Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 May 1881, p. 7

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Mme Gerster is a great favorite in society, and on the stage as well. Her invitations, says an exchange, are numerous, and when she consents to sing at a musical? she is paid the homage due a queen. There is small wonder that the world of fashion, or for that matter, graver persons, seek her society. \Vhat could be more lover than a gifted woman who is petted and admired by all, and is unspoiled hy flattery '3 Increase the num- ber of admirers until they embrace the con- tinents of Europe and America, and then measure, if you can, the praise due a woman who remains simple, unaffected, kind and true~hearted throu hout it all. Etelka Ger- ster Gurdixii, the c larming pl‘ilna donna of Mr. Mapleson’s opera company, has been courted and applauded by the most distiir guished persons in the old world and the new, and is untained by a breath of scandal, and remains a gentle woman, a loving faithful wife, and a proud, devoted mother. In the morning after singing the previous evening, (Eerster rises at ll o’clock having taken her eofi'ee and rolls in bed. Then she will read such letters as her husband, Dr. Gurdini, may deem interesting to her; receive any friends who may call ; give an hour to study, .. . s ,. , a U _ and then take a brisk walk. Come home to lunch about '2 o’clock, then write, read, or talk to friends for an hour. In the afternoon some more fresh air is taken, and the rest of the time is occupied with knitting, sewing, 0r practising until dinner at 3 o’clock. 1f (lei'stel‘ is not going out in the evening she will settle herself in a little rocking-chair and keep her busy fingers flying, while she talks with the friends who may he admitted until 1] o’clock when she retires. Rehearsals, matinees, and performances fill up a great part of the singer’s time, but I am now sketch- ing a day after a performance, for a great prima donna like (ierster sings but three times a week under ordinary circumstances. Herster’s dress is usually silnple, but when occasion requires she dresses superbly. All her dresses are made by \Vorth, in Paris, and she spares no expense in pleasing herself. In her home life she dresses herself and arranges her hair with charming simplicity. At her table she presides with much dignity and grace, carves like an Englishwoman, and makes the best sort of asalad dressing. She is decidedly practical, and it is deTightful to hear her tell of her domestic arrangements, trials, andtriumphs at her home in Bologna, Italy. Mme. Gerster is a vigorous and an in- dependent thinkcr, and an excellent debater, and has a relish for fun. She loves to laugh, and is able to be witty as well as wise. She is a. woman of the sternest principles, and living up to them herself she requires of those who would enjoy her confidence and friend- ship a strict interpretation of duty and de- portment. She despises deceit and hypocrisy, and does not conceal her contempt for those vines in her presence. She sings like an angel, and can easily clear $50,000 a year. In personal appearance she is rather above the medium height, has a well-rounded figure, and a good-shaped head, crowned by a luxâ€" uriant grown of light-brown hair. She has dark gray eyes, and her features are decided. She has not what you would call a pretty face. It is rather marked by an expression of intelligence, and there is a deep power of fascination about it that is spoken of by all who meet her. She is vivacious in manner, and has a pleasant word for those about her at all times. Had she not been born a great singer, she would still have been a remark- able woman. A Goon SUGGESTION T0 HOITSEKEEI’ERH. No one knows until she has tried it, says an experienced housewife to one of our eon- temporaries, how much she may change the aspect of things about the house by using a little varnish. On a Sunshiny day take the old chairs and tables out on the porch or by an open door, and, after thoroughly dusting and wiping off with a damp cloth, apply a. thin coat of varnish, and so cover up scratches