugton, do Tlios Rumble, ï¬lling gravel. Henry Wilson, do i Muvk Badger, do Daniel Unben, do .. 'l‘hos'ltnulhle, $77 loads gravul u. obs loot, Rumble, 44 do do Edwura Irvine, ï¬lling gravel“ pp“, drawing gravel ..... Tones, do 'w\‘a,ir, do was, do J Hislop. do B. B _McNuir, do III‘E'IU‘n _ - ; (IQ : ‘Vv-IuNinuli' (1w (2) The nature of lhe farming, Whether mixed. dairy or any ’other mode, to be. the most suitable under conditions affect- ed by Inbul circumstances. (3‘) The proper position of the build ings in relation 10 [lm whole farm. {1) Improvements .hy removal of 0b- SmcIeS m énlzfvntirm. including dminage, (8) Genet-A1 mmdiliOn ofibuildinu in- cIuding dwe‘ling houserflnd th'ei' udanâ€" ubilily lu lhe wants .Uf the ‘ farm and family (9) The management. character, suit- ability. 0 mdilion and number of live stock kept. . (10) The number, cnnrliiinn and suil ability of implements and machinery. (ll) Smu- of the garden and ()ichm-d. (l2) Management nl' mm.) ymd mlanura. (13) The cullivaliou of crops to 9an- bruce nmnuring, clearing, pmduce per acre in vellum†to management, and churnpmr ,nf anvil and climnle. . (14) General order, economy and wulvr Simply. , (4) Thennennnn paid to the preser- éulion of timber, and shelter by plunting of {Mean , u (5) The con ilion’ of 3ng private ronds. (6) The; character. sufï¬ciency and con- dition of fences, and lhe manner in which {he farm is subdivided into ï¬elds. Agricultural agind.lArts Asv somatlon'. Vaughan Council . do do do do (la (1" Along 1062 29, 5th con. Goo Gurrow, drawing John \Vutsmx. do T1103 M urphy. do 'W Bone, do John Watson, sr, <10 S Little. do Grave) on Teston side road in 4th 0011. G00 Gm‘row, drawing gravel... Chas Easy, do Juhu \Vunsnn do S I‘n‘ttle do T Murphy, do "AI Powprs, £10 J .J groan“. (To B 11111111613 (19' J Dibb, (1? G04) Miller _ do Jnhn Hudwen do \Vm Bone, dn .. ROM I-iinnie, mmmger and mm ,; gmvcl Rnhort Duflic, ï¬lling; gravel . . . , . K Kimmie, (10 Geo Baxter, do Edward illor, ï¬xing cul\ ens near Turan a b1-id;:{ David Turner. 35, days “'0 \Valtm‘ Turner. making roadway mto grave] pit and drawing 2 lauds lumber Dist No 8 Between lotq IO and ‘20 in the 6 con. M Powers, druwing gravel.“ Geo Miller, , (10 Ohm; H mp, 0U: Jno Huwden, do John R \Vilson, do Jas O’Connor, do (311st Cousins, do Richard Dnviï¬, do Thos Rankin, do Wm Dnlbnn, do Along Int 27 in 5th con. Geo Gurrow.drawi1‘.g gravel, Adam hicmnun, dn John Watson, do S Littla, d0 '1‘ Murphy (in. John Dibb, d‘o‘ Wm Bone, 60 Mutant, hnlfcost .... 2 it B Kaiser, dmwing 1m. 3 mm cedar, mmrd- ing, spikes, work with teams .. 5 9?) James MuHoy, levelling gravel on 5th . 5 0‘) Ro’mrt \Vutson, HSG lands of gmvul ........... HS 60 Moved by Mr. Rnht Wulson, seconded by Mr. Amnld, that the clorkhe illslructnd tonmify John L. Card to ï¬nish his con-- tract forthwith on (he 61h Con. oppnsile lot ‘25. Dist No 2 N011an Gower, drawing gmvel.. Geo Unstator. L10 Eph “"himmro, do Aaron Whimnore, do Adam Burkholder. do John Smith, do S C wider, do . D Mchm and R Jarrett, mmm wutor at 001mm) bridge and moving drift, wood .................... Fred Coombs, ï¬lling gravel. W Melli~h, do XV Mollish, 1 pick und hmndle’ Edward Jarrett, rgmoving ice oï¬' roadway incur Tumor a bridge†'Idwm‘d Miller, ï¬xing cxllwxxs E Miller, levellng gravel,. A McMurclty,l‘1llillgiu wm 1mm... . . Wm Muthisnn, repairing washout on town on lhé third page of" that paper. The charge is two omits: word each insertion. Address Tm; Mun. 