Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Jul 1880, p. 3

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" iml za'nxfméiitlt'ér miiittéllifiriirr. Personal. w Hon, Alexander McKen- zie'and Mr. D. Blain visrtod the Patterson Agricultural Works on Wednesday last. They were conducted over the premises by -: P. Patterson, E5q., M.P.P.. for West York, > and expressed themselves- highly plea‘s’ed with the establishment and its work. Signs of an abundant harvest are making themâ€" selves manifest it. the great rush of busi- ness at these works, moat of the hands be- ing employed from daylight until dark, and often a. good part; of the night. No doubt this rush is owmg, to a great extent, to the successde competition of iheset work; man all the leading firms of the Province, having obtained First Prizes and Diplomas for their Implements at all the exhibltions and mat- ches were they have competéd. In point of vxcellonce and machinery, Patterson Agricul- tum} Works stand second to none in the High School Picnié.â€"L:sz Saint'- dnyn number of the young 13’ '0 of zhe village, chiefly composed of fer rs, pupils of the High School and others, went; 10 Bond‘s Lake to recreate themselves at a, picnic. Proctor’s coveted"bus was secured and was filled inside, and some were calm pelled to ride on top. The party arrived at the lake about three o'clock, and although the heat was, excessive. still they amused themselves at sxvinginmctoquet and boating. At six o‘clock tlmy sat down to tea, and about half-past eight the party started for home, having spent a, very enjoyable after- ' noon. coun! Col'rcctions.â€"Lnst week one or two typographical errors crept into the meiAL. In the aecount of the presentation And ad, dress to Rev. J. W. McGalIum, rend Mrs. Grunt instead of Miss Grant. And the per- son who purchased the mower donated to the Methodists through Mrs.Elliott (not Mr. Elliott, as stated) was purchased by Mr Mortson, instead of Mr. Mm-i‘isvu. The New Churches.â€"Rapid prog- ress is being made in the church building movement of this village. The Presbyterian Church has the basement windows ii), and @hewans will soon reach the ground floor. The walls of the Methodist Church are ris~ ing‘ rapidly. The window frames are in, and the brickwork is being very favorably pro- ceeded with. Su-aying. â€"â€"Lnst Saturday noon 9. horse vwas carelessly wandering on Yonge Street, apparently looking for an owner. If our pound-keeper, who is so "exceedingly" anxiouy‘t‘o perform his duties satisfactorily, had been around, that animal would have been impounded. ilayl-ng “'ill soon be over. Hay is a splendid crop this yeuix Bol'ljylllg is the order of the day. ' filial-den Party.â€"-A Garden Party will be given under the auspices of the Ladies’ Aid of the Presbyterian Church on Saturday eve- ningutI)1'Lr:uigsmff‘s. The L lilies earnest- ly court 2» Very large attcndunoe‘ 'Cliezidmis- sion fee will be 10 cents. ‘ _ ' 3!!" Progressingâ€"The new Palmer 5310c}: jé‘still gtfing on toward completion. It is really ii very fine building, and when finished will be quite an addition to the ap- pearance of this part of the village. little wifie, Tlmxe xmne like my sin little wifie to ma?! Knlm'cnn tole but‘mysol‘ line full Worth of my (Jeane, And then to meward lnrr, Ull ! what can I gin, ? AIy llOlll‘L'S a” herwin, an E I‘ve may mafir to offer, But I'll tell her againr there‘s name like her to me. 