INTELLIGENCE has reached us of it very sudden death occurring in our neighbor- ing village, Holland Landing, and Imp- pening to a Mr. Hoot. Robinson, eldest son of Mr. \Vm. Robinson, of the same place, and nephew to Mr. \Vin Edmonâ€" son, of this village. So for as we could learn, deceased had, previous to the last ï¬ve months, been carrying on a success- ful business in Toronto, but being: of a consumptive hind, he begun to suddenly decline, and was consequenty nimble to devote that time and attention to his business that it required. His wife also being similarly afflicted, it Was mutually agreed to give up business, following which Mr. Robinson returned to his fa~ ther’s home at, the Holland Landing, and his wife to the home of her parents in Elkhart, Indianapolis. Though separat- ed, that cherished love between husband and wife continued to exist, and though it was tlwught possible t :at they would never again meet together on this earth. Mr. Robinson was unable to bear up on hearing of the sudden death of his wife last Wednesday morning, and on the afternoon of the same day, about four o'clock, he breathed his last, caused from the bursting of a blood vessel which is simposed to have resulted from his wife’s death preying upon him in a heart-rend- ing inminerl His sudden death has cast a gloom over the entire neighborhood. His remains were interred on Friday. 'â€" Witness. SAD ACCIDENT.â€"A sad accident hap- pened to am orphan huy residing with Mr. Chas. Bunting, of Newton Rubinson, a few days ago. The buy, it Scams, was dlrected to go and see after the hurses in the ï¬eld, and while in the discharge of this duty one of the horses dealt him a severe kick in the head, which so thm‘uughly disabled him that he was Nimble to move. Night coming on and the buy nut puttng in on appearance, Mrs Bunting naturally became alarmed as to his wnereubuuts, and immediately sot out to look for him, but returin no wiser than when sheleft, The suspicion that the boy had mu away at once ï¬xed itself upon Mrs. Bunting’s mind, as he had been known to do so once before. Nothing furtli‘er was thought of the affair until the Friday fol. lowing, when Mr. Thomas Banting had occasnm to pass throngn the [Sold int,†which the land had been sent. Observmu a curious-looking object lying :1. Short a curious-looking object lying in Short, distance oï¬â€˜, Mr. Banting proceeded n, the spot. and found it. to be the boy, He was lying in a crouched up position, with one hand under his head. totally unable to move. In this position he had Lu†since Tuesday, without food or wmver. 0n inspection it was discovered that, the boy was suffering froni :\ largo wound in the head, from which the blood had flown profusively. On the opposite side of the head, and immediately encircling um biuodatained portion of the face, Were masses of insects. The boy was innue- diately removed to thehousn and medi- cal aid summoned. Hé is now progress. ing favorably. Mi‘ Banting was in Tom“. to at the time, and ihereforo no blame can be attached to him in the matter. He has had the boy under his charge for some time, having: previously tukfln him from the Orphans†Hmnu in ‘i‘ornx1tn_ mCookstown Adromte. TH]: ï¬rst entries received by the Secre- tary of the Fa“ Fair to be held in the Village of Bradford, were made last week by Mr. Wright, ofRiclmlund Hill. AN individual living on the town line of Urn and Mednnte lately introducvd a woman of had clmrncter into his home, and, after treating his wife in a shameful manner for some days. ï¬nally turned the latter out of doors. He was allowed m enjoy his new relations undisturbed for a short time, but one night last week a party of disguised. men turned the pair out ofhed and (muted them with Mr and few- theru. When the “ regulators †left, the birds are said tohnve been “ an illegnnt pair of bipeds," and it is snl‘ipnsed they flew away, as they were not seen in the vicinity for days after. A. number at young men in the neighborlnmd‘ are able to describe the affair graphically and with surprising niinutenem, consiihiring that none of them were nresont, and all quite conï¬dent that the “ vigilarnts †were a party of men from “ outside f"â€"Packcf. 