/ (Blowout. .er Fall wheat is out in head. -<«¢9â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- Accident. Master Arthur llI:-.I(iunon while playing: on some hoards, slipped and fell breaking 11:25 arm. The injured limb is doing as Well its in be cxprclt‘tl. â€"-"~â€"‘â€"%Ooâ€"»â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"- Narrow Escape. During the heavy wind onllontlay evening the pinnacles on Lllt‘ new l’reslwtcrian towrr \vcro aln‘i nst blown off. They need uiort: sup~ port to hold tlitu... «â€"â€"-<~o->~â€"â€"â€"â€"v (I. A Biron, l";':iiil<villr, Ont, “gumâ€"die was 0 trod of Chronic 13:1 n‘hitis that trou- itl.-.] tom t‘m- "with-on \'- art; by the use of Dr. Cl‘lzomas’ Iiclnctric Oil. _- W _____ .,..__ Annual Festival. The Mrtin-dist Church and Sunday Sch ol at Victoria Square, intend holding their annual l"t>sti\'z.:[ on .llottiinioii day. farther particulars next “’tft‘ii. __..". .7¢..:, 7W... . ._, Thc coughing and whetmng of persons troubled with liioiluliilis or the asthma is ex- cessively lnirz'asrinu totlicmsolrt and annoy- ing to others. JN'. Jinn/ma“ I-It'lrt'tl'c Uil I‘tl\'i'llU5 all his (entirely, saioly and speed-- ilv. ir<~0<>~wâ€"â€"- A worl; for Farmers. It will be to tl‘ieitï¬interosts if farmers will load and lil;,tbb the testimonials found (‘lstu’lit't'e in this issue, concerningr lh'. ill:mnin;;’s Stock Doctor and Livo Stock 1‘} icyclnpacdia. it is an oxccllent Work. â€"~â€"d¢.e~ Aw The Troops. ' .Cllhc Oak Ridges Cavalry troops, under the 1):Ll:ltit"l ’ command of C.t()t:ll!t McConnell, horn on .‘lmnlay morning, previous to startâ€" in .: fir Ni-tr: tl'.t, l'n' tht'ir annu Ll drill. The ho; s ltmh‘l‘d well and the troop made aliue uppt'nruncc wncti mounted. coho“ q o 0,._.____ Oak Ridges Troop. We learn that tho trtmo under Cantain ‘ _ ‘ . ‘ l IlanonnL-ll arrived a t Niagara by stoaninr ('i’ntxoi'tt. on Tuesday alteruoon. We . ‘. ilu'.‘t: Llw no Major Elliott, istim largest Cavalry troop“ †culalion of “inï¬ll 7r'i,l)t;(l tiUPl“S, l'l l:lt,‘ camp. and the 02d; Ridges troop CUH'IUS nrxt in ordu'. , , 3-. . 5. W, ï¬,,.#_ On the tramp to Muskoka. (hi Thursday :iitt‘rnoon of last week, an ‘old urge-o of about St‘vl'llly years of ago, it ' (-d north through this \‘ilingo with agun and , a large hundlo on his back and a dog by his ' side. They both looked pretty Well Worn outwith fatigue. llis story says he is going: to Musliolta no :. linntinor expedition. vmâ€"râ€"-<;-9;}â€"--â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" ' fxcsident. « On Monday, while the cavuh'v troops was procewï¬ng to 'i‘oronto on touir way to Nia. _ â€" ~para a serious {Utt'ltit-‘llh occurrcd a few lllllt‘.~ "southof this. 'i‘he horse on which ’Jehn Jordan was riding bolted, throwing him and , He went (tullâ€" injuring,r him very seriously. trnry to his mother‘s wishes, as he is snrJoct to take tits. v, .._...<;.o.>_ ....... ~_ Thornhill Christisn Te n. Iran 0 Club. The Newton Brook Glee Utah, and Iar ies II‘UIH 'l‘oronto. have pl'utiiiSLtl to enter- t‘iu the Thornliill Ch istian 'i‘cinpcrance Society, next Saturdao (ironing. 'l‘his en- tottainmont is (EXPL‘Cl/Ud to he the host they have ever had. Admission: 3'» Cents. H:’° phrAaâ€"m Just: 3 Mistake. A Dutchman once met an Irishman on a lonely highway ; as thoy niet both smiled, thinking he knvw the ottnlr. Fat on Ftll‘lllg his mistake remarked with a look of disap. . pointincut: “ Faith 2141‘ i thought it was you an’ you thought it was me, an‘ it's nathur of us.†“ Yaw, llat is «two; I am auudcr man, and you isl‘. not your‘Sclt~-1\'e po poth some other podies.†_t’.