‘xfestcrday morning a tail young man of :20 landed at the Union depot with a bundle undér his arm, and aftermhrcc or four min- utes Spent in getting his bearings he walked up Jeffer 011 avenue and turned into a. cloth- ingv “tore. o, I guess not. Do you \lCill on the square 2’" “My front, dot is exactly vlmt I (1005. I “15 so quare (lot I lose $2,0001ast year. Can I sell you an overcoth for ten dollar “No‘ I guess not. Here is an overcoat that I bought of you four weeks ago.†“Bought of me?†“Yes, I think you are the man. \thn I got it home we found that it was moth cat- en, 1 can pick it to pieces in EL dozen places. †9" wl ~12,.1',V “Do you wish to try on some coats and \VéStS for :, dollar :" asked the proprietor, as be rushed from behind the counter. George Law, who died a millionaire the other day, began life in Troy, N. Y., witlv out; a friend in the world. One day, while passing along River street, a lied-carrier \x‘h“ " wing bricks for the masons on an unlinnme. unllding fell from the ladder and broke his lea. Young Law stepped up to the foreman and said : “ Can I have that man‘s place 2’†“ Did you every carry a 1101‘!†asked the foreman. “ No.†“ You will break your leg, and perhaps your neckg‘ “ I will run the risk,†said George Law, and from [this beginning he became one of the wealthiest builders in the United States, always “ running risks,†but for many years everything he touched turned into gold. dot possibie I [711d how much do you .Auu n n ow i'rehistorie :irclm-ology advances )idly. It is not so very long ago since \Vorsaae’s epoeli‘making book first ï¬rmly established the primitive division of the early autumn past into the three ages of stone, of brome, and (if iron. Then came the dis- cor 'ies of Boucher dc l’erthes and others, systenintized by Lyell, which resulted in the recognition of that still earlier stone pe- riod described by Sir John Lubbock as pale- olithie. Since that date the arehzeologists of France and England have advanced to a r gular classification in order of time of the \- st heterogeneous collection of human re- mains belonjejimor to the elder stone age ; but the results of their researches have hardly yet obtainmb suilieient general recognition outside the restricted seientirie circle. it is probable that most cultivated people still continue mentally to divide the prehistoric period into three :1.ch of stone, bronze, and iron, and to subdivide the ï¬rstnamed age into ill paleolithic and neolithic epoch. in reality such a division, though practically convenient, is grotesquely disproportionate. The so-ealled stone age is made to extend ove' an enormous lapse of time, and to in- clude portions of the geological tertiary pe- riod, the whole of the quaternary, and part of the recent; while the small remainder of the recent period is handed over to the bronze and iron ages. This scheme is almost as absurd as a division of English history into the Victorian, the Georgian, and the pre~Georgian epochs, the last-named being subdivided once more i =3 to the Anglo-Saxon and Elizabethan periods. French arelneolo- gists have far more correctly recognized six main divisions of prehistoric time, the ï¬rst ï¬ve being equivalent to what we ordinarily describe as the palcolithie age, and the sixth comprising the neolithic, bronze, and iron ages, or the “recent†period of geologists. It is only by such it stricter and more chron- ologically accurate subdivision that we can properly appreciate the great slowness of human evolution in its earlier stages. and the vast lapse of time covered by the so- cflled paleolithic period. collars "Let me oxplain. Louis kept 110 place a week, und he gif a. shattcl mortgage to my faddcr-law, and \‘has bounced out.