Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 24 Jul 1890, p. 3

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.__.p. .», . 42.9. i vs, I t NEW LOCALS. SUBSCRIBE FOR.) “ The York Herald.” The Ontario House. ls the Place to Go FOR ALL KINDS OF Fresh Groceries, Canned Goods, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars, Baking Powders, FiSh, etc. ' Always on Hand: Thorlcy’s Ciittle Food, G. H. Nichold’s Fer- tilizer-’8, Six Different Brands. FLOUR AND FEEDS JOSEPH H. HALL. %Sanderson BT08535": RICHMOND HILL DRUGGISTS. â€"-â€"-.E‘OR TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES; Perfumes in Great Variety" HAIR, NAIL, 'AN‘D TOOTH BRUSHES. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK. lllse Winter Balm for chapped hands. Its purifying and healing properties‘ renders the Skin soft and silk-like in its textures. Marinas inn anaaanna SHOULD USE-â€" Si Commons, ' AXLE GREASE. EDIT-CUTTING , , PARAPHINE, .McEUH an. __ __ --ANDâ€"- Lardine Oil. BOILER Won‘t. outs PURGERS â€"_â€"sF:E' THA'Ir'l'HE BARRELS ARE BRANDEDâ€"a " Mchll» Bros.” Lardine, Toronto.” I . â€"‘â€"â€"--â€"SO:LD B!=â€"â€"â€"â€"-’ , assassination. narraisrs,i-nicauumi 1111.11.” l l PUBLISHED BY M. H. KEEFLER, . . EVERY THURSDAY, At his printing 0 r‘ Hill, Ontario. Terms of Subscription :â€"-Sll1 00 per, annum in When not paid in advancb $1 60 Will sdvsnhe, be charged. . Transitoi‘y advertisements, first insertion periine....... Each subsequent in n. p t. Contracts for time and space mod ion. Advertisements without written instructions urged transi- will be inserted until forbid and. cut rates. footwear MERCHANT Envelopes with their times. I y . HERALD" OFIFCE. Richmond Hill, On S. The Jamaica Exhibition. It has been decided by the govern- ment after mature consideration to ap- point a Commissioner to the Edhibition at Kington, Jamaica,'in the person of Mr. Adam Brown, of Hamilton, a gentleman every way fitted for the position. But whether it would not have been as well to have griiiited one. from the Maritime Previnces also, is worthy of consideration, seeing that their business connections with Jamaicd and the Leeward and Windward Islands of the West Indies has hitherto bebn far more important than Ontario’s has been. Appointments. His Excellency the Governor- General has been pleased to make the following appointments, viz :â€" Malachy Bowes Daly, of the city of Halifax, in the Province of Nova Scotia, Esquire. Barrister-atâ€"law; to be Lieuâ€" tenant‘Governor of the Province of Nova Scotia, vice the Honourable Archibald Woodbury McLelan doneascd. John Walsh, of the city of Ottawa, in the Pro’irihbe oi’ Ontario, Esquire; to be a chief clerk in the Post. Oifice Des partmcnt, and Superintendent of the Dead Letter Branch of said Department. Philippe Pelletier, of the City of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, Esquire. Chief Clerk in the Depdrtmcnt of the Secretary of State; to be acting under Secretary of State (if Canada, during the temporary absence on vaca- tion of L. A. Catellicr. Esduirc. Francis Charles Thompson, of Sherâ€" brooko, in the Province of Quebec, Esquire; to be the Postmaster of Sher Ontario Beeâ€"Keepers. The Ontario Bee-Keopers‘ Associa~ tion was organized in 1880 and incorâ€" porated in 1886. It has a membership of 300. The ollicers for 1890 are : Pi'es.,â€"Alleii Pringle, Selby. - t\7icevl’res.â€"â€"F. A. Gcnimell, Slralford. Directors. Dist. No. l~â€" W J. Brown, Chard. " No. 2â€"- J. K. Darling. Almoiile. " No. 3-â€"M. B. Ilolmes. Athens. “ No. 4â€".