Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jul 1881, p. 1

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FRIDAY MORNIN'G Thornhill, Thankful fur the favors 0f the vast ten years, may still be consultcd in MN Dl'mn...‘ “f “‘9 W‘" "(311, ns follows: ' 1T ' ‘- 16“; 53th; WWI) Mid/End Hf Oil-M1 mouth. chmmrlaet. .. 2nd do. Richmond Hill".: 35th fin _§a_§_bhe Palmm Hanan) RICHMOND HILL, Etmm'ville . Markham .. . Victoria Squa‘o 'J‘hul‘nhill..- -- v Muplu.. .. . ‘Wundbndgs . Kleinburg Nobleton.. Maple. (lo ‘Wundbx E, (10. Kleinbur" ‘ . (10. Nobleton... , th 0 Aunbthetics, as Nitrous (L m, etc., used wnen ordered, and none but. the but material used. Address A. B NM” L.I>.S.,Aurom Out. Issuer of Marriage Liman for the bounty of York, Real Estate and insur nee Agent. Parties huvimz farms or loss for 9, my wishing Insur- nuce )1} life or property will have their orders promptly attended to by the above, Money to 1mm at a per cunt on approved freesth security (Miceâ€"Cam's House. 'l'm‘onw AMY AMOUNT. OF MONEY, Richmond Hill, - :11 game an Nine u x- Peien‘ S. ‘Hihson. Provincial Land burveyor and Civil‘ Engineer. Orders by letter should Stf! ta character of sun- vey, that the subscrllmrn‘my consult. hiuextensive field notes, as “4,190 those of the lute David Gib- sou, J. Nelson, and other surveyors‘ ms to originnlv monuments and forming surveys, thereby saving time. and securing correctness in surveys. Office at 'i110wt1ale, on Yonge Street, in the Township Dr. Orr, Maple, R. B. Orr, 31.13., and 1st Silver Mevlallist University of Toronto; M,C.P.S., Out; L.S. A.L.,Englnnd. (Lute of London England.) Surgeon, 8w. Oflice hunts: 8 to 10, 1 to 2, and 6 t0 7.30. ‘28 MSURGEON DENTIST. Clock and VVatch Ma-er, x.IUHMOND HILL [st 10 days of ench month MVPLE, 18th “ " MVPLE, 18th 7 “ “ Nitrous oxide :4st adminisfcred for painless extraction of Teeth. "Thnrnhill Maple. . . . of York. : {:I-per éeliâ€"ufi VIii'éCClassâ€"firoperty: Busif ness strictly private. Apply to Being composed 0:" part of LuLS 23 and. 24; in the 5th concession of Markham, For particulars. apply to Shouvaille nsarunces efltzctprl own 11.11 kmds 01 property ac current rates, 1n the landing companies in ( xml L‘ And dealer in \VaLtches, Clucks, and Jewelly, Richmond Hill, Out. TO LOANS! VOL. IV. Fire and Life Insurance Agept- _ 60 ACRES OF LAND; ‘6 BUSINESS CARDS. FOR‘ SALE. Dr. MvanavH. Graduate of Toronto University, J. A. STE\VART, At his Printing Establishment Dr. . mues per annum, in advance.) E112 g;th ” IS PUBLISHED EVERY J. P. EAKIN; Insurance Agent Unionville P.0 aiiizwslluncmxs. D; H. DEVINS.. George Eakin, A. L. Skoele. Dr. A. Robimmn, Adhcss J. M. Wells, WM.EAK‘$N. aurzliml. RGEON DE 1, IN OFFICI 30x, 85 Woodbridra Ont mm. z'u'liy bu found at home im‘ mu. La ugstafl 18th mm 21 st .loth “goth 23rd Quietly-film ONT. 1L» du‘ do. do do‘ (10‘ do do Ont. 0n Freehold into Jergy. ' m C‘ DUNCUMB, J12, lhchmoutl H' l, or to WM. 1) NxcoL, Solicitur No. 4. ‘l‘oronto St. Toronto. lzâ€"u mos. Money {or investment, 011 Security of improved Mums. mtcrcat 8 per cent. Nu commismuu. Money to Loan. A‘BJ‘EO amount of Money :0 Lend on farm or mtv vropurby; interest 7 per cent; no commis- 5101]. Having recently built. the nbove..1'-Ionse on the site of the old Stage.Hote1, and furnished it throughout in first-class style. I-am prepared to give the publicj be best of accommodations Good'smbling‘and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for Commercial Travellers. Terms, 351 Re; 51.9.37. TheRichmoml PylbOrnnibus leaves his Hfiuae at. 7:36. am. far Timing, and lengqs Tomato at 3:30 1). an. . . 