†“I don’t know anything about that." “Let me oxplain. My fatldcv-law was tool; mit a tit and (lied, and he leaf dis blace to my wife. My wife was gone to Europe fm'hvo years, and she loaf me as agent. Now-you see how it was. I gan not tell you who SOlll dot coat. Maybe it vhas Philip. may be Louis. may hemyfadder-law. It couldn‘t haf been me, for l vlias in Shi- cago. If you loaf (lot coatl will write to my wife. She is square. slmst like me, and may be slunvi-ites back (lot you um take a linen duster and two white \‘(BStS 21ml call it all right.†1 ‘ . ._l:._vn.\ ‘3 .H. liax‘.†“I'll go to the police!" “leell, dot is all right : maybe (lm‘pnlice Vllill help me catch Louis. I shust found 0“th last night (lot he. cut all dcr hind lmt- tons ofl’ all (101' coats in «101- store before he left. " you “a. may, thls 13 a sncakmg wandle," ex~ claimed the young man. c ... » A “1 hope so 71 hope so. J like to make it right. 1 Vhas only agent for my wife, but I feel so square dob I take dot coat back for $3 if you vhant to trade. it out in paper l was only agent for my Wife.†“Well, you’ll hear from me. again, and don‘t you forget it!" said the \‘Iccim as he went out. Light dollars." "My shtars’. And \‘hut you \‘aut “Yes, 1m“ I haven't anything to do with "If you“ step outdoors I'll mash y‘i‘hell, I like to oblige you, but you see lay holit vials. Philip Vhas a great Buying an Overcoat in Detroit. Stone, Bronze, and Iron Ages. George Law’s Beginning. «oo<--:>npâ€"â€"â€" 19.4‘Owu To Cure a Cough, to relieve all il'l'itatilns of the throat, to restore perfect soundness and health to the most delicate organizations of the human frame the Lungs ruse [)7'. ll’islm’s Balsam of H'i/rl, ('licrru, which is 'still prepared with the same care in the selec- tion and compounding of its various ingrc< (lienhs as when it was introduced to the pub- lic by Dr. VVistar‘s, over forty years since. It is calculated that taking one year with another, the total sugmnprmluction of the globe is not less than 5,820,000 tons, appor- tionedasf()110\\'S-~-~British India, [500,000 tons;Cuba and Porto liieo. 700,000 tons: Deinerara and the \Vest Indies, 250,000; China. 250,000: the Dutch Indies, "220,000; the French colonies of Martinque, ete., 175, 000: Brazil. 130,000 ; Louisiana (United States), 125,000; the Mauritius, 125,000; the Philippine Isles, 120,000 : Egypt, 75,000 : Peru, 55,000; the Spanish colonies other than Cuba, and the Philippines, 50,000 ; Mexico, 35,000; and other countries, 140,- 000, The production of beet-root sugar is said to he 1,670,000 tons (Germany 500,000, France 425,000, Austria 410,000, Russia 225,000. and Belgium and Holland 110,000), and of sugar made from other saccharine matter 150,000 tons. The United States consume 41‘75 ll). of sugar per head of the population, as compared to 6211). per head in this country. In Germany the consumption is only 1011). per head, and in {ussia no more than 711). mothlng Short of Unmlstakable Beneï¬ts Conferred upon tens of thousands of suf- ferers could originate and maintain the repu- tution which Anna’s SAIHAPAIHLLA enjoys. It is a. compound of the best vegetable altera- tire, with the Iodides of Potassium and Iron, and is the most effectual of all remedies for serofulous, mercurial, or blood disorders. Uniformly successful and certain in its re- medial effects, it produces rapid and com- plete cures of Scrofula, Sores, Boils, Humors, Pimples, Eruptions, Skin diseases and all diseases rising from impurity of the blood. By