Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 10 Jul 1890, p. 1

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The new Lesson Committee elected is Bishop Vincent. of New York; Dr. Ren- dolph. Rhode Island; Dri Hall,New York; Mr. S. 11. Blake, Ontario; Mr. B. F. Jacobs. Illinois; Dr. Hoge, Virginia; Dr. Eunninghem, Tennessee; Dr. Broadus, Kentucky; Dr. Bangher, Pennsylvania; Dr. Potts, Ontario; Dr. Dunning, Manna chilietts; Prof. Binds, Tennessee; Dr. Tyler, New York; Dr. Brrger, Ohio, and Dr. Smhr, Pennsylvania. The statistical report was presented by Secretary E P. Putter. It showed that theré are 108,252 Sunday schools in the United Statts. with 1,143,190 teachers and officers, and BAG-13,255 Scholars, making u total of 9,786.415. In Canada there are (5,089 Sunday schools, with 55,700 teachers and officars, 472,623 scholars, making a total of 528,379, and including Nuwionnd land and Labrador, givi g a grand total uf 115,255 Sluzdnv Huhuolfl, 1,201,053 teachers and ofliuere, 9,138,695 anholars ; tom), The Canadian delegates nmde a strong fight for Toronto or Montreal, but. were out- voted. The Vine-President for Ontario is Rev. Samuel Houston. M.A., Kingston, and a. member of the Executive Committee Mr. Lewis 0. Peake, Toronto. The next convention is to be held in 1893 in St. Louis, the. time to be decided by the Executive Commutee. The gut-jam. of primary work was ably discussed by Mrs, (Drafts, New York; Mrs ()atrandur, Brooklyn; Miaa VunMarter, Miss Frauoea \Vxllnrd, Evanaton; Miss Lucy Wheelcck, Boston; and Muss MszeI Hull, Chicago. Fifty-four delegntm are in attendance from the Province of Ontario. With the exception of Pennsylvania, wile 9’1, and Illinois, with (32, this is the largest. delega- tion sent by any association. Eleven drm eaten represent the four other Canadian Provinces. A Dunbar, Pa, deaputoh says: The, resozmra had not succeeded in cutting their way into Hill farm mine up to men, but they are expecting to break through at any moment. The Nominating Committee reported the names of a vice-president and member of the Executive Committee from each state, territory and province. Prof. Har‘pnr, of Yale, in an able address earnestly urged 1hr: impormnoe of a sys- tematic study of the word of God. In view of the extension of the work it was decided to ask for the sum of $10,000 a. year for the next three years, and upon the spot between 336,000 and $7,000 per nnnum was pledged by the states, terntoriea and provincks represented. 10.330 753 In an nddremx of rare bnuutanll of unique illustrations, Rev. Dr. A. I“. Suhnufi'ior, of New XiJrk, spoke upon the subject of. “ The ’l'nachur and His Wurk." The ihmes in Hill farm mine burst from the mouth of [-hfi pit toâ€"niglit and leaped 350 feet in the air. All efforts to extinguish them have proVed fruitless. The buildings in the vicinity hava been torn down to pre- vent the fire spreading. A hole has been drilled in the Hill farm, and at 11 o’clock tonight the inspecmm started on their perilous search for the imprisoned minors. They have taken their lives in. their hands and may never see daylight agriin. lt in feared the mine i=1 on fire all through. or 91:18 filled with smoke. The treasurer'a report was read by Mr.J. B. Wight, and referred for audit. The report showed that the: receipts for theyear were 3141365, and the expenditures $14,622, leaving a balance of $43. The report of the Executive Committee was reported back by the Special Commit- tee and the various recommendations were considered and generally adopted. The International Sunday School Conven» tion resumed at 9 o’clock, with President Harris in the chair. Devotional exercises were conducted by Prof. Exoell, of Chicago, who will be in charge of the music until the end of the convention. A Troy. N.',Y., deapatch says: This morning the locomotive, baggage our and two passenger COHUhiB of a. train on the Lake George branch of the Delaware A“: Hudson road run into Glen Luke, about three miles north of Glen’s Falls. The lonomotive overturned. Most of the pm» Hangers were in the rear cars, which did not leave the track, and none weremari. onely injured. The train connected at at Fort- Edward with the steamboat trains leaving Troy and Albany at 7 o'clock this morning. The rnila spread. The wntar was not deep. ‘ Walter G. Smith, Governor General of the organized filibusters who attempted a raid on Lower Calfornia. says the English Colonization Company was alone at the bottom of the scheme, which was intended to be a revolution of the residents of Lower California, The musiu of the first two days has been conducted by Mr. and Mrs. G. Stebbins, of B19019) n, N. Y. Other speakers were Rev. G. B. Howie.of Ontario, and Rev. M. B. Wharton, of Alabama. Forty Show Exchanged. A Thursday’s Kansas City despatch says : A mob of 40 persons gathered at 12 o’clouklasfnight at the house of Walter Squirea,1‘3 miles northwest of Cameron, Mo., to tar and foather his sun Bud, whoi 33 is claimed, ruined a young; Woman of the neighburhood. Forty shots were exchanged Old Mr. Squires was shot in the stomach, but not fatally injured. Will Noland, in the crowd, was also ahot in the stomach. and probably fatally wounded. Intense excitement prevails. The important duty of selecting a new Lesson Committee of fourteen members, to select the lessons for the next term of seven years, was entrusted to aspaoial committee, consisting of Messrs. L. 0. Yankees, Ontario; Barnfiald,Rhode Island; Rev. J. P. Bun-en, Rev. Wm. Shaw, Florida; B. J. Loomis, Ohio; Rev. W. H. Black. Rev. E. G. Wheeler, Oregon; Rev. J. A. Bright, Kansas, and Wm. Reynolds, Illinois, to report later. Biehdp J. H. Vincent delivered a most impressive address on the subject of child culture. There were iom‘ inqueats heli in Mmt real yesterday. From semi-official sources it is given out that Minneapolis will show a population from 185,000 to 8200.000, and St. Paul from 40,000 to (500001699. The charges mgaiuat the local enumeratore have fallen flat, and no one balieveu the cases will over come to trial. Rev. Dr. A. E. Dunning, of Mnem- chusetts, and Rev. Dr. Potts, of Ontario, delivered addresses upon the Work of the Lesson Committee. _ One of the most important reports pre- sented to the convention was that of the International Lesson Committee, which was read by its indefatigable secretary for the lust eighteen years, Rev. Dr. Warren Randolph. This report was of special interest from the efforts of the W. C. T. U. and others looking to a modification of the plan of the lesson scheme. This report Will be discussed at A later session of the convention. Rev. Mr. Armstrong, Superintendent of the Springfield School for Training Chris- tian Workers, and Rev. Dr. J. A. Worden presented the work of that intitution. Jl‘ Luuks Had fur the Miners A Train Tab as to the Water. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. A 4 L "' 7 "__"J N Park last evening. She failed, however, and narrowly escaped death. The balloon was inflated with hot air, and an employee, Ed. French, wus sent inside to keep it from igniting from sparks from the fire. He was forgotten, and when the balloon was sufficiently inflated it was cut loose and shot up into the air. French was not pre- pared for tho necenaion, and began to scrambled out One of his feet caught in the ropes and he hung head downward. Aftera vigorous struggle he succeeded in extricating himself when the balloon was about thirty feet from the earth, and after turning two somersaulta in the air he alighted on his lace nnd was severely injured. The struggles of French loosened the parachute from the balloon, and when at the height of one hundred feet it end- denly broke loose. The parachute does not open until a. considerable distance has been traversed, and the woman descended With a rush. There was a cry of terror and a generaletampede. Fortunately the aero- nnut lull Into the branehea of a large tree, and was rescued without sustaining any injury. Ynnng Martinez is well-to-do in his own right, having recently inhalith some $25,000 from his father. The laws of Louisiana provide that a minor who owns property (am he emancipated and obtain oumml of it when he is 18. by order of court or when he marries, marriage acting as an mnanuipmor. To get possession of his fortune, lhureforo. young Martinez had to 111': rry, which explains why he did not wait uriil his bride and himself had reached the High $011011. She Trim] Hm Parachute Achmd Lives to R‘Agl'et It. A (llevulund deapntch says : Estella Leroy. n Cleveland girlI who real name is Hull, attempted to make her first balloon ascension and parachute jump at Beerley’s 'n , I, h. A Boy of 15 Wmls a Girl of '13 to Get Conn-oi of His Fortune. A New Orleans despntoh says : The youngest couple over united here were married before-ludge Price, of the First City Court, this week, the contracting parties being Annie Raul-y, aged 13, and Frank Martinez, ngud 15. They were really boy and girl, looking so young {or their agr's that the Judge declined at first to unite than. But as they had a marriage license with them, and as their mothers were present and gave their full consent to the marriage. no valid objection could be 1‘oiaed,5ud the ceremony was performed. The marring aoemtd all the stranger when it was daveloped that the couple had known each other only a short time. A San Francisco despatch says: The stunner City of Rio Janeiro, from Hong Kong and Yokohama, brings the following ndvioea , “ l‘hu steamer Paoching. )npt. Dime, which Left Shanghi for Hankow, was burned near the Forked Tree, on the Yang. tsee River, May 2831), and Capt. Place, Second Engineer Wilson, and some twenty natives were missing and are supposed to have perished. A number of Chinese vnseeis dxd good service in picking up, the survivors, of whom First Officer Christiansen, the sec- and oiricer, and 62 natives were found. The vessel was loaded with a general oargn. inuluding severnlcases of matches. Engineer William Ritchie stuck to his post, but owing to a down grade and tre- mendous rate of speed could not stop for thirty rods. As he slowed up the tender tipped from the trucks and went over to the ground. Herbert Neseer, the firemen, had just reached the door of the cab, with the evident intention of jumping, when the tipping tender caught him. His leit side was squerzed to a jelly, and he expired five minutes after in Conductor Sheeran's arms Without regaining consciousness. His home was in Detroit, where he had a. wife but no children. He was 28 years old. The coroner and police soon arrived on the scene and began an investigation There is no clue to the perpetrators of the crime, the boys who saw them being too young to give any description of them. There were 40 passengers on the train, and those in the rear coaches knew nothing of the matter until informed after the trein stopped. A Kansas City despatuh of Thursdayssys: In a. drunken fury,an(l urged on by im- aginary wrongs, R. (l. Meyers last evening wmt into the house of his wife’s uncle, Benj. Vanhorn. a well-known resident, where his wxfe was, and