Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1880, p. 1

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V 'fifiggi;kéi:;déhi;él Comrmltteerine'ets at the call of the Presidentlin the Temperance Hall. Dr. J. N. Reid, Thomhill, President. John San- dereon, Seqretlcn‘y. _ _ Thomhill, Richmond Bill, will generally be found at at. Nine 0 nlock mm. ADVERTISING RATE? made known at the Oflice‘ RIOHMOND vfiILâ€"L‘Tilifll’il; VNiafié‘iI. O. G. '1‘.â€" Meeta in the Temperance Hall' every \Vednendny evgning. ut‘7‘30 01910911.. "Wm. figp‘ison, u, , MECHANICS lNBTlTUTE.â€"Libl‘&ry 01 over 1000 volumes open every Tuesday ev mug. in the Ma~ sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o'clock. . E. Law, Libra- rian. Lecturegpnd diacussionajeriodiggny. RICEfiBEeB'HiLL "CORNET Emuâ€"Mesh: for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 :30 o’clock. _A. E. Mortimer. quggr. VILLAGE CEiJEéfI}.â€"Reev§, William Trench; councillors, Benjamin Reddlttfl’. G. Savage, W11. liam Powell and F. McConath. clerk. M. Testy. ROMAN CATHOLIC cannonâ€"Services in order as follows: Thornhill at. 9 3.111., and Richmond Hill at 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at9 MIL, and Thomblll at 10:30 u.m., alternating with Markham evorv third Sunday. HII‘he Methodisésabbnth schoo! Temperance Aa- Bocintion issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. Wm. Harnson 51113th METHODIIT CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"â€"Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 13.11:. Sunday School at 2:30 pm. Prayer meeting every Thursday evenmg, and Sunday School Teachers’ meeting and Bible class on Friday evening, led by the Pastor, Rev. W. McCaJlum. 'vi’RESBYTEiAN cavncn or CANADAâ€"Services at 11 o'clock a..m., and 6:30 p.m. Prayer meeting on Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev. 1. Campbell. Pastor. Maplg. Spring Teeth filled in such a. manner as will perma- nently arrest the decay, or the money will be positively refunded. RXCHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No. 23. G.R.c. -Meets in the Lodge Boom.MuBonic Hall, on the Monday on or before full moon, at; 8 o'clock p.111. Ingac Crosby, W,M. "iiicnxoxn Ltd-7111.. No. 778.â€"Meets in the Tem- perance Hall, on the Friday on or before full mgon, at B o'c_1_ock p_._m. o. Exghepgugdkwgm'.“ Licentiate of the Royal College of Phy- sicians, London, England. Also Graduate of Toronto University, and mem- ber of the College of Physicians and Suggeons, Ontario. Coneu tation daysâ€"~Monday and hurB- day ion-91.00115. Residence, WESTON. Jan. 16. 1879. t t 28 Residence at Aurora. will visit the following place: :~ Richmond Hill .......... .. . . . . . . . 18th of each month. Murkhnm.... .. 8th do. Stoufiville .10th (10. Thomhill . "20611 do. Maple. . . .. .23rd do. Subscription $1, in advance. ST. MARY’S EPIECOPAL cnUch.â€"Sgrvice at 3 p.m., except the third Sunday of every month. when the service and sacrament are held at 11 am. Sunday School at 1:30 pm Rev. B. Shank- lin. Rector. _ _ Stoufifiné.” I . . . L118“. do. Markham.... . . .. 20th (10. Victoria Square. 2156 do. Th01‘nhill.. . . . . “23111 110. Maple.....‘... ...%th do. Woodbridge ...28th . do. Kleinburg‘ . . 29th do. Nobleton. H ' .30th do Anasthetics, as Nitrous Oxide, eta, used when ordered. and none but the best material used. Address, A. ROBINSON, L.D.S., Aurora Ont. THURSDAY MORNING, Thankful for the favors of the past ten years, may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- fession, as follows: Aurora, lst, 8th, 16th, and 22nd of each month. Newmarket. . . .. , ............ 2nd do, Richmond Hill. .9th and 24th do, Bethune, Moss, Falconbndge a: Hoyles, ~ r _ 4' Barristers, etc., north of»ScoGlh.nd Ghmu‘lberwlfi and 20, King surest. west, Toronto. JAB.BETHUNE, Q.c. W. G. FALCONBRIDGE WALTER BARW10K. Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor-in-Chamcery, on- veyuncer, etc. Officeâ€"No. 6 Royal Insurance Buildings, Toronto street. Toronto. 7 Barristers, Attomeys-at-law, Solicitors-in-Chau- eery, Conveyancers, etc. Offices-Nos. 2, 4 and 6 Ontario Hall, Court street, Toronto. Tnos. FERGUSON, 0.0. I JNO. BAIN. l A. H. MYERS Barristers. Solicitors-in-Ghanmzy. Notaries Pub- lic. etc. minceâ€"56 Kingstreafi qut. Toronto. Millichamp's buildings, Adelaide street, Toronto, opposite Victoria“ street. EdwardBlake,Q.C. J.K.Kerr,Q.C. J.A.‘Boyd.Q.C. Walter Gassels, > W.R.Mullock. C.A.Brougb. C.J. Holman: 8‘. 0388615. 11 Barristers, Attornoys-at-law, Soliciéors in Chan- cery, Insolvencv, 8w. Offices, 58 Adelaide Street, opposite the Court House, Toronto, and at Wood- gridge. Oflice‘day for Woodbridge every Satur- ay ' J. MACGREGOR. ‘ 1 r s. FULLERTON Barristers and Attoruoyé-htllaw. Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyancars, 6w. Ofiiceâ€"No. 4 To- ronto Street, Torqnto.‘ r J Clerk of the Tbud Division Court, Clerk and Treasurer of Vaughan, Registrar of Births, Marri- ages and Deaths, Commissioner in Court of Queen's Bench; ‘ CONVEYANCER, ETC., Ofiiceboz-posite the Weilevan Cb urch, Richmond Hill. I: . Post Muster. Clerk at the Seventh Division Court of the County of York, Commissioner in C. P. G. BADGEBOW. Blake, Kerr, Boyd & Casscls, Ferguson. Rain an Meyers, BUSINESS CARDS. (myths Palmer Hodge) Benny, Millar an Biggar, Dr. McConnell, Graduate of Toronto University, Macgregor a; Flulqlfiton. Dr. Dr. R. S. Tyrrell, Badgci'ow gt Sifittlly, Ma his Printing Establishment, J. A. STEWART, 3mm» gummy. CONVEYAN CE R, 61¢” J mules M. Lawrence, IS PUBLISHED EVERY RICHMOND HILL‘ W. Rogers, L-D-S-s J. M. Wells, immune»: DENTIST. Dr. A. Robinson, James Langstafl Wm. Barristers, &c., locl Benmnn, Churches. Societies. Wtdiwl. SURGEON DENTIST WW. 9mm. 9-13y‘ VISIT S Malloy, {Chaim Moss. ' ' 'N. W. 8032mm. A. B». AYLESWORTK 23rd .mth 28th 29th 13b of each month. 