Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Feb 1882, p. 7

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Ix lieinmnn’s process for rendering cloth waterproof the fabric is passed slowly by machinery through a tank divided into three compartments, the first contained a warm solution of alum, the second a warm solution of lead acetate, and the third pure water, which is constantly renewed. The cloth on passing from the latter is brushed and beat- vu to remove the salt mlherihg to the sur- face, and finally hotâ€"pressed and brushed. In this case lead sulphate is deposited on the fibres. 'l‘o destroy the lilaok‘points, flesh-worms, or wmcdones which are found on the face, and especially near the Hoatrils, Dr. Unna, prescribes the following: Kaolin, four parts; glycex‘inefln'ee parts: acetic acid,tw0 parts; with or without the addition of a small Quantity of some ethereal oil. \Vith this poniade the parts affected are 00wer in the evening, and if need be, during the day. After several (lays the comedones can be msin pressed out of the skin, Bandagng Vinegar or lemon~jnice or diluted hydroch- loric acid has much the same effect. TIN-IRE is :1. statement in the (liornaie (In fmnori I’ubb/ir-nof Jam, 4, to the effect that the ltulian Minister of Public \Vorks has granted permission to the Socicta Veneta. di Christrnximii to make the necessary surveys and investigations rcgm‘tling a projected tun- m-l under the Straits of Messiuu. It is in- tended that a branch line from the Eboli- Reggie Railway in Naples will descend bya. spiral to the tunnel itself, and in IL similar manner ascend on the other side to join the Messina-l’ntti Line. The tunnel propcris to be about two and two-thirds miles long,aud 300 feet- bclow the bed of the straits. 11' is well known that a. black (.hjeet en a white ground will appear to he much larger than it really is. A white stripe,for instance 21; (L black surface seems broader that a lxiaek stripe on a white surface, although both he of the same width. This phenomen- on of simultaneous contrast is physiologic- ally explained by Pater Scherfl'er in this way: \Vlien one of our senses receives a, double sensation, one of which is active and sh'ong while the other is weak, it will be found that the latter is not felt. This must he partieulm‘y the case when both impres- sions are of the same kind. or when a, strong effect from an object on one of the Senses is followed by another of the same kind which "5 milder and weaker. Mr. J. H. Pillsbury has the following lat- ter in the .S'rtiem‘fli “ A friend of mine who is a reliable observer relates an incident which forcibly illustrates the power of parental affection to overcome fear. The gentleman found a nest of young mine and removed them to the ground near by. The mother mouse made her appearance and carried away one of her young, and while :he was gone the gentleman took the re- maining mice in his hand. ‘Vhen the mouse again appeared and could not find her young she seemed to hesitate a moment and then ran up the gentleman’s clothes, took one of the young and carried it away. This was repeated until all the young were removed to a place of safety. A new gas regulator, which ought to give good results, is described by Mr. Harold B. \Vilson. of the University of Michigan, in No. 5, Vol. 3, of the American. Journal of Chemistry It consists essentially of three parts: A small glass flask, used as an air- ehamber; a U-tube, one end of which is of rather small bore compared with that of the other, to which latter is attached the apparatus tor regulating the temperature; and, lastly, the tube through which the gas passes. Both limbs of the U-tube are nearly tilled with mercury when the regulator is to be used. \Vhen it is to be employed with en air-bath, the flask is placed in the bath. and by having recourse to a plunger (inside of a piece of very small glass tubing, a sole- leather disk of the proper size, a, pin, and some sealing-wax) the desired temperature is produced, and then the instrument will automatically maintain this temperature for any length of time. It is easier to run in debt than to crawl out agam. Few men are aware they possess a, aonscicncu untll caught committlng a crime. A man never swears vengeance on his mighme dog only when his own canine Namimt lick him. Many a man owes his success in life to the hisses of his enemies, instead of the plaudits of his friends. ,,~__â€"uM<.o~>uâ€"â€"___ A Crisis. “ Sam, I want to borrow 50 cents,” lie aid and there was an appealing look in his eye like the gaze of a. (lying antelope. “ I dent mind letting you have it ifvfi “ Don't make any conditions, Sam, it‘s a crisis in my life.” ‘ ‘ What sort of a crisis ‘2" “ I’m going to get married to-lnorrow.” “ You’d better take 75 cents, then,” re- marked tlie heroic friend, and he dropped three silver quarters into a palm that closed around them like an elastic rat-hole. Ainatter of importance to oyster eaters as been disclosed by Mr. C. A. Cameron. He lately examined some oysters taken from the beds on the northern shore of the Bay iDublin, where the water is very much polluted at present with excrementitious and other offensive substances. The oysters which Mr. Cameron tested were taken from a. place where the tide covered them to a height of 10 feet, and which was nearly dry at low water. From the brine of most of the oysters no olfensive odor was emitted, but that of [1‘ large proportion gave forth a distinctly fetid smell, and in a few eases the brine gave unmistakable evidence to the nostrils of sewage eontmninatiom The microscope revealed in the fetid liquid of the oysters whole swarms of mieroeoeei and other low organisms like those usually pres- ent in sex 'aqe. it is not unfairly considered therefore, that the illness which so many persons have experienced after eating oysters believed to have been stale was real- Always judge a man by his depthâ€"4n- fat/03d of his Alen_g§h. due to the sewage in the juice of thcac shell-fish. The wheel of fortune runs slow, because Its felloes are bred. A han 10sz is better than a. whole loafer PROVERBS AS THEY MIGHT BE. SCIENTIFIC MATTERS. v, 4<.-> to: Beautiful Weather Thcrc~Settler Geld- en Prospect. BRANDON wants to be incorporated as u town. FRUIT canncrs say Manitoba will grow splendid fruit. DIPHTHERIA of a violent type is prevalent north of Rock Lake. MANITOBAAND NORTHWEST. THERE is much sickness at Brandon just now, principally typhoid fever. THE lumbermen are pushing operations vigorously in the vicinity of Lake Kaziziki- (-hiwogamog. . LABORING men and mechanics arcall busy at Fort VViIliam, and even the Indians are making as much as $2 per day. RAILWAY VVonK.â€"â€"There is a large quan- tity of steel rails at present piled up for con- struction inthe Manitoba Southwestern mil- way yard at Point Douglas. Sixteen hun- dred tons more are reported under way from Duluth. Tm; weather at; Battleford ever since the unusual snap in October has been very fine, consequently live stock are grazing on the open prairie as comfortably as if it were summer. THE authorities of the Manitoba South- \Vestorn Railway, with a View to encourage settlement along the line, propose to carry the material for the houses of the ten pion- eers who settle in each of their own town sites as soon as they are located. TRAPPING fur-bearing animals has been pursued with considerable success recently in the Vlcinity of Brandon. AN eruption similar to the mangqsuch as obtained amongst the native ponies in the Territories last winter, is now attacking the Indians on the reserves near Battleford. (1001) R,}‘.TUi:N.-»â€"’l‘lie two Indian model farms in the neighborhood of Fort l‘itt have grown fully 1,000 bushels of good wheat this season. On the Roman Catholic mission farm, close to the fort, twelve bushels of potatoes yielded 215 bushels and 5 bushels of barley gave 80 bushels of a return. HIHJI PRICES.â€"Tllc following are the re- tail prices of some of the principal articles at Edmonton; Coil oil, $2 to $2.50 per gal- lon; bacon, 33 13 cents per pound; black ten (50 to 75 cents; sugar, 30 to 33 1-3 cents; smoking tobacco, $1; chewing, 75 cents to $1; dried apples, 25 to 30 cents; evaporated, 30 13033 113, and syrup, $2.75 to $3.50 per gallon. THE Custon. receipts for January at Win- nipeg were $43,246: for the corresponding month last year, $14,446â€"an increase 01' over $28,000. For the six months ending Dec, 31 the total receipts were over $280,- 000, as against $146,000 for the correspond- ing period of the previous year~an increase of $134,000. The inland revenue receipts for January were $512,294, and for the cor- responding month last year $7,854, or an in- crease of nearly $5,000. Tm: Railway Buildings at Cache Creek are, approaching Complezion, and add much tothe appearance of the place. FINE weather and a. scarcity of snow are reported in the interlor, In consequence of which llVC stock IS domg as well as in sum- mcr. “'0th has been commenced on the vaing Dock at Esquimalt. The schooner “Bonan- za” is transporting stone for the structure from the quarries, which are near Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island. I ANOTHER RAILWAY Pno.u~;t"r.