attempted to kill the woman with a. revolver. Mr. Van~ horn, in shielding his niece, received a probsbly fatal wound in the abdomen. A second shot struck Miss Carrie Vanhorn and wounded her fatally. Meyers was not captuer umil ho had turned and fired at his pnrsufirs. A bullet hit Nelson Gleason in the leg. As soon as Meyers was arâ€" rusted and taken to the station he fell to the floor in a drunken stupor. The (M'mm'ri Prcszlytcrnm seems to have form-2d a low emimat-e of the work no- compliohed by the Prtsbyteriun Assembly recently met in the Capitol. This is the way it speaks of that venerable body: “ The General Assembly that adjourned last wetk will be chiefly remembered as the one that laid almost everything important over until next year. Can it be possible that the veteran Statesman at Ottawa, sometimes callod ‘ Old To-morrow,‘ exer- cised hlB wellâ€"known magnetic powere upon the fathers and brethren.” The knees should never be ntosaea, for this position, busides being inelegant and nngracofnl, often 1636's to paralysis by diverting the bloofl from the log through pressure.~Jcnness Aliiler Magazine. Gilbert Bataan, a farmer of Little River, has been drowned by falling from a battenu at Chateau Richer, and his body has not yet been recovered. A Passenger Train Engine Derailed and the Fireman Killed. A Grand Rapids, Mich, despaich says : An attempt at train-wrecking occurred last. night just; before the Detroit. Grand Haven & Milwaukee westbound passenger was due. Two men were noticed by two small boys carrying a heavy timber to the rail» road track, and before their purpose could be divined the train hove in sight around a curve and the men run. The engine struck the end of the timber and was derailed, to- gether with the baggage car, but the two passengers and parlor remained on the rails. ESTELLA'S NA REO W ESCA P E V OL XIII 1, 1‘00 Drunk to Shoot]. A FIENDISH CRIME. CHILDREN MA RRY‘ onlvywwo Drowned. Attend to this. Girls 1 A Sinister Influence, In the name field, and about 500 feet to north of the oil springs rm tlw hill, is a fizm spring of pure, clear wuter, which is paid to be the finest in the neighborhood, and them is not a trace of oil in it. Traces of the oil springs can be founfi in a space fifty feet wide, all in wet, marshy ground, lying in a hollow, which has been oonaiderably washed by the lat-e storms. the same indications are to be found on the: farm of Mr. Vnil, and the oil is found on the aurfape in a direct line southwestjrom that on Mr. Eigenhart’a place. Mr. Vail has been offered a large qmdunt for his farm alrmdy. ‘ Mr. Eisenhar’c has not yet denided what to do in the matter, but traces of oil have been noticed here for years by different parties, although not so abundnnfly M at present, and every indication points to a large deposit of oil that; only needs a little labor to secure sufficient to determine its value. Much Perishable Freight lining Sold by the Rallan company. A Chicago dosputch says: There is danger that UllllS-‘J the lliinois Central strike is settled soon it will spread to other roads. The Big Four, which has a. wrack- sge arrangement with the Illinors Central, finding its business obstructed by the Illi- nois Central strike, has made an arrange- ment with the Chiosgo dz Eastern Illinois Railroad to handle its Chicago business. The strikers suspected that the Illinois Centre] was also using the Chicago «81' Eastern Illinois tracks, and sent word to the switchmen of that road not to handle any Illinois Central cars. The request was complied with, and the Eastern Illinois switchmen refused to handle any more. Big Four cars. Thirteen ears of perishable freight are side-tracked at Kankakec. Lsrgequuntities of fruit, berries, wuten melons and the like are side trsoked at various points down the line almost to the city limits, and are fast rotting in the broiling sun. Freight merchants are send- ing caravans of transfer and exprena wag- gons all along the line of the road from Forty-third to Sixty-fifth street, buying up the perishable stuff. The order to sell these goods was given by the officials of the road. After an allvday Session, the con- ference between the strikers’ committees and the Illinois Central officials ended with the positive refusal of the railway company to discharge Superintendent Russell. The ultimatum of the employees had been a demand for Mr. Russell’s discharge. Speculation is rife as to whether a general strike throughout the Illinois Central sys- tem will be ordered. The vein of oil seems to run northeast and southwest, as another spring of the same nature is fuund on the adjoining {arm of Albert Vail. Lord Bute’a mansion, called “ Mou- Btuart,” mar Rothegay, is the largest and costliest private palace in the world. It is in gothio style and covers nearly two 3611393. The halls are of marble and alabaster and the rooms are finished in mzahC-gimy, rose- wood nnd walnut, with {sawed marble fire- places. The cost of the mansion was about $8,000,000. The oil covers thu water with a thick scum of a bluish cast and lines the water- way through the field. A lighted match was placed on “If! water, and althoth the oil did not burn the water did not. extin- guish the lighted match. Another mmch was covered with the oily Bubsmnce and lighted, and “burned with a Bpluti‘uring noise. A widow in Miller County. Mo“ who lives on a farm, gave another woman $515 to seoure her a husband. The man was secured and warmnted all right in evay respect, bnt the nsxt morning after the marriage he licked hia bride, stole the $50 she had saved up, and in the night silently stole away to No Man’s Land. Hearing of the discovery 2m Ilztulm‘l'g/mcm' reporter visxted the spot on 'l‘uusdav and was shown over the place by Mr. Eisen- hart. They vis‘ted the spot where the oil was found, which is in a low-lying marshy field, with a. clay top soil underlaifi with a stratum of red gravel sand. The oil is anpr posed to lie in the subsoil and tho heavy rains, swelling the amount of water, forum: its way through the clay surface soil, car- rying with it the oil. The job printers of the Montreal Hem/II have followed the example of tha composiâ€" tors and are out on atnke. For years them have been indications of oil on the farm of \Vm. T. Eisenhart, on the New Britain Road, leading from the Limekiln Road, in Doylostown townahip, about one and 3-11qu milrs we“ of [)oyles- town, but no attention has ever been paid to the “ nasty scum" that l‘mn nppmred on the water in one of his marshy fields; Aféer the heavy mins of Bpring and fail the, appearance of this 0in deposit has been very noticeable, and last Sunday a Bpring; was discovered which issued on: of the clay soil of the field in a shre'nm as large 8.9 a manta finger, and m: it mn down the waterway tho water was covered with 2. heavy oily subBthnoe to such anextont that it attracted renewed attention and interest owing to the oii fever which seems to have become contagious throughout Bucko and Montgomery counties. Diphtheria is causing many deaths at New Liverpool. Gap Rouge and otlmr adjacent localities in Quebec. A meeting of the trunk line presidents was held at Pittsburg, P9,, yesterday to devise means for putting rm and to rates cut-ting. The “.8. Senate by 29 to 18 votrtd to admit Wyoming as a State. The bill for the admission of Idaho goes over till Monday. All the stemners arriving in Mantras speak of encountering an unusual number of icebergs and great fieldsz of loosaioe, making navigation very perilous. “Are you going ta‘ hurry my brother?" “Yss.” " Then there‘s no use of my making you to be my wife, be- cause you'll be a sister to me anyhow,” Mougre details of the burning of the mining town of Carbon, 200 miles weafi of Cheyenne, W. '1‘.. have reached here. Twenty houses were deatroyedn No lives were lost. Sometimes two drops of nmphor on a. tooth brush will kill a breath which richly deserves it. Intelh'yencrr: In several part-s of Dunks county the earth eeems to be impregnnsad with oil. Signa of oil in paying quantities have been found in Nockamixon township, with infiioations of natural gas. and 5&9sz are being taken to devclop the fialdg, a company having legged 1,000 some form. harm of years. A Former Hmniltnnian's Good Forums in Pennsylvania. The following is from the Doyhstown Intelh'yencrr: In several part-s of Dunks county the earth eeems to be impregnnsad with oil. Signa of oil in paying quantities have been found in Nockamixon township, with infiioations of natural (ms. and sham: TH E RAILWAY STJH KP}. STRUCK ()l L. R1 0 HM 0ND HILL '1‘“ URSDA Y, J ULY 'l U, 1890 FWW.MKWM “fliva ‘IMW Patrick Barry, of the firm 0! Elwnnger X Barry, and the most widely known nurs- eryman in the world, died at his home in Rochester yesterday morning: aged 74 years. A by~law asking for $16,000 to build a fire hall, extend the market square and ustabliah a new fire alarm a} stem in Wood- stock was def-sated by about four to one yesterday. The boiler of the tug boat Alice 1‘}. Crew, moored at the foot of Vem Brunt street, Brooklyn, exploded and killed he; crew of six men and Bunk another tug witha watch- man aboard. A Viotoria, B. C‘, despntch says the 0.1‘. R. Navigation Gompauy’U nimrnshigsfiar' donyx is a complete wreck of!" Queen Char latte Island. II; is said no livua were lost. i‘ha Sardonyx was insured for $40,000. To encourage a higher standard of educa- tion in the schools the Council of Lennox and Addington will give $5 to every teacher for each successful candidate at the primary and High School examina- tlons. Hillbfll‘t, the negro who was nearly drowned yesterday afternoon and after- ward stabbed his pal, Kenny, on Ship~ man’s dock, Detroit, escaped to Windsor. Heis very reticent about the atabbing nth-any. 1“ng Strittmatter, a German piano- maker in Toronto, shot himself through the head on Sunday, and his dead body was found yesterday morningin the factory where he had been a workman some time bdore. President Menendez, of San Salvador, died suddenly Sunday night soon after the conclusion of a banquet given on the occu- sion of the fifth anniversary of the entrance of General Mendenez into San Salvador. A despatch from Sydney. N S.W., says: The Government subsidy to the Sam Fran- oisoo mail line will cease atwr November next unless the American Government15ml)~ scribes toward the expense of maintaining the service. Mr. Haggart, Dominion Postmaster- Geneml has concluded arrangements for 5 dirth parcel post with Japan, to come into fol-on ()utober lat. Eugene Cowles, who was recently shot by Hale, his brother-inlaw. in Montreal, is convalescent, and will be able to leave the houpiml 1n n few days. ‘ A flash of lightning damaged the veran- dah of (Jollins‘ hotel, Lambethg yesterday, and Lhreeladius in the Methodist Church fainted from the shock. George Bennett, Edward Barrett and Eriward Malvern have been sentenced at; Napunee to one year in ‘he Central Prison ior carrying burglar-9’ toola. The attorney of the Union Pacific Rail- way has! insfiituted a suit against 0. H. McKibben, late general purchasing agent of the road, for $60,000, that being the sum he is charged with having stolen dur- ing his ofiicisl career. In r'asponso to an order of the Executive Committee of the Central Lnbor Union of Westcheater, 1,000 operatorsin the Copcutt mills, Yonkers, N. Y., struck yesterday. They are resisting reductions of fifteen and twentyfivo per cent. The day utter Mr. Mercier’s election vio- tory the French flag was hoisted over the Govermuent oflices in Montreal. As soon as tho Eremier was aware of the fact he ordered the Dominlon flag to be displnyed in place of the French ensign. Frank Spencer will be hanged at Kam- loops, B. 0., July 21%, for the murfler of Peter Foster there three years ago. A young man named Geo. Harvey, whose home is at Attwood, was drowned at Goderich last evening while bathing. Tripoli is being devastnted by locusts. The dacomposad bodies of the: insects fill the wells, infecting the water and render- ing it uufib {or use. A fire broke out yesterday in the work- shop of the King‘s County (N. Y ) Peni- tentiary, and, notwithstanding that there were 405 prisoners, of whom twenty were women, at work at the time. a panic was] averted and there was no loss of life. Mm Pettypiece, of Ashton, 111., auicided by drowning at Brockvfllo on Sunday. She was despondunt owing to poor health. Quartermaster Higgins, of the London cavalry troop, prostrated by illness at the Stratford camp. was brought home yester- day. Gunner Jfimea Pook, London Field BnttH‘y, fell from his horse at camp on Saturday and broke his shoulder blade. The Dunbar mine rescuing party has advanced 50 feet since Saturday. They are still working through a heavy face of slate, and may reach an open heading lead- ing to the coal at any time. There is not much hope that the Hill farm mine can be reached before tomorrow morning. A cable message was received at the United States Navy Department yesterday from Consul Garesohe. at Martiniqura, as followsz-“Half Fort de France burned. Martinique demands aid. Five thousand homeless people need lumber. beef, pork, flour and other provisions. Cable quickly what States will do.” About (300 pilgrims passed through Mon- treal yesterday for Quebec, on their way to the shrine of St. Anne de Beaupre. A Woman named ElimCooper, afurmer’a wife, living nest New Orleans, has been arrestpd for cruelty to an adopted girl, whom she employed as ahouse servant and also made work in the 116169. The authori- ties found in a place indicated by the girl 21 collection of straps and rods, with which the girl was frequently flogged. Dr. Gsrnenn, deputy coroner, left Que- bec yesterday for Saint Giles, to hold an inquest on the body of an old man named 103;, who died yesterday from the effects of a blow received from one Shallow, in a row there on the 12th inst. High Constable Gale and Constable Harpe accompany the coroner-in case there has been any foul There has; been a split,- En the National Order of Railway (londumurs on the ques- tion of strikes. Yesterday the Duke of Clarence, the son of the Prince of Wales. took his smt in the House of Lords as a peer. Midwinter, the famous Australian crick- eter, is insane, and his mmdition is hope- lees. A waggon load 01' 21,00” eggs crossed the ferry from Windsor to Detroit yesterday morning. The rate of assessment for the city of Tomato for the current yew: was fixed yes- terday at 1-1.} mills on the dollar. Gas has been struck at a depth of 685 ram mam? Humberatoue, «gm. There is a slight epidemic of Ecnrlet fever at Walkerville. TE IJEG RAPHIO SUMMARY. A verdict of murder against Burner Shallow, who threw the stone that- caused the death of old man Cox, at Craig’s Station. Que.. was rammed tic-flay by the coroner's jury. The amused has, however, left the country. Merge Freeman. the mulntto conchman who so viciously assaulted Mrs. Scidmore in Detroit on April 10th, has been found guilty of assault with intent to murder, and sentenced to life imprisonment. The Bank of Hartford, 00:111., has sus- pended owing to the failure of the Park National of China go. The Bank 0! Hart- ford is capitalized at $100,000. An assign- ment has bean made. The deposits amount no MUNGU. ‘ ’ William Heflar, a laborer employed on a sewer on Lake street, Toronto, yesterday, accidentally fell into an exunvation, a dis- tanoeof filteen feet, and fractured his right leg in two places. He was taken to the hospital in the ambulance. The burque Ethel. bound- from London to Brisbane, collided off Portland, yester» day with the steamer Umbillo,bonnd from Natal to London. One of the Umbillo’s crew and four of the Ethel‘s were killed by falling spars. The Ethel sank. Her crew bonrded the Umbillo. A. passenger train on the Wabash road was wrecked near Silver City, 13., yester- day, the engine and rear passenger conch going into the dxtch. The only persons seriously injured were the engineer and fireman. The latter was fatally ecalded. St. Jean Baptiste day was celebrated with great pomp in Montreal yeaterday. Rev. Father Ecrement, of Hoohelnga, preached the sermon and compared Canada with St. John the Baptist. Ha praised patriobiam and appealed to Canadians to love their country and not to leave it, as so many hundreds did every year. A writ has been issued for a. new election for the House of Commonsfor Kent county, N.B., the constituency having been opened by the uppoiutmunt of Mr. P. A. Landry to a County Court judgeship. It is stated that agreements were settled in Ottawa yesterday between English cupi- tulista, the Dominion Governmem and me Hudson Bay Ruiiway by which work on the road will be at once commenced. Chicago suburban tminmen struck yes- terday morning after the early trains had come. and there are now 1,300 men idle, end the business of the road is paralyzed. The bone of contention is E. G. Russell, superintendent of the northern lines of the Illinois Central and Wisconsin railroads, whose management is very unsatisfactory to the men. The House Committee of the U. 8. Con- grass on Goinage decided to recommend non-concurrence in the Sennte amendment to tha Silver Bill, and to ask the House to orde! a. conference. A young lad named J. E. Barr, whose parents reside at 246 Broadview avenue, Toronto. while playing truant at the Winchester street bridge yesterday after- noon, fell in the Don and was drowned. A boy named Macdunald, who was with him, gave the alarm. His body was recovered. An explosion in s pat-affine ware houneat Lassa, Prussian Poland, yesterday com. pleter destroyed the building. Seven men were killed, twelve seriously injured and several slightly hurt. A Oatharinea Ind namea Joseph Weaver, son of Mr. Clark Weaver, fell from a cherry tree yesterday, a distance of twelve feet. Ilia {skull was fractured. It is reported the boy is dying. The mail train from Orillia last evening ran over and killed a little girl named Fraser, about 8 years of age, in the vicinity of Gowan station. She was returning home from piuking berries and had been walking along the track, and in her efforts to get; clear of the cars fell upon the mile over a culvert. The body was unrecognizable and presented a horrible sight. Last evening John Houston, about 20 years of ago, was drowned while bmhing ofl Point Freiioriok, at Klngston. With other young men he jumped out of an anchored boat. He seems to have lost oon- fidonoe, and when u comrade named Agnew came near him he seized him and both went under. Agnew was able to reledae’ himself from Houston's grip and saved hlmself. Houston never rose. He was a son of Rev. Samuel Houston, pastor of Cooke’s Church. Dnriugthn thunderstorm Tuesday Mr. John A. Cameron, a prominent farmer, livingnear Chelsea, was struck by light- ning and instantly killed. Mr Cameron was driving a team of homes at the mum, and at his side sat John McGEv-nis, his hired man. The horses were k‘l!~d also. and Ma‘zinnis was rendered iwmsible. Parsons at a distance saw the occurrence. and hurrying to the spot found Cameron dead mild McGinnia speechless and semi- parulyzed. The latter is, hOWever, recoverâ€" mg. Sarah Bernhardt is said to have fallen in love with Henry M. Stanley, and expresses eagerness to accompany him to the heart of Africne At Memphis, Tenn., yesterday, three blacks and a white man were to be hanged together, but at the requeet of the White man he was hanged alone. A young man named James Johnson was firowned Monday night while bathing in the river Sydenham, two miles from Flor- ence, Ont. The body was recovered two hours later. There Wm; a collision between two 1000» motlves in the O. P. R. yard at London yesterday morning. The yard engine ran into thelocomotive which brought the ex- press from Wiudmr. Both engines were considers.ny damaged. Driver Mimms, of West Toronto Junction, jumped and sprained his ankle. The others escaped injury. Edward McGuire, aged 28, of Harvey, committed suicide by cutting his thront with a. razor on Monday. The strike of carpenters in Detroit for eight hours, inaugurated May 14m, has collapsed. Funds gave out. There will be genera} elections for the Legislative Asaembly in Prince Edward Island on July 30th. A New York deapatph says the coal com- panies yesterday decided to advance prices 103 to 150 per ton. Buffalo Bill’s show was forbidden by the Berlin police on the ground that it is de- moralizing to youth. Saventy houses have bsen destroyed by fire in Oldenburg, Germany. The entire businnas portion of Certillos, N. BL. was burned last night. Loss, $100,000. The Seventh Battalion will go into camp from July 14th to Aug. 13!: at Port Stanley. plsy, and it is said Shallow has left for the United Smtes, WHOLE NO 1,68. N0 79 From thigh to Bottom of knee, two lengths. Frdm ankle to the gféund, onehalf lengfih: Adding to these measurements: one length for the head itself, givaE 5934M lengths for the proper height of tKQ'body of men. Women are slightly andner. the proportion of their head to the height being about as one to seven or seven and one»half. The arzn from the armpit to “Cu: r‘ihmv joint is one and onequerter times the length of the head, from thence to the wrist one and ouequerter and from the wrist to the end of the middle finger three- quurtera of the length of the head. The distance between the right middle finger and the some finger of the left hand in, when the arms are spread horizontally from the body, cqual to the height of the figure. It follows, therefore, that the breadth of body fiom armpit to armpit is! one and one half lengths of the head. WM. Louis Postâ€"Dispatch. “’hy Negotiatioxm in the Behring Roz: mm- culty Have Bern Unsuccessnl. The Washington evening Critic hes the following : ” The Critic is in a position to state as a. matter of undoubted and shoon lute fact that the present state of nonfuâ€" sion in which the Behring Sen. qumti m is involved is the result of the President’s r0- pudiatiou of an arrangement betwuen b‘ecv rotary Blaine and Lord Salisbury, the Prime Minister of Englanfi. One of the first subjects taken up by Mr. Blaine slum he had fairly settled clown to the work in his department was that of the seal fisher- ies in Behring Sea. The question came to him in an unsettled shapn because of the notorious impossibility of Secretary Buy- ard’s obtaining anything like (no-operation or support from the Senate. That Mr. Blaine took virtually the same View of the matter as was entertained by Mr. Bayard will be sufficiently demonstrated when all the facts in the ossa shall have been pub~ lished. But meanwhile it is sufficient to state that Mr. Blaine, after the most cars- ful and exhaustive examination on his own part, and an abundant interchange of son- timsnt and suggestion with Lord Salie bury, entered into an agreement with that high funetionury. It was an ugreement entirely satisfactory to both, an agreement which recognized the rights and interests of the United States equally with those of England, and its ratification would have definitely terminated s most vexetious and untoward, not to any menacing, controversy. This agreement the Pn-sialent flatly refused to anuetion." From top m bottom of brenatbone or sternum, one-half length of head. From bottom of sternum to beginning 0f lower limbs, two lengths. From the bottom of the knee fio the ankle, one and oneihalf lengths. From the bottom of chin to brenfitbone avg-half length of head The proportions of the human body as; given by the best authorities are as fol- lows. the length of the head being the standard of measurement 2 ‘ Aglanoe through the pending Sundry Civil Bill, supplemented by the regular Legislative and Executive Appropriation Bill, discloses that Mr. Harrison is likely to be able to make both ends meet at the close of the coming fiscal yenr. As a starter, he has his salary of $50,000. There is a further sum of 525,000 allowed him to spend as he sees fit in reoarpeting his rooms and making his domestic apartments comfortable in the matter 0!! furniture. Sixteen thousand dollars or thereabouts is set aside to pay for his gas and electric lights. Three thousand dollars is allowed him {or coals. To keep his greenhouses in order so as to furnish him with buttonhole bouquets and flowers to present to his friends $57,000 is appropriated. A thousand dollars is allotted him for his front garden, and $5,000 for his back garden If his kitchen pipes should happen to burst in the winter there is a 552,500 plumbers’ bill for him to draw upon. He has no servants to provide except a neck and soullions and ohambermaids. Congress furnishes him with a steward and everything else in the servant line at a cost of about $15,000. He has not even to provide matches. The appropriation for fuel and lights distinctly specifies that it shall include matches. He has to buy his butcher’s meat and groceries and his wine, howaver, when he gives a dinner party. Pretty nearly all else ls given him, and lest there should be some- thing overlooked a contingent fund of $8,000, which he is at liberty to spend as he thinks proper, rendering no account to any» body, is added as a cap sheaf. The total appropriations for the domestic economy of the Executive Mansion, excluding the salâ€" aries of the private secretaries and clerks engaged solely on official business, foot up $132,500. What They Should Be In ()rdrr to Artimtiu. ’m The art of shoeing is important and sdould be understood by the owner of the horse. Moore good hoofs hm'a been [spoiled by hot shoes than in any othnr w r Never fit the foot to the when, but M the shoe in the foot. Never put a. hot ahce to the hoof ; many good hoofs have been ruined by burning. Never pare the frog. Never twist off the nails ; use nippe-"m for cutting them off. Never drive large mgila. Never drive the nails too high in the wall of the hoof. 'Burning stops up tha' pores of the hoof wall nnd makes it hrittm and the horse tender footed. “ What‘s the reason you have robbed and cheated so much? ” The Accused -Like all men, Your Honor, I was anxious to to secure for myself aquiet and comfortable old age. Never trim the hoof more than is necea sury. The thoroughly manny git} has her clothes oonatruoted with as many pockets as her brother's. Jornell university has abandoned, or is about to abnndou her alleged “ School of Journalism.” Trying to found a school oi journalism is a good deal like founding a “ school of experience.” The journaliat i2 born, not made, and nothing but hard Malta in the actual work of daily newsgnthering will ever make a journalistâ€"vBrooklyn Standard Union. Peter White, the fourth victim of the Colohester boiler explonion, died yesterday. Wm How Harrison is Kept Out, of Hm Pour House. PROPOBTKONS OF THE BODY r\‘ a?“ TIIFI LION IN THE PATH IT COSTS A GOO!) DIG/$1 Hints 0n Horneflhoning’. A Jnstltialflo Excuqe. Hob Hurdetm'a I’onnimintic Views of human lilnlrituncfi. Mm) born of womnn is of few days and no teeth, and, indeed, it would bo money in his pocket sometimes if he had less of either. As for his teeth, he had convul- sions! when he cut them, and as the last one comes through, 101 tho dontist is twisting the first one out, and the last and of that man’s jaw is worse tlmn the first, being full of porcelain and n rootplate built to hold bmok-lnlrry seeds. Stoneâ€" bruises lino his pathway to manhood, his father boxes hi? oars at home, the big boys cuff him in theplay “round and the teacher Whips him in the schoolwom. Ho buyeth Northwestern at six, and hia neighbors unâ€" loadeth upon him Iron Mountnm at sixty. three and five~eigbths. and it atrsightway breaketh down to fifty-two and onofourth. IIe riatth early and ait'mtn up late that ho may lill him hum; “ml Morelwuaea, andlo! his ohili‘lrou‘dla‘o yewdividetheapoilsnmong thomaelyes and any: “ 11»; I ha 1" He growl- eth and is sorediotreased because it raineth, and he 1). moth upon his breast am} anyeth, “ My crop is lost,” bectuse it raineth not. 'I'lm lam rains blight» his wheat and the frost bitoth his peaches. If it be so that the sun Bhimath, awn among the ninov tics, he Rayutll, “ Woois ms, for I parish,” and if the northwest wind aiyhnth down in 429 below, he crimh, " Would I were deadl" If llu wuma Huckoloth and blue jean, men say. “ llu ia a tramp,” and if he gooth forth almqu and clad in purple and fine limm, all the people cry, “ Shoot the dude 1“ He curring-u insurance for 25 years, until he lmth puLi tht‘luu for all his goods, and than he lotuuth his; policy lapse one day, and that Emma night fire destroy: eth his more. He buiideth him a. house in Jeremy, and his first-born is devoured by mosquitoaa ; he pitcheth his tents in New York, and trumps devour his substance. lln mgwetl) to Kwugzw, mld a. gyclonu unrry- eth his homm ovnr into Mus-mm, while u. prairie fire and 10,000,000 acre-a of grasshop- perks fight for hm ump He Bottleth himself 11) Kentucky, and is. shot the next day by a guntleimn, a uolonel and a statesman, “ haze-sum, 5511, he mum!)me rash, 5 man, Huh. he did not, like, fish.” \H-rily, i-hum is no man Em the sole of hit! foot, and if 11:: had 10 (in it over again he would not ho burn at all, fur “ the day of death is batter than the day oi rme’a birth." The Mmima ’I’r‘mns chronicles the doings of a terrJMn man crating: tiger. During 188‘.) the munntur (myriad of!" human lives at the rut-a 0! one a wueck. This year 1,118 pro- pnrfiinn has duubled. The tigur is known as the mMLeMcr of 'l inmlakumiv It makes the plains and monnminn of Mumngapon Mid .K almlluudi, in the diatriot- of Vimgmpa» tam. 11m fluid of its oporationa. The Gov: ernmunt: ban of‘fumxi 200 piaflterfi for its! demruuidon. Lastymr Hm swallowed 52 men, and Lilia year, from the .1315 the 201211 of January, in him} catun six. It is ubw-hzmiy withuut {war nnfi does not. hr‘mmto {0 Minsk a group of four or five men. It will select the individual most to in}, taste and molly walk off with himl Thu nativm of the loomiity are para» lymd with inns, At Hm Highb of the tiger they become incapable of action. Here is (his) example of the hamcioua suiv dncity of this mun/ml, which occurred the beginning of ihin your : A mother and her daughter were warming: themselvus by the fire in thuir hut. The duur was closed and bolted” Without an iimmut‘s warning the door was anshod in, the manâ€"enter leaped info the hut, seized the bunutiful young girl and walkofl ol'l‘ wish her. The lmgme‘sight is the name of a new lnunge pillow which everybody l8 after just now. It is :1 Huh bolahar pillow designed for beauty imd comfort as well. It can be covered with almost any material. An emâ€" broidered lining is; preferred by many, being, clean, cool and durable, They cam be atuffed with down, feathers: or wool. A wide, may loungzo in mm rimmed a nnoes airy in Man llll rooms! aluvutud m family comfort? but langm Huh, may pilluwa, so YnBllS and dresmsd R?! to look neat and tidy and yet- ndmi: of careless tremment, are nut :10 common. Pillows for every-day service cannot b3 med long wifihont becomv ing badly {‘05le imlvsm protect-ed by Iidies or COVOI‘H of nomn surmwhich are aoonazant source of mumyanm, tlmy Me H3 liable to be displaced Mid rumpled up. if not wholly thrown wide. The embroidered linen “ hug rue-tight" cmninb 1m omin displaced (as its: rmmu i1 l umem), and, being an andâ€" less comm {Jim pilluw in pmtecied on all widen and can be washed. In Chicago. Heâ€"Mny l haw, the plugging company 5t nnpp. t, Mina “mam? bibs-«You‘re a ham late, Mr. I‘ve bsen down to supper thx‘ alreadyr‘ Judgn’. Firat Miss ~-\V1mt a hmm‘lsome mnatmxhe that genfivleman 11m? ’ Bacond Misw Y be very dimgrnnrah yuur lip, Firm; M Egg 7 it 1' Second Mien ' A an‘lnn woman’s (:1 far M R: motion by one provide n sqmmna men also a billiardmoom, The. wife of a. baronot has appeared in the Raw, in the regular hour, riding astridea Her dram: was a divided skirt. rather longer than the habit now fashionable. Am] than H] M, m [’1] run an hour And while Hwy 11 I'll jump and “, Rut. H'ermd mmm 1313110erth \Vhilu ho her smnos m )H But I' am; Maud it :5], I know. Until Homo Tum] night \Vhl'n Angvh’ms will Hly m C‘ 1‘; “ l kuou 11m (Huck {Lilli right“ H In And! \Hu IN 0f 0f \ViH lam nf Ha mm, 'E v.0 “Jen Every \Veek‘ 'l‘iuk. buck he Had :x‘ Plan mt, Experlmme 1'11 100] gush like a hm] My 1mm I hour Lufi gum!“ trawl \th’l] uumn 0 m1 stay and :‘Li While dimly h M y 1' A! mi Lir “’iLh iH! 10V And 1' «v jnHL‘I 1 MW; G A SEKMUN IN LIFE, n11 Tim HIIgâ€"M'n-Tight tin-,3? rarity.“ clock. *d in glolm of glam. 01y chiming: silvm' belies :mL 0.11 made of brass. 111111" the mnnfiepione "05L nigghmnn vnmn, F ‘ l'd and chilmul rmfl mm the tune my hnnds begin in Shaka “is while wiih drmld, ing; down Hm onlwu stair. woman‘s club hasdevo‘iopad M5 ion by one of inn member's to pamna room for smokbrs, and she'll Rm‘nly haw a. [man zumn 011. Sunday mghm. (1 a.“ 01‘ l Tim Parlor Cluck. szz; but i think is mum Mom to have n mustache rm Little, L511 9‘ 1d; (#1in (my fr M . 0 V yumling “311R,” .1 hennth L110 moon my 'lmy‘ll carry on (u, will 0min 8.60 wt, l ahuh knoll '0 my men. m L110 light ‘ y sme hi] ‘ILI'S‘ a late, Mr. Waldo; mppcr three times though 0 you know 1' Half “1 HJ‘ sound NWIJL'H u’ ‘1?»de any or will: ('1 L‘m‘ga mg Ch A, m yl‘ of your n 0

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