Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Feb 1882, p. 5

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NORTilERN RAlLWAY Ttit'lr'i1 Tuiti- GOING NORTH. TCH’JEX‘FO. Mull. Accou . EX])1‘:S :7in Hull, 7.50 12.45 4,30 ill’l'tttlll Station, 7.53 12 02 4.58 lirortk Street, 8 05 1 ‘JU 5 4‘51 l'.t?‘l§'l:tlc, ..8. l3 1.10 Lilli llu‘onport, ..8 18 ..... 5.20 \‘i'oxton, . 5 2t; l'liornliill, .......--...8 so L55 5 SJ «ltionnorzn 5111.1 ..... .9 (l1). 2; US () Ur) King. .................. 9 if) . 6,15 \Iirum, 4-0 2512 6250' Now .l.;uket, ...- ....9 5'2 3AM U in) Gt)le SOUTH, Expr’s. Aconii. Mull. Newiiimket, ......... 8 ‘20 12 U3 7 47 :\ lll‘ill'fl, . . . . . . . . 8 3‘5 1‘3. U 800 King, ......... “8.50 12 40 8 till liiciriiioivn llii.r.,...‘.l.ti'_’. 1‘2. :35 8 3:3 ~l'tmriihill, .. LUS 8.45 \Veston, . 857 Davenport, . .. 1.40 it 08 l‘.u'kdulr>, ...... 1.48 9.l5 'l‘l) 15.0 .\' Tl). Brook Street, ..9 55 2.00 9 2.3 UntoiiStutioii 1003. ‘2. 0‘5 9.3. .10 ill 2. ii 9.40 City mil, 12m t. Tillie F'TlBIDA l", FEB, VI, ' 283,-? Rough ro‘uls. liortgongrli‘s (lame of politics at the LIBE. EAL. ll :tI‘fi fail to nttenli Rer. T. Crosby’s lecture ltt Patterson on 2nd of Mullah. Minutes. Ut Vuughnn Council in another column. B :ngongh's, . Popular C iurlinn Render sndReciter to be , clinicli. bud at the for; LillEltAL. Price 25 cts. Hull _ l‘here was quite an amount of hell fell on 31 ind-.iy. Winter. _ l‘lie little snow we got on Monday made it .nppcur like winter. Agonversaticnal. , . ’r‘or a full report 3f the,Conversat10iisl Meeting roe first page, The Rain. ‘ The little ruin on Sunday, made it very disagreeablet o be out. Skating. . The skirting was good on Saturday night last, but was fearful rough on Friday. 5. Eckardt ‘ Will hold his thirteenth monthly sale at the l‘ul iir r house, on the lSL of March. monthly fair." . 7‘ The :cguiur monthly fiiir will be held at vile Palmer House, on Wednesduy.Murch the fist. A Splendrl . 31 volume "free gratis for nothing”nt Mrs. .lluriison‘s new teu. store with every3 lbs. of M'lt. New Ad‘s. Don’t fiil to notice Petley’s and Oak Hall's new ud‘s. ‘l‘liey contuin “facts Worth know- Eng." Crowded out. Owing; to the urge amount of matter this week We are forced to leave sortie over till next issue. The Pulpit [n the iiethodist church, was occupied lust Sun luy morning, by the Rev. Mr. James of Toronto. Lent. Wednesday being Ash Wednesday, and tho first day of Lent, service was held in St. Mury’s church. Tea and Concert. 'l‘ue Methodist Sabbath School in this place intend having a ten and‘concert on the coming Good Friday. Sunday School. There was no M. thodist Sundnv School Last Sunday afternoon on account of the in- moral of the late Mr. Harrington. Our population. According to the late census returns, an extract of which we will publish next week, Richmond Hill has a population of 867. Public Schools. Mr. D. Futiieringham, Public School In. spector, vimted our schools on Monday last. He gives a good report of the work done so for. Oscar Wilde’s Poems, Now in such great demand, for sale at ’t'nic LIBERAL. Price only 10 cents. The metlietic crisze is niuliini,r these poems very popular. Gcne. Mr. Harrington. an old resident of our town, died on Friday morning lost. He was much respected, and lived to the ripe age of 9‘.’ years. Returned. Mr. Wm. Atkinson, of the Concrete house who has been on a. triip to Manitoba return «d on Satnadny. He purchased several lots in Brandon and Winnipeg. I. O. G. T. A. large attendance of the members of the t. 0. G. T. is requested at tht ir next meet- ing on Wednedsy evening, March let, us I there is some very important business. to be transacted. History ofour times ii; Justin McCarthy, one. of the most i'matnblc uiiu‘ phosing historys chr publish- ' \‘il. for mic .it l‘ii'ii LIBERAL; price was per ltUlllllrl‘. in l.