Every man in Ontario will regard wi‘ï¬h pmflonable pride the remarkébhprogreSs ME his own province. While the percent- age of increase in Quebec has been 14.02 New Brunswick 1244, and. in Nova. Scotia. 13.61, that in Ontario has been 18.05 {in other words, the increase of .‘popnlwtion «in Ontario during the past ten ycm‘shas been more than two-thirds 1'f the increase in all the otllér'lprovinces and temitories put together" The total pwpnlmima 9f “this province is now 1,913,- 439.01‘ wiï¬hin 262,000 of half the popu- la‘Jt-im‘ of the entire. Dominion. Ontario me becomes entitled to four more repre- sentatives in the House of Commons. ’l‘he only other province which will have a. changed“ its representation is Nova. Ajcotin, it wiil have one member less. We, Common with every orderly and, peace loving citizen, are pleased to see}, our Council take action once more Awithi' regard to purchasing a site and erecting" :1 L00k»up,an(l the appointment of bespec» ile constable to keep the streets cl‘ea‘r of loafers. At the last meeting of the Coun- ciul a committee was appointed to procure a site for the Lock-up, which We hope to see gone on with immediately. It was thought adflisable to take this step beL fore appointing a constable especially to- do duty in the village. Of course the‘ Council has no authority to confer the: power of constable on any .person, but they can employ a legally constituted constable to perform the special duty they may require of him. We cannot however, quite fall in with the course of the Council in the postponmen‘t of this appointment until a. lock-up iedstected,“ that will require consideraï¬ie ï¬me, some' months at least, and we now require the services of a constable in the streets more than any other season of the year, and the appointment should therefor be made at once. There is a large amount of pet- ty thieving and rowdyism going on con. stantlycand should put be a stop to. And especially are the services of a constable required! now to disperse the crowds oi boys,shall we say,nn.ny young men, who cmgregate at street corners and under verandashs and sqirt tobacco juice on la‘lies’ dresses, and pass all sort of rude and even insulting remarks on ladies who have occasion to pass by. These things are of nightly occurance, and the council should, in the interests 'of the village, and the ladies especially, who The Paul Pry of tho Mail has dishover- ed that Hon. Edward Blake, during his tour in the Martime Provinces, has=had wine on the sideboard for the use of his guests. and thereupon paints an article wlnch is a disgrace to Canadian jamm- alism, and which no man would Write but one whose “_ soul is so small that? ï¬ve 'lmndred of its sort would ï¬nd more L‘Lmhten prohibitionisrs, noflxing da- unhcd by ï¬ae’fquashing of their telllpemn- cu nuasuren, have decided to‘agalx‘xsubâ€" mit the Small act tb-ï¬he vgte of the: peo- ple, and petitions are 116w being largely signed throughout the calmfry in thifl be- half. Everyprecaution will be takenuin this contest tomsrry out to the lettgr all the provisions .ï¬f tho Act. Ex-Judge Blake is retained gas their legal adviser. There is not a doubt as to the result of the contest, as 'the prollibitionists have now the suppdi’t, not only .of all temperance peaple, ibut of all fair m: . ( ‘ :- (AV/)7", will get thankful, take immediate action in the matgpr, and no postpone it to a future time. ï¬zfï¬ï¬‚y; gm. 5, 1881 'I'HE iOCK- UP AND SPECIAL CUN- > STABLE. o i. r, . r " ; McCormnck, tn ’cmdztzcu. In: fliheml. Ishoui: at. lc‘g.