Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Jun 1890, p. 2

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Our agents-have many udvuubuges, such as. selling ; hemegruwn. hardy Cnnndiun stack. Choice New Specialties, which ul'u of Value amt can only be secured hum us, suoh m5 :1 amnplubu list ofihEW RUSSIAN APPLES, the HI'Z‘RUN I’EARvSAUNDERS PLUM, HlLILUL'N 1: h BERRY.MUOR1" ' RUBY-I'md liLA<J§ CHAM PION' OIHIILANLS. MOUEE’S DIAMOND GhAl’E’Véltc” Etc “’0 have given particular attention to the pro» ogati’ou‘of'rflixlu)Y VARIE’l’lEb suitable to LL15, . orthemwectious of Canada. I’crterms upply to Wel'wanbireliable,energetic men to sell our Nursery) amok; previous experience not neces« nary; any man with tact and energy mu] succe , terms liberal ; .either salary or commission; uut- fit free. FHNTHILL NUBEEHIES, Oct 26. 1888-4 year FOR S.IXLE.. REGISTERED, [1101! “ABS l’EDlGBEES . 6015' Medalist rmd" Homorm'y Member of the Ontario College of Veiemmry Surgeons, Toronto. Richmond Hill'every Wednesday and Saturday afternoon. Chm Uy Mail, Telephonu, or otherwise promptly ‘ attended to SHflflT i am I BELLS IA.W ON'I“.' This Houseie one of the Best Howls to he lound north of Torontn. Everything is managed m First Class Style. Sample Room fur Common ciul Travellers. Good Staming mu] attentive uostlers. Terms, $1 per day. l’mcmr‘h Bus deaves this Hotel to connect wilh ml the N 1‘» R Twines going North and South. ut B a 111., 12 a. $31., 5:10 p m. and 6.00 n m. John McDonald, ESQ. : C. J. Campbell, Esq., Hon. Senntm‘Md’M Esta)" A. .SmiLh, Esq. James Metcalfe, Esq. Rev. Enoch Wood, D. Loans made onsecufity of Compuny's Policy at 9116! cent interest. Lonnsmmlo 'toChurch Trustees, ntn low rate of interest. Send for prospectus. Of London, Eughmd,‘ Sir Wm. McArthur, K C M G, M. E, ex-Lord Mayor 55‘ London, President. Fullerton, Cook, Wallace & Macdonald. Barristers, Solicitors, ac‘ om cos 1 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. Richmond. Hill Post Ofice Every Saturday. J S Fullerton Q C, W Conic, B A, \V J \Vullaco, J as A Mncdouuld. THE PALMER HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. .T Palmer, Prop. PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN Tarmac. Maw ‘Ez-th, 1890. Assurance. Sec? CONVEYANCERS, ETC Toronto Oflices-Eg’fibliififi Richmond Hm Office-33, THE STAR LAWRENEE 8: WHEN Money to Loan 04 Lowest Current Rates A G F LAWRENCE. "1‘ C Mums/m; 0v 27th. 1884 WAN TED- Thankful for the favors of the past years maystill be consulted in (my brunch of the pro fusion, rm follows ‘ 29:; Richmond Hi1} .. 9th & 211th of each mout- Vifiilimrlnior House)” 7m ” "w Alumina“ 15b, 8th, 16th, and 22951 ton tn i110 ...... Markham ...... .. Victoria Square ‘ .. Thornhill (\Valket s HOLOH Wondbridge Kleinburg .. Noblcton C. H. RIGGS, Lu- D, S., :5. E. Corner King & dege Sta, TORONTO. toufl“. i110 . . , . . . . V I ’ . ‘ . do Markham ...... .. do Victoria Square ‘ .. , (In Thornhill (Walker‘s H0th 23rd do Wondbridge ...... “2801 do Kleinburg .. ..,29th do Noblcton .. . now do Vitalized {Lit always on hand m: the places of appointment, 11; does away with the pan in extracting- Vitallzed Air to; én teeth \vlthout 1mm at me 1‘ teeth on rubber $8, cheupest .cting. I will fill "est prices. Best Ribfiybfim {Hulk CRT. (Late of Brooklyn N. Y), fm'x‘nefiy Resident Surgeon to the State Winnmi’s Hospim], N.Y. City, and Visiting Physician in SLJMm's Hospital and Southcm Dispensaries, Brook]; IL OFFICE nouns until 10 n m.; and from G to 8 pm Richmond Hill Aug 29th, 1859 as purchased the residence hf Dr ()rr, Maple»~ ill continue practice from sumo place. BIL LEWIS n. LANGSTAFF: VITALIZED AER! Barristers,Solicitors, DI: Eusbornrsrisley, B A mid M B. Toronto Uni. étfice hours before 10 a in, 2 {o 3 p m, 7 to 9 p in bR. EUSTON sistEY, MAPLE W Baynes.Esq.F I Afiecrotary Reserve Fund. . . A. . .310;000,000 Annual Income . . . . . . 