ENE} RICK)“, ND Thamhill, :8 NEW“ 1'1‘1 (1t: 4 LA- KH‘BLE, 13th “ Nitrous oxide {134 nhn‘ ' ‘ rtd fm‘ plinlu: “' EHHZOXD HILL 1:;L M Clays : 1' each month 'Jimilionce at Aurora, v. ugmnd Hill .. .. trlzmuu I ‘-. M. (10‘ L10. (it) do, x11; 0' (hamburg. . nuulem- “ Anamnoti as smmrwl, nun none but '1::‘ hmhuut \1 i: ‘ rile med. AV 15 IVSON L,I).S., Anrm'n Ont 111(ka J.‘ for tho i'" anLV Stu] Ae cox‘wm‘unl 111A "essiun. {5" follows ‘ \urom, 1:15, 8111. lt' ‘ Nowwum‘lzcc . iiichum) r1 Hillv . and 'Luu‘uhiii 1211719..“ Clock and “latch Dimer, issuer of Marriage Lincnenw 'm‘ the i 31mm cf Km , Ieul Estate Mu! 111‘ walnut: Aug-mt. Pnfliw having furuls 0: lots fur 531,10, or washing his A1108 )1: life or propeny V, 111 have them or: 01‘s pruluytly attended m by the :lev0. Mnllu) L0 1mm aha per cent on ulxlxrovcxl Irccln‘hl security “(liceâ€"Court HUHNC. ’l'unmm '\YISHES TO INFORM [HE I‘U BLIC THAT she is prepared tu' giVU,lLI.‘JSOHS in umu'c to pupils at he! uwnmezidencemr Lhatof pupils. Terms moderate._ -, .q Insurances efl‘eUed mi all kmrls 0! 1m “1‘53" current rates,1u thciumdiug comxw‘ ia,s in (‘rflhlll‘ .. Peter Gilmon. y Provincial Land burveyor Ema Civil .Engineer. ~ ’ Orders by lettcrfï¬honld state chaméner of sur1 vay, that the subscriber 11‘1sz consult higextonHive hold notes, [is also those UT the late David Gibâ€" son. J.‘,Nelson, 11.nd.0t1m)‘ surveyors. us to original nwxmleents and fqrmiug surveys, thereby saving time. mm secln'hlg-correctness in surveys. ()tlice \Vilgowdule, on Yonge Street, in the Township Nitrous oxide {In inn (II Teeth 41f York AME? AMOUNT. or MONEY, X277 13%? 6(3â€"llia-0;1 iï¬iélï¬clnss‘ 1;ropél:£y: .Busit ness strictly private. Apply to ,7 351(1):, $1 per annum, in ndvancc.] VOL. [I 1. er‘ri'nx 01‘ 'i ‘7. lglnnd ‘loalor in TO LOAN. 66 Fire and Life Insurance Agent. BUSINE 88 C, 3? a :1 CC :1"1U1 BEL, “"111 “1’ ichmond Hill, Tart, ï¬lï¬, 1881 (a? 11m l’nlmw Dr Gmduaï¬e A? 1 DIISS NIQ'EEOLLS, IS 1‘ Dr. '5†r. \[._R 11%: Tiï¬ihm? Etuigrcllmmua. IL KIWDEVIRS. George E) Insurance Agent.. U niom‘ille I’.O SULG uqx 1m). 1131‘. Dr. A, . ESMHE: H iLL. Wan 5, (Term, zmfl ' 'wi‘hy «ï¬lm/uh! Hill, Ont. um sum 0x DI‘ Tufl‘ It} qumam‘H. 1' Toronto Umvor': ASHE!) ~I- ' ‘ '.‘.('T} HI 130x35 \V4'mlb1‘iflya om 7! H... {k Ea‘ ‘ In" ,x{ ‘3 1‘ :0 \V A ‘3. T, 11 ml . ‘ y... V’. m w J ’ ‘ ‘ k u mu )(‘zu'a7 he fl “Nah . mh mm 05 '33Pâ€: “)(mth' 1",), 3 \y.‘ 1%“ ;..‘&5.%~‘~. u I I! man, «>10, 1 3M ’Y w . (r 11m inf; mmth In (10. (10‘ (it) do 411) 28.1y [1CD “n' bv at m ()u 031 Svc . of .5 vpru‘wrt Farms. lutcr ant Aucmu Mm" ' Solutitnr. Nutm‘y, k rt. VYancy Cniun Lmuu jimxungs, N05. Tumum. ,Rza‘ristv“, I‘mtom'†{ 1;.) inun. Imam. 2n and 51!. '17m'011h; \ 141' V†Sfum‘ift' of fho Cunnty of You; Home. Toronto. \ N?»:m<3y up LOPâ€. 10 amount, ui’ Munu)’ tn mm way; .nbz:m_,L i norm: 1; Barristers, &c., Illlhigs, .»