Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Jul 1890, p. 3

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5TH, 1890. 7TH DAY THE FIRE PROOF, “ The YOrk Herald.” The Ontario HOUSQ â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"FOR ALL KINDS OF Fresh Groceries, Canhéc‘i Geods, Teas,- Cofi’ees, Spices,‘ Sugars, Baking Powders, Flsh, etc: Tllorlcy’s Cattle Food, G. H. Nichold’s Fer- tilizer’s, Six Different Brands. #4... Sanderson Bros. DRUGGISTS. ' RLUHMUN U n 1 L14 TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES, Perfumes in Great Variety HAIR, NAIL, AND TOOTH BRUSHES. CALL AND EXAMINE » OUR STOCK. ~ BOLT-CUTTING HARNESS; CYLINDER, “M00011 Bros." Lardine, Toronto.» Almaty/:5:I on Hand: Use Winter Balm for charpped hands. he purifying and healing properties renders the Skin soft and silk-like in its textures. Is the Place to Go â€"â€"-AND-â€"-â€"- â€"-â€"â€"' SO’LD‘B'Y‘ “ sgnnnnson ms; BRUGEiSTs,..~ aren'munn HILL WOOEOILS r I â€"â€"-SEE THAT THE BARRELS ARE BRANDED JOSEPH H. HALL. s’fiBscRIBJ-z FOR fifiTE SDA’Y; SHOULD USE‘ : Mcflflll BRBS Lax-dine Oil. - RICHMOND H l LL FOBâ€"é AXLE GREASE, PARAPHINE. BOILER -â€"â€"A1§Dâ€"-â€" PURGERS EVERY THURSDAY, ' * - ' At his printing Office, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. , . ‘ ' Terms of Slle'Jl‘lpthn :â€"-$1 00 per annum in advance. When not paid in advance $51 60 will be charged. ‘7 _ Tmnaitory advertisements, first insertion, perlinc... .. . Scents. Each Bubsequen n, per line.. . 3 cents- t_Contmcta for time and Space made on applica- ion. , Advartisomepts without written instructions will be inserted until forbid and urged transi- ent rates. COUN TRY P83335333 MERCHANT ,§:S‘£§$Zsl,o%’3 Envelopes gostpaid to any p'art of the Dominion with their. usiness card neatly printed thereon in black ink for $2.00. Send copy with remit- tance. On or about the month of May, 1859, Mr. A. sooth took possession of the YORK HERALD. The present proprieâ€" tor was induced to throw in his lot with ‘ the venture and took possession thereof} on or about the month of June, 1867. We now beg to advise that we have for weal or woe, made up our mind to remove our business to Weston and that we intend (D. V.) to issue the next paper from that village on the 15th of August, under the name and title of the WESTON TIMES AND COUNTY 01? YORK HERALD'. During our residence in this community we have endeavored to act the part of a good citizen, whether we have at all succeeded in this endeavor it is not for us to say. It shall be our endeavor to fulfil our obligations and we ‘trust that those who are indebted to us will do the same. Fulsomenese is an article that we are not much acquainted with; we therefore beg to say briefly that We are obliged to all those who have favored us with their kindness and patronage daring the term of our pit grimagc here, and trusting that all things good and pleasant may fall to their future lot, we wish one and all [good-bye. ACCORDING to The Vancouver Daily Telegram. the western province was never more loyal to the Dominion and British CI‘OWD than at present, and the idea of annexatiOn is generalle sbouted’. The same state of affairs exists in On« tario and the discontented element of Our population is only a small minority. Col. Denison is, of course. as mad as a trooper about the ridiculous FuSs that has been kicked up BeCauee he went 03' to England on a visit and left his police court duties to take care of themselves. He thinks it’s‘ a Qii'eéi‘ thing if a miliA tary man whése ancestors bled for the country Can't in turn bleed the city treasury a little by putting it; to extra expense in this way.