A Maryiand Hunter’s Rubber Goose. \1. \hc‘nu-l'bi'nxm»: A Ray llumlrml spm'lsmnn is having mun~ ufzicturml in Baltimm' - :1 curious kind of 211'- mOi' \ihinth hr- prupusvs m use in hunting wild gccmn It iS mmlu 01' the hust and very <tuut 1'1ll)l>(‘l', and is infwinlml to («uuplctcly eénvulup the wean-(w, and to lw (*lllll‘k‘ly imâ€" 5'131'vi0us to wan-1'. 'l‘ht- ht‘u l View, \Vhiuh terminates the suit ix in he )ll'lllc exactly in [no form of u wihl goose, \\ ith eyes made of magnifying gluw, through which the “warm looks when on an oxpmlitiou. The. inventor lmsliilly studied the «lotuils of the Whole ï¬ling, and has no doubt thatit \villlm found to be {L success. It will not be vonq'ulctml in time for use until next Winter. l)11:.11111'.1:1<'1".< Mux'rnm' asks : 1111 women ever think how much time they spend 111 11iek1ng up :11111 11111111113411sz 1' ‘.’ ()feourse \1 e, 111) 11011111111111 t1) intinmte that it is \1‘:1ste1l,11r that all this 12111111'is11111miinnceessarily. “'13- men have :1 vast amount of 3111-11 work to perform, 111111 few men realize its 1wtent. (1r itsneeessity. until sonxeaeeident 111'12ireu1n- «tuner, 111111.149 it 11111110 to tlien'n A married mun 521111 (men, that he never realized the amount (11' work 111me 111 bringing Ll1111gs1,111:11111 putting them away, until he happened to :it i1lly, watching the 111101- ;1t11111 111' setting the t: 1-, “getting t‘a,‘ 1R it was 111111211, at :1111113111101"s house, wash- ing the 11isl 211111elearing them 111111); It 15t1'u1'l1'. 111111 for the ï¬rst 1111111, how 111111zh real 11111111‘ 111111 to 111*1111111: 11111111113; 111111 rurrying, between 11111111 :12111 pantry. 111111 paniry 111111 kitel1e11,:1u11 110111111'1'1111111-11111 l ’ 11 such {1111(11‘11111111101151: 1111 111111-11 1151111,.111111, 11y 1111ns1r111-1111g :1 111111111111 \11111 1-reryfne1111y :11111 1:1111\'e11111111'1u 111‘ 1111111114111. with :1 sort 111' 141‘111kte1‘11nti1111. 1! 11111‘ “111:1.“1-11111111-1's that 111111111111 111 11111111; nlmt 11111\t111e w111'k m" :1 imuse 1111-21111'1-111111'11111111111t1117 very pretty 1911111111111 \1111111 \11' <h1111111 like 1:1 we 2111- .«wcred. [1111.1 111 1111.1 11‘ i\1111.1'::z:\'1'11,-\ 11i11111‘\111‘111‘1=.I-L. i'l'nke :1 little 111' the 1111111- (11111 11res< 11; 1111L\\‘1:1111 1111’ ringers. 111' give it 1 Squeeze, in the paper 111 \1’1111‘11itihhought; 11 genuine. it will not f11r111 1L coherent mass, 11x 1-111‘1'1-1- grains are 1121111 111111 1111 11111 1111111in 2111111‘1'1- 1111-2111111 other: 11111 if the grains qtiek 111 1111311 11111111‘ 211111 1'111'111 21 sort of Nuke,“ we may 111-, pretty $111111)! :Lilulternâ€" 1. 111 1111111,: shape 111 ehimry, for the 1111111115 111' 1:1111‘111'y 11111 511111“ 111111 111111‘(- open, 111111 41111111111 witheut 1liili1tnlty when 811110071011. :\;1'1111, if we place 21 few grains 111 :1 saueer 111 111111511111 them with :1 little (-0111 water, uhicor ' will very quickly 111111111111 soft like 1.1'02111 1,11111111sg while enll’ec will take :1 long 111111: 111 soften. A third test: '1'11ke 11 wine, 11811111" 11 tulnhlerful 111' \1'111‘1111', 111111 gently '11papind1 111' the ground 111111111 1111 the, surface 01' the water without; stirring or 1111111111111 : genuine 111111110 will 1111111: 1111' 1101110 tune. \1'1111111‘1111-111‘y 111' any other S1111 root will M11111 sink : 111111 chicory 111' 1111111111111 will :mso yvllnwis‘h u!