FRIDAY BIORNING Thomhill, HICHMHND HILL‘ Richmond111]].willzienm'nllyhu fuuud at home :12 Nine 1: clock 11.111. Dr. Orr, leuplv, 1:. I}. Om “.13., and 1st Silver Medalliet Uniquiu of Toronto; M,U.P.S., Ont. ; LS. A.TJ., Enulnnd. (Late of Landau England.) Sm‘ueon, .'\' n 01116611011131 8 to 1k), 1 (.0 2, mnl (3 to 71;â€. 28 RICHMOND HILL lst. 10 days ofench mouth MAPLE, 124th “ “ MAPLE, 18th' “ “ Nitrous Oxide {ms amuiuistered for painless itl‘llcï¬it'll m' Teeth. Residence (Lt Aurora, will visit the followiug places:- mmuwnd HilL. .,.lb‘th of each month Markham . . btb do ï¬tuuï¬ville. ».10th do “‘uornhin 30th do 915mm†ZSrd do ZI'hzmkful fur the favors of the past ten ymu's, mu) still 17.; consulted in any branch of the pro- fewinn, as follows: Aurora, lst, Hch, 10th, and Send cf 6111'“ month. Nuvmnrkan . 2nd do. ltiuhumxnl HI u x mm 21th ï¬n (ILL the Palmer Hanna) A . Stoui‘l‘ville Mark mun .. \‘xcmrm Squ' ‘ [11011111111 h 10mme . Nublobon Stnufl'ville , 1511“ 10. lerlihmu.. th 10. “cum-m Squ' 2lst dot Thor] 111111 23rd do. Muplu. . . )Gth do \V’umlhridge 28th (10. Kloiuburg 20th dLL Nublobon 30th 0 Anastheï¬cs, as Nitrous Oxide, '9th used wuon {:rderod, m none but the bustnmtorial used. Addresh A. B'NSOS L.D.S.,Auxpm Out. [ssmr of Marriage Licenses for the bounty; of Yum, Real Estaw and insurance Agent. Patties lmvim’, farms or lots for sale, ur wishing Insur- ance J11 lifo or property “111 have their orders promptly attended to by the above. Mnmyy to .mm at 8 pm- ccut- un approval freehold security ()Lï¬ceâ€"Cuurt Hausa. Tommi-u A. L. Skeclc. Clock and Watch, Provincial Land hurveyor and Civil Engineer. Orders by letter should state character of sur- ey, that tlm subscribormuy consult. hjsextensivc Held note-1, as H.190 them of the late David (:ih- .5011, J. Nulsml, and uthï¬r surveyors. {LS to original monuments and farming: surveys. thereby saving time. “411d securing; corructnoss in surveys. Ofï¬ce at. \Vinowdale, on Yonge Street, in the Township MY AMOUNT, OF MONEY, At 7 per cent, on ï¬rétwlasa property. Busi: ness strictly private. Apply to J. 1). EAKIN, (If ank Being composed of part of Lots 23 and 24, in the 5th concession of Markham. For, particulars apyly to nsumnces effected (K1 all kmds 0t property at current rates, in the leading companies in Canada. $1 per annum, in advance.] VOL. IV. And dealer in Watches, (flocks, mid Jewehy, Richmond Hill. Ont‘ TO LOAN. Fire and Life Insurance .Agept- _ H BUSINESS CARDS. 311mm. 60 ACRES OF LAND, 42th Dr. McConnell, Graduate of Turonto University, FOR SALE. J. A. ST 1c \VART, As his l‘riuning Establishment Dr. .5 Rules Lungs! all ‘E‘iw ii;th IS PUBLISHED EVERY Peter S. Gibson. Insurance Agent Unionville P.0 akiigtcllzmcnnï¬. I). H. DEVINS. George Eakin. SU RGEON IDLN‘J‘AM'I‘. In “Kelly. Address, SURGEON DENTIST IN OFFICE not 85 \Vondbridra Out A. Robinson, imam. T E LI BE L. o! .lb'th of each month .. btb do . » . 10th do ..‘A()th do .231‘d do $583.3 "RC gcvs‘ Uuimmille H ONT 10. in do (10‘ (10‘ du Ont. Money (0 Loan ()u Brechnld l’ruycrxy. Apply {.0 C. DUSCUMB, J12, Ricmmuul Hm, or L!) WM, 4) I\1(:0L,Soliciwr No. 4. [gumbo .S u‘uutu. 1'}. ~15 mus. On Security 01' lmprm‘ud Farm». lluercst 8 per Cent. hvuumnnmmu. A 1mm: amount uI .mmuy to J.c.u1 m1 fm'm pr .ltv prop mg; illbU‘USL i per cam“; nu commun- sh)“. 1mm r, Attorney. Solicitor, Notary, 6:0. Money w Luzul. liuum zu, Umon szm Buildings, Nos. 28 and :50, Toruutu stl‘wn, Toronto. )3ï¬nishers,Abuoruuys-un-Luw, sulmlvm's mumm- cal-y (Ln-J insolvency, lunatic»; Public, Convey- Mlcers,cbc. 3111605 OntarioHull,coruer0hurch and court streets, entrance 01f Court street Tu- runw. Branch 011300, \Vuodbridgc. Gnu. W, “Ana mow. JAs S. FULLERTON Sheriff of the County «A York. Ofï¬ceâ€"Court Imus Tux-onto. Ar Hoyles. Barristers, etc.. north of Scotland Chambers, 18 and 21), ng street west, Toronto. JAS.BHTHUNE,Q.C. CHARLES Moss. W. G. L‘ALcuxmunuz. N. W. HOYLES. \VALTER UARWIL‘K. A. B. AXLEswonTH. W. J. FHAXKS. Edward Iimkn‘Qfl. J.K, 1(91‘1',Q.