Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jun 1881, p. 4

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Another, and perhaps more serious rouble, is to be found in Bloor Street vhurch,Yurkville, where Rev. Dr. Hunter ms been pastor during the past three years. We have to confess that we are not squised at trouble when this man tries to wield his sovereign dictum. Ac- cording to the public press some serious changes are laid against this pl“el;tt0 who uses every policy, at the entire sacrifice of principle to be popular. He is un- doubtedly a clever man, but ability is not allthat is required in a minister of the gospel. \Vhen a man, much‘lvmore a minister, will stnop so low as [0 wilfully misrepresent and falsify for filthy lucre, md threaten members of his cougrchi-in who happen to let out iacts in their true light with lihcl, suits for $500" we my tile sooner any ' church is rid of such B. man the better. The Methodist Church made it great mi ’ he, one “hichit now sees, in taking tnii wanderer back after his return from C iczigu three years ago. The course of his :2 nun then was sulh'ciâ€" entguztrantee of tile) unsettled principle of the man. \Ve speck .lie inure duciclly concerning: the D;‘., as we happened to know more about him than a good many others, and have iv] been convinced of what agood many new finding out, that W. J. Hunt ‘1‘ willnot pruvcu Very helpful adjunct or gym credit to any Branch of the chi' ii‘ch. areiwakiagup to this he}: _ Then by all means gather them in and let us have their influence. The Christian Churche in alleges has 113.1 its troubles and the present seems to be no exception. During “mp-(15!; few years very few branches of the church have escaped some internal or external dissensions a fact which is very much to be (leplorcd. The Methodist church is not more exempt from these little dif- fisultiespneof which is the resignation of one of its most; devoted, earnest, and sincere menâ€"amen of deep thought, sound judgmnet and great usefulnessâ€"- one who was destined to rise high in the churchâ€"Rev. R. H. Smith, Chairman of British Columbia District. “’0 trust, however, that the course he has taken and his changed views. on the much lisputed point of “eternal punish uent ” will not hinder his usefulness in he world. ECOLESIASTJ (/AL DIF “II; ULTIES. This is as it Should be: The narrow idea that all who are not total. abstainers are enemies of the cause of temperance ii n. very erroneous one, and should be banished forever. Though we may pre- fer to see persons totally abstain, and no doubt their influence would be greater, yet there are many good men, and true, men who would exert all their energy for the banishment of the foul curse, but who cannot see the evil of a. tompernte use of liquor. The Temperance cause cannot ufl'ord to do without these men and we are glad to see that. the leaders in the cause \Ve are glad that. temperance principles are advancing among all classes of‘people. \Ve believe in moml snasinn as far as it is successful, and where moral suasion is no use we believe in legal prohibition. \Ve believe in uniting all classes in the great work of Temperance reformâ€"the rich and poor, the great and small, the young and old, the clerg and luity, the the prohibitionist and moderate drinkerâ€" us far as they are willing to advance its principles. There has been a somety formed in Toronto, with Rev,’ D. J. McDonnell as its president and other good, sound men as officers, the aim of which is is to unite the influence of all who are desirous of seeing lntemperance drived from the face of [the earth, re- gardless of their'opinion an to prohibi- > of liquor, so tion or the moderate us long as they discounlemnice intemper- ance. The societies objeeL is the preven- tion and suppression of intcmperunce. This Society has issued four pledges on cards, to any or all of which they invited signatures, which are as follows : 2. I hereby agrro not, to drink intoxicating hquors during business hours, (xlept at meals solong as l retain this can}. I hereby agree not to drink as a bever- age any intoxicating liquors stronger than wine or beer, and than only 123 m9dumtion, 1:0 long asl hold this card. 4. Irhereby agree J at to drink : s: a bever- age any intoxicating liquors so long as I re- min this card. A noteisalso printed on Thiflcm'ni as fol- }ows : This card is to he returned to the se- cretary in the event 01' the holder wishing to discontinue his pledge. 1. I hereby agree not to trout or be treated to intoxicating liquors so lungas IhoH this card. flan/1,, Jim/y; 10, 188] 1w flimm. TE M PERA NC]? R 3E 0101. That the Court: do now adjourn to the let June, before the R011 be finally pass: ed. Than the Treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following sheep claim it being two thirds their value, to William juliau the sum of $8. That the following names be put on the Assessment Roll, and the following changes and amendments be made : Ann Morrison, changed to \Vashington Dice- man, east part; of west half of Lot No. 30, (3th Con.. 53 acres, $1,400. That Peter Douglass McLean instead of Dr. Wilkin- son on Mrs. Fanders’ property. That Mark Badger instead of Owen Meighanx ’ ‘hat!John Thompson instead of Amniond Robinson. That Ammond Robinson in- stead William \Vuldron. That Jeremiah Badgegood. instead of George Gregory. That John Jones instead of Mrs. Lund. Thth David \Valker 'instead of Elisha Rnthledge. That Alfred Lahmer as ten- ant instead of Thomas Foley. That Wm. \Vood‘s dog be taken off.- That Robert. DIanir bitch be put on. That the west half of lot 24 in the 4311 Con, from Alfred to Jacob Lahmor. The Council then met for general bns- iness. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. The following petititions were read -' From Dr. Wilkinson and 24 others asking the council to pay J. N. Stong. for keeping one John Brown, an indigent bov during his sickness with scarlet fever, and expenses connected therewith. From N. C. Wallace and 70 others ask- ing to have a pond or swamphole on the road allowance an Race Street in the vil- lage of \qudbridge, fillgd 11px Moved by Mr. Reaumn, seconded by 111:.“ Cook and rem-had, \Vm. Julien pré'se'uted a cfaim amount~ ing to $12 for sheep destroyed by dog or dogs. Moved by Mr Nattress, seconded by Mr: Rcaman, and resolved THE coal-owners of Pictou are alarmed for their privileges, and they have issued an urgent appeal to their employees to stand by the government and the coal duties.’l‘his is a good instance of the way in which an unjust tariff works. The men who profit. by it will not scruple to use all their power and influence to have its justice perpetuated, no matter how the people are taxed: The sugar wash- ers of Montreal who cleared a. round mil- lion and aquarter in one year and the cotton lords of Cornwall and Hocheluga who have been paying themselves divi- dends of fifty and sixty per cent., will also be found to rally th the support of a tariff which enables them to earn such enormous profit on“, their business.-â€" l'Vorld. Moved by Mr: Couk, seconded bu Reaumn, :wd’resolved . . Members present Messrs. the Regve, 002k, Natures’s, Reililllall and Malluy. 7 Tue memberé having made the decla- ration of office, proceeded to business. The above Council met in the Town élallun'l‘uesday May 3lst as Court of Revision. NunTH ONTARIO was won by the Con- servative by a small majority. This re- sult was unlocked for as My. lligelow was undershwd to be a. strong man and well known in the riding, while his 0p- ponent wlas comparatively without person- al influence. It is quite likely the Libe- rals have suffered through too much con- fidence in the popularity of their own candidate. IN NORTH WATERLOO yesterday Mr. E. \V. B. Snyder of St. Jacobs was nomin- ated as the Liberal candidate to run fur the seat made vacant by Mr. Springer’s resiignatimi. The convention was largely attended and very harmonious. Moved. by Mr. Ma.110y,seéonded by Mr. VALEGIIAN COUNCIL, EDITORIAL NOTES. mm. a h All those in arrears TWO YEARS will take notice that, at the end of the present year, their names will be struck Off the list, and their Accounts put into the Collector’s hands. +37 to ourselves, and believing it to bebetter for our subscri- bers. We have to pay Cash forevery bundle of paper, and pay our hands Cash, and in View of this it is but rea- sonable that we must have Cash for our paper. The fol- lowing Will be the terms of subscription after the Ist of July, 1881. In advance, $T. ; if paid within Six Months, $1.25 ; if paid Within a year, $51.50 ; after the expiration of the year, $2. No deviation from these terms. TO THOSE IN ARREARS \VE WANT EVERY SUB- scriber to read this, and gov- ern themselves accordingly. After the present year, which expires on the Ist of uly, we intend adoptingthe S GA$H IN ADVANCE System- EMACIATI'H), HAGGARD VICTIMS of a cough recover health spirits itlltr flesh, if they are mit sensible enough to adopt a remedy which the popular voice, backed by professional opinion, pronounces re- liable. Tranquility to inflamed and 11er- rassed lungs, vigor to depleted and em».- ciated frames quietude and strength to an timestnt and debilitated nervous System and (4.111ng the physical benefits conferred by that supreme 'pulmunie invigumnt Nurthi‘op 617 Lynmn’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and Hypnphusphites of Lime and Soda, a chemical combination of the finest lung specific known to the pharma- copceia. with tonics and blood depui‘ents of [he first order. Phosphorous, lime and soda cooperate with and render the Cod Liver Oil of this preparation trebly effec- tive, Sold by all druggists. Prepared only by NORIHuéP & LYMAN, TORONTO. To Subscribers All. That the Trenwrer be and is hereby authorized to pay the following road m;- cnuubs as certified to by the Culllnlissit)llcl'.~ uf the severa DisLl‘icts. Dist. Nah3 10A. Campbell for Wnl’k done on Lmvu line) $3.50. John Train for lumber $4.27 BAfiH IN ADVANCE System- We do so feeling it_ ; ngcessi- 011 Wednesday, 25th 11117., M: Peternmns Corners the wife of Mr. Richard Wlles, of a son. aned by Mr. Remnan, seconded by MI‘ Cuuk and resolved That Wm. Burkholder he path master for Rudd beat Nu. 52 instead of VVillizun Taylor ; that, Henry Peters 1):) path mast- er for Road beat; 43 instead of Charles Hewson. Thu: the petition of N. C. \Val‘mce and others asking that a. pond be filled on Race street in Wuodbridge, be referred Lo thu Cnlmnissinners (If Disiricb Nu. 2. Moved by Mr Ouok, seconded by Mr. Reunmn and resolved. That the Treasurer be and is hereâ€" by authorized. to pay the followng ac- counts : To Dr Wilkinson, Medical attendance on Pmown.......... . . . . . $8.00 “ J. N. Stung....... 9 00 “ J. Gnuld.... 7.00 Moved by Mr. KaLtress, seconded by My: Manny uud‘resdved. _ nnk :md resnlved CRADLE. J. M. LAWRENCE W: Clerk. 194, 196, 198. 200, 202, AND 204... attract thousands. C. PAGE 8: SUNS; READY MONEY PRICES RAIN-PBOOFCAPES '75, 85, 100, $125, 1,40, 1&0, 1,75 per yard. MOURNING GOODS; 182 YONC‘E STREET, Third door no'rth of Queen, - TOR()N'1‘(}>. New and Choice Enalish, 'rench and American Prints. Sateens, Cambrics, and Lawns, evv Regatta, 't’ XfOI‘d, and Cheviot Shirtings. Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings and Pillow Cotton Honey Comb and hiarcella QuilpmAD Prices. Cottons. Tickings, Striped Hessians, Yarn, Bleached and Full Bleached Table Linens, Turkey Table Linens, . Towels, r owellings, rashes, etc., etc. White and Grey Cottons, at Mill Prices. Tweeds. Cottonades, Ducks and Denizens. Fancy "I'Weed Suitings and Mantle Cloths Lace Curtains, Lambrequins, Cretonnes Carpets, etc. L‘s ancy Goods, Hosiery. Gloves, Lace Goods, Ribbons, Ladies’ and Children's Collars and Cuffs, Embroideries, Handkerchiefs, Ties, Fichus, etc. ,Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses’ and children‘s Hosiery. Large Assortment ! Special Value! .PARASOLS, SUN SHADES, STAPLE AND WHTE GOODS. RICH COLORED SILKS, 39c., 450., 550., 02 1-2 up.» RICH BLACK SILKS, 50‘ ($0, 75, 95, $1 up. Elegant Bloczisclle Sniins. all cwlurs. Black and Colored Sutim. grand value. Dim-k Cushmerusâ€"thu greatest value ‘25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 550 up. Colm‘ed Cashmeres.â€"~De Bciges, Suteens, Punnmuntns, Russell Cords, Conn) Cords, Bizle Lustres and Driliiuneiutes, Estzuniue Cluths, Mum‘ie Cloths, Plain and Laced Bumings, in Black and Colors. French Silk and Bro- cades, etc., etc. ' “ .Ie uhuve in a“ the mew shades and spring combinations 10, 12, 15, 17.13. 20, 22:1,- ‘250. up. Cumâ€" banld’s Black Cmpes and a choice and select stock uf Mourning Goods. Toronto, January 10th, 1881. SILKS. _ $ELKS. SLKS. FRENCH, ENG‘rLISI-Il GERMAN, New 3mm 3m; in; Eggs“? mam Turtme NW]. 26th, 1880. Bl. L; k Wool Berges, Serges, French Poplins, etc. EDWARD M’KEUWN Black Lustres 12%, 15, 20, If“? SPECTIO RE SPE CT Black Crape Clothes, Baratheas, Persian cords, etc. ALL vVOOL BLACK CASHMERES FINE BLACK CASHMERES 25, 3o, 1'82» VYONGE-Siitq ’JL‘()R<{)N'JSO, EDWARD M’KEOWN, Call and see our BIG SHOW WINDOW. Yonge Street, ,Toronto. [ARGEST AND BEST LIGHTED C. PAGE 43:: SONS, BEING DIRECT IMPORTATIUNS EROM THE Is now showing a large and complete stock of AN D AMERICAN MARKETS. In the Dominion. AND UMBRELLAS IN GREAT VARIETY. Our Low Our store is now one of the 45. 50, 65, 75. 85, 95 8: Ioo. 29, 37, 45c, and up- 35, 39, and 49 cents. SOLICITED.

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