\vh,-1:Lido “tract, "" mngo, - mmitc Victorla 5L1 wt. ' Edward Bln‘i .’3.C "Q (1. J.A.DC§‘<].Q.C. \‘u’ubtu‘; (‘mk ‘ (,‘AJsmngh MiDinhump'†71m Rte; ctr, north and '10, Ji sect \yc‘ J,\<.I:!:'L‘HL H QA'. \V, (‘r. 1‘ \1.4u-:\um.1m \VALTER J’uu‘me \Y. J. L“ K . .ï¬nflmsï¬l La‘wrcncé (Wm-k m? cm: wad l h‘iuflu C in Clurk and 'l‘r ‘ururol .{hilll liegmnrarot ‘th \iz; ‘ age»; :unl £121 a, ("muuunuvcr 111 (5mm of ’ ' Quw H‘n hm "1L Ofï¬ce, rppoéitu the \‘Xesluyun C). Lzrct,1:ichlnond 111i). Om Erma" M's/11w“? ;\11{“.'{O‘UOUI‘ lui' the (bunny (71' York. ;‘ «hum ' -hel 1’. ()._ ~ 'fl‘iwnnas (Poacher. . License.» Aurt “ear, in and 101' the (W unty of York. Orders go‘ivitud. liosidencc, Mu; 1c LCan lmï¬el, 15(1fm‘al, 0111., ‘ , _ a Limn: \nvLiLneer fur tlw “(minty of York Sun-s HAN *Ldml on ï¬lm shortest nutiv-u um] ",t 1' ~n.- "unable rut Ad‘dfleua. I\ :flflumnd.‘. ($.- Liconsml Auctimuu‘ ï¬n: +11 (‘1 11m 511' ‘ wk. <110ctl‘ufly mlim’ 'om‘ patronage 111111 Il’iOII 52111111311110. 811.113,»: attended on the 5110111 1 11111 M111 :1: reasonable rates. 1’. U. .1111: Lioonqwl Auctium‘cr for the Cnunt)’ n1 Ym'k. re- specmull)’ solicits your patronage and thaw)- ixlflmzncm Sales uï¬tended mu tho «ahmtwtr m :i -c and."th reasonable rates. 1’. 0. address. ‘. :nztumL hilllih I-Znst Mm‘ket ï¬quzn‘B, Imrvis-stH 'l‘orgntc. First- c1nss~s.ubhng, . ' ' JOKE); HOLDERNESS. l’.r01u‘ictnr Yongo Street; Tex-011w; Every In tcuuxmndvtion fur the trm‘e‘llmgypubhc I‘Lt £41919 1. mph» ‘ '1‘ BESTï¬Lr Pruyrieml‘. - mg street Enst,To‘rontn. Eu be] " rr>111~ 11,1 house; Good Acmnnmmlution u uveij av huntiun shdwu Guests. Slipcrinr Stsz‘ 13‘ ‘ HENRY LEMON. PmL Blake, flew, Boyd 6!; Cusg '2 monubls rates. 1‘. OIéddrg mack Worse Hotoi‘ , Palace Suï¬sm, Tprmltu. c"S‘vaahle and ynd‘hnmm modntion for 250tou‘ms. Au attentive hos; er ' A. OXFORD, Pl‘nlu‘ul 61'. mxu-E > fmcunnxr 111111;“ Firshcluss :xxfï¬ï¬hmdution fr,“ tlm' public Good stubli 7 and an attentive ‘“ ' tler. \‘I 17. LIP-GRIN lu‘g‘fl'ï¬tul‘. Good accmmmulzytismfor the tr: $11010“ 0st urns. Ample Bhwls 2L1, tentive livable; Mum's an hand. Hing public at lstulgliu‘g‘ ‘,\‘.- ,. quzcm M: :‘ANLANE, Proprith z’q‘w‘ r. =' u “ ‘ l"1 ('Imp no“. Ro'ï¬tnurann’. ' Mâ€; A.;.THOMAS.‘. _ Luncheon mid Dining Rooms. for Ladipq and Gentmmen. Gencs‘Rcmlingund Snlokinumwms. Engli‘sh papers on ï¬le. No. 30 King street \Veat. Toronto r The Palmer llh‘use, ‘ RICHMOND Hump. v» jOHN PALMER, Pgopyrietor. Having recent y l'iuilt fl‘l‘é‘aï¬ov‘e House on the Hit/O of tho oh Stugc Hotel. and furnished it throughout. in t‘1rst»clms style, I um prepared to give the public the host of accommodations Good .‘ltï¬bliu‘.’ and attentive hustlers. Smnple Rooms for (Ymmnm‘uiul Travellers. Terms. 