18th of each month. . 8th do. ,loth do. ,Zobh do. ,23rd do. J. B. STBATHY‘ home Ont. At Haven and one-half per cent; lreehold securi‘ ty; no commission. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York. Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock, ebcu promptly attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, $2,000 to loan on first class mortgage security; in lums from $500 upwards. Apply to M. TEEFY, or N. LYNETT, (as executors of the estate of the lube Martin Brennan) Richmond Hill. On first mortgage of farm property, at 8 per cent ' “We”. HILWM. No comm“. Licensed Auctioneer. in and for the Count ' of York. Orders solicited. Residence, Maple eat Hotel. Beltord, Ont. Licensed Auctioneer for the County 0! York. Bales attended on the shortest notice, and at. rea- sonable rates. Address. Nobleton P. O. 0n Security 01 Improved Farms. Interest 8 per cent. No commission. Licensed Auctioneer tor the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your atronoge and friendly influence. sales attends _on_the;§horte§_t. notice ABfiIEEééséfiéfié‘ibfisé’.’ P. 0. address, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- Ipectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. Victoria. Square. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. Ad- dress, Cashel P. O. Licensed Auctioneerjor the County of York. Ad- dress, Elia. P. 0. 0n Freehold Pro arty. A pl to C. DUNCUMB, I112, Bighmond gigL or to‘ “£1. fiNlcon, Solicitor You 0 Streeh, Toronto. Every accommodation for t e travelling public at the lowest rates. No: 4. Toronto St... Toronto Good accommodation for the travelling public at the lowest rates. Ample sheds and etabliug. At- mntive hosbler always on hand. Palace sweet, Toronto, Stable and yard accom modafiion for 250 teams. Au attentive hostler. JOHN HOLDERNE SS. Proprietor Havin recently built the above House on the aim o the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout in flrabclusd style, I am prepared to ive the public the best of accommodations. ood ambling and attemive hostlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, $1 per day. The Richmond Hill Omnibus leaves this House at 7:30 n..m.. for Toronto. and leaves Toronto at 3:30 p.111. English Chop [louse and City Resulrnnt. M. A. THOMAS. Luncheon and Dining Rooms, for Ladies and Gentlemen. Gents’ Reading and Smoking Rooms. English papers on file. No. 30 King street West. ToFontn Pine Street, Woodhridge. Boarders taken by the (larynx week at low rates. Liberal table. Cigars and Temperance Drinks. Excellent. accommoda- tion for Commercial Travellers. The undersign- ed is also a. and keeps on hand a supply 0! Fresh Meat of all kinds. PRACTICAL BUTCHER. Peter S. Gibson. Provincial Land Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Orders by letter shouldetate character of sur- ve ,thut the subscribermay consult his extensive fie (1 notes, as also those of the 1M9 David Gib- son, J. Nelson, and other surveyors, as to original monuments and forming surveys, thereby saving time, and securing correctness in surveys. Oflice ug Willowdsle, on Yonge Street, in the Township of York. Clock and Watch Maker, Sheriff of the County of York. Office-Court House. Toronto. Issuer of Marriage Licenses for the County of York, Real Estate and Insurance Agent. Parties having farms or lots for sale, or Wishing Insur- ance on life or property will have their orders fromptly attended to by the above. Money to can at 8 per cent on :1 proved freehold security Otficoâ€"Court House, omnw B-IV Ang., 1878. l-lvr‘ And dealer in Watches. Clocks, and J ewelry‘ Richmond Hill, Ont. VOL, 111, York and Vaughan House, FAIRBANK. The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER, Proprietor Money [or Investment, ROSE, MACDONALD d: MERRITT. 78 King St. East, Toronto Temperance House, Black Horse Hotel. Samuel M. Brown, Thomas Poucllcr, Bay Horse Hotel, Robert Conway, FITZGERALD & ARNOLDI. Solicimrs, 46 Church St.. Toronto. Salem Eckardt, James C. Stokes, N. J. Armstrong, Money to Lend, Money to Loan, Money to Loan Money to Lend. Wimummus. F. W. Jarvis, George Eakin, guttinmm. A. L. Skcclc, F. Button, BLAKE ck KINGSFORD. imam. fintels. 10 Adelaide St. East. Toronto FRANCIS MCFANLANE, Proprietor THE LIBERAL. '1‘. BEST J12, Proprietor JOHN ROUNTREE UNIONVILLE 12â€"6‘mos. Proprietor. BELTS for the front of basque: are so broad that when they are meant to be smooth and straight, they are stiffened by whalebones, and are ornamented with two rows of but- tons, five in each row. BREAKING an awkward silence. Mrs. Montague Smart (suddenly, to bashful youth, who has not opened his lips since he was introduced to her a quarter of an hour ago)â€"“ And now let us talk of somathing A NEW trimming for seaside and country hate is shown in the shape of a full wreath of natural grasses. It is not affected by salt air or dampness, and is at once a durable and stylkh hat garuiture. PU'n‘ING it neatly. Said the little pet of the household on her last birthday : “ It’s a lovely do“, dear grandpa and grandma; butâ€"I’ve been hoping it would be twins.” A LADY who never spanked her boy hard enough to hurt him, recently hung in her sitting-room the illuminated motto: “Wh 1t- soever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.” That boy reformed on the spot. THE coloured jet trimmings are so expen- sive that though everybody admires them, few ladies purchase them for