(3. J..r\‘B0yd,Q.C \Vulner Urn-18015, > \V.1t.‘\lull§§ck. (1.:\.]5tough James M. Lawrence, Clerk of the ’l‘lnrd Division (jourh, Clerk and Treasurer 01 Vaughan, Regism-ur of births, Marri- ages and Deaths, (Julmuissiuner in Court of Queen's Bench. Barristers, &c., Millichamp's bulldings, Adelaide street, Toronto, o_1msiw Victoria, street. Ofï¬ce, opposite the Wesleyan CL urct, Richmond I-ml. Um, Licensed Auctioneer, in mm for {11797 Countv of Yurk. Orders solicited. Residence, Maple Leaf Hotel, leford. Ont. Be hunc, F. Bu non. Lmenser] Auctioneer for the County of York. Ad- dress. 08.31181 1’. 0. A . J. Arnlslrong. Licensed Auctioneer for the (mummy of York. Sales attendod on the shortest noticg, and at run.- souahl‘n rates. Address. Nobletou 1K 0. 3 Ines (J. Stokes, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spgctt‘ully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, King. Sainuol M. Brtnvn, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and unreasonable rates. P. 0. address, Victoria. b‘llllul'e. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on conaignment. cheml Salas of stock. Cato" prompt/1y attended to at reasonable rates. I" Q address, UNIONVILLE. Having recently built the above House on the Site of the old Stage Hotel, and furnished it throughout. in ï¬rst-class style, I am prepared ta give the public the best of accommodations Good stuhling and attentive hostlurs. Sample} Rooms for Commerch Travellers. Terms, in; per day. The Richzqcond Hill Omnibus leaves} this House at 7:30 mm. for Enron?» and lemvm, ’Eomuzo M3510 wax. East Market Square, Jarvis-st†Tin-onto. First- clasa stabliug. ' Bay Horse Hotel. Yonga Street, Toronto. Every accommodation for the travelling public at the lowest rates Luncheon and Dining lipooms. for Ladies and Gentlemen. Gents’ Reanmg and Smokingliooms. English papers on ï¬le. No. 30 King street West. The Clyde Hotel. 158 King street, East. Toronto. First-class cum- mercml house. Good Accqmmodmtion and every mtennion shown Guam 3. Superior Stubling. BERRY LEMON. l‘romietor. York and Vanrgliaï¬wfléurï¬Ã©, FAIRR AN K. Good accommodation in» the travelling uh‘lic at the lowest rates. Am} aaheds and stubl ng‘ At- tennive hostler ulw haud‘ Black HorseiH’éifélf 7 m 7% Palace snout, Toronto. Stable and yard necom modation for 250 teams. An uttentivnhostler OXFORD, Proprietor. Robin "0er Hotel. YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL. First-class accommwlation for the public Good stabliug and an attentive hostler. 9, F. COSGKOYE. G Proprietor. English Chop House and City Restaurant. M. A. THOMAS. Blake, Kerr, Boyd AL (Mussels, 13mg†1878. 8~1V ILOSI‘I‘ MACDONALD, MERRITT (R: CO†Uuim‘ Loam Buildings, Toronto The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL. JOHN PALMER, Proprietor. 2) Im' Investment, Badgerow , a; Fullerton. CONVEYANCER, ETC.. 1911226 IGJLALD & ARNOLDI, Snliciturs. 4(‘7 Chunzh St. 'l‘lunnas Popphel , “’illiu m K. 13 est, ' to Loan. Salem Eckartlt. F. “K Jaryis, ‘AII)I0l_l Hotel, gmtiantcrï¬. JOHN IIOLDERNESS, Proprietor Holman Moss. Falcon bridge ailmxry. 32mm. 3mm. humus MCFANLANE, ’1‘ BEST Jr. Proprietor [/1 Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.†IICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, JULY 15,1881. H. camels. 11 Prom‘ietogk The fulluwmg are the successful can- idutes at the entrance examination held here last week 2 E. Richardson J. Bnyd E. Fulcnnbridgo J. Stump J. Ewurk H. “did A. Burkhnldor 1". RuLhcrfnrd W. J. Ellis V-wglum 351 E. A. Kelly Patterson ‘ 326 N. Munrue Heaxlfurd 293 M. Sisluy Rich’d Hill 281 PBORIOTIONS IN PUBLIC 51311001.. ‘ The following pupil’s have been cureâ€" fnlly examined by the Principal of the Pubhc School, and promuten: tu higher divisions. \Q The px'uumtiuu examhm Thud dwisiuu will be held {ta-Opens The names are arranged according t4) mum, those makng the highest; number nf marks standing ï¬rst 1n each list. F'F‘P‘F'v!“ Carrie Powell. Nellle \Yulan. \Vlllle Damn“. L zzie Palmer. Juun (Haas. 10. 11. 10. Minutes of last meeting were read and adggned: _ SCIIQQL. BOARD. The Sclmul Board met in the High School building on July 9th, 1881 at 2 p. m. Present Messrs. Teefy‘ Patterson, Crosby, Campbell, Duncan, Boyle, b‘wit- zer Trench and Brown. That the accounts of Mr Teefy be paid. $31.92. Curried. Several cmuulllnicutious were read by the secretary, onegfmm the department containing extracts from the repurt of Mr. McLellan , showing standing of school. The following is mm: of the extracts: The school is doing very well. It may indeed be regarded as one of our best schools taking into account the highest aim of ediicntimi. The classes in Mathe- matice, Classics etc. will be a. credit; to any school. The tone of the schovl is ex- celleu: Moved by Mr. Crosby seconded by Mr. Patttersou. That we advértise fora. teacher. in the Glgye mld‘ Mailâ€"galaryï¬lOQQ Moved by Mr. Puttersnn, seconded qy ij. Boyle, 7 'l‘huter'. Lune take the chair. Car- ried. Another from Mr. Carscndden, resign- ing his position as Head Master. Moved by by Mr. Patterson, seconded by Mr. Teefy. 'That the I'vesiglmtvinu of Mr. Caracadden be accepted. Carried. Another fx-mh Mr. McBride for the amp}: posjtiyn, iwiith testimonials. An application frmu Mr. F. Lmvreuce for the position, with testimonials. Mo‘ved by’Mr: Brown, seconded by Mr. Patterson, That we 'choose aria (if the applications already befure the board. Original motion carried. Moved by Mr. Duncan, seconded by Mr. Btuyle. That V110 accounts he paid unless cer- txï¬ed by secretary or chairman. Car- lied. Moved by ME. Boyle, seconded be Mr. Duncan. That the monetary ask Miss Miller. when her certiï¬cate expirestand report at may} megting. Moved in amendmeï¬t' by Mr. Duncan, secgnded byA Mr. Boyle, The Boafd then adjmlmed, to meet again on the 23th oi 33113:. at. 2- o’clokk. ENTRANGE EXAMINATEON. A M E ). l. a. FRUM 3n» To 4TH BUOK,SENIOR mum 2ND To 151‘ DEl’. James l’l'oulul' Hugh McCulmglly David PUWI‘,“ Chas. McCulmghy Mary 5mm: John Simuls Muggit: McDonald Aime Davis George Handing Alttx. MUUulmld Wlukie 'l‘ruuuh Minnie Clark Aggie L’ugsley Lydia Puï¬'cll Earnest. Hawks]; Aggie Km-swiil ‘ Lmie Hilwkeu George Peach . Wil’lw Addams. ‘ Herbert. Peach 5.7. LIPQQLQIâ€"kv“ Harry Stoddard Wm. McLaughlin Eva \Viiey May Storey Kanph Lnngstuff 'l‘hmnas [Crane-11. Alice Hopper Mary Trunch 153 152 150 14‘.) 14L 141 138 136 124 1 J 7 109 Ml luv. 28? .378 209 264 260 251 2.48 246 245 2.40 2.18 215 210 1406 202 202. non 4_:rH T931111 DEPAIiï¬ukNT. SWH ()UL Bluple (ll; Ric‘n’d Hill Vellm'e NH. '20 Vaughan 19.11;ch Rich’d Hill Edgley N4). 4 Markham fl: V-wglum sun of the lien school MARKS 450 445 408 391 362 390 355 3:33 153 152 150 14‘.) 26 i 2450 251 2.48 246 245 2.40 2 .1 8 215 210 1406 ‘402 202; longc Street S. S. Teachers As- socialion. A meeting 0f the Yonge Street Sunday School Teacher’s Associabiuu was held in the Lecmrev Ruom of the Methodist Church, on Monday evenilw. The at- tendance, considering the; very short no- tice was very gnod. Mr. Thus. Carscztd- den, 3. . A., President of the assoclation, occupied the chair. T‘he minutesof previous nraeting road, and approved. The ruuuiuï¬mmittee repm‘tod that they intended" mmnencing A series of en- tegtnimnent about October. _\ l‘inu secretary n n a. cmnmunicution .from Dr. May concerning Government Grant. Rcv. J. E. Howell, l“. A., of Aurora, delivei‘ud a. masterly and eloquent adâ€" dress, on “How to study the Bible.†The address was full of interest, instruc- tion and pi'uï¬t not only to $szbaith School workers, but to all interested in the ï¬ttidy of the word of God. The Chair- man, after making some pointed remarks, invited the expression of opinion or any suggestions on this important subject. In respmice the Revs. Messrs. Dyer, of West Virginia, Curtis, of Aurora, Man- ning, 0f Eglingcon, mvd Messre. Rupert and Conigur briefly addressed the meet.- mg. At the close of the discussion, on morn ion of Mr. J. P. Rupert, seconded by Mr. A. P. Congor, it was decided to hold the next meeting of the Association: at Maple. On motion of DIR Harrison. seconded hp Mr. Conger, the thanks of the Meeting were unanimously tendered tu Rev. Mr. Howell, for his able address, and to the other ministers and gentlemen who, by their assistance, contributed to the success of the meeting. Appropriate music was rendered at; intervals, IMI'. J. H. Sanderson presiding at the organ. The meeting was pmnonnced nine of the must auccessful and proï¬table ever held by the ASSHCifltiUll. Members present Messrs. Trench, Buy- le, Cmsl)y, Sanderson, Fnix'buiru, Law, M unnghy and Stewart. 1n thé .ubseuce (If the president, the Ist Vice-President, J. H Sanderson, oc- cupied the chair. The directors of the Institute met in thg Mummic Hall on, Tuesday eyex}i11g. On motion of W. Trench seconded by FLETCCUIszghy,’ It was decided to expand 825 in bouks in 01 dew that we. m: y draw Government GrunL. Ublgyed by Mr. Crosby, seconded by That Messrs. Sandeme Stewart and Trench be a committee to arrange for paying for the rent of the Masonic Hall. Carried. The meeting udjdurued to meet an call of president. Ml'. Buyle. That the Board learn with regret the fntended departure of our president Mr. '3‘. Czirscqiddeu. While there has not been such interest manifested during the last few years in the institute by the public as is necessary for its success and advan- cement we anticipate, under the new pre- sident an agreeable and safisfacbni'y change. During the short time Mr. Cal'scadden has filled~ the ofï¬ce hehns en- deavored to promote :Yge interests of the institute;and while feeliius thth the \ril- lage will sustain a great loss Lay his, re- moval, we wish him every success in his new home, where we believe he will prove a decided acquisition. COUNTY. 0n Mundny a quoit match was played at Mr. R \V'ilson’s, Fltirbunk. between the following members (If the Yorkville and \Vemm) clubs, tlie game was fur a barrel nf flour, to be given to acharitnble institution. The following is the scnre : râ€"Westcm ; IL. \Vhittaker 2]. J. Alderson 16. S. Irving 195 J. Gdlllwck, 21 and \V. institution. The following is the scrire : râ€"Westcm ; IL. \Vhittaker 2]. J. Alderson 16. S. Irving 19*. J. Gdlllwck, 21 and \V. Brown, 21, tutal $8. 'orkville J. Flem- ing, 13, J, Armstrong, 21, S. Lawson 21, F. Swueston, G, J. ()lilcuu. 18 total 79, a return match for a barrel of flow for a charity was played hy the following memberis of the same clubs at Mr. J. OillCottn, Deavenpm‘t Romï¬, ankville, yesterday. A lively game was played, and 2i large number of spectators witness‘ ed the match which resulted as follows : â€"Yor.?cville :â€"â€"S. Lawson, 21,J. Fleming, 21. J. Armstrong, 21. J. Onluott. 21, total 84. W'eswn 1778. Irving. 