'I‘nronto_ Canada. TIIE BES'nplace to get your printing done is at the HERALD ofï¬ce, whefe all kinds of job work are executed in the best style and at low prices. Give In a call. Mow-d by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Arnold. {hm Hm C"‘l‘k he und ii hm'éby in~ struCIed Ionolify the Township Engineer to make :1 survey of llm north hill opposite ims Nos 14 mud 15 on the 7lh Con. and repul‘l at the next. meeting of (his Counml. â€"-â€"Carried, _i Move-l by Mr. Arnold, scoonded by Ml“ Ruhr. szilso’n, that the 'l‘i‘eusut'er refund the following in Mr. Wm. Pullerson. tax on I do; killed, $1. ’ The Ununcil then arljmmmd until Tues-- day, the eighth day of April next. at 10mm. J. M. LAWRENCE. Clerk. The third page nf the Toronto DAILY MAIL is noted for “ Want" advertisement. If you want. 10 buy or sell nuylhinz. If you want a iimatfoq. 'a mz~chzmic. a business, machinery, lodgings!†you have lost 0' foun1dm;yllnng,_,or if you want to ï¬nd mn \i'uere :uymle is, advenise in the Toronto DAILY MAN, ,nnd reud 11,1}:,mlvertisemems New Orleans, St. Louis and other southern .points have suffered very seriously of late on account of floods. C Jones, ï¬lling gravel J Mc\Vi]1imns, do J S lug-Nair, do J McWilliauna, do . John Burr, drawing gmvel D Burns. do \VASII embroidery silks and other kinds fur sale at the HERALD store. TO THE EDITOR: . ‘_ ' ' - 7 Please inform your readersthat I have? a positive r‘eme‘tly’ for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands cfhopeless cases have been‘pekmanently cured; I shaH he gladto send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any or your readers who have cam sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Ofï¬ce Address. Respectfully, “iâ€. A. SLOCUM, Bil-Cu IBG West Adelaide $12., TOROH'S'O, ONTARIO. 1" 2-3 21 18 30 12 ()0 9 \l) 10 00 B 20 18 00 1'." FM], 1'7 50 14 no 30 00 71 10 43 '31 24 27 ~05 QU- 7 12 1 5') 7 50 9 00 75 3 50 600 S (30' 2 00 (10 2a “0 12 55 60 20 I 00 7“ Hagyard's Pectvorul Bnlsnm en'es coughs, énlds, hoarsnness, bronchitis, asthma. whnnping cough and all bronchial and ‘ung troubles. Price 25c. per bottle, 0r5 fur $100 ' B'OLLOWA :39 ()mTMm‘T A.\‘l) PILLS com- biné hull! *aniliw and alumniâ€: [)11\’»‘8“Sihu lllgl'il'legl‘u “, l)\‘ the l'mmor 10" m .3 under stood their nhility In pmsmve llPHllll. by {he lallvi‘ llneir capnlwilhy m restore he‘lllln With lliose‘ lemwlitw m llund. no invalid [159d be m fault M guide hinwt'lf nr lw-rwll' sn‘l'e-ly ‘lhrnu vh Ilw many luinls to Which every (ï¬ne in sulju'tt'd during our long m (l ofmnws inclnnwnt winlm‘s Coughs. culdzvu. ulcerated (hr-mus quinsey.whom-lug cough. can be success‘ully lienle by well Iubhing lhlS Ointment mme the nhesh and by Ink- iugdhgl’ills. Duving damp. f0ng wemhâ€" er yï¬lltnmlicnl sufl'mers will oxnerience lho utmcsz possible rvliol from lhe inunclion ol llne Cinlmeut‘ and nll MldPI-cl mated um- sons will SflVC endless misery by adopting this Lmalmeltt. STAMHNG of' all designs on cloth. plllal), or any Olht’!