(2. W. Post, Murray. " No. Corneil, Lindsay. “ No. 8~W. Couse. Streelsvflle. “ No. 7â€" A. Picket. Nassnguiveya. u it H No. Sâ€"F A. Rose, Bitllnf‘ll‘ul. No. 9-Martin I‘Imigh, Llolbrook. No. lOâ€"â€"It. McKnighi,0wen Sound No. lIâ€"J B. Aches. Poplar Hill. l No. lZâ€"I’eter Bussey, Cottum. No. Iiiâ€"F. II. hlucphei'son. Beeton. Secretaryâ€"W. Couse, Streelsville. Treasurer-R McKnight, Owen Sound. Auditorsâ€"Anguish} Brantford, and It. F. Hotcrman, Rc'u’i‘ney. Bulletin Xxxiii from the Bureau of Ipdustri‘cd tréa‘ts‘ of Foul Brood dmong Bees ;‘ its causes, management and cure, prepared by a committee of the Bee- Keepers’ Association, and is issued by the Department of Agriculture in the interest of the beekee‘pidg industry in Ontario. 6‘ ‘I H Mdldoon Won’t Withdraw. [IE was orrnnsn nonsr nor ro APPEAR , acamsr rayon any. The” charge of aggravated assault against Registrar Peter Ryan preferred by J. J. M uldoon was not proceeded with in the Police Cdurt,Toronto,nn Monday, because the complainant was not in court. An enlargement was made until Thursday. Mr. Muldocn, who was ac- companied by his wife, met a reporter of This World'in King-street last evening and made this statement: "Ido not intend to withdraw this charge, not much. I have been offered money to do so, but Iwon’t. Peter J. Brown and Frank Cassidy came to my house on Sun-- day night. [was sick in bed; perhaps I should not be out tO--night. My wife ad» mitted Mr. Brown and he came up stairs :to my room. Cassidy remained outside. BrOWn offered me money. $100.10 Withdraw the charge and promised me that I would be all righti‘n six months. He said he would also pay my doctors’ bills. I have proofin my pocket (slapping his hand on his right side)that would upset the Grit elec- tion if I wanted to use it. I spurned Brown’s offer of a settlement. You can say thatI will certainly appear in court against Ryan for his treacherous assault on me."â€"World. Grand Old Times. Half the Cabinet at Ottawa are elf énjbying themselves with the Governor General at their head, catching salmon or some other fish. The Reform Cabinet of M r. Mowat is not far behind. Three ministers of the Cabinet have been without seats before and since the elecâ€" tionâ€"at the same time business is being done in their names, and we presume they draw their pay and this is what is called Reform. Mr. Mowat, himself is elf to the Mountainsof New Hampshire; Mr. Ross is taking in the Pacific Slope; Mr. Fraser is at his old home in Brock- ville and Mr. Hardy is the only man left at Toronto, the Licut.-Govern0r, Ca-pbell being away across the ocean wave and thus business is made to drag along. We do not know that the country materially sufiers by the absence only so much that the taxpayers have to pay for all this fun. The poor laboring men of the country who have to bear the heat I of summer and cold of winter are taxed to pay for the line linen that our rulers wear and the faring sumptuoust every‘I The York I-Ierald. r flice, Yonge Street, Richmond Post Masters Doctors and BusinesssMen soon have 1,000 postpaid to any partot the Dominion usiness card neatly printed thereon in black ink for $2.00. Send copy with reinit~ '1' ' 11 mg campaign. :suit of clothes. summer and cold of winter so seriously affect had a little less of tlie sumptuous things of this life and a little more work to do perhaps the necessity of running to the salt water or to the mountain? air, might not so often arise. Is it'any wonder that the cry of Equal Rights should arise, or that Radicalism and Socialism should prevail to such an ex» tent as to permeate the very troops that surround the tlirune, and wlio,_a_bove all, have been counted on as the most loyal and the most to be depended on in till cases ot'disturbance. The fact is the more civilized we get the tiioie‘iiiistly it becomes. The more goveiiihd we are the greater is the nuisanbe cf it until the rulers, for something to do seem to study how to annoy those whom they are supposed to serve. by making laws unjust and unequal and that bears hard upon the common people. V w .. Internatidilal Exhibition. We have to acknowledge receipt