31 per (Inflflrqlhï¬ ngjnnnzxd.Hill Omnibus leaves this House 5 7:30 mm, for Toronto And leaves Tocouto at "J p.111. ’ ed Auctionqcx for the (Jopmnc‘ of York <3!anch Bomb n()h1'qx'xcoa.;,jgm :cnt. u ‘ ï¬tkz‘et‘gï¬ pygmptly niï¬cudud to ice}: Mmmyï¬o Hm 101d Inn-glut): Apply mund ' .1111. m‘ to V. 31.15 J. Lorvuw "“ 'L'nrnnm. ROS \IALI). MERRY} York at nd ’3 ugh FAIRBANK. in House. *v m w , 119nm gar iuvesatnirssl. rJONVEYANCER, ETC.. Sanfuel M. Brown. i336!“ Il’b‘dd Hind. ‘W 3225mm U. L209}, Ra! "pi-'69 norm. ‘ mm; 351905 (A , fins (tlydc Hotel. :reét EastTo'rontn. E": Salon: Eckareh. N; ,2. Armslrenr'. 1‘. “f. In I‘Viï¬, Alluan Hm]. {C [93105. north of 5005mm} Chambers, 18 ' ct \Vcst, 'l‘nyuum Aurtimzcrrs. Huh-Jun fllwss. I‘alicouin'laigc K“. Buns". I . 12{()T.])I. J43 (Jhnmh 63 Toronto Exit 0 11?}! . 3'; was. ‘ ' 1‘ I' In Essentials, Unity; h MOSS. 15. Ayn \VUI H.915 (:Ll HGHMOND HILL, 131115fo, MAY 27 1&8]. Nu m ,Kuludtur 1' a} mo». n, cmm, u «a ENTEANQE 0n tly’; road or left 211 srnne hrivatnl hunse,‘ sfunc‘umntlls :Lgu, an nm‘egiseercdl DEED, in duplicate, Vlmlunging to tho 1m Llursiunvd. Any ltll‘l‘snu returning the same “ill be suitably I'uwzudqd. 71V. . ‘1 Richmond HilL my 5m, 1881. A new house with ï¬ve rooms, in a. Ge: sin-ble Incanuu in the village. , Terms mudernne. Apply to Richmond Hill, May 59.11, 1881. ~ HOUSE TO BEN 1‘, : 7'10 HIGH SCHOOLSâ€" n ï¬le high Schools at Newmarket Richmond Hri‘lï¬on FUNERALS». FURNISHED "~4-wyf†A. WRIGHT 86 SUN, R‘oï¬es. Cofï¬ns. Casketsut‘écu constant (‘2 t1: I: subrtcut uotmco wnd msnreuonabls 1]; Non-Essc'z-zzfz'als, ; in 22!! filings, Chm/fly.†JAMES LANGSTAFF, MJII JAB k Am Assortment‘ of lemme. Apply to MES. LANGS'l‘AFl“, M. D. 1y kept on hand. MCHMON 1) Km terms “'3' RIGHT & 5’: N» J 1., More than an’jr other day of the year, l Richmond Hill counts on’a big (lax on the Queen’s birthday, antlt, when favored witlrï¬ne weather is never disappointed. This year was no exception. The day broke bright and beautiful not a. cloud ‘diunning the lmrizcn during the day. ‘Kuig Sol, to an unusual extrent exer- cised his sovereign power, and his scorch-- ing rays added unany a half (lime to the tillwof the lemonade vendors and tent keepers, which were to he found at every corner of the streets and Show grounds. At a very e n'ly how? people began 10 llock into the village amt by eight. or nine 'o’eiock the villaqt~ presnntcrl quite a lively scene. The crow.“ continued to li‘erease. ‘until the middle of the afternoon when every part of the village was 1; perfect jam. ‘1lie crowd was estimatoo at seve- ral thousand. There was pienty going ' on in the Village to attract their attention I and seldom in a’ village oF its size, is so much crowded into one day and yet all 5- were sii'cceséful. The ï¬rst thing of the ' day to attack; the attention of the public I was the Presbyterian ‘ » ciiUKcir OPENING, i which “as tohcvonnlnence at ten o’clock. A The [new chnri-h [niw approaching Corn- pletion is slbliaieduin front of the old one i md is a. heaiitiful'ISLructlire. \\ inch does i ‘riirmlitth o '1.