1.600.000 Invested in Canada.. . i.200,000 Death claims paid. . . . 10,000,000 Tap-33m REFERENCES- LARGEST IN UANAM. Veterinary Surgeon» Bocfidz Them. for Canada. 32,Wcllingtou St, East, Toronto Dec lat 883 STONE 85 WELLINGTON, Dr A ROBINSOH. . (finimnmtgh, SURGEON DEN TIST, A URORA fittuliml. On Saturdays. A D PERRY, LIFE YOUNG flmmL £11131. H. QUETTON Sr. GEORGE, Ouk lu‘dges ‘No. U! Building & Loan chanmbcrsfla’) ‘vrontost. Wmmmnxnzmmmmflmmmnm ,m~mwmmc¢m Terouto, Ont Rear of the Contra] Bunk do (10 do do do do do do the places 91' 1 yâ€"p 6m SPECIAL SERMUN.â€"~Ou Sunday even: Eng last the Rev. Mr. Rutledge preached a-speeiul sermon to the firemen of this ~rillage in the Melhcdist Church. He Look for his text the 5th versu of (he 3rd Ichapter ol‘ the General Epistle of Juuxca, Rind preached nu cxcellenL sermon much ,10 the admiratieu of} a large congrega- may CABRIED.~â€"Th8 byâ€"law authorizing the Toronto City Council to take over the Street Railway property under arbi- tration was carried- an Szuurduy by a majority of more than :welve to one. FltUl'I‘awThe Canadian Horticult’tjrist says the present indications are that Ontario will have the largest fruit crop ever harvested provided no untoward circumstances arise in the meantime. Mn. COLLINS, the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge inspector, successor to the late Inspector Waulcss, fell from one of the old Credit Vaiisy bridges and was badly injured on Saturday, IV“ RAINBOW SOCIA71.~â€" no ladies of the Methodist Church here will hold their anuqu entertainment- on July lst, in the park grounds. It will probably surpass all previous ones. WM. MATHEWS, aged 25, five feet eight inches, dark complexioujs missing from Malvcrn village, York County. He wore :L dark coat and trousers and a light overcoat. REV. Father Egan, of Thornhill, apr plied to the Surrogate Court for power to administer the estate 01' the hm: Wil~ I'iam Conliu, of Lansing. The property 1s small. THE Stunsbury and O'Connor boat race which was rowed on the l’aramattu river on Monday last was won by the former under protest, O’Connor claimâ€" ing a {‘01)}: SERVICES will be held in the English Church here, next Sunday, morning and c‘vcning. TUE Depnrnnentnl Examinations will begin on Tuesday, July 8th. ’1‘. H, Roddiu, Esq, Principal of [lie Aurora Iliin School, will preside. THE postponed lacrosse match beâ€" twoen the White Rose Club of this vil- lage and (he Maitlunds of Tcroato will take place on the 12111 ofJuly. THE members of the Mechanics’ Inâ€" stitute will please bear in 11110ng that as next Tuesday is Dominion Day the library will not be opened. THE HERALD will be issued on Friâ€" day next week. Try :hc Concrete’s 25c and 300 Tea, either grow or black 01' mixed. 2 CANS snimon {01-25 ets. this week at the Fire Proof. Will 1). Atkinson THE “EIGHTH 01v IMPUDENCE.â€"- The so called Ruf'urmcrs of these days calling thcscopposcd to them in politics -â€"--T0ri<’s. Two CANE of McColl’s machine oil, five gallons each, for sale at the HERALD oflice, at 500. per gal. H. M. McCuaiq, Esq, will preside at the Entrance Exams. to be held on the 3rd, 4th and 5(1101‘ July in this village. SCHOOL will be closed for vacatio; to-morrow. LOVELY Cretonnes at 8 and 10 (its. at the Fire Proof. Will D. Atkinson. 15 BAERS Laundry Soap, large size, for 25 6:8 at the Fire Proof this week. \Vill D. Atkinson. Piece Toilet Sets for $1 90 44 Piece Tea Set for Q ()0 Farmer’s lard and bacon choice at‘the' Concrete. 5 LBS Starch for 25 cm, at She Fire l’roef’this week. Will D. Atkinson; No . 4 SEE the elegant line of muslins a“; the Fire Proof this week. \Vill D. Atkinson The date printod on much pnper denotes time when the subscription ounrcs. We do not hold oursol as rasponsxme 1er omninns of our (kn mmmnduuta. LOCILIBA\Vi11 D Atkinson THIS PAPER}: A'dvqrfi‘siun linrvuu (In Sluuco :41.)\\'1mr<\:LdGmtls- ing contr ' my be made fm‘ in IN NEW YORK CATARRH, QATARRHAL DEAFNESS_HAY FEVER A NE“! HOME TREkTMCNT. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are clue to tho presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose aml eustachian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a. fact, and the result of this discovery is that a. simple remedy has been formulated where- by catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are permanently cured in from 0110 to three simple applications made at homo by the patient once in two weeks. N.B,~77Thi3 treatment is not a snuff 01' an ointnivnfi; both have been discarded by reputable physicians as injurious. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent on receipt pf ten cents by A. H. DIXON & SON, 303‘7'West King Street, Toronto, Canada..â€"â€"Toronto Globe. Sufferers from Catnrr} 1’31 troubles should :areiully read the above.» SEE Oscar J. Brown's new ad. STRAWBERRIES are in the marker Local and General. HOT weather and mosquith prevail l Whole No. 1668 Volume 32 THURSDAY, JUNF 20, ’90f We $10.13: NO TICE 7'0 S U138 (71171319715. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Richrhona Hm. Om. At the Concrete. mny [m 101111111miflcu$ (200 1’. Howell Aztio’s prapupor L459lele {1'10 010 C. P. libâ€"Although a gloom has been cast over this town by the news of the railway accident which caused the death [of two respeeted eitizensaud the disaster ‘ was a very appaling one, had it not been lbl‘ the thoughtfulness of the C. I). R.’ people a whale train load of" passengers would have been carried to destrttction 0n the detective bridge and the St. George calamity repeated. It; is to the credit of the C. P. R. management that. in the histni'y of their extensive and far reaching passenger trulfic not a single passenger has ever- been killed on the roud.~â€"l‘ribuue. v THE MuswAL JOURNALâ€"Are you interested in music or musicians '5" If so, are you reading any of the current Musical publications? Among: the ex~ changes which we receive is the Musical Jam‘nala 20 page monthly, published by Messrs. Tiuinis & 00., Toronto, con- taining 'mueh of'interest to amateur and“ professional alike. The publishers of the Musical Journal will send :1 sample copy free on receipt ol'your name and address, and also make a special offer, which would be advantageous for the Musical portion of our readers to ucwpt. ANNIVERSARY PICNIC.