.Rabcs, CJlï¬Im. Caskets&c.. constum FUN ERALS FURNISHED A. WRIGHT ‘8‘. SEN, UNDEMAKERSL :m n. ASHTON, J. mummy, bk yum- drugglst for liliï¬liétawand Testi- ~ n minis ~â€"frw, ILSANDERSON & SONS, l’icluu, Arpil 20131.18“. ‘iellt1(!]l1€n,â€1 ï¬nd that your Pads are giving «nun: sutiï¬fuctiuumud wish you increased sales Ursa valuable n. named) fordisensos of tne k111- \J'Wu Signed,D1-. J.B.Morden. ("rioosw-(Thild'u l‘mi, $1.50; Regular Pad, ‘2: iw‘wmriul PM for CLvrunic]_|ise: #15. _'<';um Doctors. Druggisbs! Merchants, Farm- €23. Giving ancire engi‘smctmn. A pm‘mnnout cure for Lame Bank. Piles. dis- m was of she Kidneys, Bladder and Urinary or- gans ur attendant cumuluiuts. ENDUBITABLE EVIDENCE T :rnntn, November 5th 1880. H5, TO 121, KING STREET WSET, OAK HALL, the Great. One Prio PANTS 85 VESTS MEN’S OVEBGOATS every8style, ' 7.50, .00, E a tremendOI THE LARGEST CLOTHING HOE} SE IIN CANADA Nos, 115, 117, 119, 121, King" St. East, Toronto. Novelties 2'72 Curtain [Materials and Can/[56253 a the shortest nocme and reasonable terms ‘ INSPECTION French Millineryr OUR MAGNIFICENT SHOW ROOMSARE‘ OPEN GGLDEN ii. WALKER 8c SONS EOLBORNE STREETS mun up 1. RICHMOND HIIIIJ, A 1: Assortment of 437 KING STREET AND Sole agents for Richmond Hill. WE SHOW THE LARGEST STOCK LION. 91R The & I} (41.; - Aurora, Newmarkel. DEFY COMPETITION JV'O VEL T I ES HULL BE 0 WWI/1L}; of the following goods in Canada. every style, and make of goods, prices range, 4.50, 5.00, 5.50. 6.00, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00, 8.50, 9.00. 9.50, 10.00, all colors. a tremendous assortment at the following prices 6.00, 6.50, 7.00, 7.50, 8.00, 8.50, 9.00, 9.50, 10.00, up to 18.00, made in a" very superior man- ner and equal to tht ‘best order work. Our stock of tweed is remarkablygood and for prices iANYT‘H lVG N CLOT LI OAK HALL When you vlsit the city and want l Richmond Hill, July 28, ‘80. An Exploded Fallacy.â€"â€"Among popu- lar and professional fallacies which exper- ! ience and scientiï¬c discovery have explod- i ed is the briefest, formerly very preval- entâ€"that. consumption is incurable~that it must run its course and terminate fat‘ tally. Probably no development in me- dical science has done more to disabuse men's minds of this preposterous error, than the benign results; Much have for years past attended the use of Northrop Lymnn’s Emulsion' of Cod Liver Oil and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda. Tried under-{the most unfavorable cir- cumstances and in various phases of lung and bronchial disease, this sterlingmcdi- cine has invariably been found to fully justify the opinion early formed of it by medical men. “'liile it is not claimed that it will rescue from destruction lungs utterly disintegrated and worn out, yet the assertion is fully warranted by evi- ; dence that if used in time it will «third 1 thorough and perunmentxelief. Sol-i by ' all druggists. Prepared only yNonr- r "vim; Toifetxto. ( a *o“"“ J. L. isflalso agent ?or thn LANCASHIRE FIRE‘INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital ï¬fteen million dollars, Address, JOHN LUSH. Sewing Machines. If you want a ï¬rst class article, one that is durable, not liable to get out of order like many others, then get the GENUINE WILLIAMS SINGER. Impmvcd. It has but one hole to pass the thread through and are selling more freely than ever, so that the company has been obliged to enlarge the factory again. If so, you can have any amount on ï¬rst class proparty, half margin 6 per cent, Over half, 6.5 per cent. Business strictly private. For further particulars apply m J. LUSH, VALUATOR 620. Richmond