†Ewe their “flushes truce/7: UV giving the Act :2 fai. Permit me to insert a. few lines'in your valuable paper concerning the Garden; Party recently held here. Your corresâ€"'†pendent of last week seems to have gotf somewhat off'tkne trackgas he writes abnut‘L' what he either rreally knows nothing of, I or wilfully misrepresents. It is not cor- 1 rect that $7 5 were taken, or that 300 set ‘ down to tea. and as for some being, dis- pleased, it don’t happen to concern them. as it was an entirely private affair, and the church had nothing to do with it. We consider it, therefore, a piece of ex- ceedingly bad taste on the part of that individual to interfere as it was neither his business, nor that of the church, as no one had anything to do with it but one family except some who were kind enough to assist on the evening of the party. .As to what was liinderstood in the matter, it‘was distinctly stated that the proï¬ts only would he given to the minister, and it any one Wants to know what is made’by one of ofythese. parties, let them get one up and they will have a good idea. Hoping, therefore, that your correspondent, who is a little to fond of‘gossipzrwill avoid meddling in other people’ia business. and thus desist from showing his ignorance and bad taste. I amiyonrs, the. Pursuant to adjournmeni the Village Council met in the Celincil chamber Lorne Hal on MgndAy evening, Jst inst. The ee‘Ve in the chair. Members present Maser-s Redditt, Pugsley, Sand- erson, and Duncumb. The following accounts were presented: R. Goodyear for laying sidewalks $12.96 W. S. Snider work on sidewalks 7.00 John Woods for cutting thistles 4.00 B. Jordan, Lawyers fees in 30rdan vs; Langstaff 10. ‘W. Bishop, 1} day’s work teaming 1.50 Stevenaoï¬, Teaming 4.00 Pogne, for water'tgmki 34.00 W. Bricknell, for wo'fk' 82.65 J. A. Stewart, printing and adygr- 7 nu... The Irish Land Bill passed the House of Commons by an overwhelming maï¬nr- ity and it is thought the House of Lo'rds will not dare, in the face of its clean sweep in the Commons, to bring very much pressure on it or attempt to muï¬i- late it, though they are making}; ï¬erce attack on it. ONE WHO wAs THERE. Teston, August 2nd 1881. ~ Moved by My, Puggley seconded by Mr. Duncumb, and rgasolvefi: _ "Thiz-ullie Tréamre be and is hereby nu- thorized to pay the foregoing accounts, with the exception of that of Mr. J or- dan. Moved by Mr. Duncnmb, seconded by Mr. Redditt.that committee on By»Laws be instructed to draw up a By-Law to prohibit sheep from running at large. On division the mgï¬ion Was lost. That Messrs Sanderson, Redditt and the Reeve be committee to procure a site fora lock up, and report to the council at next meeting. ' To 'WEditm‘of the Liberal. Dear Sir.â€" gt;ۤ3nded by MEPngsley andNresglv‘ed. .m .u... ‘a‘u IIUAU uaccuu-s. Moved by Mr. Redditt. seconded by Mr. Pugsley that Messrs Sanderson and Duncumb be a committee to ekpend $4 for the beneï¬t of Alfred W'aite, indigent, and that. the Treasurer be authoriZed to pay the same to said committee. s hereby given thm‘tl home transmitted or de- livered to the pémennatmentloned in the third “ nd fourth sections *at' THE VOTERS’ LISTS ACT, the (:0 ice reqii’imdzbysaid secticn to be so trans. uitte or delivered 01‘ the list, made pursuâ€" ant. to .mid act. of all per/eons up eating by the lastrevfsed AssessmentBoll of tge said Municiâ€" pality to be entitled to ‘vvte in the said Munici- pality mthhe Electionsï¬or members of the Leg- islative Assembly and 3,1. Municipal Elections, am] that 51) id list was ï¬rst’lposted up at myoflice n“:§hï¬.1mf"vé‘1)‘, '~, 5’7 v" , : f'" I'IHLZ); ‘" ‘L‘ “ .At n banquet given by the Lord Mayor of London in honor of the Prinee of Wales at which were present the King of the Sandwich Islands,Earl of Kimberley, Sir. H. Fitz-Hardinge Maxse, K.C.M.G. Sir. \V. V. Whitewny, K. C. M. G., Sir