“ Carelessness. Through sonic carelessness or other, when the windows were put in tho Meth» odist Church there was nothing, put in to fasten those which open, and When the wind storm came up on Monday evening on:- of them was blown out and hrolco a large hole in the glass. liy tho tinio three or four more are broken, action mil be taken to lix them in. 4o<>~~â€"â€"â€"~ Just too late. The “"0th in commenting, on the Sol- diers in Toronto on Monday says : The Oak ltidgos troop of cavalry, numbering 36 men, arrived at Yongo Street wharf Just in timc to miss the boat. They had ridden into town and as they stood dis- appointed on the \vharf they spat heaps or dry dust from their patched months. The men will have a hot sun to endure while in he martial camp. ‘ «Mpiww Dominion Day. At a meeting of tie reunion and concert committee of the i\It~cl,ianics institute on Monday t-vcning it was decided to got up a . concert it' a suitable program can ho provithsd '{licrs seems to be a ditiicu. y in this direc- tion, as the attracrions, clsowherc on that day draw the crowd away from Richmond Hill. Tho secretary of tho committee is au- ,thorizetl to correspond with a number of X'Iï¬ufornnn's to see what we can do. The Zinntter will be ï¬nally decided on Saturday evening. - Wâ€"oovâ€"‘â€"«~ The Wind. On Monday evening the blackened sky portendt-d a terrific storm of some kind, ilt5~ ' fl. :llarlrliatn troop under, l I 'ious parts of tire country. . lowest (‘38 3 : his pron ' ' Council to select. :1 which burst upon us in a terrible gale which amounted to almost a. b11rricane.For sevuml minutes the air wits blackened with dust etc, so that you could not see ten feet ltb‘tllnt‘s. Considerable damage was done through var- ’I he worst we have heard of hurt) was the blowing out of part (if the large Trant window of the Melli- (nli"l- Church and breaking it, and a shaking of our of the: pinnacles on the Presbyterian Church 'l'ow-cr b «so.» 7â€" The Temperature During may. Frouy the montth weather review issued from theMnloorologirul ollice here the followâ€" i111: facts are taken regarding the temperature at Toronto during May :~»“ The NIH“) tom- pt‘t‘atlll't! ww 58 3 10', or 6 3 lt)’ above the avroagv. 'l‘nt: highest temperature (Ell C )' oct‘llt‘l't’t‘l on the 12tlrat 2:30 p. in, and the b“) at 5" u. in. on the ï¬rst, givâ€" ingr a monthly range of 62 C 'l‘ho warm- 0st day was the 12th mean tmnpm‘aturo 75 5 10‘, and tho coldvst tho 3rd, mean tempor- alnre 39 3 70‘. On each of 1M days tho tnnan lt‘lll'h tat'itl‘c was above tho tht'l‘ugB on that .particular day, and below on 7 days.†._.~___<wo...r.__.. Dccamped. \V. Arnold, of the lutoiirm of \l'atltins d: Arnold, larble doalersdm: ahsmndc-l, leaving his creditors to whisth: to the tune of sereral hundred dollars. lit: might, at loast. tho said “ good bye †to tho LIBERAL man, as the only thing he ovrr (lid to him was to ask him to pay his honour. debts in default of which he told him ho. Would have to make him ac« tptaintr-d with Division Court Law. .‘dr. 1). McDonald from whom Arnold hon-owâ€" ed nearly Sililt) a {cw weeks agr. will por- hups he the heaviest. ltmst'l‘. it looks as though this stop had been in contemplat- ion for sometime. govâ€"«nuâ€" Liquor Case. At tho Yorkriile Police court on Friâ€" day morning;r Messrs. Carr and Dohsond. l .l’ ,ggavojudgement in tllecase anohuPal» n: ‘, linicl hoopcr, Richmond Hill, who was churn ‘rl with selling liquor in rear of 1.: on May 24th. The ï¬ltlllt’ not l)l}ll]f_{ within the limits of tho lit‘cnso ()lttllnvtl hy ,lnspuctor McConunll, a lino of $25 and cos-ts, or in default. thirty days was imposed. Mr. 1“. Murphy appeared for defotnlant, said this would he a lost; case and would he triud at tho Court of Queen‘s lloncii. . r r r r» «c :A~â€"â€"~*â€"â€"~ Journalistic. Thu May nunihvr of tho Ayarn’s ITN'uJLI, ptihlislioil in l‘lwladolphia, to h tlltl. lt ap- pt'tll's in unlit-vly in-w dross and is a beauti- tullv ,L‘ot r and wwll od‘ilcd paporot' 11‘» pagos, dot'o‘t'd to tho llllwl'r‘s‘is‘ of agonts. it is titfitill on frail-ls of tâ€.’L'l_‘-‘ lintl, and dons null lasi- tut.) tn oxnisv litt'lll. I‘M ln-ttrr (-\‘idt:nct‘ ol' ilswot‘lii('21))i-wyi‘wnlimitlilutlimnglit‘otli- oaraliruly a li"\\' t‘ntorpr'ii‘ax, it bouts u cit: . "'ho Juno l>MtLl wi 1 oomain an appeal to the ngt‘nls of " Aint'rira, which l‘alls on organization :xgainst‘ fl‘dll'l anti imposition not only ior tln- lanndit. of agents. hut (inplnyct-s and the puhlic :znn- (rally. liwr)‘ :I;_'t‘l1l.