Bxcvgmom") lHIhL, ONT. (Late of Brooklyn NY), fornferly Resident Surgeon to the NY. Stain Wmnnu‘s Hnnpitul. N.Y. City, and Visiting P11 ’sioiun to St.John’a W11an Dfépunauri‘oé; B‘robklyï¬. OFFICE nouns until 10 u m.; and from 6 to 8 pm Richmond Hill Aug 20th, 1889 Dr Euston Sislev, B A and M B, ’I‘m‘mlto Uni- versity, and M C J" S 0.01 Muple,1ute of Toronto has purchased the rusideuue of Dr 011-, Mu};ch will continua practico from mnm place. Vitaliied Air for extracting. 1 will $111 {teeth without pain {LL the lowest prices. chsL teeth on rubber $3. cheapest $6. Thin-rka for the favors of the past years Aiifl)’ still be czmrzultml in any brunch of tho pro (tension, as follows A Richmond Hg} .. 0th & 24th of each m0 u. O. H. RIGGS, l... D. S., '5. E. Corner King 8:. Yonge Sta, TORONTO. 11R. LEWI G. LANGS’I‘AFF! (at Pulnuar House) 5.11711) .mlst, 8th, 16th, and 22m} toummel do M erh am . . . . ‘ _ . . . . . . dc Victoria Square . . do Thornhil] (Walker's do Wondbridgo . .. . do Klelnburg do Nobleton .. do Vimlized zur always on han at the places of lupoiutmcnt. It does away with' the paï¬ in oxtfucting: VITALIZED Aâ€: ! Dr A ROBINSON. Toronto. Mny 29111, 1884‘ fullerlml, Cook, Wallace Macdc‘mald. 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmroprd H111 Post" Ofï¬ce Every Saturday. EAWRENCNIMILLIERN CON VEYANCERS, ETC. I‘ 7 ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘. A, '1 01.01110 ()ï¬ticeS-Ln. 11] mldmnfl Inun Chmubm‘sï¬l’» Torontn st. Richmond Hill OIIi¢te-E§3{,,§5;,3jf§ On Suturdnys. Manny In Loom at Lowest Current Ram (V A G F LAwmwicu Nov 27th. 188-1 $33“ I WE! :BULLS THE --PAl:E-MR -HOUSr£. RICHMOND HILL, 3’ Palmer, Prop. This Houwia mm of the Bt‘st Hotels to 1m found norm of Toronto. h'vrythiug is 1nmmgod .1: First (‘lnfm Sty». Snmpln Room for Commer- m‘ ’l‘mvellurfl. Good Embling and attentive no flm‘s. 'l'm‘hlï¬, $1 m-r {In}: Proctor's Bus lr‘nv‘es this Hotel to connect’ mm 1111 the N R R Truizin goingNm'th and Smith. at 8 u 111., 12 n. 13.36.101) m. um16.001)1-u. 1H m) Sir Wm‘ MCAI'Ihul‘, K C M G, M. P,.ex-Lord Mayor bf London, President. W W leynos_Esq.F I Aï¬eeretary 30501130 Fund. .. ... . $10,000,000 131mm] Inco'mé. . . . 1,600,000 1!1\‘('S1(‘(111; (‘mmdn . . . 1.200.000 Death chum-s pnid . . . . 10,000,000 '10P-l’l‘0 ltwmmxcms. John McDonald, Esq. (1. J, Campbell, Esq, U011. Scnulnl‘BICMushfl" A, . SmiLh, Esq. Tuner Mun-"If". Esq. va. Munch Wood, D. Lonnn made on smnrity of Company's Policy at 1:3 prr vent intol‘ow. LuuLs‘mudc (oUhurt-h 101151009, Ma low rate of inLun t. 5311:1er prospemns. Gold Modal!“ and Hrmm'ary Member of the Onlmiu ('ullvgv (1‘ Vrtminury Humonns, Ofï¬ce hours befnro )0 (1. 111,2 to 3 p In, 7 to 9 p m "Tli CNN] [11,] n ONT-*- Iiinl‘mnml 1111] (won \lelwnluy [1nd Hntnrduy ufh‘rmnm, Call: by Muil, Tull-phone. or Mlmrn'le-w promptly uLLeudud to FOR SALE. IEEMS'I‘ECEH‘TD, HIGH CLASS I' [MGR EEK . 03L 26, 1586‘ f13ven1a.uud Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business condurted for Dlodcrnte Fees. Our Ofï¬ce is Opposite U. Patent 01'- ï¬ce, We have no sub agenda, all business dimci. hence can transact. Imlt‘llt busincm in less time and at less rust than those remote from Wyhihgtor‘x. I THE STAR Assurance. Sac’y 1:) U011. We alvisc it mu-nmhlc: or not, free of éharp‘e. Cur fee not (me till pnh‘nt. is secured. A bunk, “flow to Obtain l'mwts.†with reten- t‘uccs:‘lo 11 mm» (Men's in your Slate, county, or (own,_sdm Irhe', Address, ‘ “Qé’ï¬d 'ï¬mdbl, dra‘win" or 141010.. with descrip- DR. EUSTON SISLEY, MAPLE SN & CO. Barristersï¬olicitors, J S Fullerton opium-He l'nu-m (Milne, Wusllington.