‘ material Rune at the HERALD Oflice, clleup.’ Leave your rders. ’1; Louis Rubenstein. of Montrrnl, the world‘s champion skater rcmrncd home from Rubéiu last week. Frbm one to two bottles will cure bolls, pimples, blotches, nettle rash, scurf, teller, and all the simple forms (If skin disease. From two to four bottles will cure saltrheum or eczema, shingles, erysipelas, ulcers, ab- scesses, running soresmnd all skin eruptions. It; is noticeable that sufferers from skin We have undoubted proof that from three to six bottles used internally and by outward application (diluted if the skin is broken) to tho‘ affected parts, will effect a. cure. The great mission of B. B. B. is to regulate the liver, kidneys, bowels and blood, to correct acidity and Wrong action of the stomach, and to open the sluice-ways of the system to entry of? all clogged and impure sects-v tions, allowing nature thus to aid recovery and remove without fail All bloocl burners and diseases, from a. com- mon pimple to the worst scrofulous sore, and this combined with its unrivalled regulating, cleansing and purifying influence on the secretions of the liver, kidneys, bowels and skin, render it unequalled as a. cure for all diseases of the Sim: Are nearly always aggravated b’y'intolemble- itching, but this quickly subsides on the removal of the disease by B.B.B. Passing on to graver yet prevalent diseases, such as scrofulous swellings, humors and Liver complaint, biliousness, dyspepsia,sick headache, dropsy. rheumatism, and every species of disease arising from disordered liver, kidneys, stomach, bowels and blood. \Ve guarantee every bottle of B. B. B. Should any person be dissatisï¬ed after using} the ï¬rst bottle, we will refundthe money on- application personally or by letter. . We will ale) be4glad to send testimonials and in- formation proving the effects of B. B. B. in the above named diseases, on application In a. purely vegetable c'ompound,posseésing perfect regulating powers over all the organ! of the system, and controlling their secre- tions. It no puriï¬es the blood that it 150 T. MILBURN & c0., Toronté,‘0nt. Burdock Blood Bittérs AB BLGGD SCRGFULA ESSA-S958 ' SURES SWEW .l mam TURKEY RED mnbmidcry cotton and embroidery silksin all shades for sale n’t trio HERALD Store. Our new book " Successful Home Dyeing " giving full directions {or all uses of Diamond Dyes, sent free on application. Diamond Dyes are sold everywhere. or any color mailed on recairit of price; 10 cents, WELLS, RICHARDSON 6: Co., Montreal, Que. It's pleasant to dye with Diamond Dyesi Because they never fail. Yo'u oï¬ght, to dye with.“ ‘V Diamond Dyes. 3 Because they are best. This Incomparable Modicina has socur ed For itsvlf' :ng v'imp'm'iéhnb’re fume throughoutthe World for the alleviatiuu and cure of must diseases *0 vlnich humanity is hair. The Pills; increnae the secretovy powers of tï¬e Livenl'mx - the nervous system. and throw into the cil'eu ‘tion‘the pure“, EI'Cmenzs for sustaining an repmring the frmno. ‘ ' ' It's economy to dye ' with Diamom’d’ Dye/5:. Because the strongest. Wis é, ï¬iniment purify, regulate and improyo the quality of B God.†They assist the digestive organs, clea. the It’s 55119. 320 dye‘ with†Diamond Dyes " Because always reliable.- Worth their ‘Weigh: in Gold° Thnusanda of persons have' thï¬iï¬ed 11m} bv their use alone they hau‘e been resinuï¬ to health and strenmh, nfler every olhe means had -ovnd unsuccessful. will be found invaluable in every HGuSeIiold the cure of Open Sums. Hurii memrg. 3- ' VCoughs, $01}; Th);mj§s,]3r.onchi1ib, t‘md n.11 dis‘o erï¬ of the Tth ., nfl‘d‘Chcsh as nlm' (3r ' R)‘ umtism. Scrofulw and other kind uf 51h- winem- The . Qintmenï¬ LVIanufaumrrd only at Prm‘bw or Holluwnv’s Establishment: 533. OXFORD S’I‘REE’I‘ Lonny» andï¬nld{LETH.1$\1.,ZS.U4L, H..ti«|.,llï¬.., Hue}: Box {1nd I‘m, mu] in fumndu *nt . 00 cunts, Imd $1.50 cunts, 2:], (1 L118 13.11431 twve DYODOl’tIOH. ' . ‘ ’ BAD wmmm) WUUNHa. CULI CAI'TIONâ€"l hn've no Afgeni ,in United Nimos. ntir aw my Mt‘dlfzi'vtils - thm‘v. Pur lamps sly u‘d 11mm fable! 1’ ‘nlhe|:«h(>lt~|.1:{}1$1‘<)ts and Huer “1 “ddress is no: .533}. Oxford Street, Lulu" " . ., ,' ‘hey nu, spmn HF. The Trude Marks of WW sum Mr‘di‘ivnP nre gisnercd m ()Ltnwn , and Mm In W anhilqflou TB,():»1A§ lndmxm i3 Oxfond street, mednn. . V uni ï¬bfr‘ )8! The Most Successful Remedy ever discoy ered, as it Is Certain in its efl’euts and does not blister. Read proof below. 0‘: KEHBALL’S SPAVIEï¬} WEE. ,ngxcm or Cnmugc A.- SNYDER ' Ema):be '0 ‘ - ' Cnmx LSD BAY AXD Tnom‘mq Em Humans. ‘ "' - , _ EmWoOD,‘ ILL,’Nov. 20. 188a. DR. .13. J. KENDALLd . ~ Dent Slrs: {have always purebased oanen dall’s S avln Cum? y the hall! dozen attics ’ would! 6 prices in arger quantity. I thhm iM a one of the best linhnentn on earth. I have used 1'5 cu my stables for vhreo years. . Yours truly, CHAS. A. SNYDER. J 355959.133 SPAN?" WEE. DR. B. J. KENS/fin. Lo. Dear S'u's : I desire to give Vou testimonial of m good (amnion of your Kendv‘l 'sSpnvin Cure. I he'- ' used it. for aneness. Stiï¬' J ulm‘s nun. Smwins, and-I have found it a sure cute, I com ally recommend 1 .m 9.11 horsemen. Yours tru . ‘ ‘ ‘ ' A. F. GILBERT. Akinnager Troy Laundry Stable 83m, Wmmx COUNTY, 01110. Dec. 19, 1888. Pt. B. J. KENDALL Co. . , , Gents: I feel u my duty to mg what uve d ‘ with your Kendall’s Spavln um. I ave cum aneije hoyses may padep'g'vilgg, tP_u STOMACH AND BOWELS, .m..fl_r.uv mm“. . .._.. w...“ ...~, V _ _ Ring none, nine afflicted with Bi 1] end a! se'vC of‘Bic Jaw. Since Ihave um one (-L' ymx‘ books and tollowcnl the d1rcutions,1 have new!" losn a. case 0" any ktnd. Yours truly. Axnmzw 'I‘tmw‘n. Horse Doctor ï¬EflBALE’s spam! 55am Price $1 riser bottle. or six bottles for 35. All Drv glam have nor can get it for you. or it will be se to any address on receipt of rice by the prom: tort. .121»); J . KENDALL 00.. 11(5me Falls.'V' Skim) BY AnL‘mmGGrswr: KEï¬MLL’S SPAVIH WRE- It's easy- tovdve with Diamond .Dves'r Because so 's-imiiale'or' BROOEPYN, N. Y.. November 3, 1888.