Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Feb 1882, p. 7

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The Pacific Railwnyr'rhe Land of Booms iLucky Specumtorsrrrlnter» csting Items. MANY private sales of real estate are being transacted, mostly in farm lands. l‘lx-Licut.flovernm' Cauchon lately sold ivy.“ $24,000 three blocks at Brandon, Mani- ‘wlta, which six months ago cost him about l'itlsburg Dispatch. 'l‘lu: fumin of l’cter Matson, living near :l'n‘lington, N. J., out watermelons for Ainnur every day. and expect to do so all i ' tor. Mutson laid away 250 melons dur- Ing the season preserving them by a pro- (‘55 which he professes to have invented. He, varnished such melon all over, and then sealed up the stem. Not long ago he in- \ited u numhei' of his friends to dinner and ivymight out three large \vatermclons for deâ€" >-‘(".'t. His guests all united in saying that ‘hcy never tasted more delicious melons I mu in the regular season. The news of ‘xlutcon's presen ing powers vouched :1 large Mr. T, B. Collins, of Millln‘ook, returned this morning from \Vinnipeg. He says the éortuncs that; people have made in the North- ‘Vest during the past few months are m- ._1*enlihlc. One man, an acquaintance, who had to borrow $20 to buy his ticket to “'in- 15ng last spring, showed him his deposit beck in the Bank of Montreal last week for $50,000, and he had real estate for which he was olfcrml $25,000. This was all made 'ncu lust spriiig.vl’ol'l [lope (v'm'dv. {ML tho i'aih'hml shops, round houses, [10- puts, ctc., and the same corps of oiiicizils 111‘. be, made to do the work of tho Grand 7m'1mbi'mich with very slight additional 1" I'M'lixc. mi; fruit-dealer in Philadelphia, and :1 1:0- l'.C*LlltllLl\'(§ of the dealer went to Burling- tnzi and requested the privilege of tasting :ii' thr fruit. He pronounced them (le- ' ms. and at: once negotiated for fifty of the melons. Maison hesitated some time, bu at last ('()11UlllliC(lt0 part with (I. por- tion of his stoek, as the price otl'ered was x my largo. They are to he placed on sale ‘: tubulous prices in Philadelphia in 2!. few dd). s. The dealer wants Matson to preserve ~x rerul thousand for him next summer or la: n :ll him his process. Local physicians :im-lm'c that, the varnish used to preventthc melons from spoiling is sufficient to have ‘p-fiispmml all these who have partakcu of em. yet the mcmhers of the family never J'n'ed hotter health. «00 4‘--> 00* a DWELLIXH houses are extremely (liflicult is) got; in Emerson at present. One gentle- nan has been hunting all over town for rooms for his family for a couple of weeks without avail. This is asign of a coming "Juihling boom in the spring. THERE is some talk of a colonization com- pany being formed in Emerson, to take ad- Tmntage of the recent land regulations, and we are not without the hope of the project finally coming to a head. The chances of ccess are to say the least. attractive. A Noble Thief. .\l. lienmle l’ont‘Jest has recently been -_'~“:](l()lllnC(l by the Criminal Tribunal of Caen it: three months‘ imprisonment'and a, fine of 1:00 francs for stealing :1 watch chain and wearing the insignia. of an order of chivalry m which he \‘dS not entitled. For many “{t'ill'S past M. 1l0 Font-Jest has belonged to the editorial stnfl' of the Fig/(rm. He was in i'm-eipt elm) income amounting to over $10,- H00 :1 year when he COllllllittCll the Ofl'enee laid to his charge. The famous Maiti‘e Laehaud. his counsel, called several of the Mailing: French writers of the (lay, friends ml collalmratcurs, of l’Ollt‘wJCSt. to hear tosâ€" Mummy of the uprightness of his character. Among others of European renown, Adolphn Helot, Emile Blavet, and Ernest Dandct sne- ».*c~;si\‘cly entered the box and recorded, 11p- wn oath, their convmtion that Pout-Jest wax incapable of a dishonest action. In who, however, of all that these eminent .