Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 May 1881, p. 5

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lickhrdt’sl, Fourth Mentllly Sale will be held at the Pulqu' house Rlchnmugl Hill, on \Veduesday 11ext,Juue‘;'lst. The establish- ment of this sale has been a great boon. not only to gurc'uasérs but also/£0 sellers; A ..':_‘1"v large number of eutriesfbf horses, cat. > is, alleep.nunigges etc. M11319, been made, fantl'wa'hhticipahhqqa ofr‘tha yum auccessful v07.1‘i\}.<1git1nyinflow 311‘ Emmy {yaw ' 1;!) of {inst 7/0 1;. thile I jgir-Oét ixoles-fitgg 0111115 firm, loin no. 6‘: 'Fxoii. 5.1:1rkbnm‘ "it human 'Mulll “its tuynéd‘ ‘MQ "1%an ‘ mrblim; ex- famiuMiou'éovoz'n} Bunny} (rjf-‘Ltije’ni wgfe gis- ‘m'V'ei'ed mppm‘o‘amly in n L1‘.én_:,:i1rzg1§nin§ no'rth ‘:ih€?'§°€011t‘fi‘.4‘ It crent'xi a good of Cgcite- gm 11ft rfor a time, and Mr. Drury going {10 inalieth 57. money speculation by gre’gting [1s te‘lifii‘oy‘ 1‘ tire spot and charging rm adguia. "31'9th Aimed many theories have been set “float concerning the find, but; only specu- jnrinn‘. Professor Wilson who has devoted a hood'xlpnl of attention to the study of prehis- toric man, is to visit gigs spot; ' While two of Mr. John Mapes‘ boys were nln‘ying at \Vilsou’s pond mom than a week ago they caught a fine large turtle. It had a beautiful shefl and in order to preserveZthe he]1.¢t‘hev cut. the head ofi‘, and in doing so. also out a leg ofl', an! left. ifi aside for the TYOsh to decay. W hen e.:nn_17uel were thnn 2‘1, week after fin‘fgevétramie aft'hé head, its £111] and hilnierfllfnljflq ‘wei'e *(‘éfi ilifi'k nnd if V ‘ ' 't'it \Wmld Mm”. Lself quite #yegy, {71,33 begun; éfimhpt h, the eighth (day. 7 his mpg ween) aimn'stp pggdqbgs but ’Mx’fifiiupe‘s vnuéhé's H whim of it. ,e- ‘ a b L 5. o E. .1. Mr. W. D. Bvown, formerly of Wrightfl Carriage Works but who has been domg business for somd years 11) Stouffwille has sold his business to Messrs Addisuu; A: Latch- jord,aud has with the Wheuier 131738., pur- pkmel a large flowering mill in bmngeville “were (“key intend to carry on merchant mill- ;mg. :Â¥xz.t§r¢\\'y is an emu-gene and thorough Zhus’lqgssqmgfiffmd it is amid the regrets of :Infmy,pefsonalrtriemls 131;;th igavcé Stouff- “He. .k'llive a week without a head. .noss during part of Lhe sag-Nice 155$ buudip' gvcning {ind ware uufibie t6 use their “yum books. For the sake of thé congregation we hope better provision will be made in fu- turo,either by lighting the gas 01' conuncncitg vservxce came-1', It was withn grest deal ofdissatisfaction and chagrin than the congregation in the l\leth(>dist cuurc‘n SM, 111 a“ est. $01;le din";- No Good Preachingâ€"No man can do a. googdoli 0: work, preach a good. self- anon, try n. HIW M110 wed, docmr n immunt 01' write a good article, when he feels miserable gml dug with sluggihh brain and, umtendy perms {and none shqud make the attempt in such a condition when it can be so easily nnd chenfily removed by a little Hop Diners see another column. Removing thxsfiofic. A neglected cough brings on cousrhmation â€"â€"the most fatal ‘ nd prevalent of all pllysi» cal ills that flesh is heir to. To check the malmly in its early stage before the deadly tubercles develop themselves in the lung,use if]. Thai/ms” Ecicctfic Oilfiwhicll also anni- Limtes brcushilfis, 3.5311qu catnrrll, piles, liid‘uvy troubles, and soreness of the muscles .v : v and jomts, ' In darkness. S.Chnd=;,r.ick of Arcadm, Vfayne Co.,vyrites: -â€"â€"“ I lmve‘lmd severe :Itméks of Asihma for spveml yonrsx. I mmm‘epvod taking Dr. J‘Izqrms‘ ICCZz'bn'ic Oil. Ths fil’flt dose reliev- im‘. my, In om: hour. I continued taking i! in tvnspoo‘utlh‘. (10$ij for a fmv (laymand have not had an «Ingaclxsiuce now nearly one year." '._ Who was me man who went asleep in the Methndist Church on Sunday eve‘xflaing, and f¢gll aver the hick of the seat ? Sevgml times when his hand went back we ware {Smid for {he safety of the gallery and its '(rpcupants, least, it skauld disappear in the deep vor- rSex. Monthly Sale Sleeping in Church. Crowded out No Service. ‘. Owing to the Presbyterian church opening on Sundnv hm-n will l)e"nn, service in the Nethm‘lis flhnrch nnxt Sunday evening. .» orvice as; msunl 1n they‘ll/loaning. Revised New Testament. ‘51}; 'ViQAd uklihirm (if the new Te=tamont f0" sale in varioils bindings at the LIBERAL De- pot. Prize List. 13'1"!!! )rice lick of the fair ma. be ex ected a I n ' m our next: Issue. r 313th um? @thu‘r 5!u§ctli~gmcr. f Tosthchmmuuicnfion crowded out this Wedgwiii appear in our next issue. ' Fresh supplyuf Methodist Hymn Books at In: mem Dgpot. Hymn Bboks: {WT/clay. fl-[ay 12? 1881 And now the 72-h}: is over, Business is booming tfiis week. l And the weather is exceediuglj;7 hot. ~ ' 2x Bus: is again thickly covering the street Raid: @iié Egikml. ‘ ; 1 ‘ T1115 Socmty 15 organized for {he purpmc of enabling 1el‘sons between 1.6 quay-U years of ma p; becom 115 members. to ma mytnfision fornh‘l _ M, end 5114 chse of death, to s bide: n. (mm ofnmn- ey to them‘wkbws or orph‘du children, orto other relatives or persons de‘lmudenb on them; and to secure to each memh'ernf ihe Benefit Branch, mggiml attends,qu mail a Week‘va nnmxu nncu, in ’ sickness or ‘ncddonf/ disabl. iughim n.” 81:13 Mes usual Work. 1115 great value Qflwnefiteqcmtim [A141], glasses: wno' de- pend Upon their 1),;SI‘SOIRXL1 whwtg (m' the suppurt or tlwzumls'pmnidUm! £13.1nilips. imiuw‘1u1i3'er1 ,sully wmwuizé‘fl, TITUTION ‘ AND Jay-LAWS 1,; regpécbiully solipited, which, with an necessary information, will be furnishgd on applipation to SATIS?§\'CT6E§LY SECURITY IO .ITS .' ~ MEMBEM, ‘ . Mr. Qhantler, EMINENTTIEQ‘WXEKETED To‘ “THE TIMES, SMAL-LNE§S;,,UF [308T Thankful for tlié favors of the past: and the_ enconl‘agementsl of the present, I respectfully solicit future pzm'onage.. Benefit Sggiety ! Of the bth material, Wlt-h Jappanned Imi tation Brass or Silver Trimmings, Also an assortmfnt of Wfips, Lashes, Combs, c lCarcis 8c Brushes. 1st PRIZE T WO EEE A’T 'U HE S Harness, Single or Double ‘ Light or Heavy - a full nasortmen't of germs ’c‘zwli'sflrilltly on hand. at, lowest ‘E‘l'ices. humming :_‘1‘olnpt- [y attended to. M an etroughiug i1 .chcizll‘y ,, ‘ 5 G. MASON Cheap Stoves and Stovepipes, Mr. Chas. Mason begs to infirm his: numerous frivhds that he has rempvgd his Tin Shop ~09 his new pi 9m- ises, four “loom hurt): uf "the “M stand, where he is prepared to meet, the w-mts of his customgrs. NOW“ IS YOUR‘ TIME J. L. has also for 59.10 two or three of the 'eading Sewing Machmes m the Market, the Win. Singerfiffi’anrr C. If“. F., etc. Terms easy. You cm: purc‘flase a first-class \rgnn, from 3823 upwards. VI.“ m‘ v JOHN LUSH. Richmond Hill, July 28, ’85.. Being,r composed of part of Lots 533 and 24 in the 5th concession of Margham. For particulars apply to WHAT Tin: CiiNsfiniPTIvé NEEDS" is" a. Tnudiune which not only relieves irrita- “1:01), 1;}. vthe .luugs, ‘ . but makes up them-y ' me: of strength always entailed by lung disease. {ecuvery can never berfi‘oped ur‘ so long as the viml current; remains iivutery and i111p()\'1erislie;l,"thn‘ nervous ‘wstem weak and unquieh.” It if; the un- ‘ismi of invigorating elements with a. pul- mnnic of acknowledged peieiicy ' that gives Nm-tln‘np oz Lynuin’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and ,_I'Iypuphosphiws Of Lime and Soda. such a decided preemiw ' :m 6 over the generality of preparations deaigned to overcome lung throat and bronchial affections. The