0N \Vednesday morning,r l.LSt 3. man in a. drunken stupor was lying on the track of the Northern Rziiln'ay near Shanty Bay, and as the morning express train came along ran over him manglng his body frightfully, severing his body above the knees, and death resulting instanta- neously. He had been a. faithwa memhsr of the Temperance Society at Shanty Bay for a long time, and through some little disorder With some ot its members he reâ€" solved tn pnt by his pledge, and having become intoxicated laid on the track and met his tenth. Heleuves a Wife and six or seven childrmi in not the best of cir~ cuinstanees.â€"â€"Ga:cthz. Be Wise and llappy.--Ifymx will flop all your oxlrmngnnt mul wrong notinus in dnctoring: yourself and filmile with expen- sivp docturs or lilimlmg euro-will that do harm alwnys,,mnl 1150 only nature‘s simule reme- dies for all your ullmenlsâ€"~_\0u will be \vi u, wall nullv lmppy, and save grant expnn ‘e. The gl'cnt‘vsï¬ rummly fur this, tliu gn- it, Wl31€,llll(‘l Lyn-Ml will tell you, is H01) lSiLLurs ---l‘0l}' on it, 3-09 another Culuulll. Pichic. lhruug‘t Fm mmivmtmo", Wp referebca 1‘» Hm I'lpismpwlizm Sundu) S011va Pic v in. hwlj at ThomhiAl, ou- t'm 83rd ul' Iiic‘mumnl mu m l Thornhil «chunk 11"ih‘(l L‘m ir oï¬urts A n 'hn (we 1<i011 .md w umlvrstzmd ‘me oï¬un was highly sue cesnful. Aplunmnt day. n lax-{re attend .muo, nml an exo whngly piens‘nm time ren iereti the on’terlnimnont our Lf Hm most en joyub‘m of the . €011. YORK COUNTY ITEMS. COUNTY OF SIMGOE. Sundu)’ , on the 'l‘hornhill On Monday afternnnn, two brothers named Faliey, residing about two miles from this Village, on the second conces- sion of Markham, gut quarrelling over some property, when the older struck the ynunuer a heavy blow on the head with a pitcher, inflicting a terrible gash in the head, from which the blood flowed very profusely. While the son who was struck was lying on the flour, the father, who is getting to be an aged man. attempted t0 stop the flow of blood, while another hrn- ther went for the doctor. When the old man saw the sen lying as though he was dead, he became very much excited and fell (lead. No inquest has been held as the doctnrs attribute the sudden death to heart disease. In our estimation it Would be wise for the parties to secure the hnlding of an inquest it it was at all pussible, as there are parties who are al- ways ready to look upon such eccurences Wiill suspicinn, and an inquest would clear the matter up. And public interest demands that such cases he investigated, and then any dark clouds that may hang almut such cam s Would be cleared away. We are of opinion that the sooner the law Which new prevents investigatinn in many such cases, is done away With the better. RESULTING FATALLY.~â€"STRANGE COINCI‘ DENGE.-â€"-NO INQUEST HELD. DEAR Snow] would like to call the attention of those of your readers who are seeking for “ pastures fresh,†to the editorial on the future of Mnslmka,in the weekly Globe, of September 17th ; also in the same issue, the report of the visit of tlioOntmio Agricultural Commission to the Mnskoku District. If they will look at the report of the Muskolm Exhibit in the Toronto Exhibition. they will see something of the capabilities of this pzu't of Ontario. Althrmgh we here in the Township of Machnr, District of Parry Sound. are further north than the Mus- lioka district proper, I do not think the climate is any colder; in fact 1 do not think it CJldet‘ than you at Richmond Hill, for you reported,wme weeks since, that the frost had cut down tmnutoes, beans, etc., while here in our garden, are growing fresh and green, corn. beans and tomatoes ; while now Mrs. 033 (lower border is still gay with many colored blossmns among which, are several ba'.~ sams, as yet untouched by frost. District of Parry Sound. I September 25th 1880 § AGIKICIYLYFL’RA L FA LL FA lltg (Erma/a; - \Vheut, full, N0. 1, pm'_1»115h Wheat im‘loy, N0. 