John McDonald, K. C. 13., and Hon. 0. Mowatt, Q. 0., the Prince of \Vales and the Earl of Kimberley each compliment- ed Canada. in most eulogietic terms. ' +Vl‘he. Council adjourned to Monday Sept. 5th .to meet at. 8 p. m. L, In the ho'tmonths of July and August the Blood should be kept pure and cool. with an occasional dose of Dr. Carson’s Stomach and Constipation Bitters, aworthy family medicine, In large 78 ounce bottles, 50 cents, at. R. E. Law‘s chug store. ’ Do you feel miserable, tired, half-sick, no appetite, and out of sorts generally? Dr. Carson‘s Stomach and Constipation Bitters is just the medicine you want, a few doses will at once relieve ydu. Go to your Dum- gist and get a bottle, price 50 cents. R. E. Law, Special Agent. ‘ A leadéng Di‘fuggiï¬ in the west sayR: “I have 5018 mnre of Dr. Carson’s Stomach and Constipation Bitters in four months than any other medicine I ever handled. it seems to please every time.†For sale flay D m ‘7‘“... n........;:n¢ R. EJLMQ, Drugg‘isti Municipality of the Village of Rich- . mond H3711, County of York. Rmnmbnn {JILL comvcxn. ‘ 5 - ‘i‘fl. 'fi‘REFY.-' 5 Clark pmnmmd 371,7.“ pality; L‘ 1:931 {11‘ cam (my ofJuly, 1351. VOTER§ 7 LIST, 1881. @uxrwmuflcm. NOTICE 51 tising’6.75 gummy: & gimmhire tyifegaaumm - éï¬nmmmg, CANADIAN BRANCHES; HEADOFFICES: 217 STx JAMES STREET, MONTREAL- Commencing where a post has been planted by P. 'L. S. Peter S: Gibson, on the Northerly side of Lot 42, in the lst Concession of said Township, and at the North \Vesterly angle of a 4 acre Lot, being part o£ said Lot 42, devised: by the late Charles .Ezu‘l Lawrence. to his son \VilliamI-Ierilty Lawrence ; thence, Easterly along the N nrtherly Limit of 1 saifl Lot 6 chains and 62 links, to the westerly limit of the road leading sou- therly to the Mills on said Let 4‘2 ; thence Southelly' along the westerly side of said Mill Road 12 chains and} 99 links, to a. ravine mentioned 'in the: said last \Vill and Testament of the said Charles Earl Lawrence 1; thence westerly in a direct line 6 cliaimt'smuil 15 links. to a stake planted by the said Peter S. Gibson, at .«the South westerly angle of the said 4. gore ' Lot .7 thence Northerly in a direct, lino-12 chairs and 62 iinks, to the plays of begin-Ming. This in-dlpertyvcoï¬tnins‘bver eight acres of 1nnd,and a. frame W'aolen and Carding Mill is said twbe erected thereon. ‘ Eesefr‘ves deposited annually, with the Receiver General, and held exclusively for-the beneï¬t of Canadian Policy Holders, thus affording absolutelsecurity. “’m. ROBERTSON, Manager. money tofbe Raid do'wu at the time of sale, and the; balance wi'bh'm 30 days thereafter; (Sr-upon payment of another tenth wlthin the thirty days, Fkhe balance may remain for a term of years, secnred by a mortgage on the propeï¬â€˜av bearing interest at 6:} per cent per am‘mm, from the day of sale. Fire Insurance Ass’n Conditions will bc‘made known at the time of tlm sale. For fi‘r'i‘bher particu‘la‘rs. apply to ROBINSON, O’BRIEN & SCOTT, H Vendor’s Solicitors, 68 Church Street, Toronto. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL, the following preperty situate in the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, being part bf Lot 42, in the lst Concession of said Township, butted and bouudéd as folloivs: J my '26th, ’81. Carcls from a dollarup: Cab- inet's from three dollars up according to ï¬nish. Ambro- types 25cts. each. Families photographed at .their own f‘esidence, building and works in progress taken by special arrangements,chilldren a speci- alty. Old picture's restored, copite and enlarged in oil or water colors. sepia and cray- on to life size. SECURE THE SHADOW 'El'RlE THE