Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 26 Jun 1890, p. 3

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‘JC'BOOTS, SHOES AND SLIPPERS - SIVERS’Z CuStom Work a Specialty. Sewed and Pegged Repairing Neatlyaud Promptly Done. . Tllorl'éifs Qattle Food, G. Nichold’s Fer- til‘tzfl’s, Six Different Brands. Sanderson Bros; DREGGISTS. ,, RICHMOND Hi1 LL __F on;â€" TOE-LET AND FANCY ARTICLES, â€"â€"15§rfumes in Great Variety HAIR; NEIL, AND TOOTH BRUSHES; CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. “ The YOI‘k Herald.” ‘ FOR ALL KINDS OF '" firesh Groceries, Canned Goods, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars’ Baking Powders, Fish, etc. The Ontario House! Will D. ATKINSON’S Co‘nsisting‘of‘aill the latest designs and patterns in Gent’s Alligator, Stanley Kid, Kangaroo, Shell Cordovan, ,Bufl" Bals and different kinds of Oxford wogk ;' also Ladies’ and Misses Rhea, Fine Kid, Dongola Kid, Polish Calf, Oil Goat and Ladies’ Oxford Shoes and Slippers. Children’s shoes at all Prices. Always 0% Hand : U591" Winter Ball!) for chapped hands. In; purifying and healing‘p'r'éperties renders the Skin soft and silk-like in its texthres.’ Is the Place to Go NEW LOGALS. For the SPRING and‘s‘fiMMER trade at JOSEPH H..« HALL. SUBSCRIBE FOR 'AN IMMENSE STOCK 0F READ RICHMOND Hi! LL j SIR,-â€"ln your «dition of Monday, with 'ucgystomcd misrepresentation and suppres- sic'n of fer-ts, you stnte and attempt to prove "that. the presence of Mr. Wallace in a jconmituencv tseems‘. to have been fatal to the success of the Meredith candidate.” I kaddressed the electors outside of our own {‘county. at Exeter, Campbellford, Oil Springs, lIagersville, Bethany and Parli- dale. but am not vain enough to suppose that, my humble efforts very materially af- j-J‘ccted the result in any constituency. The “facts directly contradict your assertion. At the previous local general election in iExeter the Conservative majority was fifty: j’t‘wo. this time our majority ,wns t£8jund the Reform majority in the riding of South Huron was‘rednced from 507 to 57. At Campbellfcrif East Northumberlend the previous general election showed a Reform majority of 26â€"this timea Conservative majoritv of 12. In the village of Oil Sbr’ijigsri‘n‘ west ,Lambton, where the Re» formers at the hye~eleetion a few months ago had u. very considerable majority, on ‘the 51h of June the cnse was reversed. and the Conservative candidate had a majority of Z‘JLIIiough in this election, as in the bye-election, there “as a. third party candi- date. making the conditions similar. Hegersville was not: incorporated as a_ Village at the previous election and there= fore no comparison can be made, yet in this election it. gave the respectable majority of 52for yr. Sheppard. rn Peel, though Mr. Chisholm was re- eleclegi, bis maj’m'hy of 220 in 1886,13 now reduced; I am informed, to about ha1f that figure. In West York we reduced the 1885 majority of 181 to 61, in spite of the fact 111M Ihe most slrongly Consérvmivo portion of [be riding had in 1119 meAntime been taken from our constituency and annexed to Toronto. Parkdule also gave a majorin foraMesars. E. F. and H. E. Clarke. .We publish herewith a letter from N, C. Wallace, Esq., taken from the, Empire in reply to o'enain” striétureg {somained in the Globe of Monday week and which were copied into the Junction Tribune and other papers. It is hardly, necessary to state that the Globe upon this occasion was untrue to the name of Liberalism for it was, as it has often E'e'e‘fi toiolthers, unfair to Mr. Wallace as it refused, cowafifâ€"like, to publish his reply. To the Editor of The Globe: Ki édvocated the election of our friends precisely on the lines laid down by Hie honored and trusted leader of the party, \V. R. Merediih, because his plaifm’m met with my hearty approval. 1 would a bun- dred limes rather be defeated advocating what is right and just. than victorious and occupy the unmanly position of the Rev. H‘alhei‘ Caveii._1b6 recreum president of Ike Equm Eights Associaiion. You. also jay that I owe my position to my Orange connection. I had the honor 10f béing elected. by the county council of the county of York in 1878 to the position of chief magistrate of the county, though I believe [was the only one in the council who was a member of the Orange Order. I have also had the honor ofheing eluted on three different occasions to“ represent West. York in the House'lof Commons, and in this constituency there are few Orange- men. Mr. Clarke Wadiace Replies to the Globe. I never sought any position in ihe Orange order. My brethren have, entirely unso- licited, placed‘lheir confidence in me in the past, and they will hardly consult you as to their course in the future. I have 'nolhing to say to your anonymoué correspondent, gvho parades himself as a sneaking eavesdropper. {0111's, eta, Toronto Beats MOHfreal at; Lacrosse l i Members of the Imperial Federation League in Canada will be especially inâ€" terested in a resolution recently passed in the Birmingham Chamber of Comâ€" tz‘erce 1â€"“ That Whilst the Council ap- prove of the objects of the Imperial Fed- eration League as set forth in their circular of November 13th last, they are of opinion that the primary essential condition of Imperial Federation is a lCustoms union of the Empire.” This View expressed by such a body confirms and, gives an added significance to the Strong opinion on the subject expressed in the resolution of the Council of the Bea-.5360 in this Country, which went so f'ar as to regret the holding of any Con- ference “at which the question of interâ€" Imperial and Colonial trade would not; be deemed a question of firstâ€"class imâ€"l portance." However prickly asuLjeet, it l looks as if there was no likelihood that it would he left untouched in the next Conference for‘lnek‘of‘some one bold enough to grasp the nettle. IL is easy to see that. yourrwhole article is an attack on the Orange order at the dic~ mtjqn of you’rrmastera'. The Daily Witnesszâ€"The day was beautifully fine. The sward was green and fresh, and, as an Irishman aptly said, as “ smooth as a book lafe.” The attendance was large, and bubbling over, like an intermittent‘ hot spring, with vociferous enthusiasm. The ladies were out: in force, and fashion, and beauty. Hundreds of bright eyes beamed down upon the boys with newly enkindled fires of interest, or pride, or encourage- ment; nor could heart desire a mere. animating stimulus than that ofi‘ered by that amphitheatrieal sea of eager faces which greeted the combatants. ON SATURDAY ON THE GROUNDS 0v " THE LATTER. The best team won and that was the team from the Queen city. Deep was M% (1):? N TRYI‘ $333332? usmesss en Envelnéea pgplngiéofl part of’gfi‘: Bgfyfillfi?g with theirhusiness card neatly printed thaxeon fn black ink for $200. Send copy with rsmit- tance‘ pei‘line .................. '. ............. 