â€"The ladies and friends ol’ the Presbyterian Church, Thornhill, will hold‘ their Anniversary Picnic 0n Dominion Day, July lst. in the beautil'ul gxovc of Mr, John Laugv stuff, near the celebrated Hawthorn Mineral Springs. The Richmond Hill Brass Band will furnish music for the occasion. Tea will he served from 4 p. m. Tickets 25') cents. Strawberries and Ice Cream will be furnished at low rates. The public is cordially invited. (’1) ADVICEâ€"Th1: breeE'y and widely read paper, the Danville Breeze, prescribes for its delinquent subscribers as follows :â€"“ If you have frequent headaches, dizziness and faint- ing spells. accompanied by chills, cramps, corms, bunions, eliilblains, epilepsy and jaundice, it is a sign than you are not well, but are liable to die any minute. Pay your subscription a year in advance. and thus make yourself solid for a good obituary notice.” THE July number of Our Little Men and Women reaches our table promptly, as usual, The little stories and verses are attractive and charmingly illustrated. The child who is so fortuv nate as to have this magazine is tilled with new delight as each number comes from the post-office, and its happiness for the time is complete. I). Lothrop Company, Boston, publishers. $1 a year, 1.0 cents a number. BABYLAND is alvrays charming. The July number is now lszsucd, and will be joyfully welcomed by {he lmstof Bubya land subscribers. . Every child‘f'rmu‘ six months to six years old will tie the betâ€"- ter and happier for having thin“ delightâ€" ful monthly. It cosls but 50 cents a year. D. Lothrop Company, Boston, are the publishers. GRAND GARDEN PARTY,MTIIC gur- dcn party of the season is purpost to be held at Bicknor Place, on the 9th July, at which all the delicacies of the season will be in order. The grounds will be a quiet retreat for those who doâ€" sire to spend :1 pleasant hour or two and it is to be hoped many will avail them- selves of the oppmtuuity. Particulars by bills will be issued to~morrow. A (70W belonging to Thos. Newton, Sweuhorg mud, was dclivcred of a calf that Was somewhat of a freak. II: had six legs: and two tails. ’J‘hc fore part of the 1306‘] Was quite natural, but upâ€" proachiuv‘ the hind quarters, the buck bane divide!“ into two parts, forming two sets (..' hit‘d legs with two tails.â€" Wuudstouk Ti!" ’3. SABBATH SCHOOL P10NxG.â€"â€" The I’resbytelian Sabbath School held their annule picnic at Bond’s Lake on Sutâ€" m'duy last. The wther was exquisite, and old and young alike enjo3ed the boating, fishing, etc, immensely and expressed themselves as being delighmd with their day at the lake. THE PANSY for July is filled, as usual, with delightful reading and atâ€" tractive pictures. N0 purer or better reading can be put into the childran hands. The Pam-y is intended for Sunday as well as week-day reading $1.00 a year. 1). Lothrop Company, publishers, Boston. EAST Youx FARMERS’ INSTITUTE. â€"â€"Tllc Rust York Farmers' Institute spent, Saturday visiting the model farm and Agricultural College at Guelph. The Hon. Charles Drury, who still acts as Minister of Agriculture, welcomed the excursiunist‘s. FAREWELLâ€"Rev. Messrs. Simpson and Rutledge who have been the pastors of the Methodist Church in this district, will pr ‘IlCll their farewell sermons on Sunday next; the latter in the morning and the former in the evening. '3 CANS Tomatoes for Z") cts. at the Fire i’rooftllis'wcek. Vill D. Atkivâ€" son. 3 ‘ans Tomatoes for. 25 dents, born 10 cents per can, plums 10 cunts per can, peaches 20 cents per can at the Concrete House. F0()T--TL\I.L.â€"It is the intention of the High School Foot-bail team to attend the Victoria Square S. S. picnic On Saturday next where a match has been arranged bciween them and the club of Markham village. CHUXCE Ms of June humor for pug“ mg Cam be pruc‘ured at the Concrete. ‘ BASEBALL.