of the Prize List of the St. John, N. B., , Canada’s. International lxâ€" hibition to be held at that city from Sep. 24th to Oct 4th. The principal features of this exhibition it may not be amiss to state are : Competition open to the world ; space and power free of charge. About 312.000 in premiums; Finest summer climate on the co'istinent of America. The largest biiildln’g a‘c» commodation, and the largest and most conveniently situated grounds in the Maritime provinces, on which $40,000 has lately been expended. A large and comprehensive display of the products of the West India Islands. A large display of the products of the sea fisher ics of the Maritime Provinces. A large display of exhibits from Great Britain. the United States and elsewhere. The. gieat Maritime Butter Competition for which prides amounting to $800 will be offered. Attractive Poultry and Bench Show; competition prizes about $1,200; A great Carriage Cortipetition. A large collection of machinery iii motions A large array of special attractions botli on the grounds and throughout the city, including an extensive programme of Racing Competition, for which prizes of about 32,000 are offered. Write Ira Cornwall, Secretary, St. John, N.B., for copy of prize list. , -, D’Alton McCarthy and the Globe. _ Nineteen and more election protests have been entered in this provin'de. Perhaps in a half a dozen instances the petitioners hope to succeed. In the balance there will be a .“ saw off” the conflicting political parties agreeing mutually to withdraw. I do not imâ€" agine that in a solitary instance a petition has been filed by anyone who is moved by a personal and heart-felt dieâ€" like of bribery or corruption. As a rule election protests are entered in the hope that if a new deal be allowed by the courts the result may be chb'd'ged. This trading in political iniquity is common to both parties and We hare no reason to be surprised as we have had every evidence that the majority of partisans have no objection to “ Queer” methods so long as they do not enibar- , rass or defeat their party. I do not believe there has yet been an election trial dh‘i’ch' has, proven the ~existencc even among the rank and file of the - politicians an abstract hatred of im- proper methods. W The GlobeT s’ays - " The Tory“. papers are dropping the Equal Rights cry now, probably because the Dominion elections are the next elections to he decided.” it is not at all unnatural that the Tory papers should do this after the way sn'ch papers as the Globe and such politicians and preachers as John Charlton and-“ Principal Caven acted during the row? ifi'nc'ial campaign. Amongst the Grits it was proven that the Eqifal . Rights’ movement was a hollow mockery and it is perfectly natural, believing such to be the case, that Conservatives slipuld return to their old organization. Until the present the Globe has continuously assailed D’Alton McCarthy as one of Sir John’s decoy ducks. Never for a moment, until it thought it could utilize him, could it be persuaded that Mr. McCarthy was sincere or that he had severed his connection viith the Con- servative party. Now when it hopes to force Mr, McCarthy into an assault upon the Conservative party it says: “ It has been evident for sometime back that he has cut all connection With his old friends and is resolved to steer an independent course." It also says: " Mr. licharthy'.was one of the ablest and most respectable men on the Tory side and his loss will be felt in the com- Mr. McCarthy will not thank the Globe for its friendship as its patronage will at once alarm his Conservative followers, particularly when it predicts “ that in this province at l’é‘a‘st he will make inroads upon the Conservative party." The Globe also alleges that he intends to drop the adâ€" vocacy of Imperial Federation and speaks