its invigorating eflects it always relieves and often cures Liver Complaints, Female \Veaknesses and Irregularities, and is a. ’potent renewer of vitality. For purifying the blood it has no equal. It tones up the system, restores and preserves the health, and imparts vigour and energy. For forty years it has been in extensive use, and is to day the most available medicine for the suffering sick, anywhere. For sale by all dealers. â€"-â€"‘Ol 44°>>0¢>â€"v * A Good Thing to know. Professor Herrmann, the wonderful magi- cian, known throughout the world for his skill, used St. Jacobs Oil for a severe attack of rheumatism in theshoulder, and was cure I by it. He considers St. Jacth ()il a val< Mable pro xan'ation. Important to Travelers. SI’EUML INDUCE.“ T3 are offered you by the BERLIN :Tux ROUTE. It will pay you to read their advertiscment to be found else- where in this issue Manufacturers of leavers. Mowers and 'l‘hrcslling Machines prefer “()astm‘jne" Mu- chinc Oil to any other. It, will outweur Lard Seal or Elephant, and is war ‘untcd not to gum. l-‘m- sale by all dealers Liver is King. The Liver is the imperial organ of the whole human system, as it controls the life, health and happiness of man. \Vhen it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of ailments are the natural result. The diges- tion of food, the movements of the heart and blood, the action of the brain and nervous system, are all immediately connected with the workings of the Liver. It has been sue- enssf'zllly proved that Green’s August Flow- er is unequalled in curing all persons allliet~ ed with Dyspepsia 0r Liver Complaint, and all the numerous symptoms that result from an unhealthy condition of the Liver and Stomach. Sample bottle to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in all towns on the \Vestern Continent. 'l‘hree doses \vfll prove that it is 11st what you want. Hagyard's Yellow Oil \\‘ill be found invaluable for all purposes of. a, family medicine. Immediate relief will follow its use. It relieves pain, cures chilâ€" hluins, frost bites, sealds, burns, corms, rheu- nmtism, neuralgia, &c. For internal use if. is none the less \x'onderful. One 01' two (1050s frequently cure sore throat. It will cu"e eroup in a. few 11‘1inut:es. A few bottles has often cured asthma. Colic has been cured by a teaspoonful (lose. It Cures with the utmost mpnlity; it is really a wonderful medicine. The German Military Field-Post During the War 01'1370-71. Between the 16th OfJuly, l870, and the illst of March, 187], 80,659,000 letters and post-cards, 2,354,310 newspapers, 36,705 re- mittances of public money of an aggregate value of 516.453,.519, 2,370,020 private re- mittances of a. total value of 152,526,349, 125,616 service packages, and 1,853,686 private parcels were transmitted from the theatre of war in France to Germany, or from Germany to the troops of that country in France, by means of the German military ï¬eld-post. The best part of A man’s life is in the world of his natural affections; and that realm has laws of its own that neither know nor heed kings, legislatures, or congresses, and are. deaf even to the voices of shouting pop- ulm' majorities. but heed and obey rather the gentle voice of woman and tlu; cry of helpless and feeble childhood. Use “ (Tustorine Machine Oil for all kinds of machinm . ltisalsouxcvllcnl for harness and leather, making it walerund weatherproof. For $810 by all dealers. l'npo, the poetical philosopher said: “ The prnpur study of mankind is man,†and yet. how little is thereal science of man studied. If people understood and heeded the laws of health, and if when out ofsm'ts would resort to a. common sense tonic like Burdouk Blond Bitters,many of the “ills that Hcshisheirto †might be effectually remedied. lt invigor- ates and regulates all the secretions to a healthy action. Blumlfacturm's 0f Rl‘apcrs, Mowers and Thrushng Machines prefer " (iastorinc" Ma- chine Oil to (my other. It will outwm-r Lard. Seal 01' Elephant, and is warrenth not to gum. For sale by all dealers. Ask your denier for “ Castorine " Machine Oil and see that the barrel is branded “ Castorine," as none other is genuine What to Study. it is an established fact that Hagyard’s Pcctorul Balsam is the best cure for coughs, colds, sore throat, " hmu. croup, bronchitis, and all troubles :m, ing from neglected colds. l’!†’23 cents. wtwo hunder acres cleared: the best of land ; all fenced; good orchard and buildings: in the hem part of Ontario, Howard township, county of Kent. Address l‘. CAMPBELL, Box 43, Ridgctown. Ont. EL] ,\ Blll‘l EN EliGlC'l‘l (f MEN “'ANTEILâ€" ut one-chm solicit orders for Nursery Nook for the l'nlcbrulcd Maple Grove Nurseries, \Vaterlon, N Y. Liberal terms to new men, and gnud salaries soon as (:zrpen-il y for selling: is known. Apply to .l. W. McKay. Manager, SI. Thomas, (ml. fllllil‘illl'xlnllil) .H‘IRE FA lill F0]! SAL!" iâ€"vtwynr hundred a res (fledged : _t_he>_b_c>st of ()F PREPARED LEA THEN Durable, Light, Elastic. and choap. First prize at Provincial Exhibition, London. Testimonials on applica- tion. Satisfaction grlmrantvvd. Addro, . J DOAN S: 503' Drartnn Ont { 01: SA LE , EA ACRFS 25- SMILE.» from town of Sumner-d, [0 amcs bush,huL 3.1100 cultivated, good buildings. 8a). Eaav terms Apply at once to Lawrence 3; Son, Strutford. TEWSI‘AI‘ER oll‘ll'l} F01: SALE â€"â€"â€" .‘ï¬rst-class newspaper in a thriving country village will be sold cheap ; a. good chance for a practical man. Address. 'l‘. 1.. Truth, Oflico. Toronto. Ofl’rivzw-zu Ll'I‘I'UStFUHGSJUEHHH(111310!“ ' 5 , of improved Wu! n and ’l‘nwu m'npvrly :ll l.0\‘b'l‘5i){fll(‘b§. Apply 10 BENIN}. “Hing Ring-31rd lilm-kslm‘k. OFFECES: Bank of Toronto. Toronto. We admire the philflsoplty of the unfortunate tum), “ho, when cvut‘ything hilll been swept nway,suid, " Well, thcrc'll bi: weather and taxes left, utzuty rate.†Ath! weather is the " yellov. dog†of all subjects; everyone thinks it; his special right. to My to better the weather, and hurls his utmthemus against “Old Probabilities," and all who endeavor to asaist him in regulating the weather. The following communication is from Prof. Tim, of St. Louis, Mo., the. renowned meteorologist and weather prophet of the West. It does not discuss the weather but somethin;,r surely of more importance to those who sufl'er withthnt painful malady he speaks of: "The day nfmrcoucluding my lectures at .‘Burlingtou7 Ill“. FREEMAN), . per year. . 0nd fur sample copy (mum A" (0.. Toronto. ' {IliiISleAs Ash NEW YEAR nun} Magniï¬cent assortment and lowest puma. Sample lots mailed free when ca ‘11 accompanies order. II. J. Matthews :t liw Toronto. Stree} \\'csL. Toronto FURNITURE. 0E0: H:WATSONI 50 Cents and $1.00 a. Bottle. n0 MDT I“) IDEI‘IIH'EII by articles bearing similar nmncs. Be sure you get This Institution possesses the very best facili- ties for imparting a ï¬rst-class business eduu' - (ion and a practical knowledge of 'l‘clegl'aphy. lt‘iq superim‘in all its-{ppuintmcnts. A1: 4: .. nu B 01' qimulars and Spécix}!0ï¬Ã©bf ï¬rst-prize Pen- manship. apply to L1 l’mncuml. DR. WISTAR’S BALSAM 0F WILD CHERRY ,ul'u of " I. Butts " on the waupu with the Sign; The most reliable remedy for a, cough or cold, asthma, shortness