and marred spots of all kinds. It will dry in a very short time, and you will be sur~ prised to see how much good you have done. A flannel cloth, with a very little linseed oil, is good to rub furniture with, but the great- est care must be exercised to prevent any oil being left on the wood to attract dust. It must be rubbed until you would not know, except by the improved appearance, that any oil had been used. Â¥â€"â€"â€"<»<O> “Vi ‘ By Universal Accord Area’s CA'rnARTIc l’ILLs are the best of all purgatives for family use. They are the pro- duct of long, laborious, and successful chemical investigation, and their extensive use, by physicians in their practice, and by all civilized nations, proves them the best and most effectual purgatire Pill that medical science can devise. Being purely vegetable no harm can arise from their use. In intrinsic value and curative powers no other l’ills can be compared with them, and every person, knowing their virtues, will employ them, when needed. They keep the system in per- fect order, and maintain in healthy action the whole machinery of life. Mild, searching and effectual, they are especially adapted to the needs of thedigestivc apparatus, derangefi ments of which they prevent and cure, if timely taken. They are the best and safest physic to employ for children and weakened constitutions, where a mild hut cilcctnal cathartic is required. For sale by all dealers The immense sale and great popularity of Green’s August Flower in all towns and vil- lages in the civilized world has caused many imitators to adopt similar names, expecting to reap 21 harvest for themselves at the ex- pense of the atllieted. This medicine was trodueed in 1868, and for the cure of Dysâ€" pepsia and Liver Complaint, with their ef- fects, such as Sour Stomach, Costiveness, Sick Stomach, Sick Headache, Indigestion, l’alpitation of the Heart, vertigo, etc., etc., it has never failml to our knowledge. Three doses will relieve any case of Dyspepsia. 'l‘wo million bottles sold last year. Price 75 cents. Samples 10 cents. V Ask ydux‘ dealer for “ Castorine " Machine Oil and see that the barrel is branded “ Castorine " as none other is genuine. Foxrxn AT LAW IAâ€"A Remedy that not on- ly relieves, but cures that enemy of mankind, ConsumptionY as well as the numerous satel- lites which revolye around it in the shape of coughs, cold, bronchitis, sore throat, influ- enza, &c. The remedy we allude to is DR. VVIs'rAR’s BALSAM 0F \VILD CHERRY, pre pared by Seth. W. Fowle & Son, Boston. A Sweet Singer. August Flower. IOO4->N>- r I» 4-} N1 Ladies who are deeply interested at this time of the year, asto which isthehestfamily sewing machine to purchase for famin work. \Ve recommend them to have for a week’s trial one of the Light running “ C ” machines made by R. M. \\ anzer 8; C0., they are rap- idly superseding the old fashioned noisy ma- chines of old. As a health renewer Bran'K BLOOD B11“ TESS acts like a charm. 111 Malaria, Bilious Complaints, Scrofula and all disorders of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys, this great com- bination of Vegetable Medicines proves a certain specific. A few (loses regulate the bowels, and as a restorative Tonic it has no equal. Trial bottles 10 cents. Manufacturers of Reapers. Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer “Custorine” Mu.- ehine Oil to any other. It will ontweur Lard Seal 01‘ Elephant, and is warranted not to gum. For sale by all dealers. BI’RIXK'K BLOOD BITTERS is not a Whiskey Stimulant or fancy drink to pander to the depraved appetite of the inteinperate, but a pure vegetable life-giving Tonic and regula- tor of the secretions. It acts promptly on the Bowels, the Liver, the Blood, and the Kidneys, purifying and giving tone to the entire system. Try a sample bottle which costs only 10 cents, large bottles, $1.00. Manufacturers of Reapers. Mowers and ’l‘llroslling Machines prefer “Cristal-inc" Mu- (shinc Oil to any other. It will untwcm‘ Lard, Seal 0r Elephant, and is wzu‘rcnlod not to gum. For sale by all dealers. The proprietor of Brnlnn'K limo]: BIT Tmzs challenges the world to produce the record of a medicine that has achieved :1 more wonderful success, or hetter credentials in so short a period of time as has this great Blood Purifier and System Renovater. Its cures are the marvels of the age. Sample bottles 10 cents. Use “ Custm‘ine " Machine Oil for all kinds of machinery. IL is also excellent for harness and leather, making it. water and weather proof. For sale by all deulcrs. I‘VINE 0|]; (‘lllllnlo PORTRAIT of Queen Victo"u.20x21. Sample 75001115. Discount for quuntit ‘ . )lutlhows A' lqu..’l‘9romo.‘ Ro’ssm HOUSE $191+: liolcl of Canada. Mark. ll. Tris]?(filialrioto‘E/L ‘VATER STAR .‘l'GER FOR WELL B0]:- ing. A grand success, hares ‘10 feet per. hour. lland or horse power. Sand for circulars. Munufawmry, (is Mary St., Hamilton, ()nt. NIDER\VANTElbiliARRELSFURNISHED v ~(forrcspondencc. B. E. CHARLTON. Vinc- gar Inannfacmror, Hamilton Golden Syrup. 1\\"hite \Vinc, and l’uro (Eider Vinegars on land. GEOLH. WATSON. uvt‘\\'estL'1‘01'0mo.fl_ V #77 CENTS \VANTED EVICIKY‘ saleable articles : constant muploymcmand exclusive Larritm‘y givcn- Send for sample and full pau-ticulurs. 7 Rev. G EO. DA Y, Dunnvillo. Marks. manufactured by M. II. YOUNG &, (‘()., 13 \Vollingtnn St. East, Toronto. M Agernts \Bmtcd. INVl-ZN'I'IDRS mesmot: ‘ ()l“ \INING put (Sis lollfti “1-1th6 TIES: I“: iGrRlS'l‘. I’u» tent Sulicitm‘, Ottawa. Canada; twenty years” practi ' O‘putcnt. no pay; 1E W FIRS'lXCLASS STOCK 0R dun 1 rm; 480 acres, 400 zu'res cleared and fenced with beard fences, balance hardwood timber ; ovcr300acres in pasture and meadow. There is a never-falling stream of water runnin r through the farm ; four good frame houses an five good frame burns on the farm. The above farm is situated in Huron county, Michigan, iwo and a half miles from Sand Beach, where there is a good shelter harbour and railway station, and seventy: miles north of lfertr Huron This is 1.x Strongly recommended by the faculty in all cases of Debility, Indigestion. Consumption and all Pulmonary and Chest Diseases. Manufactured from the finest (10003,. and being so pure and carefully prepared, and its freedom from that “coarseness” which is so objection- able in most prepared Cocons, ensures its adop- tion as a beverage for Breakfast. Luncheon or Supper. Invented and manufactured only by PETER BLACK. the first, maker of Soluble Cocous and Chocolates in Ontario. ’l‘hoso going to Manitoba. will find it to their advantage to correspond with us. Subscribe for the Colonist New. :L paper givingjnsl the infor- mation you require: 10 c. to end of your. Pum- phlets, with maps, sent free. l’rltlie'n Sixth Pal-ly.\vitl\ sleeping cars attached, will leave on 291]: June. per (LTJL at 11.15 a. 111.. and con- tinue every other week during the season, pru- cedcd two days before by their fast freight train. 30,000 acres of choice land for sale. Letters cn~ close 30. stamp for reply. 2;.-giflaiauflécation 76; Eli Eliecsc factory. For further particulars enquire of J. JEXKS & (30., Sand Beach 1’. 0.. liul‘on countv. Michigan. FRAMES, MOULDINGS, (‘hronwm klirrors. I’t‘l'l'fll‘flfl‘ll Goods. do. MANITOBA! “'ith privilege for repayment of principal in small sums. Alexander & Stark, BIRTHDAY 86 SUNDAY SGHUUL CARDS [Importers and Mamxfzu-tux'qrs of every dosm‘ip- tlun 0t MNEY T0 LOAN Photographic Goods For sale by dealers CYOI‘V\\'1101‘0#\VI{0LES‘\LE only by the Malmt‘acturors. LYON & ALEXAIMER, This brand is guaranteed to me the very best Chewing Tobacco in Canada, being manufactured of the finest sun-cured Virginia leaf To av01d imposition see that each Plug bears the tin _stamp._ and everv Caddy the Caution notlce of THE ADAMS TOBAGO!) 60. MONTREAL BLACKBIRD Now Illush'ujrd Fatally/no Issued ls! Mun AT 6; PER CENT, I28 Bay Street, Toronto. ICELAND MOSS COCOA. NA VY ,TOBA COO. TORONTO ll. W. I'IIITTIE .Q' ('0.. 61 Kim: Street East, Toronto WISCONSIN If you need anything for such complaints. you can hardly find its equal. Ask for it. For full particulars. which will be sent frt’e. address CHARLES L. COLBY, Land Commissioner. Milwaukee. “'ls. WISCONSIN CENTRAL R. R. BIGKLE’S A C SYRUP Coughs, Co‘ds. Group, Whoopmg Cough, &c. JNO. W. BICKLE, - Proprietor, (Formerly BICKLE & SON) HAMILTON. - - C THE BOYNTON Goal & Wood Furnaces. .VIANI'FAI‘TI'BEBS. HAMILTON. ONT. I IVIPRC VED Farms for Sale. (‘0. (‘.\l{l.l‘l'l‘0\'. hast A of Lot No. 10. in ththh Can. of Goul- lmrn, 100 a(-1‘es,70 cleared, soil good and well fenced, good 10;; house. barn and stable. 011 the main travelled road between Carleton Place and Ottawa. (‘0. IAANJRK. North E. :1 of Lot No. 13in the 6th (km. of Beekwith. 100 acres. 30 cleared, soil sandy loam. well watered; new dwelling and burn, 5 miles from Carleton Place. (‘0. I’ETlilkfllikfll'i-‘ull. Lot No 6. in the13th Con. Harvev, 191 acres 10 cleared. land heavily timbered with hard wood and pine, log Shanty and stable, 8 miles from Boheaygeon. Other Farms for sale, apply to lloal Esmll- Agonl. (3‘5 King-st. East, ’l‘oronlo. Destroys Insects, Slugs, and Caterpillars. on Currant Bushes. Fruit Trees, and Garden Plants. Use it in spring and you will savo‘luhour. money and (hsnppointmout. Garden Powder! PRICE 25c. PER PACKAGE. 500,000 ACRES 0n the line of the HUGH MILLER 8100., For all Purposes of a. family medicine }{A(.‘- YAnn’s \ELLow OIL will he found invalu- able. Immediate relief will follow its use. It relieves pain, cures chilblains, frost- bites, sealds, burns, eorns, rheumatism, neuralgia, &e. &e. For internal use it is none the less wonderful. One 01' two doses frequently cures sore throat. It will cure Group in a few minutes. A few bottles have often cured asthma. Colic has been cured in fifteen minutes by a teas oonful dose. It cures with the utmost rapi ity. It is really a. wonderful mndioiue. LAIDLAW. BOWES & 00., EASY TERMS OF PAYMENT. HAVE "0T TRIED YET 167 King: 5!. Eu I'm-to. CHINESE FO R- LANDS. A. WILLIS, ONTARIO A Favorite Prescription of a celebrated New York Physician for the IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF ALL PAIN. TWIC‘E as powerful as any knnwn remedy. FOITR times as quick in its action. Sold at the pmce of 25 CENTS A LARGE BoTTLE. The followng testimonials of the gmth munlmz‘ recen'ed will Show most com: ivcly the remarkable, merit 01' the. iclicf. EASTVVOOI), Own, March 5th.. “I am gratified to hear from various quarters that your medicine is working wonders. As an instance, one man received a severe blow from a block of wood thrown from a circular saw. It struck him in the thick part of the leg. soinjnriug him as to render him unable lo walk. ’l‘wo applications of Morse's Pain Relief cured him. I might multiply instances. Josnru meosns. Draggist. “ Your Pain Relief gives general satisfaction. in fact, I believe I sell more of itthau a]I other pain remedies put together. J. (‘. BRIGHT, 31.0., and Druggist. Five 'l‘rsllmonluls from Eastwood. 01".. sliowlng MORSE'5 PAIN RELIEF cured iln‘ followlng‘: Blurrhom. Deafness, Swollen Fur-9, Toothache. l‘olcl. Headache. and Pain» In the Stomach. N0. lriUscd a trial bottle for a much swollen face with instant relief. A relative u' ed the Relief for deafness. and to her surprise was perfectly cured. Signed, S. G. ROBINS N. No. 2â€"Having suffered much with toothache. I concluded to trv your Pain Relief. One application gave me instant relief. I also cured a violent (:old I had contracted with the remedy. Signed. st E. IIERSEE. No. 371 have tried your Pain Relief in cases of Headache, Pain in the Stomach and Tomlin ache. the result lll every instance being the same. instant relief. Signed. A. FREDENBUKG. No. lâ€"Suffering from a severe attack of Diarrhoea, I used your Pain Relief, and was sinu prised to find myself perfectly cured 111 a few hours. Signed. WM. ROBINSON. No. 5:â€"0ne}1ight1 was awakened by the most violent internal pains. A single teaspoonl‘ul of your Pain Rellet made me as well as ever in live mmute“. Signed. J. H. JACQL'ES. MORSE’S PAIN RELIEF HAZEN MORSE, FOR SALE BY ALL DRUG-GETS. USE HAZEN’S mREOLIC DOG- SOAP SAW MILLS, G RIST MILLS, CORN MEAL MILLS,%§ THRESHI NG ENGINES, "I for New Circulars. Address JUST RECEIVE Every Variety .of "Gonodkl? beihg almost double the strength of ordinary Tea. and specially adapted for partles gomg to the N o: thwest. us" Sole Agency for Toronto. ARTIFIUIAL LIM %§;£§§¥%fi‘3§fif3fifi$fi. Elastic, and cheap. First prize at Provincial Exhibition, London. Testimonials on applica~ tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address. J DOAigk 39X ,Dii'gtytoiiuonf. UflFFEE---Best and Cheapest in the Dominion, and roasted on Premisas: EDWARD LAWSON, Several Lines of Fine Fresh Teas, bought re markably 10W in the English and New York Markets. TRY THE CELEBRATED Grown Brand Eng|ish Pressed Tea! FURNITURE. I877. 1877. $153,461.96 1878. . 177,619.57 1879. 68,557.11; 1850. 81.108116 'l'otul Premium 111601110101 4 )cm‘s Losses for sauna pcr10d.. .. .. .. FirelnsuranceCo YEAR. INCOME" DIIII‘N‘TQDRSv "OHM-I AND IAH‘VHL. I). B. Chisholm. Esq.. Bm‘rissu'r, Hamilton: (‘01. John Land. Esq” Gentlcnmn. Hamilton; John Baird, Equ l\'l_(‘.)'(-hzult_. St..“’l"n0mu" Ii. John Baird, New. A'lm'cnzml. BI. 'l‘nomns; 1; Duncan. Esq., Mervlmnl, Hamilton: ’l‘lnnnzm Blanchard. Esq.. Farmer, Nelson; Samuel Trees. Esq” Alderman. 'I'ol‘outu; \V. B. Hamil- ton, Esq., Merelan ’l‘oronto: Neil (7. Love, Esq, Aldernum, 'l‘m‘onto; George St-olt, 1%qu Gentleman, St. 'l‘hmnusl; Geo. Rewley, 16qu Munuju' I‘llgin 1‘0an and Saving (30.. S1. 'l‘honu ;R0hert, Redford. l‘lsq.,l“u1‘mer, Port, Hope; W. W. {enwick Esq.. GonLleman. Port Hope; James Might, Esq.. M. 1)., Port Hope; R. Carlislc, Esq” Merchant, St. (Inthurines. Agents wanted at all unoccupied points. An honest medicine is the noblest work of man, and there is no remedy that is more justly meritorious in “ curing the ills that flesh is heir to" than BURDOCK BLOOD er'rERs, The Great Blood Purifier and System Reno- vator. It cures Liver Complaint, Dyspep- sia, Scrofula, Kidney Complaints, and all troubles arising from impure blood, consti- ted bowels, or disordered secretions, and is the beat Nervine and Tonic in the world. Exec s of Premiums 0\ Cr losses H. THEO. CRAWFORD, SHINGLE MILLS, PORTABLE BUCKWHEAT and STANDARD OF]! SPECIAL] Y. y VCMLLUUJ UJ. UUUUL, a. u..a_u 4.ku ...-- specially selected fo_r Our Retail Tradeâ€"and put up to quantifies to suit purcha: ers. Victoria Tea Warehouse, 93 King Street East, â€"â€"â€"AND~â€" RIX‘ORD : A Sl'ltl’IA‘b. (us rcgurr ‘ policy holder“) $153,461.2K5 $133,512.12 177,619.57 140,030.81 183.330. 11 116,55L18‘ 238,277.67 107,937.33 OSHAW'A CABINET 0., 97 yopge Street, Wilma). Ont; Secretary, ILUIILTOX. ONT. TORONTO. Capacity of “'Orks pm‘ woo,er I’m-table Saw'Mili, 1 Portable Grist Mill. 3 Standard Chopping Mills, 60h:LG- pion Fan-m Engines. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., $136,695.8i I880. AT THl‘ in order toobtuin control of that County. A large discount given on the above order. Address Publisher. 75 Bay Street, Toronto. fifi‘fmits HON. GEORGE BROWN, 1 “Advice to married and L Single. parents and teach- ers. especially for youth ‘1 I ‘N and middle age. who have 1 J . trietl every means of cure and tailed, who have been imposed upon by foreign quack advertisements, and given up all hope. may learn something of vitle importance, FREE, in sealed envelope: Send address and stamp to l’.0. Box 167.'l‘01‘0nto. WILL CERTAINLY CURE Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Group, and every Affection of the Threat, Lungs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold by all Druggists. 50 C‘nts and $1.00 a Bottle. IND NOT “I: IDECEII'ED by articles bearinq similar nzunes. Be sure you get DR. WISTAR‘S BALSAM 0F WILD CHERRY with the signature of “ I. Butts "011L110 wrappcr‘ Neither the Syndicate, the Scott Act, or the Irish question cauSes half the sensational comment that is caused by the popularity of BL’RDOL‘K BLOOD BITTERS. This great wine dy is marvellous in its success in curing Chronic disease when other medicines have failed. It is the best Purifying Tonic and Liver Invigorator known. A specific for all diseases of Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Saniâ€" ple bottles 10 cents. Brantford, Ontario, Canada. ure Teas in Stockâ€" AGENT “ANTED in cvqry County. who (gun pay cash 01' give securuy for 1000 copies 10 w

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