--D. Cu Barristers, Solicitors, &0. Ofï¬ces “sexton W Cook. J 1: PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN Veterinary Surgeon SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA sac/w Tram. fnr armada; 32,Wclllugum 812.. Enafl, Toronto {IL (ï¬atlmmuglt, lM‘fl!‘ ()f Lnndrm, England aï¬cdiwle genital, Elflirgnl, A D PERRY, LIFE YOUNG II. QUT‘T’I‘UN 181,11 20th "1 at in! 28th 29th 30th $10,000,000 . 1.600.000 . 1.200.000 . 10,000,000 766131, 883 ’1' C MILLIGAN.‘ do do dc do do do do do 9119' places pf J It Miller. 0111‘ ,h' 19-11611 The date priutéd 9n each paper denotes the time when the subscription expires. We (1?; not ham ourmlvna rnnpnnsmle 10: we omnions of our Col-reapondenta. No. 50 Tondm‘stred White Locals» Atkinson «£1 Bwitznr Court of Ravi 'onâ€"M 'I‘eefy Court of Rev nut-J ohu McClure ‘ may be found on Me at Goo S P A P.1mwell& (10’s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)whm‘oadvnrtia- iug contmots may be 11) rule for it IN NEW YORK To the Elacturs of Wasl York. Your Vote nnd Influence is requested at llienext election in West, York for the Ontario Legislature on the following plut- form:â€" 1. Equal Rights for all classes and creeds. Stand for Canada before party in resisllng French and clerical aggression. 2. Provincial Righla should be Subor- dinate \0 the interests of the Dominion M dilmto lame. 3. Abolish the Separate Schools and have [he Eit‘glidl language taught to all citizens. , 4. Aboliah School Book monopoly and make Schools more efï¬cient. 5, Prohibition of the Liquor Traflic and the placing of Licenses, no long as they continuo, and civil servioe appointments in the hands of n Nun-Purlizun Commism’m. 6. A Registration shortly before Elec- tions to save the expense and complications nucnnling present system and also a semet ballot. 8. I The preservation and development of mineral and timber interests. 9. Make Elections come on a fixed day so that neither party could surprie the other by springing an election on the country. 7. The continuance of the National Policy, so long as the United Slates main- lmh present mtimde, 12. Honesty, economy and efï¬ciency in HM dopnrhncnlm With the above amendments the strong holds (1f llu: boodlors, ofï¬ce-seekers and those who trade upon race and (need for Iflucennd power would be broken down, and many a home now desmule and deso- lulcd would be made comfortable and happy. 10. Place the redistribution of constitu- encies in Ontario with the Judges of the flourt of Appeal. 11, Before cslpitnl gets the hold upon our country that. it has upon the United States, thwiposition (if those who labor should he rtï¬ide unasfiafluhle. COURT OF Revision will be held in (he Mmhwnics’ Institute, \Vnndbridgo, on Mnndny evening, June 2nd, at; 8 o'clock. See ad. STAMPJNH of all designs on cloths, pillnh, or any olhur materth done at the HERALD 0mm, cheap. Leave your craters; CANNED tomatoes, 100. per mm; mm, pens and bcnns, 120. per can; Clover Leaf salmon, very [The quality, 15c. per can, at the Concrete. Atkin- mn 8:, Swi'zm‘. 13 LBS extra granulated sngnr For 31 f 17 lbs (wf‘gund bright sugar for 851‘00; Paris lumpcr muur, p0wdcrvd sugar and icing sugar at the Concrete. Atkinson FINE 'l‘uilm Soaps in great vzuiety at 11110 Cum-WW: Bouquet of Violets, 100. per box; Baby’s own. 130. per lublet; Hum Club Magnum, the ï¬nest. toilet snap made, for 150. 