of breath, sore throat, weak lungs and all bronchial troubles, is Hagyard‘s Pectm'al Balsam. Price ‘25 cents. CANADA Business College, Iowa, on the let of December last I was seized with nsuddcn attack of neuralgia in (he chest, giving me cxcruviating pain and almost revolu- ing breathing. My pulse, usually 80,1231 to '25; intense nausea. of the stomach succeeded, and a cold. clnmmy sweat covered my emire body. The attending physician could do nothing to rc« IICVO mcv AHOY suffering for three hours. I (boughtâ€"83 I had been using S JACOBS On. wilh good efl‘ect for rheumatic pains I would by it. lsatumtod a piece of ï¬mmvl, large‘pnough t0 . -. an, A “uwmm. u pmw m “mum, my“; coyer my chest, with tho Oi1,nnd a pliedit. '1 1m rehefwas almost instantaneous. n one hour] was entirely free from pain. and would lynx-o taken the train to ï¬ll an appointment that mum in a. neighboring town had any friends not (115- Slladvd me. A2 inwus, I tank the night tmin fanny home,iu St.1.nuis,und have not been troubled since. Am N" u my» inIrmaJRLH’IBALD _ YOU!\G. Toronto. selects Government, .and ‘and 30115 Land on commission. $1,000,000.00. Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Influenza, Asth- ma, Whooping Cough, Group, and every Affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Con- sumption. Sold by all Druggists. WILL CERTAINLY CURE WEATHER-“UR NUT HAMILTON. Sure Cure for a Cough. A Reliable Fact. vial-(3m. 011g. OSHAWAVCKBINET 90.. 97 [onge Street, IE. GALLAGII lill. Burrisâ€"tor and :Ab torncy. ~19 King L Send 101' l‘r List 01' \‘151t 0111' l'm-lury, {and 5:1“st yuprsolf that we are “NADQL'AR'I‘I‘ ' ‘ m the Donmnon on those goods. [Ml WI I I‘ L IIIV’OSHflHH‘ plum-1mm To have the most thor- ough‘zyul p 'actl *ul st-houl in Canada. and. before nepqmg your money satisfy yoursvif than the, anus-- WATEROUS ENGiNE WORKS 30.9 ï¬â€™ï¬ï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬ Kï¬eï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ Uï¬hiiiléi‘éial Ugllege is flicpium 1010:1111 business. So institution ofl‘crs m;ou advaniam‘s to 31')an: men. Stu- dents enter at. any time. For Circular, and specimens of pmununship. Add the dau' ’l‘orunl :r. COR HAYIER & TERAULEY SW; {0301410. Manufacturers 91‘_ Plcyuremlzlï¬uldings, THE UUBBAN MANUFAUTURING Do LYON & ALEXANDER, Hamilton. 0m. as follow 15012151131 (‘nnlula's “rt-:11 Fair. Toronto: it) “real l‘rntral l“ ir. llamillnn: $30 “rsn-rn l-‘ulr. London: $20. Purl Ilopo; $15. Shorhrookv, l'.ll.: $15. (Mluwu: $l5. (‘llnlhnnu‘ï¬l' i‘n , Kingslnn: $10, “Hum-non"! l ‘ onnly I-‘nirr. in the rrnmlnin;r (‘oll "(min ï¬nial-in. I‘Ru‘purticuâ€" luvs sec circulars. ‘5 :â€" 5?. _Six hpndrml dollars are hereby offcrml in spa- mul pnzos at the Evading Fairs in Ontario and Qucbcc. 1352. by Thnrley Home and Battle. Food 00.. EXAMiNEï¬Ã©â€˜; Sifperselling as it does all other modes of il- lumination, and rivalled only by the glori- ous sunshine, will not: he hailvrl with great- crjoyby mankind, than is Bnrdook Blood Bitters, which is as far superior to all other blood puriï¬ers and tonics as the electric light is superior to the old fashioned tallow dip. Burdock Blood Bitters cni'es Scrofnla, and all foul lnnnors oml impni-ities of the blood. 13111113 DECEMBER we will sell 10 x H {Hm-k Fox-m Plan's - $17.50 per box .. .. .. n [0.00 n I; box. " “ " †1.50 per «hr " *' " l.501wr box. PHOTOGRAPHERS. NIANI'FAI‘TOR \' ll.