‘ browning color to (“Hunt ,npixlly through the water, while pure cot- :M: will gins 1m smsihlv tint mulw such il‘t".llll>’..‘lll(‘(*>‘ 1Hl' :1 1‘1)!I>‘ilh'1‘£ll)](‘, Ivnght of imo. Copper utenn‘ils or hrass‘ ai'lieles‘ }, lr-r thoroughly eleaned and l(l'!l~l as. l ight hy wimliin;r them with a solution of saltand vinegar as lay using; evalie avid, with th :ad- vantage of running no i; (it poisoniinbr either ehililren or (sari, \ 1:11!’>0)I:§. Use :L-Hnueh Halt as the. vine, r \i. ill «lleUlYD, and apply with a woollen rag. rulihing vig- orously, then poliin with pulverized elialli, and the article will look like new with lit< ile lahor. .5 the aeid (if the vinegar is very elheient in removing all stains trom either copper or brass. llrlnnoou ï¬rm \, ~Not every one who <hares her hedromn with another can have a. private dresain -room, but with little dif- *ulty or expense anyone may have a hed~ room Bereen, which will give her all the privacy she needs. Take a common cloth- cs-horse and eover it with white ligured muslin, overpink or blue Silesia, orwith ï¬gured (:llllitZ. This screen is also a great help in ease of siehness in shielding the in- valid ironi draught. In your gue. ~ehaniher viz/en a screen makes it much L'asier for your two intimate friends. who have never hap- pened to meet helm-e, to share the same nhainher. Let this guest ehamher have smnething the air of a sittingromn, iii" any friend who has taut will seek her room dur- ing the day lor an hour or two. that her i‘rmtess may he left at liberty, \‘ i: \L BALM. ~ One half-pound of eeld veil. ht tahlespoonsluls of hread ermnhs, two talilepoonfuhi ol' ehopped paisley7 one tea- wpeonful of mixed dried herbs. one liall~tea- nioonliil of pepper. one teasimonful of salt. mne thspeeniui of‘gnited nutmeg. two eggs. i’ut 5.x tahlesIumni'uls of the hread erumhs "rte: howl. and ehopping the veal linely mix ii the with. Season this with the pepper and salt, adding the nutmeg. also the par- »ley and herhn, a’ter which the whole must ‘74? thoroughly mixed together. To give this .‘onsisten 3 drop in the yolks of the two eggs, saving the whites Separately upon a plate. Roll the mixture now into small malls usingan ounee of flour upon the hands nt 25tiel;ing. vrat tl whites of the eggs blightly, roll the, halls therein, and placing the remaining,r hread erumhs in a paper, roll them also in it. Threw them into smoking, clarified fat l'or four minutes, when they almuld he. taken out and put to en Lite-hen paper. aller which >erve upon a nut napkin. .‘s‘wum' ll \r-H. 'l iii‘e(?(ll‘.£ll‘tl%1“ ol'a pound vii eeld meal, one Spanish onion, one ounce of hatter, one ounee of flour, one teaspoon- mi of salt, one, half teaspoonful of pepper, 0110 dessert-spoonful ol' eatsup, one dessert- .«poenful of Harv ' 'iuee, one-half pint of eond stock, one turret, one turnip. Cl inn and chop line, both the earrot and turnip, when they must he put tolmil in a small ~aueepan with lmiling water until tender, whieh will take ahout twenty minutes. “ihile these are eoohing, melt the hutter in a seperate saueepan. hrown it in the on- ien slit-ed. then cutting into sliees cold roast heet", or hrel‘stahe. roll them in the Hour, and. plaeing these. slit-ex in the hutter with the onion. hrown slightly also. Pour over tliix ths: which the Harry s sauee and eat- ~Lip, stir gently until the steel; huils, and ~eason with pepper and salt. “hen the meat is thoroughly heated through arransfe in a flat dish and pour the gravm over. \train the water from the carrot and turv 'iip, and pile. them high on the top of the :lCC’r'S of meat when r *adv forservinq. 