Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Feb 1882, p. 7

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VVomen’s chief business is to please, says Dr. Holmes. A woman who does not please is a. false note in the harmonies of nature. She may not have youth, or beauty, or even manner, but she must have something in her voice or expression, or both, which it makes you feel better disposed towards your race to look at or listen to. Womanly women are very kindly critics of men. The less there is of sex about a wo~ man, the more she is to be dreaded. But take a real woman at her best momentâ€"well dressed enough to be pleased with herself, not so resplendent as to be a show and a. sensation. with the varied outside mfluence that set vibrating the harmonic notes of her nature stirring in the air about herâ€"and what has social life to compare with one of those vital interchanges of thought and feel. ing with her that make an hour memorable? What can equal her tact, her delicacy ; her subtlety of apprehension,herquickness to feel the changes of temperature as the warm and cool currents of thought blow by turns ? In the hospitable soul of woman man forgets he is a. stranger, and so becomes natural and truthful, at the same time that; he is mesmerised by all these divine differ- ences which make her a mystery and a bewilderment. The Royal Visit. In the Ajudu Palace in Lisbon on \Vednes- day last was given the Court ball, for which 2,900 invitations had been issued. Among the guests were the elite of Lisbon society, of the Diplomatic Corps, many Spaniards and other foreigners. The palace receptions include guests of all parts of Portugal. Eighty royal servants 1n tine liveries waited on the guests, while several bands played in a neighboring gallery. The Queen of Portu- gal had King Alfonso on her right. Donna. Christina being on the right of Dom Louis, and all around were seated their respective Ministers and their suites, several prelates in scarlet robes, and the foreign Ministers and their ladies in beautiful toilettes. King Louis, in an appropriate toast, Welcomed his royal visitors, expressing the hope of a sin- cere friendship between the two nations. King Alfonso replied, making pointed allus- ion to his hope that the two peninsular coun- tries would make closer their material in- terests, because their exterior policy was similar. The feast ended after midnight, and the royal guests returned to Lisbon, along the banks of the Tagus by moonlight. King Louis showed marked kindness to Senor Sagastn, quoting his opinion even on questions purely of Portuguese interest. The Timon of the banquet was composed of four courses of fifteen dishes, including French, Spanish and Portuguese specimens of the culinary art. the choicest of ports and French and Spanish wines. Notes. As far as our experlcnce goes we cannot see that :1 young lady’s hand is any warmer in a seal-skin muff than it used to be in the old-fashioned “ mush-quash” kind. To be sure our experience is more limited now than formerly but What’s the use of torturing ourselves with sweet memories ‘of the sleigh- J‘ides of the past. THEY tell a story of a little boy, 1L young scion of the house of Beecher, that, on being rebuked for his noisy comluct in which his sister had some share, he declared that she ought to be included in the scolding. “ If I was boistrrous,” he said “she was girlster- ous.” HENS scratched up a woman’s garden at i’ziwtueliet, and she poisoned them. To her horror, she saw the owner next morning plucking them for market, and her eon- science gave her no peace till she had bought the lot at a. price far above the butcher’s of- fer. For children troubled with worms We wouldrecommendSittizer’sVermifugeCandy, being easy to administer, sure to expel worms and perfectly safe to use. :ictly with the (chsoi'iption in the firophecy. He will probably attempt to play the part of Messiah, and aided by a fananatical fol- lowing, may seriously threaten European in finance in India, Egypt, and Africa. â€"Aâ€"~4..4‘.~>«â€"-â€"â€"~â€" For the Eyeâ€"“'0 know of no medicine that has become so popular in so short a time as the Golden Eye Salve, for inflam- nmtion, granulation of the lids, 01' (limness of sight. THE well-known dish poulet a Marengo was invented by the chief of the first Na- polean after the battle of Marengo,’l‘he great; general, fatigued and hungry, ordered a fowl for his supper. No butter was to be had,so the ingenious Frenchman poured Oil into his skillet instead, with such seasoning as he had, and a glass of white wine. The dish was served hot, garnished with mushrooms, and proved as great a success as the battle. _-_.â€"«4<.>Mâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- A Prominent Actor‘s Relief. Mr- Tony Pastor, of New York City, the great humorist and actor, was signaily bene- fited in an attack of rheumatism by St. Jacobs Oil, and strongly testified to its efficacy, for the benefit of others suffering in the same way. Tim guard of honor at the tomb of Victor Emanuel in that Pantheon is still religiously kept up by veteran soldiers from all parts of Italy. Three sentinels daily divide the sime between 7 A. M., when the Pantheon it openexl, until 4 1'. 1a., when itis closed. THE well-linown dish ponle§ a “filsi‘cngo W- _â€".‘«<o>unâ€"-â€"â€" Mahommedamsm. True believers are greatly agitated over the expected coming of the Mehdi or Mo- hammedan Messiah. The prophet himself foresaw this event,prophesied that he would he an Arab and a. descendant of his own house. El Mehdi is expected to unite the faithful, restore Islam, and rule over ,the Mohammedans throughout the world. Ac- cording to the prophecy that has for several years been carefully circulated among the Moorish Mussulmuns, he will make his ap- pearance on the first day of the month Mo- harram in the year 1,300 (Nov. 1'2, 1882). He will be forty years of age and of noble appearance, and one of his arms will be longer than the other. A religions devotee of great sanctity in North Africa. is already know as El Mehdi (literally, the teacher), and in personal appearance corresponds ex- Matters to Interest. our Lady Friends. WOMEN GOSSIP. Powers of Pleasing. That poverty which produces the greatest distress is not of the purse but of the blood. Deprived of its richness it becomes scant and wa1ery, a condition termed anemia in medical writings. Given this condition,and serofulous swellings and sores, general and nervous debility, loss of flesh and appetite, weak lungs, throat disease, spitting of blood and consumption, are among the common re- sults. If you are a sufferer from thin, poor blood employ Dr. I’ieree’s “ Golden Medical Discovery,” which enriches the blood and cures these grave affections. ls more nutri- tive than cod liver oil, and is harmless in any condition of the system, yet powerful to cure. By druggists. The courts of SAn Francisco granted 364 decrees of divorce during the year just closed. As a. tonic and nervine for debilitated wo~ men nothing surpasses Dr. l’ierce’s “ Favor- ite Prescription.” By druggists. Dr. Pierce’s “Pleasant Purgative Pellets” are sugar-coated and inclosed in glass bot- tles, their virtues being thereby preserved ynimpaired for any length of time. in any climate, so that they are always fresh and reliable. No cheap wooden or pasteboard boxes. By druggists. THE St. John, N. B. branch of the Land League have forwarded $200 more to Ireland, making $500 so far. Toronto Oil Company are same nmniimcturcrs of “Casml‘inc” Machine Oil. Infringements will be prosecuted At the Centennial Exhibition, 1876, the Wheeler & \Vilson received a. silver medal. The \Vanzer Sewing Machines were awarded a gold medal (the only one given to the Sew- ing Machine Trade). The public can decide as to which is of the most value. The VVan- zer C and F machines are all the rage this fall, and deservedly so, owing to their many improvements and general excellence. Toronto Oil ompany are sole mnnufaturers of “(Iustorinc" Maclnne Oil. Infringements will be prosecuted Lame Back. Luinbaago, Kidney complaint, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, and all pain and inflammation are speedily cured with Hagyard’s Yellow Oil. Créup, sore throat, colds, burns, scalds, bruises. frost bites, chilblains and all wounds of the flesh are quickly healed by Yellow Oil. Ask your dealer for “ Custorine" Machine Oil and see that the barrel is branded “ Cuslox'ine,‘ as none other 18 genuine Rheumatic Remedy. There is no better cure for Rheumatism than Hagym‘d’s Yellow ()il used according to directions on bottle. It also cures Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, Bruises, Lanleness, and all wounds of the flesh. All dealers sell it, price 25 cents. CANVAS back ducks are now in their glory but to cook them properly is an art that is not yet thoroughly understood. To the \Veak, the W'orn, and the Weary, the editor of the Boston Recorder says, “We can most unhesitatingly recommend the Peruvian Syrup, a protected solution of the protoxide of iron, to all the weak, the worn. and the weary, having richly experienced its benefits. It possesses all the qualities claimed for it by its proprietor.” Use “ Custorine ’ Machine Oil for all kinds of machinery. It is also excellent for harness and leather, mszng it water and weatherproof. For sale by all dealers. Had Suffered many Physicians mnl grew no better but rather worse, Mr. 1). H. Howard, of Geneva, N. Y., after dis- missing his physicians, tried nearly half a. gross of the \ zu‘ious blood and liver remedies advertised, with no benefit; when one bottle of Burdock Blood Bitters cured him of Par- alysis and General Debility. At the ad- vanced age of 60, he says he feels young again, and is overjoyed at his wonderful re- covery. $|5 SILVER WATCH FREE?! Life‘s vexations do not: generally come on one like it storm descending the mountain or like 8. whirlwind they Come as the rain does in some sections of the world~gently, but every day. One of life’s discomforts is presented herewith: According to popular impression hot weather, mosquitoes and mad dogs all flourish at the / same time and are chargeable to the muletie influence of the Dog Star. Speakingof (lugs and the liogStarreâ€" n: inds us ofu boy‘s story ot‘a dognnd the comet, .â€"nnd which we here give lil llbiéhol‘fl; extract frfim t to oy's etter: ‘Go y \Jioh, you ought to ha} - been there hut night to n-seen the fun. ’l‘em Winkins’ dorg Toddles \wns n-settin’ at the gate a-fazin’ at the Comit w ien along comes old 23 Sykes durned mt tar- rler and the 2 waltzed over the fence and the 2 fought. ’J‘he terrier proved too much for Ted- dles, and More they could haul him off the bat- tle round he had made agood square meal off his tide. Tom was in despair. A kind looking tficntleman in a. bread brim hat told him to get a. ottle of Sr. JACOBS 01L and rub him with it, and it would euro him in no time. What does Tom do but steal into the chapel at Vesper time and slide into Father Jacobs confessional box and beg of him a bottle of his oil with which to rub his dorg. The Father felt of Tom’s head; it was hot a'n’ afore Tom could utter a. rayer, two men were luggin’ him home followed )y a great. crowd who kept at a. safe distance, thinking he had been hit by a. mad dor . The more he kicked and screamed to be let ree, the tighter they held on to him.” In reference to another torinent,tho mil-ago Water", Cut/mite recentl ' wrote: “Mr. Joel D. Her I7. S. Collector of Internal Reveâ€" nue, of this city, has spent over two thousand dollars on medicine for his wife, who was sufl'crâ€" ing dreadful! from rheumatism, and without: dcrivin anyheneflt whatever; yet; two bottles of Sr. ACOBS OIL accomplished what the most skilltul medical men failed in doing. We could ivc the names of hundreds who have been cured ylthis wonderful remedy did space Xennit us. T 6 latest man who has been me e hngpy through the use of this Vttluttiiie liniinentis Ir. James A. Conlnn, li " riun ofthe Iinion (‘etholie Library of this (-1“ ’i‘he following is Mr. Con~ Inn's indorscinent: U510): (JA'l‘lltiLlC LIBRARY ASSOCIATION, :ZJ-l JJt'rtrbom Shed, (hm-mo, Sept. 16, 1380. I wish to add my testimony to the merits 0 ST. JACOBS OIL as a cure for rheumatism. One hot- tle has cured me of this troublesome disease, which gave me a. great deal ofhother for a long time; b11t,thnnksto the remedy, I am cured. This statement is unsolicited by any one in its inter est. Yer respectfully, urns A. CONLAN, Librarian. / According ' hot wen mad d( same! to 1} UN ’(1 A ddrcss TORMENT, INDEED. Poverty and Distress. C. \V. DENN IS oronto. Ontario. OULDINGS, PICTURE FRAMES, Ml!!- BOB PLATES, CHROMOS, dc. Pnce List to the trade on application. H. J. MAT- THEWS 8: BRO., 9 Yonge St., Toronto. um 13 \VAiTITzl) 'to push €511? Tatâ€"“no- lulnlon Family Bible." It Pays Big. J. KEACIIIE 8.: Co”: ’gnggStrecg. Torontg.’ V USHAVVA CABINET FU R 00.. 97 Yonge Street, I Toronto. Out. A a P’ PER DAY (IAN BE MADE B! $0.00 AGENTS.â€"'l‘in Smiths and Tin Peddlars, special attention. Busi ncss suitable for Ladies or Gentlemen, young orold. Address (J. “7. DENNIS. Toronto, Ont. Authorized Guaranteed Capital. $500,000.00 J. J. WITHROVV, ESQ, Pres. Ind. Ex. So- ciety. PRESIDENT; WM. MYLES, ESQ, Presi. Snowdon Iron Mining 00.. VICE-PRESIDENT. JNO. BRANDON Man. JAS. BRANDON Sec Of Private and Trust Funds,to loan on Mortgage of improved Farm and Town property at Low- est Rates. Apply to Realty, Miller, Bigg'ur& Blackstoek. OFFICES :~Ba:xk of Toronto. Toronto. I I u I I U L treats all diseases of the horse, and is thorou hl i1â€" with 65 “no. Engraving» w‘lic 11 us- tx'utcs the position assumed by sick horses bet- ter than can be taught in any other ivny. It has a large numberof valuable recipes, most of which were ori'rinatcd by B. J. Ke‘ndall. ?\ .I‘).,‘t,he uvtbqr, â€"v'-- and never before put in Print. It is pronounced the best book ever pubâ€" ished for the price, and some prominent horse- men havc said they preferod it to books which 15 CTS. $9¥§3a°£fii§2£9¢$$$§°ii§ Total Losses paid, both Dep'ts, ' $6,498,490 $3 LIFE DEPARTMENT. Number of Life Policies written in 1881... 1,791 \Vliolc number of Life Policies in force. 12,556 Gain in Life Policies in force . . . . . v . . . . . . 642 Amountliil'c [nsuraneein force, $20,511.52? 00 Gain in amount in force in 1881, 1,4”.883 (II) Total claims paid in Life Dep’t, 1.80:2,686 83 ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT. Number of Accident Policies written in 81,97,564 Gain in Policies ever1880 i . . . . .. .. . ..2~l,3‘:4 Gain in Premiums over 1880, .. $107.96!) 30 \Vliole N0. Accident Polieici tten, 743,330 Number Accident Claims paid in 1881. 15.890 Amt. Accident Claims paid in 1881, $714,008 16 \Vliole number Accident, Claims paid 69.258 \Vliolcaint. Accident Claims paid, $11,695,809 97 C.F.RUSSELL, AGENT F03 GNTARIO, 28 & 30 Toronto-st, Toronto. LIABILITIES. Reserve, four per cent, Life (.icp‘b Reserve for re-msumnce, Acculenc V rlepzlrtnmnt.. ,. .. .. 578,696 30 Claims unudj usth and not; due, and all other liablllthPH .. .. .. .. _ £273,097 Total liabilities. .. .. 4.529. 5] w 0 Sux'plusztsrcgurds pollcyâ€"holders, $1,510,987 90 G. F. DAVIS, Vice~P1-csident. RODNEY DENNIS, Secretary. JOHN E. MORRIS, Assistant Secretary. GEORGE ELLIS, Actuary. EDWARD V. PRESTON, Sup't of Agencies. G. P. DAVIS, M. l).. Medxcul Examiner. J. B. LEWIS. M.1)., Surgeon and adjuster. \VM. J. LEW’IS, M.D., Consulting Surgeon. were the memorable words of Commodore Perry. We repeat, “Don’t Give up the Ship,” poor, despairing invalid, but try Burdock Blood Bitters. It cures others, why not you? It renovates, regulates and tones all the organs of secretion, and restores lost Vitality. Supplies the blond with its Vital l’rlm-iplo, or Mfr, lilo-mom, IRON, infusng Strcnsys- Vigor. and New Life into all parts of the sys Lem. HARTFORD, UOXN.. January 1. 1882. Paid-up Cash Capital, $600,000 ASSETS. Real cstutc,....,........ .. . is 009,706 29 Cash on hand and in bunk,.. .. . H 330,361 22 Louns on bond and mortgage, rea estate“... .. .. .l 1,893,163 29 Interestonloansac ned bntnotd 0 47,383 3!: Loans on collateral seenrity,.. .. .. .. 316,483 18 Deferred Life premiums,.... .. . 60,006 99 Premiums due and unreported on Life policicS,......... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 36,127 47 United States government bonds . .. 267,576 25 State, county, and municipal bonds, 441,206 67 Railroml‘stoeks and bonds,.. .. .. .. .. 918,866 00 Bank stom:ks.......l.... .. .. .. .. .. 756,222 00 Hartford City Gas Light ()0. stock, 17,400 00 Life p01icics,......... .. .. ., .. .. .. .. United States government bonds . .. State, county, and municipal bonds, Railrond‘stocks and bonds,.. .. .. .. .. Bunk stom:ks.......‘.... .. .. .. .. .. Hartford City Gas Light ()0. stock, HORSE PERUVIAN. SYRUP Cures Dyspepsia, Nervous Affec- tions, General Debility, Fever and Agne, Paralysis, Chronic Diarrhoea, Bails, Dropsy, Humors, Female Com- plaints, Liver Complaint, Remittent Fever, and all diseases originating in a bad State of the Blood, or accompanied by Debility or a low State of the System. $1,000,000.00. {BABE AND COMMERCE METUAL FIRE INSIIRANCE COMPANY. 01“ ONTARIO. HEAD OFFICE â€" TORONO. Total Assets: STATXST FOR THE R 1881. }. BATTERSON. l'l' ‘ltlonl. INSURANCE CO. “ nod: (Save up fine Snip Send 15 cents TO THIS 0F- FICE for a co y of a. new HORSE BO K which STATE MENT 36th Semi-Annual OF THE $6,114,502 70 ‘b $3,746,721 50 For we“ boring, best in the world for‘ quick sand, hard pan clay, etc. Never was beat: try it. Send for clrculnr to manuf‘y, 68 Mary Street, Hamilton, Ont. WATER During the next 6 months there will be a large n umber of people out of. employment on account of the drought; in some parts of the country there is a, great deal of suffering. There are plontyof men and women in this country, who, if some friend would put them in the way of earning two or three hundred dollars during the winter months, would be grateful for a lifetime. A large Manufacturing Company in New York are now prepared to start persons of either sex in a new business. The business is honorable and legitimate (no peddling or book canvassing) $50 per month and expenses paid. So. if you are out of employment, send your name and address at once to The \Vallace (10., 60 \Vurren St. New York. The Great Salei Pne- panatcnytcpnllingccnn the building, commenced Monday, January the 9th, and nillcontinne for TWO MONTHS, during which time we will offer DRY GOODS, CLOTHING and GhRPETS at prices that will convince the most sceptical of can determination to clean out our immense stock. The Household and Farm in its issue of Octo- ber says, “ The offer [made by this Company (who are one of the most reliable in this city) is the best ever mudo to the unemployed." The \Vullace (10. make a. special ofl’cr to road- ers of this paper who will write them at once and who can give good references. PETLEY & 00., Timely Warning. Now is the season for sudden colds and distressing coughs, treat them with Hag- yzu‘d‘s l’ectoral Balsam, it cures influenza, asthma, croup, whooping cough, bronchitis, and all pulmonary complaints leading [to consumption. Uul OPCLI‘II WATERO'US " ENGINEWORKSOO. \ 'W\ \ \ \auRnsrours. WATEROUS ENGINEWORKS CO. BRANTFORD.CANADA TORONTO. A CARD. GBLDEN GRIFFIN, N?