5‘ Licensed Auctioneer tor the L may of York‘ Sales amended on L110 shortest notice, MM at reu- wnubie rate 4. Adm": Nobleton P. 0. Luncheon and Dining Rooms. for Ladies and Gentlemen. Gents’ Bending and Smoking Rooms. English papers on file. No. 30 King street West. zusml Auctioneer for the County of Yorkfre- sym rully solicits your patronage and friendly infinulwe. Sales attended on thashuriest notice and at reasonable rates. 1" 0. address, King. Salem Eckardl, Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and Peel. Goods soldun consignment. General sales of stock. otc.,1u‘¢>mptly amended to at reasonable lutes‘ P. O. Luldrigss, L‘ NION VILLE . Yonge Street, Toronto. Every accommodation for the travelling public at the lowest rates. l“. \V. Jarvis, :n’uriff'of tho Cuumy of York. Oflxceâ€"Court & Hoylcs. Bm‘risters, etc‘, north of Scotland Chambers, 15 and 20, 1(ng street west, TorouLo. JAS.B]-ITHUN1<I,Q.CK CHARLES Moss. W. (i. FALUUNBIHDGE. N. W. HOYLES. “'AL'L‘EI’. BAIHVICK. A. B. AYLl-JEWDRTH. \V. J. FBANKS. unnes M. Lawrence, Uierk of the ’l‘hml Division Court}, Clerk and Treasurer 01 Vaughan, Imgisnx‘ar of Births, Marri- a/gea- and. Deaths, Commissioner in Court 01 Queen's Bench. Y Samuel M. Brown. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solicits yum" patronage and friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest; notice and at; reasonable rates. 1’. 0. wlvlross, Victoria bu um‘e. Albion Hotel, East Market Square, Jarvimstu Toronto. First- class stubliug. 158 Iiimgxsbwet: East, Toronto. Firstâ€"clues com- mercinl hmuso. Gnml Accommodation and evory zL‘ tamiqu shown Guesta. Suporiur Stubling. HEXRY LEMON. Promietor. English (mop House and City ’ Restaurant. M. A. THOMA‘?‘ narriister, Attorney, Solicitor, Notary, &c. Munoy [-9 Imam. Room :50, Union Loan uuiliings. In)». 2:» mm M, Toronto snr :uu, Tux-onto. Badgcrow. & Fullerton, Bun-18mm,Abbormeys-aLLmv, senators 1x10111111- cery and Insolvency, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers,unc. inflces Ontario H:Lll,cornerChurch 211116011“; struets,entru.nce 01f court street ’l‘nâ€" ronto. Brunch Olfioe. \Voodbl‘idgc. asu.VR BADGEROW. Jas S FULLERTON :.-.,., ‘ 1r « «r'sauum,__ .é"‘~~ n” ‘ WIN-mum. lJcSfisefl Auctioneer for the Counfly: of York. Adi dress, ()ushel P. 0. Black Horse Hotel. Palace Sweet, Toronto. Stable and yard accom modation for 250 teams. An attentivehostler A. OXFORD, Proprietor. York and Vaughan? llousfli FAIRBANK. Good accommodation fur the travelling public at the lowest rates. Ample sheds mail stubling. At- teutive hostlexalwmfiyfis 0711’ 113111311 Barnsters, &c., Millichamp’s bulhlings, Adelmdc street, Toronto 01 puniLe \‘ictonu. street. Idwm-d Blake,Q.C. J.K. KernQL“ J.A.Boyd,Q.C Waiter Ckls ' 113, \VlLMullock. C .Brou-gh C. J. Holman. . H. Cu. 015. 11 Robin Hood llotcl. YCHGE S'LREET, RICHMOND BILL. First-class ugaommodution for the public‘ Good stubling and an attentive hustler. F. COHGKOVE. Proprietor. UUJBU. l‘uconco‘ Bethune, Muss, Falcun budge Blake, Kerr, Boyd (6: (Jassels, 8~1V Aug” 1878‘ lce. opposite the W esleyun Ct arch, Richmond 1. Out ROSE, MACDONALD, MERRITT 61: C0,, Unior Luau) Buinuugs, r’l‘onmto The Palmer House. RICHMOND HILL. jOHN; PALMER, Prqprietor.~ CONVEYANCER, ETC.. 'l‘hlnnfifi fog} phérfi Bay Horst; Hotel. 1-hng ulgd‘e Hotel, FITZGERALD d: ARNOLDI, James C. “'illiam K. nest, Money [0 Loan, JOHN HOLDERNESS, Proprietor gummm. Solicitors, 41'. Church St., oronto Wuucy. fliuttlfi. 3.6mm. FRANCIS MsEANLANE, “I )2 Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials, Libenfiy ; in T BEST Jr. Proprietor. runners, _ RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, JULY 29,1881 Pronrietor. THE PERSONAL ATTACKS 0N MB. BLAKE. The persismnt attacks of the Mail upon Mr. Blake are part of the party pru- gxammu which it was settled should be carried out systenmticnlly.