'Oh ! there’s name like my wifie, my dear ZSome Lttx'act for flu E110m}, but, 011! they soon tire me I .And my heart leaps again when my wifie I see ; The gravest society is dreary without hor, ‘Wthout her no pleasure is pleasure to me. Oh ! there‘s name like my \vifie, my (1011‘ 1-”. >1» little wifie, There’s name like my Hill little wifio to me! fSome love while the sunshine beams full on the loved 011mâ€" Come weal or come. woe they’ll be true till they dee ; Yet the first cloud of sorrow brings coldness like winter ; But trouble makes wifi'e’s love warmer to me 1 0h ! therg’s mme file, my wifie, my dear 'Oh ! there's nane like my wifie,my dear little wifie, ’J‘here‘s name like my aiu little wifie to me I 'VI‘lxei'e‘s some may be fairer; but still there’s a rater Though hamelier beauty to my loving 8'8. 3111 the face of my dearie, so kindly and cheefieH- -My wifie‘s ihemtandard of beauty to me, Oh I there‘s name like my wifie, my dear little Wifie, There’s nune likevmy ain little wifie to me! 31601113 lasses are angels in time of the courtiu,’ _ But loose u’ their smiles as the married years flee’; filly wifie gets sweeter the'lauger l ken her, As she tries to make earth more like heaven to me. 01)! there’s name like my wifie, my dear Newmarket . 8 19 Aurora. 8 32 King 8 50 Richmon 9 05 Thornhiu . . . . . . ‘ 9 17 Weston 9 32 Davenport 9 40 Parka ale .... Toronto (1H L10 10 Toronto, C. H Parkdule ......... Davenport . Weston Thornhill ....... Richmond Hill Thornhill .......... 9 17 Rfichmond Hill”. 9 32 ng ........ . 9 45 Aurora“ .. ..10 05 Newmarket “10 17 N. R. TIME TABLE- TRAVELLERS’ THURSDAY, JULY 15th, 1880‘ TAKING- EFFECT MON DAY, 19TH J AN ., 1880' MOVING NORTH. oronto, C. H 8 209.111 12 45pm 5101) m arkdale ...... 8 42 1 15 5 32 avenport 8 50 1 25 5 40 _, 7,7,, __, “V... little Wifie, There‘s mane like my aiu little wifle to me '! v y ’31 little with, There’s mule like my aim little wifie @ng fiiberal. Oh! dear, (leanerV dearest, its MOVING SOUTH 8 198. m 8 32 3mm. Ilutw I‘UUMAS A ESE» Sr 03 0“ 0n 12 10am 12 30 12 55 1 10 1 30 252 210 IDE 8 3‘). 8 44 8 57 9 12 5101) m 5 32 5 40 5 45 J. M. LAWYRENCE. Richmond H111, April 22, 1880 4%! Chickens, per pmr Fowls, do Ducks, p0): brace Geese, each Turkeys Butter, lb. rolls” Butter, large r01 . V Butter, tub dairy ...... Butter, store-puckul Eggs,fresh, perdoz... Eggs, in lots... . Applasyer barrel.. Potatoes, per bag. Onions, per bag. Haym. Straw. Thimm‘o VVerlnes‘luijuEV 51ch JESO. Curf'acted from \Vcduusdzu'g GLOBE Whnut, full,per bush... $1 09 to 551 Whom, spring, do 1 10 “ 1 Barley, do 0 (30 “ 0 Oats, do 0 5'8 “ 0 Peas, do 0 65 “ 0 Rye, do 0 '78 ” 0 Dressed hogs,per 100 1b 6 5‘0 “ 7 Bee; hind quurters.. (i 50 “ 9 Beef, fore quarter .. 4 50 ” (3 Mntmn, per 100 lb‘ 7 50 “ 9 ‘ Tonm'wes, do 0 00 “ ‘ Turnips, do ‘. U 35' "' lurrots, per bag ., ‘ ‘75 “ 1 ‘ Beets. do 70 “ l Parsnipa, (10 75 I: L Cabbage, doz AH " ‘ For pzu'tlculars apply at the large rdfié, Eggs, per dozen fresh ...... “ “ “ ~packed . L, -., Apples, per 111‘ Ha): wpr tor}... \Vhi ‘0 bed“ \Vuod~HnnL Soft. pol-ii; u Spring..-...-...; ........ \Vhent,fa11,per bx h When‘t, spring, per bush Oats, per bushel.” Peas, pfirbflshelu. Turnips, per 100 lbs Car1‘ots,per doz. ‘ chickens, per pair Ducks, per brace Geese, each. Turkeys, eac . Potatoes, per Dw‘ Dried applea. pex Butterwib1‘01]s,pm‘1b RICHMOND HILL, Wodxi‘esday, 311 y 1501] 1550, Flour~â€"Full ‘ (500 to 6 “ Spring. ‘ 550 ” 50 \Vheut,fa11,pcrbx h H 1 18 “ 1 Wheat, spring, per bus] . 1 18 “ 1 Oats, per bushel.” 38 “ Peas, pfirbushel. 50 ‘ " ‘ ‘ips, per ‘100 lbs 3.3 “ BEWARE 0F THEM.