Hill. And come and buy from us. Opposne SI. James Cathedral If you desire to save money MON EY' ‘? Do you want ALSO German Mantles. e Clothing House " - TORONTO. L NEXT WEEK. Terms moderate. Apply to JAMES. LA‘RGSTAFF, M. D. zijchmunrl mm, 315'}: 3th, 1881, A new houw with live rooms, in a de- sirrble location in the village. Terms moderate. Apnlv to JuIy 26th, '81. HOUSE TO RENT. Reserves depoaited annually, with the Receiver General, and held exclusively for the beneï¬t of Canadian Policy Holders thus affording absolute security. “'m. OF LONDON, ENGLAND. CANADIAN BRANCHES; HEAD OFFICES: 217 ST. JAMES STREET MONTREAL. gamma & gnuczxzhirc gm gamma @umpaug, Fire Insurance Ass’n OF ROBE IVE-$0M Manager. B. REDDITT, Agent, LONDON, ENGLAND: And the (Limited) THE RICHMOND HILL. Sample orders punctually attended.th of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, 182 Yongc Street, third door north of Queen. Special Attractions in SIIAWLS, MANTLES &SKIRTS‘,, of which we are prepared to offer the- latest novelties ill! Dolmans, Ulsters Ulsterettes, Sacqu'es, Scotch Plaid Shawls, Cloth Shawls, Tweedy Shawls, Felt, Quilted, Sat- in, and Lustre Skirts. Cloaking, Tweeds, and Fancy cloths, :Linens, Blankets, Cotton, Fancy Gocdés, Hosiery, Gloves, Knitted Goods, and Underwear. 1 The above is the very latest produciionwwf the European Markets. Comprising Satin Brocades, Velvet Brocades, Satin Impaials,.Sati'm Peking, Silk Brocltelles.P1ushes, Black Dress Silks. Black and Kolomd Sains, Colored Dress Silks, Black and Colored Brocaded Velveflcens, Union Suitings.Cam1et Suitings, Serge Suitings, Mlthool Suitings,‘ Black and Colored Cashmeres, All-Wool Camden. All-WoaiiEstamines, Silk’ and. Woo†Omber Stripes ahd Checks. Tommie, Hat, 516th. 1.889. Will Continue Throughtout this Month his Great Clear- ing Sale of FANGY AND STAPLE ï¬RV-Gflï¬ï¬‚s, EDWARD M’KEOWN C. PAGE & SONS, 194, 196, 198. 200, 202, AND 2049 OUR LADIES’ UNDERCLOTHING’ fa‘Christmna presents for the dear babies, richly em'hmi cltmks, beautifully quillud silk or sxtin cluaks, churmi sumer trimmed, and a host of other articles ranging fl CHILDREN ’8 SUITS Edward McKeown, IMPO'RTER will pay every mey whointends purchasing for the win- ter to see the immense stock now exhibited, and the irr- ducements in prices offered by over vests, neck ties, lace packet lmndk’fn, glows. collars, coHarettes, riL‘ wry, knitted wraps. and :\ 'thoumnd uchor useful Xmas gins for Very little money. GENT’S JAPANESE SILK DRESSING GOWNS,.. flR‘I’URSES : 11 large variety at right prices. jarGIL’l‘, SILVER, and JET onmnmms for ladies' hair, Skyhsh and Kc“ LADIES SILK AND CAMBRIC HANDK’FS ï¬fSplcndid imitation of line uuldund very c‘ J'IC VVE 1.1] A] 10ver face & Bright i/J Toronto. January 10th. 188] fit? DOLLS ! DOLLS! ! â€"â€":0- Card plates, trays, bmpkgts, and a huge v Japanese Glove, Handk’f & Trinket Boxes FANCY GOODS, â€"~-â€"â€"-00: TO SUIT EVERY CUSTOMER. :00 silk neck ties, gloves, collars, cuffs, shirt and 4 ' white «lreas shirts etc. etc‘ took the SILVER MEDAL at Toronto Exhibition this year. None equal in the Duminiun. Indiesy Snlk 'onge Street, Toronto. PRETTY IOLLS 2 7 ! AID IRX’, .Ilf] VV apnnese :md Embrnldered morning wrappers‘ rackets, and n hmge variety of other metal articles â€"+**suitablc fur pl'esunbs.**+â€"â€" , frocks, and pelisaea, knitted hands, hats, guitars and mittens. I“ immense variety.(' sxtin clnmks, charming-robes, very )mnC» l‘y cheap.‘ ï¬ï¬‚‘CJHRISTMAS CARD» embrnidered white cashnwre collars, canarettes, ribbons Us)" cnfl" studs, scarf pins. from 10 cts. -I)})w:zl‘d.’fla§ Dirt‘cé {mm Paris, “"1! ‘i