Our agents have many udvuutugos, such as selling home-grown. luu'dy (‘anudiim stack. Choice New Specilllties, which nrc of value (“111' can only be secured from In, such us a, non’xplcte list of NE‘V RUSSIAN Ai’l’Lllh, the lzl’l'SON PEAR, SAUNDERS PLUM, JULBORN RASP- BERRY. MOOHE‘S RUBY sunl BIA-111i CHAM- PION CUICRAIV'I‘S. MOUJCE'S DIAMOND GRAPE, Eta, Etc “’e have given particular attention M4119 proâ€" ï¬ogation of HARDY VARIETIES suitable to 'the orthern sections 01 Canada. For terms army to We Want reliable, energetic mu)» t.» sell our Nursery stock; previous; experience. not naces» wry; any mun-with tact, and vnergy cam succeed; terms lib’oral; eithér salary or Oommmï¬ion ; out- flv free. FflNTHHJ. FJEIEESEREES. 0' t 26. 1888â€"] year FOR SALE... REGISTERED, HIGH SLAbS I‘EBIGi’fEES .- Gbld Medalist and Honorm‘y Member of the Ontario College of Veterinary Surgeons, Toronto. Richmond Hill every \Vednosdny and Saturday . afternoon. Calls by Mail, Télcphone, or otherwise promptly attended to SHEET Z 39311! I BULLS "THORNH ILL, ONT-â€" ELW‘ James Metcilfg; Esq.“ I ï¬Ã©v.'ï¬11(;2:h ‘VVoo‘d, D. Donna made on security of Company’s Policy at. 5 per cont-interest»? nounsmnde toChurch Trustees, at a low rate of - interest. Send fw’ prospectus. John McDonald,Esq. C. J. Cannibal, Esq., _Hon.8§yqtox_‘McMaster 1 A .Smit ,__]:}sq._ Of London, England,. Sir WnLMcArthuv, K C M G', M. P, ex-Lord Mayor bf London, President. W W Baynes.Esq.F I A,Secretary Reserve Fund. H ,. . $10,000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . l>,600.000 Invesiedâ€in Canada-H . l'.200,000 Dealh chums paid. . . ‘ 10,000,000 Tovai'ro REFERENCES. This House is one of the Best‘ Hotels for be found north of‘Torontn. Everything is manang An Finn Class Style. Sampln Room for Commer- cial Travellers. Good Stnbling and attentive hustlers. Terms, 81 ver day. Proctor’s Bus leaves this Hotel to connect with all the N R R Tmins going'Nm-th and South. at 8 a. 111., 12 a. m†6.10 v m. and 6.00 n m. if Palmer, Pro p. LIFE , Assurance_ §acy AGENTS WANTED- THE V PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. PRIVATE FUNDS TO LSAN. Toronto. May 31th, 1890. CONVEYANCERS, ETC. Toronto Offices-3331523335 Richmond Hill Ofï¬ce-13: THE STAR LAW‘BBNEH 81 MILLIEAN 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. ‘ Edmond Hill Past Oflice Every Saturday. .7 SFullerton Q C, W Cook, B A, W J \Vallnco, .105 A Huedonkld. (at Palmer House) Aumm. lat 8th, 16th, and 22nd touï¬ville ..... .. Markham. Victoria 8 mre. H . Thornhil] (\Valke a Hotel Woodbridge . Kleinburg . . Nobleton . . . . . . . . . . . . 30th 7 Vifgliicd njr u_1_wgys on hand my Thankful for the fawn-a of the past years Haystill be consulted in [my branch of the pro tension, as follows 2LT}! lticbmcmd Hill .......... 9th dz 24th of each meat†On Saturdays. Money to Loan at Lowest Cmmnt Rates A G F LAWRENCE. ’1‘ C MILLIGAN.. ov27th. 1884 lvpointment. It ddes away with the‘ pan in extracting- Fullerton, flick, Wallace & Macdonald. 8. E. Corner King & Yonge Sts., Vitallzed Air for extracting. 1 will ï¬ll teeth without pain at the lowest prices. Best teeth on rubber $8, cheapest RICHMOND :HILL, ONT. (Late of Brooklyn N. Y), formerly Resident ï¬urgeon to the NY. State Vi’omnn's Hospital, ..Y. City, and Visiting Physician i0 St.Jolin’s capital and southern Dispensaries, Brooklyn. Drum: nouns until 10 a m.; and from 6 to 8 pm Hammad Hill Aug 29th, 1859 Dr Euston Sialeg', B A and M B, Toronto Uni~ Varsity, and M C S 0,0! Maple, lute of Toronto, has purohased the residence of Dr Orr, Mapleâ€" will continue practice from same place. VITALEZED AIR ! or A ROBINSON. DR. LEWIS G. LANGS’I‘AFF! Barristers,Solicitors, bx: Eustopï¬iangBA/x and M ginâ€"91110 Uui‘ Ofï¬ce hours belore 10 :1. 