‘ill'n vonhl say in his favor, the Tribunal ‘HHHl him guilty. Bursting of the Reservoir in Calais” Many Lives Lost. The reservoir in Calais, France, burst on Monday. The torrent destroyed a. school- house and two other buildings which were uecnpied. Few of the inmates escaped. The number lost is unknown, but twenty-seven bodies have been recovered from the ruins. Late North-West News. Watermexons in January. ‘4” «-w «w The. French Government learning that the Supreme Court of Guatemala had acquitted the soldiers charged with assaulting the Sec- retary of the French Legation, 011 Novem- ber 7th, refused to reveire the Envoy of Gu- atemala. A frigate has been ordered to (Guatemala to demand satisfaction, 100,000 frames indemnity and the ilnln'isonment of the assailants. Almost all the newspapers of Paris speak in very favorable terms of the new Ministry. The Paris correspondent of the ’j'imos says : “The new Cabinet cannot fail to be welcom- ed by Europe. It will he hailed with gene- 'al suti. 'action in France. Its object will he to restore tranquility, which the country wishes and needs. The delay in M. Say’s ae- eeptancc of oiliee \‘as in consequence of his objecting to new loans, compulsory conver- sionu‘nll state purchase ()1 railways. M. De Freycinet felt considerable hesitation im yielding his views on th points." In the Chanilier of Deputies on Tuesday M. De J‘U'eyeinet read the progranune of the new Cabinet. It says the policy of the Government will he one above all calculated to establish peace in the minds of the people, and at heme and abroad it will he iirni and eonciliatery. Liberty and progress are no- ceswury for France. ,The Government will apply in a lilieral sense the laws relative to the press and the right of public meeting. A hill wilth sulnuitted sanctioning the right of association while maintaining the rights ()1 the Sta to. The revision of the constitution ought to be postponed until the expiration of the term (it the present Legislature. The judicial, military and educational reforms initiated hy the late Cabinet will he persev- ered with. The efl'erts of this Cabinet will he directed to giving an impetus to labor. Nations do not live by politics, but by busi- ness. The Government does not intend to propose compulsory conversion (If the debt or the purchase of the railways by the State. No efl'orts will be spared to arrive at a defi» nite solution of the taritf questions, and for the moral and intellectual improvement of the people. M. De l4‘reycinet appealed to the (Jhainhers to give the Government their emihdenee. The speech \‘as received with cheers. The Financial Disturbances-~»Government Notes ~Cabinet Matters, &c., &- M. Say announced that the hudgct presented by his predecessor would be w1tlx- drawn. Troops guard the Offices of the Union Hon- erals sn Lyons to prevent the populace sack- lug them. The extreme Left intend to intel‘pellate the Government with regard to shelving the Revision bill. In the Senate, the (luv- crnment‘s declaration of its policy was ap- plauded. - it is believed that legal proceedings will he commenced against the Union Uenei‘ule. It is stated that the SllSpension was caused by the refusle of the Lander Bank to pay 7,000,000 francs, which had been depended upon to enable the Union Generale to meet its liabilities. Thirty-one strong boxes in the Union Genex‘ale‘s vaults were found emp- ty. and an examination of the books proves that when Bontonx stated its profits were 57,000,000 francs them was a deficit of 0!