summer wear. They are better suited to heavier dresses. GOWNS which open at the seams to disclose the underskirt, and have vests of a contrast- ing colour, are called caraface, from a fancied resemblance to the shells of some insects. ANOTHER forthcoming union is that of Lord Dupplin with Miss Vanderbilt. Fashion Notes. Bommas of velvet or brocade are worn with any skirt. LISLE thread gloves in reality cust more than kid ones, but; it is a luxury to pull on the thin things in a second, and it; is stylish to have brown hands at this season. HANDsoME hand-bags are of black satin exqmsitely hand-painted in floral designs. When made to order they have the owner’s monogram as part of the design. CHERRY and black are the favourite col- ours for trimming hats for the country and seaside. These hats have wide, drooping brims, which may be shaped to please indi- vidual taste. DINNER dresses, dresses for small parties, as well as walking and visiting costumes of every description, are made short, just a few inches from the ground. BLACK skirts are much worn with jacket \vais'a, as well as a great variety of Sllk and wnnllru drnp(d skirts in fancy designs. Sa- n'n is a’so used for this purpose. I AN experienced matron says : ” A man will eat soggv biscuit twice a week without clmplaint, when his beat girl invites him out to tea. But afler the girl becomes his wife, if there is the faintest indication of a. touch of saleratus in them, the neighbours will think there is a district school out for recsss hy the racket he makes." “ I’D have you to know,” exclaimed Mrs. Uppakrust, haughtin tossing her head, “(hat my family always moved in the upper cir- cles.” “ Yes,” whispored Mrs. Blunt to her friend Sarah Jones, " I‘ve hearn tell that the scum allus rises to the top." “ Do you believe in second love, Mr. M'Quade 1’” “ Do I believe in slcond love? Humph 1 If a m‘ln bu)s a pound of sugar, isn’t it sweet? and when it. IS gone don’t he want another pound? and isn’t that pound sweet, too ? Truth, Murphy, I believe in second love.” UOLLARS for children are still made very large, covering the shoulders. TEA gowns are the fashionable English house dress for afternoon wear. THE colours most sought after in all classes of dress goods are the ecru, Havana and cameo shades. CHENILLE )ibbon, fringed with loops of untwisted chenille, is one of the inventions for trimming Tuscan bonnets. SUCH pretty little coloured bordered hand- kerchiefs as there are. Why must one sigh and remember the destructive washtub? VERY gay dresses are made of the Turkish foulards with red grounds, and of those call- ed Persian, from their intncate dedgn and mixed evlours. A DEMURE, diminutive girl, aged 18, is under arrest. in Phiiadelphia for bigamy. She has thne living husbands, all of whom she has marlixd thhin two years. When asked why she had done this, she said :â€" “ Thvy w'ere all good fellows ahll they coax‘ ed me so." MANY ladies may not know that white is not essentially the bridal hue. The 1301(- ham bride wears a rose-coloured veil, the Greek and Persian are arrayed in red, and the Turkish maiden hides her blushes he- neath a thick covering of rich brocade shot with silver. A SHAPELY arm and wrist, should be in- cluded in the archery outfit. Don’t atcempt hitting the bulls’-eye unless nature has been kind in that respect. It is worse than for a Chicago girl to play croquet, and brace- lets only attract attention to defects which they can not cover. A COQUETTE came out of a fancy goods shop loaded with purchases. “You have renewed your rovision,” said a. rival.â€" “Don’t speak 0 it, I have quite ruined my- self ! I have bought a thousand things I do not need, among others six tooth brushes.” “Ah, one for each tooth,” said the other swcegly. A LONDON tJurist meta young woman go- ing to the kirk, and, as was not unusual, she was carrying her beats in her hand, trudging along barefoot. ” My girl,” he said. “is it customary for all the people in these parts to go barefoot?” “ Pairtly they do,” said the girl, “ and pairtly they mind their own business.” YOUNG lady art student : “ Look ! There is our drawing-master’s picture,R0se. \Vhat do yeu think of it 2 ’ Cynical party : “ Why, it surpasses everything we have seen.” Y. L.A.S.: “ In what do you think it; chiefly excels ?” C.P.: “ Imbecility. It. surely surpasses anything we have looked at in that quality.” A FEMALE applicant for aid appeared at the Office of the director of the poor in De- troit the other day, with a sad and anxious look, and on being asked what she wanted, replied, “ I'll like some money." ” How much ‘2" “ Well, I can’t say exactly. How much do you generally give to a person who wants to buy a bead belt.” THE following happened the other day in a Silver City stage-coach: A fair young mother with a crying baby in her arms sat in a Silver City stage-coach. On the oppo- site‘side was a well-known politician of en- gaginfi manners. By and by he said : “ Let me lug d ~y9ur baby: Perthps I can so hthe him." “Oh, no, I’m much obliged. You couldn’t help me any,” was the answer. “But,” he persisted, “you had better let me try.” “ You are very kind,” said the lady at last, “ but I know you couldn't help me, for he is. hungry.” A light seemed to d-uvn on the politician’s mind, and he ab- rupt‘y broke off the conversation. Loved Another. Fanny Fuld was one of the beauties of Baltimore. She married Eli Elias, a wealthy WOMAN GOSSIP. Waits. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, JULY 15, 1880. The Emperor William is said to be greatly pleased with the young lady whom his grandson is about to marry. She favourably impressed all who were presented to her in Berlin. Accompanied by her mother, the dowager duchess, and her nearest relatives, she held a kind of levee at Bubelsburg, at which all the members of the royal family and the leading court (li uitaries were re- sent. Having for once discarded the eep mourning still worn for her late father, the princess appeared in all her natural grace and beauty, dressed in white, with a bunch of roses as an only ornament. Uuaccustom- ed to such large assemblies, she was at first somewhat embarrassed, but she gained cour- age on feeling the love and good feeling uni- vasally offered her. Even Prince Bismarck, who for years abstained from attending any court ceremonies, had made an exception in the present instance, and came with the rest to ofl‘er his heartfelt congratulations to the daughter of that duke of Schleswig-Holstein who was ousted from the throne of his fa- thers by the sturdy prince. Husbands who do not invariably agree with their wives in financial matters will not be much grieved by the recent decision in a case of Whitely against Sharpe, in London. Mrs. Sharpe. some time ago, ordered a. seal- skin cloak, which was supplied, and duly worn. The price of the article was twelve guineas, and it was to obtain payment of this sum that the plaintiff brought an action ' we}. “1 ; nu,“ .. ,1 lliliiiiinlifisi whlc; git-39013312?“ tonpaying'tli‘e it- tle bills which she has incurred. The de- fendant holds an official position in the city at a salary of three hundred pounds a. year, and the question to be decided was whether such a jacket was a necessary for the wife of a gentleman thus circumstanced. The mat- ter was diificult, for the shopkeeper could scarcely know whether the income of the purchaser’s husband was three hundred or thirteen hundred pounds; and it may be presumed that a jacket which would be a necessary for one would not be a necessary for the other. Mr. Justice Bowen held that, although a. sealskin mantle might not be unsuitable to the wife of the defendant, he could not for a moment think that it was a necessary. Judgment was accordingly en- ter( (1 far the defendant, Mr. Sharpe. A Notable Ascot Dress. There was a costume in the inclosure that attracted universal attention, which, so far as material was concerned, might have been worn by a Genoese grand lady in the fairest century of medizeval dress. I say nothing about the form of the costume, that is gov- erned by fashion ; but the material was irre- proschahle. The dress was pure white from top to tOe, and consisted of a rich white ve lvet pattern applied on white satin,shaped somewhat like a long coat with just a few inchcs of white dress shown beneath it ; the head covering was also white, round which ran one violet streak that with consummate art relieved the monotony of so bridal an attire. But even then it was difficult to refuse the prize of taste to an ivory-white satin, over which hung a. berth of white bugles and an apron of the same glistening adornment. The harmony of the ivory satin with the heavy sheen of these bugles was admirable enough, and came with welcome relief after a preponderanoe'oof black beads and jet. young merchant, and the wedding was a great social event in that city. A few months ago, after six years of seeming happiness,the wife confessed to her husband that she was in love with another man. He said at once that they must part, and, though she begged hard to stay with him, promising the utmost circuma ectiun of conduct, he insisted upon casting er ofi. She grew despondent, and wrote imploringletters to him, but he would nodt see her. At last she has committed sui- 01 e. The Princess of Asturias, says The Pall Mall Gazette, goes to Germany to negotiate three marriages She is tired of being a, widow, and would like, in withdrawing from the position she has held since her brother’s restoration, to become an archduchess of Austria. Her sisters, Paz and Eulalie, she would marry to the son of her aunt, the In~ fanta Amelia.l and Prince Adalbcrt of Ba- varia, and to the Archdllke Eugenia,brother of Queen Christina. This Bavarian prince narrowly missed being king of Greece. Ad- albert, his father, was to have succeeded 0tho. Archduke Eugene is very rich, and an excellent cavalier and dancer. He is al- ready a leader of cotilions and organizer of tableau vivants. The princess of Asturias is a feminine edi- tion, revised and corrected, of Don Henry of Bourbon, and piques herself on her resembl- ance to him. He was brother of Don Fran- cisco, Queen Isabella’s husband, and, if not the uncle according to consanguinity of the princess, was her cousin twenty times over. She is a woman 01 narrow mind, strong will, brave, nervous, proud as Lucifer, warm- heartcd, and a Spaniard to the backbone. Her pride is reserved for the great. She is very affable toward the people, and has set an example of scrupulous decency in all things to the court and upper classes. When here she was punctilious in rendering filial duty to the manikin Don Francisco. He lives apart from the queen, and is a next- door neighbour of Mlle. Schneider, against whose possible attacks the duke of Banos, his majesty’s favourite attendant, guards him. Rats are a great pest in every city and town, and, indeed, everywhere in this coun- try It seems nearly impossible to get rid of them, and any method that promises to Secure this most desirable end is worth try- ing. Somebody recommends covering stones, rafters, and every part of a cellar With ordi- nary whitewash, made yellow with cop; er- as, putting copperas in every crevice or cranny where a rat may get, and scattering it in corners on the floor. He has tried it repeatedly, and the result has been a general retreat of both mice and rats, not one of which had at last accounts returned. It is said that a coat of this yellow wash, given each Spring to a cellar, will not only banish those vermin, but will prevent fever, dysen- try, or ty hoid. Everything eatab‘e should be carefufiy secured against the ravages of rats, which are so inte‘ligent that they will soon abandon premises where they can get next to nothing to eat. The rats we are most tronbled with i< the brown rat, much larger, stronger, fiercer, and more ravenous than the black rat, which has almost entire- ly disappeared, having been driven off or ex- terminated by the more formidable species. The brown rat is frequently called the Nor- way rat, from the erroneous impression that it came from Norway, which country it did not reach until it had become abundant in Britain and America. It appeared first at Astrakhan in the beginning of the eigh- teenth century, and gradually spread over Western Europe, whence we have derived it. It was once known as the Hanoverian rat, because the British Jacobites were pleased to believe that it came in with the House of Hanover. The Chief Span‘ah Princess. An Em peror'a Favourite. To Get R16. of Rats A Sealskln Cloak. Though a little late, the great sea-serpent has made his annual appearance. With a a lush of his snake-like tail he overturns the boat containing his discoverers, who finally ireach land in a demoralized condition to join the few select who believe in its existence. New-Haven, Mass., is the fortunate place of his appearance. The defenders of the sea- serpent are by no means few in this neigh- borhood. Your correspondent has walked along the beach with a gentleman (a member of the Society of Friends) who was one of a small party who saw the great sea-serpent of 1840, and ran along the beach and watched its movements. The Linncean Society of Boston appointed a committee to report on the matter. My informant, a man of un- doubted veracity and not at all liable to be over-excited, says : “ The report came from the beach that the sea-set ent had been seen. Doubting it, I determine to see for myself, and so went down with six oa seven others. Finaliy, the sea-serpent, or whatever it was, appeared. It resembled a huge eel, and I should judge it to have been over 100 feet long. ” In answer to a question, he replied: “ I am perfectly familiar with the move- ments of porpoises at all rates of speed, and 1 cannot be mistaken. As I f0 lowed it along the beach for twenty minutes at a run, I could distinctly see its eel-like movements; sometimes the head was elevated, and looked like that of an enormous eel, and I have no doubt that it was a huge animal of that class. I was not excited in the least, and could not have made a mistake. ” This is a plain state- ment, and can scarcely be refu'e-i. Lynn Beach, one of the finest in the world, is hard as rock. and extends for about four miles to- ward Nahmnt, and a person 50 yards from the water up the grade, would scarcely be mistaken even if the object was a mile away, so clear is the atmosphere. Scientifically, the sea-serpent was a fact, and we have in our museums and halls of science, the re- mains of a huge marine snake-like animal-â€" the Clidastes~that reached an enormous length. The bottoms of the ancient seas of the cretaceous period, now the mauraiaea to re: of Coloradoand Kansas, are the graveyards or the monsters. In appearance, when restored, they resemble monster eels, audit is a possi- bility that there now exists, in the deeper Wa- ters, specimens allied to the huge extinct forms, and like the devil-fish, rarely coming into shoal water to astonish the toilers of the sea. Ten years ago, tales were whispered around of an octopus, or devil-fish, of great size, and laughed at and compared to Victor Hugo’s tale. The caricaturists took up the jokeand laughed it to death, as they thought, but a heavy gale on the coast of Newfound- land, a few years since, threw up a mon- ster squid over 40 feet long by actual meas- urement taken in the presence of myself. So the sea-serpent has been a fact and is a pos- sibility. Amongother seemin authentic ac- counts is that of Mr. Cook, 0? Merigomish, Nova Sqntia 2. “ In August of 1845, there was seen here at Merigomish a marine monster which was estimated about 80 feet long. It was aground in still water, within 200 yards of the bench, and after its motions had been watched for about an hour, it succeeded in gettin,’ off into deeper water and disappear- ed. One gentleman mounted a high bank and overlooked it. It raised its head fre- quently from the water, and its back was either covered with humps or they were coused by the motion of the body. The skin was dark and rough. It writhed about continually, and would bend its body into a circle and unbeud it with great rapidity. It soon disa peered, and left a long and wide wake, 9. though no fins could be seen.” In 1844 a. large creature swam past a wharf at Arisaig, near the north-east end of Nova Scotia, and was observed by Mr. W. Barry, of Picton, who certified that he was within 25 feet of it, and judged it to he 60 feet long and 3 feet in width. The back was covered with natural ridges or humps. The body moved in “ long undulations,” thus causing the head and tail to appear and disappear at intervals. This evidence was all procured by Mr. J. \V. Dawson, of Picton, Nova Scotia, for Sir Charles Lyell, F. R. S., F.G. S.L., &c., a gentleman who is an authority on almost any subject. In Febreary, 1845, alctter was printed in the various news- papers, signed by Capt. Lawson, giving a Evidence as to the Existence of the Mar- ine Moneter~Hls Recent Annual'ap- pearance on the Newâ€"England Coast â€"â€"Visitatione in Former Yearsâ€"State. ments of Eye-WitnesseBâ€"Sclentiflc Opinions of Sea-Serpents. i‘esciiption’ of a. monster snake seen‘lby liim from his vessel of Capes Charles and Henry. The length was stated as 100 feet, and on the back were seen sharp projections. The head was small in proportion to the length In the month of August of that year and of July, 1846, articles appeared in Norway papers giving a descriptirn of a. monster fish or animal seen by many people, and giving names of surgeons, lawyers, and others who had seen it, and who had certified to the veracity of the statement. The serpent was seen in the vicinity of Christiansand, and also at Molds and Lund. It entered the fiords on calm days, and was supposed to be from 70 to 100 feet in length, of a blsck colour, smooth, and about 2 feet in circum- ference. It moved through the water like an eel, and came so near the shore that the waves broke on the beach as if a steamer had pass 3d. 0n the neck hair was observed, that waved like a mane in the water. Archdeacon Deintoll, in his report, says that the people who witnessed this remarkable sight were not frightened, but observed it carefully, and fired shots at it, some of which must have hit, as it dived, but reappeared again. In the years 1817 and 1820, a large marine‘ animal made its appearance quite frequently on the New-England coast, especially be- tween Gloucester and Boston. These visits created so much excltement that the Linnae in Society of Bmton appointed a committee to investigate the matter. It was done, and D. Bigelow and F. 0. Gray, two well-known gentlemen of the committee, made the report, of which the following is an extract: “ The monster was from 80 to 90 feet long ; his head usually carried about two feet above the water ; the body of a dark brown colour, with 30 or more protuber ancesâ€"compared by some to four gallon kegs, by others, to a string of buoys, and called by some bunches on the back. Mo- tions very rapidâ€"faster than those of a whalewswimming a. mile in three minutes, and sometimes more, leaving a wake be- hind him ; chasing mackerel, herrings, and other fish, which were seen jumping out of the water, fifty at a time, as he approached. He only came to the surface of the sea in calm and bright weather. A skilful marks- man fired at him from our boat, and having taken good aim, felt sure he must have hit him on the head. The creature turned to- ward him, then dived under the boat and :reappeared a hundred yards on the other ; side. “Near the middle of Belhaven Bay, and about a quarter of a mile from the place where we were standing, there certainly ap- peared ‘along and large black animal ’ in the water, having all the appearance of the saurian described by Dr. Joass. When first observed it was proceeding shoreward, with what seemed to be its head and various undulated portions of the body above the surface. After getting near tne shore it THE PBRENNIAL SEA-SNAKE. “ At about 10 a. m. we were surprised by the appearance of an extraordinary monster going in our course, and at an equal speed with the vessel, at a distance from us of about 600 feet. It had a square head and a dragon black and white striped tail, and an immense body, which was quite 50 feet broad when the monster raised it. The head was about 12 feet broad, and appeared to be occasionally, at the extieme, about 6 feet above the water. When the head was plac- ed on a level with the water, the body was extended to its utmost limit, to all appear- ances, and then the body rose out of the wa~ ter about two feet, and seemed quite 50 feet broad at those times. The long dragon tail with black and white 801188 afterward arose, with an undulating motion. in which at one time the head, at another time the body, and eventually the tail, formed, each in its turn, a prominent object above the water. The animal, or whatever it may be called, appeared careless of our proximity, and went our course for about six minutes on our star- board side, and then finally worked round to our port side, and remained in view, to the delight of all on board, for about half an hour.” Mr. Henry W. Goodwin, of Gloucester, Mass., says : " My family distinctly saw from Green Hill yesterday an animal similar to the one described in your paper- It was at first seen coming from North ‘Shore. It the-Tlilaelz'liifilfs, Mu from them in‘a straight course toward Minot’s. It remained above Water until half way to Minot’s, when it disappeared, and was not seen again. The head of the animal appeared to be several feet above the water, and its body was at least 25 feet in length. As it passed through the water it left a long wake behind it. Its motion was very rapidâ€"faster than any steamboat.” , |,.