£d::flw~£meigii'i§e»_ Q: gl’reshy 'cria‘iv congregatien here; but tow tile entire villa'jre. ()ver the‘qateway’ ‘ leading" to the cliureh was erected a bean- tiful arch 1..†evergreens suspended from the centre of WlllUll was a. Crown of ever- greens. A full dcscripibinfof the church will appeai'iu our next issue. Shortly after 10 o’clock, at which time the church was crouded entci‘mlil’tevs l). J. Ninlï¬yir ncll, J. Smith, J. Dick, and I. Caniphell. Seve ‘a.l ministers of other denominations Were present in the congregations. The service was opened bv Rev. James Dick announcing the 100th I’salin, after "the singing of which he read lst Kin ‘ '3? “3'6" to the end and led the congregation in prayer Rev. D, J. McDonnell resul' lst Corinthians Ill chap. and announced {Nit l’salin. after which he announced as his “text, JohnX, latter clause of the 10th verse It Would be unwise for us to fol- low_ the speaker throrgh the disCoursc, as it would he impossible for us to (la him justice ; eiillic‘e it to say that it was a . masterly, c'loguent and impressive expoâ€" Vsitionof tliciiztsézflgge._ After the sn-rmon an app ml was made for as‘sist‘ince to li- ’ quidate thegdelitétill remaining on .the It church, \\‘ _ieh erii’tiï¬â€˜aSflOO and on which l there still,, : ained a†(light. of $3.500. l The appeal ,_\J&i,s heartily responded t.:. A ’collectinn ‘ef about :gilh'O was t lgen. The ladies tlireii eelw‘exl dinner'in the‘hasement ‘1 of the'ciiurch which \was lihtagally lugl‘uu- i izedi as \v aim the tea. ' u. At London, on the 24th, a steamer carry- ing an excursibn party, capsized, drowning the whole party. The city 13 shicken "with grief. Most of the bodies have been recouer- ed. cause : overcrowding a rotten boat. NEARLY ZOO LIVES LOST AT LONDON ONTARIO. THE 24TH IN RICHMOND HILL. " E. i ‘ - LADIES†AID IDINN’EL . l held; in the lecture mom of the Metodist lGhii'x'uh. This 'was largely patronizng and'the ladies feel satisï¬ed that it is A i prolimble Enterprise. Bunch was served : at, all hunflrs and' tea'"in"j,,lleevening. The . 961':an H EAL AND commm ‘ in luhe nudipli'lt‘hn of the MeQ‘h st 3'Clnu'eh wigs, lilie‘the other 11nd penild‘igs, of the day; 9. brilliant. success. 'i‘he pruâ€" grnm‘n was well sustained and the select- ; ions of a snp'erior quality, almost ei'ery rend‘ering being uncured lgy the large and iiitexesled audience which illqu the church. Miss Hectic MucCalluxn, wlmvs face is not unfzmnilar to 3, Richmond Hill andiénce, with her highly cultijv'zited ,. andI ’mngpiï¬cient i-uiige of \ oice, drew forth Irepeaned bill'st of applause from Ithe - ,mulience, as diél also Miss Scott and Miss ‘ rfan'risu \Ve ï¬re sure that none feel dis- isapuinted. whnvtpnk our prediccion than it .wmlld be one-{lei the best m-m'slcal pro- . kgrmns ever 13$ sented to n. Riélnnund l‘IIill Audience}. The next place of inter» Zest was the Lagieg’rï¬id - n /. ling-11A?