004-o'boo DQMESTXU. \thn thebow was drawn across it the two connoiseurs went into ccstnsics of (le- ligllt. The glue was barely set around and the varnish was still green, but there was an abwmzo of the Lhiuk, mu quality that marks A new violin. ln (lurnmny the \\'intm' is as unscasonnlilc umlmildaswitlins. ltisonlyin'l‘luu‘ingiathat tln‘i’c has limen any snowfall as yet. livery- \VllUH‘ else unseasonulily warm weather com tinucs. ()n Clu‘istnms on: lrvsh Vioch were Lï¬iLtllL'l'CKl nczu' Licgnitz, in Silesia, and an ill- llilliltllllt of Amlarnacll (HI tlm Rhine liml fresh asparagus from his own garden at din» 1101' on New Year's Day. The Karl/IRWIN Xvi/1mg receivt/(lon New Yunns Evo 11 beauti- ful outdoor 1'0 :ii'mn l'riwml :1 n m' (blogne. ) Recently the wood \‘ns taken to A. 1). Clark, who was engaged in repairing a Cr nmna, that was captured in the siege of Mex- ico. (ilurk made nimlvls of the old Cromonzx, and in the course of three months llflll given the ï¬nishing touches to the new Violin. The, hull-y was of the old antedilm’ian wood and tin: lunch and maul; 0f wavy maple. rut in l’(;in!.<:yl\‘ani:1 ï¬fty y mrsugound mttml down the, Ohio to Cincinnati, and carried on to Dayton f0' an Oltl valuinutmakcr, who was never able to use it. The ï¬gure of the 01d instrument was followed exactly, and when the new one was ï¬nished it was an exact iac imile of those built by Stradiyarius. A Violin Made from Wood that Grew Be- fore Noah’s Day. Hurry l’. Cain, :2 violinist of some imlt: in Indiana, has l'C‘CUIItly come into possession of :L violin inmll: of “mod that grew before the flood. Sonic i'nrty years ago workmen engaged in digging; :L mill race through the farm owned by Daniel Bulla discovered at tho, «lopth of six or eight feet beneath the surface, the, trunk of u true in a good state Of 1)]‘Cs.:l‘\'£1ti0n. Geologists say that the wle is many thousand years olrl. At the Police Court in Philadelphia some y 3211's since the prosecuting attorney noticed, among the vicious crowd of criminals. a handsome, intelligent lad, l5 years old, Callingr the judge's attention to him, they gave him 11 private examination, and after consulting with his employers, who had had him prosecuted for embezzlement, released him on condition ol‘ his going to live with his uncle in the mnnntry. He has turned out 1: very meeetulule young man and never comes to the city without calling on the pmscenting attorney and thanking him for what he (lid for him. He said he is doing very well. hut declares-ith had been almnd~ oncil when :i cloud hung over him, he would hm. e gone, to the dm‘il sure. Dr. Agnew has writton to a momth- of tlw <pcciul committee on President’s Garï¬eld's expenses saying that for such visits as he made to the l’residnnt he would in ordinary cases charge from $4750 to $1,000 a Visit. It is to he, hoped that newspaper men will never need his scrvicus, for they couldn’t afford more than :1 moan ortwo of sickmessut that, rate. Sim-r, the hm: disaster on the Hudson River Railroad passengch all crowd into the front cars, refusing to ride in the rear our. The Buiiido Iii-pry,“ says the companies will probably leave oil' that car entirely. The samu man who invented a process for giving:r every advertiser a place at the top of the column on the outside page of :L news- paper will give his attention to this no“ nrohlcin. ltis interesting to note that flu: Dutch are at prmunt engaged in reclaiming half :1 million acres from the Znyiler Z00. Between 1840 and 185:3 45,000 acres were rescued from the son at Ham'lcm. “lion silull a 1)l’()k§t‘,ri.\ 1* attempted in Britain it generally results in some landlord proclaiming a right tr tth fl)l‘(3.<ll()l'(“ which precludes further ()ln'i‘afitunn'. ln Scotland, especially of late yum-s. private enterprise has boon effectually lmllu‘Il in this way. and on the Frithsof l’urth and (lelo valuable zxuquisitions to the State have lmcn lost by the stupid 0pposi~ tion of riparian proprietors, who would not themselves spunil a penny to W’Ulilllll tlieliunl. lmt were prepared to prevent others «loinf,r so at any cost. The construction of u grout railway tun- 1101. which shall bring Paris into more direct ('Olllllllllllk‘fltlon with Italy than is now af- forded hy the tunnel through Mont Cenis, is still contemplated l>y the French Govern- ment. The projects proposed include a tun~ ncl through Mont Blane and another through the Siiuplon or the. Grant St. Bernard, the two first iuiinod being the 1110le prolmhlv. In Milan the dominion of buildings in or- ‘1' tn \\'l(l(!1l the (form proceeds from tlw 1 (lcl [)1101110 to , t. Ruff ole. This is part 01' a huge Si‘llL‘lllC of municipal imprm’e- incut projected by .\lun’/.oni. It swallows millions and millions. and uniloulrtmlly nov- (‘I'S Ring julm of magnitude. ' The \\’:11‘f00ting of the (lcrmnn army has been established by the budget of ISSZZ at 500.000 111011. In the event ofwzu', the num- ber could be doubled at t\\'cnty-fum' lmm's' notice by telegram. It is announced that the storms which have been raging in the sun for a month past have almost subsided, and we may soon look for it list of houses and barns destroy- ed, and cider mills blown into the next conn- ty. A no“ urwi suggested for cthur. A pzb tt‘llt recently. at the C :‘k South Illiil'ulzn'v. “hilo under the influence of other, acknow- h-dgwl that 1m had bvou conmwtud with several 111mmlight outrages 1'11 the, Ilistl‘iub from v.11th 110 came. As nothing truly valuable, can be, attained without industry, so there can be 1m pursu- \'01‘i11g industry without 2L dcvp scum: of the Value of time. In Yorkshire, I‘Inglund, lately, uhm'gluy was found in :1 vury tight place indeed, His lugs were hanging down 1L chimney in which he had stuck, and it was necessary to take down the Inantlcpiom and part thv c‘hinnn‘y tun-152139 hiln. “mm: is sum: 1.0 have :1 grandinturnntimml (log; Illil'. (low! mr Cil‘S‘il‘C. The purt of Venice has been deepened, so 21% t I admit the. (mth m the Italian monster inmuluds. 'l‘rmmmys mo pmj ,tml hutumn many villages in Itul)‘ on the ruuds builth 11qu Hummus. Notes 021 Things in General. a†«OWN 44.9 <.w.> copâ€"7 VARIOUS TOPICS. "'l'hc Lln'out has destroyed more lives thaw the sword," by imprudoncc in eating and intelnpcmnuc in drinking; but when health becomes impaired the iniswulflc (lis- pcpticmay find proniptl‘clicf in Burdock Blood Bitters. it regulates thc bowels, acts upon the liver and kidneys, purities the blood, and stixnnlutm all the {\‘Cl'l‘CtlflnS to a healthy actiOn. Manufacturers of I’lonpors Mowers and Threshing Machines prefer Custorinc“ Max hinc Oil 10 any other. IL will outwcm‘ Lard, 'cul 01‘ Elr‘plmnl, and is \vun'vnlvd not Io gum. For sale by all denlm (100d 'l‘imu. Hixtcun miles were «Miami in two hours and ten minutes by a lad who was sent 11>)" 1L bottle of 'Brivgs‘ Magic R0,- licf. Hood time, but bad poli _ to 1):» sn far from :1 sin '1 without 21 battle in Mw 110115412 Burns and Scalds. Arc pxmnptly cured as well as all flesh wounds, sprains, bruises, mllous lumps, son:110’-x,pui11, influmnmtion and all pain- {111M41st by the great lHICHma’ticKn'mody, ]|agyzn‘d"s Yulluw ()i}. Fm uxtcnmi and in- tcrnalnse. l’1'ic "'c. _ . Charles A. Whitney, ndw'criiï¬n: agent of I‘mk (hmlcn, I‘rm‘h‘wnvo, It. 1., wrilm: "Fur “H‘CO Years 1 11nd inflammatory rhunmnlmn in my ri ht hip and knee. 1 mnplovcdmnny110ml phy ('i:1n,<,:111dtl‘ic1l numerousromwlios fnr (1m :IilmontJym,115111111 nuthing to hdr. m0 untilI “>011 Um ( H' m (lunnnn Rum-11y, S 1,\rm;s(m,, whivhcurcdnu'utoln'c. 1umlunvumircly well." Farmers, Look to Yum' Flucks. l’lilllt(‘l"ï¬ Tick and Vulnviu l‘mnlm‘ will destroy tick 111111 \’Cl'1fll11 on sheen (cattle and llamas. Safe and easy to use. and guarantcwl to do all that is L mud hit" it. Sold by drug- “its. 'I‘IIJ: ’lmku of Argyll has received a pl'CsCHt of some wild turkeys from Amcrira, which he intends to my and Drum! at lnvux'ury. The Duke of (Tlunhcrlnml tlictl to introduce, them into \Yilulsor Park: and in tho ruigns of George I. and 11. then, were great flock,» in Richmond Park, but the hrucd hocumo extinct. And as the paternal government gradually witlnhmvs its allowance from Lhc litth Smiths. and ï¬nally, when baby is Hi, stops it altogether, step-paternal can-L's [wuss more and more heavily on John Smith’s successor; it is he who tuk ‘s the (lead soldier‘s place. without his punsion, nml isn’t that patriot-- Fancy sitting down to breakfast for the ï¬rst timu with :1 now-ninde wife and four- teen \‘oung children 1 Yesterday you were :11 cm ful imchclm'; to-dn)‘ you are a lather 0121 Ulill))ll‘.‘()llS family. Yesterday you act and (hunk its you likcd;to-d:1_y you must learn that Tummy nnddnck lilmluts Hf gravy. \1‘11ilei\l:11'ycries if :1 drop is put on hurplute, ink wants his 1113111, all fat. lmhy wins for :1 bone and Susie ‘(lllltii the (l1‘lL‘>C and must well-done corner. And then how hard tn l'unicnilm' all the 112111195, for theCX-Mrs. Smith will, naturally fvcl aggrieved if any one forgets that Andy and not pretty Jack is the rod-howled hoy, 01' that Lucy twins with Mary and not lini- 111a. (the three being the same size and the latter only :1 year the youngt’stl, while it will be sure to Ming :1 tear to her '0 if litth \Yillie, “who is so like his dead andâ€"gone- papa,†is confounded with $21111, who has freckles and n snlll) nose. ’I‘rmy Pastmgof New ankn’v will) I s inimitable variety ‘ liun 111 {ingu Lom'of 1110 U1 ‘ my“ [ed as the loading \‘m‘nlist and variety per the [‘nilwl States. ï¬ll [his artick: nit-L Mr. ‘ manly, :md fmmd 111111 in privuLc m] i115“y lull, :ith‘X‘lllt‘I'l‘M \imuic ntizu'k lint zmy ('um thuL t’hm‘nm Ix'mmlchiml ( InuthulldmII furnll sm'h nmr'timm. I nx1{(‘(1\\‘ll:llfl’ \mx‘ mu! he r» l]iL‘(],“>\T.J.\1 I r.l'21<mrx:ii<lleLhocmni (Inuit (ivrmzm limmrdy £111 prepm'nliml for the euro 01 vhnninuliun and ‘Lnf ii \l'ul u 'l‘wn yours :13“, John Smith (n L? \\ill call him] (llUll uml lutt 1\\'i:l<>\\' only 37 years old and fourteen children mnlcr 1."; yams: the youngest was an infant and thou,- \\ are three pairs of twins. John Smith was :L suliliei'antl 1L pensioner, and his \VillOVV immediately ap- plied for :L pension for herself and the little ones, but even this gave her an income of only 536 a month with a steady (lccrcasc of 2 (four in case of the twins) :1, month every year after the Oldest chihl attained the age of 16. Alter two years If widowhooll Mm. Smith met our hero, a 1mm courageous enough to marry Mrs. Smith and take to his step- fathurly heart and home the fourteen Iittlu Smiths I v Th2 Man Who Proved Himself a Hero and :1 Patriot. As there are troubles “111230 than] death, so is than: u heroism deeper than that which braves the mwmy in huttlo, and the true patriot is; not the hum who talks . St about the Inusperity 11ml :lxh‘am-ml cix'i 1/11- tion of his nuthe laud, lmiit . he who prawâ€" tiuully :Lizis hm- in lim' ammo onward and upnurxi. TONY PASTOR IN TROUBLE. x1 Worse than War. «no.4- r» . I’. Victoria 'I‘ou Warehouse. Sign of the Qum-n. 93 -~KING STREET EAST, TORONTO.~93 Saw Mills & Grist Mills wl‘léfa‘lm l, ., .. ‘UWAUA, Our Specialties. WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., BRANTFORD. Established over thirty years. Noted for Pure 'l‘cus and Cotl‘c Send along your orders. and save $1.00 on every 511).('ut_t10. A posX-Oï¬u-c order for any amount 11p to $100 costs only TWO Clix <. In ordering stntg what surf of tun, and the prior“ as above. \\ c are somlmg was all over the, l’l‘m’inm'. we will smul :1 single .3 lb. ('uitio 10 any lluil“ 2L)’ Station in Ontario, (i.().l).. (xxpi'Ossâ€"mr1‘iugzn pre- pziid, and make a reduction of 10 per (tent. otl' regular prices. The not pl‘iUCS are as follows : I'm- 5 ll). (‘ullii- Japan. ï¬lm-k. Mixed. “I‘I‘l‘ll. and 001011;: Tons. $2.25, $7330. $3.15 and $3.60. 'l‘lm5t‘. ions will lm found fully 20 1101' ('L‘Jlt. lK‘l.’ tor vnluu than the tons ordinarily sold. EDWARD LAWSON As an induw‘muut 1,0 muse throughout 111v womm ‘. who halvu not 3‘01 tl‘JCd our Ask your dealer for “ (‘zwiorinc " Machine 0i] and see that the burrol is branded “ Castol'mc †as none othm- 'gunume. To huvupurc water in the huusu every fumin should have a. good liltui', the health and C(nnfoi't depends largely upon the use of properly tiltm'cdwnter. The liver is the true filter for the blood, and Burdock Blood 'Bit- tor keep the liver and all the secretory 01'- gzms in :1 healthy condition. It is the grand lrluud purifying, liver regulating ton- its, )lliillilillg~., Hirl'or l‘rnmos “l'llo’ D GOODS" ofovcryd pllou. l’ho- Ingrap l l m- 11's for 1882. A shipment of" S. and NI. hum Brill Paper, (Genuine) just ru- civmluxhuu (use 01' Eag’lv Ext-a Brilliant 0w "‘ l’ï¬â€˜llw " ’ ‘inl: complete zssortnurul «if human and Amt-rival" Card and ('allbilll‘l Mann Owing to 1110 immense demand for Swan 5 Plates. we have hillum 0 hucu unable to keep up with [)1Il‘())‘(l01‘5-§. but aw promised an early shipnmul, which will enable us to till all demands. “'0 are also lumping on hand the Eastman 'lnir. which will he found 10 he the lH’HL American l’hllrs in the lum'kvt. “'0 have :1 l'owcupivs of the British Journal Pholn Al- inunzu: and Year Book (bound in 0110 volume) forthe your PM. llwluvwl I'I'in‘, JOw. l’hn‘mi graphic Mm 1881, 35+. I'N‘IIIH‘S. and “REM OFFER! [1m to First Jammy, 1882. Ontario Photo Stock House: \Yllut physician has ever discovered :L um‘c for 1101\(lzmlmi’ Echo answers none. Hut Burdock 110ml Bitters by their purifying, Invigorating, ncrvincproperties aï¬â€™omlï¬ '11'0 in nearly every case. The healthgiving pï¬nciples of this remedy are unequalled by any‘similzu' preparation in the world. Use“(7z1>zmrine Machine ()i] for all kinds of machinery. “is :Llsouxcellcnm'or harness and leather, making it \,'atci‘and\vcalhorpl'uof. For :le, by all dealers. Sm‘lcnu. \‘(lui‘liis‘ts have hex-n zll’l'Cshnl at Erl'ml. [10‘ d‘ J IAE‘ iXIDER. I'M It. Dr. Blixs any: that his charges of $70,000 is only about half the rugulur figures, myng nothing of his bulhsiiinâ€"writing. Restored from a Decline. Nuirrn Hm‘ my. N. )2, April 2."), 1880. ])r. H. V. Pierce, Bullhlu, N. Y: DEAR Hm- kl feel it my duty to write and thank you for what your “ (iohlun Mmlicino [lis- covery " and “ Favorite l‘J'eScription “ have done for my daughter. It ix now live weeks since she began their use. She is more fleshy, has more color in her face, 110 head- ache, and is in other ways greatly improved. Yours truly, ml whilc using them. 3y (lx'uggists A 1mm who Wont under the ,2 and \mxn‘t pullml out for nine, minutes says it; was the nit-mt dream he ever had, although he lu-pf ulutghing‘ :u'mnnl fm‘ the lwl x-luthâ€" (‘4, Uniiko other cathartius, Dr. Picrcu‘s " Pellets †do not render the bowelss costivc after operation, but, on the contrary, cs :11)- lish a permanently healthy action. [hi/w MIX/My I'vgr/w/(I/Hv no pzn'ticulmcarc is: requir- ed whilc using them. JV (h'llmrists “GOLDEN )IIZIHtWL DIS‘UUVI-ITLY“ (Trade mark registered) is rot oniya svn'cmign rem- edy for c01wunptim1, but also for consumpâ€" tive nightâ€"sweats, bronchitis, coughs, spit ting of blood, w ‘ak lungs, shortnuss at breath, znnl kindred afl'cctionauf the throat. and chest. 3y druggists, ' )IRS. MARCI‘ILLA MYERS. The Union Pacific Railway has $200,000 worth (If snow plows on hand and no snow. It hulicvod in Vumor and got left. T/Ir’ ((1107‘6 ()fl'm‘ (army/ed um! AlonJ/r EEAN’S W O R 3311 E†E3 "537 32’; 3LT? “" tbvir mu) 1 m‘z’mrt rm] Am pleasant ‘ro t he. (imtr Purgaiive. 13 n é ’ Euro, 1 dl‘SfI' vr-r 0f worms in (3 ‘ ‘1 11 or Allulifl. CELEBRATED TEAS, RE.“ I) IR 'l'llI-I AIDIIR ' ' ‘ A Cure for Headache. A Good Filter; .. 'l‘ormm» FIRE PROOFGHAMPION Sold in live )‘vm' (-ngmv m (‘; ltlzl. I 'l‘hom l'vzls :1l't' unmn‘slinnulvly lll(‘ ï¬nest lot of 'l‘oas 0v 1' imported imu (funmlsl. and in order V Ingivc on- 'y 0110 :1 (‘lmnvn [o swnm u caddy, ‘ mn‘ Il‘m’I-llm's will (‘onnnonm' on their mums at [om-v. One 01' them will (-111! on vn‘l'y «onsnmor ‘ tln'nnglunll llln lmnn’ninn. LGlit‘s‘. ho pl'vpurml; Junk your hush; nlls :Ilmnl i1. and have your ‘01‘4lm'5 1‘(‘zl(l). l a poor 'l'ms ~will be (yll'm'wl. ‘ }<]\'v1',\'(-ml<l) m \\2I1‘l';lnl(‘(l. “'0 hm‘o n reputa- ltinn WUI'lll having. n<l (lnn‘r nrmmscmuu'nish it hyl'nislinq poor ’I won 111» nnlnliv. "you wish Inmm’ti twin; s“ nrllvd ln' )mllzn's. kuvn your ()l‘lll‘l'tx I'm' U'Il' ll'ilH'lll‘l‘ IT IS WITH FEELINGS 0!“ HIGH? itI-luiili’l' 11ml, Hm nmnufuctm'm‘s «11' Thorlvy‘s lmprm’ml llorsv :Ilul (‘alilo F001! {vi-1 Ilt't‘t‘SsiIalH‘d again to (-2111 nt1onti<m 10 HH‘ film 01' Hm numm'nus inmnsilions pnhnod ofl‘ upon lhv publit- as their |'00d,nu1 only h_\' lmva 1(‘1'50f01hv1' fund (-mnpzmivs. but also by many 01' thv‘l' 11ml] :xg'vnts. ’l'his nliswpu lvlt- pun-tim- mus .11' um-hm‘kod, fond to Ian; Hu- good mum! of 'l‘1m1'1v3'54 Inlyn-m-r'rl. Ian'mvrs mm 10(‘(11- mu‘m- sun" mn‘ ll'mlv mxu‘k \s (m lllt‘ 1111.: \vlu-r \'l)11p1u‘('ll;ls(*. For Hilk‘ b} dwah‘r; m 1‘11. \\ hm-ra Hmnul‘uciurml 43 John sum-(511mb. Hamilton. 0m. lmpuru-r 0| Man‘kvl 1.21110. London. hoivv ' ‘l Yong; N1 chcE NEW SEASON TEAS 1,000 Peekeges of Different Brande. LU IEEFQRE) TRADE MARK. LAF'IEH.) Q_ Is :1. sm'r‘ prompt. amlumwmul Remedy for A'r’rrmmm in ALL its N/(ll/(ES. lea/c Illmnr 027/. of [Ira 1'): l’ow‘m‘. l’roxlralfon, Kin/15 Swan/x [Fwd/{tunes (Ind (71'111'1‘111 Loxs of I’mm'r. lrl'cpuirs Nl‘rl'mlx Ii'us/t'.1minrmmlmf/IC Jadwl m/vllrt'f. S/rmu/I‘lu’ns I/u’ Enft'rZI/(‘d Brain, (Ind lfrsfm'z’s Surprising Tum- (Iml Vigor to (111’ [ï¬r/numlvrl (Ivm‘rnt/‘W (hymns. ’I‘lm uxpu rivnvo of thousands proves it an lN\.»\l.l'A)’.L}<2 IUGMNIH'. The Mcdiviuo is p] ‘(xszlhf mt‘hv tasstv. and i‘ no 'zxsczmd under no rintunmtumms Hm 1'11?†harm. Emil box vunluins suflir-imn for tmv week's mvdirntiun. thus living IlIlU'h [-honpm- than any other Inwliz-im- Hold and while it is the (‘h sapcsl. if - mur/z ()(IHN'. Man-R‘s )lngm-lil- leiil m- gisls at 50! pm‘ box, 01' I‘: box 34 for $5. or will 1w mni ‘(1 free of poxtugv, on 1'L‘(3t‘i])1 01' Hm monvy. by addressing )l‘H'K's‘ .Wlï¬ï¬‚'li’l'lt‘ HEDK‘I. 'll (0.. Wimlmr. 0:11.. I'unmiu (wild by 111-1gi njqi‘h‘ull Inu'liv‘ulzu‘s in our pamphlet, whit we dcsn‘ummuxl lym- 102111 EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW. FARMERS! Incorporated All 1855. PAID-171’ (YAl’l'l'All. .l. ., “$2,000,000 1 NERVE FUND .. .. QflOJJOO TOTAL ASSE'I‘S .l ,. .. .. ,. 6.850301) HEAD 0FFH‘IZ. 'I'IHH’N'I‘". Lands money on Real Estate at lowest (turn-:1?- l'mos of interest. Purchases Morlgugr‘s and Mimic-ile Dvlwn- tm‘cs. Reuoivos Money on Depositund nllan interval. thereon, paid 01‘ compounded llflll")'('éll'l.\'. Issues Ik-hcntlu‘us with Interest Coupons, pup able. in Toronto. ()1' in London, England. MACK’S MAGNETICMEDICINE $|5 SEWER WATGH FREE CANADA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINGS BUMPANY. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE L‘L’lL/OUQNESS, DIET/HESS, I) YSFEPSM. DROPSI . lND.’GEé‘7/0N, l7/_U77"E/?/.v‘/J JAUND/CE, OF THE Hf E/PYS/PELAS, ACID/TV (IF SALT [RHEU/EI, T/IE ETC? HEARTEU/S’N, CRY/V SS HEADACHE, 0F TIM (I And evs‘ry sped-:3 of diseasa arisi disordered LIVER, KiDNEYS, 8k, BOWELS OR BLOOD, ’I“ MIL-BURN & (60.. Pm†6 O O Address, (', \‘C. JHCNN [-5 PORTABLE That 0111' [Au-go (‘onsignmonl of FARM ENGINES “15 (‘ON E T0 HAN“ ’i"111< I‘m (‘nlnpl' chn J. HERBE {'1‘ MA.‘ , Munng: SOMETHING Most popular and [i(‘1'f('(‘ {SARI or T/"f/ now/77 F T/IE 5707/3371 Cf? Vivi-’33 Proprietors. TORONTO 'l'mmnn, ()nmx'ia .x' Noufly .‘4‘ ‘ St. Toronto gov