},- 0l)0,000 francs. The Thunder Bay Sentinel proposes a scheme for the laying; of a submarine cable between Thunder Bay and Marquette, in other words, connectingr the north and south shoer of Lake Superior by telegraph. The scheme,“ carried out, says the A'm't/I Shore ill/VIM, would revolutionize the tele- graphic system of the Northwest. It would give an almost air line between Milwaukee, Chicago and other large cities and Thunder Bay, Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and British Columbia, and on the comple- tion of the Canadian Pacific railway there will no doubt he direct eonnnunieation he- tween British Columbia and Japan, China and all parts of Asia. The Senate concurred in the bill for the three months’ prolongatiun of the commer- clal treaties. A grant of 60,000,000 francs for militar expenses in Tunis during February and March, 1882, was voted. The deposits on which the Union Gene- rale was obliged to pay interest exceeded one hundred million francs. Brokers in Paris on Tuesday received deplorable accounts from provincial cli- ents, entailing heavier losses than was ex- pected. 7»on <-.»> 0‘ pâ€"â€"» ~â€" A Submarine Cable for Lake Superior Adespatch from Oran says the French column operating in Southern Algeria cap- tured 10,000 sheep, 6,000 camels and killed 90 tribesmen. M. Andrieux giasz notice that; he would, on Thursday, submit 11, proposal looking to the amelioration of the condition of the Par- is and Lyons bourst-s. Such points as Prince Al‘tlu11"s Lfinlling, Fort \Villiam, Silver Islet and Isle Royale would derive the greatest benefit from such a menus of communication. At present the only wires connecting Prince Arthur’s Landing with the principal parts of Canada go by way of \Vinnipeg through the States, round by Chicago and thence to their des- tination, at such a high ‘ute that it almost prevents any business being done over the wires except local or western. Tm: nhle bodied ones of the Battle River, Pigeon Lake and Peace Hills Indians are oil' to the l‘lains after bnfl'ulo, which are said to he in the neighborhood of the Hand Hills on the Red Deer River. Some of them went off eight weeks ago and have not been heard of sinco, while others are going all the time, so that it is pretty certain they are getting at least enough to live on. It was reported that they had sent in for the destitute ones of the Minds, who we‘re left at home, but this is not so, for they are still there. and in a destitue condition. But its most direct henefit would be to the people of Canada, for not only would it afford the residents of the Northwest a direct line to the principal cities of the United States, hut would also give a. much shorter line to the residents of Ontario, Quel-ce and the maritime provinces in their messages to the Northwest, this of course only on the eompletionof a proposed line from Marquette to the Sault. LATE FRENCH NEWS. 9o 44-} 09; The more 1 think about the (‘lUDllilIlto, the more wonderful they seem to me. The great, clumsy creatures are so very know- ing, so very loving, and so like human be~ ’ings in many of their qualities. They know their power well, and they also know just when they must not use it. Deacon (lreen tells me that keepers and trainers of elephants often lie down on the ground and let the huge fellows step right over them; and that they feel perfectly save in doing so, because they know the elephants will pick their way carefully over the pro- strate forms, never so much as touching them, still less treading on them. Yet the mighty creatures can brush a. man out of ex1stence as easily as a man can brush away a fly. And what delicate tastes they have~ delighted, I’m told, with strawber- ries, gum-drops, or any little dainty of that. kind 1 They are fond of bright colors, too, and travellers tell wonderful tales of see- ing elephants gather flowers with the great est cure, and smell them, apparently with the keenest pleasure. >50, possibly, we are intended to take all our breath thxough the nose, unluss neces- sit ' drives us to breathe through the month. There are many other reasons why we ought to make our noses furnish all the air to our lungs. One is, the nese is filled with a little forest of hair, which is always kept moist, like all the inner surfaces of the nose, and particles of dust that would otherwise rush into the lungs 21ml make trouhle, are caught and kept out by the little hairy netâ€" work. Then the passages of the nose are longer, and smaller, and more erookeil than that of the mouth, so that as it passes through them the air becomes warm. But these are only a few reasons why the nose ought not to be switched oll‘ and left idle, as so many noses are, while their owners go pulling through their mouths. a mile and a quarter at one dash, and I was not wou‘y 1101' blown. Antl now 1 {1111 goâ€" ing to give you the secret : B/‘NIHN‘ Hmong/z your nose .’ I had boon thinking what poor runners we are, and “ondcring why the animals can run so far. and it came to me that per- haps this might account for the (lifl'orenuu, that they always taK’c air through the nose, while we usually begin to puff through our months before we have gone many rods. Some animals, such as tho (log and the fox, do open their mouths and pant while run- ning, but they do this to cool themselves, and not because they can not get air enough through their noses. I {071ml once, through :1 and oxpcrionco with :i pet dog, that dogs must die if their nostrils become stopped. They Will breathe through their mouth only while it. is forcibly held open; if left; to themselves they always breathe through the nose. L V . Imakc these compamsons to Show that our boys who can not run a mule without hcixlghudly winded are Very poor run- 1101's. Mexico. There are said to be now in Mexico 10,000 Protestant Christians. The Presbyterian Church began its work therein 1872, and numbers 4,000 members. The Methodist Episcopal Church sent missionaries in 1878, and now has 337 members in full commotion and 378 on probation. The Protestant Epis- copal Church has 3,500 members. The first introduction of the Bible into the country was by the soldiers and chaplains of the United States army in 1847. But, stop a, moment. I «lon‘t mean that most boys can't run fastâ€"“l mean they can’t run far. I don’t believe there is one boy in fifty, of those who may read this, who can run a quarter of a mile at a good smart pace without having: to blow like a porpoise by by the time he has made his distance. And how many boys are there who can run, fast or slow, a. full mile without stopping ‘3 It hardly speaks well for our race, does it, that almost any animal in creation that pretends to run at all can outrun any of us ? Take the smallest terrier-dog you can find, that is sound and not a puppy, and try a. race with him. He’ll beat you badly. He’ll run a. third faster than you can, and ten times as far, and this with legs not more than six inches long. I have a hound so ac- tive that he always runs at least seventy~five miles when I stay a day in the woods with him; for he certainly runs more than seven miles an hour, and if I am gone ten hours, you see he must travel about seventy miles of distance. And then, a good hound will sometimes follow a fox for two days and nights without stopping, going more than three hundred and fifty miles, uml he will do it without eating or sleeping. Then, you must have h :nrd how some of the runners of the South African tribes will run for long (1istzuiccsâ€"huudrcds of milcs-â€"â€" carrying dispatL-hcs, and making very few stops. But 1 hclievcl can tell the boys some- thing that will help them to run better. I was a pretty old boy when I first found it out, but the first time I tried it I ran a All trainers of men for racing and rowing, and all other athletic contests, understand this, and teach their pupils accordingly. If the boys will try this plans they will soon see what at difference it will make in their endurance. After you have run a few rods holding your mouth tightly closed, there will come a time when it will seem as though you could not get air enough through the nose alone; but dont give up: keep right on, and in :L few moments 3011 will overcome this. A little practice of this method will go far to lnillic you the lmst runner in the nei ‘h‘norliood. How to Run. 'Hwn. 1-,. 'y'fiiimu, >1, Xivhohl1ur)"c1uuury.1-31. Very few hays known how to run. “Ho, 110 I" say :1 dozen boys. “Just bring on the buy that can run faster than 1 am I" It is true they all the same flowers afterâ€" ward, but dear me! I‘ve seen girls do the same thing ! Many a time I watched a lit- tle lady pluck a wild rose, look at it :1 mo- meut, sigh “ how lm'cly !” then open her pretty lips and swallow the petals one by one. \Vhy shouldn't an elephant ‘? 7-“ .7/vt'luz'n- flu I’zdpl'l," St. A'ic/zolasjbr [YO/vuu'jl, INN}. OUR YOUNG FOLKS. Good Taste fimaxxg the Mighty. o. «0.» o¢ Tnc \Vullucc (To. make a sum-in] ofl‘er to read- 01‘s of [his paper who will write them a! oncov and who (can uivn good reform“ Send l'm‘ Ibm'vriplh'r (‘h'l-ulzu'. P1100 “>1. and 'l'l!~'lil:ll)lllillsi 0F BRIUK WELDIESLEEIEK.PRESSES, AND TILE (MACHINES. Weuho man \‘nnoor Maphinos for ('hm‘sc box snul‘s, 01‘ port'm'utud Furmtm‘o. During lho next 6 months there will be a large number of people out of employmch on account of the drought; in some parts of 1hr country there is a. great deal of suffering. There he plenty of men and women in this country. who, f some friend would put them in the way of earning: two or three hundred dollars during the winter nmnths, would be grateful for a lifetime. A large Maumfzu-lurlng Company in New York are now prepared to start persons of either sex in :1 new business. The business is honorable and legit inmte (no peddling or book Canvassing) $.30 per month and expenses paid So, if you are out of employment, send your name and address at once to The \Vullm-e (‘o., 60 “'zu‘ren St. New York. The Hmlsnlmldzuul Farm in its 1 sun of OctoA 1301' says. “"hu offer made by this Company (who um: um: 01‘ the most reliable in this chy) is the best cn'r mzulc to 111C unculplnycd." BRIflK MAKERS. WATER For well boring, best in the world for quick sand, hard pan clay, etc. Never was 1mm; try it. Send for circular to manui’y, 63 Mary Street, Hamilton, Ont. Dr. R. V. PIERCE, Buffalo, N, Y. : Dmr Sir~«I have advised many ladies to try your “Favorite Prescription” and never see it fail to do more than you advertise. Yours truly, L‘IRN. A. RANKIN, 141 Bates Street, Indianapolis, Ind- A wealthy Russian, who lately died in Switzerland, named Vanderwies, left his wife $22,000,000 in cash and large estates in Russia; to his eldest son $15,000,000 and {a castle at Lugano, and $15,000,000 and a castle at Vairose to another son. If you are bilious take Dr. Pierce’s “Pleas- ant l’urgative Pellets," the original “ Little Liver l'ills." Of all (ll'uggists. Col. Martinolf, the czar’s first equerry, has been to Germany thoroughly to study the management and manner of harnessing adopted at the imperial and royal stables. The Russian imperial stud will henceforth be partly replaced by English and foreign horses. The Grand Duke Constantine, uncle to the Czar, has taken a house in Paris, and it is probable that he will reside there in fu- ture, as ‘he has no intention of returning to hissia, nor is his august nephew particular- ly desirous of his company. The Ladies’ J ournal Young, middle aged, 01‘ old men, suffering from nervous debility and kindred weak- messes, should send two stamps for large treat- ise, giving successful treatment. VV()RLI)’>‘ DISPEN< ULY MHlm‘AL Assovaxox, Buffalo, Manitoba Farm Lands. Wanted a section or half-sec- tion of good Prairie Farm Land near 3. Railroad Station prefer- red. Price from $2 to $4 per acre. Address letter Drawer 3|, Hamilton, Ont n; \ . x “ BURR sn ‘ '1 / ' ‘\ \ - \‘ \ BURR STONES. mam WORKS co. smmmnommm A CARD. “Hi In: soul Honlhly forT‘VEN 'fi‘Y-FIVE man‘s Per Alnlnm 2 11 um S-pngo fashion paper» «(Lu/i- ,/ull,v/ {Hus/ram], and (:01 h us all the latest fashion notes from tho best American and foreign publi- cations known. Address ‘y & 35 Adolaidost. “'cst. Toronto. .l. €1.0th J: 50x. W'umhlm'ii. 0m FRANK WILSO N STAR AUG-E R. 4 Qlli‘i‘ll St. W HQYC been sold, and are domg a good work. Try one. BELTS ill!" SA‘DS (31' (hi-so (‘nrmiw- .pses FINEs‘fmcucu Toronto Our Specialties. WA-rnfious "ENGINEWORKSGO Hold in]; yuu's. qut popular and Darren!) on gmc Canada. JAKMJEEEâ€"S' LAUT Brain am M \‘u BEFORE} TRADE MARK 'Is a sin-u, I’mmm and Eii'cctual Remedy for Nurz‘ousm’ss in A I‘ll it‘s Siam-s, lVCa/c Illcmmw, Loss q/‘lfruir l’ou'm‘, Prosh‘atian. Night Swans, I'Vrulnm 'e. and Gmu’rat Loss of I’ou‘m'. It, renail‘s A'm'z‘ous H’as/r’. RQ/‘u- wnalos- {he Jaded Iizlr'llcct. Slrvngtlmm the, Rwy/helilt‘zl Brain, and Boston’s Surprising ’l'onc mul Vigor la (/10 [Cxllmmh’tl Unwra- tfw: Uri/(INN. The cxpui'icm‘c of thousands proves it :In [NVALL'ABLH Imam-21w. The medioim‘ is pi wasunt, to the taste, and in no mm: and undorim (xii-m1Instances can it (in harm Eat-h lmx contains suflivium for hm weehg imnlicutiou, thus being much cheaper than any other media no soldfland while it is tho ch auiest, fl. 13“?)de (Ml/(’7‘: PORTABLE SAW MILLS & GRIST MILLS Importer of Clioil'.0l'l‘0:l§, 25'! “Hurt-NI,Ton-(mm. Mzu‘kcl Lane. London. Ontario Photo Stock Housé- Mouldings, Mirrors. Frames, Pictures. and " Pll0'l‘0 (£0005 " of every descripllon. 'l‘ht'sz' 'l‘vas arr‘ unquestionably the finest h)? of Tcas m‘oriinportvd into Canada, and in or- dcr lo gin» r r v Ullt‘ a ('hanm to secure a rad- dy. our travellc . willvonunrncr on theirl‘outm at once. ()ncni’thcm will «all nn every eonsnnu‘r throughout the Dmninion. Ladies, be prerarml; ask "()HI‘ husbands about it, and have your orâ€" ders ready. N0 pour ’l'oas will he offered. Every caddy is \\'arrant(-(l. \\'v hav \ a reputation worth having, and don't, pmpnsc It) tarnish it by foixh ing1Kmr'l‘t-asnu[ho pub] u I!" you wlsh toavoid bring swindlod by pudlars. lump your orders l‘u‘ our irautllm PHOTOGRAPch MOSAICS FOR 1882‘ CHOICE NEW SEASON TEAS 1,000 Packages of Different Brands. FlRE PROOF GHAMPIDN A shipment of S. and M. Euro Brill Paper. (Gennine)just received; also a. case of Eagle Ex- tra Brilliant New “ Pense " Tint; complete assortment of French and American Card and (Inbinenl Mounts. Owing to the immenst de- mand for Swan’s Plates. we have hitherte been unable to keep up with our orders, but, are promised an early shipmez‘t, which will enable us tolill all demands. “’6 are also keeping 0n hand the Eastman Plate. which will be found to be the best American Plates in the market. \Ve have a few copies of the British Journal Photo Almanac and Your Book (bound in one volume) fer the your 1881. Reduced price ets Photographic Mosaics, 1881, 380. MACK’S MAGNETIC MEDICINE )[au'k .~ M. gm- )lq-(qu-ine 1‘ sold bv Drug- gis‘s :11 5001s. pm‘box, 01'12 boxt‘sfm' v. or will he ll’luik‘d frmx 01' posingc, (m 1‘0(’L‘ipl 01' money. by mldressinv‘ ‘“ ““V‘l . M? Full mu'th-ulm-s Jn()ul']thlnlp1flch;,Whth wedosn'c to 1112111 free to any nddn " Our I) ,scl-lptive l'ricml (‘umlogum beauti- fully illustrated. containing all necessary infor- mation for the successful cultivutson of Vogo: tables, Flowers. Field Roots, Potatoes. Sun, i4 now published, and will be mailed FR BE to all applicants. JOHN A. BRIIt‘I-I d; 00.. Soul Growers. llnlnlllon. Canada. EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW. LYON J: ALEXANDER. “’8 I I} SEEDS, RELIABLE SEEDS. $l'5 SILVER WATCH FREE! BIL/008N588. D YSPEPSIA, INDIGEST/ON, .M UNDIGE. ERYSIPELAS, 8ALT RHEUM, HEARTBDRN, HEADACHE, re pleasant to take. Contain their own Purgative. Is a. safe, sure, and effectual destroyer of worms in Children 02 Adults FREEBIEJ.‘ 1953 WORM PO‘WD S; And every species of disease arising from disordered LIVER, K’DNEYS, STOMACH, BOWELS VF. BLOOD, ‘1'. NHLBURN 8: (50., FARM ENGINES Address C. \\‘. DENA IS, ’I‘hat our Largo Consignment of WILL CURE OR RELIEVE IIAR‘ (‘0!!!) 1‘0 ll NI). This hot “ompriscs Ncau'l y SOMETHING BRANTFORD. 600 lljl‘K‘S )llillld‘h‘ll(‘0.. “'lmlsam'. (In! (fzumdu DIZZ/NESS, DROPS Y, FLUTTER/IVG THE STOW/15H, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, OF THE HEART, ACID/TY 0F Toronto. Ontario. Proprietors, TORONTO. L. Toronm.

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