Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1881, p. 5

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7 x fiawjkxt the winner" 19' well cemrfiene'ed‘ we would advise ,our readers against, usmg pills containing Calomel and other injurious V substanuen, as there isqreat danger of out. «hing cold after their use. An excellent substitute (or pills is a Vegetable Prepara- tion known as‘ Dr. Canon‘s Stomach am! Constipation Bitters. a. family medicine that from all accounts, will soon take the place of every other' purgative and blood' ,purlier. B. E. Law, is agent for the billets th School Review. The High Scam! term closed on Tuesday, and comequently a public review of the work of the term was made. Quite a num- ber of the parents and friends ofrthe pupils, and those interested in the school were present. The classes in ilie various subjec- ts vauitted themselves admirably, and the pointedness of the review, notwithstanding its comprehnsiveness.,plainlv evidenced that the “ cramming” system is not a. part of the tactics of our teachers. In fact the visitors, we believe without uception, were highly pleased with the methods adopted and fully satisfied with the character of the work done in the school, some of whom so expressed themselves,and the proficiency‘of the school an a whole. both in the senior 'imd junior departmentespeaks highly for the efficiency of the teachers, Mr. McBride, :principal, and Miss Pslmer, assistant. And‘while v'v‘eoon- gmtnlnte both teachers and pupils (in "the work being done, at this festive ’aeasbn‘ we '- Frumenty. The Iiieuteuant Govenor having appoint- ed the Monday after Christmas as a public holiday, Municipal Officers seem to he unde- cided as to when to hold the nominations. The 108th section of the Municipal “Act is the section which is supposed to create the «difiiculty. It is as .foiiowe :-â€"“ When the last Monday in December happehe to be Christmas Day, the nomimtion «f candidat- es for the offices of Meyer, Reel-e, Deputy- Beeve, an-l Councillors in other-mnnlcipali! ties, shail take place on the proceeding Friday at the times and in the manner per- ~séribed by law.” This section provi les what shall be done in the case the last Mon- day in December happens to be Christmas Dnv. As this yenr the last Monday in De- cember happens to be the 26th of December, and not Christmas Day, the contingency provided {or has not arisen. Nominations will therefore he held on Monday as usual, and no doubt but the public holiday will secure a larger attendance of the electors than is nsne‘llv the case. A in“ “sort-nun of plain 'smd shaded Brim v. ootsJEc per on,» the Llama. Fan- vy Store. Through min-infnrmnfion we stated last week that Maple Methodist Sunday Schbo] would told tilts anniversary at (ham-21ml time, Xmas (wining. We slwuld haye‘mid Thurs. dny evening, 22nd 1390., which was last eve- ming. Still they come and atilllhey goâ€"we mean flame elegant Xmas Cards at the ~LIBERAL Depot. Another fresh lot tnis ‘Veek, still more handsome if such could he- ‘See them hefore they allgo. All prices ‘from 10 to 755. Good value. Tbere'is no doubt. that. our Canadian cli- mateis conducive to Lung afiecfions. and for this reason Dr. Carsnu’s Pu’lmmmry é‘Gongh Drops should be in every house. For Coughs, Colds, and all other“ Lam; and Throat n‘fiections they have no equal. In [large bntfies at 50 cents. B. E. Lam ngeui 'mflBichmond Hill. H gnu-L. A Merry Chrstmas to all. Correction. Do not fail to alt‘ ml the Grnnp A“ Exhi- bition on Saturday am! Monday, the 24th and 25th mat. and the Grand (kneel-t on‘ «he theevening of the latter day. If you «10 not gen amply repaul for your ton and twenty Gems; call at the Liberal ofllce and let us know, and we will tell you something: you don‘t know. ' ' Minuteg of Vaughan Council crowded out this week. A frumenty supper will' be gin-n in aid of 1119 Trust Fund of the Wesley Church: Vic- toria Square, at. Mr. David Eyer‘n, on the Elgin Road, on Wedneuqny evening, Decem- her 28:11. Supper served from ?p. an. All 'are wolcmne. 33. S. Anmversazies. _, As this is the season for anniversaries our 71-9351er gnu! be inleresgedjp fibeufollfwiqg : Tm Limit-Gnvm or has proclaim} Mon- Aduy.Dec.2fith and Monday Jan. 2nd,ns pub- lic holidays, owing to Xmas and an' Ynar coming on Sunday. This is the season when every 'pouda is looking for presents {of their childrvn and fréonde. If you want mmethimghandsoma «all at the meu. Fancy stems were the «wrest and yet ’tbe most elegant pre'sents m‘be found wait": of Toronto ate'to'be had. See Am , -â€"â€"~â€"-â€"¢o> Ex. bnd Con. Victoria Square Canada Methodist Sundgy flehool will have a Xmas Tree and enter- ~imminent on Xmas eve. Xmu‘s Presents. Thoru’hill C. M. S S. will have their an- nual tea and concert on New Your: evening, Xmas Cards. @119 fiihtml. FRIDflL Vii/LC. 1‘881. [Pubixcfl Houdays. 'The Victoria Square Primative Methodist 8,58. will have their annnul tea uud conceit «in; Newfi’ears evening, or rather January Mgpicign! Elections. F rmge weather. A Merry Christmas], Municiple matters quiet. .1. nd a Bright Ngw Year. . Torch-light parade on New Year's Skating is at a premium this winber. Poor prospect for the Xmas sk-igh ride. Xmas Choral Service.progrum elsethere. THE LIBERAL. lllCll’D IIILL where 'you willv'nluo fihd a. full ass- ortment of Toys in Wood, Tin, China, etc.; ' mass“ 0. a; G. Gal-don, Haddow .2 Tibb. Glenâ€"“The Soldier’s Chorus". .Glea Club, Recitation . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Robert Had‘dow.‘ Gladâ€"N Obi Rivers ". . . . . . . . . , . . Glee Club. Duettu. .. . . . . . . . Means C. &. Gr. Gordon. Gleeâ€"â€"“ The Drum March " . . . .619.) Club. wish them all ple m: M. holidays. a marry Xmas. and a. joyous _New Ys nr. Piano Solo . . . . . . . . ..Mr. H, Guest Collins. Gleeâ€"Wake!) Lords & Ladies Cray . . . . . . . . Qqafietle-JCau 1lohp" , . . ._. . . . . i . . Y . CHRISTMAS ls coming. HO-ho-HO Methodist Church, R’d Hill. XMAS CARDS; XMAS Annuals, such as Chatterbox, British Workman, British Work- wom an, Band of Hope, etc.; Handsome Books for Xmas Presents, Bibles, Hymn- books, Story booksnaud lovely T05 and Pam- tomime bookmtn please the ohldren, Lillie Hawken. . . . . . . Lizzie Powell. .. .‘ . . flatbed Harris. . . . . . .‘ uesrge Peach, . . . . . . . Herbert Peach . . . . . . . Aggie Kerswill. . . . . . . Emést: Hawkx n_ . . . . . Aggie Pngaley. . T. Trend)" . n ... .. William Ilobihmn. . . . William McLaughlin,-. William Addison.. . . . . Sarah (Haven. . . . . .. . Ralph Lttl’lgflufl, . . . y . Kamila Powell... . .. . . . Mice Hopper.“ . .. . Jos. BalesL......‘ Mary Trench.“ . . v. . . Hymn... I’HAYER .... .... AnrnExJ‘ Hark what mean muse holy voic- es.”.... . R. Lowrey. .... 142 We had the pleasure oi attending the Concert given by Knox College Glee Club on Thursday evening in connection with the Presbyterian Church here and emphatically pronouqco it one of the treets oi the season. Music this always ‘ had a charm for us, and seldom have we enjoyed anything in. that .line more than the grand chorus of about twenty male vaieee. which filled the Mason- ic Hall on Thursday evening. r And the :fact that encore: were frequent during the evening ,ehowed that the audience. which was lame, was not less appreciative than onrsalves. Snfiicient evidence was' given that Knox College possesses a large array of minimal talent. The singing of the Gordon brothers and Messrs Tibb, Hamilton, Mel- urum end Heddow, as well as the recitations of the'two latter, are especially worthy of mention. Much credit is due to Prof. 001- line, fox-the state of perfection to which the club has 'attained under his management. The following is the program 2-â€" College Glee - “ The Red Cross Knight "..Glee Qlub. Duettâ€"“ The A. B.‘ C." . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Public School ExaFn'f ‘ Relative standing of pupils in sen-i0: de- partment of the public school for Dec. Marshal Grant... . .. Minnie Munshnws . . . . Neal-lie Ham's. . . . . . . .. Jessie Maudie. . . . ‘ . . . Bertha Palmer . . ‘ . . .‘ 'Bgllu Moodie. . . . . . . . J. sandemon. . . . . .. . 3. McConaghy. . . . . . . . Messrs. Hamilton & Tibb. Gleeâ€"‘ The Huntsmnn‘a 01101115. Glee Club. Rascitmio‘1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr. Robert Haddow. Gieo.-â€"“The Druids’ Chorus". . . .Glee Club. ’Duett. . . . . . . . . . . . . Messrs. C. & G, Gordon. Recitation. . . . . . . . . . '. . Mr. A. B. Meldrum. Octaneâ€"4“ The two Roses". . . . . . . . . . . . . . Members of Club TriOâ€"” A little farm well Tilled . . Hanna“. 140 SERMON . . . . .. .. Rev. J. Pickering. ANTHEM-“Shout the glad tidings." E Baker. Hunk“. 143 Purge _ Annex-“Hark the Herald Angels sing.” George Kingsley. The above in t program of the choral ser vi'cu in the Methodist Church on Sunday next. ‘ Nel-liel-Iu'rrl‘s..................§..... 294 JessieMuodie....‘. . . . . . ,.... . . . . . . . . 291 Bertha Palmer . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274 'BglluMoodie...............; . . . . . . . . 272 J. Saudemon......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 H.McConaghy.............‘......... 261 U.‘ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . » 253 Aflred--Powell...................... 246 Flthleeefler . . . . . . . . . . . . 240 James' Proctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 WyuiTreuoh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 Alex.MaD0nald. . . . . . . . . . . . . 228 Maggie Garven.. . . . . . . . . . . 204 'L‘imye whose marké fall below 200 not pub- lished. ,3 Meésrs. 0. Gordon, Tibb & G"; Gordon Collpge Chorus..................., . . . . . . Gle¢â€"‘- 'We’el May the keel row _”_, . . . . . . . CALLAT THELIBERAL Lmsox . . . . . Axrnznâ€"“.Exultlng strnins” LESSON HYMN....- .... 145 PRAYER . ANTHEMâ€"‘The star of Bethlehem.‘ B.Lowrey Lasaox Hum.... ....~ 108 Smmox . . . . . . . . Rev. J. Pickering, Plumm. OuamSono...‘ » ANTnEx_-'Lond dismiss us with thy bleasimz.’ R. Lowrey. Kgpx College; Glpeâ€"Ciub._ a. full line in‘ plain and fancy paper and em velopes, ,parchments, foreign papers, pnpoteriefi', gold and silver paper, plain and fancy cardboard, visiting cards. purses, and many _other ar- ticles just now in season. The cheap, est and best stock. in these lines, north of Toronto, is ,to he found at SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25th, 1881. CHRISTMAS DAY. FOURTH CLASS. THIRD If y o u want any- thing in elegant EVENING. MORNING. the keel row "4.. Glee Club. Angels CLASS. ....wLm. .. . . . . 140 Bgv. J. P‘iclfefing. in semphic 338 819 ATORONTO, Have received (this. season) three First two Seconcl and one extra Prize fer fine clothing at the Toronto dustri‘al and Provincial ’at'London. Gentlemen yrequiz: ing Fine Clothing should no fail to inspect our immense Stock, which is without doubt ‘ one of the '. largest, am! most complete on this continent. We have no hesita tion' whatever in saying that persons in want cf Ready made Clothing will find our prices from ten to tWentjy per cent. lower and our; and our stock superior in every Way to that of other “so o'alled’f first-class houses.~_ THE GOLEN GRIFFI‘T 'Lmento, Paglmhifl Men‘s, says; Youm's‘ ind children‘s avemofig~3¢iimm MEN’S,_B”OYS’,YOUTHS’ SACHILDREN’SSUITfii ._ _ , .ALL THE VERY NEWEST STYLES OF THE SEASON. ' REMEMBER THE ADDRESS. :1 HUSBANDS cdnfintimnresents here -I that will make their wives happy. " WIVES can find presents that will ‘ gladden the hearts of their husbands ‘ YOUNG MENean find presents here that will charm ' the heart of their Lady, Lover. g -â€"â€"~_____ A- XMAS, XMAS, XMAS .v; The CONCRE;TE"-‘ is prepared” for. Christmas _ V . Great City Chimera; . ._ ngpn§§ggshiie Clothingflouse, 86 Yonge St. Toronm _ - r T: 2 RICH AND POOR : ~ , 2 Every one 3110qu bfe-Jiappy: at Xmas Time, and the CONCRETE/ifsbouniyg share inbri’n’gin-g abemt v By Ofi‘efinfg‘ja FIRST _:_‘GL'AS.S stock of Goods; ' By offering-itat the Vex-“y LOWEST Prices; ,BygshQWing-itjwith' Courtesy and Politeness; ‘ By strictvattenti‘on to the wants of customers. Every'line of goods Cgmplete, CHRISTMAS TRADE GREATCLEARING SALE € PETLEY & COMPANY; ‘ Fruits. Spices, Essences, etc., Choice and Fresh Highest Price for butter and eggs. 1 Lowe: AT GREATLI ' ‘ TAYLOR & .ATK NSON, Co‘ngrete HouSe,- Richmond Hm Having tpo Inknch Winter Clothing on hand, and being determined nof to carry fiver, will sail READY-MADE CLOTHING 128m 1:32-K11NG‘SL EAST, ~01 with Gunds to?“if':_eu-:rybo(]): NOTE THE ADDRESS: -6: lines ecEecially: Cur'nplete. :01 n: this result, & Low’eét Price for goods.

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