111,2 to 3 p 111,? to ‘J p m DR. EUSTON SISLEY, MAPLE- LARflEST IN KARMA. c. H. RIGGS, l... D. s., Barristers, Solicitors, &c. Ofï¬ces Veterinary Surgeom Sec.,‘& Trans. {01" Canaan. 32_.Wellingtun $1,163.95, Toronto STONE £6 WELLINGTON, SURGEON DENTIST, AURORA TORONTO. A D PERRY, 53mm. YOUNG H. QUETTON Sr. (311312911, Oak Ridges 36ml, Quinn, (ï¬zzllmwngh _No. 14 Building 8: Loan chamberst) Toronto st. Dec Ist 888 Toronto, Ont» my places pf Rear of the CentrulBunk 1 y-p 6m LATE.-â€"â€"-'l‘l)e citizens of the Hill who expected their Toronto morning papers before noon on Monday, were sadly disr appointed as rlirough some mishap none did arrive by the morning mail; and not until night set in and the shades of evening cast a pull over the land did the long looked for and long-expected papers from the prosperous 'and growing Queen city of the West come to hand. Whose fault orswhose mistake itrwas we lmow Lot; SURROGATE UOURT.â€"In the Surroâ€" gate Court last week, Mr. Henry Nason, of Winnipeg, proved the will of the late Mr. W. Nason, Weston. Il’is estate is valued at $22,342‘. A grandchild of the deceased gets $500M this amount, and the residue is left to‘ the widow of the deceased. At her death the estate goes to the beneï¬t; of the sons and daughters of the deceased and their deatflrndants. ANOTHER ONE. -â€" The Opposition candidate in Prince Edward county having been returned by a majority of One at the election on 5th June, strange to say on a recount the Minisâ€" terialist has secured the seat by eight of azmujority. l METHODIST CHURCH.â€"In the ab~ sence of Rev. Mr Toye. who it was anmu-nced was to have ï¬lled the pulpit of the Methodist Church here, on Sun'â€" day evening last, Mrs. Lloyd, of this villagel conducted the services. CANAva Temperance League has completh plans for work for another season. A-n engagement has been made with Mr. Joe Hess to remain in Canada for an entire year, eommenciug in Sep- tember, lectuiing and organizing for the: league. POSTPONED.â€"â€"The lacrosse match between the White Rose Club of this place and the Maitlands of Toronto, which was expected to take place on. Saturday next, has been indeï¬b‘itel‘y postponed. Foomâ€"BALL.â€"-â€"The High School foot- ball club of this- piaoe will attend the ariniversary picnic of the Headf‘ord Sabbath School on Saturday next to compete in a tournament; INVITATIONS are out fora wedding, to take [12300 at Weston, on Wednesâ€" day, 25Lh inst, of which the principals will be Miss Ida Coulter and Mr. Thomas Simpson. N0. 5 COMPANY of the P211) Batt‘. under command of Lieut. Holmes, left For camp at Niagara on Tuesday mornâ€" ing last. They were about 30 strong. DR. \VILSO‘N has returned from New York after a course of two weeks in the different hospitaIs 0n diseases of the eye and ear, throat and nose. PICNIC -â€"The Presbyterian Church and Sabbath School will holdâ€" thelr an- nual picnic at Bond's Lake on Saturday next. CARRIERâ€"At West Toronto Juncâ€" tion, Tuesday, the waterworks extention bth to vote $50,000 was carried by a majority of 53. 3 cans Tomatoes for 25 (gents, eoru IO cents per can, plums 10‘ cents per can, peaches 20- cents per can at the Concrete House THE Examination for Entrance to‘ the High School will be held on the 3rd, 4th and 5th July. Two CANS of McCoIl’s machine oil, ï¬ve gallons each, for sale at the HERALD ofï¬ce, at 500. per gal. 8 Piece Toilet Sets for $1 90 44 Piece Tea Set for 2 00 At the Concrete; ‘ MR. JAS. Brownlee is busy preparing to lay an aspha‘lt pavement on the street leading to the park grounds. CHOICE lots- of June butter fdr pack ing can be procured at. the Concrete. TORONTO taxation will be 14% mills on the dollar this year. Try the Concrete's 25c and 30c Tea, either green or black or mixed. Locumâ€"Atkinson & Switzer Entrance Examinationâ€"J. A. E. Switzer. Farmer's lard End bacon choice at the Coucrete. No. 3 The date printed on each paper denotes the time when the subs‘cription expires. We do not hold ourselves responsmxe 101' me opinions of our Correspondents. muy‘ime tound on hie (Lt Gen P. Rowen & Co’s Newspaper Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce st.)where advertis- ing contracts may be made for ith NEWYORK CATARRH‘, GATARRHAL DIAFNEssâ€"HAY FEVER A NEW HOME TREATMENT. Suflerers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact. and the result of this discovery is that a simple remedy has been formulated where- by catarrh, cetarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from one to three simple applications made at home by the patient once in two weeks. N.B.â€"This treatment is not a snuff or an ointment; both have been (liscarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt of ten cents by A. H. Duran & SON. 303 West King Street. Toronto, Canada.â€"Toronto Globe. Sufferers from Catarrhal troubles should :arefully read the above, Local and General. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, ’90. We ‘iilnrk ï¬rmm. NOTICE TO S U135 ORIBERS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richmond Hlll. Ont. Whole No. 1667 Volume 32. zené of Galt and expressed themselves as being highly pleased with their day’s outingandwhe Summer Carnival. OUR BOYS AT Gumâ€"On Friday last, the hose and hook and lalder teams in connection with the brigade ofthis vil~ Inge accompanied} by the band attended the Firemen’s Tournament held in Guilt, and were successful in winning second place in the hose race and had an acciâ€" dent not happened would: probatly have won the hook and ladder race. Al- though not fully sustaining the high reputation which they won for them- ‘sclves at previous tournaments in ’Guelph, Toronto and Aurora, by securâ€" ing ï¬rst place on each occasion and thereby winning the championship of; Ontario. they still do credit to them- selves and are a source of pride to the residents of Richmond Hill. It must be remembered. in justice to them, that in competing in these races they meet teams from much larger towns and are thus placed on entirely different footing. A town with a population of Several thousand have a great deal more Ina- terial to choose from and must necesâ€" sarily have a great advantage over a small village with a population of 800, therefore we claim that in winning second place under such adverse circum~ stances they are deserving of great praise. They reported favorably of' the usage they received at the hands of the citi- LAID AT REST.â€"â€"The remains of Mrs. Bernard Cosgrove, who was among the pioneer settlers of Markham, were laid‘ away in the grave on Saturday at Thornhill. The good old lady had re- sidedrin- Victoria Square, Markham, for fortyâ€"ï¬ve years. She was one of the most estimable and respected of' women: The funeral was attended by many people From the adjoining districts and" from the_city. A line of' carriages. quite a mile in length, followed the body to the graveâ€"side. The casket was carried“ by ï¬ve sons, James, Francis, John J.,‘ Thomas and William and a sonâ€"in«law iof‘ the deceased, J. Marshall. The funeral rites were said by Rev. Father Egan, who referred very touchineg to the good qualities of heart which all who had known Mrs. Uosgrove had exâ€" perience of. He said she would be missed by many friends and many who had- known her kindness. She was the mother of Mr. J. J. Uosgrove of the inâ€" land revenue department of Toronto, and Mr. Francis (Josgrove of this village. THE FIRST OF THE SEASON.-0n Wednesday evening last the grounds of M r. Jas. Kerswell were illuminated With a number of Chinese lanterns, it. being the occasion of the annual garden party of St. John’s. Church, ()ak Ridges. The band enlivnned the entertainment with a number of ï¬ne selections. The tables as usual were ï¬lled with good things;- iceâ€"cream, oranges. candies.ete,, were to be had for a trifle. Croquet, and swinging were indulged in by the young people. The tableau, the Iriin Courtship, was very good. The ladies and gentlemen deserve credit for it being such a marked su'eeess. The proceeds amounted to over $60. THE YonK CoUNCILâ€"â€"The County Council adjourned from Saturday night until Tuesday. Councillor Stephenson introduced a by law to appoint a soliciâ€" tor, and the following gentlemen were nominated: J K. Kerr, Q. 0., W. D. Gregory, George H. Stephenson, Mr. Lawrence, of Lawrence 8; Milligan and C. C. Robinson, Q 0. After considerâ€" able discussion Mr O. C. Robinson was decided upon at $600 per annu-m for his services. Mr. Rouden was appointed' a director of the Lake Simeoe Junction railway. The council then entered upon the revision of the by laws. FIRE BRIGADE MEETINGâ€"A special meeting of Richmond Hill Fire Brigade was held on Monday evening last for the purpose of‘devisi‘ng ways ‘and means to procure new uniforms and a committee was struck to solicit subscriptions for the same. A letter was also read from the (hit touTnament committee enclosing a cheque for $40, anti the thanks of the townspeople of that place for the [Hi-- gade’s attendance. ..\1ALL POTATOESâ€"We have been cro itany informed that a printed cir- cular was issued from the Head Quart ers of Dr. Gilmour, just proï¬ious to the last local election, to which was attached the name of N. C. Wallace, the purpose of which circular was to induce the friends of that gentleman to vote for †truth and righteousness" in the person of the doctor. MANITOBA EXCURSION.â€"â€"The ï¬rst f'armcrs’ excursion to Manitoba fur the season over the C. P. R, left on Tuesâ€" day with ï¬ve extra cars containing about 240 passengers. The farmers are going out to Manitoba and the Northwost Territory to see the cropsnnd prospects for farming. THE will of the late Leonard Kester, I Soc of Markham, was ï¬led for probate oul Tuesday, He left a farm worth 83.0001 Mrs Lloyd to his son, Melville Kester; a house Ingerson- and lot at Markham and $100 a year to) Miss Perryml his widow, and to his two daughters hel Bicknor P568- lef't his personal property, less $100 for Mrs. Brother a monument, l ing her old frie: Vomns’ henâ€"The voters’ list for the village of Stouifville for the year 1890, has just been printed. The) list contains 357 voters; 266 are entitled to vote at both municipal elections and elections to the Legislative Assembly; 75 can vote at municipal elections only, and 16 are qualiï¬ed to Vote at elections for the Legislative Assembly only.â€" Tribune. SPECIAL SERMONâ€"Rev. G. N. Rutledge will preach a special sermon to the ï¬remen of this village in [he Metho- dist Church on Sunday evening next. Firemen will please takenotice and gov - ern themselves accordingly. A full at-- lendance is requested. For further parliculars see black-board at ï¬re hall. A GOOD CONTRACTOR AND BUILUER â€"-Mr. John Kelly, Contractor and Builder, has just completed a very ï¬ne residence in Deer Park for Mr. Jos. Jackson. It is an exceptionally ï¬ne one and devolves great credit. upon MLKelly. He started at the brickwork of' Mr. John Palmer’s new residence, here, on Monday last. 7 The “ spirit of the limes’ indicates that his hour is not yet quite camel Let; us have patience and walclisnndry shifting scenes in the administration of his {resent strange but lucky career. He is much older than I am so I don’t, mind his delay. The plant “courage†is-of slow growth in his case. Eminent. men like Mr. Gladâ€" stone. Sir John Macdonald and H on. Oliver Mowat can make a sad break-down at times, yet still mount over it. somehow eventually; but that takes much timel Public opinion is llinLy-heurled and don’t. cry over any such spilt. milk, no matter be men titled, rich, witty or poor. We admire good principles only. ‘ Crilricismrhereon Vis earnestly invited from Reform newspapers specially. Toronto, June 1511:, 1890; if he stands his grbund and does not hand over the PieXItiurslaip to Hon. S. H. Blake (this is not improbable) he may ï¬nd it absolutely necessary to adopt the same wise course next session as Sir John once did when cornered. The Attorney-General's eighteen years of success under SUCH' Cir- cumstances, llis marvellous powers as a leader of men, do not amount to mf‘eather’u weight. and should count, for’nouah't in the eyes of intelligent men, rightly understood As to the live “present†and our T0- ronto Grit Chieftain: His actione“ in dis- posing of a certain eschealed estate. where- in be for puliticai consideratSCns‘ neglected to do his duty by enquiring into forgery and olher crimes done by others to defraud legal -heirs, leaves him at any moment openlt'o be scouted by both friends and foes as living under grave suspicion of being ac- counted guilty of disgraceful acts therein, or even actually with his eyes wide open, compounding such offences, all of which have again and again been fully explained by me in various newspapers, and the At.» torney-General never denied any one of my l charges; these I shall continue to repeat whenever in the public interest I think if useful so to db. Simâ€"Usefully.ruminating on these mig- geslive issues, now elections are over, it may be ï¬tting to btieï¬y touch upon and ex- emplify them in a few indireét trite lines. As to the ï¬end 'i'“ pdst †and. our Ottawa Conservative Chieftain: His peculiar bar- gain of old with Sir Hugh Allan for large sums of money to carry elections conscien- tiously’ attempted at risk for the ultimate beneï¬t of Canada and build our Pamfl‘c railway was ignored and scouted by both friends and foesâ€"deemed “disgraceful “â€" could not possibly be tolerated. Sir John foresaw grim lute standing before him, scales in hand, so ndroitly defeated dismis- sol by timely resignation. His name and fame, his eminent. administrative abilities, his wonderful powers as n leader of men, ‘ under svou circumstances. he well knew, did: not amount to n feather's weightl so counted for nought l and ltï¬pnstsflcon 1m: 172,.deiixiéï¬adJI 904 To (-1 Hilliard, {01- 160 loads of gravel' on Kleiuburg road, at 37¢ coma ............... 60 0h Jus McDonough, for grading on Kleinburg 1151 .. H 3 00 ' Carried The Councxl then adjourned umil Tues- day the 81h day of July next to meet at 1‘0' To A mam [Ex drain ............ -To W Turner, for repairing culvert; and ï¬l- ling in washout ..... . To J acob Snider. for drawing gravel ............ ToJ L Ciurd. for 61 feet of cedar timber To Leads Richardson, for two road scrap- are at $10 To Wm Glugfor 45 cedar posts delivered at 15¢ each .................................... To Imus Reqmau, for cedar supplies. 3 DISTRICT No 2. To J L Cardï¬or cedar timber for Edgoly bridge utï¬o To John Sn u. r and g11m‘diug,.. To A Win *1 brï¬ige‘ut Edgelâ€"y Moved by Mr. High,aeconded by Mr. W. Watson. that lhe treasurer be and is here v by authorized Io pay the fol-lcvfiflg road accoauks fâ€" Moved by Mr. High, seconded by Mr. Arnold. lbal the assessment roll as revised be ï¬nally passed by Lh‘is Court. and Certiï¬ed by the Clerk as 50 passed and that it shall be valid and binding on all persons can-- Germ-d nomil’llslanéing any error or defect in regarding said rollâ€"Carried. The Court then adjourned sine die. The Council Ihen met for general busiâ€" “€38 The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan met at the Town Hall on Mon- day, 16th June, 1890, as adjourned Court of Revision. The Reeve in She chair. Members presentâ€"Messrs. High,Arnold, Watson and Watson. There being no {umber business before the Court, The Reeve in the chair. Members presentâ€"Messrs. High, Arnold, Watson and Watson. Mrs Lloyd left. today (Thursday) for Ingersoll. Miss Perryman, of Toronto, is visiting at Mrs Graham, of this village, wont to Toronto to'attend the celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson’s (formerly of this place) ,goldcn wedding which look place on Tuesday evening. Mr. Moï¬'at and Miss Moffati of Toronto, are the guests of Mr. John R. Arnold. A Richmond Hill School erI. The following is a letter written by a little girl of eight years of age belonging to this village :â€" Anabella comes over every night to play and we have lots of fun. We went fishing last Saturday and caught seventeen ï¬sh and the cat ate them allI so we did not have the pleasure of eating them. There was a big hog in the yard and it went into the barn and ate some eggs. Miss Harris’s lily is out in bloom and it looks very pretty; I have quite a family of chickens to feed, and this morning there was three more. We shall soon have the holodays. We have got three little kittens hero and two big cats. Ley has twenty mnrlrs at school; he likes going to school. How is Gearldine 7 Is Nellie home yel 7 When will you need me home. because I will come when you want me to. Mm. Brothers, of Milton, has been visit- ing her old friends in this village. Miss Maude Spragge, of Owen Sound, is staying at her sister’s. Mrs. John Boyle. Lansing P. 0., June [1:11, 1890 MY DEAR M0’l‘HER,â€"I hope you are well also pa and all. Is Genevieve better? 1 hope she is. I hOpe you had not as much ruin as we had here for Jessie’s wedding. We had quite a little pxrly in honour of it We played carpelballs and other games. Ley and 1 are asked om to tea to-dmorrow to meet two or three more children. The Dead Past and Live Present. H Murder will Out.â€--â€"Shalcespeare Vaughan Council. Society Notes. [ADVERTISEM-arm 1 DISTRICT No 3 DISTRICT No. 1 ' 1' and guarding... 12 57 " bfï¬dge‘ut Edgelâ€"y 2000 35 8?; 55 00 18 00 400 160 3‘20 Persons ck. (ms of keeping ï¬les of the Toronm to daily papers can be supplied with several years of the Globe, Mail and Empire. Apply to Lute pupil of Toronto Art School, desires to inâ€" form tho public that she is prepared to give inâ€" strucbion in Painting or dmwiug. at her home or the residoucos of pupils. Termsâ€"$4.00 for 20 lessons. Richmond Hill, May 29th 189’) JOHN BROWN 3rd,. 4th, and 5th Ju-Iy, The next Examinations for Entrance to the High School will be held on Richmond Hill High Salami. This powdernevor varies. A marvel of purity strength and wholcsmneness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of 10W test,shm‘t weight alum or plmsphato powders. Sold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER 00., 106 Wall up w 17 Stu N.Y‘ The facts of the case will be readily re-- called. Henry Leach was killed sometime ago on the Pape avenue crossing by an engine of which White was in clmrge The engineer was charged with man-- slaughter, held for sometime, and ï¬nally discharged at :1 recent gennrnl spssions. In the meantime n suit for $10.000 had been begun by the r-stnte of Henry Loneli‘ and the motion was one ofthe stages in the case, which has hben traversed several times’ from nssizie to 1283723. The motion was made on the ground that the printed hunk of legnlations {or the glidance of the servants of the company had not as yet been put in evidence. One ~0f the rules in the book “as that a driver in chai'ge of' a light engine had all the povyers of a conductor. In view of this Casanovaâ€"In the Township of Markham. on Thursday, June 12th, Ann, the beloved wife of Mr. Bern (ml Cusgrove, aged 8b years. JARImT'l‘»â€"Ou June 9th, Marmaduke Jarrett. late of the Township of Vaughan, aged 73 years; representation the tion Whe costs to suit. The causes of summer complaint, dim-- rl‘oea, dysenterv. cholera morhus. etc, are the excessive heat, Pating green (run, over Fx‘mfi‘nn, impure Water and sudden chill. Dr. Fuwler’s Wild Strawberry i8 an infalu lible and prompt cure for all bowel com - plainls from whatever cause. In the Chancery Divisional Court. at. 05-- goode hall, a motion for an order for the examination: of Smart While, engiiie driver on the Grand 'l'runk railway. was made But to do all this gigantic work, to 110-- complish 80 wondrous a deed, required much thought and much energy, for with-- out these combined. this mighty work could not harm been accomplished. And thus he did it There is a wise saying, “ Don’t spare printer’s ink I†and Holloway spared neither ‘printer's ink,â€nor vast piles of the precious metal, gold. He advertises in all the languages spoken among civilized notions-and whether you go into France, Belgium, Holland, Prussia, Denmark, Russia, Greece, Spain Portugal, Swnzer-- landâ€"nay, we might say all tb‘e kingdoms of the worldâ€" and in a thousand tongues they talk of “Hollowny’s Pi-lls!â€â€"â€"in a thousand languages they utter “Holloway’s Ointment! We are ï¬lled with boundless wonder and astonishment that one man. one mind, one head. could plan and devise all this; and we say that, if one man has really done so. there must be some wond - erl'ul curative properties about his Pills and ()intment.â€" Poet Close’s Historical Notices. Amongst men who have forced their way to fume and fortune we may name, as an example to all, worthy of imitation, the famous and justly celebrated Thomas Ho]d loway, better known throughout the “wide, wide world†for his Pills and Ointment. Of these medicines it is not our purpose to speak~we am not writing puff, but solid plain facts, to show what Can be done by great strength of mind; and that what one man has done another may do, provided Ilia) he has the ability and determination to use it with all his soull We read of the Grettt Napoleon. whose ambition was to conquer the world, but. Holloway has done something else, for, instead of shedding oceans of human blood, he has cured his thousands, and spread great joy among the poor sons and duughé ters of affliction by his wonderful Medi-‘- cines; and, although he does not pretend to “raise the dead," yet he has given strength to the haltund soundnessto the lame; and if he has not “opened the eyes of the blind,†lte ltaa soothed the pain-- worn. and comforted those on the brink of the grave: tutd in the four q‘uttrtet's of the globe his preparations have found their wayâ€"~not by the force of the sword, not with the aid of legions, but have been silently borne on the bosom of old ocean in our huge merchant ships to every corner ot'the civilized worldwh‘e‘re suffering man is to be found. Men of Extraordinary Nerve and Firmness of Purpose. ENTRANCE EXAMINATION Absolutely Pure. chair-mm}; of E wuwrmgr \ R9YAL 93w 85m nun, Duh ,. NOTICE. MISS J. SEAGER, The Deadly Crossmg. What’s tha Reason? Commencing at 9 a m NOTICE. 1)EATH. T HE HERALD OFFICE 1e court allowed the mt»- to go with success in lbe J1 A. E. swu‘ZEzc.‘ hecâ€"Treus., B of E 52 tf INS?EGT WE STMK: WE LIFT UP OUR VOICE A, EAVETROUGHHG AND REPAIRING PIHHIPTIJY ATTENDED T0 Richmnd : gill ; Eardware: Store Enealed Wire, Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, Nails, Garden Tools, Chums, Carpet Sweepers, Building Paper, Scales, Hot Air Furnaces,~1mtp Rooï¬ng, Stoves, ’I‘inware of all kinds, Pocket Knives, 'l‘able Cutlery, Carpet Felt, Ciatern Pumps, and all kinds of Hardy“ ware and 'l‘i’nware. z†()f the Delhi Reporterâ€"a well-=known journalist says: “I consider Burdock Blood Eilters the best medicine made, and would not he witlmut it on any account. It should be kept in every house in the land.