Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Oct 1881, p. 4

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man; 7 oer. 7, 188]. 0 U1: MECHANICS INS T1 'l'UTb‘. Next to our Churches and Temperance societies, the Mechanics Institute is one of the most important institutions we are called upon to support. It is calculated to do a great and good work, and in pro- portion to the importance of the work which it accomplishes is the strength of its claims upon the public. ls the work which it is doing an important work i Let the public judge. It provudes a free circulating library of over one thousand volumes of the best standard authors and finest literature to all who wish to be~ come members by paving the nominal sum of one dollar. This is undoubtedly a great boon to a reading public. This with Reunions, Concerts, Debates and Art Exhibitions are things which should receive the hearty support of the public. But does it receive the hearty support from the public which it should l To this we have to answer, no, emphatically no! “'9 will not try to account for this by worse reasons than that the publicat- teution has been too fully engaged in church affairs, which is right to consider iirst,during the past two years to give a proper share to the Institute. But now that church affairs are in good shape we ‘ hope to see the Institute got a proper share of public patronage, for want of which it has become somewhat crippled in its resources. It is the intention of the Management to make a strenuous ef- fort during this winter to place it upon proper footing again, by holding Ro- unions,Concorl.s, Debates,au Ari. Exliibi» tions which will be held atCl1ristinas,aud if possrlJIe to establish a parliamentary debating club and a. reading room, in which they hope to have the hearty co- operation of the public, failing to impart which they can be regarded as little less than criminain negligent. HRHCEIOR’S) ill“. . QMDENQ'JZL. ‘he above council met in their cham- ber on the 26th Sept. leevo in tlicchaii'. lilonibcrs present Illeksi's Diiucumb I’ogsloy and lledditt. Minutes of previous meeting was read and approved. Accounts were presented from \\'. Atkinson, nails etc. $5.28 Julleynolds, goods for A. \‘v'aite, 3.69 On motion, the above "accounts were ordered to be paid. ‘ I. A petition was presented by the rateâ€" i p tycrs of the School Suction outside of iha corporation, asking that. their assess- )iE‘lit for School pnrpos be no‘; so lilgli After a considerable :iu‘oi nt nfdiscussion pro and comm which the outsiders claim- r d that they were paying Inoi'o than they should accord'ng to tho. school populaâ€" iioii, it was moved liyhlr, itedditt, sec< coded by Mrl’ugsley and resolved That the Clerk be instructicd to com- municate with the Department. of Edu~ eitioii on the matter referrc: to in the above petition. The estimates for the present year were read and the Uieik instructed to strike a rate accordingly. ByJMw No 85 was introduced and af- ter being read a first. tl‘CilliU and third thug. was p:uscd authoi ./.im_: tiiu levying of the rate and James Danuicls was ap- pointed as collector. On motion of Mr. l’iigrsiey, seconded lvy Mr. Dunrumb, the fire and water committee wits authorizile to purchase 170 feet single ply hone. On motion of Mr. Pucgsley. senouded bv Mr. Redditt the liech was authorizâ€" ed to expend $2.53 per month for Mrs. \Vaitc. The Council adjourned until Tuesday, Nov. 15t1881. mmrw'smw' mum: BOA RES The Board of ratio: of the Mechanâ€" irs l’mfllllft) mot in tin commitme room "1 i. .- its..1...... f oi i uosi ay (.icniai. .o .u a ),(.i.(... o 1 1e President. on l‘dotioo of \‘x'ui. 'l‘reuchj trite-“K aviiillicled by F. Dictioirzgghg', .l. A. art was appointed to H" chair. Minutes of last IHUIETIHLL’ inure road and approved. Several communicriiono of ‘ ioiiior importance were hid on the table and the annual report of the Provincial '-')ciatiou, which did u it prove cniirL-ly .» in Mtiafactory to toe Board. hi motion the secretary was instructed to askan ex~ p .iziation from the secretaiy of the Asso~ emf-lull. Moved by l‘uli‘. Crosby seconded by :il'. Hoer that hiiuies llowisou and Iioodv be a committee to solicitsulwcrio- nous .for inmnlmrship for the ensuing; I \‘car Carried. l . Moved by Mr. Trench, second by Mr. >‘i-YIIZUI‘ that we hold an Art I‘lxbibition ’ and Concert on Saturday, and l‘donday l Lith and 26 of Deceinf‘wr. Carried. Moved by Mr. Crosby. seconded by Mr. Moody that the Debate committee be instructed to arrange for a debate on whirlher union or separation is for the , hast interests of the school here. Cir» l 'I we hoard adjourned to meet at the I I on e. um.