Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Jun 1890, p. 3

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gustom Workxa Specialty. Scwed and Pegged Repairing Neatly. and PromptlyDo‘ne.» } #szdmfism _ Thorley’s Cattle Feed, G. W. Niehold’s Fer»? tiliZer’s, Six Different Brands. DRUGGISTS. -‘ SIVE‘RS’} TOILET AND FANCY ARTICfiES, BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS bPerfumes in Great Varietyâ€"'â€" HAIR, NAIL, AND TOOTH BRUSHES. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. FLOUR AND F‘EED The Ontario House I Fresh Groceries, Canned Goods, Teas, Cofiees, Spices, Sugars, Baking Powders, Fish, etc. WILL D. ATKINSON. RESULT Consisting ofall the latest (resigns and patterns in Gent’s Alligator, Stanley Kid, Kangaroo, Shell Cordovan, BuffBal‘s and (lillbreiif kinds of Oxford work; alSO hadiesfand Misses Rhea, Fine Kid,- Dong-ola Kid, Polish Calf, Oil Goat and” badie‘s’ Oxford Shoes and Slippers.- Ch’ildreii’s shoes at all Prices.) Always On Hand : Use Winter Balm for chapped hands. Ils purifying and henlifig' piopertfés renders the Skin soft and silk-like in ils textures. “THE FRE ” The York Herald.” Is the Pace to Co What they may", We still keep shop at.- For the SPRING and SUMMER trade at} JOSEPH H. HALL. __.â€"J AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F SUBSCRIBE FOR FOR ALL KINDS OF OF THE BE THE ‘F 011‘ RICHMOND H!LL Befor nn'o'tlier issueflof thioflpa'pe'r the question of whether Meredith shall lead a government in the legislature of our Province, or Mowat, will be settled at the polls. These who imagine that the defeat of Mowatuwill be a stigma on the good name of Ontario, must have but a poor opinion of the ‘p’ce'ple; William R. Meredith is” a” râ€"han in the prime of' life, of good character and good abil ities and one in whose handsfltho honor of his native land can be‘ safely placed. We trust that the electors of East and West York will so work and vote that at the hour of five o’clock on Thursday his hands will be so‘ strengthened that a government with‘ him at the head can be formed. To do this men who will honestly support him in all just and good measures must be voted for. Men of York please do you duty in this r‘e-I speot by voting for the candidates who will support him’. You have two good men in the persons of Gibson 8:: Glen denan, men who have no axes to grind by being Sent to the legislature and men who will earnestly endeavor to perform their duty by the electorate without fear of favor; Mr. Gibson is a In‘an Well known to the electors of' East. York; he has been a man of the people, a worker of the soil, a good friend and a good neighborâ€"not a mushroom ofyesterday's growth sprung from no person knows where. And just here we give to our readers an extract from a letter to a gentleman in West York, d‘ated at Parkdale, May l'gth, from a member of ” Canada’s New Party ” in reference to the candidature of M r. Ulendennn. He says: “Personally I entertain the very highest respect for your candidate M'r. Clendenan and believe ot' the two cand‘iw‘ dates that. are seeking the support of the electors that Mr. Clendenzm is the most desirable one, and if elected he will proVe to be a man that will haVe the courage of his convictions, and do what he believes to be in the best interests of the electors.” Farmers seize your opportunity and give one day to work and vote for Honest John Gibson, your candidate; It was this week our’ intention of referring to the license qnestion and‘ the position of the Mowat Government in‘ reference thereto, more particularly. We intended to‘show that as good as the law referring to‘ licenses may be it is nbt s‘b' perfect' but. improvements could be made in it. And further, that no law however good it may be, is of little value unless honestly carried out. That the license Act has" been honesily’land fairlyoarr’ied‘bub‘, Lnngelier andf Carrier Let Toronto keep her man for the next four years, East York can spar’e' him. Vote For Farmer John Gibson. Contractor John P. Whelan Says hu has paid during the last seven years to the difict'edi politidal p'arties $100,000. Among the items are: Merdier, B'emfsnleil 55 Co . . . . . . . . $25 000 Dominion Liberal Crmtmittee,1887. 20,000 Interests H. J. Clm-un..... . . . . . . 3000 Montcalm election . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 700 llteblanc in Laval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 Eeaudet Trefi Ble'u Committee. . . . 1,500 Hot]. Jean machet . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Theo. Hams-I . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . 1.000 Juliette electinns...j;..> . . . . . . . . . . 1,700 lDuherty, Montreul Centre . . . . . . . . 500 Lynch. " " . . . . . . . . 1,000 Lothiniere election . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,000 I’acaud, 1886......” J . . . . . . . . 2000 CONTRACTOR WIIELAN’S POLITICAL CONTRI- Support Ontario‘s Architects against Foreign Architeéts. Vote for Clendenan and Gibson. WE are persuaded that it is desirable that the hands of Mr. Meredith should be greatly strengthened in order to en« able the party he leads more efieetually to discharge the functions of an Opposiâ€" tion under our system of administration. As our readers well know, we are no ad- mirers of the party system per so. To the impartial observer it can scarcely appear otherwise than as a most awkâ€" ward political device, and one which wastes a large portion of the time, talent and resources available for the public service to say nothing of the corruption ‘ it almost surely engenders. But so long as we are shut up to the use of the party system it is evidently desirable parties should be much more evenly balanced than they have of late been in the Ontario Legislature. There is unv- questionably a good work for an able and patriotic Opposition to do, even in the Ontario Legislatureâ€"The Week. Ifr pleases Reform papers and orators t'o aésoribe the stand taken by Mr. Mereditlmasv an attack on the Catholics. It Would bejust as reasonable to construe resistance to a floputyâ€"sherifi’s over-av charge as an attack on the statutes of the Dominion. 1 Vote for the Farmer’s Cahdidate, John Gibson. Always take the top name and you can’t go wrong. GIBSON SMITH QLENDENAN GILMOUR Be sure and ‘ Mark your Ballots thus: WEST YORK. BUTIONS IN QUEBEC PROVINCE. The License Law“. To the Electors. Boodle Galore. EAST YORK. lll‘ll lb \JU......-. “(1] Crumrnittee,1887. Clm'un........... tion...... val....... Ie'u Committee.... )chet. ...o. IS...',‘..>.......-.. eul Celrfre. . . . . . . . 5| lion . .-..... ......... Carrier. . $25 000 20,000 3,000 700 500 1,500 500 1,000 1,000 2 000 10.000 5,000 2.000 300 “In August, 1888, there wne‘ no election, nod in the peaceful ctlm' of the summer days G‘iit editors were wont to give cXpres-‘ sion {o the views within them without; the fear of hurting the party being too promâ€" inently before their eyes. Speaking th‘us calmly the real sentiments of the worthy men would be expressed. It was upon one of these occasions, to wit. August: It), 1988. thitfth’o'g'o‘od Girit editor of that ironclad Grit paper. the Richmond Hill Liberrl, gave lorth his matured opinion of Hon. G. W. Ross and his management of the Eda; cation Department thus: THE EXAMINATIONS. ‘The very great drop this year in the per- centage of candidates successful in the deâ€" partmental examinations calls for explanaâ€" tion It will not, we Opine, be contended that, there has been a sudden deterioration in both teachers and scholars. The papers set, moreover, excited little or no censure on the score of excessive diliieulty. Nor were the subr‘examineis, as far as we can learn, as wolves to lambs compared“ to the sub-examiners of former years. lecnce, then, came the new influence so potent for slaughter? The conviction is irresistible that its source was” the Minister of Educaâ€" tion. Mr. Ross has, without, doubt, oh~ served, has without doubt been repeatedly told, that the number of teachers is rapidly becoming out of all proportion to the num- ber of schools. Mr. Ross. therefore. takes sudden alarm, givesn sudden pull on the lines, and, presto, the feathers fly thick as the Ieuvesin Ihe autumn blast. Now. we do not complain either of [he plucking of so many or of the motive that prompted“ the plucking. Indeed. we ap- prove of the remedy used lonmintain a balance between the supply of leuclzérs and the demand for then). Bth we object d'ei (‘idediy to the Minister's filful and ermlic manner of applying that remedy. Two years 530 a howl arose throughout the province on account of a too sudden severity. The Department. of Education evidenl‘ly was sca‘red' by the loud clamor, and last year strove to appease the storm by great. leniency in both the papers set and, we should inl'er, in reading the answers of candid‘aleg. and so it seems likely that the country will soon‘be supplied with two dislmcl‘ sel's'of Leachem.‘ 'l’here‘will be Th‘c Editor of the Liberal is alto- gether too fresh for this mundane Sphere. How would it do on his part to grant C": W. ROSS, Minister‘pf' Eduâ€" cation. an gxplanation of the Following,- mkcni‘rcin’the Empire of 28th May lam: It is a fortunate thing for the Editor of the Liberal that the elections (we go to press on Wednesday} “will be finished to-morrow, Othervrise the peer man (it: the time was extended a fen? ‘Wejeks longer) would be completely run off his base. In his last week’s issue he calls upon the proprietor of this paper by name for an explanation regarding the meeting held on the 27th in this ‘village We don’t clairr’f'th'c Editor of the Liberal as our Father Cohil’ésso'r, either in matters imaginary or real. Neither do we think it is any of his business that: any explanation should be granted‘ him’ about. matters that concerns him'net. During the years 1887, 1888, 1889, the number of prisoners committed to the county gaols For drunkenness as compared with the three previous years, was, as regards York, 5360, against 5.073, showing art {increase of {287 We heed not go further into this matter at the presehc time. It shows a b'z'ifid state of afi'airs and it should be the duty of every one who has the prosperity of the countrv at heart to endeavor to create a change by changing the men who now run the State. Vote for Gib~ son and Clepdenaa, Orne Syfi'tctfi of' National Schools from the Atlahtié to l’he Pacific. Vote for Clendenan and Gibson. Scarboro’ ................ $1055 $672 37 Markham Township... 1055 539 90 York,Eust of Yonge Sc 9955 33 ]1 Markham Village ...... 420 143 38 Richmond Hill ......... 420 235 72 East Toronto ............ 455 268 03 And so (be some thing might be shovin as regards every part of {he province. Let us take East York for the year 1889. Amounts received for Provincial Licenses, Transfers, etc., in each muniâ€" cipality : whilst the payments cipalhies have been 1886â€"7.... 1887-8.......... 1888-9 .......... The total collections on account of licenses and fines are as follows : 1886-7 ............ $401,626 65 1887-8 ........... . 393,950 17 1888â€"9 ........... 470,855 50 Whilst the payments back to the muni- cipalities have been for the same years: The Government of' Mr. Mowat has pretended to be in favor of and to do all it can in favor of temperance and also as being opposed to the traffic in liquors, yet what do we find and know? That it is but a few years ago that a big spree took place up the lakes in which large quantities of liquor were used by some members of'the Mowat Government. We also find that the municipalities of the province have been robbed offunds de- rived from the granting of licenses; which sums have gone into the treasury of the province to help to swell the eofâ€" ‘ fers ofa depleted treasury and_ to help ofiice holders to keep the said governâ€" ment in power. H It is sufiicient for us at this timetb‘ quote from public documents. We have under our hand the report of the l Hon. The Provincial Secretary, on the ‘ working of the Tavern and Shop Licenâ€" ses Acts for the year 1889, and we find a statement of the number of licenses of the various denominations issued, and of the number extended, transferred or removed in each of the License Districts of the Province during the past three years as follows: 1886â€"7 ........ ......... 2326 1 887-8 ..................... 2212 1888~9 ........... . ......... 2934 Whilst a reduction is shown in the above of the second year as compared with the first, the third shows a large increase. In tavern and shop licenses 570 of the former and 11 of the latter appears to have been issued more in 1889 than in 1888. he would be a brave writer that would dare to show that it has. The Poor Man. .............. $1055 Township... 1055 of Yonge Sc 995 Village ...... 420 Hill ......... 420 Ito ............ 455 Collected Pd.back “$153,716 .. 156,979 .. 190,297 $672 539 433 143 235 268 37 90 11 ‘3 u 72 03 MCCOLL’S Renowned Cylinder 011 Made onfly by MCCOLL BROS. as 00.“ Toronto. UQPPax-ties from a distance gegtflting Sale 3111's prime can have them done in time fatalie Home the same day. We are prepared to do all kinds of Plain and Ornamental ~P1‘inting at the LOWEST PRICE and on the-â€" Shortest Notice possible. ‘ HERALD’ OFFICE, Thc Opposition have seven seats to two secured :â€" The above character of the Minister of Education coming from such an erudite gentleman as the one that con- trols the Liberal; must surely be taken ‘by the voters of East and West York ‘as conclusive evidence of the unfituess of G. W. Boss, Esq., to hold a position in any government and, more especially in a government that boasts of' its purity and truthfulness, like unto the Mowat Government. We trust that taking this into consideration the friends of Messrs. Gibson and Clendenau will do to the utmost of their ability in helping forward their election, as it certainly would he a pity for the electorate with such a testimonial taken from that pure and zmaddli'emied sheet, The Richmond Hill Liberal, to elect men to power who will support suCh a government as conâ€" tains such a Minister of Education, proâ€" viding it is supported at the polls. The certificate of character should Lcarry great weight with those who imbibe their principles from the columns of our much esteemed contemporary. Wild horses could not draw‘ as much truth as the above out of the L’ib’eral these days." Ione set possessing certificates granted. not to scholarship, but to ministerial fright; ‘there willvbe {mother set possessing certifiâ€" ycate‘s obtained in spite of the most abrupt austerity of examiners. We tell Hon Mr. Ross that. this will not do. We tell him that an éllempts to progressively raise the standard of" Qntario education will, be well received. But to slaughter indistriminately one year, and to, pass indiscriminately the next, is not a progressive apt, Mr. [toss is now mounted on his nigh horse and he will do well not to descend from it.’ London, North Hastings, Cnrdwell, Carleton, Dufferin, Durham East, Grenville. MCCOLL ERGS. 83:100. Toronto. F011 SALE BY SANDERSUN 3395., DEUGEISTS, RICHMOND HILL. The battle is won before it éofiihfiences‘ Has no equal for Engine éyIindcrs. Try it and see for yourself.' Béware of imitations of LA OPPOSITION. LARDINE OIL; The Famous Heavy Bodie‘d Oil for all Machinery. RICHMOND LL MINISTERIAL. Oxford, North, Prescott. Those Who {rise {It Once use it always. few dbses. Support the National Policy and the National Séhools. Vote for Gibson and Cleudenau. What It Will Do. Ito ‘2 bottles of B B. B will cure Headache. 1m 2 bottles of B. B B will cure Biliousness. 1 to 4 bottles of B B B will cure Coustiya» tidii. ( 1 lo 4 bottles of B B. B will cure Dyspepsia. 1 to 6 bottles of B. B. B. will cure Bad Blood. 1 lo 6 bottles of B. B willcure Scrofula. in any case relief will be had from the first HomowAY's Oix'rMENr AND Pundé Travellers and Emigrantsâ€"Those who cross the seas change the climate, but they do not change the constitution. The alu tered conditions oflil'e. the exigencies of travel and other causes render the traveller and emigrant peculiarly liable to diseases and accidents when far from efliciem medi-- cal aid. With these associated remedies at hand they may be said to have a physician alWays at their call, and they may be cer-- tain that situations will be constantly nris-- ing in which they will require a ready re- source in time of need. -The directions for use which accompany each box and pot of Holloway’s Pills and Ointment. are written in plain and simple language, and are up" plicable in all cases. h Thohsuniis are deprived of their votes by the iniquitous Franchise Act of the Mowat Government. Vote for Gibson and Olendenan who will give you regis- tration aria ; universal Voting, doing away with the q'u’ihbletx and batdhéé of the Mowat Act. OUR, LI'LTEE MEN AND WOMEN for June is filled to overflowing as usual with pretty pictures and amusing and entertaining stories and poems. The value of such a magazine in a family of young people cannot be. estimated in dollars and cents. It is a cdn'Stant enâ€" tertainer and educator. Such» articles as those on the “National Flowers". are very instructive; and yet every child can readily understand and enjoy them. $1.00 a year. Specimen copy five cents. D. Lothrop Oonjpany, Publishers, Bos- ton. “mlsom “15,151.,25. 9d An. 6<,l., 11s_, 22, and 335 bncllBox und 130$, and in Onllndfl rat 36 cents (‘0 cents, and 3+ .50 cents, m. d the large sizes 1 nrowortion. (1f? CAUTibN~1 hme no Agent in tb’r United Stains, ndr are my Medicines 50W there. Purchasers ahuuld lherefore 10!!! to the label 0}) lhé Pots and Boxes. [Huff address is not 533, Oxford Street, Long’C-If t'hey nré spurious. The Trade Marks of my said Medicines um" gistered m Ottawn , and also at Washington 33 Oxford streuy, London will befalmd invaluable in tvéry Household the cuieof Open Sores. Hm‘d Tmnm Couglw, Sam Throats, Bronchitis, and all diflorq'. ers of the Throat and 011055, (LS also GLE‘ " Rue}: mutism. Scrome and other kind of skit. diseasa increase tlfio :m‘ret'ory powers of the Livenbrn‘, the nervcns 5 9m, and throw 11110 the cinm â€" Lion the pulls: Elements for sustaining an repah‘ing th frame” Thousands of pnrsons have testified that by their psa- n]one1hey haue been restated to hezfl't‘a'nnd strength. after every ollm' means had Inmd unsuccessfui. ' D'Izmufac'fured only at Profesé’ or Hollowav’s Establishment 533.0xmgn STREET LONDON purify, regulate and impmyo ms qnnllty of B 00d. They finish the digestive omnns, 0199. the ‘ PRESIDENT ‘ Rt Hon Sir John AlMucdonuld, PC. GOD Geo Gooderlmm, Esq William Bell, 33an MANAGING ‘1)mL‘c1jomâ€"Jno F Ellis, Esq This Incomparable Medicine has secgr‘ ed for itself an imperishable fumé? throughoutthe World for the allyeviatioé’ and cure of most diseases f0 whici'f humanity is heir. The 3251118 BAD LEGS.0H) WOUNDH. CULDS REGULATES THE KIDNEYS. Pills & Gintmients The Gintmen'fii LIFE lflfiflfiflfiiflfi' CW Worth their ‘Neight in Gold} REGULATES THE LiVER. Authorized Capital and other Aééétsf over $2,000,000. memes DIGESTIDN. PURIFIES Acts ON THE BUWELS; THE BLUDU. STOMACH AND BOWELS, The Manufactureis’ M. H. KEEFLER, Agent; RICHMOND HILL, TORONTO. VICE-PRESIDENI‘S Fares co/vsnm no” Cures comma/1m” 'cures CONSTIPA TIM Cures Cures Cures Liver, Kidneys and Bowelsx B. B. 13.. by regulating and toning these organs, removes the cause and makes new rich blood, removing all blood‘ diseases from a. pimple to a. scrofulous sore. Bad Blood maÂ¥ arise from yrong uctfion of mefitggnmqh; DEAR Sumâ€"I was var bad with headache and pain my lmck; my hands and feet swelled so I could do n Wink; My sister-iman advise me to, try B. B. B. With one bottle I felt so much better that I got one more. I am now well, and can work as well as ever; ANNm BURGESS, v Tilaonburg, Ont. Bumâ€"‘1 was trauma: {MAW oars with Liver Complaint? used 0. great deal of medicine which did me no good, and was gettin worse all the am: until I fired Burdock Blood Bitters. After taking four bottles I am now well. 1cm also recommendit for the cure of Dygmpslg. __ DEAR Sumâ€"I have tried Â¥our B.B.B. with great sugcess or constipation and pulp in my head. The second dose made me ever so much better; My bowels now move freely and the pain in my head has left me, and to everybody With- ghe same disease I recommend Mr. Neil McNeil, of Leith, Out, writes: ' DEAR Sms.â€"For years and years I suffered from dyspepsia m its worst forms. and after trying all means in my power to no purpose I wma persuaded by friends to try 13.13.11. which I did, and after using 5 bottles I was completely cured. Cures 3110 81.0005 cures BAD BLOOD. Cures BAD BL000. C‘URES DYSPEPSM; CERES DYSPEPSM; CURES DYSPEPSM. Cures Cures Cureé’ THOMAS HOLLOWA (‘11., «an. it} 1 ‘3':J A Prompt Cure. Rama Recovery. M158 F. Wmmms, 445 Bloor sm, Toronto. nil-act Proof. :2 E. Dummy, Hawkatono, ‘ BIL] 0 USNE SS. BIL/OUSNE 861' BIL/0 USNESS. HE ADA CHE: HEADACHE HEADACHE V "L 33cm

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