†“Where did you get that hat? \Vhere did you get that tile ? What did you pay for that ? Don’t you admire the style? Nobby, Ishould lemark, Won on election bet, Always back E. F. Clark, Would you a new hat get.†Plucking Violets. As “violets plucked will never grow again†so a good name once lost we never can regain. An article which lifter ex» tended trial won great fume and as time rolls on by good deeds still increases, il is Bhrdock Blood Bitters the best cure for dyspepsia and all blood diseases. Many of the worst attacks of cholera mm'bus, cramps, dysentery. colic, 610., come suddenly in the night and speedy and prompt means must be used against them. Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it at hand for emeru gencies. It never fails to cure or relieve. Atkinson 29- Switzer, IMPORTERS. ‘ He proposed to his love in a letterâ€"â€" She was silent as one who is dead; He fretted and fumedâ€"then discovered He’d sent a prescription i’u‘stead ! u I TAKE pleasure in certifying that I have used Dr. Fowler’s Extract Uf Wild Slrawberry in my fumin for years and ï¬nd 2"! u sure ‘cure for diarrhoea and summer complaints belh for childlen and adults. uch cny LU :Luy them lur a tune, and then have them. return again. I MEA N A R5 D 1 CA L C KSR E 1‘ 1' heuie made the disease of Fits, Epilepsy or Falling Sickness a life-long study: Iwanant my remedy to Cure the worst cases. Because others have failed is no reason {or not; now receiving a cure. Send at once fora treatise and a Free Settle of my Infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Ofï¬ce. It costs you nothng for a trial, and it will cure you. Address :â€"H. G. ROOT; M.c., Branch Oï¬ice. I86 W'EST ADELAIDE GTREE'I] TORONTO. < . TO THE EDITOR: Please inform vour readers that I have a ositlve remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands ofho'peless cases 1ave been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Ofï¬ce Address. Respectfully, T. A. SLOGUM, [VI-0., I86 West Adelaide Sta. TORONTO, ONTARIO: .‘ To announce that we ekpect every man to do‘ his duty by himself and family and come. and" . It’s a‘big thing and a good thing and we want‘ your {’0 know it. Take our word just enough to come and see the Goods; Tlchborne, K. 84. P. R. R. Co; In seeing what We’ve gotâ€"there’s positive loss in not (10mg so. That's all Ior‘n'ow. Forewarned ls Forearmed. The Straight Tip. When he knows he has a good thing is eith‘eti' deï¬cient in wind or wisdom; An M. D.'s Blunder.- SELLS CHEAP FOR CASH. Editor Pemberton. THAT’S ALL WE ASK“. O. Mus. Joins MéMAHON, Tichborne, Ont. l l COME to the HEMLD Book and Cheap Fancy Store for yOur books, sta- Lionery, embroidery, silks of all kinds and shades, Berlin, zephyr, AndalUbiaU and Saxony wools in all colors. “Julius, is you better dis morning?‘i “ No, I was better yesterday, but ise git oberdaL†“Am dere no hopes ob your‘ discobery ‘1" "Discobery of what?" "Your discobery from de convulescencd what am fetching you on your back." “Dan depends, sah', altogeddxh on the prognosliiicalion which implies de disease; should dey cominuale fatually, de doctor thinks I'se a gone. Should dey not con-J Iinuate i'munlly. be’ Hopes dis cullud indin‘ vidqu wou'i die dis time. But. as 1 said afore, dat all depends on de prognostics; and [ill dese c’dmes to a head. dare am no telling wedder dis pusson will collie to d discontinuation or odderwise. â€"The highest lauthentic speed?!) short-3 hand was the feat of a wom'an. who wrote‘ 307 words in one minute. ‘ AND ALL SUMMER coMï¬iA'm'rs AND FLUXES‘ OF THE aoszs IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE Foit CHILDREN OR ADULTS. When 1 say Cure 1 do not mean merely to stop them {9r afltime, ain‘d_t_lgen mlnr.‘ 1' L-,--, , musmns or BOTTIES GWEN AWAY YEARLY. IARRHCEAQ YSEETERY 1151:3125 flags, 0 L: I C ’amx‘ R AM PS TBflWEERRY? HQEEERA‘ SURE“ SHRED“- CURES