- President. dommuitimtinua ' To theEditor of the Libra-at. Six, I have had my attention drawn to what would be called in respectable journals, an Editorial, in the columns of the York Herald, published in your villcqe, in re- ference to the Demonstration held by the \Vest Yoik Reform Association, on the 22in iilt., as to the number present. The Great Matthias, who is supposed to be Editor or proprietor of the Herald, puts the number at from six to eight hundred. \Vliy did not this wiseacrc say four hundred? \Voiild not the figures four hundred (8400) been more in har- niony with his feelings ? No doubt they will remain near and dear to his memory while he continues 'in this mundane sphere. But Sir, in speaking of the edi- torial, who is the editor 2 Not Seeing: any name in the usual lil16:, lcoui nenc ed to examine its columns to find out, and after a. very careful examination. I failed to find either the name of the lu'div tor, Publisher or Piopretor. the York IIcrald become so contempt- iblo that no one belonging to it dare fa- r ther it I I am aware that for some time past it has been considered as being rath- er foul, but I had no idea of us being So foulas to be (lisowned. I also noticed it had a Correspomlont at 'l‘usrarora who signs himself "'l‘win Brothers.” Now I am unwilling to believe that any of the survivors of this race of noble l‘ted Mon who once proudly trod this fair Domain of ours would Comb-sound to be. a Corres- pondeiit of the Herald, therefore would it not have been more appropriate for the Fairlutirod Curly-lioaded boy to have signed himself'l‘wiu Sisters because peo- ple have their doubts as to â€". Had he not better satisfy the people on that point than attempt to disgram the brave 'l‘uscarora‘s, by trying to pal him- self 011' as one of them. THORNHILL. Annual Graden lTauiy.â€"»Excellent a. musemcnt.â€"»A pleasant time generally, (From Our Own Correspondent.) The Annual Garden Party in connect- ion with 'l‘riuity (lliurch Sabbath School. was held in the beautiful szrove Occupied by the family of late I). McDougall, Esq, A full attendance of the congregation \\'a. present. An'excellcnt tea was provided by the ladies, which w m c irre :pondingly enjoyed and as excellently (llslllibh-(l of_ , by the many happy fact-s and light hearts â€"old and )‘Iillligâ€"v"\\llii were in aftnndan on. Various amusements in the shape ol cricket matches, swings, vaultingr polls. 6:60., «‘30.. together with a. full Orchestra, ‘ uiih flute and Organ accmnpamini-1:1s made the circle of appendage-s Oomph-to within which was spent one of the most enjoyable days in the history Trinity Church. At the close of the day it was moved and unanimously r~.--o|vul, That in the first \Vouli of Sepioux'oor rf each yoariu the future would be held the anniversary of this gathering: so op portuooly inrnigci'atml and happyly exe cuted to :lav. mum sesssmbs. Double Bereavementâ€"Inspectors visn. â€".-New Cider Mill.--â€"-Churcli re- ‘ pairing â€"-»-Appointment. ( From Our Own ('orrr‘s'miidc‘. t) “'0 regret to report that Nix. Geo. Hill, of King. I‘cceivod a doul lc bereave meni during the last few days. on Fri-- day his wife (lied, and on Tuesday he lost his mother who had been living with him. Mr. Hill has (he syiiirailiy of ihe neighborhood in his aflli ticn. Mr. Fotheriuqham, P. S. Inspector, paid the school a visit last work. He reported everything in a satisfactory state. Mr. Jon. Buaslexgof the 9:.h.has a. new cidei'mill infoperatiou. From the number of \vaggous containing barrels passing hue" and forth we expect he is doing a good business. “'c believe the patrons of the C. M. church of Noblotou have decided to reâ€" pair the building, and make it last for another Generation. The people here are not proud. 371:0. A. Starrozf. formerly of the North York Reformer has roceived an I Surely has,l appointment on the staff of the Strat- LmDKIIII-mfi.'nml . . » . 4 ford Ileucoii. ; ; i Advices from all quarter-s assure us! that a successful warfare against lung and throat diseases is being waged with Northrop {is Lyuuin’s Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil and .l'lypopliospbites of Lime , and Soda. lly this renovaut of strengih and pulmonary health. premature lung,r decay is arrested, asthmatic breathing is rendered clear and deep, bronchial irri- The BOY’S and. OHILDREEFI’S Gilmthing Departlnent- This department- was never so fully srocked, arid well assorted. we inane extra c forts to have the department pei'feér'!’ in Men :3 Pants from 251.01) a pro. EEERBESEI‘E‘BEEL‘ THE? 52.193338 79393. OAK HALL GREAT ONE PREGE CLQTHENG Store; Nos. 115, 117, 119, 121, King St. East, Teronto. ALL READY FOR ANOTHER season’s WORK. Our stock of clothian in far superior to any we hare ever shown before. I Every garment is cut and made in a manner illssei‘vv i112 the patmi age of those who wish to dress Well and at .E’cé‘ "2 7-39 5 WHAT IS USUALLY ASK-35D FOR CLOTHING. (lvcrcoata in Phipps, Chinchilla cloths, Brown and “Hack [leave s,Pilots, Tin-eds, V‘v'hitueys. ‘Worsimln, D agonals, and all other popular makes- of oveicoaiiiig, are cut and made in a n-Orkmanlike manner, at {*0 per cent less price.- Examine oi‘ii'stock of new Fall and “fin- ter suits. \Ve have them in all the dif- every particular this seas m. m. c mm ,_ “is szR, law is? 2%“ 01mg as". s: A; as as (f 1: O a; 5 LL NI mm”???- 17 Nnntmmw {uni-.- whiny-um his lltllltlltt list. OF LONDON, ENGLAND: ignites it financiers ii’tifr can: ' (tramway, OF LONDON, ENGLAND. CANADIAN BRANCHES; HEAD orncrs:2n 31 JAMES STREET,I£UNTREAL. £3 lescrvos deposited annually, with the Receiver Concral, and held exclusiver for the bunch of Canadian Policy Holders , thus aflording absolute security. ‘ 'tVnTr. E6612?) E'E‘fiflfi. Manager. U s. u n July 2243111, “El. THE (Limited) And the liEDMTT, Agent. RICHMOND I'llLL. 5-lim. tation is subdued and the blood enriched ' Calf?) ’1'. I 9 and freed from ascrofulous taint. fare- ly have the people had more reason to congratulate themselves in the develope- ment of a remedy for that class of diseasâ€" es which in a rigorous climate are pecu- larilyfirifegmd neVer has a. medicine more clearly vindicated its claims to be (mn- sidercd a gemiinespeciiice than this sterl- ing preparatimi. To escape imposition, l purchasers should be careful to notice that the wrappers and glassof the bottles bear the firm’s name. 'Sold by all drugâ€" gists. Prepared only by NORTHROP & LYMAN, Toronto. m FA E. L WAR R S. East York, Markham, Oct, 6, 7. Pickering, Brouuhani, Oct. 10,11. North Ontario. Uxbridnc. Oct. 11,12. Uxbridge 'l‘p, Goodwood. Oct. 13. 14, Aurora. Aiiro Oct. 11, 12. North Yoik, uoiiniitrlict, October 1,5. A new house with five rooms, in a. (le- sii'rble loriitioii in the village. Terms moderate. JAle lQS. LANGSTKâ€"XFF, M. D. tichmond Hill, May 5th, 1881. } Carrillo, Sept. 2921), 1881 4â€"1“. fantastic. From the promises of the undersigned on or about the 9th of September, a. white i Suffolk sow, two years. heavy in pig. Any party or parties giving such informaâ€" ; tion as will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. Apply to Thomas Cook. h'liller, Carville I’. 0. THE SHEA? this PREQE Sidil’illii smmmuaguuu . um um sum“..- 1mm»....~=;snnw'-mmu’ua-nrrwu ' ii .Aii V n-Efliwjvlnmx 1wde . . Cotton by the yar; MILL PRI’UES‘. COLORED SA'I'INS at 25 A GREAT 191i, 196, 19.83. 202) Yonges. ghrgerc Torr: Toronto, January mm? lags. . i. .. _. . . I a. ferent makes, viz, West of England Twoeds, Scotch ’l‘Wf‘fjtl-‘S, very desirable patterns. Canadian "ii'fleeds, the best the country can produce. The fit of our sui‘s is very wide and popularly known, being; equal to the best caviom v.oil=: and the prices just one half. .‘ilezi’s overalls from 55 cents A pair. >a aaasE llH‘F‘ in Toronto bi 01' L‘M'H‘ interwar-bf. n u. .5 Q. a like an aunt in. Le funniest} I-irs! mums w ,7 'an paediice results to com My. ' ath piiiyrsrs in the City 0. Ifair .5' V- “.1 ,~;‘- I"? l .s‘ Hal" 177m": is due to 2e?" . 1111021.. 1 ti _ L115 01‘ l o . 1' , , v, l7§)l.’,l4~r, i 1.11 vv-its :rcnis: aid . ir- ... ill ,. .: v(ii 'i {1‘ E3080 IJAJC‘. . tllaii' 01] , ii at; ; ii? p . mto :, :7: I'lia‘vc'pllcamn‘o in calling A'I‘TliN’l‘ION ~~~~-1¢o* ihcirâ€"~~~~ ELARGE Fastiiasoa‘rari NEW] and CHEAP chains in. ifv‘iili‘r' i‘EPAlZTh 'l‘fli.‘ 57 cts. per yard. * "' iii & lain Extra cheap rwnsns a mama choices..- or halo at [313‘ .- - . . N's. “u: 7- . ‘ w mm”. II r'. if i ‘r. . rig-'9? 1/

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