‘ Something must he done to stem the tide of popular favor running so strongly in favor of the Liberal lender. And so it was agreed that Blake should be assailed pursmmllyâ€"that the ZlIaIl should .“szo fur him”â€"-and that certain hireling writers on rha Guvern- ment press should have that Jpecial task assigned them. . The dirty work is now l‘eing perform- ed. In regard to the flood, he said that if the people had not been swept away they would nut have lived at most 500 years more. The reason was that the son's of God, in warring the daughters of men had given rise to a mixed race, which would never have gone beyond the few th generation, as was Lhe cage with quad~ rooms to-dny. "'Ehat is science for you,”' said theDuctor. In the churches. you believe what men tell you wither than whab God tells you. Not one thing in CWeuty that ministers tell you isiu the bible. Thirty three of the prophecies concern- ing the lost tribes had come true in re- gard to the Anglo-Saxon race and about. as many more had yet to be fulfilled. “Do-you want ény more Jpsephus?” said the doctor after having: qpoted a. page of $11th profane writer. _ We wail rnmember that edsly in Mr. Biake’fi pnlitical career. tactics of a simi- lar kind were adopts-d by his opponents. Thu Til/graph of that dayâ€"owned by Messrs. Robertsnn A" Cook and edited by Mr. Daniel MnrriSnn~was made the medium of assault, and evai'y nmrninfi Mr. flake and his belongings got what was considered a. scarifying. The attacks were as persistent and as systematic then as those of the Mail are now, and the writings if anything, mare vigorous. But they in“ harmiessiv rm Mr. Blake; he remained unscathed. and his popularity m'erv tiav grew greater, while iho pour ’I'olcgmp/p went fast down to the tomb of buried and forgotten Canadian newspa- pers. He could not say why the Mosaic law made some animals clean and others 1111- clean, but the Mosaic laws on health were scientific in the extreme. Why did we have measles 2 Why did we have small- pox? Because we put horses and cows in the same stable contrary to the cum- maud of Moses. If you come out to our pic-nic you. will see my farm. Every one has a. snfb spot, and mine is in regard to farming. 1%:- costs me fur potatoes three times amnuch. as I could buy them for in the marker,~ But I take my foolishness outin fawning, which is respectableâ€"better than gambl- ing, or running horses. Vennur pre‘dicts line weather for. our- picnic. I hope he will be right, though. sometimes he makes a. mistake. In the collection be as liberal as you caggpd itrwill by a good one. 7 The» following are- some of. Dr. \Vild’s utterances 0:. Sunday evening last, and may be taken. as a fzniz spe ~imen of his Sunday evening discoursw‘ The reader may judge for himself of the profitable- ness uQ‘this style 0f rambling for a pulpit discourse on Sunday evening:â€" _ Promotionâ€"comes from, the‘nprth as gvegry mason lgnqws. Britain i’ ~- \ch would he sorrv indeed that the M'aflshmfld share the fate hf the Tcle~ qrrmhâ€"snnh wnnM he n public lossâ€"nor is there the slighfest {grmmd Fur appre- lmminn on that head. The ATM], is a cred” to Canada jnnrnalistlc enterprise and dpsm-ves success. But. is this pitching into Blake persmm]1y,with I). set Ivmrpnse, disregarding truth and decency and the fair weapons of honest discussiva and cv'ificism, the right way tn establish a high charaoter fur the Illru'l. Mr. Blake is known to he a man of un- blemished remitatirm. A mititfg Canadian, his great uhilities, his learui , his elo- quence and his integrity,_,i‘ makes Canadians pmmlfi " 1 pnlitical aspirations lint assailed; but the 1nm1;Ed\vard Blake. He is one, of the few men in public life whmxe character. public and private, stands above reprnnch The people be- lieve in him, and the Mail and the Gov- ernment party might as well try to keep out the rising tide 0f the Atlantic with n. pitchfox-k as to force 13:10}; the txde of Ed ward Blake's popnlanty by employing writers tu blacken hia good name. DR; WEL’S.