â€"Grip. The Toronto World Sa’yéédâ€"{Fhe Walkertoo Telescope is by no means the first newspaper to advocate the claims of H. P. O’Connor, M. L. A. for South Bruce, to a seat in (“no Ontario Cabinet, and it must be admitted that his qualifiâ€" cations and ability are questionable. It is also said that J. H. Hunter of South Grey is straining eVery nerve to oBtz'z'ir'] tile treasurershi‘p. The latter’s chance is a slim one, for, though elected, be is by no mezms' a popular man. The iiew's of the late Dr. William Carpenter. the most distinguished English physiologist Of the present century, v‘vho. although an abstainer was not a pledged tectotallcr ; he abstained solely to keep his body s‘t‘rOng and his mind in good working order. Alcohol was in its nature a poison. Dr. Carpen- ter gave a list of narcotic poisons in which he placed alcohol sixth. Poisons wore very often useful under certain conditions, and form the staple ingredi- ent of some of our most valuable and useful medicines, but you would not brew jorum‘s of ether punch or toss oil" a glass of arsenic and Water. If alcohol is to be kept in the house it should be put in a bottle and labelled poison. He did not say alcohol was as dangerous a poison as arSenic, for poisoning by diluted alcohol was, thank God, a very slow process. The word intoxicating meant, from its derivations, poisoning. Alcohol is the deadly enemy of the blood. brain and nerves. and is the fre- quent cause of‘ apoplexy, baralysis, ’epilepsy, gout and rheumatism. A Few Words at Parting. The York Heralfl. The Death Rate and Drinking. A Paris paper says a committee to make enquiries was appointed in order to ascertain the average life of the difâ€" ferent categories of drinkersâ€"that is to say, those who refrain completely from alcoholic drink, those who indulge more or lees in moderation, and those who drink to excess. This committee has handed in its report. he conclusions are drawn from 4,234 deaths. which are divided intovfive categories ofindividuals with the asicrage age attained by each: Total Abstaiuera ...... Hubituully Temperate Drinkers Careless Drinkers ...... Free Drinkers .. . Decidcdly Intempel ate These figores show,eingularly enough, that those who reach the shortest age are those who drink no alcohol whatâ€" ever; after them the drunkards, who only exceed them by a trifle. The greatest average age is reached by those who drink moderately.” It may be in the above that those who refrained from drinking altogether had other ihings t0 c‘ontend with that shortgned their déi‘ys, perhaps; exéessivg sm’oking. If péfip'le dduid ke'ep‘fo‘ thé m'oderate‘d‘rinkingpMé to the Use . HIEi-SE’I‘LER, What Déég It Mean? The Colonel’s Rage. Alcohol a Poison. .“HERALb” OFIFOE, PUBLJSEED BY Richmond Hill, On 5:! m 63 59 57 22 days 13 “ 67 “ 59 " of liq‘iior Would in a large measure have no effect. tthe ,difliculty is in too many that t ose who for a time nee liquor for a beverage in moderation are not satisfied with so doing. Another thing may he mentioned in Connection with. the above is that French wines are‘ not bear and whiskey, the usual drinks of those who indulge in intoxicants in this Canada of ours. ‘We,at all events, are not satisfied that snehan average as is given. in the above Gould be enstained in any nnmber of deaths in any city of' Canada. It seems to he oonti‘a‘ry to all known views hitherto held, especially by experts in life insu'ril'noe oom'afiies. We should like to get the views 0 soii’ie gentlemen who advocate; total abstinence from drinking all drin'ka‘ containing alcohol. " The follovfing ié a synopsis of funefal sermon preached in the Presbyterian’ Church last Sunday night, by the Rev; W. W. Perciva’l qun the death of the late Mrs. Young :‘â€"-’ TEXT:â€"“ And strip Aaron of his gar-- meats, and pug theni upon Elaazar his son , and Aaron shall be gathered unto his people, and shall die there." Numb. XX. 26. 100' the age of 60. Pr s‘ions exercise a great influence on longeVLy. In 1000 in-14 dividuals who arrive at the age of 70 years, 43 are cler'gym'en; 40 a8 ngrieuttnrists; 33 workman ; 29 lawyer»; 27 professors ;‘ 24 doctoxs ; 12 military mm. The text reminds us: I in 500’ attains the agv 90, and one in‘ 1st, 01“ one common DESTINY. To be “gathered unto our popte.” A’V my significant phrase. Al! the matter that formed the bodies of thecountless generaâ€" tions that have departel, is in this world still. One generation isburied in the dust of another, and future gnerations will be buried in ours; ~Here allearth’s prou‘d die? tintstions are lost sight of Earth’s grand-'4 est conquerors. and mot. renowned mon-é arohs,earth’s proud arisocmcies with their high sounding titles, mngle their du‘st with _ the harnblest ple'béi‘anpth etc, etc, etc. But the expression, “ tqhe gathered to our _ people” met/ins more ‘han this. Where were Aaron’s people 7 l the grave? Were} they all simply entombd in “ earth’s obld' clay?" Oh, no. True philosophy as well as the Bible teaches ustthat it is not “all of death to did’vtha’t tfl‘r body is not the man; it is«« .,his not“ ifii‘ phris’tienity teaches us, that!“ the 'e'ri'er‘a'tiohs of the past, are living. thinkin acting still. At ‘ I, - ‘. onhw'ennjmfi Our death will bebut it. "uh" into the fellowship. of “ an innu - ra‘ble company, of i angels, the general use ly and church 0'? the first born,'*whiuh‘ I?! , ritten ineheuven, ii find of God the jetty; f all, and of the spirits of just men m a perfect. and of Jews the Mediator of New Covenant,” 'etc., etéi',‘ ét'e.. etc. The text reminds us I psssss cr‘ MORAL RULE. Why did Aa‘r now die? What was the cause of hi de ? He did not die from the exhaustion hid age, nor yet from the virulence of d ase. He ascended the summit of Neb‘o ‘h as vigorous a step as either" Moseih lit'other. or Elea~~ zar his son. Why‘ did ' die then? Simply because God com rt. But why did‘ 1 God command it Be eie he had comâ€"‘_ mitted a sin at Henri b} “ He rebelled against my word at. th tater of Meribah. Here now ya rebels. must we fetch water from this rock’.” For this God said that both he and hi? «hrother' Moses should die. And they died. first, assemember that the lives of all depénd' upon the divine volition. "There is an e’ppointed'tim'e for man, upon the earth," etc" ,etc. The text reminds us : 3rd, Tsar 0UR_LIYS star G‘ERMINATE m was MIDST 0s curt LABOUR. Aaron died in the very midst of life's bustle. Thus most men die. Why men and women in the midst of life’s a‘ctivities are suddenly stricken down itlbeyond our power of com- prehension. Eli that we can say is: ‘ " Verily, thy Way is in the sea, and thy ‘ path in'th'e great waters, and thy footsteps l are nbt known,” etc.. etc., etc., etc. etc, The text reminds as: 4th, Tas‘r so INDIVIDUAL Line Is s‘scss- sans we assume ON THE WORK es" G01). Aaron's position was a very important one, he was the priest of God, appointed to mediate between heaven and earth. But God had a successor all ready. standing. by his side. When the robe was takeii'ofi‘ the ' shoulder of Aaron, Eleazar his sun. was ' ready to’r‘egeiio‘ it. Thus it ever has been. ‘; G'od buries‘His' workmen, but carries on His w’oi‘k.” ’No matter how importa'nt' the position we may occupy. our existence is ,,,, In“, J»-sL‘ _‘€II LA r" ----- u "7 . .,. not at all necessary. Our death‘ will be but as a’ blade withered in the fiélds. the landscape can span it; but like a drop ex" haled'fromfihe ocean, the mount‘aih billows will niSt fiiiss it, el_c., etc.. etc.._elc., etc. Ifi’c‘onisl‘usion. I willsay but little with regard, tb qur epmted friend. Eler man- ner (if life was nowu to the most of you. Shé m'wfla no ostentatious display of her pietyi but she possessed it all the same. It. was that which enabled her to béar‘ without a murmurs. protracted and severe" affliction, and enabled her to meet the approach of lhe “his! enemy” without War. This. afier‘u'u,‘ Is‘the best test of the genuineuess “ r n" -, -.,‘,c _: of our religion. The superiority of simple Chrialiuh ’fllilb, over the cheerless tenets of a cold infidelity, is nowhere seen Lo‘grealer advani‘ages" th'éu on the bed of death. When- Jim celebrated German Sceptic Straus‘e‘w'a's.‘ dying at Ludwigabu‘rz. as his only dpughter. stood Weeping by his bed-- side, he took her hand’in his, and said: “ My Mghler, your father like finished his course. You‘ know" his principles and‘ views. He cannot comfoi‘l you’w’ith- the sissnrandaof‘sfiélug you'again. that“ your father bile dam; will live forever. but his persnml‘ity‘ Will: forev‘er cease to be. He must. b'dw t6 the unchangealfile law of the Universe, arid! ti) that: law he re-ve'rently says, “Thy will be'dohe.” In confradiau tinctiofi (6 this, all true béliév’er‘a“ in Christ, ‘ca‘h‘ any: H D a“: wounds to cure; we fall, We rise, Ewe reign l ‘b g from our fettera, fasten in the De A; Funeral Sermon: ies. hnn was in Eden lost" fisthe‘priuce’of'p eace.’ AS we are ‘abigiltt to remove from Richmond Hill, We Will Sell the} Thé HERALD STORE BOOKsj STATIONERY, FANCY 9010335, TOYS, ETC. A11 must be sold during the next Three Weeks. [3W EARLY - AND -'- W - E ‘- BEEEEMFJ. PLAIN AND 4]- FANCY THE % HERALD l OFFICE WHCLE OF Cost Priafi. GIVE Consisting of A TRIAL. FOR OUR STOCK JOB? STAMPING of all designs on cloths, plush, or any‘other material done at the HERALD Office; cheap. Leave your orders. , LIFE WWW 13m! Caveats, undr'rl‘nide-Mnrks obtained, and all Patent business conduqtcdifor querato 1:095. muyuu Vvuvl _ ,_ 0m: Ofllcc lS Opp .Patent 0f- fice. We have no sub-agencies, all business direct hence can transact patent business in less time and at less cost than thowemote from Wgshlpgtoq. ‘ . an. 3---;â€" about the 11mm: part of its bulk. It is a grand, double size 2919‘ scope, as lnrge us is easy to carry We will also show you how you can make from $23 to Si 1 0 a day at least. from thu agartwvith. out experience Better write at once. We pay all uprusu churgau Address. 1L HALLETT a 00.. Box 880, Penny». Mum u an...“ N Send In fion. > We advise if charge. rOur fee not 35.9.1, drawing, or phot6.,”with descrip- {mtentable or not, free of <, 110 ti“ 2mm iasecgred: .A wxl‘mok‘,’ 7‘ How tz; 6131mm ff; exits,’_’ with féfen- cnces to actual clients in‘ your State, county, 0: town, sent tree. Address, v . (1A... SNGW & co. Unlocks all the clogged avenues of the Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry- ing ofl gradually without) weakening the System, 8211 the impurit‘ies' undifoul humors of the éecretions; at the same time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dye. pepsia, Héa‘daehes, Dizzinesst Heartburn, Constipation, Dryn‘ess of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimnesa of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelaa, Sprofula, Fluttering of the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen~ era! Debflity; all these and many other similar Complaints yield to the lmppy influence of BUBDOCK BLOOD BH‘TERS. “'orth $100.90. Bangs; Wendel: in tha we la. Perfeci timokeaper. Wax-muted h envym SOLID GOLD huntin cues. Both ladies' and geni 5 sizes, l with works and can as a! qule value. ONE PERSON in each locality can accure one ‘ free, loprethcr with our large and valuable line ofliousehold Sampleg. The.” samples. as well the watch, am fl'ec; All the work you need do is to Show what we fiend you to those who callâ€"you: friends and neighbors and those about you‘ll“: always result: in valuable trade fovus, v» hlch holds for years when once started, and :lms we are repaid. We pay all express, freight, etc. Anor- you know all, if yr-u would like to go to work for us. you enn‘ earn from $350 to $60 per week and upwards. Andre-s,“ gunman A: (10.. Box 81 2. Portland, Mann. 0 U R N E W J; Solid ' 5" (lnld Watch I a unlu uulu mm", M, um“. ,_. Einson d: (.10.. Box 81 2. 1'. MN & 00., Pmprletora. Town”. Authorized PRESIDEXT 3* r“ ; v! Rt Hon Sir John AlMacabmha, PC, GCE’ VICE-PRESIDENTS ' Geo Gooderham, Esq William Bell Mmmxxa Dmnc'româ€"Jno F Ellis, E Worth the 1' ‘Weight‘ THE KEY TO HEALTH. This Incom' ed for itsel throughout the and cum of m, humanity is 116 Opposite} Patent Office, Washington. D. C. putfiiy, regulate and if B 00d. They assist t] the increase the secretory! the nervous a stem, an Lion the purest Elen‘ repairing ho frame. ‘01? CAUTIONâ€"1 hm e no Azievri 'United Smts‘s, nm' are my Medic there. Purchasers Should rp to the label on the Pots and 8-5"): Inddress is not 533. Oxford' 6 Whey are spurious. Thousands of person. by their me nioné Hiey hva to health and s‘irenglh, at‘ means Zmii "()vm‘ unsucce will 1).: found invnhmbln in eve the cure of Open SOI‘OS.}T!1Y(1 ‘1‘ Coughfi, 80m Throutn, Bronch era of the ’l‘lx‘tmfi, and Chest, mutism. Sorofnm and other I: The @1111] BAD LEGS, OLD WOUP Manufactured on] or I'Iollowav’s Esta 533. OXFGRD STREET nd sold {Lt-18.1%(1w28‘9d..4fl.6d.,118..‘ “nah Box :111dl‘ot,nmlin Cnnndn. In. (‘0 cc:an,nm1:31.50 cents, 111' d the large‘ proportion . 1 The Trade Marks of my said Medi‘ gistcred 1n OttaWnr, and also athVm‘ ‘ THOMAS 33 Oxford street” London: ' STOMACH Ihe Manufacimels’ m. H. KEEFLER, Aqén RICHMONDJ 1 Capital and other Assets?" over $2,000,000. TORONTO. Jun. fitk‘ William Bell,

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