Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 May 1890, p. 2

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Thankful for the favors of the past years may still be consulted in any branch of the pm Mission, as follows Richmond Hill .......... 9th & 24th of each mo 1.. “Eiril’almer House) Aurom. 181;, 8th, 16th, and 211151 \wu - “nay- “VWW, Aurom. lat, 8th, 16th, and 22nd do toufiwille ...... ....18th do Markham . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2%)] dc Victoria Square ‘ . , . . . . . . . v 219k, do Thornhill (Walker’s Hotel) 23rd do Woodbridge ...... ...28th do Kleinburg ‘ 0;:ch do Nobleton .. . . ...... 30th do Vitalized 1111‘ always on hand at the places of Inpointment. It does away with the pen; in extracting ‘ Vitallzed Air for extracting. 1 will fill ’eeebh without pain at the lowest: prices. ,Bcst. teeth on rubber $5, cheapest 55L}. BICKMOND HILL, 0 (Ln/t9. of Brooklyn NY.), forms:in Resident Surgeon to the NY: State \Voman’s Hospital, N.Y, City, and Visiting Physicizm 20‘ St.John’s Hospital and Southern Dispensaries, Brooklyn. 01‘!on Emma until 10 21 ms, and from 6 to 8 1) m '5. E. Corner King &: Yonge Sts., TORONTO. VITALIZED. All! ! Dr A ROBINSON. 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Ofice Every Saturday. MWBEWEEMIELIEEN ILW. _ DrIEfiéhon' Sisley, B A and M B, Toronto Um- emity. and M C P S 0,0f Maple, late of Toronto, as purchased the residence of Dr Orr, Mapleâ€" will continue practice from same place. Toronto. May 2911], 1884‘ “A G F LAWRENCE Nov 27th. 1884 '1'0P:J'ro REFERENCES. John McDonald, Esq. (J. J. Campbell, Esq, Hon. SenatorMcM usher A. . Smith, Esq. IameeMetculfe. Esq. Rev.Enoch Wood,D. Loans made on security of Company's Policy at 5 per cent interest. Loansnmde toChurch Trustees, at a low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. Fullerton, Cook, Wallace & Mactlonald. Banisters, Solicitors, &c. Offices CONVEYAN‘CEBS, ETC. Toronio Offices-§Sa§§bjéiԤ3{?Â¥515§$823 ' ' Bear 11' th Richmond Hlll Officeâ€"Ccnm‘munfi “TIXOBN H I 1 AL. ION T-â€" “uâ€"_ Veterinary Surgeon. Gold Medalist and Honorary Member of the Ontario College of Yetejiumy Surgeons, '1‘( runtu. Richmond Hill every \Yodnwdny and Saturday afternoon, Calls by Mail, Tull-ylmno, or uthonx isc promptly attended to SHRET I W? Z EMS DR. LEWI G.- LANGS’I‘AFF ! THE PALMER HOUSE” This House-in one of the Best. Hotels to be found 110th of Toronto. Everything}, is managed .11 First Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- cial Travellure. Good Stabling and attentive nostlers. Tums, $1 per day. Proctor'a Bus leaves this Hotel to connect will] all the N R R Trains going North and South. at 8 u 111., 12 a. ‘3” 6.10 p m. and 6.00 n m. Of London , England, Sir Wm.McArthur, K C M G, M P, ex-Lord Mayor Df London, President. W W Baynes,Esq.F I A‘9Secretary RICHMOND HILL. 51' Palmer, Prop. THE STAR FOR SALE. REGISTEHEID, lllh‘l! i" [BIGIUSEES . th 26,1:88‘1 year Assurfiéef Sec’y On Saturdays. Monty to Loan at Lowest Currant Ratcs Richmond Hill Aug 29th, 1889 Barristers,Solicitors, Sidnesé Equallqtedifor nglerute' Feqs. Our 011100 1.; Op p0. / . H Patent Of- fice. ~We have no sublngenclefi, all business direct. hence can transact. patent business in 198! time and at less cost; than those remote from Vl'ashington. Send model, drawing, or photo., with descrip: tion. We a'lvlsa if putcnmble or not, free of char (3. Our foe not due till mth is secured. A 00k, “ How to Obmin Emma,” with refs!- euces to actual clients in your State, county, or town, sent fine. Address, Office hours before 10 a 111,2 to 3 p m, 7 60 9 p m J H Fullerton D11.Eli§ho5r_s_is~le_y,~BAAand M 1g, frorggto Uni C. A. SNGW & CO. 9R. EUSTON SISLEY, MAPLE dpposilo Pawns, Office, Washington, D. C. Reserve Fund. .. ,. Annual Income. . . .. Invested iu Canada. Death clalms paid. .. 'l'ov :J'ro HEN 0. H. RIGGS, L. D. S., PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN‘ Sac.f& Treas. for Canada. 32.Wellingtou St, East, Toronto Dec 15L 883 SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA (finllmmugh, Enexliml. gem], A D PERRY, gfiegal. LIFE YOUNG I]. QUETTQN Sr. GIaonGE, Oak Ridges \‘V Cook, .,$10,000,000 .. 1,600.000 1.200000 .. 10,000,000 T C MILLIGAN. J R Millet ly-pem “ASS T“ may be round on 1119 at G00 1 P. Rowen &Co's Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)where advertis- ing contracts mm; be made for it IN NEW YORK N6; 49 The dufe printéd 0n ench paper denotes the time when the subscriptiuiz expires. We do not hold ourselves responsxme wr me opinions of mix Correspondents. 2. Pl'OViltCifl'l Rights shou‘ld be Subor- dinate to the interests of the Dominion at, large. 9. Make Elections come on a fixed day so that neither parly could surprise the other by springing an election on the country. To the Electors of West York. .Your Vole und lufluenée is requested at lhenext, election in West. York for the Ontario Legislature on the followng plut- f‘orm :â€" 1. Equal Rights for all classes and creeds. Stand for Canada. before party in lesisling French and cleriCul aggression. Abolish the Separate Schools and have the English language taught. to all citizens 4. Abolish School Book monopoly and make Schools more efficient. 5, Prohibition oi the Liquor Trufiic and the placing:r of Licenses, so long as they continueI and civil service appointments in the hands of n Nun-l’arlizan Comniiswn. 6. A Registration shortly before Elec- tions to sure the expense and complications "Hemling present system and also a secret ballot. 11. Before capital gets the hold upon our country that, it has upon the United States, the position of those who labor should be made unassatlable. 12. Honesty, economy and efficiency in all depnrimenls. 7. The continuance uf the National Policy, so Iung us the United Slates main- (um p -esenl altitude, ‘1 I .,r , , l, , 8. The preservation and development of mineral and timber interests. Wilh lbe above amendments the strong holds of the boodlers, office-seekers and those who trade upon race and cxeed {or place and power would be broken down, and many a home now desmule and deso- lated would be made comfortable and happy- YOU can buy at me Concrete :1 standard 10 oz Cottonude Punt (man’s) fur 31,15; good Tweed Suit for $1.35. 10. Place the redistribution of conslilu- enciesin Ontario with lhe Judges of" the Court of Appeal. STAMPING of all designs on cloths, plmh, or any other material done at the HERALD Office, cheap. Leave your orders. HAVING no room in our premises, we will sell a few prime apple-trees from Font Hill nurseries. 25c. each if apâ€" plied for at once. THE men we clothe at the Concrete are bound to be in the fashion. All our styles are the very latest. 0L1) newspapers, for wrapping or placing under carpets, for sale at (his office, at 30 cents a hundred. rLos'r STRAYED on STOLENâ€"Our Toronto Grig of last week failed to reach this office. 5 cents reward will [10 paid for the same. +- THE W. C. T. U. will meet at. Mrs. W. Atkinson’s on Friday evening, at 8 o'clock. A MEETING of'those favorable to the election of Farmer Gibson, will be held In 1he Coumil Chamber toâ€"xuorrow evening, at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of Orguulzutlou. THE regular montth f'uir held yestcrv day was an unusualiy good one and was largely attended. MR NORDHEIMER PAYS 875,000â€"â€" The Federal Bank suit against Mr. Samuel Nordheimer has been settled out of cum‘t. Mr. Nordhuimer offered to pay $75,003, and the bunk trustees have accepted the offer. FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting of 110 Fire Brigth on Monday evening mxt. A full attendance is rcquested as the first practice of the season will take glucu. A STARTLER.â€"See Will D. Atkin‘ son’s change of ad. ANOTHER stock of those cheap wall papers has just univcd at. Savage-’5. WASH embroidery silks and other kinds for sale at the HERALD store. REGULAR meeting: of Court Rich< mond, A. O. F., on Friday evening next. BUSINESS was rushing atthc Proof yesterday, it being bargain CATARRH. QATARRHAL D:ArN:ss~HAV FEVER A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachiun tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a, fact, and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated where- by -catarrh, eatarrhal fleafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. NB.â€"â€"This treatment is not a, snuff or an ointment; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DIXON & SON, 303 West; King Street. Toronto, Canada.-â€"Toronto Globe. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should :arefully read the above. Local and General. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Elm agar}: ifwml’d. Richmbnd HIII. Ont. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. THURSDAY, MAY, 8 ’90. D. W. Clendenan. Whale No. 1661 Volume 31. Yours, (Ea, Fire day. THANKS.â€"â€"â€"Mr. 0. Brown, of the Lorne Store, wishes to thank his many customers for their patronage during this, his first year of business in this place, and to still receive a continuanca of their support. See ad. YOU can buy at the Concrete :1 Spring Roller with fixings complete for 15 cts ; good Oriental Window Blinds for 25cts. per yd, and Dado and Fringe Blinds the cheapest in the trade. 8. Agricultural Society met yesterday afternoon at Lorne Hall, to receive re- ports of committees. etc. Considerable satisfactory business was done. We are glad to learn that the pr‘Ospects of a satisfactory fair, providing the weather be fine, is good. The amount of money and goods promised being about $400. The directors will meet: again on the 23rd,at1 p.11). ARBOR DAY.â€"~According to a petiâ€" tion signed by a. large number of the ratepayers, Reeve Pugsley declared to- day (Thursday) as Arbor Day for this village, and we are pleased to relate that the day Was observed as such by a large number of the citizens, HEADFORD‘,â€"~A Dairy VMuid Social was held at Headfox‘d on Tuesday even- ing last; under the auspices of the Methodist Church Choir._ A good pro- gramme consisting of singing,‘ recitati‘ons, dialogues, etc’_, Was dispensed to the satisfaction of all present, and we be; Iicvc the whole affair. financier??? and otherwise, was a decided success. SPECIAL Honors TO THE LADIES..â€" Mr. R. Sivers wishes .to inl'orm the ladies of Richmond Hill and vicinity that he husjust taken in stock a large consignment of Oxford shoes, in French and American kid in tan color and dif- ferent shades and also infunts’ terra-colta shoes. These goods are something out of the ordinary and give universal satis- faction. Call and inspect. 13 lbs. extra good cur-rants for....$1.00 11 lbs. best Voslizza cuirunls for... 1.00 11 lbs. best Valencia raisins for... 1.00 12 lbs. extra granulated sugar for. 1.00 8 lbs. good farmer’s lard for ...... 1.00 11 lbs. good i'mlucr’s bacon for... . 1.00 17 lbs. good bright. sugar for ...... 1.00 42 lbs. Gold Dust cornmeal for.... l 00 ‘30 yds. good print for............... 1.00 20 yds. grey cotton, 1 yd. wide.... 1.00 Com: to the HERALD Book and Cheap Fancy Store for your books, sta- iionery, embroidery, silks of all kinds and shades, Berlin, zepliyr, Andalusian and Saxony wools in all colors. PRESBYTERIAN CIIURCH.â€"-At a meeting of the ladies of the Presbyâ€" terian Church held last evening, it. was decided {0 have the usual dinner and tea on the 24th inst. The ladies of this church are noted for their ability on such occasions,- aud' every 630% will be made to sustain their past reputation. A WISE MAN.-â€"-It has been menâ€" tioned to us than it was a wise not of the chairman of the Orr Banquet. in placing Mr. Uiendenan’s name first beâ€" f‘ore the meeting, as it is an indication of the way the names will be at, 5 o’clock on the evening of the 5th Junei Looking at it in this light we are willing to concede that it. was the pruper thing to do. AGRICULTURAL MEETING. -â€"- A meet- ing: of the directors of the K. H. & Y. EARLY GARDENING.â€"â€"â€"NOW is the time to sow Sweet Peas, if' you want a good muse of flowers throughout the season. Amongst, the most beautiful. are Vesuvius, a charming spotted rose- color; Adonis, I‘ose~pink, a new color; Scarletâ€"winged Butterfly, white ground1 delicately laced with lavender-blue, and fragranuPuinted Lady and Violet Queen. All the new and leading sorts are sold by the Steele Bros. Co., Seedsmen, 133 King St. East, Toronto. a force! If they are unworthy to be granted licenses for the year. why allow them to dispose of' liquor {or three months? What a farce our license law is, and what a lever for good or evil it can be made. The honest electors will do well by changing the Ministry of the day and by that means change the ways of appointing and granting licenses. Three months’ probation means, if you do your duty in assisting us again into power. we will take your cases into our [nest favorable consideration. GRAND CONCERT â€"'l‘hc concert held annually on 24th May by the Richmond Hill and Yonge St. Agricultural Society has always proved a great success, and this your their concert promises to eclipse all former ones. The following excellent talent has been secured :â€"W. A. Ramâ€" say, T. U. Lilster, A. J. Neill, Maude Alexander, of Toronto, and Miss Ida Simpson, of Richmond Hill. These performers are all so well and favorably known that it is unnecessary for us to make further comment. Suffice it to say that those who do not attend the concert to be held in the new Agricultural Hall on the 24th, will miss a treat that only comes once in a lifetime. ON THEIR GOOD BEHAVIOURâ€"It is said (W0 hotels in Thornhill are alâ€" lowed to be kept open three months without being granted licenses, \Vll‘ah EAET YORK CONSERVATIVES.â€"A business meeting of ihe Liberal-Conser vutive Association of the E. R. of Y., was licld at, Unionville on Monday. We were gratified to learn from the ex- pressions of' the various speakers that the prospects 01‘ Farmer Gibson’s election to serve in parliament were Very bright. The following gentlemen addressed the meeting, which Was one of the most ordâ€" TIMELY \VARNING TO THE BOYS,â€" It will have been noted during the past week or two that the small boys of' the village, have been deriving considerable amusement from the firing offirecmckers upon the street. This sort of play is, as everyone knows, very dangerous, and in some instances has been the cause of great loss of propertyfand even of life. Now, boys, if you Wish to keep out of trouble desist immediately as the auth» nrities have determined to put a stop to this practice, and will accordingly punish every offender. Atkinson & Switzer. erly and most enthusiastic meetings we ever attended at the old place, Mosers. Macdonald, Doctor Shaw, McMurohy, Hill, Lindsay, Button, Severn, Hum- phries, Mason, Hewitt, Brown, Tran. Jennings, Marsh, Langstafi‘, McKinnon, Dr. Reesor and others, in five minute speeches. Farmer Gibson in returning thanks referrea to the short-comings of the Mowat Government, to the necessity ofa change in the administration; he touched upon the license question, upon the school question, upon the ballot ques- tion, upon Lho hold nicertain church At a political meeting held on Wednesâ€" day eiening, i'n Woodhridge Hall, Dr. Gilâ€" mour conducted himselfin a manner, which. to say the least, was unbecoming a gentle- man and rép‘agnant to the feelings of his own supporters. Mr Clendenun gave such an able and gentlemauly address, and so clearly exposed: the acts and tactics of the Mowat administration, also some of the Dr’s acts, that he (‘35. Gilmour) made a complete exhibition of himself. A number of limes he flew into a passi'nn’a‘nd even sprang to his feet. Another characteristic feature in the Dr’s. speech Wasthe attach- ing of opprobrious names to Mr. Clénden- on, such as "salon," etc. Now. sir, if the Dr. has an idea that he is going to gain any votes by such mode of procedural can assure him he is fur mistaken. The opinion of the public is that the anger dis~ played by the Dr. is a clear proof of the weakness of the cause he is trying to up- hold, also in sure precursor of his defeat. Dr. Gilmour is doomed in West York. Balter'l‘ait, of Toronto, assisted the Dr. Did [say assisted? I meant injured him. I deem it useless to mention anything about his hnrangue. The following anecdote best illustrates his case: A patient com- plained to a doctor about his head: after eXaminaIiou he asked the doctor if there was m;_\thiug wrong, to which he replied, I find nothing in it. claims over the state, upon 1; e actifi M work required to be performed to secure victory on the 5th June. He wanted no bribery on his behalf; all he asked was each man who desired the salvation of his country to do his best on the 5th of June to bring voters to the polls and he thought victory would crown their efforts. If defeated he would ac- cept the defeat, feeling well assured that he had the confidence, esteem and re- spect ofevery ri 'ht thinkinv man. Mr. Gibson spoke well and sound upon the great questions of the day for about an hour. He also said he understood joint meetings of Messrs. Smith and Gilmour were being held at which he was inâ€" directly invited, bww Although this was Dr. Gilinour's meet- ing, the feeling at the close, greatly inclined i0 Mr. Ulendenziu’s side. ML 0., from his logicztl reusuning and truthful enunciution of facts. scored a victory. to go [9 woula noi be gwep. Now. sir. Mr. Tait comes before an audience and misrepresents statements made by certaiikpersons; also uses langu- ngo unbecoming a political slumper, and as u whitewash hns the impudence to insult the Methodist body by telling the peoule that he‘s a Methodist. If he is a Methodist I am sorry I belong to that body. Pine Grove, Muy 51h. A special meeting of the llnchnmnd Hill Mechanics’, Institute was held on Smulday evening, May 31d, 1890‘ Members ' presentâ€"3195513. A. R. Innes, W. H. Pugs-10y, H. M. McCunig, W. A. Sanderson, H. A. Nichnlls. H. E. Law, G, Newbery. Dr. WilsonI '1'. F. McMahon. Minutes of previous meeting, were read and adopted. Acconnls were presented as follmvs:~â€" From Masonic Lodge. one year’s rent for Library Room, In May [st '90, $10 ; {5 Card wood, $.66. Fxom lel'aliun, one year’s galaxy, to May 13!. 1890, $24.00; Binding and lopniling bunks nnd postage. $1.75. From T I“. McMahon, printing pnsl curds, membership tickela for 1889 and 1890. etc., $5 55.. From I’. G. Savage, 5 guilons coal oil, “5L To the Editor of the Herald: On motion of Mr. Nicholls, seconded by Mr, Storey, the Tlensurer’s report was adopted, subject to the approval of the auditors. The'eleclion of officers for the ensuing yeurxheu took place and resulted as fol- On motion the above accounts were ordered to be paid. President, A. ll. Innes, in lhe chair. Minules of last annual meeling rend and approved. The Secretary's report for the past year was read. ll. showed that the lnslilule had a membmsllip of 118, and filial. all the money for the Sale of tickets, namely $56.75, had been receivvd and paid over to the 'l‘xeasurer. 0n molion of Mr. Trevethan, seconded by Mr. Clubine, the report was adopted. It was moved by Mr. McCuaig, seconded by Mr. NICIIOHS, that the thanks oflhis In stilule be tendered m Miss Teel'v. Miss Tmncb, Miss Stoney and Miss McKiMrick for Ilfeir valuable services, in selling mem- bership licketsâ€"Carrwd. Members presentâ€"~Messrs. A. R. Innes, W. A. Sanderson, H. M. McCunig. H. A. Nicholls. T. F. McMahon, J. E. Clubine. W. '1“ Storey. l1. MacLeud, R. MacLeod, D. MucKenz 0,W. H l’ugsley, W. 'l‘lench, P. G‘ Savage, A Moodle, R. E. Law, C. Trevelhun ‘ The Librarian's report showed that 38 volumes had been added during the year; 1,272 volumes in the library and that. 1.309 volumes had been iFsued during the year. A letter was- read from Mr. D. W. Camp- bell, of Kingston. offering to give an Sulei- minmenx for Ike Mechanic-9' Institute durmg the month of May. Moved by Mr. 'Puzsley. seconded by Dr. Wilson, [but Ihe Secretary be instrucle m write Mr Campbell in view of accepting his offer in furnishing an eulexminmentâ€"~‘ Cm'lied. Moved by Mr. Nichollsl seconded by Mr. Snndurson, [hut Messrs. Pugsiey and Mcâ€" Cuaig, be appointed auditors for Ike present yearn Curried. Moved by Mr. Luw, seconded by Mr. NichoHs, that 1116 Secretary be instructed to fumish for a year [he Young Ludies’ Journal and the Quiverâ€"Carried. The meeting then ndjourmd. The annual meeting in connection with lhe Richmond Hill Meclmnixe’ Instilme was held in the Library Room, Masonic Hall, on Monday evening, the 5th of May. 1890. 'l'he 'l‘reéxsurer's reporf showed Lhé re- ceipls 10 be $146.65: expenditure; $133.23; leaving a balance ot$11§.421 A 0!" {he amount expended‘ $62.37 was for books and magazines. On motion of Mr. Trench, seconded by Mr. Moodio, the above repor} was_ad»0pted. Mechanics’ Insmtute. such meetings for Slay (:0ng SPECYAI. MEETING ANNUAL MEETXKG. not be eipâ€"ected or OM; PRESENT. hisiex erien e |ows:-â€"-President-â€"H. M. McCuaig; lst Vice Pres.â€"G. Newbex-y; 2nd Vice-Pres. P. G. Savage; Secretaryâ€"T. I“. Mc- Mahon; Treasurerâ€"W. A. Sanderson; Committee of Management-â€"W. Trench, J. E Clubine, H. A. Nicholls. W. H. Pugsley, A. R. Iunes. R. E. Law, A, Moodie and O. Trevelhan. After short addresses from the retiring President and the newlyvelecled officers the meeting adjourned. The political meeting last night was largely attended; u large number of ladies being in attendance. Although we have a full report of the speeches made, our time before going to press and space will not permit us to go at full length into the sub- jects referred to by Messrs. Gilmour and Smith. It was a matter of regret that these two gentlemen had it all their own way. Mia Clendenan has, up to the present time, faced these two gentlemen upon every plutform except last night's and cannot be said that he has shown the white feather. Mr. Gibson on the other hand has not as yet held or attended any meetings. Mr. Giluiour then referred to the plut- fut‘trt of M r. Clet‘tdennu, plank hy plank tlttd commented’ on' them us he went along mult- i'ug: the meet out of those lhnt he thought were tl little shaky, but passing more li;ht- ly over those that no l’uu’lt. could be found with. {charred to the great source of would] we httve in our timber limits. The financial system of Mr. Mowat, il‘ he desited, cou.d have been shown at the present time to be equal to forty or filly millions of dol- lars. He praised the educational system of the country which costs us nine and a Half millions of dollars; arts and agriculture overttvo millions; usylums over nine mil-- lions; CUlOIltZ‘rlllutt roads two millions; justice three and hull millions. Pointed to the kindness ol‘ the government in spend-- ing in the Countv of York in one year $190,000 for education. With all the (:tillCiSm the Opposition could bring uguinst the Government. 2t difl'vrence oftwo mills in the dolhtr could only he discovered. And went on to say hitd Mr. Clendenun'und his friends been in power there would have been no surplus of six millions to point to. Want into the history ol~ separate schools, showing how the Liberals with Mr. Mowat at their head opuoeed then', until 1863 118 Act was passed that gittnttd separate schools Showed the Conservatives were then to a men the friends of the Catholics. Relerred to the A ct. its being an ltiipetiul Act, which the lmperinl Pnrlitvnetit would not change unless asked for by all the {our older provinces. Fu‘sified history by say-- in; separate schools wetc allowed in New lituusuick. , Mr. Trench wus clntirtnutt ot' the meeting and towards the hour of nine o'clock stated the titne had come to call upon the spenkers- having,r first asked the question if any one representing the Opposition de- sired to spettk to come on the platform- Dr. Giltnour on rising to address the audience referred to the absence of Mr. Clendennn and the great regret it gave him to speuk about him in his absence. He relorted to four years ago soliciting the suifrnges of the people of West York to support the Mowut Government and at his success at that time after a spirited fight. He now asked their votes. not upon personal motives. for if he studied his 0th interests it would be better for him not to go into politics. but for the purpose of supporting Mr. Mowut who has been in power 18 years without his opponents being tthle to point to a single stain upon his character. His opponents yeui's ago tnttde appeals to the Irish electors to return them to power but were unsuccessful itt their efforts to gain their ends. Referred to a Yankee speculator who ttied by foul plots to upset the Mowat Government. In 1886 the book called the Ross Bible did duty as a battle cry against the righteous government of Mr. Mownt. Now, itt 1890, we have the “Equal Rights” policy upon which Mr. Meredith and his ftiends are anxious to get intO‘jpovJer on. {alerted to each general election and the schemes. accmding to his View, of Mr. Meredith It) gum power but the-y wete all defeated, and he looks with confidence to the result on the 5th June lend a little part of Mr Mrt'edith’s Speech at Landon. Stated that the leader of the Ottpnsition in the dyith dttysm' lnslsession, sought to introduce A mutiun in tegaxd In separate schools. nut] stated that he said if the time ever CUIIHS in which separate Schools must go, he (.‘lll' .‘let'editlo would do h a duty. full well that theitruth dogmas are tnuuhl in the public Schools of Ontuzio, whilst they are taught in the public schools of" Quebec He no- knowletlged that the Act of 1863 was a finulity as regards separate schools, yet he commended the MoWut Government for doingwhut he Called iniprovin.r the Act. Referred tothc privilege of the separate schools having their taxes collected by the City ofiiciuls. Referred to the passing of candidates from the separate schools and from the public schools and stated there was one per cent. of difference between them in regard to the number passing into the high schools. Showed the great rli'otts under theftlowatAdrninisttation (It'gettinx the Cntht lie and Protestant children to assimi- late together into the high schools, but this could not. be done with the [-uhlic schools. lhvt'erred to a q'tEhllUll asked him at Thornhill the 113,:ht lwl'oleJthcut Manitoba’s schools, and said Munitubn hnd the power by Act of I’urllnment to do away with sep- urale schools if it thought proper. btmell that all the provinces since Confederation had asked for eighteen amendments, but it would never do fur the great province 0t Untnrio tn apprcach the Crown) alone and ask fur an amendment to the Separate School Act. Announde the aetonndinu= doctrine that [’1' v ts in the pthnce ‘ (luimed that the Untmio Government had done more for temperance than any govern- ment under the sun. That he wns A better tem pernnce man the latter went for prohibition from the word :10, but that he.Gilmour,liked to take it step by alep. He was no h) poet'ite and considered himself as good u tempetance than as anyone. While as for Clendennn he was in the hotel business and indirectly making: money out of the liquor traffic. Accused Clendcnzin of having it grudge against the license com-- missioners and of having accused them of acting wrongly in office, but he defied him to point out any wrong Mr. Dewnrt or (my of the others ltud been guilty of. Claimed that the Mowut Government hnd reduced the licenses to one -third whnt they were when the Crooks Act was first. pnssed. Referred to the Methodist, Conference hav-- ing passed :1 resolution in favour of the Crooks Act in 1882. ConiemLed the agitation in reguld to find-- in; fquL With Sopnrnlu schvml Inspectors being paid out of lhe lremurv, Rein-zed to the schoolâ€"book monopoly and tried to lead his audience to believe that, the publlsltbt s of 'l‘oronto are so simple and so generous that they are actually pub- lishing books at less than cost for the bane- fit‘of tho public. mn‘lliving upon the profits. Judge Morgan (although Consexvntive in politics) has been since he has been on the bench so fair that no one cnn find fault. with him. The doctor evidently forgets what the Globe used to write about him. He claimed he was always a temperance man and always vmed rim-t way. He be-i ‘uubec mve 111W Last Night’s Meeting. Eev lieved the presenl centralization of power into the hands of the Government the best for the cnuntry: He would not go back to give the municipalities the power they once had in respect to liquor licenses. Praised the Mail for some refer- ences it made to the goodnesa oer. Mowat. Referred to Frank Turner being frightened of the course, and his opponent being taken up by the Tory Convention at Weston. He spoke over an hour, and made room for G. B. Smith. Ming. BtSmith come smiling to the front, ex- pressed great regret at the absence of their op- ponents. Had met Mr. Gibson one. former oc- casion when the Ross Bible was his theme. The Boss Bible is now (lead. It was useless for him to continue after the able Speech of Doctor Gil. monr. To keep you after the eloquent remarks you have‘iust toned to would be cruel. Sep- urnte Schools 1.: tile line Mr. Meredith is making his last kick on. Ho,Mr. Meredith, has spent the best part of his life in opposition. "Equal Rights ” is now his hope of gaining power. Referred to the Ottawa. Government and their indorsction oi the Jesuit Bill, condemning them for that. Meredith now hopes to sail into her- bonr upon the French Schools. Wits much pleased to see the presence of the ladies at the meeting, and hoped some day to see them in parliament, but the time had not come. It re- minded him of his front gurden to see the beam tiful flowers (the ladies) mixed up with the rougher sex in front of him. Hovingd'welt in this strain for ten minutes, he went on to tell a story of a. young lady hornet from Hamilton who was a grout conversutionolist but who know nothing about politics. but at the same time took an interest in politics. She risked him the difference between Grits and Tories and said whatever John A. was she was the some. He, out of fun told a. fib by saying John A.wnsn Grit. This part crested considerable laughter. Refers red to Mr. Meredith's great speech at Toronto on Tuesday night. Again expressed grout regret that his opponent was nbsent. The Mowut government is only arraigned on small matters. The Empire pupcr is economical of the truth in its columns,hut on the contrnry the Globe is truthful every time. Referred to the previous speaker’s explanation upon the school book question. Told s. long yarn about Mr. Gr‘c'n'ghton and his paying six cents for drawing books. Told how the Minister of Education managed to crib the books from Mr. Croighton’s desk. Made fun of Mr. C's. tone of voice. Mr. C. was a liar in having said he paid 1'3 cents for a. book when he only paid six. lteud IL letter from a store keeper addressed to the papers about the mutter. French schools was his next themeâ€"praised the Minister of Education for what he hnddone. Dr. ltyerson, who is now dead and gone, Was to blame for the introduction of the French len- gunge in the schools of Eastern Ontario. Stated that we had English Separate Schools in Ontario us well as French and pity it was to deprive the poor French children of their mother tongue. Guve us the history of the French invasion into Ontario-which has all appeared before in the Globe. Stated that the English language is becoming universul throughout the Globe. Stated that l\lr.ltoss was the first to discover the disabilities under which the English speck- iug people were suffering in the Schools of lustern ()n ario, but that he had not time to attend to it before it was brought before the House, as it was not expected a. Minister would personally inspect the complaints made. Now things were better, the English and French lan- guage being taught in one book. Mr. Ross has issued iurther regulations so vuluuble was the report of the Commissioners in respect to those schools, and now everything was right. Support- ed the idea that religious dogmas should be taught in the public Schools. Referred to the ballot system of Mr. Mount in the Ontario House and said as much as the elections of municipalities would be held under the some way before long, so that the way everyone voted Richmend : Hill : Hardware : S SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. EAVETBHUGHING AND REPAIRIXG PROMPTLY ATTENDED T0 EE’E‘ - HEW" linealed Wirv, Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, Nails, Garden- Tools, Chums, Carpet Sweepers, Building Paper, Sé’al'e's’, Hot Air Furnaces, Iron llnofing, Stoves, ’l‘i'uware of all kinds, Pocket KuiVes, 'l‘able Cutlery, Carpet Felt, Ci§tern Pumps, and all kinds of Hard-’ ware and 'l‘iuware. YGU (JAN PRE- PRE- PRE-EMlNENCE is proved by 0111' extremely Low Prices. We ask nothing better than a comparison of our prices with any prices made on a like grade of Goods. Please inform vaur readers that I have a. positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands ofhopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shalt be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Office Address. Respectfully. T- A. SLOCUM. M-Cn, I86 West Adelaide Stu, TORONTO. ONTARIO. TO THE EDITOR: ACTS ARE STUBBORN THINGS Atkinson & Switzer, DIRECT IMPORTERS. E-EMINENCE is proved by the quality of our goods. On the point of quality we yield to none. Every article we sell is the best of its kind. E-EMINENCE is proved by the quantity of our goods. In every department our Stock is full and complete, and in this respect has no rival. C. MASON. PT PREaEMI- NENCE THE - FACT ~01? OURâ€" â€"IN OURâ€" BUSINESS. could be known. Read an article from' an old Telegrmu about ballot stuffing in Mayors‘ e160: timm in Toronto as gospel truth. He miglft have referred to u. municiper election in Vaughan it he had only been posted. Told us how he “[8,? in’ the habit of unending fairs and giving'his money around for dilferent things connec with country matters for the purpose of gaining popularihy. Asked the favorable verdict of the people on the 52/11 June to support Mr. Mowafl and his gnnd government, which would certainly be supported at the polls, and sat down after he}: rm hqur’s speech. ‘_ Three cheers Aware then given for the Queen and three called for the Mowut Government and the meeting broke up. Barley (1‘ Outs d( Peas d( Dressed Hogs, per Chickens. per pair‘ Butter, 1b rolls”. Eggs, fresh, doz. Potatoes, per bug Apples ................ Onions, per do V Cabbage ........... 'l‘uruips, per bag Carrots, per bug Hay, per ton ..... Strmv, sheaf. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity/v strength and Wholesomenesn. More economical, than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competiiion with the multitude of low testshorfi weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold 0111 in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co., 106 Wu. 1 St” N.Y. THE M A RKE’I‘S TOKUN CIT).- THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1891. PRICES AT FARMEns' WAOGONB Wheat fa11,naw, per 1111811.. ...:$1 (0 Spring do 95 Barley do 43 Owns do 38 Peas do 00 D ,sged Eggs, per. 1001bs.. 7 0.) Hardware : Store Absolutely Pure: wLLWElG/y I 89¥fikfiéih§ L I“ â€"' HI N‘ssownb GET - MUM]. YOU CAN’T SURE.“ BU REfi 12 00 7 00 0 15 75 60 15 00 7 50‘ 0 00 00

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