‘ WILD SAVENGS. The Origin omealecx and the Meas- lesâ€"-Vennor Generally Rightâ€"Why the Flood was Justâ€"The Doc- tor 33.5.1 Farmer“ .mTL, (From the Whitby Chronicle.) O.‘ M?“ World and the restoration of Israel would cmne from Britain as predicted by the prgphet. » Wuhan pljg§e.l§.ngQSSI:_S.BO 1e ‘Teefyl, 'renoh, Marah’,’ aliipb'é'lT,I ‘rosby; ’43 mr, Lune, Patterson and Brown. Presi- denfi in the chair. It appears that the deceased has l)een to the house of El. neighbor near the station and on his way home, his house being near the track, a short distance north he walked along the railway until opposite his garden, when he crossed over. A G. '1‘. R. train being standing on the siding at the time, it is supposed his at- tention has been occupied with it, hean neither heard or saw the one; approach: ingen the ’1‘. G. & B until he~wns struck, . I-cnu Show you the position of any na- tiuu 50 years hense as easy as I can tell you of ins state to day. COMMITTEfi AS A DANGEROUS LUNATIC; â€"Peter Kaiser, a carpenter from Clinton, was committed to jail charged as above, on Saturday last. A meeting of the School B yard was held in the high schqql on Saturday lugt. The deceased was eighty years of age and leaves a. wife and family of four sons and three daughteis, who have the sym- pathy uf the neighbors in their sad (if: lictiun. A Markham man thinks he is Heir to about eighty millions. The nine Part- ners of New Yorkâ€"Are you a Stoutem burgh Pvâ€"A strange story Involving a big fortune. Old residents of New York will prob- ably remember having heard of a partnerâ€" shiphaving been formed between nine early settlers in that state, known as the “ nine partners,” who it is supposed came from Holland. In connection with the above H. strange case has just come to light. In 1772 Jacobus Stoutenbugh, one of the original nine partners, signed 9. rehase of all his property, comprising portions of the principal cities in the state of New York and elsewhere, to his nine children, at that time leased for ninty-nine years. Shortly before the revolutionary war the whole family mov- ed to Canada, and the estates were for the time lost sight of, no rents have be- en paid, as far as can be learned, by the lessees. The direct male heir now comes forward in the person of Mr. Stouten- burgh of Victoria. Square, in Markham township, he being the eldest living grandson of Jztcobns Stoutenburgh, and the lense having iun he claims the prop- erty left by his greut‘grandhither. As the estates were not forfeited to the Amâ€" erican governmentâ€"4he Stoutenburghs having leftthe counry several years before the revolutionâ€"it is the opinion of good legal authorities that the property will be recovered. it is impossible to calculate with aecuraey the present value of the property. but it they be surmised to be anywhere between$3,000.000, and $100,- 000,000. We hope Mr. 5., will be able to establish his claim. Minutes of last meeting read and adopt- ed. An account from R. 2}, Law for putting glassingche public ScthL windows. was presented‘ to the Buaygl amounting to $2.50; and on motion of MT. Teefy, sec- onded by, Mr. Patterson, was ordered to be paid; (3mm Our Own Corrosycmdon‘sw); Kmmw 5x A. TRAJmâ€"Uu Friday I'asf, abnut ther o’clock in the afternoon, an old man named Ruben Simpson was in- stanzly killed by being: run mael- by a pas- sing train on the T. G. (2‘35. R. The nnfortunats man belleves that be, is generalissimo of the Canadian MalitiaL and responsible for the Loyality of the people gener ally. At the time of his arrest hwhad jug: commenced to.adminstration the oath qt allegance to emery man and woman in the country, and to that end‘he armed lnmself with a. bible, a.\ book to record the;names, and ashort gun tq, enfoer compli' 3e. ' Mr scr, very prnpefly this L Applications, with testimonials, from twenty five candidates fur the position of Head Master of the ng11 School, were rend. That the application of Mr. McBride be‘z>\_ccepte‘ds ‘ 0% Mr. M'ackiu’s time, and gave exitire satisfacllon. Muved by Mr. Duncan seconded by Mr. Brown and resolved. Mquu by Mr. Pattarson, seconded by Mr. Lane and resolved. That the board give Mr. F. Lawrence a wrtificute of having bgulght in the senior department of the Public School a part HUNTING A FORTUNE. all things, Charity.” S CIIOOL BOARD. @urreapnuflcnre. I. A. E. SWlTZER, WESTON. 13:5 pprlv ’91 “a _ “J, Pk Secretary. E()r§;ter‘._ blitelrlphill, not out,” ' l \Vi&es, . Eyes, $1498 BY”) b Braichwaite, b Forster, b and c Forster, not out, b Braithwaite c A. G. Crosby; stumpted A. G. Crosby, ‘b and a ForsterL " ' Erun out, “I; Forsbex; b Fox-359:2. c A. G. Crosby, b Forster, Byes. Widest, Leg Eyes, A, C; Crusby, b Héuqfliillgc E. Crosby,130 A, D. Eckzu'dt, b, I'Lmuphill, 0 Weeks, 0 W. H. Ox'osbyflb Buscom c Raid, 9 T. “C. Crusbyhb Hemphill. c Robber, 2 G. Sink. b Hgmphill 6. Weeks”, 9 Geo. Rrubinsun not 011:, “J Ed. Ecknrdt, run nut, 0 W. I‘ Ramsay, b Bascom, G “Tides, 0 Byes, 5 3 Deg ByesL 'Ebtal", 1S1» INNINGS. \VV. Brnithwnite, b Hemphill 0 Reid, 12, (G. H, SLeplxexlsoufib Hemphill, cAHmna ‘ - ilton, 4. Total, A Wuodbridge man, named John Johnston, while taking a spree in Toronâ€" to on Tuesday, fell into the bay, and then into the hands of the police. He came home minus the money he took with him. The following is the result of a cricket match played an Uxbx‘idge between Un- ionville and Uxbridge, Uuiunville won “To toss and sent Ux- bridge to the bat. \V . \V. F. Cmsby, not out, E. R. Huggins, ruu out, Byes, \Vides,. b Bascom c H. Bolster, b Hemphill, Lowe Buscoma. Rogers Hamilton Hemphill 59 6&1 30; 10. 90 Hemphill 90 12 23 , 9. At‘the stage of the second innings the Unirmville team had to leave for home} game decided in favor. of Uniom". A boy named Sutherland, in Parkdale pointed a revolver at some children in fun. The revolver went off shooting one of the children through the shoulder. He is in a precarious condition. lsm INNINGSL T. Bolster, Jr. b Briathwuit,c Stephen- son A H. MCCallnm, stumpedlA. G. Crosby: . H. Bascom, b Braithwaite, ' i H. Holst-3r, b Braithwaite, 1 J. Reid, 1) anithwmte, c Ramsay, I R. Hemphill b Braithwaifie, c Furster, -! W, Lowe, b “ c Ramsay 2 ny 11? y . . . A. Total, Grand total’ Total, Grand tqtal, The barns of Mr. Robert Mallory, of East Guulnmbury were burned by light- ening on \Veduesday morning. They w ere insured for $1000. irai Lhwaite, 125 10' Former, 120 8 UNIONVILLE. unfortunately for the success bf his mis- sion, went first to the local justice here, with the request that they should Sign first and show a. good example. COUNTY. Messrs. Cane& Son, of Newmarket, have lost about$2000 by a. bush fire in their pinery. \Veeks, stumped A. G. Crosby: Hmnilton, b Braithwalte c A. G Cresby. w 1 NEWS J UTTINGS. [Single copies, 3 cts. BUWfiLINfl ANALYSIS; 2ND INNINGS‘,‘ 2ND, INNINGS~ UXBRIDQE. 58 bans maidenhmns w-ick ets. balls maidens runs wicketx CRICKET. N0. 10 2L 46 2.] 46 G7 46

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