-â€"Our Junior baseball uiue beng desirous of havng a match on Dominion Day, have accordingly all l'ered a good ball for competition. The probabilities are that an interesting game will be the result. nnu UH” AL M DUI'U UUI'U lUl' UHH'I'HKL'“ and bummer pompldlhib both 10‘ LJIIJILH and u I always 810‘,“ Mm my much mam. aduus. x J v M ‘1 V _ my pillow,” said a Unveiling mun m a hub UH" L" “‘0”, fliend during; a conversation cullcmming 'l'ichboruc', Ont. [ruin whburit’s, "I used to do that, but I‘ve quit it.” u Why “a” 7 BARS Electric Soap {01‘ 2;) ms. [his “ ,iecuusc I never could (Ml which was week at the Fue Proof. ‘Vlll D. At~ 193vain me uwuLe, the watch or [he be?! kriusona . licking ’ 0- I TAKE pleasure in certifying I have used Dr. FOWIUNS Extra» Wild Strawberry in my family for I and [ind it u sure cure fur diurrhu-n wunner compluims both {or childer adults. lagainst Richmond Hill and Gorlnley against King llorn. In case any of the above mentioned teams tail to appear, other local teams will supply the vacan- cy. The committee will furnish other games of a milder nature for those who wish to participate. All necessary re- freshments will be on the grounds and tea will be servod from 4 to 7, after which a good entertainment will be givun in the church, where addresses will be delivered by our noted future pastors, Rev. J. U. Spoor and Rev. Mr. McCullough. The home talent will supply the musical part. All parties wishing to spend a pleasant day will not make a mistake in visiting Victoria] Square on Saturday, July 5th. Onl Sunday. July 6th services will be held at 2.15 and 7 respectively. The Rev. J. (l. Signer will conduct. the afternoon service and the Sabbath School will supply the singing, and the Rev. Mr. M'cCullougzh will conduct; the evening service. All are cordially invited to mingle with us at thiscur Annual Ari-- nivcrsaryr-An’lx l On Saturday, July 5th, the Vietorizt Square Sabbath School will hold their Grand Annual Anniversary, on the beautiful grounds of M r. T. Klinck. At 1 o’clock sharp an interesting game of cricket will be played between the married and single men of this place, Victoria Square has one of' the strongest teams in the country. This match was tested twice lastsouson and resulted in utie, but am afraid the married men will get left this time. The committee has invited four of the best football teams north of Toronto to compete fort two good Scotch footballs. The names ON the teams are as follows: Markham ’g A. O. ll‘.â€"At the regular meming’ of [Court iiiulnmnd, NO. 70-16, A. 0. E1” , lllcld on Friday evening. June 20th, L‘ié following officers were elected for tha’ le e months. Frederick- Unitt, from thc ired list of captains, is to be quartermastm. vice J. Gowcr, appointed captain No; company. The resignmion of bica‘cnfl Lieut‘ Sidney Elliott of N0. 8 company, York- villc, is ucceptud' The licmiquurtci's (1" N0. 5 icom‘nuny are changed from Maple to Richmond Hill an} Second Licut. Charles Huluies is to be captain, vice Rowland Urr: whose resignation is atc‘c‘plcd. A great many gardens End to be re- planted here this season on account of the damage done them by the 12 re floods but everything: is being put in good order again, flue warm Wczullcr and prospects of a plentiful supply of fruit of all kinds. have Licur. J. M12111, to ho captain of N0. 