of this “'as'a wise step,” as if Mr, McCarthy were a man who could put on and take oil his principles like a D'Alton McCarthy has many friends who hold him in such high esteem that even Globe compliments will not weaken their faith in him, but vie all thoroughly understand that the conduct of the Grit Wing of the Equal Rights movement during the past cams paign has left him in an exceedingly difiicult position. Dos. â€"â€"_â€"â€" Dinah Explain‘ed‘. . While’at church an old lady hii'ppened to sneeze, and immediately every eye was turned toward her. When she reached home she said to Dinah, her colored maidâ€" ofâ€"-all- work. who had been'h'er companion at church : “ Dinah, why didn’t you take the blame ofthat sneeze on your shoulders? You should have made it appear as though it was you, not I, that sneezed.” The next Sunday the old lady sneezed again. Some of the young.r folks tittered, and there wasl a broad‘ smile on the faces of the emigre-- gslion as the simple-minded, faithful Dinahl arosc‘nnd said: " I takes de blame ob dat sneeze my missus huh jest sneezed on my own shoulders l"â€"~Y’outh’s Companioh. gr lday. If some of those that the heat ofi' 0M AMERICAN AND ENGLISH vorces. .l BY OLIVER WEKDELL HOLMES. . "A charming girl for a mnnot'n quiet, easy temperament. The I I with her voice. It is pitched afoll riote to‘o , high. It is aggressive. disturpipg, and I would wear out a nervous manpitliodt , his ever knowing what was the matter with him. A good many crazy Northern people would recover their reason, ifthey could live for a year or two among the blacks of die Southern States. But the penetrating. pertiirbing quality of the voices of many of ppr Northern women has a great deal to answer for in the way of determining love and friendship. You remember that dear friend of ours who left us not long since? If there were more voices like hers, the world would be a different place to live in. I do not believe any mm or woman ever cnme within the range of those sweet, tranquil tones without being hushed, capti- vated, entranced I might almost say, by their calming, soothing influence. you not imagine the tone in which those Such was the eti‘ect of the voice to which E It is hard to believe that it has died (int of be spared from that world of happiness to which we fondly 1'0"" love to dream. if we do not believe with assured conviction, that whatever is love Can words, ‘Pence be still,’ were spoken? but a few weeks ago we were listenin . human consciousness. Can such a voice ca forward, where we liest in this our mortal condition shall be with us again as an undying possession? Your English friend has a very agreeable voice, round, mellow, cheery, and her articulation is charming. Other things being equal, I think you, who are. perhaps, oversensilive, would live from two to three years longer with her than with the other. [suppose a man who lived within hearing ofa murmuring brook would find his life. shortened ifa sawmill were set up withiii' earshot of his dwelling.”-«July Atlantic. â€"â€"â€"â€"-u< How to lee Well. I [00 doses for 10'.) cents, Burdock Blood litters. 4a,, Does your Headache 7 Take Burdock Blood : Bitters. Is your Blood impure? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. Are you Costive? Take Burdock Blood , Bitters. Are you Bilious? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. ‘Are you Dyspeptic? Take Burdock Blood Bitters. I, cent a dose, 1 cent a. dose, Burdock Blood Bitters. Vigilant eure- Vigilance is necessary against unex-- peeled attacks of summer complaints. No, remedy is so well-known or so successful in this class of diseases as Dr. Fowler's Ex- tra‘ct of Wild Strawberry. Keep it in the house as a safe guard. -â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"_ â€"â€"â€"â€"-FO THE UNION JACK. l, STAMPING of all design s on cloths, The following from an exchange is said . plush, or any other material done at the to be the origin and history of the,” Union HERALD Oflice, cheap. Jack z"â€" Lcave your orders. “The Union Jack bears on a blue ground stealtronble IS the red cross of St. George for England. the white diagonal cross of St. Andrew for Scotland, and the red diagonal cross of St. Patrick for Ireland. The original Union Jack was adopted in 1606,1hree years after James VI of. Scotland became King of England, and consisted of the crosses of St. George-and St. Andrew. The name Jack is said to be a corruption of the word Jacobosrlllaqnes, or James. The flag was adopted 10!, years before the limo, king- doms wereltiniled. During that time they were separate kingdoms. with. as it hap- pened, one ruler. In 1801,, when Ireland was taken into the-union, the cross of St. Patrick was added.“ _<3.~4‘â€"â€"-â€"â€" Sixteen Ugly Sores. NFLAMMATORY rheumatism through wrong treatment left me with slifl‘joinis and ugly running sores on my limbs, and for seven years I could not walk. When I commenced taking Burdock Blood Bitters I had siiiteen acres, but they are all healed save one and I can now walk with crutches. Man! CALDwEllll,Upper Gaspereaux,N S. From a boys composition in the New York Herald: ‘ A hen is an animal made by the creator of tile, utlivlm'se, which is covered with feathers and has a bill. The hen stands on two. feet except when she is tired and then dhe stands on one and eats corn with her bill. When the blends tired she, sits down to lay. and Wilflil she lays doivn to set. > Then hcii’s eggs are good to eat diiless they have been set on.’ ,, Mrs. Alva Young. of Waterford, 0nt.. writes. " My baby was very sick with summer complaint, and nothing would help him till[ tried llr. Fowler’s Extract of Wild Strawberry,which cured him at once. It is one of the best iemedies I ever used. . .‘iA little boy carrying some eggs home from the shop dropped them. “ Did you break any '3" asked his mother, when he told her of it. “No,” said the little fellow; “ but I guess the shells came off some ol 7 ll o cm. i! x _, , Niotfiers and Nuts“. lglih who huve the care of children shouldlknow that Dr- Fowler’s Ex-- tract of Wild Strawberry may be confiâ€" dently depended on to cure all summer complaints, diarrhoea. dysentery, cramps, colic, cholera infantum, clioleru morbus, canker, etc., in children or adults. “ Aw, you make me tired,” as the wagon wheel said to the blacksmith. PLAIN -I- AND -I- FANCY THE | HERALD I OFFICE e A TRIAL. this ex of Great Britain and Europe: A NEW DEPARTURE ll‘l MEDICINE. 00152. 'â€" l The four greatest medical centres of the world are London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. ’l‘hese cities have immense hospitals teeming , with suffering humanity. Crowds ' of students throng the wards 1 studying under the Professors in ' charge. Thomost renownedfhysiâ€" ciaixs of the world teach an prac- ‘ tico hermand the institutions are ‘ storeliouses of medical knowledge ‘ and experience. With a View of making this experience available to the public the Hospital Remedy Co at great expense secured the prescriptions of these hospitals, - prepared the specifics, and al- a though it would cost: from 25 to $10)“) set-fire the attention 0 their distinguished originators, yet in . this way their prepared, specifics ‘ are oflercr. at the price ofthe uack patent medicines that flee the market. and absurdly claim to cure every ill from a. single bottle. The w: t. always felt for a. reliable class of domestic remedies is now fillori with perfect satisfaction. The Hospital Remedies make no unreasonable claims. The specific furGatnrr'lrenres that and nothing else; so with the specific for Bron- chitis. Consumption and Lung Troubles : Rheumatism is cured by N 0. N0. N01 hi9. their own cure. To