Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Dec 1881, p. 6

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He rarely indulged himself even in the reâ€" creation of meeting his mistress, for whom all this labor was submitted to. Gold, not use means but as an end, seemed to be his thought by day and his dream by night, the object and end of his existence. \Vhen they did meet in darkness, and loneliness, and mystery, it was but to exchange a. few hurried sentences of hope and comfort, and affected reliance upon fortune. 011 these ou- casions tears, and tremblings, and hysteri- cal sobbings, sometimes told, on her part, at once the hollmvness of her words and the weakness of her constitution: but on his all was, 01* seemed to he, enthusiasm and SthLll- inst expectation. Days and weeks, however, passed by .» moons rolled away~thc year was drawing to its wane, and a great part of the enormous mm was xtill in the womb 0t thcmountains. may by day, week by week, and month by month, the hopes of the Illillm‘fllo became The confusion that ensued was indescrib- able. Lelia was carried senseless into the house; and it required the ell'orts of half the party to hold back her father, “ho Would have grappled with the mineralo upon the spot. Francesco stood for some tEme wi 11 lolded arms, in mornnt and moody silence; but when at length the voice of cursing which Niccoli continued to pour forth :1 ainst him had sunk into exhaustion he ad armed and ==onfronted him. “i can hear those names,” saidhe, “from you. Some of them, you know well, are undeserved; and if others tit. it is more my misfortune than my fault. If to chastise insults, and render back scorn ior scorn, is to be a rufiian, 1 am one; but no man can he called a vagabond who resides in the habitation and follows the trade of his ancestors. These things, however, are trifles; at best they are only words. Your real objection to me is that I am poor. It is a strong one. If l ehoose to take your daughter without a dowry, 1 would take her in spite of you all; hutl will leave lickâ€"even to that thing without a soul»~~1‘ather than subject so gentle and fragile a being to the privations and vicissitu [es of a life like mine. I demand, therelore, not simply your daughter, but a dowry, if only a small one; and you have the right to require that on my part I shall not be empty-handed. She is young, and there can be, and ought to be, no hurry with her marriage; but give me only a yearâ€"a single year; name a reasonable sum: and if by the appointed time 1 can not tell the money into your ‘hand, I hereby engage, to relinquish every claim, which her generous preference has given me upon your daughter’s hand.” “ It is well put,” replied the cold and cautious voice in the assembly. “ A year, at any rate, would have elapsed between the present betrothing and the danisel’s marriage. If the youngr man before the bells of twelve, on this night twelvemonth, layeth down upon the table, either in the coined money, or in gold, or golden ore, the same sum which we were here ready to guarantee on the part of my grandson, why I, for one, shall not object to the niaiden’s whimâ€"flprorided it contin- ies so long fibeing consulted, in the disposal of her hand, in preference to her father’s judgment and desires. The sum is only, three thousand lirras I” A laugh of scorn and derision arose among the relations. A very remarkable change appeared to take place from that moment in the charac- ter and habits of the minerale. He not on- ly deserted the company of his riotous sociates, but even that of the few respeetv able persons to whose houses he had obtain» ed admission, either by his talents for sing- ing, or the comparative propriety of his eon- duct. Day after day he labored in 1115 pre- (m'ious evocation. The changes of the sea- sons were not now admitted as excuses. The storm did not drive him to the wine shed, and the min did not confine him to his hut. Day after day, and often night after night, he was to be found in the field~~0n the inountaiusilw the side of the mill-courseS» w on the shores of the torrent. " \ es, yes,” said they, “it is but juv Let {he minemlo produce three thousand livras, and he shall have his bride. Neighbor Nie- (loli. it is a fair proposal; allow us to inter- rede for Frmleeseo, and beg your assent I” “ Sire,” said Frameeseo, in perplexity minv gled with anger, “the sum of three thous- and li\ as.” lie was interrupted by an- other forced laugh of derision. “It is a fair proposal,” repeated the relations; “agree, newhborhieeoli, agree!” “I