4 company, f-Icnvmurket,vicc George Ashworth, who i‘Cli‘fcs r0. lining rank. Promotions in tEe York. Rang- ers. and all our f‘ricufis are imam:ng 7 o’clock. On Sunday evening, the Gib Juiy, James L. H ughcs, Esq, D. G. M. U. W., will preach a sermon to the Orange« men of West, York and visiting r‘ut-hrcn, A mammoth domonstralion is to be held he“: on the glorious 12m July, 1890, the Counties of North and “Just York are to be fully represented as also some visiting Lodges, and a big day is anticipated. WEST YORK FARMERS’ INSTITUTE â€"~The Yeemun of old \Vest York held. a picnic on Friday afternoon at Weston, underthe auspices ofthe West York Farmei's’ Institute. The weather was delightful, and the refreshments all that could he deeired. Mr. John Goulding, president of the institute, looked after the comfort of the visitors, in whim duty he Was assisted by the secretary. Mr. 11. Gr. Cruwibrd. By 2 o’clock ever 300 hzid assembled in Eagle’.& Grove, :1 beautiful little spot near the town, and prepared to enjoy themselves. There were amusements for the children in plenty and the Weston Brass Band fulfilled its pnrtof the program. A Tootâ€"bull match between the V‘feston and St. Andrew’s teams was one of the chief'fentux‘en‘of‘the afternoon. It reâ€" sulted in a victory for the former. Txchborne. K. 84. P. R. R. Co. 1" U. H.â€"Bm. T. Lndlbrd C. R.â€"U. F. Hopper. S. (LILâ€"'1‘. F. McMahon. '1‘)‘eus.~â€"II. A. Nicholls. seaâ€"4V. Eu. Wiaiey. S. \V.â€"';“. Hicks. J. \V.~â€"J. E. Ciubine. S. 11â€"1.), McKenzie. J. Hâ€"L. McLeod. 1‘11'0 Bro W . Bro Bro Bro Bro Bro Bro Victo Square VVood'bridge. that I act of years a and Plucking Violets. As “violels plucked will never grow again” so a good name 011cc lusL we never can wgain. An article which ul'lm' ex" tended liizil won grtruL fume and as time rulls (m by gnwl llkUlS still immense-s, it is lluxdocl: llluml Bitters Elm lusstcure‘ lur dyxpepsiu and all blood diseases. X18. Vandewm~:, accompanied by her granddaughxcr. Miss Genie, of Cannington, and Mr. (ienrge Dohsun, of Ellnei. were the guests of Mix and Mrs. Holland for a few days this week, Mr. 'i'hofl. Wilson, of Toronto; Her: been Vishnu,r here lhis week. Jr Pulley and Miss L Morris,0fl'£“uronto, are visiting at Bicknor Place. Father Jnhn Teefy, of 'l‘urontc, 2}”!8 vis- iting his pumnts in ihis village, first week. Mr. J A. E. Swilzer, or" the Concrete, and family am paying a visit to relatives in Streetwilie and vicinity. Mrs. Sterling returned home on Monday evening. nimr spending u pleasant time visiting friends in 'J'ormilo. 'uv'umrm,” xolu’ to 2; pmutlvely nev "(‘1}:L‘hillp,”il;z gil'” gun“ ,” :m oxm‘llm und eulngly prmrliuulile newspulinn. Bu pm’hups nolhikng in t c numlwr will be rent will) mule interest :lnm Il1(>.lul:,':ze-crimx Ol Mr. Ward's swml, “ The flow Senior “.1 Andovvr”; if mmccrna llle pmui‘aa of " hazing,” and is .mongly writlu‘n._ . Wide Aw:le is 40 :5 your. 1). Loilx rup Company, Publishers, llbslou, Muss. Tndiuns’ rem}ng idcém iv (,‘ubl W. 130mm: at \‘ul‘ey barge nu " Wind’s 'm :1 Name ‘1" of n Mule sohoulngir) " hldrpendemm Hay.” liichmund Ilill, June Nth. 180‘? The July des: Awnke gives the young people the fun and the sentiment of the momfl'; bumâ€"hull um] Ind mniencc cckzu brMiunn’ and pulliulic wmini mecsnhouui \Vhil ’l'1n \Yiti- 5mm farm; '1‘qu cure A your f1: And honor To protect them from “ lmul Sll:trli:,"xun1 (€1,- mrimg anLW‘S; :chnruhcs and 011' 1101'; are built for thvir Homes for their Sailors Wilmi not mi Um yams: \tht The {inn xmfl form)“ ChristJiku in t1) Homes: fur .qml wixluws 11) 1x (101d world tn 5hr \Yith (:UI‘JfUILS prqu Rulinved from 1.1 But who, For t]: 'hd fauna of m ‘ “I An mmmnm wuh \thn fresh from the cornmeal: ofbattlo vhou young, The lund with their flzulditfi I‘d echoing; Hui/4, Thmr m'nlsesa were chancel by thuusunds in wz-ilu 'th’eir _ throng“, low they stm‘ ()f pnvurtyvhungm‘ and (lamp misu Endurod by Um lust of Hm “ six hundred” bravo, \Vho gunmth fought Britain’s honor to save. "Ms {L (anusrzpf aurprisc tn the nations around, Tth England 50 Muck m hm“ Lorne; 1;»; found. That men of Hl‘lh deeds mth u. grudgng re- spouse, _ Left to 0110 out oxisstonco to the mercy of chance. fVill Engil'md, proud England, with power so great, ( \Vith gum in her cnfl'ors, imm‘nnsn her astute, So fumed fur her chivalry, noted :Lftu'. For hm- honm‘ in puuuo, and emu-ago in wzu‘, Sou her homes nuglentm]. :LS pwnpm's when ulxl, (Yer-1mde h‘.‘ U10 1HLLi<I1111uLdll€ in Hm 1mm, \thn their lives should go down liku Elm bright sobbing sun, For what they 112nm bnen, and for w)va may have done. And t-hummmy fulfil-coming whore wealth has no buumls, For twenty 01d heroes was “tv‘cv‘tyJuUI‘ 1101mm»; ;" Let the “ herb} ” draw mom with its juclicys and steeds, Whore thousands are squandered, while the ‘ 0141 troopur ' 110018 9J0 ignored by tho we“.th with mil]me in SLOI'I‘, In tho fag-é of the cannon 1111.1 shot thub worn hailnd. Auni phmtod the FIng ofth‘o:1tl§x‘?tgi11with pr‘dq, with the duzul ml around them who bravely had died. Hm’u we reully outlived the (-hivnh‘ous ngn‘} Vthn appeals fur t‘w worthy 8L few should Homes” for the chil sweats; _ 10mm for $110 orphans: in SUCH n'ud rutl'mtts; mums; fur [)OUX‘ invalidfi worn \‘nth llifiuzLHh, \thrc thnir sm'rmvs m'c nuabhcél, and their kmdh . nml (mam A'n impetus givc ’hmu mun uf p12, To {author 1110 11c ’1‘];sz thc'ir 501115 may bu nourishud with syiri tlml food. VVhiluytAlixyey‘ The Last of tha Light Brigade. (1001' (‘1)g1b;.1( scum of 1101' “‘ILX'HUIX intrepid and bum ‘urvivn of the ‘zmhh, my hinldl‘wL’ull Lulxl Vm'by sla‘i: JAN, ruler it with ymu‘s, nfm'is Lu «Lucy M u: :15 mungfix u‘ 'pr 'U ii: the Society Notes July Wide Awake. wi mm‘mmi-fl on waited fmm aver the sum 110d Dal twain the rnrmod heights m) deeds were reci‘tsd to listmxing folio w homo mt‘ the gaming who Mod, ,0 iu'u 10“, L[ that comrmlus now nus U,” ovary isz], zrlove to ex! ml. 1 hmpy thin '> ubmml, mly when: (for Lht) are found 1. the hulplvss with 11;:0, aflorts earths wch to ‘ rurg( nmé Tuatitut in pnvm‘ty 10“, nng of dam (was berefb, .1 from hunger secure, nl'i31»\x>;,su hm Loondmw) )ur zmiiun and mwa '1"11'm1 mminn; m: H {was 111) 01:05 she promptly disublOd ( bog broad 11L their “er1 xml v and 2L sen L. n has shed housu of the Sons, Kim ‘m‘evno fought for 5.)}; uisulz 1x1 vM Egfim’?" mm fi‘WgKfi- WE LEFT UP OUR: VOICE. ' : 1 ’22:“: Hg ' j K‘ JV: EEER ,J,LJ ‘__1 _ E-A‘wrmwmum a; mammuw mm“ ATTENHEEi T0: fiichmwé : m : Efiafiwm :" Store: Eu aaled Tools THAT’3 AIL WE 13.8K- :::::::::T%E§§E’S’ RSKfzxxtzii l’m‘nnus desirous of koqu ’m duilv pupvrs mm In: ::I yo»le of (1‘0 (Ilu‘ 9, Mail :uu TURKEY RED (.mh‘oidcry comm and embroidury silks in all shades for 5211': _ n 1“ “'13 '“fliALD Store. WASH mnbroidery silkd and other kinds for sale at the HERALD store. Cum The 'uuses of summer complaint, diar- rhmu, dysentery. (:lxzfleru morlms, etc, are [he exce. ive lmut', mxling green fruit, over exertion. impure water and sudden chill. [>13 Fuwler’s \\ :ld Stmwlreny is an infill-- libln and prompt. cum for all bowel com - pluints from wlmtuvcr (muse. COME to the HERALD Book and Cheap Fancy Store for your books, staâ€" tionery, embroidery, silks of all kinds and shades, Berlin, zophyr, Andaluhia’n and Saxony wools in all cobra. ._ . . .. , u “must child of “1ng , ugml 2 yours and 7 Y. of «lirlnll Dmmlus and 4 months. ” He shall gather the lambs in His arms." BIACTJCODâ€"Ab Dx‘ymmh Cotmqo. Aurora, on the 221M ins . nt, Mm‘gumt lmlier, widow 0[ Not- nm‘u ’J‘lmrquill Mucluod, mm nfl)ry1mch. Oak Ridgesjornwrly of the Isle of Skyu, Scotland, in the 57th your 01‘ her age. V Funeral to Sf, John's Church, Oak Ridges on a.» uesnluy, June 24th, -' p.111, W I I “durum m The fmmrnl tank plum ibis :Lffuruoon 21b 3 O’c‘ock, The body wzm Lmacn m St M: ' y'n \vhm‘u ‘ s wm'o hold by 1,110 Rev Mr, 1’. {0%, and rum thence to the Pruflwmrizm lglzriulrgmund, the pullbmu‘msbeing: AIOSNIn um HIGH, Lyno‘ut, ,b'ulconbridgo, Trench, Hmwn uxul E‘Icczlor. \VILE X77011 ’J‘hun'dnv, Juno 11111, 5"} Brooklyn, N Y, of diphthm Howard, oldest: 5011 of Douglns und Addie \Viloy, n‘g'xl 0‘ years and 1 mom}, fiflainww $19 Swizer; IMPORTERS; f ‘ ""' r ' 4 . J ' g " “When I say Cure I do not mean‘. I 1* v a A . - i r g a [:3 g a merely in stop them for a time, and then hav; them rcfium again. I W! EA N A RA D I CA L C U R E. l liavc’wade the disease of Fits, : Epilepsy or Falling fiickneas a lit-dong study. {warrant my remedy to Cure :1 . worst cases. BL ise Others have failed is no reason {or not now receiving a cure. Send a; once fora treatis and a Free Bottic- of my infallible Remedy. Give Express and Post Office. It cost: you nothing for a. trial. and it will cure youi Address :â€"H- G. ROOT. “LG” Branch Office. has WEST .Pr“‘!:fiEDE STREET. TOROflTO. 4.04 To announce 11111 we expect CVCI‘Y man to &o AlliS‘ duty by lumsell’and finnin and come and TO THE EDITOR: Please lnfcrm your readers that I have a. positive rrr'n'edy for the above named disea se. By its timely use thousands oflxopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have con- sumption if they will send me their Express and Post Olfice Address, Respectfully, Tu A. SLOCUM; EILC‘! I86 West Adelaide‘38.,'TDRONTO, ONTARIO- km A .1t the rmidvnco of M.Tuufy, Postâ€" muw my Rirhmumi UiH, ()ni,., nn ’l'uusduy, 21th June, JRUU, Ml" Mary Ann ‘n’irkus (leer sun. widmv, fur'u ly 0f (Mkvillu,()nt,1mrx1 no r lluil, Inr m'u, England, filth August. It’s a big thing" and a good thing and we want‘you to know it. Take our word just enough to come and see the Goods. Hot 1n seeing what we’ve gotd~therc’s positivc‘loss’ in not dong so. That’s all 101' now. :d Wire, Barbed Wire, Galvanized Wire, Nuiis, Garden Is, Chums, Carpet Sweepers, Building Paper, Scales, at Air lfi‘uruacesflmn Roofing, St‘oVes, ’I‘inware of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Table Cutlery, Carpet Kelt, Uibtcm Pumps, and all! kinds ofHard- ware and 'l‘inwzu'e. What’s the Reason ’9 When he knows he has a good thng is either dehcxent in wind or wisdom. SELLS CEEEAF E‘fifl CASH-.1 NOTEQE. D1" :X'l‘ [T ‘loih, in Rm ‘iuo, youngest i(‘;,,u;;m12)‘0 IN; ml with smurzxi _l J‘anyiru Apply to 1‘0“ \khn, N child of L; and 7 for! FLI'E‘. or t Richmond 1i 1 3rd, 4th and 5th July, be next Idxxmiingtions for Entrance to the High Sellout will be held on Biennium} Bill High Sclmolo~ 11{()\V§I AND ALL {SUMM ER COMPLAINTS AND FLUXES OF THE BOWELS: IT IS SAFE AND RELIABLE FOR. EHELDREN OR ADULTS. MWMEHS ., * Eff: 03¢- ”v‘WL“ < 0 gm} :1 Hm ENTEffiCE EXAMiNATIUN _,A‘T_ mamas or- Bonus" mm AWAY YEARLY. Ohmirunuh .1. of 1' M 188 J. S [*1 ‘11 (7f ’ 01mm) Art School, ()4: iYQR to in‘ pubfic X11:th 511% is yropurml to give in- iu l’niming m‘ drawing. :Lb 1101‘ homL eiduucns of pupils. Terms "1.00 for ‘1? E’QEISE é SEEREMY a CfiREB’ M iv ‘héléra: ’fiéffiug' I C’efl, /.' EABREIM YSEMTERY YEMEN HQEERN 11113116113th 9 {L m CURES CA G E R, '7‘. S\V1TZ\ER, ‘ ' ‘usq B ofE 5‘]. ti

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