these is added 0" “’7 a. specific for Fever and Ague. one for female weaknessâ€"a. general . tonic and blood-maker that makes blood and gives form and :fuIness, and an incomparable remedy for Nervous Debility. ‘ L... . -. _ , It your Druggist dms not keep these .rcmedies remit price no other remedy ; discontinue q;ka cute-all medicines and that their medicines cost a fabulous amount. ' that should cost more than One Dollar for twenty-five doses. s where these dishonest quacks gctxhcir work in. invariably ' sccrccy are worthless. to a 3. l a, H. a S h 3' V: D to m a l l tine Catalogue to cure emanating from scientific sources now before the public. discarded as lujuritns. N0. 2â€"00UGM8, COLDS, BRON 'HITIS, ANHMA, CONSUMPTIONâ€"An Incomparable remcdgm trots not." r marer stop a cough, but eradicates the disease and strengthens the lungs and restores wasted iisures, gluing a new lease of life. 81.00. known a; écialist. In this disease in Paris, who treats nothing else, built his reputation on this remedy. 81. N0. dâ€"LIVt‘R, IVE) KIDNEYS, DYSPEPSM ,AND INDIGESTION, 00 (ST/PA TIO/V, BRIGHT’S D/Slr'fb‘lEL A favorite slaug {er-field for the quack who has ruined more sigmoich than did hol. sanctioned in lug‘ly places. 81.00. NEURALGMâ€"Few know what grace damage this does the sysem; It is treated to break it for a time. Use a remedy that eradicate-‘1‘ It. {1.00. Wl-llTESâ€"Man they neglect t cos diseases until chronic and seated. Use No. 6 unaffcylzl‘lf health' and strenyt goo,d,,blood and lots of it. . If scrawny, use this perfect tonic. ‘ ' ' ,- ‘ N0 sâ€"Il/Efll/OUS DEBILIfY 4088 OF l’CWEflâ€"A . Stzirixydhfilfiitggu$dsislgfdgdggsfifd: uack'pure-ridden public will lirll a igniting r: med v one trial'fiill prove. who chqrgc _higli _ , 77 drugs'r'and pills, t e propyflea of which they are ' utte-ly ignorant, and wlic‘etxiiose you by rel/mg your confide itia/ letters to others in the same nefarious business. ONE _F©LLVAR EACH. mar" E HA‘DBE. ALL DRUCGISTS. I 7 emanate from scicntlt‘mcufdésndnd thus prolong your life. Auridlliigh priced and dishonest: quacks who. . pretend Any respectable hysxcmn wul tell on that there Is no medicine knowm hat you are unwilling should be sold and bartered to others in the SfllllC‘ disreputable business, for their proinzscs of The quack octopus spares neither the trusting male or the confiding female. i able and responsible firm doing business under a genuine name and not uner some fqrqgn alias. ‘ _ _ ‘ bottle ofany of our medicines to give more genuine benefit than a dozen ofanv specialor patent medicine in the world. HOSPITL RDY 00.,Toontoi. ~.".n«,.i “9‘1: :12, tract from" file scientific papers l-CURES CATARRH, HAY FEVER. ROSE OATARRHAL DEAFIVE Sâ€"J’he only authentic lhis is not a Snufl'ar ointmentâ€"both are $1.00. , marlin/MA TISMâ€"A distinguished and well- Use a remedy 5â€"FEVE7TJIND AGUE, DUMB AUGE, III/HARM, ‘ M, kiâ€" FEMALE WEAKNESS. IRREGULAR/TIES, women are broken down because It. 81.002? lâ€"HEALTH, FORM All/D FUL/VESS depend on 1 If weak, IgIbgigd ls poor, ', , nforiua’e condition. No. 8' Gold n, wklc Beware tog-ignorant quack: . . licis for; pap and worthless ll Use Next? and line again. $1.00. to us and we will ship to you direct, Now listen ! Take use instead those hiin class Hospitn RCllll‘dleS which he medicineflor eiiialo weakness andncryous (lcbility doing irreparable injury to the patient;- Write no letters Buy of a reput- Wn guarantee one A. h’utton 0/: on, The Oint ’ Manufactured only; '533. OXFORD STREET L, ‘ andlsoid at is.1ia.,2s. 9a,”. 6d.. 1is., 22,. wu. chE ' RELIEVE arr/o USA/E88, arcs/N536: , DYSPEPSIA, DROP8Y, ‘ 7 morassnou, Hurt-Ema . JA (mo/or. 05 THE HEART, El? .S‘IPELAS, ACID/TY 0F» 1 SALT nnrun, THE sromcu, HEARTBURN, DRYNE'SS . HEADAOHE, ......