\.o lillulluJ'b. blorc pleasing llliul ntiy romance. ‘ Poultry Exhibition. At or: Paul z'y show now in progress at. Yorkvillv, Mn ssrs W. dz A.\Vright are among the principal exhibitors. ' Tea, Tea, Tea. 4 lbs brood Green Ten for $51 at the Con- crete. 3 lbs good [Stuck Tea for $1 at the Con- ' Crete. Priyer Services. A you..--. p Mpic'n‘ prayer meeting has been formed in connection with the Methodist l'he ines ing is held it 7:50 o’clock each h‘ritiny evening. General prayer ineet- iiig on l‘nui'sdrsy evening. Another Comet. l’rul. John M. Klein, the Kuiitncky ustron- ounr, toroieils iinotner c .iiiot, which will 3 upper” Low.-.r.l« the end of February, or car- i) in M ilUiJ,lll the northern heavens nenr the l‘Ullc‘lt lialloll “Ursa. Major. important Credit Sale. l‘ncro wnl he sold by public auction, on Mulch 1st 188:, in Lot 29. 3rd Con. 01 Vaiihllnll, n quuiitity of Farm Stock imple- moutr‘, our, the property of Anthony Crud- docli. J. U_ btokes, Auctioneer. january Average. The UllllllUll inert January was it. mild month is genera ly entortniiied, but the liver- ego \Vll.‘ 25.17 or one sixth of lidegrce above [up uVei'.ige. In the l.hb ~11 yours thero lime oecii twenty one warmer, and twenty Golder Literary rind Musical. sin. llnssiugtmwite and the pupils of Cirillo l’uolic éctioolnntenil givingugi’und l,41tc’i'itl')’ ullkf. .‘ilusiuul Entertainment, on b‘iirliiy evening next, March 3r-l._ A lane at.- mouui. of foreign talent is engaged. and the plugl‘ull] Will undoubtedly be very interest.- “lg. , Credit Sale. there Will be sold by public auction, on \Vttiillurtl. y, l\l.‘tl"cli 1st, Ill but. 2:), bill Con. Vungnun, u. lot of V‘u..l1.,it;lu property, belongâ€" ing to Henry l’eterniitii, This is a splendid cuuuc 1 tor people desiring to purchase farm stack, iinpiciiichts, etc. N. J. Armstrong, Auctioneer. Lecture. ltov. l'nornns Crosbny British Columbia, will deliVCr u. missionary address in the Clllll‘Cil at Patterson, on lliursduy, March 2nd. We hope the weather Will prove to.- Vol‘able. udd we are. sure u. large number 01 our vidugcrs Will avail themselves of this rare treat. Haunted. Some persons who have notlitng else to d .- iire trying to get up the yurn that the School buildings here are bdutliied. The oruer all hosts is detnnct, and the desks and maps- ure noigivmi to walking round in this world l‘he sexton sou1etim.s curriesu light. i Extraordinary. ()iic ol the most sudden and extraordinary of all the extraordiii-iry weather changes of the Sdztsull, took place on Saturday night, or Sunday morning. 0n Suturqu night the weather was extremely cold, eVeu lit a. late hour, but many Ws'l'e‘ sui'pi'iSed to find it rum‘llg early on Sunday murlllllg. The sea.- soii 1s changeable luthe extreme. supplied; . Mr. A Robinson, Dentist. of Aurora, who visits this Villiige, on the 9th and 24th of ouch month, has gonc on ii trip to Manitoba but his pluuc Will be fiiled on the 24th 01 such month by his brother, a dentist of over 15 yours cxpericnce. The Dr. kindly coin- uieiius his patrons to the cure of his brother during his uosence. S. Eckardt Auctionel r, Wi.l suit by puoiio auction, on Lot 20, in the 3rd Con. of Vaughan, the propel'LV of W. O. .l’dttersou, ttlttl‘ge amount of farm stock, implements the. Also at the some time and. place we term consisting of 110 .icres, penig the oust half of lot 20 rind port or the east. half of lot No. 19, in the 3rd can. of Vuugoull. Terms easy. For further particulars see posters. A Northern Conductor deed. ibir. Win. Urnnstun, for several years a conductor on the Northern Railway died on Sunday morning at the residenci- of Mrs. Jackson, 3rd Con. Vaughan. The funeral took place to the Maple Cemetery on Tues- day, when the service of the Order of Con- ductors wus read