15, J‘. Alderson, 20,.J. Callheck, 15,\V. Brown, 16, total 64 amatch will bu played at \Vestun on the 22ml, inst., between six members of each uf the above clubs, a ï¬ne game is expected. as the the various champions of each locality will partici- pate Moved by Mr. Fuirbairne, seconded by Mr. Trench. In the hot montns ofiJuly and August the Blood should be kept pure and cool, with an occasional close of Dr. Carson’s Stomach and Constipation Bitters, a worthy family‘ medicine. In large 8 ounea bottles, 50) centsg at E. EL. hem§adrug stonet. Mechanics Institute. SEER The one hundred and ninty ï¬rst an- nivei'szir) of the Battle of the Boyne pas- sed ofl'vvry quietly here, most. of the King \Vlhimmtes having wended their way to Toronto, when there was a inun- stsr deulmlstl‘ntiun on the grounds of the Industri'ul Exhibition. The Dem- oustrufion was a. grand success, and con- sidering Lhe immense crowd, things pas- sed of very hnrnmninnsly. The day was all that could be desired, the shower in thumorning tending to make it more favorable. “The comic organ should beg the dismal organ to cause its osteiitzttous present-a- tions of the same old bouquet. It’s all vory well fo' an employee of the troop to occupy :1 front. and throw a bunch of flow- ers on the stage at a. performer on tho lil’sl’; night, but when the thing is done more than) once it looks too much like a pntqip job. But the organ is wise in it’s gone ‘zttion. lt thinks a free minutiae.- inent will purchase for its party (1'7'7'12’3 everlasting gratitude and its continued support. l‘his highly facetions paragraph appear- ed in lust Smmduy’s Mail. The same is- sue contained a. self written puff of " the loading journal †extending over three moi-ml pages. Grip confesses to a certain gratiï¬cation over bouquets from whatever source (though their purchasing power is small), but, there is one thing he would hesitate Lo do and that is_ to aecend to the nigger minstrel act of throwing a bunch of flowers over his own shoulder to him- self. The land must be all improved, or near- ly so, and situate within reasonane prox- imity to Northern or Nipissing Railways or York rnads, passing through the Omni- ty. Tenders tustate-price per acre,where land is situated. and mmrest Pnst Oflice, ‘and may be ad-lressud tn the Chairman, 'Newmarket, 0r Secreatry, L‘loydtown. IE. JACKSON, C. IRWIN ‘ Chairman I. H. com. Sec. of Com. 1U.Sh€ehan, of Osco‘da, Mich, writes :â€" “ I uuve used Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil ‘ou horses for different. d'sonses and found in L0 bejust us you recommended. It has done jusLiuc to me every Lime, and is the best, oil for horse 1 ever used. ‘ is hereby given, N 1C that I huve transâ€" mitted or delivered to tno persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of “The Voter’s List Act," the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or deliver- ed, of the list made, pursuant to said Act, of all pawns appearing by the last reused Assessment “‘01! oi the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Elections fog.- Mombexs of the Legislative Assembly and M Municipal Elections; and that Silill list was: {ï¬rst posted up at my ofï¬ce at Richmond Hill. on the 5th day of July. 1881, and remains there for inspection. Municipality of the TOH’NSHI P of VAUG HAN, County of 1’0ng. Electors are culled upon to examine the said list, and if any omissions or any other erroxs are found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. RELIGIQUS SERVICE. Of Toronto. will preach in the Temple at On Lord 3 Day, July MORNINGzâ€"Paul’s economic use of the the truth. EVENING :â€"The human and Divine in Salvation. A hem/f r welcmne to all. Addressed to the undensigned, and mark~ vd “ Tenders for the Ind-n-strial Home,†will be received for Suitable for the purpose of an [NUUS'I‘RIAL IIOME, Up to Saturday, the 277th of August 188]. SOUNW 0F YORK. “’0. Draw :1 lim somewhere. Dated this FSfth Day of July, 1881 EU UR BU ACRES VOTEB’S LIST. 1881. [Single copies, 3 cts. SEALED TENDERS JAMES M. LAWRENCE. a. m. and 7 p. m 'E‘hc Twelnh. Clerk of said DI’llniCiptlzi’J. 171:1],1881, at 10:30