‘ “"1051. (IN'I‘A RI“. BIL/0 USA/E88, D YSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, JA UNDIDE. El? Y8/PELAS, SALT RHEUM, HEARTBURIV, HEADACHE, And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER. KIDNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS OR BLOOD, ’i‘. MILBURN & 60., $600-00- WILL CURE OR RELIEVE I28 Bay St, Toronto The Electric Light, Saw Mill‘sâ€"Mitâ€"M111s ax 4 Queen St. E. Ton-1mm. Have boon sold, and are doing: a good work. Try one. BELTS DIZZINESS, DROPS Y, FLUTTERIIVG THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE 8K/N, OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F “011% VI“ ul‘ Iluwr l‘urmh'i- ournmlhod of touch Proprietors. TORONTO. FIRE PROOFGHAMPION FARM ENGSNES Sqld i_n ï¬ve years. ongmc 111 Canada. Most 901qu x‘ and {WATER 9S VVKING STKEEI‘ EAST, TORONTO. .\S an inducement In HID-SD, throughout cmmlr who hun- nut yet [mud mu- wv will send :1 Single :3 ll). (faullictn ‘mv {nilway Station in Oumrio. (‘.().H., (-rzm'v Igo pro paid, and make a reduction 01' 10 pvr cent or regular [Wk-OH. The no! pl iwos are as follows: For 5 "I. l'allic‘, .lnpml. lilac-k. )llxml. Green, and 00mm: Tons. $1355., $53.10. $3.15 and $3.60. ’l'lmsv ions will be found fully 20 pl‘l' wont. bvh im' Ynhw than the to, .s ()r'dinm'ilysolll. ' :x,l)lishmlnv('1' ilm'l)‘ ymu'z and k‘ufli‘cs. TAKE ‘THE For well boring, best in the world for quick sand, hard pun clay, csc. Never was heat; try it. Semi for circular to manufy, 68 Mary Street. Hamigton. Ont. 011811 to FirstJanuary,1882. A GREAT OFFER !- 50nd alum: )(mr ordm‘ . and save $1.00 on every 51h. vultw. A pastâ€"onion order for any ammum 11pm $1.00 rosts Imly ’I'WU mas rs. wt of Ion. and i'm: u 11- 1mm :1†over In orllm‘inur slum what pl‘ll‘l‘ us; :lbow‘. \R't- m'i- . flu- I’mvim 36?}10 Ollu'r lino, runs 'l m'ou 'I'hroug‘h J'usr Sanger Trains Daily hvtwoon (,‘llicug‘o. Des Moinos. Council Bluffs, Omaha, Linmln. 5!. Joseph. Atcllisnu, Topeka and Kansas (‘il Direct. (‘0 HM: IUHS for all] poims in KM). Nebraska, Colorado. \\',\'mning, Montana, N 'udu. Nuw Mexico, Arizona, l4i;1lm.()ro;:on mul California. 'l'lm Shul'losl. Spcmliwt and Inns! (lolllflll'l(l,‘ ble “01110 \‘iu Hannibal In FUN Hum. Dvnlsnn. Dallas, Houston. Austin. Sun Amonio. Unh M» ton and all points in 'l‘cxas. ’l‘hc unequaled inllucmmrms ()fl'crcd by this Line to ’l‘rm‘ulvrs and Tourists. are as follows The celoln'ntml l’ullnmn (HS-wheel] l‘ulunn looping (3111' run only on this lliuv. (X, B. N (J. ’21 :c Drawmg-linmn Cars. with Hm‘ton's liv- (zlinmg (‘lmirm No on l charge fur Souls in Ila-lining; (,‘hu ’ l'mnmls (‘.. ,. N (,3‘ Palace llimug (‘ _ 'gl‘mls Hm king (f * ï¬tted \vnh 1510;: m. Iliglï¬liaclwd Hultuï¬ lh‘ \‘olvmg Chairs for (he, cxulusu'c usc of ï¬rst class 13a “ mg’m‘s. 1 4. . 1,. . All information about tuï¬vs of Faro. Sump mg Cm- Avcmnndmions. 'l‘mm ’I‘uhlcs. {(0. W111 be ("wrwl’ulh glvun by applying lu Is at the head of the list for all purpusw of a family medicine. It is used 'with un< preccdcnted success, both internally and ex~ formally. It cures sore throat, burns, SCHlllS, frost bltcfl: relievei, and often cures astlmm. 'l'hrmlgh Tick s yizi this Calvin-211041 Lino, Mental] oï¬iccsin [ht‘ l'mtml 51mm and nuda. f0 EDWAR D LAWSOI‘ BURLINGTON ROUTE. y 11) it,:1n<1 you will ï¬nd Il'uvq‘lling n luxm'y insmud of a disvmnfm'l. FREEZLVXAE‘S W O R M P 0W 3 255.! . Are pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgutiva. Is a. snfe, sure, and circa-fan destroyer a! worms in Children or Admin. 36? X0 olhm‘ 17in Vittoria 'l'ou \\' CELEBRATED TEAS, FORTA BLE 3! TIM“. gum: " ' 5: E“ Ii,“ 13 Our Specialties. Hagyard‘s Yellow Oil Gem-m] Pa 'engor THE GR€AT 600 BRANTFORD- General Mmmm . l‘hh-azo STAR. A'U’GERM I‘E‘Jfl‘EYAI. I.†“'1 .L. vn 'l‘hl'ou m'ou Agent. (‘hirezugu N01 ed for Pure '11 J’: