flux"): of ulna Thu 1); Km mert. Elm-l:- av Tunmut'u: 0‘ Vtuuï¬nu, 1 :iacmr of ll?nbï¬, Mqiï¬. wgea unit Beams. Commimihuez in L‘o‘ut c'ri‘ Queen's Bench, .ntm north of ‘Suonmnd (Iinmxbn‘:-'A, 18 and ‘1‘». ï¬lm; “tree/t “'613$,'l‘l)|‘()111:(l. / A“...)H'Y‘)!(11§B.Q.U. Cnuunza M0951. I, W. H. Funnwnmnna N. W. Horny“. WALT in B\R2VICE. " " Ail, KYLESWUEUFX '. J. Fa.sz .w ‘ / fg‘E‘RIDAY MQRNINQ Rumime Atï¬m‘ueynâ€"nt-Lmv, Huiiéitm'win- (“Amman P501601»; 112 ArlnximltyCuurtfl. .Uun- VOWLIIUOIN em ‘ MU‘lmhamp’shumian .\de (21' [unite Viotm' 1' ufwrunl HInkoQAJ. 5.â€. Biach V‘lemrtiussnln, WJLMullm 1' J. Uulm m. H. (lumuls. , 5.311. “mum: limb: u \"vamriw ‘s‘x'umrc‘ -‘l‘hornhill Maple. . . . Wuwlbridga ‘ Rlninhurg Nubletun, fl! RICEMONI) HILL 15L1(_)fllny'§j. ofaachnputh MAPLE, 18L}; “ “ _ Nitrous axiJe gas mhniniszered int minhess unrawmon of Teeth. RICHMOXD HILL. R. B. Orr, “.13., an! 1“; HT: Mad'ï¬'m; 1;.:ivemicyoiTurnnlo; M C Rt ;. (ML; 1),? MALI,†“ughmd. {Dita uf ï¬lm) Engran i; {mum}, ti" ' 0mm; hours: L610, 1 In '1‘“! ‘3 f.†7 L _ . 9.x! sun. Sum}: " _n. Emian ROMAN mmnmc cnmwurâ€"‘Swvi'ma in imlor 36 {011cm ; 'X‘hm-nhill m 5) mm†3.114 Ricmmuaï¬ Hill at mm mm: tho following Smmdmnxyt‘ mm. Inc»an Hm m, 9 n..m., and 'J’qu‘nhiflxt 10.. (lg-.10., Hamming 1» 1m 31' 'lflmm cvzrv ugh-d Sunday. N hnm'r' .119, Marklumt ‘l'imnkfu‘a I'm the fzwors of Mmï¬mat hm ymu‘a may szill hr: “nuxlï¬m-l in any branch 01' the! pro- ;‘mHion. mu fallow. . \ u-om. Ian, 3th. 16th, and 151m! m’ can" montli ‘zuurkes ......... and (10., Lylnnond Hill" . £11 and 24th tin r t-tlm Palmur House) vx'rmz-uzv trimucli or? c .wm-a‘wrï¬um ' J 1mm, 4n] [MK] 13. m.. and _ .m-Jny MLmui. ) p.11; 1"." r moumng (we ‘I‘?nu‘s¢L-M men. 5:, in me Lo (2111? hum . h. w, P. Iur Auuiv sun and J in l’xwi;€.:r 1:. Rm :1 (. Y' . PRVEBYTWULU“ cm'ucu or CANADA.“ Ravi“ NU n‘n‘.nr- :1.llL.&L.‘|J 6:10 pm. Pmum‘ meaning yuThlll‘i. my awning at 7112'. flex. 1. mezpbail l’mtor. ' . r .I‘. A. M" Pd). '3‘, “ELF '(: Nmum,.‘ snub; lmlL 1m him 1 mama, .mfl n‘clnck p.11; Ihummï¬i; Lam; - “348cm 31; the Lm‘l Mnmm; nu m. mian h. MM: 0 u ' .‘Y. W. [LXCIHIUND 11.1 ~ 2:134:91“ the Tam hwmmr‘ Hv‘ ‘ 1 pr iwiu ‘0 1w monu, M S dc]ka p.111. "' xeivgmrf-L. n . Rlcxu'uxn Hum Tum-LP, No 4%,1‘ I}. i}. '1‘; Ilth m the 'l'elmporuucu Hallznvsr‘v “whinesdi; ovun‘u1u.a,bT.3-H.a’x:lonk. WuLHnn-zmu '12.“. The Manna" t sabbath n :‘mml'l‘mnpurmunAn Iocia ion iasx - pies-Age mmlu ovary : why when desired. \‘v’mimrnsuu sup! , Mm: uxu-r- LN 'z'I'rm‘L. v Lil“)? "or 1 00 Valhhmstopl'n um y 'l‘ueml y oven In 0:}; Hfmiu Hall. from 'i to :5 u ‘. R, J): h}: w. 1.3a“,- rum. Lay: ust and .1i:e:;ll.ssj<ms p a. oilmxlxy. I RICHMOND HILL ('GRHET BAZI‘IL- -. ‘5 for p aubim every Tm U and ngturJny m. mums ".1. \) o’cluuk. Alex. and. Lozmer. VILLAGE (1m). Lâ€"Hu v . \VXLL Tm u'h; Ho 11- vflhrn, Mesr‘ 5. me j Hi It“ -‘ L. \|= g 1' {-15 v‘.“ “ Daucumb. hum J. 11. San.ch k‘ M. Thomhil], Aumatlmtics, as Nitrous Oxide. 0",, mm m vim-0d, and none but the busn‘nmterml USHJ. Address A. ROBINSON 13.113, .‘x‘u‘m‘u’Ou ‘ehmond H11?,wi11:zmleyzLinm fuuml at harm) as Nine 0 Mock mm. VOL. 1 H nque, Kory, as «assures; BUSINESS CARDS. “imam. ' Dr. McConle. Graduate of Toronto Univerait)‘, .1 minus NI. Nun-cure; 'ONVEYANCER. ETC M his 1‘r€:}‘.igtg‘ Ilstvgeljlf‘, Lmout Dr. James Lilllgb‘flflfl \Munw thxitor, Notary, r Emmi _ , Union Luau Buil 'I‘umntu ï¬rm Emmi 1min, Mm. ’I‘urnuw. ' “@112. (fifibwal per mmum, in advanccfl "‘é'immt flirmery. gtlmrchm. H '5'L')’>LU.\HL‘J} Evzm‘x‘ W’ï¬uiiam K. Best, mar. orr, Nina?!“ A. 241* gs: w 345 n 'r, *(sw'u'u. um.‘\¢.c1(.-~Bervim (pt 3 ' a Sunday of m’m'y xxx-Ankh in» am mm'aruwnb uré hum-1t. $1 L'n-hxml m. 1:30 pfm Emu ‘i, Shani; Mass. Pmlcmnbn-uiga I-qulms. ' Sock-1km. SURGEON 1‘} VII?†'. A. Rubihson,» 1N UFFLQE h, and 21nd vi 0411'“ nmntli N 2nd 110., (1 24th 1 9th u. £21m“. 'mjal. or? GASMW hsrï¬um .m..mm 5.10.16â€: Adhuui. 'mmnng «very ‘I‘hiu‘s‘L-u hum 'h. s5, 9.â€? Auuiv 28th 211?}; 21:: 2’31' d 26th 18th R501 1: 1 W35 '« Ext. "1 on“ 11 6M W hen (In {H L (in. In. In. (In . 0.???“ Om. . A good prm’entim furl‘lrvarn,Agngï¬pd Bilinns dimvrdm’i‘ is I'Dr. $.3ux‘smx'a .‘txï¬ii'ï¬c‘l. :md Constipation Blttenga MrictlymIM‘gf;L mm», prepm-Minn: "Tl-95310119 “16;:me purify the'hhmd :m'd incruai'u the kyipé’L titeï¬md rondar thuseï¬nkimz them "dump: pmof it shut diacau'u', qhnlï¬d b'e‘flpqdï¬ih every case ivmtvad nf pillé. “R. Law; Agent fur 3&1â€).va XML hug: kilti to make mnnev unduly. You can 1ic~ \u‘m your whole tum» to' thu “wry: or only vnm' spam moments. T‘u’l’rinfurnmvion 54):] Ml that is unwh-vl 'aeuz h'ocy. Address Bruno}; {a . CuJ’rt.» hum; Maine. FUNERALS v FURNESHEE money I0 Lang, :\ ‘m‘flu 1111161 1.13 of Money 9.0 Iwhï¬ 0}) him pr tzgtv Uépn'fi ; ï¬gure.“ 7 um‘uaut.; ne'- auguuuu- men. v 158 King tit-mat Hunt. Turnutn. 19:11.. claws mamâ€" numzupg huyw. (inn; “.AL':U~J'11LN)U~.LTIXUH nut! nvery mmmtum abovxu Sum-1. , Supt». Stmmng. 1"}.‘1'RY L JLUn “murivtur. “(hm-m of ï¬rst-dam lama. all «lawful and m1- Jui‘ gund stun of cultivation, with good lyoiidingw P0111709 nil nowflming: boa, '41Ornarniaht‘rmL:sink: :Ltml on Gravel mud lesweex's Ricmnm'ld Hill mid M aple‘ (Jpeguilc I'm ,lii moud HiHyS’Lnï¬ L 11. tho uhovn Home on :u untm, and runninhed it: ' : style, 1 am. prepara! Y0 : L n! mm‘nmum mum HEHVG host-Ken. sample vellum. Ternâ€, i5) _ .11 Um i‘rm.‘ L3; vs my ’quroum an.) [cm-3;; Having rmcz’afly lmi x-IHM of 2.1130111 S“ mrnuulzoui, {u ï¬rst» give clu- public Ll Good swfl Ruuilm If’b Tvzmnm‘; per «my. TunJKictuzl‘Q shin lirmm‘ M 7:.51) mm. Tot-unto wt‘ um. nvonienc. n .0111»: easy. PR afhflruhmg‘ 'Buhool an}! ‘l’qat Otiic lumunlirzmcr-x 'l‘itla ï¬grfpct. ’ purticuim‘k'aprzly m s - ‘ ' £3. mama‘s“ gal,- 33%, ‘ INIDER'i‘AKER5.; ‘ Iaaum‘ qfï¬imrriwgn Livozmm for Yul Jug, ï¬smta and Munoz? )1"! vim: (gt:qu or losa‘fï¬ mm, 51: mm: n; ‘nm 01' pi‘nporzy will h: I'm-111w V handed to by the‘ nf‘ Emery I‘. 0.. County York. {Quecmwr ny the 13% «'5‘ H. Dmixm's limurauuu .& :mm, for L212: In 31:1 [HUM mlimmg Ulnnpzmi' H dam); bmine in Lamar (la. Pam -d<::'.u‘mn nf iumu‘ingr in at “9 clam cam may 512.71le Obmiu uurxcmeu lmx‘nm inmnng Ax, will, 1 mm hm‘ ulrwsun'ifr Kinetic HQU "w. an chnahla‘.» Feh‘v 1x11. '31 H EgbesmCofl‘ms. Casket sttc.. com“. a C3100 tr. nor of it‘urrimm L must»: for t‘uo \ :nmty of Y0] k, lccï¬n ï¬smta and 11 mum A. out. l‘m‘bies 1m vim: fa “1:1 or lot-:1 1“ ma, pr x hing: hum» mm: n; ‘nm 01' pi‘nporzy will have their outer“ )u‘umpc y «(handed to by the uho‘fe. kivne to mm: at c‘ pgsr com: on 1111 ‘ vud Heartle mun ()flicawflou‘fla Emma. Tumuto T031211“ f: - 13:2.514011‘: And I'rirmdafnr their my. maxi mum '3“ ix, thu saw \\'u 1mg (v man: that we bursa h'qt r53 mix vi a Emile ut-nc'n’ of xuwrgcmis in lu‘hwt Janiwm. ;11;\.x'-Eu~ smock a Elcin and W ‘h-«uri wulchox km» on hum}. GIRL WAKTEB, And \kuï¬nr in V1; )z‘cb gm, MACHOSALD, MERLI’IT I: Q3 ' v n thq s‘xm‘tas‘v mam-a 3.1m reï¬t-annulus terms: ’wlm "anger new“ ; Izicrggggz~:1)}11g.,r,. I 4 JOHN PALMER; Propgï¬ctcr. About 15 or 16 ygars, of age. " Apply “to £49513?“ 3;. 'nxvnw. F's??? Sale. Tim ’x‘uauwus. A! L.-i_§kcclu. and VIatch 11L; er, Emory}; Exclaim. vs; C; ‘ PATTERSON; " A " Patti-350i} Ont. lykept on‘ harqrd :;I(YIIAI<,)X1) HILL, RIGLMQND HILL, FRIDAY, FEBRUAKX 18390 A u Amxn'bn': out: of .9. an nag/«m. nior Apply _‘ M rs. P ICE ERIN CH " , Maple P; O. simian"; 6302438“ RETAIL at \I’VHULESALE PRICES At {he ‘LIBERAL’ DEPOT. Monty. ‘. ~ MI- my Q1163 Hon-.3, Loan bu‘ilvlmga, Tomnfa WRKG HT .1" Rem In EE-sé'nfials, L Guilty-2, and ' 607w- in Hill, Out, ‘ iurwwhna urn . an 01‘ 7 mm Mume .murmg n! 4 am: the where is 1'0qu for impruvem‘gmg in {his ffléputwwn’thmgait i; n‘ depnrbggepc phat. shuuld,, on.» well peglllgted farm»: he a m; Byznmtiurbléroue. There aru season» y Inflmjwur yyhuï¬ eggg command a splen- ? did pride, in"an viiinjgrs and towns 01080 n- }xyml. wiihuu; wing to the any At all! Q .11. p;ig}rkin‘bv«“_a'\im‘y goud plan: tn give the éhilérgh a5przxckiual,_ {Lawmi‘a‘x- hi6wa SHEEP AND mas, _. In like mmmer we might. apauk of them; umjlnl mumth uf Lhe farm sLmk cum! ‘umuigy in so far as amellunco is cuncern- ad, I’lucé'yn-Lr a‘tauzdaz'd high, make it yynr n'i'm LI; knep ain‘th with†or it puma~ ible' ahead 'nf.yuun lmighbul‘a yr the mat:- er of having gnud stuck and,, all indulg- mg in so prawn-"1' n rimlry, hmr grand must km the rpuulb ini cozxxpaumï¬velvy short. (mu-i "W.Y. Aggï¬; Society. The demand fux milk. butter. cheese :md‘buet seems ltkuly, owing tn the rapid growth cf our antes, In) luau-arse, and my the producig 91' the farm in this particul- m; mll be eagerly sought Run The lllgh prisms cmuumt‘dml by buzzer of superior, quality in {‘8 Tumum marl-mt. thus fall shinw t,lzzL'_ti’tlnez'é"in 1m dungcr yet. of two. great a plz'iyply, but i3. mum. bu burns in ‘mile {lint buttmj‘m ï¬nd satisfactory sale in, @lmb '1' aka (which w'e mentiun par- ticul'éï¬'ly .; helium): of in}; Main}: tho‘cniui Illaqlg'éz.‘ fxilr'uux‘ éimntny) ‘lllllai the careful» lydllude.‘ ‘ The butlur' nf Canada; ham mot.- alwaï¬ 111mg: veryvguud rapumtiun abruggd probably kngx' nécumm 'm' the slipmltod tmgnum'lu \\ hic’lz sung“: of it. was prepared on Um l'al'-1n;"uml kiwi-Wands packed in apple county? Mord whm'av-tlm mun du- tzgilgdlo do Charm-k n'ml’mure zml than kin‘xmlud‘ge, or more mildew: alum tustv, ï¬nd the Clluice bptmr xl‘mt Jitl cmuelu being‘:sbsuglwd,by the 'c'natumem “f m, asu'i'eï¬heoclxurénutmeg-Illamrwuenuns mus» wan‘s'tmt nz‘ii for «llwuaail tn, :lhbll we say Lundrlinuvlmmse kteepnrs', or luruigu Cum- xu‘ismm “gents. Prime hutf is always wanted, and. if ,our 99mph ml era will go on ï¬upmviug-(lamr nu,ng so as to produce llm’ bust quality ol, milk, bulk: and cheese, and tn miap gnéfl'aterling beet" ï¬n to please ngc heart of «in Englishman- in Shy-Emma Week the) Quay wull expect tn i'é'ny {llcit\lt'flztla'., , 1 vr' H 3 HORSES. It-Will not be necessary in tliig report tummy much on lhe 211113ch of buses. “'0; must all bum inqu cxp‘érienee hhzgt a goml horse will always Jim! 59. marl:- Vet‘iunl bring mguud price. if , was 1!. gauge» of gratiï¬cation ltu yaw: llirugccnra ll ' ' , «n the ‘apc‘euiug truck ' " lug fainfif J Th4: lwl'sis ring :Llwa‘éys .i ltucts :\ cm‘i' lï¬ufï¬. Ewi- ‘a dream, nnd'cu'méuly'mr Um:vpévggyrfltnwap not m in.» \mmlkregl'n dun m nnach'm tuition was euteu’n“ in it. The feeling of triumph wlgicli'uflu the 'zlmurtui the uwuul‘ 9f human in) nublc an in curry all" (glte “.Tulm {mm mun“: an many ï¬ne; mm male. must “f iniel‘f. apart. iran any prize, be a. full ruwurd fur the care wluch has- betm bestowed upon the victors. ‘ a. 9 R 3.‘ V. 5 '3 “E ( :: '.'." -< E 5 E 5" Annual reparc’of the Dileclors of'thc Wes: Riding of YorkAgricu tum) Socievy_ for 1881. } m, if mn‘ nwn practical fitment who have in thacunrse n! their ugriuniï¬aml wrsur flemmd {mm autumn: uhservminn numb“ s of um-fuli ems o.‘ kuuwkdga wuuhi, in their mimrc mumeuts,' send the finits 01' then" uxpvriwhce) to Mme UH: paper, 110w the hnuuï¬t; Would Hymns-,1 and how one man nfmr ulluLhcl’ “amid, mylnnishing his store ui infunxmiijxn, dblive Lmtmg good from: his b'x'ulbcr Iarmel'a’ unrutul muting uf ucum'reucesin the daiiv rmmd nf tho furumrs' lifu. And hrru it may be We“ to remqu that. the. luch lmpem, mom: which are of us and fur us, «up nang the cause of «my own locality, us apposed tn the grunt pnpera uf 'hu cilia should rcceim nu)- Mlmmrt, as farmers, in every “:vy, him by urmnptly mud aubéuriptxma and by the furnishiuguf thaw; :iLuulfl of Haws which crop up from tune to time, nnd which we! knuw will prince nf ixité’regm ff) ‘Im‘iuimiug emu: unify is; our REA- Many valuable hints have been given to we farmers 01" our cnuntry in books wr‘mlcn by men who mwmum whawuf they spuke ; bnuka which owing m» the wuuduuiul falcilitnzs ufl'ured by the print- inu presn, are literally within ï¬lm reach of all. A great den} of Sufummlion,‘tun, 1:9 givm) mnnbhly 0r weékly in thta CUI' mus of the Agmmltmufl Magazines, and wvekly Ileu'spgpcrs of lhe country whiqh am: L0 be luld M. suprisingly low will,“ and it; thn prnvinw, of u. very 3x3,- 11 uhuldnl‘d uf excellence. Nu duhbt mmxy vi the ideas put fun-ll: m the vain-4,9 lunches and trunk»! referred t0 ha“; haâ€" un adopted eilhm‘ whtu m- in mud ficd forum by men llv'mg In our own disurwt, and thou: men hum,pemdveunuru, pan-ï¬t.- ml directly at; indx‘reclly by the knowledge- gained. 1 71 Non-Essentials; Liberty; in all ï¬lings, C121; P09 LTRY. (IAI‘TLI' . .1 .3 . . Ax» , w v (ï¬nnd am?" my ((‘qnï¬rmtmf, m.fï¬bn_,_ {many {*1 :ng * Mg, gpyli'vgmu; iehgbllx r‘f‘épgflm‘ 9 ï¬lm, tepl'lgqgudinga“ Day;\vhigh-répnmsrthe Some- 537 i; ubiiged t}; th’a proprietor.» _ {igmcurqrmu-I mmmsmom . Yu'zi‘ Direcph-ls' mils! not neglect tr) bear‘Lzystim'uny, "go the Valuable» work of 'ihe Agagqulmml , Cmvmniasimlers, Who have gum: m; . fully into the subject of what in pm ’bly‘igx ï¬rming tor the Tanners‘zï¬OMMig. and wlm have also pointed out tlw; mum approved method; nf grapphug withjha unions dangers to and enclniuu of successful»fanning. Amzxcmjrqnmt zyrx‘xmxxm. These helps, my index-d? we may Jiow my, xmcesmtiea, tq ‘thu talrmera are no yumerona that it m-qzd. .requiro volumes _to walk: mvuii a‘brief metrniunflof ï¬llet]: ; sufï¬ce it‘iu‘huy' than. "' v}_)‘m;,gxtess4’.L is {M‘â€" (lunLly {he \vucdhw-Ird of the agricultural impleug’ems un’ipnfactugqra vi the ' land, and they m'nik‘gs‘ it. their; 1533» to keep fully abreast with tho" onewptic spirit of the I timuri. 'l‘hi: swam thie'flmr: has} made kuudcmua strides oi lat’g’ yergm, and yupxï¬ln‘ecwrs lea} that. this mvlmtry in to bty 'gfingriunlnwd an bniug Aha was \1 here pm'uflMu Engines for threshirm purposes “:1qu ï¬rm; umimtacmred 3:15 U;p:::g§._ _ 011A 'rn‘v I); “3 For the good Mrvear WEE-16h 3'3; home enjoyed‘,.and fdr'ixmny tmupura1_ 13,1985â€" :inga and mercies to m as a comu :3xy, 37‘ 7? 1’97: Iii-73‘ng ‘ ‘ ‘Oannnmmn/w Rimming; 26914113.; the Con n ry Um: mm ~ mm medv it"s-sitting. M r.’ JQR. McDunahi nan heard on-‘thu needs of the Mmkuka sufferers, bvht'the nun-er wan; Mid uver: v - r ' . .Qn :T‘annunai ,tho .Wahbh, Messrs. Bun", ni-i‘ifz‘i‘gly,gVMAWatwn,o§-X~ork nLThe writer of the above which my} not think that becéliiée be omitted men.- tioning the name nf “'l‘I§EerBIaRAL," (guy repnrttw also being at the Fair, 1.1m: m: think any-59.119 lens of him: “X3 luvevhim just né much. notwithstanding an I 1min- teutiwzz; alight; A’mw‘s true character must munï¬eat “with; some way. 13D. L13. 1, ‘ t Wk: mm; mm “.5 r. n. "Hug"... u; .m «a I. uvu . . ".77 we. feel that we ought, in the fgmilmenc pf uurduny as your Directors, ti) @301: «m recordrungratilude m Almigluy (31ml, Lhu Giver of everyzgnnd and pcx'fect gift, wlm has been pleased to grant us‘ inning;- uity from» \er‘ widyâ€"aprcad pestliiunqq‘, fmn’hu', urot‘her grckua aï¬â€˜htiau. W: (1mm in right w my that the To- frtsmm (infly [::qle:'n,,4}laii,uald. qubc, aud- Hnume mu- lncal‘ puppy-s, incl-nlzlaaig_ Hm T" 1. n, 1. “ï¬x/- I’u'éxlt-I'y. ll: min . Vega-milks. ln‘lhhl. Gram um? 8em§gk lmplmnentn. Duiyy Prml we; 11mm;- Munufncpugea.‘ Ladiuu’ WM‘L. ‘ ‘ Firm :u'tu. "Hana; my?! . nixan,- Thc wmnuzl dinner was parthkeh of at the lukszt‘mau hotel, wherqu lawn hum; bur uf 1numbersAndigueesta» ujï¬he society :w‘armhlw’, and :L 13ie;|sm;;â€tinw “as went, Buwml interesting Epeechcs being , ‘ rm: my. mm 0F 18§l, lining-Lunaruly far the fair this year theyi pres'alence uf fewer in theâ€. village cï¬ \‘(nudln-ldge. and the spread tllrnghouL the country of the most. widely exagger- rupm-ta of the neriuusnuss of the trouble unlitumd aminst its suc'eess very much indued. All the circuumtzmcustwever. beirg taken into account, theft-Ar proved successful, and the number of en- crinu'nimngh not tip to last years record, mm yet. a wry respectable one. £5ng the ï¬g‘u'gga for Egg} and 1880; 18%; 1880. “was, 205- m; CALHV. 70 Slle41r._ in the poultry; gal-51:3 : teach them how to. manage that, y‘a-er with syatem and with Common sungâ€; and give them a flood big dividend “up niche proï¬ts for their own nae ulld_bpl1txï¬t. We l'mw game; and’ bhmcgh the silent, yet, theyl d‘ and an a. rule ï¬n sum]! ups: to lhgi u’t been he morq farm: in Yzizgk‘ ‘ like lmuey,‘ i315 Lhmk that. n. sué general Imqu in pruve sufliginnt. ncgh the workers in: lvijm'sa‘,“ {01' yet, theyl (19, n.‘ ngnap (haul. :3! work: a. rule ï¬vnldgthci’ï¬r, qud at a very _.,L A A†‘ ' V V u morq generally kept on the kink, County? Most people Y,‘ i315 always B:\1_¢leu and We Lt. fl. suggestwu as to a more “112x uwmhumxm. c‘mneirto unothetdepax'tmqnt: bwnéi'aL'WWI‘I-j; 31:41]};â€" BEES. this direction should 81 101 54 3:4 3-1 (a 90 3,54; 53 .1 9 . _x 7i 162.1. 70 101 49 113 61) 1‘0] 64 ' G 7 l I 20 378 6] I’n‘mBan J‘an 28.~ In Wee; Deer township yeswrday, a yun'ng man inuned Lee, whflu' hunting,» inch. tivé):"l..§1169.’ With-mt proflncatimr lid shut. and Wuihdv ed both, not. seriumly, and. fled. ‘Afté'r 9' ,the ladies reached lmmem pan, uniï¬ed.- in p’itrsuit of Lee. The latter, peeiw litï¬â€˜ capture inevimblc, wig-idea by Elli-33.3%.; tunaclï¬. ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ > 7’" " The dispatgh of “'05:va ingu Inland at Mm pWsent‘gung is qqigl'tfp‘ anU nu fur- ther signiï¬cqu $1133}; intunbiun tn stilllnorc closgélg gnforc¢3 the law. Ev- erything puinm 139 LXI-g giléirtqmibn (.f the Land League. ' L r h ' Thvsramion of the German Reichstag clusgq un Manna}. A‘ï¬ftegn‘ year nld girl with two hm- - has been discovered. at Twy. Al‘protgstkwam ï¬ned Simu'd'uy, at; Q» goqdy Hal} "graham-he mun-n of Mr. (hu- lett. Cxqiysgrm'b‘g, an membur uï¬ Elm Jimmy: M; Jmnmgus {gynl‘zz-a; Sorghum. hmhumgnfl uhurgegsqriafflwg the elec- (ion “(a Se,†. .1 hy the pracpxcfa of in-th undgwg 31! um. qurruptiou. '- Frum. that vifgzï¬fnniplgwp, the, Gatingn, di§zric:, reameï¬uwe 'réport' of allmélier crimc, tim‘rmungbï¬ng it this (min tth the cunk in (mu 5? thunmnr’s lumbering. nhamiea at thnylhrécrl became elï¬lI‘lthd at" hw‘umajstant, killgd him, cut. up Um bud)" and puytlm pmcea in a. barrel of purka Thq I-iuflhiu Courier in an edi;~.‘»rial cmmleuta‘un the recent arbm'ary acts 0!’ the Dmnimun Unvermueub “"th yrcgurdr t9 Prnï¬ijgxqial matters as an evident-n u: the failure m’ our kmumninn tnpruvidu the game cieur {listinotiuu butween Federâ€" -':LL n1;dl§m_t.e jnurisaidtxon which exist}; in the United Emma. 2 {efnrm ‘muetï¬kiugsw were held in East Elgiu. ï¬mtixibln‘»xl,jml Addinotoh ya :Mqudn) . ' "Atzthg‘twlg'ï¬ru name: mp9:- ingpg" ulgfpion'svwé passed condemning Mag.ixstqgkavsgxgpm‘ng_A I, omiqu Hkiyggr "113131.951: 75amch is :3» - .yu 5‘3’Cnliullï¬qude, Mï¬ï¬‚gedi' f; _ 'hfli'éflg'bgan’callcd 111nm by the Biï¬ï¬oy cg? 'Munu‘eal, m retract: mum: comments nmgln .m M: paper upuuzflm'diual Simeum’s lum- igi' Fe Umvermty, has declined to do no, preferring rather to retire from nix-nul- 13m. ‘ ' ‘ '1‘ L. V .. 3. ! P I Mr, J,‘ ï¬fmcuï¬. of Clnuchill, on Fri- day‘ruqyiymd tho unmixmtion‘ of the Re- fnn'u Q'envenfliun «of SuuLh-_ Simuoa, m1 caudiï¬am for that. ruling for electiun in HIQHUNEB 01f ()mnmum. The seat Wis rendgred vacant by We death of the. hits.- W. C. Little. ‘ ' ‘ .[gisjaidat'ugt Dr. S'u-Hvan will be the Tgry candidate for the Commons in King» spun at: 1.11:1 maxi: GeneraLEIeCtinn. This dues mi't look like Sir $0111; MucdmmN renaming tn his ï¬rst law. ‘._‘ ‘ Voting touk plum nu the Canada Tum- psamlmu act in Inver'pess enuyty, U. 5‘ on Friday, and the m‘cmms ‘ _(I_ {mm give it the mij of Hum-1y flint ‘hyngl; 1' (1., . ' ' On FIRED/1X3 aid was grgggwd tn Agri- cultural socletlesnfl fpllqivs: West Yurk $5125; Ezyst York, $3251.;North York,8150 The matter ofï¬npyujutiug a. Qyunty Suh- citor was rufej‘ygd-flto the Qyugmicteu on LeginluAégw. Elana for > the Iudllxmried Home, by My. Sinker, were adupbxad†Hnildmg [.0 c§)§§‘$ll.800,-aud abundng autumn-tee apprnitgtud to receive tgnglgu and prucued with the construction mpucn. Messrs Umwfurd and Jackson Were up- pointu a Buurd 0!. Audit... The Council udjuuruer} till Tuesday; 31“. cat-viedmiliecuunly of lnvenxess, Kym Scotiu. The Cunpda Tumpemnce Act 1%ng 139m: The dchctOrs of Hervey InstituteJL-m treul, by a vote uf live tn three, have re. fuaed to disguise the Mam,“ for applying mustard plasters ms a corrective measure. The Con‘unfgsgmnem on County El'opgr: ty rupnrbed that the purchase U! a farm fur the lmlnstriulHome was completed, mice $4.5.UU- They also reported that they’lmdnmt-rncted proceedings against the Cummners Gas Cu. They 11.15:» repuri ed Limb they Mud instructed J. K. Km:- :0 proceed m Ottawa to defend-the bill prohibiting the use of steam ou Hie .Kingsmn Road Tramway, passed by the Ontario Jwgislatnrcï¬md peLiliuued to he {in-allowed. The report was adopted. . The fulluwiug High Suhnol Trustees were appointed : Weulun, Mr. J. P. Bull. Markham, Mr. J. besuu. Richmnnd 1:191}, JI.FV,I;C1;1111)bell. Newmurket, Mr. F. Stair, wereappuinmd acumm‘itten mi County pmpercy. Thu sum of $300 was granted to Muskuka murmurs. A communication was read Irum Sheriif Jarvis, asking fur more ample uccomumdutiml . IHIERESTING ENKLINGS. [Single copies†3~ cts. CANADIAN. FORCE EIGN, NO. 3.; , Id