SUB- U STANCE FAIISL Th‘m‘k not these portraits, by the light of hen- Under and by virtue of a‘ power of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage, which will'be produced at time of sale, there will be sold on Wednesiiay, August 10, 1881, at the hmï¬vof 1,0’clock in the afternoon, SALEM ECKARDT, Auctioneer, as J BR‘OOKES LAWSON, from Manchester, England, has lease the: photograph Gal- lery, which-he has ï¬tted up with all the -'modern applian- ces necessary to ï¬nish Por- traits in allxsizes and styles. at prices 2L0 s‘uit all parties. PHQWWPHY I I ! SOMETHING PAWER’S HOTEL. 'S'nu‘v *Tmy am. will like a. shadow AU‘BTlflN SALE, OF LON DONi ENq‘LAND; OF LONDON,- ENGLAND: Valuable Property. B. RED'DITT, Agent, ‘~~ “"1!ka '3 11m c’cr’ spread t7; .cA c w. nu ‘1 urns mocking at deem: likopiv‘“ h and vivid ms the any, .Tbï¬f Richmond Hill Juno 1 r chco' of flesh and blooï¬. 2111111 (Limited) and the THE in the OF RICHMOND BILL. NEW IN 56m. FRENG‘TH, ENGLISH; GERMAN, 'Newand Choice English, reï¬ch 'andAmerican Prints. Sateens, Cambrics, and Lawns; 1‘3. eW Regatta, Xfcrcl. and Cheviot Shiitings. - . Bleached and Unbleached Sheetings and Pillow Cotton- Honey Comb and Marcella Quilp~-â€"All Pr‘ice‘s._ + cottons, Tickings. Striped fleeslans, Yarn, Bleacheos- and ï¬E‘ull Bleached Table Linens, Turkey Table Linens'\†Towels, w owellings, rashes, etc, etc. White and. Grey Ccttcgas at Mill Prices. 'TWeeds, Cottonades, Ducks and Denizens. Fancy Tweed Suitings and Mantle Cloths_ Lace Curtains, Lambrequins. Cretonnes Carpets, etc. bazncy Goods, Hosiery, Gloves, Lace Goods, Ribbons, L_adieS’ and Children’s Collars and Cuffs, Emiorouierlest handkerchiefs, Ties, Ficlms, etc. ' _ ‘ Gentlemen, Ladies, Misses’ and children’s Homery. Large’Arssortment ! Special Value f ,tne Donnâ€"111011. PARA-537071748; SUN SHZaBsTN, For all buyers Who Wish. to save time and money by making their purchases from one of the largest- and Cheapeststook of Dry Goreds in. STAPLE A‘ND WHETE GOODS; -1\TA171~ mm: FHA/“mo 'mï¬nTEu‘h ‘5'1m/Qn11'nrnd Ameï¬can Prints. C.,_'EA~GE_,& SUN’S DRYGOODS ~‘EMPQR5UM, “GREAT ATTRACTIGNS RICH COLORED SILKS, 350., 4-50., 55c.,=£3‘ 1.2 up. mm BLACK Swiss I 50;“:0, 75, 95, $1 up. 'eWegant Broca‘i’élle Satins, al)'00]f)r3- Black and Colored. _ Satinm, grand val-lie. Black On. mereL-‘Whe greatest. valueâ€"«‘25, 30, 35, '40; 45, 50, up. Colored,.Cawhmez-es,â€"â€"l)e Beiges, Saï¬ens, Pananmttas, Russel} Cords, Cow! ‘ Cords, Black Lustres ï¬nd .ly- 3ri11ianet.te‘s, V1! Estnmine Cloths, Mnurie ‘? Cloths, Plain and Laced Bllllthgfl. * H in Black and Colors. French Sm]th Bro- cades, 0150., etc. The. alums in all the 19W Shades and spring combinations 10, 12, 15, 17%. 209295 250. up, Com- bauld’s Black Grapes; and a. choice and select/150% Hf Mmumin:r Goods. Â¥ . a-“ ..._.-..- A'n 1v n'hnArn ‘VADYV'I‘I'Z ARE FEEL}; TO QVERE‘LQWINGW New Spring Wis in Evezy Dapgrtmentr SI L‘KS. Our Dress Goods Departmem. » Our Mourning GOOdS Depart-mama. Our Staple Gaods Department Our Hosiery {Depaxtment Our Glove Depammenï¬. ' 1 Our Fancy ï¬aedgï¬iemï¬mwt. Excelé in style'matenal and needlewvmxk. Imported warnmmé; brre n'é)‘ comparison in value. 182 YON [hird door north of Queen, 194 our Ladies. EDWARD M’KEUWE Toronto, Nov. 26th. 1880f. INSPECTiO RE SPECTFU‘LLY SOLICITED. “Kongo, January 7.0511. 1331. 182 YONGE-ssm. TORONTO. E D'WA‘RD . M ’ K EOVV N, . ‘3 .25 rs: ' '1." .'.;;2 t ‘1‘?" m. I $33! L l 1! g‘fCI‘QCZZ" ‘5'! K. “.17 up ' wâ€, ... 196,, 198, 200, 20 BEING DIRECT IMPORTATIONSI‘EROM THE Is now showing a large and compkete stock of AND AMERICAN MARKETS. I, cunlce ",nu 391.305 uwn Hr Auuuuuu; u- v AND UMBRELJAS IN GREAT \rï¬iilma‘s TREET, '1‘0R()NTO‘ F2 AND 204