‘01-‘ -:THE am; And every species of disease arts": from‘ disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, 8T0 AGH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, ‘l'. MILBURII 8: ll .. P”"‘"°*°"- r‘ TORONTO. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted forgModei-ate Rees. _. 4:0ur Office is 0p posits U. S. Patent Of-t flee. We have-no sub-agencies, all business direct. hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost than those remote from Washington. . Send model, drawing. or photo, with descrip- tion. We advise if ntcntahlc or not, free of. obs 8. Our fee not ne till atent is secured. , A ook, “ now to Obtain atents," with refsls ences to actual clients in your State, mnnty. or town, sent tree. Address, C.A.. SNOW & CO . . .' c. Opposite Patent omceg'Wnshington. D’. 1 One of the BEST 'l‘elâ€" r 7- escapes i u .-.-. the world. Our facilities-fa 'm' unequaled, and to introduce any . superior goods we will sandman to our: PERSON in each lorality.‘ as above. Only those who write ' to us at once can make sure of the chance. All you have to do In return is to show our goods to those who callâ€"your neighbour ' And those around you. The bel- glimlng of this Idveflisemanfl. shows the small and of the tale“ nope. The [chafing cm gives the appearance ofit reduced mi ,3, , I, .7 antiserum x 3 . . V ‘ I, A i h art of its bulk. It is a grand, double size mu :3}: tidings: I: say a con-y- We will also show you how you can rinks from 38 tgslj) adaymt least, from the summit-.- ont experience Better Wiit’e’lt on‘ce. We pay all express charger. Address. H. HALLETT A 00.. Box 880. POKILAQID, mun. , ,. o u n N s w. ,- \///,. rises Solid 3 ' ' " .Golrl \Vstch I. Worth $100. . an $55 " watch in the world. "Perfect timekesper. Wenonth heavy, SOLID GOLD hunting cases. Both ladies‘ and gInl‘s biz". . with works and on u I of equal value.“ Own reason in ' each. locality can secure one . free, 'tog'cther with our large and vnlnnbl'txz‘llline offlol‘llehoklll‘ ‘ ales. Ho sump er, a: we as “3%:ch . are free. All the work you need do Is to show what we send you to those who callâ€"your. friends and neighbors and those about youâ€"that nlvvnyl result-v in valuable trade for us, which holds foryears when once Itnl‘lcd,‘ and thus we are repaid. We pay all, express. freight, etc: After, you know nil, if you would like to [so to work for max on can. earn from $20 to $60 per week and upwards. ddresl, Stinson As 00.. Box 51 2, Portland, Malne. â€"â€"lhe Manufaelunls’éé llll initial in ,.r ‘ TORONTO. r i . , .1 Assets Authorized Capital. and other over $2,000,000. PRESIDENT' u i . . x} Rt Hon Sir John A Iltlncdonuld; PC, GC B . VIOE-PRESIDEN‘J'S . Geo Gooderham, Esq William Bell, Esq " Mamemq. DIBEC’lplllâ€"JDO F. Ellis, Esq M. H. KEEFLER, Agent RICHMOND ? Worth the r ‘Weiglit in 'IIS fit his Incomp; ed .- for itself throughout the», and curehelf, pic humanity is lici Th. purify, regulntaiand ini) ‘ B cod. The] cfssist the n the ~ STOM AC H A it increase theslgcwetory p r the nervous system, and tion the purest Eleme repairing the frame. Thousands of persons by their use alonethcy i to health and strength, after means had over1 unsuccess. will be found invaluable in ever v the cure of Open Sores. Hard Tiiin‘ BAD LEGS.:OLD WOUN‘ Coughs, Sore Threats, Bronchitis, ers of the Threat and Chest, as it] matism. Scrofulu. and other kind or Holldwav’s Estaibl encliBox and Pet. and in Canada at ‘ 3 Ocents, and $1.50 cents, or dthe large . Ii proportion. , E 0;}- Canrioxâ€"I have no Agent United Slates, nor are my Medicine there. Purchasers should. refer to the label on the Pole and Boxes. address is not 533, Oxford eet, they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my said Medic gistered in Otthn , and also at Wash Proprietor. ' ' 'l 4 THOMAS HO don.“ ‘ " " 33 Oxford stiekt, Lon .. can. ctr l. S

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