Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1881, p. 4

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‘1 no leg and arm or a human being was found, cmxceulcdin a. barrel of ashes in u Imminent house an Woud street, lately \ «cut-ed. Intense excitement prevails in 4 he vicinity over the dimvery, and inves- ligations will .lw made. Murder is sus~ glee-ted. A sci}? in Gmderlmm & \Vort’s distil- iury exploded on Tuesday, blowing the (entire side out of tlm building and severe- ..v burning and otherwise injured four Appficatmn is being made tn the On- tzuuu onuaumeut for permjsaiun to build - Hanlap and Ross have finally come to an agrecmént £0; a match for $1000 aside and tho chmupionship of the world, the nice to take place on_ the 20th of J unc, by over confidence in (hair cause and candidate. quaqt. this seems to be the great besettiug sin of the Liberals thi‘pugh out the Dominion.‘ It. is well to havé faith in our cause, but faith without works is dead, and in politics it is not only dead itself but proves fatal fo the causo. The Liberals in Ontario have had Sir Leonard 'l‘suey, m Ins address at the temperance meeting in the Bank St. Presbyterian Church, Ottawa, last Week suited that the cost to consumer of liquor in Oamidu. was $10,000,000 annually, yet the quantity coiiggi‘iied per head of the population was hot so great. as it used to he forty years ago. The consumption of .~ pirits and' wines reached live gallons for uvery man and child in the Dominion, while now it was only a gallon and a. half llc favored the establishment of coffee houses in cities, and beliewied in Temper. :mce text ‘moks being used in schools. .1.uxt. The Liborsls of West York will bear in mind the fact that a meeting of the West York Reform Association will be held in Toronto on Tuesday, January 10, 1882, to make arrangements for holding a con- ‘veution in some central [)la‘t: in the Ridâ€" ing for the purpose of selecting a candi~ date for the approaching campaign, and transacting other inportant . business. And the fact that it is auAssocintionMeet 1m: need notnprevent any from attend- ing. All who are in any Way interested in the progress of the party will be hearti- ly welcomed and counsel gladly received. Let there be a full attendance. lndlfl‘or- cnce caused by the feeling that there are plenty to do the work without you is one the most prolific sourcer of failure in any cause. There are not enough to do the work without you. Your presence, your Countenence, your counsel are requuired in our meetings,if for nothing else, to in‘ spire and encourage those who are Work- ing. But every one can do something for the cause, and it' is not only united but individual efl‘ortthet is now needed. The foe is both crafty and powerful. but he war must be carried to the'very gates, you, right into the camp of the enemy. In order to accomplish this perfect orga- nization, perfect harmony, perfect unity of action is necessary.’ Let us not fancy Ourselves secure until after the polling clay ; to do so will be sure to prove disastrous. This is the greatest and only thing we have to fear. Let name be lulled‘by this delusion but work with heart andwill. and if we do so, the battle wilt result in an- unmistakable victory for the {grand old principles of Liberalism. ' The Liberals of North York, following the exampla set by East. York, held a. rep- resentative‘s Igeeting 1‘31 Newmnrket 9n Saturday, for (5w purpqlse of selecting a candidate f9: the npfiroh‘ehing Campaign. *The‘ uliunilsioufi choice/«fell upon the pr'e- sent. | able “representistive in the Local House, Dr. _Widdifield. The clmice is a very wise as we have no doubt Will, in time belfilaiiily shown, come the elec- lion sooner or later. ‘The Dr. is very, and, deservedlypcpular in every part of the riding. The only thing that can prove the defeat. of the Liberal standard {bearer in North York will be carelessness caused a. good many lessons on this poinl. Let them learn from the past not to allow then'lselves to be lulled into any fancied security in Hm fnmre. .IHC in nushorizid to recmvo ud- mfimmenu for this Paper. E “©1112 afiihcml. NOTICE; A Merry Chistmas to all. WEST YORK. . cho 2'.» him! an. new, W. . BUTOHEB, TORONTO. NORTH YORK. The Cnnzum Advurmsmg Agen- cy, NQ gigabl 123%, ‘L‘orunm hine. The cornet hand of this place,- gave a; concert in the Town Hall here on Wedâ€" nesday, which was the grandest affair that has taken plnee here for a long time The weather was not altogether in their favor, it being a fearful cold and stormy night, but notwithstanding the Hell was very well filled with a socinl audience. Onr band master, Mr. Carley. deserves great credit for the way he in bringing the band along. At present the band consistent 18 members. They have just been getting a large new circular boss, the price of which instrument is $75, and they are now trying to raise enough money to get another. \Ve hope they will have good luck and by New Years they are talking of coming over to your town and giving you a call. .For the last few weeks business has been rushing with the young people. Many are getting,' married, still there‘nre more to follow. No less than ten conp les have-joined their destines within the last four weeks. Our painter took at ve- ry interesting part in ir, but it happened it did not turn out to be another elepe- ment case. It seems that this town is noted for painters getting married in. There have been no less than five who have come and gone within the last three years. I would advise some of our bnch~ eiors to take a few lessons in painting from Mr. Lund and I really ethink it would give them a start. The young folks arc preparing to cele- brateChristmus m right royal styla. The string band has been re-nrgnnized and the practisng of dramas and dialogues beapcak a gaud time. The tax collector’s geninl face ha been seen in must of the houses around. He reports money plentiful this fall in com- parison to other masons. Mr. McMu‘rray gave a very lecture on ten: )emnce in the TempemImo Hall here on Nlundny evening last. The Hall was very well filled with a good. and Ainteresting,aildience. After he had shown gd the bad effects of. whiskey and; strong drink‘ a collt‘ctiun wag taken up, which amnunted NW” whiéfi he said was rs much as he~had taken in the whole we. k before, He did not know how to thank the people of Teston for their kindness iu‘ giving to such a good cause. Mr. ' Mc~ Murray says the Scott Act will be brought before the people of York in a short time' to vote upon. i”; R, let Vice-Pfesident, \V. Cookl‘an Vice President, A. Malloy, Secretary, J. thmer. _ Tlrmiérféllowing are the committees of various polling Sub-Divisions in the’l‘own- ship). _. K h 1‘ v "7§6:711â€"â€"Wm. Kirby, Jno. McKinnon, C. Nixon, A. McQuarrie, and \Vm. Clu- (From our own Correspondent.) A general exodus has taken place from this village during the lust iew weeks, and the result is there are several empty houses We were very sorry to lose one of the parties as he has identified himself with the interests of me place for a great many yearsrâ€"Mr. McDonald is the gen- tleman referred to. On account of ill health he sold out his business and left the village. He will be missed very much from the bimde which he was the organ- izer. We hope he mil find it convenient to visit us often. I At the annual meeting of Vaughan Township Refurm Ausucintien the follow- ing officers were elected for the ensuing your. Prehident, 1" Patterson, Esq, M. “y “'elmderatundi new atnre is to' be opelwd shortly in this village. We‘ wish the enterpriaé'every ancces’si Thare is sufficient room and profits for u. goud business. Boyle,Jas. Newton, N. Slin- ey. jr., N. Pluyter, and P. Bussin‘gth- waite. 1,â€"Thomaa Page, 1). Reaman, I. Chapman, Thomas Lane. 0. Ludford, Mr. Shuter. 3.â€"â€"Jos.Stong, E. Whitmore, J. Lahmer, “J. R. Campbell, and David Smith, ’ ' Lymanâ€"An explanation has been giv- en mi the mystery connected with the sat- chel of gloves found in the woods near this place on Sunday last. It in now as- aerted that the utohel is the same that was stolen fron'the baggage room at Wes- ton a few days ago. A number of val»; able-pins were found among the gluvés 1n the satchel. ' a tramway from the western part of the city to High Park. Carlton, Westnu mu: Uouksville. It will be built to High Park, and Carlton, as soon as permission 1:. grammd. On Sunday aftheroon some of the boys of the village were amusing themselves in the woods when some of them came upon a satchel covered with autumn leiwes. ‘On opening it they found it to contain about $70 Worth ot new kid gloves. Another boy, searching around for more treasure, fouud‘a paper parcel hard by. which on being Opened, to the bewildering delight of the boys was found to contain a silver watch and about $60 Worth of of kid gloves, end some other articles. Various rumors floated about the village as to who the owner was, and many looked through the wood for the corpse of the mysterious proprietor; bat the opinion now is that they had been stolen from Acton by a resident of Weston who had recently left the glove works at the former place. VAUG HAN REFORM AASOCIA'I'ION. (From Our Own Correspondent.) NOBLETON. WESTON. TESTON. Wool nor 1b..... Sheep skins” Hay, ....... Straw. Coal. best. per ton ngl, hgrd, por‘cord Apples-per brl. Cabbage per (102. anal-hm . . iokefis pet pa nicks brace Fowls per built. Pgl'triuge, braco .Giaes-a .. .2. ‘ . "l‘urkcyn. ..... Butter. “mol 6, per 11). do (lair y do. .. ‘zaalresh, pardon. Imampor lb“. Lard. Der 1b.... Drier} apples. A RICHMOND HILL PLANING FAGTDRY. - ’ittxcmaoxm rum. Thuradsv Dec. Flourâ€"Fall '65 Apples. per bun-0L Hay per mu... .. jVoodâ€"‘hflrd, “ do use“ .. Planing, ‘ Ripping, MANUFACTURING, MOULDING», ' do â€"Spnng ................. WheunJMl, put bush . . \Vheat, spring, per bus Oatmperhusuol Peas, pur bushel .. Turnipu per bush. Cm‘x‘uts,per don .,. Chickem, per pair Ducks, per hmca Geese, «mob Turkeys. ouch. Potatoes, Yer hug. Dried app as, per 11). Butterâ€"3D rolls,perlb Flour. exfimth Flour. superior ex Whunh. full, Wheat. spring, Huntley. ......... Outs. v er hush. Pens, do Rye, do Timothy seed, par bush‘ Clover do ‘ Beef, hind quarters...‘ . Beehfm‘e quarters . . Mutton,” anb.:.. Hogs‘ pm 100 . 39tqt<xdxqmr bug. LUSHâ€"At Richmond Hillmm Tuesday, tl1020th imam, the wife of Mr. John Lush, of a duuflhter, ~30”- â€"iiré§10fié, psi :1: Eg W, per dozen frenb... ([07 {10 pgckod RichmondHiH. April‘l‘éth. 1881. RUNNING ORDER SASHES, DOORS, prices and work. CIS'EERNS, VAUGHAN PLOWMAN’S ASS JCIATlON. The above Association held a meeting at the Maple Leaf Hntel, Maple, on San- Ilrday. 17th inst,fm‘ Ihe purpnse of wind~ lug up the affairs of the Associatinn for the year. The accounts showed the fi‘ nnncial standing of the Asmmistien to be in a very satisfactory cunditiou. After the business of the meeting was through, the Officers and Directors were inYHed by Mr. Palmer {to sit duwn to a bounti» fully laden table, richly supplied mt‘n umny inviting things, especially nysters. prepared in the inost reclwrche style and arranged with exquisite taste. After the inner man was satisfied several sp- prnprinte toasts were proposed and re- spnn'dml to and speechifying was indulg- sd‘in by gentlemen present. The alair of the evening was creditable tn Mr. Palmer‘s liberalty, and all present felt that such a. pleasm't time as was spent was not only enjoyable for the partici- pants. but conducive to the interests or the Association. Nx:-§:::-Elll;'tz, A. 0'0!!th Winn.“- Thonmn, Rnbt. Kellaul, W. .Jchbcheuu David Burgess. auul Peter Davina. f The undersigned having put his mill in do in“ Door Frames. Window Frames, and He also manufactures SATISFACTION GUARANTEED in Factory on Rxcnxonn SHEET. OX SBOBTESI NOTICE. Eh! warms. FIRST CLASS PREPARE!) 1‘0 DO CRADLE. Tnurh’dav. 8. MAGER. Dec. t0 leL 6m 1881 12 In rimming tl‘nnks f9 my numerous friends for their liberal patronage durin puck; tWenty-ona years, I beg to remind them and the general public. that having erected until-ob new and ao’n'gquious promises, I am enablod to supply Both Light and Heavy, all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction, as the work in ID) dnder my own -snpervision. I am also prepared to” do all kinds of blacksmithiijg 35 repairing. the moat workmnnlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable tel-Lu: HORSESEOEING paid special attention to. 'l'nronfn. June 18 188]. A. WRIGHT & SON manufacture and keep constantly on hand the l finest carriages. We took ' ‘ THE HIGHEST MEDAL. HIGHEST MEDAL. awarded for the best collection of light carriage work at the Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, 1881, from all Car 9.- dian and. American Competitors and also We are now filling extensive orders [for rigs for the best horsemen and are compelled to enlarge our premises to meet the demand of our work. we "aim at (Durability, Usefulness, ' ' *3?er and Finish. Call and. ” see them. - PARLOR SUITES, BEDRGBM SUITES, THE -MOST FIRST PRIZES. ‘ _ Ts; A. LOCKINGTON, 149 YUNGE STREET. TURNTU. The cheapest Dress Goods, Chachemeres, (Elk. and £01,}? \Vinceys, Shirtings, \Vorstcdsv, Tvveedis, I’mfll Cloth, Blankets, Cottons Carpets ' &c. &c., to be had in town. Save money by pn’r'chasing your Fall supplies («fir cash? at the FIRE PROOF. ISAAC CROSBY. A large Stock of new Fall and \Vinter Goods now on ‘5'}‘Qfii' bition. FurniturE. “ BIG" BUREAU. ” THE PROOF. THE 6M: PRIGE CASE STORE. Richmond Hi". Juuqflh, l88l A large and splendid assortmcnfl of Grocerieza. I’lmdware rockery, &c., constantly on hand. Phaetons, Buggiesfl._Carria.ges, Cutters, Sleighs, and Platform Spring Wag’gons. > EVERY DEPARTMENT BfiMPlETE. Qumity and Clacupnefinfihsxlrpnssed. Call and Imneci before purchasing. “LVIW’G-ROOJI and OFFIC f FUBA’ITURE- 14:9 YONGE STREET, Has-all me LA'rEsgi' AMERICAN amt CANADIAN designs in RICHMOND HILL. TBENCH’S THE A. WRIGH‘T & SORT WM. TRENCH‘

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