'Scents. Each subsequent infiertion, per line. agents' t. Contracts for time and space made on applica- 1011. ¢ Advertisements Without written «instructions will be inserted until forbid and urged tmnsi- ent. rates. EVERY THURSDAY, ‘ At his printing Oflice, Yonge Street, Richmond 11111,. Ontario. Terms of Subscriptmu :-â€"$1 [)0 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $1 .50 will be charged. ‘ Transitory qdvertisements, first insertibn, M. H. KEEg‘LER, The York Herald. Imperial Federation. ‘HERALD” OFIFCE, PUBLISHED BY N. C. WALLACE Richmond Hill, 011 P-»(dreaming) ah/ all], ah! “G‘rirs are on the ru'n”-ye~ye-yesf -£q’ the polls early! i ope to have big majarity of 87,. with 4 Tories as powerful opposition] (starting) what number! who’s Pekin? This ain’t centralâ€"who are thou ? The name P (A Tartar Khan) Hon 0.511 Consciguce (A Spirit) Cathcart. Scene â€"Sultan’s Pretty Garden. Câ€"pon_’t ri's‘e OlefG. 0. M.. calm lh’y- sélf a’ixd li'st-â€"oh list 50 me! “I am thy better pArfi, Thy soul of soulâ€"heart of heart! Thine inmost thoughtâ€"thine inward self- Guardian-augel- reasonâ€"elf." In a word. [“m‘ s‘pirit overproof 33 old Jamaica, Congcgence: what about “Old Hméh’s ” est’healed chipken fm'm ? 4. Wild Chokeâ€"cherry trees near orchards should be destroyed. It is imâ€" fortunate (but so lime regard is paid :0 the law which requires affected trees to be de- stroyed. These (recs are scattering mil-- lions pf spores yeariy, and thus spreading Ihadéséa‘ae to all parts of the Province. Biighted trees stand as monuments of Ihe iuriiifereuce and ignorance of zlmse who simuld co-voperale in fighting against a common foe, Câ€"Oh! Ah! but I mean to keep ham- mering like Cyclops at your Grit ribs till you“ nc'lmowledgo your errors, grant fair damages and promise to reform your evil ways. ‘I contend that forgery is a serious crime ;' (greaf applause)'that letter stealing is as bud; (hear, hear)‘tlmt to defraud worthy heirs is worst of all, (sulvos of cheering). Why did you not, do your duty and enquire into those offences in 1872 and in >1884; also when you disposed of the estate and ignored legal heir’s petition? Answer that. (Groans). Pâ€"Uh! Ah! yes I heard an‘ about it once before! youmneEdâ€"youâ€"need not â€"â€"-not repeat it seventy times seven. Pâ€"â€"Ahem/ you-you-you, see it would be ruinnlion for me to publicly :nolice your your chnrges dye see-see! my only hepe is to adopt the coward‘s remedy of SAYING NOTHING, as the public is so jolly green and Huwlundly “good natured,” it will be innocently clonsid’ered' I am'right and you are-are wrong. 3. Coal-oil may beysed, bu'c‘il. must b5 applied _cayelull'y, If it runs over the branch i:- vfill kill it. ‘2 Some ezfperiments in applying linseed. oil to the knots with a small brush so as to Sutumle the knot have been effective. This is done three or four times during the summer as soon as the knots appear. C-Sirrahl I have closély watched your lucky career aa’ Premier and highly disap- prove of your wilful neglect of duty inas- much as it. tends to encourage crime among the masses when it is seen how you have acled. Au Attorney-General shpiild, of all others. be the principal person to detect and punish offenders, nott favor liliem'. P-â€"-I admit what what~ you say-aay-con- science tells me true although I would not like the outside censorioug, world to hear my grimy confession. I thought you would get tired and dqop it.‘ Why don’t. you? â€" Câ€""l‘is well so far! and now‘ as the singing lark will soon be up I will on public grounds of morality, leaving myself out of view altogether, address a short candle lecture on generally useful terms and you will do well to remember and profit by what I say: During some years back I have addressed to you a large number of letters in newspapers, truthfully exposing your insane follyâ€"these literary epistles contain- ed specific charges against you personally. also touching slightly onGrit Government- al discrepancies and shortcomings. On this occasion [ review the same briefly, and add as a fillip lhereto'that, impartially con- sidering them, [ cannot as a literary man affix' a truer construction than say it con- vinces one. like others. that you have un- wittingly added another name to the already long list of misguided, unwise men! who have by their follies in times past endanger- ed, if not entirely lost, the prestige, or lustre of previous well earned lanrels. 1. Hitherto most orchardisls have found the best thing to do is to cut. ofi“ affected limbs and destroy them. Where a tree is hadjy ailmckedt destroy the whole tree. Again. errors, we know, are_ liable to ac- crue to any mantbut when Ihey,,are honest- ly gxposed to the noonday sun, and anti- dotes suggested, then they should be at once set. right; not suffered to be brought too often, too glaringly, before sound pub- lic opinion’s scrutinizing tests; to be frowned downâ€"scoutedâ€"by sensible Re- formers and Couservalives alike~aye, by Blackâ€"Knot on Plums, by J. Hoyes Punton, M. A., F. G. S., professor of Natural History at the Ontario Agricul- tifrai Céllege, Guelph, is Bulletin LII , issued by the Ontario Department of Agriculture. After giving the life hisâ€" tory of the fungus the professor proceed?! to give the remedies for getting rid of it which are as follOwszâ€" The first. third. and fourth games were won by Toronto. The second and fifth by Montreal. The, fonnhwas the hardest c‘o‘rjtcsted occupying 44%; minutes. Close and Impregnable. Itqwas always there. Ordinary assault 1 had no more effect upon it than castor oil upon a marble image. In moments of danger. lit gathered round goal and presented to Montreal home a fron'tbh exasperating invulnerability. It sallied out ; it made brilliant sorties; it routed its enemy "again and again ; but when the danger was imminent it rushed back- to the flags, and openings were sought in vain. Add to this that the fielding was intelligent and nimble, and that the home, of which Schofield was the splenâ€" did inspiration, while not eomparing; with the combination or formidability ofi the defence, hung on to the attack under every condition of disheartenment, and the causes of victory are stated. The Torontos played a strongmu‘shing, speedy game. Individually, their playyas inâ€" termittently brilliant; as a team, it was palpably superior in the power of rapid combination and concentration. It covered its opponents with dogged perv sisteuoy, checked the rushes of the Montreals with superior force, and broke down assault by invariably put- ting every man of the defence into the breach. the: disappointment; heart breaking were the soft sighs of regret of the ladies; bitter was the chagrin ,of" the “sports” who had backed Montreal. The Torontos had a defence which, though impaired by incessant assault,' was never really broken throughout the match. It was solid; in was Mofiat and Conscience. BY A NEW HAND AT THE BELLOWS Black-Knot on Plums. ADVERQSEMEEfi'L. REMEDIES. MCCOLL’S Renowned Cylinder 011 The‘F'az'iious Heavy Bodied Oil foi all Machinery. Made only by MCCGLL BROS. «$5 CO. Toronto. , Poetic Sentiment. T0 apply the poetic words "a medicine lhat’s able 10 breathe life ifito a stone” to B. B. B. savors of exaggeration. but considering its countless cures and wonder-- ful work even exaggeration seemsjuslifiable if it convinces those who hesitate to try B. B, 13. and be cured. v 17 L35. ngar for $1.00 at the Eire Proof this week.' Will D. Atkinson. ‘ Câ€"The pitcher, remember, oft goes to Ihe well, but comes home broken at lastâ€" beware ll Whatever prompts ,t‘o holy aims and high desires aloxie is right! (Curtain drop). Toronto, June 22nd, 1890. H J. C. H. Pâ€" Ah, lucky lho‘u‘ght, 1’11 revise the B. N. A. Act and arrogmte to myself the power to compound or wink a}; all criminal ofâ€" fwees and so bluff all‘ the Courts and Sir JOH tomson to bootâ€" hooray! Pâ€"Oh “cbward dost. nffrighl mej’ even now there is pent! I’lltry. 