~..v-.. turned to the westward, and kept moving about in that position for a considerable time. Sometimes it appeared to stretch it- self out to its full length, at which times both its head and tail were seen above water, only a small portion of the middle of the creature being submerged. Most fre- quently, however, it Was the undulations or apparent coils of the body that were ob- served, two or three of them being occasion- ally visible at the same time. These coils had all the appearance to the observer, at the distance mentioned above, of the coils or folds of a serpent, the sea and the black masses being distinctly separated. Occa- sionally the creature seemed to take a header, and disappeared altogether, but it seldom remained longer than two or three minutes beneath the surface, without ex- posing some part or other of its body. Vthn fully stretched out, as it appeared to be several times durin the period of obser- vation, it appeared to the upward of a hun- dred feet in length, with an apparent breadth of from two to three feet. No doubt the dimensions must have been very much larger. As it was in sight for upward of a quarter of an hour, ample opportunity was afforded for watching its movements. The sea was also as smooth as the surface of a. mirror, which contributed very much to assist the observations made by the on- lookers. After disporting near the shore for the time specified, the long and lithe creature turned its head to the north, and stood out to sea. Altogether, if the animal was not the great plesiosaurus seen by Dr. Joass, he was evidently a near relatlve of the same family, and his visit to Belhaven Bay has furnished food for reflection to those who witnessed his gambols for many a day." The officers and passmgers of the steamer Nestor, plying between Malacca and Pen- ang, givq tht} ‘fgllowing as their evidepqe : 1n opposition to these tales, Sir Charles Lyell ls inclined to believe that many of the observers were mistaken, and thinks that it might have been the ripples made by a shark â€"thc Squalus maximumsâ€"that often attains a length of 35 feet, He says : “Dr. Mel- ville informed me that he saw a large species of shark, swimming at the rate of 10 miles an hour, in the Torris Strait, and besides the latteral flextures of the tail, which are principal propelling power, the creature de~ scribed as it advanced a series of vertical undulations, not by the actual bending of the body itself, but by the whole animal first rising near the surface, and then dip- ping down again, so that the dorsal fin and part of the back were occasionally lifted to a considerable height. So, if a large shark were going at the rate of 20 miles an hour that portion of the back that emerged in front might easily be taken for the head, the dorsal fin for the mane, and the waves form- ed by the rising of so heavy a body would comblete the humps. Again, if the fins should emerge and be submerged in rapid succession, the image of one set would be retained on the retina of the eye after ano- ther set had become visible, and they might be continued over and over again indefini- tely.” The waiter has often observed a small genus of the squid rushing along at the sur- face of the water, its tail, shaped like a head projecting above the surface, the arms float- ing and twisting behind, makingfiii the an- imal was a large oneâ€"coils and waves that would readily be taken for the coils of a snake. Other explanations are advanced, but none sufficient to refute the statements given. There is strong reason to believe that in the great depths of the ocean there are huge forms analogous to the fossil ones- that we know to have existed in the early days of the earth. Dr. J. H. Girdner, house surgeon at Belle- vue Hospital, has obtained some remarkable and valuable results in skin grafting during the past year. One patient who required such treatment refused to furnish graft-s from his own arms or body, owing to the pain involved, and, unwilling to ask another to subject himself to a. pain which the person to be benefitted was unwilling to submit to, Dr. Girdner tried the experiment; of taking skin grafts from a corpse. The doctor says : “I cut a piece of skin from a patient who died in the ward a few hours before, first taking care to inquire whether the cause of death was due to a poisonous disease or not. I then cut the cuticle into small ieces, which I laid on the granulated surlhce of the ulcers, and bandaged the leg up very firmly. in three days the graft began to show signs of life, a perfect union having taken place, and in a week a splendid skin, smooth and elastic, had grown over the ul- cerated part, making a. complete cure and leaving no scar behind. Since that time I have treat upward of fifty cases with inva- riable success. I gratted the skin of an Irishman on a negro, and I have grafted the skin of a negro on an Irishman with ease. In both cases the skin lost its original colour and changed its hue to suit the wearer. 1001) intentions are the seeds of good actions, and every man ought to sow them and leave to the soil and the season the duty of growth and perfection. Then the old proverb would prove untrue that “hell is paved with good intentions." MONTREAL has effected a loan of $250,000 at home for 5 per cent. The bank of Brit- ish North America made the highest bid, its 011' I being to take $100,000 at 1% per cent. premium and the remainder at 2 per cent. The city has paid 7 per cent. hereto- fore on bonds floated at less than par. Skin Grafting from the Dead. “ The embodiment of all wisdom, my love.” “ Yes, bound in chlf.” “Jose hine l" “ Ha, a, ha!” “ Madame, you seem to enjoy your own wit excessively. It is pleasant to see that some one eninv it”. _ fl, \ 7 _ “ Xnu seem: 0 onguy It vr'smg . i " My dear, it is waste of time to argue or explain with a woman.” The Professor snifis something and ad- justs his glasses. “ The Nihilists, my love?” “ Yes, my darling.” “ They are Russian revolutionists, my dear.” “ I know that stupid.” “Then why do you ask for information that you alrgady possessed?” “Fliuny! I see nothing funny in the name.” “ Good gracious, Fitzgoggles ! You’d vex a saint." “ Or aâ€"~â€"ahem ! fallen ange'." “Thank you, sir. You‘re in a charming humour this evening. I asked a simple questionâ€"â€"a very simple questionâ€"and re- ceive a characteristic reply. ” _ "Think you, git; the information is not of the s_1igh_tea_t‘cons§quence.” _ “AnicE match I made marrying a dig" “OPEN “ This is how you men always try to es- cape. Well, then, what is the meaning of the word Nihilist 1’” Mrs. Fitzgoggles, youthful and prepossess- sing wife of Prof. Fitz oggles, the great classical scholar, whom rs. F. adores up to the gold rims of his eye glasses, with a dis- criminating adoration, has been reading the trial of the Russian Nihilists. For the first time in her life it occurs to her that it might be as well to understand the meaning of the term “ Nihilist.” She consults the Profes- sor over the soup. This is how the discus- sion goes : “ Why Will you be so provoking? I want to know who they are.” “ I have already told you.” “ You told me nothing. They shoot and stab people, don’t they, and blow up palaces and railway trains, and all that sort of thing?" "Exactly, Mrs. Fitigoggles.” “ Well, Is that why they give them such a fgxiny name 1’: “But what do you wish to know, love ‘3" “ What a. question to ask ! Have I not already told you 1'" “ And have I not already answered 1" “ No. I want to know why Rutsians who shoot and stab and blow up palaces and things are called Nihilists ?” “ They are not called Nihilists because they shoot and stab and blow up. I might call you a. Nihilist at that rate.” “ Mr. Fitzgoggles, do not try to be sar- castic. If you must be a Russian you needn’t be a bear ‘2" “ If you must be a woman you needn’t bea. tartar. There, there. Well, I’ll tell yog, yqu’ll only listgn.’_’ _ “ But T insiat. A‘woman should not re- mam m xgnorance.” “ Since you condescend to ask in an intel- ligent manner, I will try to explain, though I fear the explanation will never gel; into your pretty head. A Nihilist, my love, is a person who believes in nothing.” “ In nothing ‘2” “ Absolutely nothing, and is resolved on destroying.evgrythingjhat is_.” “ Upon my soul, I can’t understand un- less it be that women understanding noth- ing,’naturally believe in nothing. Ha, ha, ha ! ’ ,“ Quite true, my dear. They believe in men.” The professor collapses. “ My dear, who are these dreadful people, the 'Nihilista ?" “ Héw 's'hocki'ng ! uThen why are so many women Nihilists 1'" An Interesting Discussion on Russian Topics. When the Tay Bridge was blown down it was remarked that the only consolatory feature in the catastrophe was the demeanor of the North British Railway Company. No blame was attachable to them. They had from the beginning done their best to get a sound bridge put up, and were willing to make whatever sacrifices were needful to erect a stable structure. They had, as natu- ral, relied on the uidance of their engineers, and nobody coultgl find fault with them if the event did not justify their confidence. At the first meeting of shareholders no timid note of despondency or upbraiding was heard. The company proclaimed their in- tention of building the broken bridge again, as might have been expected from energetic Scots, repulsed, but not beaten, in their struggle against the forces of Nature. With marvellous promptitude they have set about carrying out their intention, and their plans for restoring the bridge are now published. The main features of the new structure will be two. The old long girders, which were 13 in number, are to be replaced by 26 small girders, and they are to be 31 feet lower than they were in the old bridge. This new plan will give abundant securities for stabil- ity, but it will of course necessitate a lower- ing of the girders already standing, and it is on this ground that the plan is expected to be opposed. The people interested in the 15 or 20 smacks that find their way up the river to the neighbourhood of Perth in the course of a year will, in the name of “ the navigation of the Tay,” probably take con- siderable exception to the new plans. But it will be for the authorities to weigh seri- : ously the rival interests at stakefithe inte- ; rests of the public who are demanding a short through route between the North and the South, and of the smack-owners, behind whom rival railway companies concerned in preventing the opening up of this line fight for their own hands. POSTERS, BILL HEADS, CHEQUES, PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS, the ANTHONY MURPHY departed mysteriously from his home in Philadelphia. He had been a sober, industrious, kindly man, and few would believe that he had deserted his family. His wife was sure that he had been murdered. Two months afterward she was summoned to the Morgue to see whether a body from the river was that of her husband. She said yes at once, and, to make the iden~ tification positive, pointed out a malformed finger, a mole on the arm, two teeth gone, and a new suit of broadcloth. A wake was held and the remains were buried. Four months more passed, and one day Anthony Murphy walked coolly into his home. ' Mrs. Murphy exclaimed, “ It’s an angel from heaven,” and fainted away. She immediate- ly came to the conclusion that he had risen from the dead, and nothing can shake her firm belief that such was the fact. Her friends who attended the wake take the same view of the matter, and Murphy him- self is in doubt. for his brain has been af- fected since his returnâ€"probably since his ‘ departure. He has a very dim recollection i of a Western trip, but is not prepared to say i whether he was in or out of the flesh. Plain and Ornamental. SUCH AS Quit grinding. [From the London Telegraph] The New Tay Bridge. The Nihilists. '0‘ my

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