â€"â€"â€"<»4->»â€"â€"â€"â€" l’ILEs.â€"Few complaints cause so much pain and misery as piles; but the most ag- z'x‘avated case can be thoroughly cured by 7 :1e Medical Pile Remedy. $1.00 a package, post paid. Hugh Miller & 00., Toronto. From the Pall Mall (Inmate. The curious mistake which has been made in the burial of Rubenstein resembles an in- cident in a French novel, which, not content with portraying the misfortunes of its hero during life, represents him as pursued by an adverse destiny even after death. M. Rub- ensteiu died in Paris about the same time as a Russiou Baroness. Their bodiesmso the story goesrwere sent to Russia by the same train. At Berlin the eoflins were accidentally changed, with the result that, while Ruben- stein was quietly interred Riga, the body of the unknown Russian Baroness was committ- ed to the earth amid all the pomp and cir- cumstance of a public funeral, at Moscow. The report may be the invention of an un- scrupulous French wit, but the mistake was one which, if the coflins were not opened might easily occur. Only let a womanl e sure she is precious to her husbandgnot useful, not valuable, not convenient simply, but lovely and he- loved ; let her be the recipient of his polite and hearty attentions, let her feel that her cares and love are noticed, appreciated, and returned, her opinion asked, her approval sought, and her judgment respected in mat- ters of which she is cognizant ; in short, let her only he loved, honoured, and cherished, in fulfilment of the marriage vow, and she will he to her husband, her children, and society a well»spring of happiness. She will bear pain and toil, and anxiety ; for her hus- band‘s love to her is a tower and fortress. Shielded and sheltered therein, any adver- sity will have lost its sting. She may suffer, but sympathy will dull the edge of sorrow. A house with lm'e in it Wand hy love I mean love expressed in words and deeds, for l have not one spark of faith in love that never crops out is to a house where love ., absent as a person to a machine ; one is life, the other mechanism fitlie unloved woman may have heart just as light, a house just as tidy as the other, hut the latter has a spring of heauty ahout her, a penetrating and pervad- ing brightness to which the former is an entire stranger. The deep happiness of‘ her heart shines out in her face. She gleams over. It is airy, graceful, and y‘arm, and welcoming with her presence: she is full of peviees and plots, and sweet surprises for her hushand and family. She has never done with the romance and poetry of life. She herself is a lyric poem setting herself to all pure and gracious melodies. Humble house- hold ways and duties have for her a golden significance. The prize makes her calling high, and the end sanctiï¬es the means. 7â€"â€"â€"<N<O>»>â€"â€"â€"râ€" A Serious Mistake. And he walked briskly away under the hot sun just as the fat man was going to raise the rcwuwl for mashing him to $50. " And we now come to the fourth season,†coolly remarked the lean 1112111 as he. walked slowly away, “which includes September, October and Novmnber, and in leaving this for another ï¬eld of lahor I want to say to you, old fatty, that I’ll lay for you from now till the end of dog-days but what you shall hear the remainder of my address and old .1 nnehcrry’s reasons for believing that the sun was composed of scraps and ends of lightning \Vlllull had drifted into :1 sort of aerial Whirl- pool. You may sweat and blow and call for the police, but I‘ll trailyun to thehitter end, and don’t you forget it 1" The fat man tried to get up, but little creeks of perspiration rundown his back, one of his suspenders broke short off, and he fell hack and yelled “ police l" in a voice so husky that he seemed to have a peachstone in his throat. Three 01' four men came out of the saloon, and he pointed to the leaninan and gasped out : "I will not,†was the calm reply. “ June was named after 01d Junelwrry, :1 ~ 7â€"77.†"‘ \Vho the cares !" “ All of us. ()ld Junebcn-y contcnnled that ‘1111 was composed of --â€"â€"»~.†t1 Ilimf " \Vill yuu move on I" yelled the fat man as he pushed his handkerchief down the back of his neck. " “'0 now conicvto the third season;3 uh- 501'Yed the 102m man as he folded his hands behind his back. “The third season is called summer, and includes the months of June, July and August. June \'H.S named after old Jullehcx'i'y, 2L Greek orator who contend- C“{ H “ Say, let me alone, won‘t you ‘3 1 came within an inch of being sun-struck." “ Spring is the next season, and sometimes it is wonderful how closely it followx winter, and then again it ‘is wonderful how it hangs off until full, Spring is supposed to include March, April, May and several blizzm'ds and fieshets " Say, I won‘t stand it I If ‘ :0 ‘ 2911 I’ll injure you for life >1†“Nevertheless, the winter season includes December, January and February,†eon- tinuetl the lean mun, he walked up and down. “ Do you know why we have cold weather in the winter and warm weather in the summer ‘3" “ Oh I I dont want to hear anything about the weather. I want to cool off and get home.†“ Great snakes !but 1’le roasted 1"g1‘oaned the other. “Nevertheless, I desire to make you an ad- dress on the subject of the weather. The seasons are divided into four. “'0 will ï¬rst take the winter season.†He hadn’t got the perspiration wiped off one whole car yet when a tall, lean man came along from the other way and also halted. Not a drop of moisture could be seen on his face, and his hair was as dry as a clothes- line. “ I presume, sir,†he began, “ that you ï¬nd this heat uncomfortable?†“Lands alive! but she’s more than boil- ing! Seems to me that I‘ve commenced to melt.†Fat? You bet he was ! And he was one of those cautious men who wear their winter flannels and socks up to the ï¬rst of June for fear of cold waves and rheumatic twinges. It grew hotter and hotter as he came down Grand River avenue, and he ï¬nally slid under the awning of a saloon and dropped down on the head of an empty beer keg and groaned out : I‘n‘c dollars to the man that marshes LET NO FAT MAN ESCAPE. The Wife. you don‘t (Formerly BICKLE & SON.) HAMILTON. - - O If you need anything for such complaints. you can hardly ï¬nd its equal. Ask for it. JNO. W. BICKLE, - Proprietor, Coughs, Coids, Group, Whoopmg Cough, &c. BICKLE’S A G SYRUP \Vilh privilog'v Alexander & Stark, ending us sot'til’tyof their:1u<111ui11[ulm:s, willr'ocoix’e 1)) return mail goods that retail all $10.60. (.2. DAY J ('0.. liuuln'illr. (but. I 1 (). 1.35:1?“ t5 ‘L11(1.1].1L‘£l\(11]gl(‘)(15] nlcs'mus Incsmou, <w""()1;'1‘KI§]STG patents should write, to HENRY GRIS’I‘, 1’1),- (vnt 5on iron Ottawa. Canada; twenty years’ M 3]; T0 LOAN GED.___H. WATS N. FURNITURE. Hofcl 0? (-quluï¬l‘z; Ii‘lyiéhu,‘ [WING “'ATER STAR AI'GI‘IR bores any . J (lopll). 5 10 ‘25»im-h easily managml a 50 fool well in one (1- '. Send for (‘at‘aloguu (58 M: Stl‘eottllumilton, 0m. Stroét \Vcst. ’l‘oroflnio‘ BOSSIN HOUSE. The proprietor of BK'IHMN'K 13mm) Brr Ti-Jus challenges the world to produce the record of a medicine that has achieved a more wonderful success, or better credentials in so short a. period of time as has this great Blood Purifier and System Henovzrter. Its cures are the marvels 0f the age. Sample bottles 10 cents VINE OIL I'IIROHO PIDRTIRJIT of Queen , Victoria. 20x24. Sample 75 cents. Discount, 1'0;- qllunLiUos. Maï¬lï¬lï¬wws d' lirn.,’.l'0r0nt0. Manufm-turt of Reapers. Mowers and ’l'hrcshing Muchincs prefer “(,istmrinc" Maâ€" chine Oil to any other. It will untwcar Lard. Soul 01- Elephant, and is \ 'arrented not to gum. For sale by all dealers. BFIIIHH‘K BLOOD BITTERS is not a Whiskey Stimulant 01' fancy drink to pander to the depraved appetite of the intenipei'zite, hut a pure vegetable lifergiving Tonic and regula- tor of the secretions. It acts promptly on the Bowels, the Liver, the Blood, and the Kidneys, purifying and giving tone to the entire system. Try a sample bottle which costs only 10 cents, large bottles $1.00. A S'I'ARTLIXG TRUTH I _ Thousands die annually from neglected coughs and colds, which soon ripen into consumption, or other equally fatal diseases of the lungs : when by the ti I cly use ofa, singlc bottle of Dr. Wis- Ir/r‘s Balsam of Wild Clwrry their lives might have bccnprescrvcd to a gi'ecn old age. Manufacturers of Reapers Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer Custorine" Mu- (ahinc Oil to any other. It will outweer Lard 5‘0le 01' Elephant. and is warranted not (.0 gum. For sale by all dealers. Use “ (Jusmrine " Machine Oil for all kinds of machinery. It is also excellent for harness and leather. making it water and weather proof. For sale by all dealers. As a health renewer BI'RI)UL‘K limo!) BIT~ TESS acts like a. charm. In Malaria, Bilious Complaints, Scrofula and all disorders of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys, this great com- bination of Vegetable Medicines proves 2L certain speciï¬c. A few doses regulate the bowels, and as a restorative Tonic it has no equal. Trial bottles 10 cents. Ladies who are deeply interested at this time of the year, 35130 which isthehestfznnily sewing machine to purchase for family work. \Ve recommend them to have for a week‘s trial one of the Light running “ (1" machines made by R. M. \Vanzer & (10., they are rap- idly snperseding the old fashioned noisy ma- chines of old. ,â€"â€"“00 {00>} r A ‘k your dealer for “ (lastol‘ine " Muchinp ()i1 and see that the bzu‘rql IS 1) 111111011 “ Custormc " as none other 15 gcnumc. August Flower. The immense sale and great popularity of Green‘s August Flower in all towns and Vil- lages in the civilized world has caused many imitators to adopt similar names, expecting to reap a harvest for themselves at the ex- pense of the afflicted. This medicine was trodueed in 1868, and for the cure of Dysâ€" pepsia and Liver Complaint, with their ef- fects such as Sour Stomach, Costiveness, Sick Stomach, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Palpitation of the Heart, vertigo, etc., etc., i/ has never failed [0 our know/Mm. Three doses will relieve any case of Dyspepsia. ’l‘wo million bottles sold last year. Price 75 cents. Smnples 10 cents. Advancing years, care, sickness, disappoint- ment, and hereditary predispositioniall op- erate to turn the hair gray, and either of them inclines it to shed prematurely. AYER’S HAIR VIGOR Will restore faded or gray, light or red hair to a rich brown or deep black, as may be desired. It softens and cleanses the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It removes and cures dandruff, and humors. By its use falling hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all cases where the folli- cle are not destroyed or the glands decayed. Its effects are beautifully shown on brashy, weak or sickly hair, on which a few applica- tions will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and sure in its opera- tion, it is incomparable as a dressing, and is especially valued for the soft lustre and rich- ness of tone it imparts. It contains neither oil or dye, and will not oil or soil or colour white canibriu; yet it lasts long on the hair, and it keeps it fresh and vigorous. For sale by all dealers. AT 6; PER CENT. HAVE "0!" TRIED l'I-I'l‘ TORONTO. I'm' I‘(‘1)1l)‘1ll(\nl 01' principle in small sums. Various Causes. Send 30. stump for circular u! “ROYAL CANADIAN ROAD- s'mcn." Address, __LANE, B I CYCLE S I’. 0. Box "96. .Ylonl’r'nl. Best English Makes. 0811K \VAWUA BINET (10., 97 Yongo Street, 'l‘oggnto, Ont. Corner Kiiï¬i SI, 737)}k' Stg Torgnm. Palace VJSalustcr andâ€".At Iol‘noy. ~19 King ONTARIO For all purposes of a family medicine HM:- Y.\1:1)’.\‘ YELLOW OIL will be found invalu- able. Immediate relief will follow its use. It relieves pain, cures ehilblains, frost- bites, sealds, burns, corns, rheumatism, neuralgia, &c. &c. For internal use it is none the less wonderful. One or two doses frequently cures sore throat. It will cure croup in a few minutes. A few bottles have often cured asthma. Colic has been cured in ï¬fteen minutes by a, teaspoonful dose. It cures with the utmost rapidity. It is really a wonderful mrdicine. Has no equal for the permanent cure of Eoughs. Colds, Sore Throat. Asthma, Group. Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, rand all Lung Diseases. 18' Every bottle guaranteed to give satisfaction. T. MILBURN 8; (30., Proprietors Toronto. null 1:51am Agent. (52 King-s East. Toronto. (‘0. (‘AltLllTl)N. E 1, Lot 28, (Jon. ]. Marlborough, 100 nor s. 70 acres (:10 red; frame. house and log ham; 4; miles from Merrusknllc. Pl'iU 3 low and terms to suit purchase (‘0. \'I(‘TOI{L\. Lotii, (1011. '3. tin-don. 200 acres. 9) :lt‘l‘CR ('lqzu-cd: 10g house and frame ham; 3 nnlcs from Bolsovor. (‘0. ESSEX. Part West ; Lot 11, Soutl side Maldon mud, (folclmsml‘, 16}& u- log house and stable and valuable 01 hard ; 2 miles from Uolvhustm‘ Station, (‘unzulu Southern Railway. FOR SALE. HOT AIR FURNACES. )uxntu'n'lums. JEâ€"I’AMIL'I'ON. ONT. THE ADAMS TGBAGGO GU. MONTREAL This b and is guarant ed to Do the very best; Chewing Tobacco in Canada, being manufactured of the ï¬ne} »-t sun-cured Virginia leaf To avmd imposition :see that each Plug bears the tin stamp. and everv Caddy the Caution notice of For sale by glealm‘s m’crywlmro v r\\'II()LESA\LE only by the Manufacturers. I'il‘hlul’l'i’m‘ Provincial EL. BLACKBIRD nu ‘" ' run was», r " Ewllflflf IZLIS. _ “ MEAS \V 903.": Makes a perfect bed. N0 'muttress or ï¬lm w required. Better than a hammock. Fol ed or opened instantly. Itisjust the thing forhotels, ofï¬ces, cottages, camp meetings, sportsmen. and good for the lawn, plnzza, or for a spare bed. Sent by Express anywhere. Agent for the celeâ€" brated Ottawa Bradley (Jump Bed, price $5. Have on hand a full line of Tents, and the largest stock of Hammocks. Camp Stools. 010., in the City. Price lists sent on application. All kinds of camping goods. l’. C. ALL-LY. City News Depot, 35 King-st. West, ’l‘oi‘onto. Sole agent for Canada. PAIN 939mm F. E. DIXON & 00., XX FOLDING GUT, WHITE DUGK, $3. For full particuiars, which will be sent free. address LEATHER BELTiNG WISCONSIN WISCONSIN CENTRAL R. R. ARTIFIGIAL LIM PREPARED-EA- THER Durable. Light. Elastic, and cheap. First prize at, Provmpial Exhibition, London. Testimonials on appllcu- Lion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address. J DOAN 85 SON Drayton Ont. SHEEP LAIDLAW. BOWES & 00., 500,000 ACRES On the line of the PROPERTIES CHARLES L. COLBY, Land Commissioner. Milwaukee. “15. NJ V I THE BOYNTON Provincial EL. Olinwn. 1875. " Hamilton, 1876. “ londtm, 1871. Imlusdrinl EX" Toronto, 1879. " 'l'uronlu, [880. Nom- gmmino unlpss “:ith a STA}: on tho hcud or the “vets. - Frnd for I’l'it‘C Lists and M AN 1' FACTL' RISKS 0 F Marks. manufactured by M. H. YOUNG 85 00.. 13 Wellington St. East, Toronto. Agents Wanted: 81 Dulbume 815., Torontn Disvoum V TO [Ll C( '0 A. WILLIS, LANDS. 1875. 1876. 1877. [879. Neither the Syndicate, the Scott Act, or the Irish question causes half the sensational comment that is caused by the popularity of BURDOCK BLoon Bn‘Tnns. This great reme- dy is marvellous in its success in curing Chronic disease when other medicines have failed. It is the best Purifying Tonic and Liver Invigorator known. A speciï¬c for all diseases of Blood, Liver and Kidneys. Sam- ple bottles 10 cents. DR: WISTAR’S BALSAM of WILD CHERRY D0 NOT BE DECEIVED by m‘liclcs bearing similurnumes. Be sure you get. with the signature of “ I. Buttsâ€on the wrapper So ml fm- Ne w THRESHING ENGINES, CORN MEAL MILLS? }RIST BULLS, EDWARD LAWSQN, being almost double £1133- strongth of ordinarv Tea. and sp c‘ally adapted for partles gomg to the Northwest. m? Sole Agency for Toronto. ma, Whooping Cough, Group, and every Affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold by all Drnggists. 5O Ctn‘ss and $1.00 a. Bettie. UUFFEE---Best and Cheapest in the Dominion, and roasted on Premises. SAW MELLS, Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throitz Bropchitjs, Ipflugnza, Asth- Every Variety 10f “Goï¬odL qu_e Teas_in Stockâ€"â€" TRY THE CELEBRATED Grown Brand English Pressed Tea! application gn vc remedy. remedy. Signed, N V 7 Mics. l1}: Vfï¬zkélc‘i)‘. No. 37711 haye tried your Pain Relief in cases of Headache, Pain in the Stomach and Toctl‘: ache, the result in every instance being the same, instant relief. Signed. A. FREDENBURG. No. 4â€"Snffering from a. severe qttack of Diarrhoea, I used your Pain Relief. and was sur- prised to ï¬nd myself perfectly cured in a few hours. Signed. \VM. ROBINSON. No. 5~0nenight1 was awakened by the most violent internal pains. A single Lenspoonfu‘. of your Pain Relief made me as well as ever in five minutes. Signed. J. H . JACQUES. JUST RECEIVED HAZEN MORSE, - TORONTO, ONT. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. USE HAZEN’S CARBOLIC DOG- SOAP Several Lines _of_‘FinenFre§1_1_ Tgeus1 _b_o1_1g‘ht reâ€" “ Your Pain Relief gives general other pain remedies put together. Five Testimonials from Eastwood. followlng‘: Dian-haul. Deafness, In the Stomach. N0. lâ€"Used atrial bottle for a. much swollen face with instant relief. A relative used lllC Relief for deafness. and to her surprise was perfectly cured. Signed, S. G. ROBINSON. No. 2â€"}Iaving suffered much with toothache, I concluded to try your Pain Relief. Ono )Iicntion gave me Instant, relief. I also cured amviolent cold I had contracted with the “1.. TWICE as powerful as any known remedy. FOUR times as quick in its action. Sold the low price of 25 CENTS A. LARGE Bo'l‘TLE. The following testimonials of the great number received Wlll show most conclusively the remarkable merit of the Relief. EASTWOOD. Own, March 5th. 1830. “ 1am gratiï¬ed to hear from various (inerters that your medicine is working wonders. As an instance, one man received a severe b ow from a block of wood thrown from a. circular saw. It struck him in the thick part of the leg, so injurin him as to render him unable to walk. TWO applications of Morse's Pain Relief cured hun. might multiply instances. JOSEPH EDMONDS, Druggist. “ Your Pain Relief gives general satisfaction, in fact, I believe I Sell more of itthan all other pain remedies put together. J. C. BRIGHT, M.l)., and Druggist. Five Testimonials from Eastwood. 0nt., showing MORSE‘S PAIN BELIEF cured the followingâ€: Diarrhoea. Deafness, Swollen I-‘nco, Toothache, (fold, Headache, and Pain WILL CERTAINLY CURE A Favorite Prescription of a celebrated New York Physician for the IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF ALL PA TN. MORSE’S PAIN RELIEF SHINGLE MILLS, PORTA BUCKWHEAT and maikably low in' the English and New York Markevts OI'R SP 11 If. Y. Victoria Tea Warehouse, 93 King Street East, TORONTO. 'specially sefected fqr Our 4R_etai1 Tradeâ€"and put up to quantitles to sun: purchasers. Capacity of “"01‘ks pm- wcok: 71 Portable Saiw'MiIl. l I’m-table Grist Mill, 3 Standard Chopping Mil‘m, (3(‘hzun' pion Farm Engines. WATEROUS ENGINE WHRKS 00., AT TH E Importers and Manni‘gmlm'm‘s 01' every (IL‘SUI'iEI (mu 0t Photographic Goods FRAMES, MOULDIN G6, (‘hmmnm Mirrors, l’t-rl‘ornlq‘d (.‘Imds. nh'. BIRTHDAY 86 SUNDAY SGHUDL CARDS An honest medicine is the noblest work of man, and there is no remedy that is more justly meritorious in “ curing the ills that flesh isheir to†than BURDot'K BLOOD BITTEm, The Great Blood Puriï¬er and System Renoâ€" vator. It cures Liver Complaint, Dyspep- sia, Scrofula, Kidney Complaints, and all troubles arising from impure blood, consti- pated bowels, or disordered secretions, and is the best Nervine and Tonic in the world. HUN &. MEXMSER, New Illusn'amd Catalonia: Issued Isl Mum l28 Bay Street, Toronto. Brantford, Ontario, Canada.