A†.‘_ .‘ TORQNTOq , receiveéi {this season) three First tWO‘ Semnd g-thm-Prize for ï¬ne clawing" at, the Tomato 121m demggï¬al. ï¬nd Prokrincial at London. G'entlemen requir- imgfmnggéclothing shOuM n9 to inspe‘CtQflr immense wglich is Without doubtf0ne of big: gargesï¬,’ am rams? gamplete on this continent, We‘jfihaive 1105 mm- amt-Whatever in‘ saying that persons inmant 0f Erieady- Clothingwill ï¬ndpur prices mm ten to twenty @@F&$‘QQRL ..10Wer and our, and. our Stock Superiox rm every ’Js‘i my to that'of ether “so called†ï¬rstwclass Muses. of the tollowing gqods in Canada.‘ I} l I every style, and make of goods, prices range, 4.50; 5.00, 5.50. 6.00. 700‘; .' ' 7.50. 8.00, 8.50, 9.00. 9.5Q,‘ 10.90, all colors. 21 tremem‘lous assortment at the following prices 6.00, 6:50, 7:00, 7-50, 8.0‘0‘r 8.50, 9.00. 9.5091000, Aup to 1.8.00, made in a vgry supetyorr man; I GULDEN GRWHM "KEYS 85 VESTQ THE LARGEST GWTHING HOESE m CANADA. ‘NOS.11\5, 117, 119, 121,ng St. East, Toronto. ' x†f the Great. One Priqgag Clothing House 1.21, Kmmswwsm, ~ 'iQRONTD: WE "DEW ‘GGMPETMQN, STUDY. YGUB OWN INTERESTS, CONCREï¬ HOUSE- C i 15s the time .to a (secure Bzaxaainï¬ in Ready Mattie Clothing, Wool go‘o‘ds,1&c.Grem-, B.Barg&§113 we mama ' Em the abeve was 'atE 3...;â€" .,. Must clear cut" to mm! 501-? a large Spring purchase. Don’t miss "the 5 c2719 ; g , mummy to get cheap goods. Splen- dm stock of Wall Paper, just assorted and. marked. Fine Satin Finish, at h ‘ cts per roll :SHW THE LARQ EST STOCK. 8.0‘0‘r 8.50, 9.00, 9.50! 10.00, up to 15 mar and equal t0. ti“. best order Work, 15 remarkabiygood and for prices; ANYTHING IN CLOTHING 128 tq 132 KING F531;. EAST. ‘ d‘ m. When you visi: the city zmgi wzust And come and buy from us. If you desire to save money. 393308330: Si. Jguncs 1 “medial. NOTE Till; ADDRESS: Our stock oftwced WW9 ï¬-Fflï¬â€™7’WW“w ï¬NNUAL {STOCKâ€"TAKEE Ei‘sï¬Lfl \ «tr-ens, I ins in black 2nd M ed )‘irzws‘s Silk ', Vulmw, .1.550 yarda ‘lh’eub pd», worth mk- “Ud’h'ml m liéc. ' " ‘ 1.511(hyzu‘ds D as Hui’ ugh.“ yrt-‘u L50. l‘L-\Hn;g)»liu 1.5:. 1.600 )‘n‘r’rs (‘usmmo S ill‘L, , “urn 4):. 1’ mod 10 . 1.500 ym‘dr All \‘S 1-0} .Jli ‘1’: KW" mh '. mam-L ,‘ h n'. ‘ ' ’11! \‘wrol French L 0J1: fictll. mum}; 4; .3'0t‘1um luv-.3: :md « gno 0H Gum“: annqgmt t‘v {u meme caah l" ‘ILL Reduced to 950 40¢ 45:: 50:. if you want-ia‘lniré‘nin mm W is yin: ti my; in mammal on ‘ 1111422 «0'10!sz 10.000 yards of l’rlm’rh'uw and C-hmuu pibtt-el'm; and cowl-mgr“ “1' 3‘ we will ofl'm aurxné;ul1;g my,“ M cuspfmm 5c. up ~ . I ‘3‘»: 5 um um» Eflwmï¬. Maï¬imwfla wtiugx, pilim'.‘ \‘flLtUHn, ubirznxga, clearing Tam, m w-L ' Mantle Cloths, marks-l away dmm holnw Chit. mm: ltc ~suldt‘1is Hume-h. Sea {hour-i s.) "u. 1.75 mm. ' ‘ (mod hmz.‘ y Table Linncu up. . Blankets I -:Blammts E Blankets Owing: ; the mi Offerfurj‘ ‘ 521' ldgeux’uf :hcvr U ‘ 7553.1»)? Anotheriu’r'ge shipn‘mnt 01' mn- cqlem'utuJ Cominrta‘nlon {you} 1 du‘Jm‘ u azu the Lxgguhzvaluo ever 01f.‘2'¢"1 m 'l'uruuw. '50:; (.14:sz ‘ In knitted wool Goods, in Hquaz‘m, Cluw _ Iï¬vor‘m, gram“: m)" p.0\‘aï¬ We, haw ‘u fu yv lots left of ch )30 :'.H lian kanzhisfw .u LLUSL' H.111 gnvxblemcdn' sixes which T," 103ml mm‘ Ml :3 lh‘ I; N) ‘t 01' yepqrmtinn. ' ' brunt BO.