hypophusplntes furnish the system with the moat import- amt’cunstituents pf bland, muscle *fllld nuryous tissue, and the highly prepared ‘ oil derived from the cod’s liver acts as a snhjngater of throat and lung irritation. Sold by all drnggishs. Prepared only by N 01511309 & LYMAN, TORONTO. Riéhmoud Hill, V ainator for THE LANDED BANKING AN’Q’LOAN COMPANY. Any amount, and for anylength of time, from two to tweunv years, on first-class property. .Busincss ntrictly private. For further particulars, apply to AVIONEY PMUN 155’ 1 3 To, Loan- ;H$EL;QE§I$ EXAMIgyATION HARNESS Establishment ! At WM. HARRfisd‘N’S 60 ACRES OF LAND}, RICHMOND: EILL, ONT., Agent for Gentral York: 22. 42H Are to be found on hand or made to order, FOR" SALE REMOVED. JO‘HN IJ'U SH. Canada Royal L112} "Gutiflty presents 1-4 ‘ 5 That Make it 3 Of Our WM. EAKgN, NAMELY AN 33‘ TH E Fen \VM. H ARRISON Uninfiville Consisting firineijbally of English, I dish, Scolgli, and Canadian Tzc'eeds, Seeteh and Irish Serges, 'French and English Worsteds, Fine 'W est of v‘TEngland Tronsering‘s, Blaeh‘ and Blue Broadeloths, Black and .7! Venetians, Doeshins, Cassinieres, Em, in all the Largest and Most OtiZ/SZC/(Z Stoelc W the kind in Canada», .- , ,. .. 9% M - _ .. * " OUR CLOTHING is, without doubt, quite equal, if not superior to the best New York :clothing for Style. Fit, and Materials, a froof f whl'eh is the large number of FirstPrizes awarded, as at Toronto, Hamilton, and other Exhibitions during the fast Season. . Gentlemen requiring Fine Clothing will find it‘to their advantage to insflbeet our Stoeh before purchasing}. i ‘ ,1 ' ‘ “ ‘ " " We are, this season, in addition to our Large Trade in Fine Ordered Clothing, making a spe- eialty of Low Price? Tweed Sui-ts, which we will make to order at the following prices :â€"â€""’ ‘ [n returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patronage during the pas! Lwentymgm‘yem's, I heg‘tp remind -tllem and the general public, that having erected entirely new and comm:pd‘ioufimpremisesf'I aux-enabled to gsupply ‘ U ‘ | “l n "5 “"‘"’ ’ 1.. ; ' < -:*1~‘- . . . 2' Both Light and .Heavy, all of which" are guaranteed to give éaizsfactlon, as tne work IS a.“ .mder my own supervision.; am also prewlged to, all Iii’ldfi gi ‘bszksmithing & repqitfim ahe most work'maulike‘mmmm'; on the shortest notice find on the most reasonable fiermi y” \. : HORSE-SHOEING paid srécial attention to. ‘ ' I ; uuHwa’ spamgsmmmmm We beg {o notify our humeroug Patgor‘s and the general Public that we are at the CONC‘REfE. ; . PRICES, SUITS, $12, $15, $18, 'and$21. ‘* Thosd‘ prefgerring READY MADE should inspect f1 , .. .13; , 7 i" . , our MAGNIFICENT STOCK; superlor 1n Cut and lesh. Pflmtgg from to per, 51111:. MILLINERY' DEPARTMENT NECK ' FRILLINf hit/6 Cgltqzzs, C ambaiééz. and» Long cichg) Deflcreta u; an .. «A I a I‘ ._«IV.' I; ‘.. > Phaetons. Buigiesficmiages, Cutter-s, Sleighs finP»; dtfogz’m SpringeWagg‘ons. _ WWW ; 7%? " ' ‘ I ” @1153 kg“; w (J?- , A Splendid 4889?: VSfiWfJSflLIâ€"EQN W "rfim i CAgglAGE' WORKS. BAIQIESIEOND HILL, satisfaction guaranteed as to price and quality of worlf. LADIES. Golden Grimgggv King Street East. Torgbnto The CHOICEST ASSORTMENTâ€"Of these Goods éhewfi 111 Richmond Hill, on View a“: the / ETASTEFULLYE NEWLY, CHEAPLY SQQTC’H AND” CANADIAN? “TWEEDS call and- SCC those Dress Goods, from V ' , ' t . 3"} . > :5' at lowest rates. GENILEMEN ordgrmg 'clothlng should see those ' X ‘ $12; $13.50, $15, $16.50. TRENCH’S Also a choice lot of got 'up WM. ~ THENCE. 2’ 100 PER YARD. and féousei PRACTICAL BUTCHER, uhrd heaps onlmnd a sulmh' of Fresh Mont (‘5 kinds. v Everythi11g:r in tho The undersigned is a M EAT. nOW in receipt of

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