1, per bust . (In 2, do do Inferior do Outs, per bush†...... Pom, do . Rye, (lo 191mm: AND FEM Flour, porlmg of 100 ms“. Oatmeal, do do (lurnnneul, (in do ., (1mm, in luts of over 20 bushels. for feeding purposes. per bush,“ mu. per tou.......uu Mm’rs AND l’uovxsxo. Button, ll). rolls, per 11).. (In large rolls, do do tub do. L; from, pardon. Laud. nor 1b (lluume. do. Baum], 011mb Bacon, Cumberland cut pm‘ 1b (In ‘mng clem‘, _ do Hm1m,muokcd. pm‘ 11L DmRHanl hugs, pur 1()U 11w. Beef, hiudquartum do . Beet, fore quarters. do .. Mutton, by curcusc, per 100 11)» Veal, do do Fowla. per pair , Chickens. pm: pm. Ducks, per bum , Geese. each...†Turkeys, each Fuuu‘s AND VEGETAHL Apples, couking, per bbl do eating, do do dried, per 11) . 1’9uuhes,per basket .. . . Grupus, by the basket, per 11). Plums, green gage, per bush Plums. blue, perhush .. Pears, good, per hush l’otutoes, per Mush Oniours, (10 Tom Manes, do Turnips, (to Cabbage, per doz... $z11111flmver, pm (102 Beets. per (10;: Ullrl‘«>t.~, do I’ursnipa, do (Jewry, lu'r doz. HAY AND 81mm“ Hay, timothy, 1101' tun "(i1)" o3ï¬ii1um, do 11mm AND WOOL. - Hides, good to choice, per 1001115. ,~‘ Uan ski a. green, per 11) , . . . . . , Sheep skins. em]; ,, H ‘ Lamb skins, du ‘ . V . , Wool, per 1!) . ‘ . . , ., .. , , ‘ . , . . _ , LIVE SToGX-Ir" Baeves,for export, per 104‘ lbs, livn weighq u . . (hf clover, 1 Straw, in blmdleï¬ do g00(1b11Lch0r' du- iuferior........ . . beep, ï¬rst class. am 110 second class, (lu . KL“) inferior (10,, Lmnhs. ï¬rst class. (10.. (In second muss, (10.. do infmior do. . Cn‘w a. ï¬rst (HMS. 1'10 , (1'0 Havana (t‘mSH. (10.. do infenm‘, (10.. 1m v 2mgs.1)(~r1f)01bs, (‘mw ‘ uh milch, euuh Jznx. x\'n “001). v ('uul, mud, yer tun m l’otv-Meum «mule 11H. per map. gal 59m, Gnde 1 single bhls. . . .. d-w Inw r In], per bag Conkstuwn. Oct. 7 and 8. North York, Newmnrket, Oct. 12 nnd 13. North Ousurio, Port Pa Oct. 12 and ('uul, “Mu, per mm do soft, do \‘med. hard, per curd {m sun, do Anson.†manna To the Editnr of the LilmmL (in 2. do Infuiior spring, N0. 1 do L‘ do Inful‘jur No. 1, per bu A Family Quarrel 2. do Infmior do 113,1“). 1. do 2, do Infel‘jur do 1, per bush 2, do (51x2 Warm TORONTH.Thursduv, Oct 111) RICHARD COLE supply Hf $0 ‘25} 000 0 #51 m . ; no 5’4 9 UL) 0 (30 0 5|) 0 (M) 6 UN U 310 0 [5‘5 0 '35 30 3 2’. 30 ()0 7 00 5 00 3 00 (,0 ()5 (v0 I5 ()0 man 50 100 00 Eli 19 18 18 10 (W (N) 7: ()U 04 El) (H) 50 ")l) .n 50 H ,. ,1) ('0 90 to $1 03 " 1 (U to 531‘! 00 {J Lo “ h‘ 00 to $1 to $9 50 to $4 25 " 4 5i) 5 50 I L“) to 10 00 0 2 ()U 5U 00 5 2 1 05 5 Uh 10 0 ’15†110 It} 1).") 70 (i 50 5 00 (30 “w 20 H 18 (710 {1 .50 ()0 ESU (m \Vinceys, Fancy Dress Goods, ' large Stock of Fresh Groceries, Hardware. Crockery, Glassware. etc., etc.‘ all or whlch has been bought for CASH. and will be sold at the Closest Cash Prices for Cash or Approved Credit. All Accounts of more than One Year‘s standing, '1" not settled before the lst of November, Will be put into the hands of the Clerk of the Division Cour: New Fall and Winter GGMS, CONCRE CRAMMED TO THE @003 Complete in Every Department. Victory! "Victory 2' Vic‘mry! Bake. FIRST PRIZE on Wrought Beam Plow, and leotion of Best Implements“ Improved‘ Reaper, $105; Combination Mower, $70; Ithaca Horse Rake, $30 5 PER CENT. OFF FOR NET CASH. Cnshmercs, Mantles, Lustres, '1‘ II 13] 14 AL 1 D I 13 S Millincry, Silks, Trimmings IN COMPETITION W'ITH Furs, Hosiery, G loves, PATTERSON & 1330., Patterson “'e on“ the ntttmtion of To our Large Shock of The Patterson Patentees The Patterson N ew Combination'Mower. SPRING TOOTH HARROW‘ Yarns, Iitc. for the Dominion for the world renowned WERE A\VARDED THE THE LEADING MANUFACTURERS'OF CANADA. gdvcrtiï¬mxentï¬ Aricultural Worksstfll RankFirst PRICES: WITH weeds, Broad Cloths, \Vorsted Suitings, Shir‘fs, Shirtings, Hats and Caps, HeadV-Made C10th« 7 ing, Clothing Made to Order/fies, Under'Clothing, Sc‘arfs, Hande Chiefs, Etc†Etc. (fr 1?} 1V \Ve call the attention of tho, "0 our complete Stuck nf 'L‘ 14143 NE “EC N N. AT KI SON . , 01113.,