“ but u Ux :t‘hn‘ork Wcm‘. l'il)h|“:x<. Em. A Tmmnnduub'um. down in xcrgulm price av 11; human: umiprxrim :Lmi i'nrfl'iallinï¬Hoodr. Liv» ArTm:\jmmluugém. down iuv iogulm price av 11; )iumcx'a', ufuiprxrim :Lmi i'n'm'iallinggoodr'. As usual we are showing gm: has; what"; mm offber in this nmrkm. and we Hope that our carrying out. gur rcpvcucmnniions 1.0 the latter will ingnce van to pay (luriplaim that †gm' 9P.“ gmuls cheaper than any othz-w' hrws .r,†that attentizm Ewiï¬ch it Livsmvi‘s. \Ve (in nut ud\'erii:~e guc.»(1.~e.<£ higher prices than our competihn‘s am} as}; you 1'.) buy them as a. bargain (whxch is an insult to your mIcihgcncu,flmt when we ndvurtisc a ‘ Jarggm; , - "HM: my .‘nvm .. .‘1'¢..:{ we gn‘c one, 115911 C‘Adfl.‘.lna.1\)n of me gtwuwgnu .651. y. Homcmgwr the :ï¬gï¬g‘imm. ELEV SATISFACTIQN GUA xAN'l‘EED 131 price: and \mik. BichmondHill, A m‘il 26th. 1881 Stove and Tin Depot. A full assortment of goods constantly on hand. at lovï¬vest prjoea. Bopmring promptâ€" ly attended to. 'Egyotroughiug n. speciglty. " vâ€" :- u. z»â€" Tha‘ cold weather hm»; come again 1.1311 the public is hereby inferm- : ed that Cheap Stoves'andStovepipes, SASHES, DOORS, (3' I 3?» fl? IS KEN ï¬ . was and ï¬wam. NOW IS-cYOUR TIME Mr. G. MASON’S Planing, flipping 'v MANUFACTURING, ' r, n- ‘.\ or“) . .1.5\)1'c:in.‘w!tn flu...) Extra large size Don‘tflewuight all ‘xnnl h‘.n,usm wuw h gmlm-vd me ~ . 12mm .mu'u, Jumble u c :2 ml WWI 'UdLnkut. Very nun gummy “mm ‘1' “01mm.reducnd 1,05 dulth R U NNING: '0 RIDER MOULDENG, Towais,1‘0\vllug3.ana curt ms. Twreï¬l 1:10:11}; at matuuis dug lmr p“'~ux 182, . Yo'ngew Street, Tomn‘izo, _ Elma) DOOR NORM-i 0f QUEEN Turrth Nov. 26th. 188‘.) The undersigned having Put.,_hia will in Door Frames, Window meea, and Factory on chnmoxv Sims-r. He ulsn manufactures W 3 MT NB mmmm R1 (31â€": M 0 1.) 131 ILL Look! A E1111 sizeh‘x‘m‘vy’ -.1i-‘JV'C)01 Blankets. Black French Casllmegï¬es Our Special? ox 3110mm? 353161;. 16 PREPARED TO»D0 FIRST CLASS FDR T317331“? DAYS, SEE! The Biggest Ofler yet: made TAKING $311 magi: K EOE COMFORTABLES. t3. MAGER. lather, wiliclamr our «wk of Biz-minim (at (war. ï¬rst, we wha; we .0. MASON MEAN TLE S. prepzn‘ato at the. at STORE ANDDRHQIJLING, POST OI“; FELT?) in wmmcrinn tira'cwjth, simnmd on the 4-H: (Wm. of flu: tmmsLip of Var:- glm‘u, 1,; :nilvs hum}; M the flourishing villago hf I‘liup'hx Cuxn'mflmt tn Chum-hub, Schnula, Black; ‘ amiLh 3110;), etc. ' For Saï¬ze {21* T0 Let TERMS :â€"-eu,vy, Fur particulars apply to - . hue-incur. nazw l. {we the pnbliq. ‘ You can mulm 1 , V! 5 fume“): woti I form: tlmu M n: ilng olsu. Cup- uful um nut-(lx‘d. n‘. u will r-sz-l. you. {iI‘lu day and upward»: mmlm 15‘. home 1.1:] (no 311- Lluswioua. Men. wmnen, buys and girls Kmnbwi evorywhero t4; work (or us. Now is the time. You can work in Hfï¬l'l‘ time Only Gym“! 1037 time go tbs: lzllï¬illdSS. You can live M. houm‘flnfl do the wurk. No othm' business will page ; .: nuarly as wall. No our; crux fail to “aka, «1w:â€" mcna pay by enqugingntonco. Co mnï¬rnmi ï¬rms (reel “(may mmle In“. E ulna hum» 0195,91; Addzeur Tum: 6; 00. Aug maï¬a: 2!) 1y 28v4in. loeality good Ad residence of I". Esq. Size 01‘ VELLEME:ۤE LQTS Situath Qn Yongc Strceg, in . Kyii'the Village oft.E P , Tabla Nu; ‘ m 3.11 linucu, from £10 a _A_..x.{. STOP. E A23!) D W E Vu‘mm )fe'h‘uV-cns, F1. h) of abcut 3 acres on FULL St. Richmond ‘Hill. I good Adjoining the [encc of I". (Ito'sby, sq. Size nflats; to mm the purcha- sers. Also :1 Ap '93:," ‘L 0 G H E; E?“ A533 A. J. WRIGHT, 1'01: M342, Richmond liiH. ISA AC SNIDER as «HUD. 51.27: (luring. ti Ii. 'gvur dnwen