Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Jun 1881, p. 3

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An unique style of entertainment is a. Japenese tea. party. The walls are almost covered with Japanese draperies, screens, fans, scrolls, and there is an octagonal cano- )y in the centre of the room. Girls and hoys arrayed in Japanese costumes are the waiters and serve refreshments on Japanese trays, with J apa‘nese cups and saucers. The .same idea. may be prettily carried out in a. fair. For a princess thewife of the Crown Prince of Austria is exceptionally well educated, 3 00d linguist, musmian and equestrienne,with artistic sensibllities, and good, sound judg- ment. “ Nothing is so great an instance of illqnan- ners as flattery. If you flatter all the com- pany you please none; if you flatter only one“er two you affront the rest.” But an elegant compliment, spoken with an air of frankness, carries with it an irresistible iiharm. Chateaubriand, when an old man, met Rachel, the tragedienne, then in the firstiflush of her fame. “What a pity,” he csiclaimed, “to be obliged to die, when so nni'eh genius is making its way in the \VOl’IL .” “In some cases it may be so,” said Rachel, “but you know, sir, there are some who pos- sess the privileges of immortality.” That was a graceful turn of Sidney Smith’s, when the young lady asked him if he Would not bring a certain pea. to perfection. “ No,” he said, “but,” and he took her by the hand, “I can bring perfection to the pea.” - “Matildy,” said Mrs. McSpiIkins-to her new help, “who was that black loafer I saw in the kitchen last night eating, supper? I thonght you told me you novel“ had any friends comin to see you '3” “I don’t know muffin amut that niggah, I reckons de uddah cookleft him dare when she went away. ” It is quite the thing to display 01d laces, old shawls, and even old dresses, in private parlors. A New York lady has an album in which she has pasted bits of her grandmoth- er’s dresses, rich brocades, etc. , that she produces to entertain her audiencesâ€"those who haven’t a grandmother sit there and e11- vy her. ‘ Aâ€"râ€"«N 40> ne>-â€"' Compliments. Do not pay compliments unless you can do so with grace and in such a manner that, though the person on whom the Sweet flat- tery is bestowed recognize it as undeserved, he or she may still believe that on your part it is perfectly sincere; Dean Swift says, Parisian ladies do not follow the’ Princess of \Vales’ style in wearing the hair, for she has not changed it materially in eight years. It is very fashionable for young ladies to learn to play the violin, and there are several orchestras throughout the State said to make very good music. \Vhere men place their stars and orders, women now wear an emblem which may speak a language. Sometimes it expresses a political Opinion, ‘ a. cherished faith, a souvenir, or even a secret. Thus some wear the lilies of France, the violets of the em- pire, birds, beasts or other heraldic in- signia. The question is asked whether it is worse for the Chinese to admire a. small, deformed foot than for the French and English to ad- mire a. small, deformed waist. Some of the “ alsthetic” ladies of London wear sad sick green trimmed \Vlth biliuus blue. The pest of the potato crop, the Colorado Beetle, must he held in check by a thorough use of Paris Green, or the equally efficient London Purple, which is preferred by some as easier to apply, and cheaper. Both these substances are deadly poisons, and must be stored in a secure place, and used with cau- tion, or serious results may follow. There is no danger in careful hands. Buckwheat may he sown in June, and make a profitable crop, especially on new ground. It greatly helps to loosen up and mellow the soil. The kind known as Silver Hull is the superior variety, the yield is said to be larger and the flour better than that of the common sort. Work With the Crops. M A PRACTICAL AGRICULTUMsT. Frequent cultivation is necessary to des- troy the weeds in the corn field, and to keep the soil mellow, While the corn is small, a, smoothing harrow can be used to advantage, to be followed by the cultivator and hoe as the plants get larger. It is true economy to do as much of the work of corn culture as possible with the horse-plow. The double cultivatos is more efficient than one fora single horse, and does not cost any more for the driver. It should'be remembered that much of the work of tillage in the corn field counts upon the crops that are to follow, its beneficial influence being felt throughout the whole rotation. Therefore charge a part of the labor to succeeding crops. The culti- vator should go over the corn ground about once a week during the rapidly growing part of the season. It does not matter that there are no weeds to be seen, the soil is loosened, growth stimulated, and the weeds that are just started are killed before they do any harm. It is best to sow fodder corn in drills 2i.- to 3fcet apart, and at intervals of ten days, for a number of weeks from this time on, so that there may be a continuous sup- ply of green food. If the seed is sown broadcast, the plants cannot be cultivated while young, and this early attention is important to insure a good crop. The notion that sweet corn makes the best corn fodder is not well founded. The fact that the grain is sweeter does not indicate that the whole plant is therefore better. The smaller and leafy varieties of corn are best on ac- count of the superior quality of the finer fodder. The rye ground that is cleared by this time may be prepared immediately, and planted to fodder corn. Hungarian grass may follow the rye, and be cut off in time for sowing rye in Autumn. Swedish turnips may be sown this month, and should be in drills 30 inches apart. It is best to put in plenty of seed, to insure a uniform growthâ€"â€" it is easy to thin them out. Two pounds of seed per acre is about the right amount. It is essential that the seed have a rich and mellow bed to start in. When the second leaf appears, thin the plants to 1‘2 to 15 inches in the rows. GRIT-CHAT FOR LADIES. AGRICULTURE. [OO<O>MJ boo <<O>>o¢ '1; I’ll]! DAL LIVING WATER STAR Auger, bores 5 to 25 inch. Hand 01- horse owcr. Send for catalogue, 68 Mary-Sh, Hami ton, Ont. Use “ Castorine” Machine Oil for all kinds of machinery. It is also CXcellent for harness and leather, making it water and weather proof. For sale by all dealers. 5- lReader, have you tried every known rem~ edy for Chronic disease, Ilnpure Blood, dis- ordered Liver 01- Kidneys, Nervous and Gen- eral debility, Constipation of the Bowels, with the manifold sufferings pertaining there- to? Have you given up in despair? Try BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEILS; it will notfailyou. A trial bottle only costs 10 cents, regular size $41.00. Any dealer in medicine can sup- ply you. Toronto Oil Company are .5010 mapufaturers of. “Cast/011110” Muclnnc 011. Infrmgemcnts W111 be prosecuted. RUSS I N 7 H0 U S E ‘ii’fii ace Hotel of Canada. Mark H. Irish, pgjppriggr. xvmnons DESIROUS 011‘ OBTAINING patents should write to HENRY GRIST. Patent Solicitor, Ottawa, Canada ; twenty yeal‘s’ practice; no patent, no pay. This brand m guaranteed to be the very best Chewmg Tobacco in Canada, being manufactured at the finest suit-cured Vlrginia. Leaf. To avoid 1mp051tiqn see that each Plug bears the tin _stamp, and every Caddy the Cautlon notlce of GEDQH; WATSON; sirâ€"cc} “fist. Toronto: SHEEP For sale by dealers CVOI‘Y‘VII01‘07\\'I{0LESALE only Do the Manufacturers. Ask your dealer for “.Castorine" Machine Oil and see that the barrel ls branded “ Uastorinc." as none other is genuine THE ADAMS TUBAGGD 60. MONTREAL. "'_"â€"â€"'~ GSiLfWX’CAITIN ET FU RE 00., 97 Yonge Street, I Toronto, Ont. PERUVIAX SYnUr.~’l‘his valuable med- icine has been silently making its \ fly into public favor by the numerous remarkable cures it has performed. Its singular efllcacy is owing to the prolou'irlv of iron which in this preparation remains unchanged, and is the only form in which this vital element of healthy blood can be supplied. IF YOU are suffering with a cold do not fail to try HAGYAm)’s PEC'I‘ORAL BALSAM; it is daily relieving its hundreds throughout 0111‘ Dominion. It is pleasant and palatable. Toronto Oil Company. are 3910 mapptacturers of “()astorine" Muclnne 011. lnn'lngcmcnts W111 be prosecuted. BLACKBIRD The most miserable man in the world is the dyspeptic, and dyspepsia. is one of the most troublesome difficulties to remove, but BURDOCK BLOOD BITTEnsalways conquers it. It stimulates the secretions, regulates the Bowels, acts upon the Liver, aids digestion, and tones up the entire system. Trial bot- tles 10 cents, larger bottles $1.00. BI'UKINGIIAMSIIIRE is the mother of Prime Ministers. It has given five to England, and three are buried there. TRY IT.â€"V\'hy suffer the excruciating tor- ments caused by Piles, when so simple and efficacious a. cure as the great Medical Pile Remedy can be had at so small a. cost? Only $1.00 a package, post paid. Hugh Miller & (10., Toronto. Brown asked a young lady at a party to favor the company with a. song. She made all the usual excusesâ€"cold, out of practice, hadn’t her notes, etc., and said: “I can’t sing, anyway.” “I know you can’t,” said Brown, and lexl another young lady to the piano. German syrup is the special preciption of Dr. A. Boschee, a celebrated German physi« cian, and is acknowledged to be one of the most fortunate discoveries in Medicine. It quickly cures Coughs, Colds and all Lung troubles of the severest nature, removing as it does, the cause of the affection and leav- ing the parts in a strong and healthy condi- tion. It is not an experimental medicine, but has stood the test for years, giving satisfaction in every case, which its rapidly increasing sale every season confirms. Two million bottles sold ,annually. Beware of medicines of similar names, lately introduc- ed. Boschee’s German Syrup was intro- duced in the United States in 1868, and is now sold in every town and village in the civilized world. Three doses will relieve any ordinary cough. Price 75 cents. Sample bottles, 10 cents. Conferred upon tens of thousands of suf- ferers could originate and maintain the repu- tation which AYER’S SARSAPARILLA enjoys. It is a compound of the best vegetable altera- tive, with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most effectual of all remedies for scrofulous, mercurial, or blood disorders. Uniformly successful and certain in its re- medial effects, it produces rapid and com- plete cures of Serofula, Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin diseases and all diseases rising from impurity of the blood. By its invigorating effects it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female \Veaknesses and Irregularities, and is a potent renewer of vitality. For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves the health, and imparts vigour and energy. For forty years it has been in extensive use, and is to-day the most available medicine for the suffering sick, anywhere. For sale by all dealers. Nothing Short of Unmistakable Benefits. OITLDINfiS, Frames, Mirrors, Glass, Pic- tures, 850.; &c. "- J. NIATTIIE‘VS 1" 3R0" TOTOII‘O. NA VY TOBACCO. Marks hfifiracniréa’lyf M. II. YOUNG & CO., 13 “'olling‘ton St. East. Toronto. Agents wanted. A Good BYC I CLE S Send 3c. stamp for circular of “ RURAL CANADIAN ton)- STICK." Amnw Best English Makes. I’. 0. Box "96. Monlroal. A. T. LANE, Jun-fie} and At- torney. 19 King Do not drug the system with nauseous pur- g 'tives that only debilitate. Bitumwx B '001) BITTERS in nature’s own Cnthartic; it acts at once upon the Bowels, the Skin, the Ll‘VCl‘ and the Kidneys, arousing all the se- cretions to a healthy action. It purifies the Blood and cures all Hmnors, even the worst foini of Serofula, and tones up the Nervous and DclJilitated. Real Estate lat-1115,36 King East. Toronto. 1‘0. NOR’l‘ll [7)] BER!“ D. N. {:Lnt 23, Con. 7, Cranmhe: 100:1(z1-0s; 70 acres cloured;well watcrcdmood buildings, 3 miles from Custlctou. \Vill lie sold cheap, on easy terms. Apply to WILLIS & MACLEAN, b‘np ~1in the hu) N1 ‘vi‘h its Vital Principle, or Lite E} emenu, IRON. infusnr; Strength, Vigor and New L‘f: into ml puts of the system. (‘0. HASTINGS. W. :1; Lot 3, (fon. 10, Rmvdon. 100 acres; 20 acres cleared; log buildings, well watered. ('0. “RICE. E. fiLnt 6. Con. 3, Township of llnrun. 50 acres; 40 acres cleared; hewcd log dwelling and log barn: 5 miles from Ripley and 15 miles from Kinczu'dine. PERUVIAN SYRUP Those going to Manitoba. will find it to their advantage to correspond with us. Subscribe forthc Colonist Nuns, a paper givingjust the information you require: 100. to end of year, Pamphlets. with map, sent free. l‘rittle‘s SIXTH I'm-Iv with sleepng ears attached, will leave on 29th June, per G.T.R. at 11.15 a. m., and continue every other week during the season. preceded two days before by their fast freight 1min. 1,000 acres of choice land for sale on 01:53“ terms. Letters enclose 3",. stamp for repl_ THE STARR KIDNEY PM]! Farms for Sale! Makes a erfect bed- No mattress or illow requlred. ietter than ahammock. Fol ed or opened instantly. It sfjust the thing for hotels, offices, cbttages, camp meetings, sportsmen, and good for the lawn, piazza, or for a spare bed. Sent by Express anywhere. Agent for the celebrated Ottawa Bradley Camp bed price $5. have 0d hand a full line of Tents, and the largest stock of Hammocks, Camp Stools. etc., in the city. Price lists sent on application. All kinds of camping goods. MANITOBA! XX FOLDING GUT, WHITE DUCK, $3. Alexander & Stark, For full particulars, which will be sent free. address wm‘ prlrlluze i r rcpummt of prinvipal in small :ums, WISCONSIN ..vJ 1.â€" ’0 F0]! 50 (‘1‘r§.â€"â€"Any0nc sending us 500m. and the addresses of Iifty of weir acquaintances, will receive by return 111ml gqg‘ds jlmat retail at $10.60. 0. DAY J 00.. WISCONSIN CENTRAL R. H. I)1111r{1\;ille.dfltâ€" MONEY T0 LOAN Cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Affec- tions, General Debilityi Fever and Ague, Paralysis, Chronio Diarrhoea, Boils, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints; Liver Complaint, Remittent Fever, and all diseases originating in a bad State of the Blood, or Accompanied by Debility or a low State of the System. _ v l'. 1‘. ALLAN, (‘1ty Rows Depot. 35 Kingst. \Vcst, Toronto, Sole agent for Canada. 590,900" ACRES used in connection with fi'urdock Blood Bitters for curing Ulcers, Abscesses, Fevcrs, Sores, are. Pnco a5 cents per box. T. MILBURN 8: C0.. ' Sam Aanm-s. Tonou‘ro. Oll'the line of tlrxic 14'? 6% PuR CENT, Burdock flown; 91!“!an 5‘29“ P! \Xflmmé CHARLES L. COLBY, Lam] Commissioner Milwaukee. Wis IIWPROVED TORONTO. R. W. PRITTIE d’ (70., 64 King Street East, Toronto. A m-w-r fullng I’m-mu- m-ut (tux-0 for his s of the Kidneys, Blmldq-r :unl l'rilmry ()rgm'ls, 01- :n‘lomlunt cmupluims, “'rllo for pamphlet on KIDNEY DISEASES and Printed List of Testimo- nials, hw-v. Starr KidneyPad Us. Lent}: 30 King 51. “1‘51, TORONTO. LANDS. For 2111buycx‘mvho wish to save time and money by making their purchases from one or the largest and cheapest stocks of Dry Goods in the Dominion. New Goods in Every Department, U'ur Dress Goods Department, Dur Mourning Goods Department, Dnr Staple Goods Department, Dur Hosiery Department, [lur Glove Department and Our Fancy Goods Department, The Liver is the grand purifying organ of the system; when iiizietive or obstructed had blood and ill health are certain results. BITE- DOCK BLOOD KITTENS cures alldisensesarising from disordered Liver, Stomach. Bowels or Kidneys, purifying, restoring and strength- ening. 1t regulates the Bowels, cleanses and enriches the Blood, and imparts tone to every organ of the body. "l‘rial bottles 10 cents. 0. PAGE SONS’ Dry Goods Emporlum I are full to overflowing. OUR LADIES‘ UNDERCLOTIIING excels in 194, 196, 198,200,202,2[]4 Yonge St. TORONTO. If you need anything for such corppluin m, you can hard ' find its equal. Ask for It. HAMILTON JNO. W. BICKLE, - Proprietor, Coughs, Colds, Group, Whooping Cough, &c. SondJol' new Circulars. Adllll’l‘sfi. BIGKLE’SSAG SYRUP CORN MEAL MILLS THRESHING ENGINES, "-1 of Pi: EI’ARED LEA- ’l‘IlERl)ni‘able, Light, Elastic. and cheap. First prize at Provincial Exhibition. London. Testimonials on applica- tion: _ Satisfactjor} gliui'antqqgi." iZESHINGLE MILLS, GRIST MILLS, “ Your Pain Relief gives general satisfaction. in fact I believe I sell more of it than all other pain remedies put together. J. C. BRIGHT, M. D., and Druggist. l‘lve Testimonials from Eastwood, 0nt., showing MORSE’S PAIN RELIEF cured the following: Dion-haul, Deafness, Swollen Face, Toothache. Cold, Headache, and. Pain in the Stomach. No lâ€"Used a trial bottle for a much swollen face with instant relief. A relative used the Relief for deafness, and to her surprise was perfectly cured. Signed, S. G. ROBINSON. No 2â€"Having suffered much with toothache, I cooeluded to try your Pain Relief. One apâ€" plieation gave me instant relief. I also cured a violent cold I had contracted with the Remedy. Signed, MRS. E. HERSEE. No 3~I have tried your Pain Relief in case of Headuehefain in the Stomach and Toothache, theresult in every instance being the same. instant relief. Signed, A. FREDENBURG. my! No lâ€"Suffering from a severe attack ofl)ierr11uaa,1 used your Pain Relief, and was surprised to find myself perfectly cured in a few hours. Signed, WM. ROBINSON. No 5~One night I Was awakened by_the most violent internal pains, a single teaspoonful of your Pain Relief made me as well as ever in five minutes. Signed, J. (JACQUES. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. UEE HAZEN’S CARBOLIC DOG- SOAP SAW MILLS, HAZEN MORSE, - TORONTO, ONT. EASTWOOD, ONT.. March 5th, 1880. “ I am gratified to hear from various quarters that your medicine is doing wonders. As an instance, one man received a severe blow from a block of wood thrown from a circular saw. It struck him in the thick part of the leg, so injuring him as to rpndcr him unable to walk. Two applications of Morse‘s Pain Relief cured him. I might multiply instun‘ces. TWICE as powerful as any known remedy, FOUR times as quick in its action. Sold‘Lat the low price of 25 CENTS A LARGE BOTTLE. The tollowing testimonials of the great number received will show most conclusively the remarkable merit of the Relief. style, material and neocchm‘k. Imported gul' mcnts bear no compunson in value. A Favorite Prescription ofa celebrated New York Physician for MORSE’S PAIN RELIEF Addi'css. J. DBXST & ’Soxt Dmytqm ggt. GREAT ATTRACTIONS PORTABLE BUCKWHEAT and (Formerly Bxcxma & SONJ "AVE “NJ TRIED YET (Hill 'I’I‘X‘IALTY. the IMMEDIATE RELIEF OF ALL PAIN. ONTARIO. Capacity of Works per-week :â€"1 Portable Saw Portable Grist Mill, 3 Standard Chopping Mills,6 Cha, pion Farm Engines. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 80., mlnrliufl‘l'n. ‘ns, HAMILTON, ONT ‘Vllcll doctors disagree who shall decide? The people often decide hy “ throwing,r phy- sic to the dogs," and trying BI’RIXH‘K Bme BITTERH, and the result is always satisfac- tory. BUM)m‘K'BLom)BITTH his the Mum/m in Purl-o of medical seienee, curing all dis< eases of the Blood, Liver and Kidneys. A trial bottle only costs 10 cents. A dollar bottle inayjszu'e you many dollars in doctorsI bills. . HOT AIR FURNACES. 'l‘hn VVilSnn lhv ‘lv-Llo Y m 1 gives entire satism on but) In SCHSIUVCIICSS and {w racy. The l’utcnt‘Bcum is 1L model for simpliuty in calculating, and in bunny, in fin- ishand design, and a: a who‘ll}, the scale is a credit to the mzumfm. ,urm‘. \Viuhing you every success. (‘. SNL‘HJC. Jordan 1’. 0. 1'] 13041 from V0” 0. WILSON & SON. WILSON SCALES National fills... superior to all pthcr purgatives strength and Virtue, in safety and nuldness of actiom Tlllv} FIN! ALES IN THE MARKET. W'ritc for prices. livery Scale warranted LAIDLAW, OWES 8: 00., 45 ESPLANADE STREET EAST, TORONTO. Brantford, Ontario, Canrad BUY" TIE-II} THE BOYNTON J 0s; EfifiONDs, Druggist.

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