â€"\V0 are informed that :I. number of quack dentist-s are travelling through the cmnitry doing: very inferior work, some of which, when (leâ€" livcred. is utterly worthless. Parties should be aware of all shah, as it is al- ways best to get work done with regular practitioners ulm are knnwn to he reli~ able and responsible. The public may rely upon it when a professional man (41‘ wm'knmn of any kind travels from ‘(logr to door for orders, and offers to Luke jobs for leas than responsible men can do t1rcm,therois something wrong, and if they give their patronage to such, they are sure’ to be decéived or cheated. This seems tube a lesson, however, which many {Seopl'e'uire slow to learn, even from experience. ON FIRST CLASS FARM SECURITY AT A LOW Rate of Interest. H.‘ ‘.~.m.... bled in Mount Royal Cemetery at an early lunn‘ in the morning and prefoli the last. rites ovur Haulintt witlmn‘. disâ€" play of any kind. Aftur laying the cornâ€" er-swne 0f the Hzx‘cliub monument the party quietly dispersed. There were large gatherings at Hamilton and elsewhere, 21ml the duy passed off peaceably. The stonnmr City of St. Cnth‘a’rin‘us Was struck by the Amerime barge George A. Morse in Luke Huron Monday nmrning, and went to the bUHUm in less than fit teen minutes. The pmgeng'ex‘s and crew, numbering about fiftygvere all saved and brought to Port Sm‘nin that night by the tug Rush, which, furtnnutcly, was near by at the tune of the disaster. The palitij. friends of Hon. Hector Langevin am getting up :1. petition to the Queen praying that a more prmnilwnt rank may be conferred upon the gentle. man of $32,000 fume. The case for the defunce in the 01(2). tria! was continued at, [\ylmer Monday, five witnesses being exmn‘ined. Chi f Jury-p]: was subjected to :u’ung and search- ing or:msiexmninution, but without dun)- :1gc to his testimony. The new penitentimy for the Maritime Provinces, at Dorchcster, is now n-udy for occupation and the convicts of New Brunswick and New Scutia will be re- moved to it this week. On Monday, July 12th, at Kzu'ns CiLy, Penn, U.S., Mrs. H. (Tmbourn, formerly of Osz Ridges, age about. 33 years. That Protessnonal.~â€"A very useful and much-needed professional, who hails from Nobody-knows-where, entered our midst the other day. At first sight there would be a. diversitv of opinion as to his professio 119.1 career. He says, however, that he is an adept in his line of art, and that his name begins with a great big W and ends with n wee, small a. It isn't wraslc ! Well, to make a long story short, this very useful and muchmeeded professional tool; upon himself to measure the length and the breadth and the height and the depth of the sidewalk last Saturday afternoon. Being satisfied with his dlSCOYv rius, he aeonmped about 11 o'clock on Saturday night, and has not been heard of since. Advertisingâ€"The lack 'of advertising, says the Monetary (limes, is one of the chief caus%'of bxisimmss failure. There are busineS‘s 'men who 'don't nndérsmnii the value of 'ndvertising. Théy don‘t see the direct connection between advertising and the entrance of a customer, or the demand for any particular article. They also, with a selfimphrt‘anbe “which is amusing, fancy ‘théir business is known to the whole com_ munity, changing as that community is to an extent which they have no conception of, The principal upon which business men should actis, advertise the truth. If 3011 have agood thing let the people know it‘ Furthermore, never let an advertisement get stale. t “'anted.â€"Lnst week’s Markham Econ- omist advertises for young men and boys to take a stand at one or two prominent unoc~ cupied corners and spit tobacco juice. use slang find blasphemous expressions, pass remarks upon pedestrians, etc. Richmond Hill had a. few juveniles who used to line the sidewalk in front of the Masozii'o Hall on Sunday evenings, but last Sunday evening they marched off like “good boys," which act has put a feather in their cup that will last as-loug as memory. If we had the kmd (it article that the Economist advertises for,’ we would ship it immediately. Thom: was no (1 AT A PRIVATE RESIDENCE. CANADIAN NEWS FROM $1.000 TO $5000 BOARD Apply to 110 g}, LL; bauce at Montreal A In. mu Inning zlsscm» he Hilzmzcm. LOAN! DEATH LIBERAL Office 10 00 03 33130 $3777“ 0000 5423205 7111111 0000000 0 40A320fiv 0 111111m5wmm 000000403! 065 n u u u n n u u rs 0 so 7 00 n 00 (s 00 9 .50 00 4“ 1 00 80 1 1m 10 40 40 4O 06 121) 1‘3 00 50 to 551 1‘). 1 2n 0 G8 0 40 0 70 0 80 7 (l0 1 05 45 14 21 00 0 10 :3 on 2 0n 0; 50 50 Kat-70 80 100 55 (so 70 80 50 00 2:! 2'1 40 [30 0(1 The LIBERAL from now till 1515 "Ianuaryf 188:}, for 50 cts. Secure it. at once. 20x30 fact, contniug five rooms. Pantry and Brick Cellar. The lot consists of an acré 0 land, on which are a number of fruit: Dice and a). well of good water. Terms easy. Apply to WM. HARRISON. Richmond Hill P.O In the Incorporated Village of Richmond Hill. about five nunutes’ walk from its Churches and Schools, a. New Rough-Cast Dw’elling Being composed of part of Lots 23 and} 24, in the 5th concession of Markham; For particulars apply to‘ - New six momed house to relic, oh Centre St East. Good cellarunrhvoorlshcd. $5 per Month Apply to DB. JJJANGS 1‘AFF. Burrifftcrs, Attorno very and ‘lusol cue lLllccrs,ctc. 0th and Court Streets, nntm ‘ nt’f ('mu‘h street [1‘0- routo. Branch Office, Woodhridge, ‘ GEO. W. L‘Anmmow. JAs S. FULLHKION T MAcmumou. 6 >2w-T‘u1'.\v. solicitors IhChun- Nnmries Public, Convoy- Ontzwio Hull, curuorGlnu'ch HOUSE TO RENT RICHMOND HILL ISL 10 days of éabil mouth MAPLE, 18th “ ” VICTORIA SQUAR a, 25th “ 4 11.13. Orr, MAL, and Ist Sil‘mr )Iofiullist University 01"1'01'01120; M,(T.T’.S., Ont; LS. A.L., England. (Late of Landon Eng]:md,) Surgeon, &0. Office hom's'. 810 10, 1 to 2, and (3 to 7.30. 28 Physician, 'Surgeun, ACCOIICIJEI‘, &c. Residence and Office, at Mrs. \Yulkcr’s, two duors south 0f \Vrighb & Sons Carriage Works, Yongc 8:. Office Hours: 8 t<210m1n.,:md filmSpJn‘ FIRST PRIZE On their Improved Light Reaper. FIRST PRIZE on theirneyv Combination Mower. FIRST PRIZE fin fiheir Ithaca Selfâ€"discharging Horse , a e; » - FIRST PRIZE on WrOught Beam Plow, and FIRST PRIZE for selection of Best Implements. B. EuMcKENZIE, B.A., M.D., QM.) 60 ACRES OF LAND 42H Victory 2 FOR SALE, Improved Reaper, $105; Combination Mower, $70; Ithaca Horse Raka $30 5 PER CENT. OFF FOR NET CASH; FOR SALE DR; ORR Badgerow , M :uzgr gor 1:0 GE RS. DENT EST», @Imtiwumw. : & Fullm-lalge WM. Exadqlq1 Richmond Hill IN COMPETITION WITH THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF CANADA ‘a‘é‘ix‘dim! “grant. 53mm; PATTERSGN 8c “BRO” Patterson, Ont '5 The Patterson Agricultural Works still Rank First. Uniofiville atentecs SPRIN 5} TOOTH BARRON/V. The Patterson N eW Combination Mower. The stock will be fofind very complete in a‘ll the’ Department's; . and a, Greui Sacrifice be made in order that all may be sold out by the lst of October, after which 'I‘hhu'.‘nhi}l, The Growl/2'65, a’rdez/e, Boots (ma? Shoes; WallvPaper, 6 will be sold a“ a reduction affrom 1'0 150 20 pm: amt. Begs to return thmjks to the P thirty years he has been in Give Up B1 HIS LARGE STOCK OF - wmmnué Emu“, uuuL HULL lUUU. Large Driving House and Stable atnached, with goad brick collar, double wall, suitable for pork 1mckiug,and all “the: necessary outbuildings. The buildings are in good repair, some of them nearly new For any person wishing to go into the business, ‘ this is brie (if; the best chances ever offered in this village; a,» there is a i ‘ ' ‘ well established Hard and soft water, wit} Large Driving House and 0039. of Yonge and Centre Streets, Richmond Hill, {or the Dominion for the world renowned Grocery, Boot and Shoe, Flour and Feed BUSINESS Good I’m-me 510m and Rozzg/Z‘Cast THE STORE AND PREMISES WILL BE OFFERED FOR‘ SALE Prgdnco will be, taken as; 112ml in vxchnnge forgoods. * thc 2.0th 1.320 41. “.m ‘ 'V uh“), F: WERE AWARDED THE Vicmry 2 ‘ Victory! ’1‘1’1’1‘7 41C IN ’E )1. SI’U’i‘AKfi 141C PRIQES: 0 1‘ further particulars; fixile to the proprietoi‘, on the premises water, with large Store House for storing grain, flour and feed LI 1 cu L| . w . . ‘ _ . , , W'hich has been cartied on for POSSESSION IMMEDIATELY T11th Valuable Property, sitlmtcd ml Hie . PURKISS 9DRY GOODS? [10 Public forthe Patronage he has recciveJ from them {01‘ the l in bu’siuess, and hereby announces that he has decided to p Business, imd will therefore offer for cash COS’I‘ AND" UNDER.- EX dm'tia'emmtfi. TERMS EASY; JOHN ,3} the past eight years. 4 2m Dwelling H ouse, 3 ROVVN. will GE T ‘ YOUR PRINTING DONE AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE; In returning thanks to nunierous friengls {of th’éir libexjixi p'éytfofiégo’ dn’ring the Iimst‘: twenty-01m years, I beg to remind them and pha general public, that having erected entirely new and commodious promises, I am enabie‘d t0 supply : ~r «_ - r . ., Cardiflg, Spinning, "W’eairi'ng; and Manufacturing, dcne : on Shortest Notice. ‘ 1880. ’ HATS AND CAPS,.the Lateststyle 01ft: - _ ‘7 " CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE GROCEBIESAQ I ' iNTEAS AND SUGARS, ahple'ndid‘stook. A.__‘.___ As most of 0m" Spring Groon wor‘elo‘rdered before the rise in Cottons aha \Vbole'nsl,’ assured of bemg able to satzsfy our customers: We are exhibiting tho hm “Mu-a DRESS GOODSf AT PEiGES THAT OANNHT BE SURPASSED BY ANY HOUSE IN THE-DOMINION; HARDWARE! HARDWARE I BUY YQUR HARVEST TOOLS AHOY! CARRIAGE WORKS; EIGIIIVI<>ND HILL. arpeizters, Blacksmiths, and all others‘wanting ’Har‘dware Edge Tools, etc., can get supplied at the Concrete REMEMBERâ€"We Where you NOW IS THE TIME TE) ORDER}; SUIiIi 50071011: AND CANADIAN $0171" RAG-CARPET WEAVING ,boNE TO ORDER (i3()1VCI-{Ij] 371C H()USE§ \Vinceys 18 SPLENDID AS::SO_RTMENI‘ QF 18 SPRING; ,V 80. IS THE THE FIRE PROOF STORE: W013i ! . WOOL! 1880; Umne all you jolly farmers To see us at our Mill, . Whom the very best of woolen goods Arc made with car'e and skill. We’ve 11. stock (if A 1 blankets, Of flmmels ton for shirts. And for your Wives and daughters. ‘ Wo‘ve wincy to make skirts. \Vc've twoeda for coats for men and boys, We’ve mum to use for hose, V We've twills for fancy covet-lids In ftpcfi whatever you chose. So come ulnn’gmnl dou’fi fo’fgqt ‘ ' To bring with you your woo], For while we’ll pay you well ill trade Or else with cash in full. PRICES VERY Lew EVER] can. get a. choice .lot at bottom prices buy for Cash only. , Prints, and Shh-tings, at Bottom PLACE TO GET A CHOICE OF TWEEDS TRENCH’S él’lfi‘é i N( To DEPARTMENT COMPLETE. @dvertimmmw J. MCINTOSH &: SON, Prqprietors, In the Village. lâ€"AI' THEâ€"â€" a the rise in Cottons aha Woole'ns‘: vie feel We are exhibiting the best assmflnenlv of fiiohm‘oné Hili 5m}. dedbl'idge- '8 'JWADE TO ORDER, . ATKINSON. ISAAC CROSBY. W: WM; TRENCH. Prices. 80.

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