101‘ lublct Atkinoâ€" uln & EMvzm'. Cme to the HERALD Book and Cheap Fancy Store for your books, stuâ€" linnory, cmbrnidcry, silks or :11} kinds and bhauics, Bcrlin, zaphyr, Andalusian um] Suxouy' wuols in all colors. cc R. E. LAW, ESQ, is on the Grand Jury at the May sessions, Toronto. Armaniâ€"We have to apologize to our readers for being a day late this Week, owing to extra work. OLD 'newpapers, for wrapping or placing 1mer carpets, for sale at, this nflico, :11 31) cents a hundred. DH. ()uu, 0F Maple, had the miaf'oru lune tolnnve some goods stolen from a car at l’arkdule Bunion sometime ago. ‘l'ucumom; Hill Court of Revision will be held in the Council Chamber on Monday, May 2611) at 2 o'clock pm. WASH embroidery silks and other kinds for sale at the HERALD More. 15c. Brooms for 100. ; 30¢. brod'ms for 250‘. m, the Concrete. ,b‘ee them ;' cx‘- amine them. Atkinson & Switzer. THERE will be service in the English Church hch, next Sunday at 11 am. THE Prizn List for Hm Fair are now in flu; hands ofth Scc’y for distribution QATARHHAL DzAmzss-HAV FEVER A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites mm liningmubnmv trfthtrqmm nnï¬â€˜ custachinn tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and. the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated whe're‘ by cnturrh, camrrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one £0 three simple applications made at home by the patient onco in two Weeks. N B.-~This treatment is not a snufl’rog~ nn ointment ; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is Sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. DIXON & Son, 803 West King Street. Toronto, Canadaâ€"Toronto Globe. Sufferers from Cutaï¬hal troubles should aura-fully read the nbow. Local and General. THURSDAY, MAY, 15 ’90. N0 TICE T0 S UBSCRIBERS. mm with 3133mm; NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond Hill. Ont. Whole No. 1662 , W. Clendenan. CATARRH, Yours. (C c Volï¬me 31. SHAMEâ€"Although Dr. Gilmour had another speaker at his meeting in Maple, and Dr. Orr wedged in between the mo, the latter gentleman was allowed u very poor hearing. SO much for Grit fair-play. ~CELLULOID Starch, Rice Starch, Kingsford’s Pure Starch, Kingaf'ord's Corn Starch, Benson’s No. 1 Corn Starch, Satin Starch, Silver Gloss Starch, at close cut prices, at. the Gen- crcte. Alkinsou & Switzer. FOR SALE.-Mr. Jas. Rutherford, of Jefferson P. 0., offers for sale a good farm of 100 ,or 200 acres, comprising front halves of lots 56 Vand 57,’l‘ownslrip of Vaughan. For furtliér particullrs ap ply to the proprietor. See small bills. THE LADIES of the Presbyterian and Methodist Churches are at present makâ€" ing preparations for their annual Dinner and Tea on the 24th of May, when all who favor them with their patronage may prepare for a “Right Royal Feast.†WEST AND EAST YORKâ€"W0 are inclined to think, from the information we have received, that at the stroke of ï¬ve of the clock on Thursday afternoon, the ï¬fth day of June, both the ridings of Wth and East York will be redeemed. The West will then have her sweet reâ€" venge for the removal from it of the Mimico farm. WE HAVE it cm the best authority that one of the Reform candidates who spoke at the Hill on Wednesday night of last week, made an agreement with a gentleman at Thornhill, that he would gram :1 speaker the right of reply, lifts:- the two candidates had spoken,but after- wards went back on his promise and refused. IJIGIIT VIEXVE.7.‘An nnfnrininhu-nf will be given in the Masonic Hail in con- nectionwith the Mealmnios’ Institute, on Thursday evening, May 22nd, by Mr, D. W. Campbell, in the form of a lecture on the city of Paris which he il- lustrates by lime light views. This entertainment promises to be of a very interesting nature, and as it is in con- junction with a good cause should be well patronized. Admission, 15 cents. CHANGES IN THE TIMETABLE.â€" The changes in the G. T. R. time-- table are as followszâ€"The Northern division for Barrie and northern points, which provioualy left at 5 35 p m ,lcaves at 510 pm, and the evening train from northern points arrives at 8 o’clock in-- stead of 830. The mixed train for Bellevillc, which previously left at 1 o’clock, starts at 12.45 pin-Toronto News. POLITICAL MEETINGSrâ€"VVC notice by an advertisement in the Comet, Mr. Clendenan will hold meetings in the West Riding as follows :â€"()n Saturday evening, 17th, at Woodbridge , on Mon day evening, 19th, at Brncondale; on Wednesday evening,213t, at anie; on Monday evening, 26th, at Islington; Wednesday evening, 28:11. at Humber Bay. Dr. Gilinour is invited to be present at these meetings. TORONTO ELECTIONS.»le Clarkés are called to contest Toronto on behalf of the Meredith platform at a most en thusjasti’c meeiing hold in Shal'tesbnry Hall on Wednesday night. No ballot was needed, the vote was made unani- mous without. the trouble. The mom 7 her by Act. of Mr. Mownt will be elect. ed from one of the other candidates. There are seven candidates in the ï¬eldâ€"â€" 2 Reformers, 219(1nnl Righters, 1 Third Party and 2 Liberal Conservatives. FAIRS AND PRIZES.â€" The Steele Bros. 00., Toronto, offer the following prizes for their "New Short White Carrot": for lhe six best and heaviest roots, Isl prize, $3.00, 2nd, 3200; also for “ Steele Bros. Selected Purple 'I‘np Swedeâ€: for the six best and l1eavlesl,mols 15L priz0,$3 00,2nd,$‘3 00, at the following fairs, Cooksvtllc, Woâ€" burn, Isliugton, Markham. \Woodbridge Bummoaï¬.â€"~The assessor Mr. B. Barnard, has completed his work“ of' sessing the town and has returned the Hull to the Clerk of llio Municipality. An cï¬ldinutiou of the Roll reveals to us the fact that Mr. Barnard ï¬nder- Htunds his work lhnronghly,mnd por- lbrms the same in n manner highly creditable in himself and t0 the munici- pality. The assessment for the year is as follows :â€" Total value of Real l’roperl.y.$228 589 “ Personal Property 21,100 Total value of above ...... $250389 No, of dngs 67, cattle 138, bhccp 59. 1103530. horses 11!? No. of' acres nn-Ier F‘ull'Whmt 126‘. Non Resident prop-- artyâ€"one lut on I'Iollzmdnst, 5 on Centre-um†7 (m Uur’dï¬st, 5‘0n Backâ€" st.,-:md] on Burrisâ€"st.â€"â€"Wimess. FIREâ€"0n Friday morning last about. 10.30, considerable excitement was created in the village by the ringing of the Fire Alum), when it was discovered that the chimney of' this oiï¬ce was on ï¬re. Although the ï¬re had not caught on to the wood [workit had a very dung- erous aspect, and had it not been for the prompt arrival of the brigade, quite a serious conflugrntion mighthave resulted. However, we are pleased to state that the damage done was comparatively nothng and we hereby Wiï¬il to tender our sincere thanks to the brigade and citizens generally for the prompt manner in which they turned out to our assistance. and Onkvillo. This ï¬rm evidently reaâ€" lizes 11ml the farmers' interests and their own are identical. NOT SUFFICIENTLY DEFINITE-“ The Prize Lists for the Fair are printed, they should have been out weeks ago†This is a remark made by our esteemed comm in this Week’s issue. Injustice to ourselves regarding the same we re« apectfully request the Liberal to make the mailer a little more explicit and let us know at whom he is casting this 10â€"â€" fleclion ol'an “ insinuation.†The item liliglit lend its readers to believe that some one had not done their dulyI and the question arises who is the negligent person ? Taxable Income A LECUTRE ILLUSTRATED BY LIME 1,3 A GRAND RALLY.-We are author- ized to state that agrnnd rally of the East and West York will be held in the Victoria Hall, Thornhill, on the evening of' Tuesday, 20th May, at which Mr. W. R. Meredith, Mr. N. 0. Wallace, MLJ. S. Fullerton, Mr. Gibson and Mr. Clendenan will address the meeting. On Friday evening, the 23rd May‘s meeting has been called For. by Mr. Gibson, at Mztlvern, when Mr. Fullerton and others will address the electors. On Monday evening, 26th May, a meeting has been calledyby Mr. Gibson to meet the eleetors at Markth Village, when Mr. Fullerton. with others will speak on behalf of Mrt'Gibson. On Tuesday evening. the 27th May, a meeting will he held at Masonic Hall, iRichmond Hill, at which meeting, both ‘the candidates, Messrs. Clendenan and Gibson, will address the electors on the most important . issues of the day. Issues which are now agitating the minds of" the people at one of the most critical periods of their country’s history. At this meeting Messrs. Wallace, our jrepresentative in the Dominion House, land Mr. Fullerton will speak. For ‘ further particulars see posters which can be seen posted throughout both Ridings, or had by addressing Mr, John Langstat‘f, 'Hiornhill. The chair at all these meetings will be taken at 8 p m., when it is to be hoped a good turn out will greet the speakers. The Richmond Hill and Yongc Street Agricultural Society will hold its 10th annual Spring Show, on Saturday, May the 24th, on the Park Grounds in this village. $600 in premiums will be offâ€" ered for competition in the various classes, which is a larger sum than has ever been given before. During the afternoon, performances will take place consisting of Uontortions, Club Swinging on the Running Globe, Slack Wire Walking, Juggling. etc., under the especial management of. C. II. Doren - Wand, of Toronto. In the evening: a grand concert will be held in the New Agricultural Hull, which has a capacity of' seating 1,000 persons, for which the following excellent talent has been pro-- cured at considerable expensczâ€"Mr. “7.14). lininï¬oyfl‘oronto’s Comic Singer; Mr. A. J. Neill, the Celebrated Elocu-- tionist, of Toronto; M. 'I‘. H. Litmer, one of Ontario's leading Tenors; Miss id“ Simmnn: tint» tnimflnd Sonrmmy 'nf' Richmond Hill. and Miss Maude Alexander the child songtress, of To" route. The members of the Society have left nothing undone to make the ï¬fth a success in every feature, and without doubt, should the weather prove favorable, it will ecliptic all former efforts. The Maple Brass Band will be present throughout the day. A meeting of the Directors of the [Rich- mond Hill Mechanics’ Institute was heId in the Lecture Room on Ihe owning of Mo u day. May 12th. Members prosontâ€"Moasrs. H. M. No Cuuig, President, in the. chair; J, E‘ Clubino, Secretary pro 10m; 1’. G. Savage, 'J'hp lmllul was then passed for the above and ouch wusdeclmed elected a mumbor of the brigade. Capt. Pugaley in the ch'ait'. The minutes of last meeting were read and upprovcd~ Owing: to the rain the ï¬rst. p'ru-ctic'e was not held. The Secretary rend a communication reâ€" lative to u tournament. to be held in the townpf Kincmdine on the 14th and 15th of August. The Secretary also tend a re- pnrt ot the ï¬le at tho HERALD Ofï¬ce on the 9th inst. An account from Masonic Lodge amount- ing to $5.50 was read; also an account, from W. Sheppard. Band Muster, for one month’s tuition up to Muy lst, $4. The ï¬rst was otdered to be paid on motion of the Steward, seconded by W. E. Wiley; the latter on nlullun of J_. Sharp, seconded by G. Mncdntmld. The Finance Committee reported l'nvur- ably on the applications of Messrs. W. C t'tiddcll, J. Anderson and C. McConuglty. Nicholls, \V. A. Fraudsrson, H. E Law, A. Moodie ï¬nd U. Tre’velhan. On motion Of' Mr. l’ugnley, seconded by Mr. Savage, Ihe minutes of the lust special meeting were read and adopted. \Vulvlaer Benson and' Wm I’uwcll war proposed by ï¬reman A._Wj|ey, and Jerc miuh Lyons by liycmun C. MCI-mum “14â€, . he commumculmn frum klncnrdine was luid over Iill next meeting; on molion of (A) Brown, seconded by Hunt. Savagev Secuetury of Band reported Ihut us 3118 memhels’ dues had 1105' Men culfecled he “Quid prehenl. the stafel‘neut a‘t lh‘étm'xl m‘eesing. A Communication was read from Mr. D, W. Campbell. of Kingston, fluent the en- terminment he purposes giving ou the 22nd of this monlh. The Richmond Hill Fire Brigade held its regular meeting on Mdnduy evening, May 12H]. Movud by M r. Pugsley. seconded by Mr Clubine, that the admissinn me be 15 Cents for ndulls and 10 cenls for children, mem- bers being free. Can-led. The meeting then proceeded to draft, sub- Moved by Mr. I ugsley, sC-cunded by Mr Sm‘nge, that report as drafmd be adopted Carried. The following are the committees struck: Lectux'echMuIIOI), Trevelhan. Luw, Sav- age and Clubim); lie-Union ~â€" Innes, Nichollu. Snndm‘son, McMahon and Trench; lnle-yâ€"Clubiue, Innes and Law; Financi- Niclmlls, McCuuig and Pugsley; Debateâ€" Newbery, Savage. Moodic unJ Sanderson. Tho Ineeling than adjourned. R The méutiug then proceeduc commimws fur the current ye ANNUAL SPRING EXHIBITION. Fire Brigade Meeting Mechanics’ Insmtute. :prescm The 24th of May. lnlws, J. E. CLUBINE, Sec’y pro {em W; H Pngslvy, II. A Sanderson. 1’1. E Law, A ( 1r Moved by Foreman Sheppard, secondgd b‘y L'ieut. Savngv, that the adjourned prac- ti¢e be held on Monday evening next, the 19m inst. Carried. The Executive reported that they had appointed Wm. Wylie as auction hosaman. R. Garbutt. and b‘. Hopper were struck oï¬'jhe roll for non-attendance. The duty of second hoseman was discuss- ed, rubber coats were ordered to be placed where they could be readily obtained at the time of a ï¬re, and the meeting udiourncd. Representatives Mills and McKinley after indulging in n ï¬gurative handshake by each ofl'ering a resolution that. the other be al- lowed unlimited timc to speak, opened the debate upon the McKinley tariff bill in the House by making speeches from their re» spective points of view. The general dc-- hate on the bill will close Saturday night; there is than to be eight. days debate under the ï¬ve-minute rule, and if the present programme is not changed, the bill is [Q bcvmcd upon May 20th. The speaking will not change a single vote. nor do the Speakers expect it, hut the Congressional campaign is about. to open and members of both parties will tulm the opportunity of Speaking to their constituents. The bill is certain to pass the House, practically in its present condition, but there are rumors of n republican revolt in the Senate led by Sennlor Allison thnt, if true, will mnkc ftrouble for the bill. But it is generally ‘suf’e to any that munsuroa which have re-- ceived the caucus ,appmval ofthc party in the majority will go through. and the Mc-- Kinlcy tariff hill is; not likely to prote nu exception to the rule. The question of a lt‘edrrnl election law is still worrying the rupnbliuuns. A special caucus committee at the head of nhich is Speaker Reed, is new considering the mat let to mulm a report to the republican caucus which is to decide whether such a law shall be enacted ut the present session. The republicans are very much divided in opinion on this matter, and nothing short of n perempmry caucus decree will secure the votes of a number of them in favor of any such law, and (even then there are some of then] whn would not. vme for it, though they would probably lack the cnurnge to vote tigainst it. The silver problem seems no nearer to solution by the republicans in Congress than ever. The Jomrs bill has been taken up in the Scnulo and it wi 1 from present indications, be passed. After the House dispvsesof the [mill bill it will pass the caucus silver bill. which differs radically from the Jones bill. After that comesâ€" guess work. 7 The Murrill survive pension bill which recemly passed the House is not acceptable m the Senate. nud that body will vote to nunâ€"concur when it comes up; it having been passed us u subslilutu for Ike Senate dcpvndenl pension bill. There is linle probability n'thhat the appropriuliuns nmdu by tho presenl session of Cungress will be larger lhun usual, though a short time ago the indicalinns were that they Would be enormous. but the republican lenders knowing that Cougrcs» simml elecliuns are to be held this year haw,l culled a hull. and ullhnugh [here is weeping m'd walling and gh’ushing of [(Iolh among: llm l'nilhl‘ul there Will be no shower of gold at this: messiah. The river and bar- bor bill hands the list ol' shut-out nppro» prlullnna, AL ‘1 u'clock ] appeals ugnimt. Qurrent. yam‘, of ‘ required to take net-01 dmghn A Boon to Man’kind.‘ The quickest, surest and beat remedy for xhwmutism, ueumlgiu. Iumhngn, sore Ihmat. Harem-as and Iamenesg is Hag- ynrd's Yellnw ()il ll umckly cm or; sprains, bruises, bums. frostbiles. chilhlains. etc. For Group, mldn. (Zuinsy, 010., who 10 lo 30 draw) on sugur, and apply the oil ex- llernnHy also, when immediate relief‘ will result. Tm:an RED embroider cotton and embroider silks in all shades for sale at the HERALD Store. ' Educatinn in Huaain is at a low ebb. Only 1?. per cent. of the population can read and write. This powder Imvnr Vill’itiï¬. A muran of purity strength and WNOICBUUIOHOSS. More ecunmnical than; the ordinary kinds, and cannot, be Hold in compvtitinn with tho mnlhitaldo of low LOSL,ShOl't weighb ulnm or phnsphute powders. Sold only in mum. ROYALBAMNG POWDER (3.0., 106 Wall St, N . Y. For $110 “Villa {.10 of the (1“ TR!) \' I’UBLLC NOT“ (Hex R’s (mice, Richmond Hill May 15th, 189:», MON DAN. COURT 0 F ' :{EVISION RICHMOND HILL. May 9111, 1890 Our Washington Letter. . First Sitting \YHH At Ln! Man‘i' Hurth ugml '23 yours. fl“). W Elsi/7‘ BAKING Absolutely Pure. (From Our Own Correspondent) u'clock 1‘111,t0 hem‘ and determine on ‘ uguimt tho As. sament Roll for the year, of which all pornnns interested are '1 to tuku notice and govern themselves )TJCH if} Tmmby givnn to all whom it may concern, that. the M UNI-Cl PA LIT Y 0 F I )EA'L‘I I. MAY 26TH, 1891), of the Court of Revision Richmond Hill, will be held in [mail (Huunber, on nu, nn Hunduy. an nth, L'mlo‘rml wile of Goo. Tmyer M. TEEFY, Clerk 50-2115 Well Adapted. THE effective union on the glandulf‘ir system and theblood,and the gen-- eral regulating Ionic nnd purifying action of B. B. 8., especially adapt it for the bilious, nervous, costive or scrofulous. gram 3 to 6 bottles will cure all blood riseases from a common pimple to the Wdrin 5cr5ffllous sore. EALED TENDERS marked " For Mounted S Police Provisions and Light, Suppliea," and uddwssaxl to the Honorable the Minister of Rail» ways and Canals. Otmw n, will be received. up to noon on Tileaduy, 3rd qua, 1890__ Printed fcrms of tender, nontaining full infor- mation as to the articles and approximnto quantitioa required, may be had on upplimmldon at any of mm Mounted Police Ppstq in the North- \Veat, or at the 011196 of the Iihdc 11ml. ‘ V Th5 lowest or any tender not necessarily ac canted. _ x No tqndor will be received. unl‘éss Made on 5x191) plyubed forms. EM]: tender must be ucconnmuicdby an (m- copted Caundinu bunk cheque fur nu uumuub equul tn ton per cent. of the tubal. ,vu‘lun nf thu articles tendered for, which will be forfeited if the party declines fn v.an into n cuntrnct when culled 113,161) {20 do an, or if 1m {mils m complctu the aervma contracted for. .H the tender bu not nodapted tho nhoquo will IJQ returned. No‘puvmeut win he mmlu' t}; nbiï¬pupers in~ setting thin udvmtisnmout without authority having been ï¬rst, obtained. Ottawa, April 22nd, 1890 VILLAGE 0F WOODBRIDGE. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that (ho COURT OF REVISION For the Villn‘gn of Woodbridge, will he held in the Mechanics’ Institute Hall, on At 8 o'clock p m, to hear and dntorminc (m appeals against the ARsessmnnb Roll for ths current our. of which all punsons interested are requh‘tx to take nodes and gnvm'n themselves accordingly. Clerk E 011100, Wnndbridgo, May 14th 1800. Monday Evenlng. June 2nd, I890. Richmond : Hill: Hardware: Store FACTS ARE STUBBORN'THINGS EAVETROUGHISG AM) REPAIRING l’RM’lI’TLY ATTENDED N C. M A s 0 iv .‘ YOU CA N’T GET - BUUNIL PRE-EMINENCE is proved by am extremely LOW Prices. We ask nothing- better lhan a comparison ‘of our prices with any prices made on a like grade of Goods. PRE-EMINENCE PRE- Cncaled Wire, Barbed Wiré‘,‘ aali‘r‘anize‘d Wire, Nails, Garden Tools, Chums, Carth Sweepers, Building Paper, Scales, Hot Air Furnaces, Iron lx’uoï¬ng, Stoves, ’l‘il'lwa‘r'e' of all kinds, Pocket Knives, 'l‘able Cutlery, Carpet Felt, Clblt‘l‘ll Pumps, and all kinds of Hard‘ ware and 'l‘inwarc. First Sitting of the Court of Revision To THE EDITOR: â€" Fleasorinforxï¬ vour readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands ufhopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of our readers who have con- sumption if the will send me their Express and Post 0 Ice Address. Respectfully. T. A: SLOCUIII M-Cn, I86 West Adelaide 3h, TORONTO. ONTARIO- cwwm‘mï¬ Atkinson 39 Swtzer‘, DIRECT IMI’OHI‘ERS. E-ENMNENCE is proved by 1110 quantity of odi’g‘b’od‘s. In every department our Stock is full and complete, and in this respect has no rival. T-EMINEN‘CE is proved by the quality of our goodv's. On the point of quality we yield to none. Every article we sell is the best of its kind. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TENDERS. SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. FRED. WHITE, Comptrollor, N W M Policu 890 (SO-2.1 JOHN MCCLURE, Clerk PRE-EMI- NENCE THE - FACT ~OF OURâ€"â€" »â€"IN OURâ€" BUSINESS. $0-2in â€u Barley ' " a?) Outs do Posts do Drussed Hogs, per 100mg Chickens, per pair. Buttm‘, 1h rulls.. Eggs; fersh, doz.. Potatoes 1' r’bng Applna, Onions per do 1 Cabbage, Turnips, p61 g )urrots, per bag, Hay, per tun“. SLHW, shout. Everyone Should Try To GCCure good health. The grant specii fic for nll‘ diseases arising from dis“ ordered stomach, such as overflow of bile. sick headache, loss of appetite, nausen‘, palpilmimi. indigestion, constipation and all blood diseases is Burdock Blood Bitters. Hundreds of pimple owe lh‘eir h‘ealllt to B. B. 3., nature’s regulator and to‘nié. TH E M A RK ETS T()fl UN 'I‘f) : THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1861‘, muons AT FARMJHIS‘ wauaona Wheat. full, new, por bush... "$1 350 Spring do Barley do 43 Outs do 39 POLLS do 00 “ HERALD, †PER. -- YEAR SUBSCRIBE ]N A [W AN CE. FOR THE 5331' GTE - MUM], YOU CAN’T SURE“? SHRED ' 12 nu 7 00 7 00 75 16 12 '70 3 00 00 00 15 00 98 41 00 26 90 I 8. 7f) 00 00