\IS ESTABLISHMENT COMPLEIEPDRTABLE \, GRIST'MILL \ \ , STAR AUG-ER. WHEOIGE NEW SEASON TEAS Sold in 5 years. Most popular and max-feet en Kine Canada. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS fifi‘gfébiitr‘fiiflfiig‘fi Elastic, and chen . First prize 11!; Provincial? Exhibition, Lon on. Testimonials on applicaq (Jon. Satisfaction guaranteed. , QXTA R10 PHDTUGRAPHIG STUCK HOUSE ! Christmas & New Year Cards swmg R‘ARIDK may PLATES, The largest and choicest selection ever to hand Sample parcels mailed free on receipt of any sum from :30 cents up. SAW MILLS & GRIST MILLS LYqN _&_ALEXAVI§IWD7ER, FIRE PROOF BHAMPION Jho modicum is p c an 0 the taste, and in no (use and Imam-110 circumstances can it do harm. Each box contains sufficient for two week‘s medication. thus being much cheaper than any other medicine soldâ€"41nd while it, is the cheapest, 7f! is_mm:[z, better: ‘.. ..,‘, A ‘k' lagnolic Medic leis sold by Dru - gists at .) cts. per box, or 12 boxes for $5, or wi 1 be mailed free of postage, on receipt of money. by addressinv JAMES LA'UT, llnporlfl‘ of (‘hoicc ITons, ‘38! l'mlro-sl.Tm-onln. Murket’Lunc. London. Is asm‘c. Prompt and Elfcctmll Remedy for Noraaumwas in ALL its Stages, [Veal]: Alcmory. Loss of Brair‘ Power. Prosiration. Nip Lt Sweats, chrzkn/Jss, and General Loss of Power. It rcnairs Nnrvons IVrLsh’. Reju- mnatcs [he Jaded Intellect. Strengflmw the Enfecblnd Brain, and Restores Slumrz'sing Tone and, Vigor lo the Exhausicd Genera,- '1:c Organ/5'. The experience of thousands yes it up 1N\'.}LUABL)§ ’ . ' ‘ . mg: Eufl partiquhrs m our phamphlcts,wluch we (10311-0 10 mzul free 10 any udfh‘c‘ MOULDINGS ! FRAMES ! ! PICTUR ES ! EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW Brain am - TRADE MAR 1,000 Packages of Different Brands. 'l‘hese Tons are uuqucsLionubly the finestlot 01? Teas cvcr imported into Canada, and in 01‘- der to give every (311021l Chance to secure a cad- dy, our travellers will commence on their routes at once. One 01' them will cull on every consumer throughout 1110 Dumiuion. Ladies, be prcrarcd; ask your hu )uuds about it. and have your or- (101‘s ready. No your ’l‘rus will he offered. Every caddy is war ’autcd. “'0, have a reputation worth having. and don‘t. propose to tarnish it by foist- iug poor’l‘uaq on the public. If you wish to uvoid being swindled by pudlurs. 1; ‘81.! your orders for our trzu‘ollors. MAGK’S MAGNETIC MEDICINE How to Cure a Cold. Upon the first feeling of chill or shivering remain indoors if poss1blc, bathe the feet in tepid water, gradually increasing the heat as long as it can be comfortath borne,drink body of warm ginger tea. or sage tea. to in- duce perspiration, and take Hagyard’s Pec- toral Balsam according to directions on the bottle. Hagyard’s Balsam cures coughs, asthma and bronchitis. on. Satisfaction uaranteed. , Address. J. D AN 8:. SON. Drayton. Ont BILIDUSNESS‘, D YSPEPS/A, lNDIGES’T/OAI, J A (IND/CE. ER YSIPELAS, BALT RHEUflr', HEA RTBURN, HEADACHE, discrdere'd IIVEPi, ’ K'DNEYS, STO‘MACH, BOWELS gr. BLOOD, T. MILBURN & (50., FREZBEAN’S WORM POWDERS. re pleasant to take. Contain their own Pnrgutive. 13 u. safe, sure, and effectual leatroyel- of worms in Children or Adulta FARM ENGINES 128 BAY STREET. TORONTO. That our Large Consignment of Framing done at close prices. HAS (T0311) TO “AND. This Lot Comprises Nearly Our Specialties. The best in the Market. PORTABLE SOMETHING BRANTFORD. MACK'S MEDICINE 00., “’indsor. (int thnmflfi SPECIALTIES : MAR K. ( AFTER. DIZZINESS, DROPS Y, FLUTTERING OF THE HEART, ACID/TY OF THE gram/43H, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, Proprietors, TORONTO.

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