7 Câ€"The lohger you delay the worse you will be. In all. men and women too, animated by mid British patriotism; by all well-wishers of Canadian progression; eye, by intelligent men who set proper high value on the en- joyments they derive in seeing faithfully carried out chief essentials, bearing upon paramount fundamental laws and justice, which. alone, form the true basisofifBritish prerogative and uphold supremacy :as of yore. What shall we do then 7 Why, be active watchers, workers or movers of “workers”~â€"not sit idly down with arms folded, simply manifesting admiration or disapprobation. of governmental corruption â€"such boasting being useless, vain. But we should endeavor to rise, speak out and defend our legislative institutions, NOT ONLY FROM DANGER ertI-tuu'r, but more particular- ly from corruption WITHIN. MCCOLL BROS. 8:300. Toronto. FUR SALE BY SANDERSQN 3305., BRUGGISTS, BIBHMONB HILL. LARDINE OIL. as no equal {'or Engine cylinders. Try it and see for yourself. Beware of imitatioés of LA GIVE:- Somelhiug tells me time to confess and re- conscience how thou Those who use it once 1150 it always. , ‘ Editon" Pemberton. Of the Delhi Reporterâ€"n. wellnknm‘n 'onrnalist says: “I consider Bmdvck Bloou Bitters the best medicine made, and would not be without it on any account. It, should be kept ip every house in the land. ’ MrF. Guéhingtonâ€"Not yet. I am wait-- ing to see what Bridget is going to wear. Forewarned Is Forearmed. Many 0fthe Worst attacks of cholera morbuP, cramps, dysentery, colic, etc., come suddenly in the night and speedy and prompt means must be used against them. Dr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry is the remedy. Keep it at hand for emer-- gencies. It. never fails to cure or relieve. A Necessary Delay- Mra. Willovnly~Have you ordered your new dress yet ? r , Qualified. . l " Hello, Lamb, are you still striking: it rich in Wall street?" f‘ No; in fact; I lost all I had there I" "‘I’m sorry for min. What are you doing now ‘3” V HoLLoWAY's PILLS AND OmTM'nNrâ€"The attention of all sufferers is drawn to these welleknown remedies, for they possess con- spicuous advantages as a safe and reiinble aid in all those emergencies to which travv- ellers, emigrants and sailors are so es-- pecially liablep: They have been largelv patronized by Wayfarere by land and sea, and. in fact. by all classes of the com- munity, to their very great. advantage. The Pills are beyond all don'b's one of the most effective remedies ever discoveredlor cnses of obstinate constipation, confirmed indi-- gestriion and colic, complaints w'lti‘chiare engendered by exposure and irregulertfeed~ ing’. The Ointment will be found of the very greater". service in cases of piles. Pal)" soesses.'eryaipelas, and all kinds of local ulcerations. “just now I’m writing ‘Tip‘s for Spent-- Iutors’ for the daily press.” J Fifi: Trifle Ma‘fiia‘o‘f m‘yfi‘e‘ifi‘Medicincs are ’ grfizererlm Ottawa , and Man at ,Washingtt n ' 3. a A} I I ‘ "CHORIAS HOLIGWK' '1 {3355923. street. Loudt n. ‘ _ Jan. Mr 1 51’ "Geo Gooderham, Esq William Bell, Esq MANAGING DInchgxzzâ€"Juo 1" Ellis, Esq LIFE INSBEEEEEE i333"? { PRESIDENT Rt Hon Sir John A IMacdonuld, PC, GCE Authorized Capim shout the flfiicfix var! of iisblfllé It is a grand. double size new. scope, as large as is easy to mrfy We will also show you how you can make from‘fis tofiilo a day at lensc, from the sturgwimu on! txpcrinnce Better wfite at once, We pay all express charm!“ Addrou. H. HALLETT h (20., Box 880. PORTLAND. MAIN]. will be found invaluable in every Householfi thecute of Open Sores. Hard Tumrxurs‘ I _. . Coughs, Sore Throats,R1-oncv1;i_hi§; and all dim-mt era of tho Throat and Chest, m also G( r 1 Rm» (1 mutism. Scrofuln and other kind of skim; uisenm and sold at 15. 1id.,25.96.,45. 6d,, 119., 22, and 33t- uch Box and Pot, and in Ummdu at 36 es ml 30 cents, and $1.50 cum, ax‘ d the large i proportion. 0:} CAUTIONâ€"1 hm e 'no Agem 5:1_I!_ (331) United States, mr am my M'edicipcfis'yflo' 1, there. Purchasers, should therefoze .IOI'k t0 the label on ; Pbts'anflfidwe‘i' “the address is Hi) .. Oxford Strwt, lonc‘u. 4: they fir? 3?.1uoua. _ ._ ’ ‘ Manufactuqu dnly at Profesw or Hollowav’s l‘Establishrr.emf1 533, OXFORD STREET LONDM. Worth their “(eight in Gold. the increase the secretory powers of the Liver, bra the nervous system, and throw into the circu 3.; tion the purest Elements for sustaining an 'z‘epulring the frame. . , xThonsands of persons have testifiéd. than by their use alone they haue been raster-e63 to health and Flrength, after every 'otlmv means bad "oved unsuccessful. / 3555 51in .. I 3' fl Gold Watch an a Warth $100.00. heat 3:6 watch in the world. Pet-fer: timekeeper. Wurmhted hmn’y, ‘ SOLID GOLD hlmtinr’ cases“ I Both indies‘ Ind gem s aizeh, with works and an s as of eqqu value. ONE )‘EICSONin‘ , ’5 each locality can secure oua_ : free, together with our Inga: and walnut-1e liueoflIoIIsehnlai. ample». These samph-s. as wellv as the watch. are free. All the work you Mod do in to nhow what we send you to those who callâ€"your friends and neighbors and those about youâ€"thntalwaya results, in valuable trade for us, which holds for years when vnce stnrtmt, Ind Ihlll we Ire repaid. We pay all exprcs . freight. etc. Amer you know an, it‘ you Wnultl like to go to work for us. you can. “mm 83"; 10 895‘“ P32 xee‘:,¥“‘.“.".“fl"u““°“ This 1ncnmpfimblc Medicine has secur‘. ed for itself an imperiéhnbb fame throughout the World for the alieviation; and cure of most, diseases to which humanity is heir. , The Pills BAD LEGS. OLD WOUNDSL 'C’QLm; Sunrise; of-an dedgrs nn cloths; plush, or any o'heizmnteriul ulnnc at tho HERALD Office, cheap. Leave your orders. - um uqu 9v sun-on an m '47" v .. .q Box'B-l 2! Pifiis & fiifiimflz The Qimme‘nt Our Ofllce IS Opposite . . Patent Of-g flee. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct. hence can transact ‘patent business In less time and at less cost than those remote from Wgshipgtog._ .i . . . ., , n. LUJA Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for Moderate Fees. _ t "Send E553, drawing, or photo., with descrip3 tion. We advise if atenmblc or not, free of charge. ply-vice not :99 till gafen; igfieq‘u‘redrn 51301:: Tiliblv t6 bbimxi' iiétciiifi'x'vfih'iéfcr. euccs to actual clients in your State, county, 0! town, sent free. Address, V ’ h C. A. SNG‘W 85 CO; rurlfy,reguiate mid improye the quality of 9 God. They assist the digestive orguns, clan. " WILL CURE 0R RELIEVE Bil/OUSN 88, DIZZ/NESS’,’ 03/3 5 8M, DROPSY, INDiGESTION, FLUTTEfilh/G JAM/DICE. .2 - 0F THE/1'5 ERE’IS’IPEL/ES, SALT RHEU/Tl, H EA RTB UHfJ, HEADACHE, T. EEILBURH & (50.. And every species ofdlseasa arising from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OF! BLOOD. STOMA OR AND BOW‘ELS, Obnoslte Patent Oflice, Washington, DJ}. Th3 Manufacturem" M. H. KEEFLER, AEBnt, RICHMOND HILL l Capital and othm‘ Assets over $2,000‘000. TORONTO. VICI‘ PRE FIDEN I‘S 0 1: R N 1-: w #555 grimlng Ea ‘ 'am 1&1 Infill-ll, My“ he? THE aroma”, omwms OF THE SKIN, .2 - OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F ‘ Pu “unmmdlhe; Proprlgtggga ‘iroké‘NTQ'

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