“ . . . . which was held 1:: he new bmlllmg north of the church Here were displayed for 4... ,. A I'LATFURM 5U ffixc M, Was} held in the :mditonum uf the chuirch ?u the evemng, and excellent addresses > . . h werp dellvex‘ed were delivered by Revs. 1 Y (1 ‘ . yi-r ‘.|1\ n v\ ‘7‘? 1 1)ny M'cuunuell, P. McLeod Auditsm‘igh all uf Toronto, which new listened tn by a large. and appreciative audience The nextpoiut of interest, to the public†was til‘: annual ' AN IMMENSE GATHERING. TERRIBLE MSASTER. SUCCESS UN EVERY HAND. I“ sale alarge number of fancy and nsefu’l articles many of which were dispoaed of. This dupzu‘tmcllb was also a. success, though some of their articles yet remain to be sold The last and principal attracsv- ion of the day was the ANNUAL EXHIBITION 0f the Richmond Hill and Yonge Street Agricumlml Sociuty, held on the fair ground 011 Arnold Street. The number of visitors was quite as large if n96 lurch than usual. The Show was, in ifs-wife» grand succéss. Our spaceytlll only per- mit; us to nmkgl‘eferencc {,0 a few, of its. FPECIAL Fi‘A'rUmm, ‘ but the entire prize list may be expected next week. Some VUI'V ii in; horses were shewn, and keen con patitzizn in acme of the classes. was evident. As UfJUuI Mr. Palmer was to the fow- withlhis new single driver who, though i-nly young bids fair to niukon ï¬rst, class trottcr. The exhibition of stock was firstâ€"class, noticeable amongr which was Mr; Russeics herd of cattle, which were among the best we have ever seen ; and Mr. R. hini‘sh’a sheep which are notud ‘ through the province for thoii' ("icuiiulluu. Inn Carriages there was cxtcimiw and keen competition,th princiinil on iihitom being A. Wright. and Son, W. 'I‘reuc] R. Wilson iuldJUS. AiCDminid. Perhaps the largest (lisphiy in any J line was in i'nachinory7 such. ELS:|:,:1~iU‘sliiUill iln~ phamonts 8:0. ]t was ring/1V ilstirllinhil-ig tho'nuznhor of ï¬rms Lira}; u’m royr‘usun‘ucd more. The follmviné; are :L few of Lhmn : Patterson and Bro, Pitttornmi ;A. and ,‘N. \Vilson, Richmond 1L1} ; li‘iuurys and J\\'i‘.kir,0:is. york», Aurora ; ‘ i'lou‘y Markham ;}T. Abe“, \Yothiiirnigt‘j To» ronto 1322mm. and Mower Co, 'i‘ornnto; Mussvy Manufacturing 60., Toroino ; Huggert d: Co, Bi'mnliton ; A. Hmris and Son, Uruutford, and iothcrs. One. line for which there was no provisiois made in the classiï¬cation of the 'u bus n-rticius,aiid was. consequently chisw'l oliL, we notided on exhibition. It; “as iqu \vnggons, of which there were, two on cx~ hibinion, one inaliuï¬uctured by JoScph McDonald of" Newton Brook, for Mr. LEBuz-ns'of TOronzo, and the other by Mm}. 'Wm. Trench, for the Grenadier I’m Coni- pluiy of_'l‘<)rom0. "i‘l ey were both ‘ymd - ' ‘- ' 0 I , sggnnen mek ibiidklp-‘llidishï¬plyd at W Tï¬ilimmlmeiiilcda "Rm Judi. a ,m. they were both well worthy of H- Aguilch The fine, :n'ts (lupurtmcut wa held in the skating: rink, “hiuh mud»; :L vary gnnd hall for the purpose. The display was not very large in gome of the chasm. ule 3 pt. some line specimens hf fancy w Il'li,1)L‘]lCll drawing (L'c,wcrc (obs scan. A imflcmhle feature in this dvpui'lmcm “[5 ,sm‘urzil cusp-.4 of shill'ud birds, g! Hts, ‘iiiiillmls d‘c gall killed and stull'ud by Muster Willie X933, mf Patterson. 'l‘hcy m‘ei'p imleed‘ e beautiful, {11);} I‘czllc: cn-llit 01; the skill and tnsw of thin anti-,1- pi'is’iug ylmth. llouts ilrllil .vegetuhlca, warp ul course almost; Igllll} of scusu1., though them was a. Lice display of :Lpplur, fur which there had baa!) a spacial lyri/ï¬ oï¬'ci'cd. Tiler? mi?- quite em cxfciisiw display in fuwl‘s‘xin which Messrs \‘C. uw‘l A.‘ “Right teal: the lead. I'll‘llel'l) wow vm‘i us other fuutm'ts \yogthy of llIL/ntl')“, but spzwc wili not permit, Sullicu is to my that it was (me Cf tlle3\l\q1‘;h.sllucc5riflll cxliibitiuns hold in Richnmml‘lLAill‘, h‘ciiip‘ over um hundred gilti'ics in exams hf Inst your and the lecdiuplsuo': -:' EELUU above «my pi'm'iuus Show, (From Our Own CO)‘1‘C‘3‘)UIZ‘(10nt.l A public meeting of the inhhbitnnts of this village was held mi Fridnjir last, tha 13th inst. -Mr. R. \Vidswqr‘h, Esq. iii?" the chair, to discuss :Ldyimliility <i£_’ incln'i’y-I'ul.1rrii. \‘-'Iii.,_Tyr1'ell: : Eu]. . ml: ~(ll‘es $1,â€:th meeting shmvinglclemly thu‘ limzzici'itl :i-sflerzt of tha- change7 the Township‘nt present being the gainer by sei'ei-ul’h‘u’mli‘ed dollars. Notivithlstund» in; a.i§"‘z’whive and determined (imam-itchy“, the pliiévzpect «if t‘ie project being carried mun am: very fuwimble. A Commitfn-(e ‘wns ï¬nmintenl to deï¬ne the boundaries Hf the village and report to :Lt‘iuljwurned meeting to he held on lleday the 2311i. Yesterday. (Monday) a p't'njlvion.‘ (if ‘the operatives at the'woolen millnï¬trué‘li \‘vn‘rk on :tC‘cullllt of xvi/gas. Th-eilgirls. uï¬w‘a'r‘ds‘: ‘ of thirly, being; the ï¬rst to leave which they did in u. kindly! «and, marched thrnugh the village. Aftggywnydls a number of the men 11.316 boys“ tumin ’nut who were Ipromptly paid and d-ischargedby thqmw l‘prietnr, Mr. \Vi'lby. V '4 * Thisï¬. humming, (Tuesday) > Mr. VVilby' laccede-lm the demands of the girls and.l ‘2‘1. i ant to work again. Thus aided the ï¬rst strike of (he season. The lung wished for rain- has come_ _at lagt. Elie crops in this district. both {all ma spr’ n2 have suffered senrelv from the long drought. [Single copies, 3 cts. Summit nimtinur‘. WESTON No. 47. of stpck was which was which were seen ; and