at. the grevo. It was at- tended by many of the conductors and em- ployees of the Northern. Mr. Craiistou was brotherâ€"iu-lsw of our esteemed friend,blr.J. ll. Hoover, of Edgely. Advertising a. necessity. _ Advertising is becoming more of 9. necess- ity to the merchant and man of business. People can make more money. spend more, and are busier now than 25 years ago. there is twice as much competition now as there was then. People have less time to look for what: they went, and look to the papers to inform them, and accept it as a settled rule that the man who advertises what he has to dispose of means business, and he is the best man to deal with. “W ALTAR. WILTON-SIMSâ€"On the lst inst, ut the residen- co oi the bride's father, by the Rev. P. Aduil. son, Mr. Suiriuel Wilton, of Whitchurch, to Miss Einin Sims, daughter of \Ir. J 1111 " of Richmond Hill. ‘ O snub GOUGH-FORDâ€"On Wednesday; 15th Februm, at St. Mark’s Church, Prescott, by the Rev, Farther )Iustorson, P. P., Mr. ArthurJ. Gough, of Klembui‘g, 0nt., to Addie oldest daughter of the lute John Ford, of Prescott. COUNEISY' ELEAfiiNEis. Riverside. Mr. William Barrett, of Mary street, received a telegram late on Saturday night. from \llinnipeg, informing him that his brother John Barrett (who left Riverside in, May last to settle in the North West); had been killed on the Canada Pacific railway. Brocilon. i ' Tim house of Mr. Greenslnde, on St. l Clarencenvenue. was burned to the 1 ground about eight; o’clock Friday night, I Qreenslado, "who is a bee keeper, olst nearly all his stock. He was from home when the tire occurred. The cause of the fire was the upsetting of a c041 oil lamp. The house waswortli about $500. Milliken. A meeting was held at Millikan on SiltllrdJy, for the purpose of organizing a Young Men's Conservative Association for the riding of East York. The chuir was occupied by Mr. Mitchell, and Mr. Charles Bell, of Mnrkhrtiii,aoted as secre- tary. Mr. J. A. Worrell. the president of the Toronto Association, explained the objects of the association. The meet- ing,r was also addressed by Mr. E. Coats- wurth, jr.. and Mr. C. L. Ferguson, of Toronto, and Messrs. Elliott, Bell, Hood and Ramsay from the riding. Toronto. The drawings of the York County Ill- dnstrial Home are being ramdly complet- ed. S. A. Marling, M. A.. high school in- spector. died very, suddenly at; his resi- dence,l{.nsedzile, Sunday night. He had been at the Charles street Presbyterian church in the forenoon but did not feel Well in the evening and renmmed at li me while the rest of the family went to church. \Vlien they returned they found Mr. Murliiig dead. Deceased was a gentleman of knowledge and culture and commanded the respect of the coin ninuity, particularly in the educational circles. ‘05â€". Eghnum. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Mr R 0 Harvey having tendered his resignation of the School, on the 2nd concession of York Township, near Eg- liiiton, and the same having been itc- cepted, since that time has concluded to take a trip to the North West, on 4th of April, with a view of remaining if the Country and climate suits him We heartily wish Mr. Harvey a safe trip and may prosperity smile upon his enueav are. There is an opportunity here for any teachers who may desire to apply for the vacant; position. The 'l‘riistees are. W‘eznb Armstrong, Alexander Gibb, and Ge 'rge Watson. -â€".ooâ€"â€"-â€" County of York. The following is the population 0f the county of York, by municipalities:â€" YORK EAST Scarborough 4 908 York East 6 491 Markham 6 375 Yorkville Village 4 825 Stoufi'rille 459 Total 22 358 YORK WEST Richmond Hill village 867 Parkdale 1 17“ Brocktoli 786 Flmbiunko 2 .9724 ' Vaughan 6 838 York “lost 6 2b7 Total ' 18 88:5 YORK NORTH , King 6 664 Stonffville 407 \Vllllclllll‘cll 4 529 Aurora 1 Mo Newmnrket 2 006 Gwillimbnry East 4 143 Gwillimbury North 2 15] Holland Landing 580 Georgina 2 482 Total 24 502 “‘05â€"â€" Fronl u The Times". Editor of the Times :â€" Seeingg an ar- ticle in your paper last weekfrom Arnold Parker,l was impressed with the earnest- ness with which he appeals to you to con tinue to enlighten the world in regard to the means by which lie was so miracu- lously cured of rheumatismst hip-joint lameness, by using Kendall’s Spuvin Cure The article to which lie alludes by Dr. Bates, impressed me so favorably with the real merits of this remedy that I tried it also for several blemishes on my horse and found it the most pesfect cure I ever tried for spaVins and other blem- ishes as it removed the enlargement in every every instance by continuing to use it for several days after the lameness had subsided. The perfect success I have al- ways had with Kendall’s Spsvin Cure led me to use it on myown person, and for all the family with the very best results as a family linement. the cures made with it have been aliiiOst miraculous, none have been more satis- factory than several cures which I made Having made extensive arrangeâ€" ments With the publishers of Dr. KENDALL’S TREATISE On The HORSE, we are GIVING a. copy of that magnificent work to every new subscriber to THE LIBERAL sending us $1.00, and to old subscriâ€" bers paying arrears."st anyend $1.00 in advance. This is a. rare chance of obtaining a book “worth twice its: weight in gold.” "LIBERAL" is horse should miss it. in connection With the fact that the one of the best local No man having This ofler papers in the County of York, make es this “tn interstitial Indictment. of whioh'muny have already availed themselves. NG Depal-trnent is now very complete, and our prices Guaranteed as low, ,, r and in Inany eases lovvel- than .Por- onto prces. ADDI€E Sea A call will convince. “THE LIBERAL, ange County lodge was held-at Nobleton, on the 4th inst. There were manly ren- resentutivcs from the various lodges of the North Riding, of York.â€"~'l'lie follow- ing gentlemen were appointed to the var- ‘ious offices J. Hollingshead, Nobleton, County Mas- ter. Vivian,Dep. Co. Muster Lloydtown, Clinplsin. L. Paisley, J. Sloan, G. A. Robinson, Nobleton, Secretary. Juo. Gould " Treasurer. J. Phillips, “ Dir. of ceremony J. Sheardown “ Lecturer. W. Cooper, “ Ass’t “ After the transaction of other import- nt business the meeting was brought to a close. The next meeting to be held at Spring. hill, on the first 'l'uosdziy iii Febrimry, 1883. A friendly shooting match took place in this village. on the li inst. which re- sulted in a great Flmtl of noise and the waste of many pounds of excellent innu- iiitioii.VVe understand tlmtn challenge has been isued from Kleinburo against No- bleton. The particulars of which will be supplied if Noblcton wins, which, of Whlle several 0, conrco,muiiy tliiiikis a foregone conclus- 10“. Mr Wm Beasley of this place and MissV A “'hitc assistant. teacher of with it. of foot-rot and also gore tens as Nobleton School entered into solemn well as warts on tests of cows; I consid- partnership afew days ago. W's wish erit a. sure cure for sore tests or fovt<rot the happy 0"“Pl3 1‘” “mm-‘33s “Wilma”, on either cows or sheep. With the satis- faction this remedy has always given in every instance, I cannot refrain asking the some day. with my friend Parker that you continue are. Mr Thomas (Innis and Miss At.- kinson of the 10th of King were married Dunne Rumor says sevor~ al other marriages are speedily to follow. to make known to the world this, the Widelm)’ “WW l5 ‘4 ” “Wm ” i“ that grandest discovery of the nineteenth cen- tury. Yours truly. JAS. A. CAMPBELL. Herkimer, N. Y., Sept. 10, ’81. The above letter with one published last week, encourages us in our effort to make our paper one of the most valuable journals in ti a country and to all our pa.â€" trons, and we now ask others of our road ers who have been alike benefited by the letter published one year ago, fron Dr. Bates. that that they send us for publi- cation, statements that they may wish to to inakefor the benefit of others.-â€"[EDI- TOILJ " Mao...“ Aobletou. (From Our Own Correspondent.) industry. The Bowman property on the 9th of King; was sold ii. few rluys ago to Mr Andrew Mr-Clnre for the sum of $2.000, This farm (20.) ncres)'wa.s bought a. few years ago for $7,500, but owing to imâ€" ‘provements and increase value of land, Mr Bowman was able to realize what is considered to be u very fair figure. We believe it is Mr Bowman's intention to follow Horuee tlvroeley’s advice. vhâ€"~_-*c..â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"~ Weston. (From our own Correspondent.) The council of the municipality met on the 10th inst , and passed a number of By-ans. amongst others. to prohibit cattle, pigs. dogs, and fowl from running at large ; also pound keepers, High Con- TLQ mulls! nesting of the 1.0an Or- stable, and fence vici- art, and for a sur- ‘. 1 Richmond H 0722?. Awy and uinp 0er the villnge, the offer of 1’ SGibson l) L S, of Wi‘lwdule, was ac.eptid. The lllttj'W‘lty of tbo Vill \gers are greately dissatisfied at the action of the c inncil in appointing Mr. drown of Eglington, assessor. Having; acted in. the some capacity for the Township n number of years, his record for favo'nr. tisni and pnrtizansliip are too well known tr) rie palatable to many of his own poliii~ ciil friends, Lnervss.â€"~Tbe Rev Dr Wild din-liver- ed his very interesting Lecture entitled “ The Prophet Joreuiiziii’s visit to old . lrelnnrl ” on the evening: oil the lOLli, in the Presbyterian ‘Qillll‘cll, with much ’ acceptaiice,to a very large audience. The Lecture was delivered niidertlie auspices of the. I (l G l'. \Vtilintii \Vutson, Esq, occupied the chair. At the close ol the. Lecture the Dr. was tendered a. hearty vote of tlmnks, W ion‘wliuit. Ho t A number of utll‘ most enterprising yoiing'ineii leave with tile excursion on the Is; of next 111‘ Mb for b'uiiitobn, to shape their fortunes in the I: ul of the setting; sun. Amongst others are W J, son of Ni Criticksliaiii, Carriage builder; John Brown, of the firniof Brown Bros, cui'riitgo Illflli rs ; Jan Commit, Butcher ; Robert Wood. Tinsmitb ; Charles Boyiil, (lrover; ll Nuson, Esq. B A, Zirrister, disc. Notâ€" withstanding we regret the loss of so many of our active business young men, we wish them success in their new home. On Friday evening, the. 17th inst, the \Vest Toronto Comedy Company gave an entertninnient in the Eagle HoI , in aid of the funds of the Broctou Mm Weston Roman Catholic lirvslivtcr) , llcv Father Conway Pastor. The largo hull was literally i‘llt‘kfll to the than. many of the late comers being conipuilul to strand throughout. the pr-rforiiitnci- 'l'llo vocal find iiistrutneiitnl tin-t. of tliopmgmm was all that could be de sired, but the acting, with the exception of the Dumb Bell exhibition, by Mr. Fletcher Toronto, was below the nvornge. At the close of the pel‘ittl'lll:ih0?,lll¢ ltt-r. Father thanked 1120 audience in a“ wry happy manner, assuring thrtn then. that neither be nor his people Wuuld ever forget their kindness. ._.-L..A._Q. ,. .. 1. week in y o' n town. '95 "11th fror. No ri . Yn- «n'ytl in;I new. Cup, -tnl not required. \Vo will furnish you everything. Lonny are making fortune-A. Llulies make usmuch as rue-u, and buys and girlll make great Pay. Iteui‘or, 11‘ You want u busine» I at which you elm moire sci-em. pnyatli the in . you work, write for particulan :3 H. Hunt! A, on“ Portland. 'ti'm'no.

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