agree," said N oli disdainfully. “ It is agreed 1” rev plied li'mieesoo, in a burst of haughty i11- dignntion; and with aswellingheurt he with- 1 I‘(‘ “1 STORM-LIGHTS 0F ANZASCA. BY “‘iu. (‘AizLi-ri‘ox. [It \\ ill interest readers to know that this touching poem is founded upon an actual occurrence, which has lately obtained some publicity through the )iewspapers.j Lif} me a hit in my 110d. father: When to tho (-lmwh you 1111 go, I'alln 1‘, Al, t.GC swch Suhbntl: hell‘s tone. l shall be drmu‘y. you know. fatllm'. Lying: out there all alone. Hang my bird nom‘ :1 who! then. Wau'h over me he will lump; HP will sing swva hymns m Inv, ll” )2 Don't let them bury mc dm-I). (.11 on me whnr ’r youp: . 12(th 1'. \thl'u by you: do loft run: Put your fave down on the gmw. Litizm' N m‘ to my own as you mm. It’ I ('onld look up and hour 1 on, into your :u'ms‘l would k 001): km mo somethle nvsuo near your “011‘! lm thvm bury Inc (1001)! imuk! who hm: r'nme for mo now. rather Sumdingso new“ to my bed? Hommmv is kissingmy brow, father» 7 anmn. I thought you were demli H90. she: is fuming so bright to you. ( over my lmzul will) swam flowers. l'utlu‘: Those 1 so well loved to see, {\0, in 1lwl0ng. lonely hours, father, 'I'hcy‘ll lw (-umpanions for mo. [1' I should wake in the night. tlu-n. Their lips m. sud face would swoop. Mnkv my grun- chct-rl'ul and brith lhrn 0011': la thqu bury me (100]). DON’T LET THEM BURY ME DEEP. Press your warm lip 10 m} vhoek: I’m your arm under my huzui, I‘mhm' I am so tired and so weak. E ('11!) not smy lung uwuku How Many a night I shall sleep. Promlsu (mo thng for my sake now “011‘! 101 them bury mm» deep! Hcvkous for ymi’not mkw 0} ; {‘15 not mum-by, but gomI-m'u M, in you 'l‘hvv mm mm hm'y INC, (100p: An Italian Legendary Tale. ‘U\'('LI'DL]I. It was-so strange, this suddenw (iBSCX'tiOH ! lf determined to go, why did she go alone? Mztware, as she must have been, that his remaining in the dark could be of no use. Could it be that her heart had changed, the moment her hopes had vanished? It was a bitter and ungenerous thought, neverthe- less it served to bridle the speed with which Francesco at first sprung forward to over- tnkchis mistress. He had not gone far, hrnvever, when a sudden thrill arrested his progress. His heart ceased to beat, he grew faint, and would have fallen to the ground, hut for the supnort of a rook against which he staggered. “ hen he recovered he retraccd his steps as accurately as it was possible to do it in utter darkness. He knew not whe- ther he found the exact spot on which Lelia had sat, but he‘wus sure of the surround- intor localities; and, if she was still thch», her white dress would no doubt gleam even .through the thick night which surrounded her. \Vithnlightenetl heartwior compared with the phantom of the mind which had pre- sented itself, all things seeenied entlnrable Who begun to descend the nwnntuin. In a place so singulaer wild, where the rock were piled around in combinations at (mu: fantastic and sumblime, it was not wonder fnl that the light carried by his mistress should be wholly invisible to him, even hml it been much nearer than was by this time probable. Fin" less was it surprising than the shouts which ever :uul anon he uttered should not reach her ‘11P; for he wa‘; on the HEW long:r he remained in this state he did not knov; but he was recalled to life by a sound resembling, as he imagined, a human cry. The storm howled more wildly than ever along the side of the mountain, and it was 110w pitch dark; but on turning round his head he saw, at a little distance above where he lay, a small, steady light. Fran- cesco’s heart began to quake. Thelight ad- vanced towards him, and he perceived that it was borne by a figure arrayed in white from head to foot. “Lelia!” cried be in amazement, mingled with superstitions ter- ror, as he recognized the features of his fair young mistress. “\Vaste not time in words,” said she, “ much may yet he done, and I have the most perfect assurance that now at least I am not deceived. 17p, and be of good heart I Work, for here is light. 1 .,, . . l. . ., . . . , . l “'illvsit down in the shelterY bleak thoiigh it be, of the elill‘, and aid you with my prayers, since I cannot with my hands.” li‘runeeseo seized the axe, and stirred, half with shame, half with admiration, by the courage of the generous girl, resumed his la- bor with new vigor. “Be of good heart,” continued Lelia. “and all will yet be well. Brarely, bravely done !~~rbe sure the saints have heard us 1" Only once she littered any- thing resembling a complaint~H It is cold!” said she, “ make haste. dearest, for 1 can- not find my way home, if I would, u ithout the light.” By and by she repeated more frequently the injunction “ to make haste.” liraiieeseo‘s heart bled while he thought of the sufferings of the sick and delicate girl onsncha. night, in such a plueo;and his blows fell desperately on the stubborn rock. He was new at a little distance from the spot where she sat, and was just about to beg her to bring the light nearer, when she spoke again. “Make hustewâ€"muke haste 1” she said, “ the time is almost come 7 »1 shall be wantedâ€"~I am wantedâ€"l can stay no longermfarewell I" Francesco 100k- ed up, but the light was already gone. The yeartouched upon its close; and the sum which the gold-seeker had amassed, al- thouin great almost to :1 miracle, was still far-~rery far, from sufiieient. The last day of the year arrived. usher-ed in by storm, and thunderings and lightnings; and the evening fell cold and dark upon the despairing la~ hors of Francesco. He was on the side of the mountain opposite Niccoli‘s house; and, as daylight died in the valley, he saw, with inexpres’sihle hitterness of soul, by the num- her of lights in the windows, that the fete was not forgotten. Some trifling success, however, induced him, like a drowning:r man grnsliing at {L straw, to continue his search. He was on the spot indicated by .1 dream of his enthusiastic mistress; and she had eonâ€" jured him not to aLandon the attempt till the bell of the distant ohm'ull should .silenrc their hopes for ever. His success continued. He was working with the piekaxe, and hail discovered it very small perpendicular Vein; and it was just possible that this, although al:ogether ina- dequate in itself, might be crossed at a greater depth by a horizontal one, and thus form one of the firuppi, or nests, in which the ore is plentiful and easily extracted. To work, however, was difficult, and to work long impossible. His strength was almost exhausted, the storm heat fiercely in his face: and the darkness increased every moment. His heart wholly failed him, hislimhs trem- bled, a cold perspiration hedewed his brow, and H9 the last rays of daylight departed from the mountain-side he fell senseless upon the ground. It is a strange, sometimes an ziwful thing, to look into the mystery ofthe female mind. Leliu’s health had received a shock from the vircnmstmiees we have recorded, which left her cheek pale, and her limhs weak, for many months; and to this physical infirmity was now added the eii'eet ofthose dnnih, but too eloquent, interviews with her lover. The lower he sunk in despondeney, however, and the more desperate grew their affairs, the higher her spirits rose, as if to quell and control her fortune. Her hopes seemed to grow in proportion with his fears, and the strength which deserted him went over as an ally and supporter to her weakness. Even her bodily health received its direction from her mind. Her nerves seemed to re- cover their tones, her cheek its hue, and her eye its brillianey. The cold and sluggish imagination of man is unuequainted with half the I‘CSOIU’( *s of a woman in such eir- eumstanees. Disappointed in her depend- ence on fortune and casualty, Lelia lJctOOli herself to the altars and gods of her people. Saints and martyrs were by turns invoked: vows were oii'ered up: and pilgrinmges and religious \vziteliings performed. 'l'hen came dreams and prodigies into play, and omens and auguries. Sortes were wrested fromthe fainter. He could no longer bestow the com» fort which did not cheer even his dreams. (lloomyand sad, he could only strain his mistress in his arms, without uttering a word when she ventured an inquiry res» posting his progress‘ and then hurry :Lway to resume, nieehanieally, his hopeless task pages of Dante, and warnings and commands translated {10in the mystic writings of UM- skyw The sun's whirl! aw th UUMI‘A' 01' Hun Such is the story of the storm-lights of Anzasca, and the only part of it which is mine is the translation into the language of civilized 111011 of the sentiments of :1 rude and ignorant people. Few people have any idea of the immensiâ€" ty of the loss by shipwreck every year. Not that the wreeksas they occur are not brought before us; the trouble seems to be that we are told of so many day after day, that we have come to read of them as a matter of course and without appreciating the mean- ing of such accounts. Every day has its tale of losses, sometimes smaller and some- times larger, but the smallest all too large. We are startled at the immensity of the loss when it is presented to us in the shape of statistics, but they are so great that we can- not grasp their meaning. ’l‘nke Lloyd‘s figures as they are published weekly in the Thurs. For the week ending October 20th lust, sixty~seven vessels were wrecked, the approximate aggregate loss being thirty mil- lions dollars. For one week that is not bad, or rather. that is very bad, and then it was not an extraordinary week for this season of the year. During the preceding week but one the estimated loss was fortymillions dollars, or greater by ten millions. One week in April the aggregate loss was placed at forty-sevenniillionsfivc hundred thousand dollars; one week in February titty millions; and, to tap the climax, during the week end- ing January 22nd a hundred and thirty- three vessels were wrecked, the aggregate loss amounting to sixty million dollars. The record for twentysix weeks during the first nine months of the year shows a list of eight hundred and eighty-three wrecked vessels, the aggregate loss being $075 000, 000. of which $457,900,000 was British alone. The entire number of Wrecks from the begin- ning of January to the end of October was 1,587, the aggregate loss upon which, cal- culating by the average loss of the SSS ves~ sels wrecked during the twenty-six weeks, the full records of which we have, would be $11,209,465,000. Still the losses this year have far exceeded those of any other year, and at the lowest have been simply incom- prehensible in their immensity. The loss of life is not givein it unmot be may well estimated. \thn he earned a miserable living in Ros- itu, Colorado, by doing errands for a stable- man, he was called Old Man Bassick, and his wife and daughter worked at the wash- tnb. One day he found on: in :1 mountain near hy, and within a year he has become a half millionaire. Now he is respectfully mentioned as Mr. Bst h. 'l‘hcrourc those, however, who sneer {Lt the family's ignor- 111100,:1s the following unt‘udotc shows: Mrs. Russia-k was at Canon. It was noticed that she frequently walked out upon the hotel porch as if looking for some one. “Do You expect friends? ’ asked thu obsequious Boni- face. “No. indccdy," she replied, “I'm ex» petting my phantom." Hvr nrv“ )hncton, for which she haul phi! Imiflb ' A mm rolled around the CHl‘Y Afte ' a time the childless old man went to seek out the ohjeet of his daughter‘s love; but Francesco was never seen from that fa- tal night. A wailing sound is sometimes heard to this day upon the hills. and the peasants say that it. is the voice of the min- ei'alo seeking his mistress among the rocks; and every dark and stormy night the lump of Lelia is still seen upon the mountain, as she lights llcl‘ phantom lover in his 5081111 for gold. Franeeseo lingered at the door. He would faiu hare seen but the skirt of Lelia‘s man» ilebeforedeparting3 “She is not in her room 1" cried a voice of alarm. Frances- ms heart quaked. Presently the whole house was ustil'. ’l‘hesound of feet running here and there w s heard, and agitated voices called out her name. The next mo» ment the old man rushed out of the room, and, laying heth his hands on Francesco-S shoulders, looked wildly inhis face. “Know you aught of my daughter?” said he: “Speak Fiwill you not speak 1’ A single word! “here '5 my daughter? “here is my Lelia “fmmy life» my light- my hopew my childâ€"mmy child I" The mineralo start- ed as iffrom a dream, and looked round, apparently without comprehending what had passed. A strong shudder then shook his frame for an instant. "Lights 3” said i he, “torches » every one of you! Follow me I" and he rushed out into the night. He was speedily overtaken by the whole comâ€" pany, amountng to more than twelve men, with lighted tort-hes, that flared like me- teors in the storm, for the leader him- self, he seemed scarcer able to drag one limh aft-r the other. and he staggered to and fro, like one who is drunken with wine. They at length reached the place he sought; and7 hy the light of the torches, something white was seen at the base of the cliff. It \‘as Lelia. She leaned her hack against the rack; one hand was pressed against her heart, like a person who shrinks with cold; and in the other she held the lamp, the flame of which had expired to the socket. Francesco threw himself on his knees at one side, and the old man at the other, while a light, as gtrong,r as day, was shed by the torches upon the spot. She was dead 7 (lead stone dead ! lee-side of the Storm, which the cliffs with a. fury that. drowned the thunder. Even to the practised feet. of l-‘runeexeo the route, without the smallest light to guide his steps, was dangerous in the ex» tl'emt‘: and to the occupation thus afforded to his thoughts it was perhaps owingr that he reached Niveoli's house in (L state of mind to enable him to acquit himself in :L manner not derogatory to the dignity of manhood. " Niccoli,” said he on, entering the room. "I have mine to return you thanks for the trial you have allowed me. I have failed, and, in terms of the engageâ€" ment between us, I relinquish my claims to your daughter‘s hand.” He would then have retired as suddenly as he entered; but old Nieeoli caughthold at his arm: “Bid us farewell," said he. in utremulous \‘oiee; “go not in anger. Forgive me for the harsh words I used when we last met, I have watched you, Francesco, from that dawa andâ€"â€"" He wiped away a tear as he looked upon the soiled and neglected apparel, and the haggard and ghastly face, of the young munw “ N0 niutteruniy word is plightedw farewell. Nmrezdl my daughtei,” added he, “and 1 pi . God that the business of this night end in no ill I” ..â€"â€"‘05 440-» 9‘ «#0 <-'> 09‘ Shipwrecks. mvcd among; might have The Romantic Matrimonial Adventures of Mr. and Mrs. Walraven. \Vhen Mr. Elijah \Valraven enlisted in the Confederate army in 1863, he left be- hind him a beautiful young wife and three children. \Vhen he returned home at the close of the war, his wife and three children were not to be found. He learned that she had been persuaded, when the Federal; oe- eupied this country, that her safety was in going North. For years no tidings came of her whereabouts, and, not knowing whether she was alive or dead, he instituted pro- ceedings for divorce, which was granted. Aleralraven married a. worthy lady in this country, who bore him one child, and she died. In the mean time his first wife, learn- ing of the divorce and marriage of her hus» band in Georgia, married a Northern man, who after a brief married life died. She married a third husband, a Mr. Beckner. He sickened and died. ()ne .hild as the result of this union, was left her. Her three Children hy her first husband grew up and married well oil”, and they opened corres- pondence with their father. Last February their father paid them a visit to their home in Indiana. \Vhile there he met the wife of his first love. The meeting was a joyous one, and old times were talked over and mutual explanations made. The result was they became re-engaged. Mr. \Valraveu returned to his home at Kennesaw in this country, and according to agreement, Mrs. \Valraven arrived at kennesaw last Thurs- day. There she was met by Mr. \V'ah'aven, who had the license ready, and forthwith the happy couple were reunited after a seperation of eighteen years. “One objection which should be raised to the durability of a glass house, in the literal sense of the words, might be that theblocks would not take a bind, or adhere together with common mortar. This objection can be readily set aside by the use of a good ce~ ment, and when completed the structure will stand for ages, barring extraordinary ac- cidents. As to the cost of a glass house, it can be kept down to but a. small percentage above the price of cut granite. 1n building with stone you have to pay the stone mas- ons, and when it comes to elaborate exam- ples of carving, in Corinthian pillars, collars and capitals, &c., why, the work is rather costly as compared with glass, when the lat ter can be moulded into any shape or form, and the work accomplished in much le°s time. I am convinced that the time will come when we will see such a building er- ected. Searcer a day passes but what the sphere of glass as an article of use becomes widened. In parts of Germany and on one line in England glass ties are being)' used on railroads, and thus far have given satisfac- tion, combining all the requisites of wooden ties with the virtue of being susceptible to usage at least 75 er cent. longer than wood. Then by the astia process glass ar- ticles are now being made for common use which can be thrown on the floor and will rebound like a rubber ball. Progress is also being made toward rendering glass, which has ever been characterized as ‘ the brittle fabric,’ ductile, and to-day threads of glass can lie-made that can be tied in knots and woven into cloth. \\'ere one disposed to give play to fancy and fuse it into fact, a house entirely composed of glass could be built with walls and roof and floors fashioned from melted sand. Carpets of glass could cover the floors. The most ultra zesthete, sibling on glass chairs or reclining on glass couches, arrayed in glass garments, eating and drink- ing from glass dishes, such a one could real- ize that the age of glass had come. Yet nearly all of this fifty years ago would have been classed with the then impossible tele- phone and electric light, and this statement would have likely found its place in the cat- alogue cxpurgatores.” Monkeys have long memories, and some of them can inflict cruel punishment. A monkey whose place of exile was in the West Indies, and who was kept tied to a stake, was often robbed of his food by the crows. This was how he revenged himself. He lay quite still 011 the ground andpre’ tended to he (lead. By degrees the birds approached and repeated their thefts. The artful little fellow never stirred. but let the crows steal to their hearts” eentent until he was sure of them. \Vhen he was certain that one was within reach of his lingers, he made 21 grab at it and caught it. When he had got held of the luekless bird, he sat down and deliberately plucked the feathers out of it, and then fixing it towards its screaming comrades. who immediately surâ€" rounded it and picked it to death. “ The expreesien of joy 0n the animal‘s countenâ€" ance, says the witness 0f the affair, “ was altogether indescribable." HEMLHAI. verdict on the organization 01 My. Parnell and his friends-m IIIAIcngueâ€"all. Perhaps nut one builder 01' (zonti'mftui' in ten, if told that the common grades of glass made at the glass factories in this city have a or :shing strength nearly four times as great} as that credited by experienced engineers to the strongest quality of granite, would uer eept the statement as true. Yet it is fact, and being so, the query as to why giasx has not received more attention from architects us a structural material naturally suggests itself. A reporter had a, talk with several prominent glass manufacturers on the sull- jez't, and in answer to an interrogatory as to whether blocks of glass could lNl made in suitable lengths and size and so annealed as to be utilized in the construction of a build- ing in place of stone, they said thatit could be done. Said one of these lgen‘nlemen: “ This question has been considered by my- selfa number of times, and, although ] do not want to advocate the absolute abolition of brick and stone, yetin the erection of art galleries, memorial buildings, &e,, :i struc- ture eonip0sed of blocks of glass in prismat- ie colors would LC .1 unique, beautiful, and lasting structure. With the numerous in- ventions which have come into use of late years, the cost has been gradually going down, while the quality of the fabric is steedilv becoming better. The Brzttle Substance Better for Build- mg Purposes than Stone. AFTER EIGHTEEN YEARS. HOUSES MADE OF GLASS. A Monkey's Revenge. l'i:1:bnrgh lvispmu'u wo<o~>oo and loathsome attire would certainly llJ.’ drawn a. crowd in Drury-lane. Froinl battered crown of his hat to the heel of broken hrogues, he was all tatters l strips, and dirt. His wretched, anxiwn- looking wife trudged after us a little v my, harclooted, hearing a curly-headed boy i, her back, swathed in the only shawl ‘ possessed, but she soon went home (tn’l awaited our return. The first field reela' ed from th -. hog had been used for potato: It had about six or seven inches of bleed soil on a, rocky subsoil, and might, with proper manuring and sulficient labor, h“ '1 about four inches of similar soil, but poor- er, on whard sandy clay subsoil, almost or arocky character. The grazing land Vw been made profitable. The oat field i L4 the poorest and worst I have seen in lTL- land. It is true that it was not properly drained. 'l'horough draining is almost 1121- hnown in this district, and any resort tn in would iiifallibly, in past times, have lnouv t down the agent with a demand for m'; 0 rent. But the tenant had made some rm. attempts at surface draining, and every mm of his shallow trenches were quite lull of water. while it was evident that every yard of the tillage land must have been broil: In with the spade, for no plough could possikly have been worked upon it. Of the pasture at least tive-sixths were covered with weeds. and such gr as as grew would hardly hm e amused a few geese. _ Tin: norsn wasa kind oi barn, warmed with a p int fire, the smoke of which was partly dillueui in the room, and partly sent up an open- ing over the plaee of combustion. LL- furniture was ol about the Drudical period and standard of comfort, though a ‘wv \vellvvasbed plates on a roughly-made dr er looked strangely modern. By the was a baby’s cradle, and a little room airi- joining held the boys by night. All the other buildings and houses, except (Iail'L-i- ky’s, were merely reproductions of that which I have described. In all, the lanvi had been saved and reclaimed from the hog. with a patience and persistence whi- . would even be admired in the submari e workers that build up coral islands in mid ocean. In all cases, however, the rent iv been raised to an unendurable heightâ€"~21 poor reward for the industry displayed by the tillers and arrears were the untai i: g consequence. ()afi'erky’s holding was drain- ed with far greater skill and success than has neighbors’. He had the advantage over them of a deep fall, into which he might at once carry his drainage. He had aim remained unmarried ; he had four strappingr brothers and sisters; but he had another farm also, and by that he chiefly subsists, His father and he built the houses and out- buildings, raised the fences, and dug the drains, and still they have a miserably return for their labor. Syracuse: Herald. Since 1874 the County Treasurer has yam- Iy reported that $4,000 of county bonds then due and on which interest had ceased, were still unpaid. At first no attention was paid to it, but as the years rolled on the opinion began to prevail among those who tank notice of the matter that some miserly fellow who owned them had probably hid them away, and died without diselming their lurk- ing place to any one. Of course every 01:0 was surprised when they were presented lustJuly, and it was then discovered that they “ere in the possession of one of the l» , known business men in the count)". Mi ’uyn lligelow of Baldwinsville. Mr. Bigf- low found them laid safely away in the lem' of his Bible. hlaek and hopeless. The country for n " round has been levelled by glacial aeti~, and the surface further lowered by 5 other natural agency, perhaps voleani '. ’l‘hrough the bog, where it had been 01911:" down, protruded in some places the ghaa, stumps of antique massive oaks, standing clusters, as they once stood and waved th arms in stately life and leafy beauty H“. and there over the bog were dotted the ’ whitewashed stone huts of the llliSCl‘:l,l,\l‘ tenants whose fathers had squatted some half~century before upon it, and reclaim->- it inch by inch from the stagnant Wilt:- lound each cottage were two or three lifr' enclosures, carefully fenced round wit high mud walls, and by the neee ' drains. The crops, of course, were ta” up, but it was clear that, except in one ' stance where a poor man had grown a it" rye, the only productions of the soil u oats, potatOes, and a short wiry grass, up)“ the so-ealled meadow, which was eaten "o with weeds, rushes, and other \‘egett' pests, in incredible quantities. The 1 farm we inspected was 'l‘oohills. The 3, man, in his The moral is obvious. There is no tailing how much 11.1mm loses either in this “I ' or m the next by not reading his Bible. A special correspondent 01‘ the Lori Manda/VI. writing,r from Bullion, Jrela. _. says: About noon, in a drizzling rain. 1 mounted a ear drawn by a fleet and hit some mare, and directed by trusty old Michael, a wellâ€"known lo; :al ehariotz Opposite me sat an English gentleman v is making a journey ofinrestigation, to la I understand, about three weeks. in oi to study the causes of Irish disall'eetion «.u-i suffering, and the necessary remedies, n iih particular regard to the e ential {Cilili'“of Irish lilo. and character. He was em ous and “ell-informed, and he had in eyes the excellent recommendation of heir a land agent in England for an estat‘x or some thousand acres, and of p()SSeSSiH_ :1 practical knowledge of farming. ] 1: therefore only too pleased 'to accede to proposal to zwemnpany me over the. holding I desired to examine. It was a do) dreadful weather. The wind hlev. gusts all the way. The rain heat siennii down, and grew into a storm toward ex i.- ing, but. in Spite of these drawbacks in - made a most thorough examination of en” thing. The effect of the survey upon um- minds \‘es the most thorough conviction that no more than justice had been «r by judgments delivered hy the Sub-(gm - mi siou. The whole of the neighborhoou simply A Via-fit to the Bogs ofUnhappy KL Â¥ , 7“” <‘-;>“â€""â€"' * ' " Story With a Moralâ€"Read Your Bible. URL 1 l ERA “LY 1L“ ON AN IRISH FARM. UV H \‘Afi'l‘ [if

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