$":()lllut subscriht‘. for it. Sou iptsciincn copy at tho Lint-inn. :‘tlzntj lll-J'U'i'. _.â€"~â€"â€"-â€"¢ 04>... Pt '15 l C 1Clio In .the \“i’lagorof "I’Eston at the residence of -l" lliomn tlitrtlt'n nit. Mr. Thus. Kyle, {1.10.1 _'_r years. n ' ~r CnADuE. (‘1 la Squaw on Mav 21st, the wife of 3112M. .‘h .ior ot a (lttll:;11 ' At V :mria Squaw on Wednesday the 8th of June ' tho \=. it't: ol 1'. liliiiii of it son. ' ku »_n u) y H ._._. CAREVILLE. ( From Our Own (forrcspozulonl.) The S. 5%. Anniversary hold here, June (hit was a success in every respect. A large number took and tea, the church was completcly tilled at the concert. Mr. \Vni. Harrison cecupind the chair. The prograintno, C(Jllelstutl of readings, ' t‘ecitutions, singing liy the school and othot's, was given wrth much satisfaction to tho audience. The ignite ts:tti.~:factory. Mt‘. '1‘. Sterling who has been inillor hero for S'HHL‘. time is loaring, as he and his brother have leased a'niill at; Buttonâ€" \‘illc. [lo has the well wishes of the nuighboiln-od with him. Mr. M. Hoovcr‘ tilts his place. ' The lit‘V. Mr. Laird, preached his farm-ll sermon here last Saldmrh evening. Ho intends joining the Minn. Conference ot the Ill. 11. Church. Sonic person or persons probably wishing to appear Ct'editihly, on tnr birthday of our “Glorious b‘overeign “ took advantage of the absence of all the family from Mr. ll. proceeds were i _ Uralt:un"s of the 2nd . con. Vaughan. toentt-r and possess lil"‘|ll- r clotlios, l‘nslonging to Mr. selves, of hitotl man. and also a Graham and h s \\'itlLil of the hircl tnan’s,:zbout $50 worth ‘ in all. The farm of 38 acres belonging to the late Mr. hand, was sold lately to Mr. Jones for ijivl.f,iit.). I‘m. '1‘. Cook, tnil‘or. is linvinga 'i‘nrâ€" ' burnt-satur- whch put in the place oi the old woodrn one. W__. 1.1L:- tFrotzi Our Own Correspondont.) 'i‘hotzoniniittw appointed by County farm for Industrial Homo, visited .\ apl» last Saturday, and inspectod thrcc dill'crciit iaruis in the ueighhorhood. The General Purpose Stallion, Trotting Jot-1;, which took 1st prize at Richmond Hill Fait‘drelotlgittg to Mr. D. \Vzltsmi, of Maple, died at Little Lake in King town- ship. BEAT IT wno CANâ€"«Mr. John McKin- non of Lot 20, 5th Con. Vaughan, had a three year old Filley weighed on Maple \Veigh Scales. which drew the beam at 1.574 lbs. This is thought to be an t Kira. weight for 21 volt- that age. l i s: Buy your Harvest Tools and Ear Ware At the And save-from Ten to Fifteen per cent. ""3? % .. We beg to notify our numcrons Patrons and the general Public that we are nowm receipt of ii- “L. iiilll Shillit Siltï¬ll illlE MllENS Consisling jii’ilitiï¬ally English, Iris/z, Scott/z, and Canadian Twcm’s, Emir/z and Iris/z SM'grs, - 7‘ l - vv ‘x‘ , w - a - ‘ I'I'cnc/z and rtzzglzs/L lVorsfcds, 1‘2716 West of Imgland Yrmzwrmgs, Blade mzd Blue Brandy/afï¬x, Black and [no Vezzclz'mzs, Docs/@2725, Cassimcrcs, Era, in all the Largest and Most Oilrpz'rr’r Stock 0f the kind in Canada. OUR CLOTHING is, zeal/gout doubt, quite cqzml, if 7101 superior to {/26 5631 NEU York clot/ming 5:315. Fit, am! A'IKIZ‘I’TZIUZS, (z [woof of which is Z/w [(1:er mrmbcr of First PNTS awarded as at Toronto, Ha Hilton, and nflrcr Exhibitions during [/16 past Season. «4 7 Gentlemen rcquiriug [Fina Clot/ling will ï¬nd it to i/zz‘ir advantage to i/zspwf 0117’ Sitar/r {)(7(2;'z’ K. pure/lasing. . J’VWWeasmgdn,afldeWW~Laï¬geâ€"Taï¬de~iflnvi7m Or z’rrrl'Clof/zz‘ng, 722nï¬'f‘7tff (.7 379:"â€" ciall}: of Low Priced Traced Suits, which £08 will flux/cc to order†at the following prices :-â€"~ $18, $13.50, $15, $18.50. Toronto. Golden Griffin, Biting Street East. M m «p. vt-uyvtrr-nvwm , Are manufacturing this year, NEflï¬LV the quantity of IIARVTEQ SW‘IN (3r EIACEiINE S turned out any previous year. IN CHIC Send for circulars and do not purchase until you have examined the recent valoable improvements. PATTERSON & BRO. Patterson, Ont. 5: