Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 22 May 1890, p. 2

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'- THORN H ILL, ONT-â€" C. A. SNOW & CO.~~ RICHMOND ‘IIXLL, ONT, (Late of Brooklyn N. )2), formm'ly Besflflent Surgeon to the N '. Shite Woman’s Hospital, NY. City, nnd Visiting Physician m. St.Jphn‘s Hospital and Soutli'ern Dispensaries, Broéklyn. OFFICE norms until 10 n. m.; mid Hon) 6 to 8.15 m Bjchmond Hill Aug 29th, 1889 Dr Euskm Sislo ,R A and M E, Toronto Uni- versity, and M C S 0.61‘ Maple, lute of Toronto, has purchased thv residence of Dr Orr, Mapleâ€" wnl com-imw practice fx‘om same pla‘ce. Vitaliz'ed Al‘r (of examcomg. 1‘ win-mi teeth Without. pain at the lowest: m’i‘uc’s. Best teeth on rubber $8. cheapest $6. oct 26. nsé-â€"1'yeur 1m. mun; LANGSTAFF! C. H. RIGGS», L. D. S., S. E. Corner King & Yonge Sta, TORONTO. SHflfiT C Em C BULLS FOR SALE.- REGISTERED, man ems ; ' hummus. Caveats, and Trade-Mailm- obtalned, and all Patent "business conducted for Moderate Fees. t 'A G F LAWRENCE. Nov 27th. 1884 EA.W :Our Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Of-v fice. I We have no sub-agencies, all business direct. hence can transact patent business in less" ti‘Ine and ‘at. less ‘cost than-those remote from Washington. I Send model. drawing, or mm; with descrip- tion. We _‘advise if' atentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not me till atom is secured. A book. “ Hdw to Obtain Manta,” with refexs ences 10 actual 'clicn’ua in your State. county. or town, sent. free. Address, Barristers, Solicitors,&c. Oflices 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmond Hill Post Ofice Every Saturday. J’ Sfufie’rtop, W Cook, x J R Miller. PRIVATE FUND§‘ T0 L‘gAN. Toronto. Muv 29m, 1884. IprGn] 01 London, England, Sir Wm. McArthu'v, K C M G, M- P, ex-Lord Mayor of London, President. W W Baynes.Esq.F I Aficcretary R08erv_e_Fund . .. . . .310.000,000 John McDonald, Esq. C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. SennforMcMaster A. . Smith, Esq. James Metculfe. Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made on security of Company's Policy at 5 per cent interest. Dounsmude toChurch Trustees, at a low rate of interost. Semi for prospectus. Gulrl Medalist and Honorary Member of the Ontario College of Veterinary Surgeons, Tornnlo. Rivllmond Hill every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Calls by Mail, Telephone, or otherwise promptly intended to nnpnintment. It ddes away with {11935;}:â€" i}; extracting- Fullerton, wok, Wallace Nialedellam. THE PALEHMR HOUSE This Houseis one of the Best Hotels to be found north of Toronto. Everything is managed .11 Fire; Class Style. Sample Room for Commer- ciul Travellers. Good Stubling and attentive nostlers. Terms, $1 ver day. I’roctor'a Bus leav’es this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Tmins going North and South. at 8 a 111., )2 a. m” 5.10 p m. and 6.00 n m. LAWBBEMMIWEAN CONVEYANCERS, ETC‘ Toronto Offices-N“ ” BM“ clmmbers,1 Richmond Hill Office-2 RICHMOND HILL, 3‘ Palmer, Prc THE‘ STAR Assuyanciefisac’y VITA LIZEB Ai R ! 0n Saturdays. Monty (0 Loan at Lowest Current Rates Office hours before 10 mm, 2 to 3 1; 111,7 to 9 p m Barristersfiolicitors, fizz. EUSTG’N sx'sLEY, MAME ;. A, SNOW 55 THE Vaughan council meetS" next opposite Patent mace, Washington. D. c.“ ,. g T u esflay, 271}: May; Annual Income . . . . . . 1,600,000 Inves-led in E‘madn” . l.‘200,000 Dealh (:13me paid. . . . 10,000,000 .r . T017331“) REFERENCES. . (fizzllnnnngh, Veterinary Surgeon Dr A ROBINSON. Beck? Trans. for Canada. SizfiVellingLon St, E nab, Toronto Dec 1st 883 SURGEON DENTIST, A URORA fikfliml. ilmnfl, A D PERRY, gfirgnl, LIFE YOUNG H. QUET‘i‘Ezi Sr. GEORGE, Omk Ridges No.14 Buildinch noun Clmmbers,15 Toronto st. T C MILLIGANfi Rear of the Central Bank D'ON'T Fail to read Farmer Gibson" address in“ this issue; AGENTS wanted for the Fonshill Nurserihsr See ad‘. With the above amendments the strong holds of the boodlers. office-seekers and [Hose whn' t'rude upon. race and creed fur phceand power won be Bnflmn down and many 1» home now deslIlu-le and deso- Iatod wuuid‘ be made comformble and happy. ll. ' Béfore capital gets the hold upon our country that it has upon lhe Uniied States; 159' positien! of those who labor should be made lu'z‘aasmlable. 12, Honesty, economy and efficiency in all departments. 6. A Registration shortly before Elec- -l‘?0ns to save the eXpense and complications attenr'irg present. system and also a secret bnllotl I 7, The continuance of the National Policy. so long as the United States main- tain present attitude, I 8. The preservation and devel‘opm'ent' of mineral and timber iutereste. 9. Make Elections come on a fixed day so that neither party could surprise the eat-her by springing an election on the connl'i'v. The date printed on each pups; denotes the time When the subscription expires. We giqnot hold ourselves reaponsxme 101’ me ommons 01 our Correspondents. annlâ€"C Mnaén Addressâ€"John Gibson Localsâ€"Atkinson a: Switzer Agents WantecLStono & Wellington I shall forward to you for your perusal a copy of the correspondence between his Grace Archbishop Clenry. of Kingston, and Mr. Meredith, the leader of Her Mnjvsly'a Loyal Opposition. I shall also send a copy of Mr. Meredith several speeches. which l would ask you to ex- },nmine. as “my embody and fully set forth li‘m platform of which I am an ardent and unqualified supporter. 10. ' Plnce the redistribution of constitu- encies in Ontario with the Judges of the Copft oflAppenl. may be round on Me at Geo. T“ P E R P.1mwell & Co'sNewsnape’z’ Advertising Burqu (10 Spruce EMWbm‘e advertis- ing contracts may be made‘ for it IN NEW YORK No. 51: It will be impossible for me to call upon you individually during the present cam- paign, as our constitutuncy contains over three thousand electors, and the election will take {place on the 5th of June. You are doulitl'éss aware that I am and have been a resident of the electoral district of East York for the past fifty-five years. TO THE EL EOTORS 5, Prohibilion of the Liquor Traffic and the placing of Licenses, so long as they C(‘ntinm‘, and civil service Bppniht’merfls in lhe Hands of a Non-Parliznn Comminami. JOHN GIBSON, I would advocate the total abolilion of Separate schools; would insist upon all sub'jbclarof the Ontario Public school pro- gramme being taught in the English lan- gunge; I would support the abolition of all exemptions from taxation. 2. Provincial Rights shmna be anim- dihafe to the interests of the Dominion at large. n n: Abolish 11m Separale Schools nnd have the Engli‘fl’ language laugh to all citizens 4:. AboHsh Schonl Punk monopoly and make Schools more efficient. GENTLEMEN,-â€"’- I sottcit your support without regard to creed or party. and if elected I will be a strenuous advocate of Equal Rights for all. Your Vote and Influence is requested at the next election in West York for tile Ontario Legislature on the following plat- form:â€" As Representative for East York in the Ontario Legislature; I submit, that it is time [but the farming community h‘nd‘n represenmvive in Hue per- son of one of their own number. If elected 1. Equal Rights for all classes and: creeds. Stand for Canada before party in resisting French and clerical aggression. EQUAL RIGHTS, Your Vote and Influence are respectfully requested for To the Electors of West Ymk. Election, Thursday, Jane 5th ’30 Local‘ and General. Of the East Riding of York: THURSDAY, MAY, 22 ’90. Elm "flail: 33mm. Richmond HIII. Ont. NOT ICE T0 SUBSCRIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Yours respectfully, Dy Clenfienan. JOHN GIBSON. ms No. 1663 Yours, (Pa, Volume 31. GENT’S Rubberine Collars at the Concrete, 12 018, each. “ VICTORIA SQUAREâ€"The Victoria’ Square Cricket Club has re-orgauized’, and is now open to receive challenges. The following oflicerb were appointed; President, Mr. '1‘. Clink; Vice-Pres., Mr. S. M. Brown ; Honorary Members -â€"â€"Messrs. J. Lever. Geo. Forester. an, W. Lawson. Wm. Meek, six, '1‘. Frisby, sr., and' Capt. James Stoutenburgh ;1 Sect~'.l‘res , Mr. A. U. Smith; Captain, Mr. C. Forester; Committeeâ€"Messrs. J. Jenkins, Jno. Kowbothnm, 0. Mcâ€" Kenzie, W. Scott. Ed. Forester; Ed. Dixon, Jno. Forester, R. Frisby ; Field Manager, Mr. Wm. Frisby. WORK was commenced on' Mr. Palm- er’s race track on Monday last. THE Fire Brigade held" thei'r first regular practice on Monday evening last. THE Presbyterian and Mefliodist Churches will serve dinner and tea :0!) the 24th. > CATARRH, cpl-Alum“. Dumas-an nut; A-lew nun TRIATIIIII‘I’. ' ' Suflcrcri' no not generally aware tint these diseases are contagious, or that: they are due to the presence of living parasites" in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a. fact, and the result of this discovery is that a. simple remedy has been formulated when? by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay {over are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications madb'at home by the patient one in two weeks. N B.â€"~This treatment is not a. snufl or" en ointment; both hive been discarded1 by reputable physicians: as injurious. A; pamphlet explaining this new treatment. is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. He DIXON & SON. 303 West King Street; Toronto, Caneda.-â€"Toronto Globe. v Sufferers from Catarrhal tmubhs‘ihdm harefully ‘readvtha nbon.» DON’T fo-‘got Hie entertainment in connection with the Mechanics’ Institute in the Masonic Hall for-fight. BUY $2.00 worth' of Dry Goods at flue Concrete on Saturday, the 24th, and get a free ticket for dinner or téa.. SPEGI‘AL notice to the public that 1 will do all kinds of eave-troughing, root'- ingy furnace work, cheaper than the cheapest and satisfaction given or no pay. 1 mean business. 0. Mason. 3 ANNIVERSARY SERVICES â€"Anniver say Serfi’cemvfifl be held in the Presby~ terian Church on Sunday next. Rev. John Much,M. A.,0f Hhalmer's Church, Toronto, will preach both morning and evening. BE SE’IRE and attend the Fair in this village on Saturday next, as it promises m be the best ever held. by the Society. ‘ WORKMEN have been busy during the pfist week putting the Park grounds. in good condition for the Fair on Saturday. ENGLISH (lHURCH.-â€"â€"Services will be lleld in the English Church here, next Sunday, morning and evening, at 11’ Mid CRICKETâ€"A meeting of the, Righâ€" mund’ Hill Cricket Club will be held on Monday evening next in Lorne Hull, for the purpose of making preparations for laying a crease and other business. A full attendance is requested. I THE 24TH AT THE FIRE PROOF.â€" On Friday evening, May 23rd. and all day Saturday. the 24th, Will D. Atâ€" kinson will offer bargains in every de~ purtment of the establishment, and visi- ‘torn'trythe Fair cannot. afford to miss this chance. See ad. REMEMBER. the meeting here, on Tuqsd‘y night ‘at 8 o’c!ock, when Messrs. Gibson, Clendenan, Fullerton, N. C. Waflace and others, are expected to be present to address the electon. SHABBYJ oUnNALISM â€"-Writing upon this subject in last week's issue of his paper, the proprietor of“ the Liberal is evidently as little versed in the decencies ofjoumalism as anyone can be. And it would be well for him before he ngain attempts anything ofthe kind to, al- least, learn the first; principles of the subject upon which he writes. n FAIRS“ AND szns. â€"â€" The Steele ;Bros. 00., Toronto, offer the following priZ'es for their "New Short White Carrot”: for the six best and heaviest roots, 1st prize. $3 00', 2nd. 3290‘; also‘ for " Steele Bros. Selected Purple Top Swede" I‘ for the six best and heaviestfiools list prize,83 00,2nd,82 00, at the following fairs, Cooksville, W0- burn, Islington, Markham, Woodbridge and ()akville. This firm-evidently rew- lizcs that the farmers’ interests and“ their own are identical. ' ' 0N Friday afternoon last the Pogue property was sold by public auction at the Palmer House. Mr. A. Moodie was U32 purchaser. CARRIEDâ€"At Markham Village, on Saturday, the water works byâ€"law for $10,000 and the electric light byâ€"law for 82,000 were carried by majbriliea of six and seven respectively. AGENT.â€"Mr. Mason, Agincourt P. 0,, is the agent for Mr. Gibson. Lib- emailâ€"Conservative candidate, for the East Riding of York for the Assembly. Any chairman of sub-divisions requirâ€" ing information as to mode of procedure in the contest will please address him or :Dr. Hill, Secretary of Emcutive C'omt- jmittee, Stoufivilla P'. O. ‘ " T HE Public and High Schools will be closed tow-morrow on account of the t‘eu'chers’ convention, which is being held in Newmarket, MARKIIAM VII,I.AGE.â€"â€"-â€"Mr. Gibson, at which Mr. Fullerton is to be present, holdsa meeting on Monday night at Markham village. SPECIAL INDUCEnmNT.-â€"You’ can save the price of your‘ dinne‘r‘ o‘v'!’ 5mmâ€" day next, May 24th, by a perusal}; 3f Atkinson & Switzer’s ad. in this issuE‘. BASEBALL â€"A game of ball was played on the Park grounds on Saturday last between the Junior Clubs of' (his place and 'I‘hornhill, which resulted in a victory for the visitors. f9 . EVEN years ago I was troubled “ with lame back and could scarcely move. Several remedies failed. but on trying Hdgyard's Yellow Oil Ifound im» mediate relief, and two banks efl'ecled a complete cune‘fl’ _ We have it on unquestionable authorityâ€" the testimony of patients themselves~that rheumatism. however deeply seated, may be cured bv the regular and persistent. apâ€" plication of Holloway’s Ointment. This. we feel assured. will be welcome intelli-- genes to thousands of sufferers, bedâ€"ridden by the. disease, or limping with stiffened joints along the pathWay to the tomb. iii) a climate where the __quickmlver sometimes makes a 'leap of thitty degrees up or down, the complaint is of course a prevalent one; and in our new settlemsnts at the West, along the alluvial burders'ol‘ o'er gredt rivers, in-‘ the hemlock lock- swamps ofthe South), and in all low and damp locations.' f‘ew persons reach the age of forty years without wr-heumatic vist- talion. it is clear. therefore, that a ptep- nrution which will afi‘ord’ immediate relief. and effect eventually a thorough cure of the complaint. must be of special Value to the people of all countries. We cannot treasonubly doubt, in view of the well-- attested statements which have been laid before us, sustained as they are by circumn stance-s within our own: knowledge, that the Ointment referred to will effect that object; and among all the benefits which the dis-’ coveries of that celebrated physician and philanthropist have conferred upon man - kind, this is certainly not the least impor‘ tant. Many an industrious tiller ~of the soil, whose services are needed in the field, is at this moment languishing on a bed of sicknessfthe‘ hands that should guide the plough or grasp the spade rendered power- less by Rheumatism. Many a tailor in everybranch ,of pigb‘duclive labour is simi-- larly situated; mid". we can imagine with what joy these sufferers would hail the means of immediate cure: To all such we feel, justified in recommending this balsamic remedy, the application of which, with' the ’ aid ot'a’few doses of Holloway’s Pills to regulate the internal organs. would, we feel assured, restore them to health and useful nees.aDaily Argus. ‘ v A big crowd from Newton Brook at- lltended the Conservative mfeting held in "Thornhill on Tuesday. The aiile adâ€" dresses of' Mr. I). W. Clendenan’ and Mr. Fullerton, Q. 0., carried all before Jthem. Ofiur genial reevc occupied the chair. The prevailing feeling. was for Equal Rights for all. A representative of the lacrosse clubs from Toronto, (Maitlands and Tecumâ€" ‘seths) was out yesterday making final arrangements for the mulchh . He said "they were preparing for a good light For the jnninr championship, which is now held by the Maitlands. so we may expect .an exciting genie, There will be ice cream, lemonade, bananas‘ and‘ oranges for sale on the lacrosse grounds. WESTON, May 17th.â€"On~ Thursday night Dufierin hail was cfowded to the doors to hear the politicfi- Questions of the day expounded by N. C. Wallace, M. P.. Dr. Sproule, M. P, Dr. On and D. W. Clendennn, the popular candidate of the Meredith platform‘for West York.‘ Dr. Gilmour and his right-hand man‘ H. H. Dewnrt, who Were also present, were taken so njtireh by surprise at the manner thoeejg'zignfiemcn handled them that Dufl’eljn'Was; Hardly big enough, with the crowd'.that\waa in, for their breathi’hgf fitmers. The meeting was “ Don’t talk to me ubant your political li‘ isnis’.” said s} {auctions oldivuletndinsritm, ," li tell you there’s nn ism on earth so bau- ‘as Rheumatism ” The venerable suffered was right, St. luwrence’s gridiron or Quatimnzin’s pallet of fire was not more emphntically n bed: cf torment than the couch of (has martyr- to rheumatism: it is generglly considerveé by the faculty one of “is most obstinatefar’ well as one of the most pnittrnl of nialndies, and it certainly does resist all ordinary remedibs with ex- traordinary pertinncity Skiil‘nnd' science. thnwever, in this age of progress, seem to master all oppositinn; nnd‘ ev‘en this painâ€" 'ful disease, entrenched among the muscles. and interknit, as it were, with the sinews and tendons ofour flames, is compelled to yield to the cnrutives they have provided harmonious. with the exception of (icâ€" casion‘a’l interruptions from a few hoodâ€" lums D‘r; Gilmour brought with him from the J‘a‘n‘c'tion, but the fun 09%. Was they did not have sense enough to let. poor Damn-t have a good hearingâ€"Empire. F'o-n SA‘l‘.E.â€"-Mr, Jas; Rutherford, of Jefferson P. U", .oflers for Sale :1 good 5a rm 01' 100 or 200 acres. comprising from; halves of lots 56 and 57,Township ofVa‘ugzhun. For further paniculars up ply to the proprietor. See small bills. The entertainment to ‘be held on the 24th by the Methodist Church promises to be something exceptionally good. Miss Bowse has I‘eft for an extended trip to the United States. The Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Agricultural Society will hold its 16th annual SpringShow, on Saturday, May the 24th, on the Park Grounds in this village. $600 in premiums will be offâ€"- ered for competition in the“ various classes, which is a larger sum than hasr ever been given Before. During the afternoon, performances will take place consisting of Uoutortions, Club‘Swinging on the Running‘Globe, Slack Wire Walking, Juggling. em, under the especial management of_ C. H. Daren-- wend, of Toronto. In the evening a grand concert will be held in the New Agricultural Hall, which has a capacity of seating 1,000 persons, for which the following excellent talent has been pro-- cured at considerable expense :â€"â€"Mr. W. E. Ramsay.Toronto's Comic Singer; M r. A. J. Neill, the Celebrated Elocu-- tionist, of Toronto; M. T. H. Litster, one of Ontario's leading Tenors; Miss lda Simpson, the talented Soprano, of Richmond “Jim” and Miss ' Maude Alexander the child songtress, of To-- ronto. The members of the Society have left nething undone to make the affair a success in every feature, and without doubt, should the weal-her proVe favorable, it will eclipse all former efi'orts. The Maple Brass Band will be present throughout the day. The Worst of an the Isms. ANNUAL 533mm; EJEJHBITPON. MR3. Elwin, Corbew P'. 0., :0m. Lame Back Cured; 'flie 24th of. May. Newton Brook. At Z-o’clock p‘m,to hear and determine on appeals against: the Assessment Roll for the current Wan-of Which all persons interested are required to take notice and govern themselves ucccrdingly. , M. TEEFY, Clerk Clerk‘s Oflice, Rié'h'mond Hi1), Muy‘uth,~xs9o. ' 502m PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that, the First Sitting of the of Revision Fm‘the Village of Richmond Hill, will be held in the Council Chamber, on MONDAY, MAY 26TH, 1890. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholesomen‘esg‘; More economical tlmn the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low tostfihort weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold o‘hly ih wag? ROYAL minim; POWDER .Co., 103 Wall St.. N .- -. COURT OF REVISION Bunyan’s pilgrim when approachng The “House Beautiful” to rest, Travel-stained, foamsore and weary, Hustened entrnnce to request; AB he nearer drew, before him, Lol two rumpch lions stand Guarding close the gu he of entrance, Fiercer wait on either hand. Sore afirighted terror-stricken. Back be bound: o'er footsteps gained, ngn the Porter‘s voice arrescsrhim, "Fear not pilgrim they are chained," Though their fierce ferocious eyeballs, v Glare as yerrpm'aae your way If to right or left you flux-n not, They are powerless to slay. Thus are pilgrims still confronted1 013 life’s rough and Varied Way By the foes to Christian progress,- Cnusing fearful hearts to stray. While the Snviour's voice is calling, Speaking words of promise sweet That He’ll watch protect and guide themI Daily strength each foe to meet. If we knew just where to meet them For the conflict. could prepare. But they crouch where not expecting, Seize'thelr victims unaware; 'Clothed as sheep, they prowl incessant, “ Seeking whom they may devour," W'ith e lustful glee exulting, O'er the fallen in their power. Are the-(64 {asks that wait, completibd‘ 'f‘getl‘liy duty to perform, T‘_nt require your prompt n‘ttention ‘ Emmownl's OINTHERT AND Pumas are beyond all dottht' the most valuable and most convenio- t medicines [hm traveller’s can take across the seas to distant climes fur change of climate and the new condiâ€" tions and surrnundings of life to which they will be exposed will nssuiedly givrx rise to great disturbances of the system and to such especial morbid stutes of the blood nnd constitution generally as will render the use of these cfl‘ectunl remedies highly necessary, for they will find in them a ready and safe mount; of relief in most of the discusva which ntfiict the human race. and with them at hand they nth}: be mid to have a physician always at. their cull. DE AT H. GIBSONâ€"At Millikan, May 20th, 1890, Jannett. eldest. daughter of me lute James McNair, and the dearly beloved wife of Andrew Grib- Eou, in the 34th year of her age. O'BRIENâ€" 0n \Veduesdny,l4th inst, at Maple, the wife of Mr. Michael O’Brien, of a. daughter. Ye to whom the power is givefi’ In the people’s stead to stand, Be assured the God of nations, Will a. strict account demand 01' your stewardship, pronouncing, \Vords of cheer to those who win, “ We'll done good and faithful servant Worth-y thou to enter in.” A Boon to Manklnd. The quickest, surest, and beat remedy for rheumatism. neuralgia. lumhngo, sore Ilirom. soreness and lament-35¢, is Hag- yurd's Yellow Oil It nmckly cures sprains, bruises.'liui-ns. frostbites, chilhlains, etc. For croup, colds. quinsy. etc, take 10 lo 30 drops on sugar, and apply the oil ex- Iernnlly‘ ultra; when immediate relief will result. ‘ , Ere your courage takes tummy Do you shrink with'fearfnl spirit p Lest some funded good- (191 y; ‘By your resolute compliance They are lions in the way! Do you four the world‘s opprobrium By adherence to a. cause, Or some loss therefrom accruing, 'Tis the dreaded lions' claws That you fancy will demolish Cherished hopes in wild dismay, Scorn to show the base “ white feather i” For the lions in the way. At each turningfipoint we meet them, To intimida a they stride; Everywhere their scowling presence, Stml'd‘ to mm the good aside, In our bags of legislation Do they lu'rk to seize their prey,' In our churches too we find them Blocking up the narrow wav. Are there difficulties needing, All your courage dn._v by day, To combntthe countless form. Which impede your onward way. Every path in life’s experience, Hm; its rugged steeps to climb; To .typ persevering toiler, Will Be granted :{ie‘gé is'ublime; Aré thei‘e mounts your eyes are scaling; Which your soul aspires to reach, As abencon light in darkness, Gospel mm: and hope to tench; ‘Dfi‘y‘ou‘ wish to climb Mum's ladder, On its eminence to stand, From its altitude proclaiming, Truths to echo through the 11mm Richmond Hill, May 20th, 1890‘ To the world"! ramdteet limits, Lifting up the human race ;' Turn not. over onward pressing, Chained, or unchaiued lions face; He who rules will be your Caplain Leading on‘to victt't‘i’a heights, He will pionee'.’, destroying Every lion that afirights. Everyone Should Try 0 socmu good hcnhh THE great spoc‘i- fic'f'm' a” Idisenfii’s' misihg from dis- aldered stomach. su-c‘h as ovmflow of bile. sick hvadnche, loss of nppelilr‘. nnusen, palpilaliuu. indugeslion. constipalion and nil blood diienses is Burdock Blood Killers Hundreds of people owe their health to B. B. 3., nalme's xegulmur and tonic. RICHMUND‘ HILL. 31%!“ POWDER Absolutely Pure. V“HAN Elli/17. ROYAL 33%": ‘ 431......m an! “ Lions in the Way." 11 mt ICIPA LIT? OF B I RT‘xâ€"l‘. Mas. GRANT. Visimrsto the Great Fair'ca’n thus secure First-Class’ Meals Free and all are welcome; There is no better value to be found in Goods in this country i'mvmnuenm AND REPAIRle mummmm m Richmond : Hill : Hardware : Store? 1890, 24TH MAY. 1890} W‘ii'l Give to Cash purchasers of $2.00 worth of Dry Goodss, a FREE TICKET for Dinner or Tea; and to Cash‘ purl " 5 Chasers of $400 worth of Dry Goods, FREE TICKETS for Dinner and Tea making practically, ClOl‘NfoRl'ElTl‘E HlOlUlASlE RICHMOND -:‘- HILL. The Ides of March. H AFT March mother caught'a sever] cold. terminating inavery bnd cough. Evéryr‘liing we could hear of was tried without avail. ingyurd's Pectorea Balsam was at last. recmnmehded and pro- cured. The first dose rnlieved, and one bottle entirely cured her." _ Well Adapted. HE' effective nclion on the glandular system und'lhe hlnod.nnd the .gen-- eral renulnting tonic and' purifying action of B. B. 8., especially a'da'pt it for the bilious, nervous. costth or scrofulous From?) to 6 bottles will (fire all blood diseases from a common pinyple to lhe worst sciofuloua 80rd. COME to the HERALD Fuck and Cheap Fancy Store for your books, sta- tionery, embroidery. silks of all kinds and shades, Berlin, lepllyr, Andalusian and Saxonyl vm'mls in all colors: Our agents have many advunmgea, such as gelling home-grown. hardy Canadian geouk. Choice New Specialties, which are of valub'azud can only be secured from us. such as a complc‘t‘e list of NEW RUSSIAN APPLES,tho RI’I‘SON PEAR, SAUNDERS PLUM, HILBORN RASP« BERRY, MOORE'S RUBY and BLACK CHAM- PION CUIWANTS. MOORE'S DrAHMOND GRAPE, Ems. Etc We ha’ve fiiitéhvburticular attention to the pro- pogation of HARDY VARIETIES suitable to the Northern sections of Canada. For terms appl‘f'to‘ 51-2 mos We want reliablenenorgetic men to so]? our Nursery stock; {venous experience not ri'ece‘sZ s‘nry; any man Wish tar?!) and energy can sucdéed' terms liberal; either Chicky or commission; out: M free. FflNTHHJ. NUMBERS. Cnealed Wire, Barbed Wire, Galvani‘zed‘ Wire, Nail_s,, Ghrd'eii‘ Tools, Chums, Carpet Sweepers, Building Paper; Séhles; Hot Air Furnaces, Iron lluofing,,SmVes. Tinware of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Carpet Felt, Cixsiem Pumps, and all kinds of Hard- . ware and TinWar-e.” AGENTS WAN TED? ,, ,, _- -.-. ._....-.- . ,. . Wflm 1 say cure I do not men: I w w E E k I I I merely td-s‘t‘op‘ them (or a time, and then; have them return again. I M EA N A aA-MO‘A L c U RE .' l have made the disease of Htl.‘ Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a lJe-long study. I warrant my remedy wicuro the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason for not now receivin a cufisl Semi» once for a treatise and a Free Bottle of my, lnfallible Remedy. ive afar {HEP Pos‘ Ofiice. It costs you nothing for a trial, audit will cure *011. Addressâ€"H. ’ WOT. M3" Branch Office. I86 wear Autumn: s‘rnur. onouTo. Mls's E. A. S'I‘h‘n‘m‘mm. Hospeler, Ont. Atkinson Xe Switzer,‘ TO‘ THE 351mer TO‘ THE E TOR: Ple 'mform Kodi‘readers that I have a. asitive remedy for the abové‘mmm disease. By itstimely use 1: ousands of ho less cases ave been permanently cured. 1 sh: be glad to send two bottles of my reme )3 FREE to any of our readers who have'co gmAption if- m3 v-v-ilLsend‘ me their Expr’f!’ “ 33151 Post 0 cc Address. Resnectfull consumwo“ Free Meals at the Gencretee EARGEST IE flANAIlAa man if- the will send‘ me th‘eir Exp-résif and @075? éficéâ€"IKJJREI "I ;. BLOCURI‘r mew IB'GWOGt-Adolaidb 8m, TORONTO. ONTARIO} SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH: ATKINSON 8: SWITZER STONE l6 WELLINGTON, C- MASON. On! Saturday the 24th of May‘ Toronto, Ont COURT OF REVISION” EALED TENDERS marked .v For Momma Police Provisions and Light Supplies,” and addressed to the Honorable the Minister of Bull‘- ways and Canals. Otmw a, will be received up to‘ noon on Tuesday,_3fd Jpne, 1890.; 11.4.4» .1 5...." _ Printed farms of tengier, containing full inforâ€"_ mation as to the articles and upproximnto‘ quantities required, may'vbe had on anplicatiotr at any of the Mounted Police Posts in the Northi' West, or’ aft the office of thq ungersigned. N!" ‘nnI‘Av «hill LA fl _._v., v v uuuu-mguv No'tonkiéi- will be received unless any} prjxxted form'a._ ‘ - ' The lowest 0): any tender not necessarily no: cepted. . . .. I. ' , Each tender must be accompanied by an ncv cepted Canadian bank cheque for in: amonnd equal to ten per cent. of the total value of the articles tendered for. which will‘bq forfeited if the party declines to enter‘ into‘n contract when- culled upon to do so, nr if he fails to complete the service contracted for. If the tender be not accepted the cheq‘uel will be, retnrned. 4 Mn hanAâ€"A ...- ,V. .7... uu, .vv‘u! qu. No‘pavnjéht Mil-Be made to new earring this advertisement" Without having been first obtained. Ottawa, April 22nd. 1890 For the Village of Woodbridgp. will be held id’ the Mechamcn’ Institu Le Hall, on PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby give; it may concern. that t] At 8 o’clock pm,to hear and determine on' ngpeals against the Assessment Roll {or the c- trent year. of which all persons interested m6" required to take notice and: gvvem themselves accordingly. " ,. v . J GEN MCCLUBE, Clef?) Monday Evening. June 2nd, l890.- VILLAGE OF WOODIBRIDG'E. lerk s Oflice, Woodbridge, May “m 1890. it may concern, that the First Sittfhg“ of the Court of Revision umu NOTICE is hereby given to all whom) mausms or aonus‘ 84ml AWAY YEARLY. MUNICIPALITY OF THE '. ‘rononi’fé.’ TENDERS. r readers who have'con-_ Address. ARespecgtfufly, fill-'A-I SHREW BURED‘“‘ FRED: WHITE“ Comptroller. N w M-Ponce‘ 890‘ 5 5mm mm}? £6 neghfihpgh' 111-, m”. I _..&.‘ 2 m Miami}. ‘uu‘thoriii 50-2in

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