~â€"I\‘otioe of intention to apply to the Provincial Legis- latnre for a. charter to build a railway from V'ctoria. to Seymour Narrows. and a. grant of coal lands in aid thereof, appears in the papers. The objective point of all companies is Seymour Narrows, where the best coal lies. The latest notice is to emanate from New York people. )ritish Columbia exported 00:11 to the value 0137393131 in the your 1881. THE Mining season at Kootenay, lately closed, shows a yield of gold about the 8211110 as last year. The Chinese companies working hydraulic claims have made about one thousand dollars to the share during the Season- Some of the hydraulic claims changed hands at from twelve to six- teen hundred dollars each. The Perry Creek Company are pushing the work on their claim vigorously. They have twelve men at work. The prospects for this dis- trict are looking very favorable, and an in- crease in mining operations 15 expected the coming summer. TO MAKE HOME I{AI’PY.~â€"T0 make home truly happy there should be no conceal- ments; for they are the cankervworms. Let a. woman tell her troubles and follies freely to her husband, and he will assist her out of them. He is her other self, not her judge and master. If a man confide in his wife, her penetration and quick wit will often see things that escaped him. “'0 are in the world all day; our minds are occupied by many details: but she sits at home often alone, or with but an infant companion. She thinks over what her husband has told her, and sees it in many lights ; she has had the time which he wanted. The discovery that there has been a secret excites jealousy, and loosens the ties of aeretion on either side. \Vithout perfect and entire confidence. mar- ried happiness is seldom lasting. FOUL play is suspected in the case of the remains of a man found in a, s‘nall stream on Lulu Island, near New \Vestminster. The greater part of the flesh had been devoured by animals, and many of the bones were de- tached and Scattered around, some missing altogether. The skull lay scattered in half a dozen pieces,afl'ording,as one would think, positive evidence of foul play. Having col- lected the fragments of the skull, the upper and lower jaws and some other bones, to- gether with a quantity of hair, a shoe and portions of the elothing,the Coroner brought them to the city for identification. Therefis every reason for believing the remains to be these of a middle-aged white man,who came to his death by violence. A Budget of News from the Prairie Pxovince. British Columbia. <‘O'P'N The Submarine Tunnel Between Italy and Sicily. From the protest presented to the Italian ministry and proposed to the Venetian b‘o- ciety ot ('onstruction by Sig. (labelli, the followmg particulars were taken : The length of the submarine tunnel between Sicily will be 13,200 moms. The maxi- mum (lepth of the sea above the line of tunnel is NO meters. The thickness of rock between the roof of the tunnel and the bottom of the sea is 35 meters. .The direc- tion of the tunnel from St. Agata to Punta (lel l’izzo is almost due northwest to south- east. The two inclines descending to the tunnel will first run parallel with the shore and then descend to the lowest level by spiral tunnels. The length of these inclines is each 4,500 meters, and the area occu- pied by each spiral tunnel 350 meters. The degree of inclination Will be about 35 per 1,000, about that of the tunnel between Busaila and l’ontedecimo, which has been found by experience to be perfectly practi- cal. The center of the submarine tunnel will be on ahi‘gher level than the two ends. Wells and subsidiary tunnels will be con- structed to drain oil" the percolating water, and the most (liflicult part of the line will be first commenced, which will show the geological construction of the ground, and the difficulties to be overcome. According to the opinions of all geologists, the bottom of the Straits of Messina consists of crystal- line roek (granite gneiss and mica schists). Neither iu Calabria nor in Sicily can the upper strata. that cover this crystalline rock be so thick as to reach the level of the bot- tom of the descending inclines. Geological and hydraulic considerations agree in the conclusion that the submarine isthmus be- tween Punta del Pizzo and St. Agata. can not consist of material that is compact or easily corroded. \Vm. H. “Vareing, Esq., Asst. General Supt. Third Division Mailing and Distribut- ing Dept‘, New York Post Office. in writing concerning St. Jacobs Oil, says : The re- ports from the several superintendents and clerks who have used the Oil agree in prais- ing it highly. It has been found efficacious in cuts, burns, soreness and stiffness of the joints and muscles, and affords a‘ ready r0- Iief for rheumatic complaints. Hon. '1‘. L. James, now Postmasterâ€"Gencral 0f the U. .52, concurred in the foregoing. , r ~Vâ€"â€"â€"-fl«<o>«Dâ€"â€"*~‘ Seamed. A gentleman 5th Sunday after Sunday im- mediately behind a brown-haired man. Pre- paring to leave the church after an evening service, and being in rather a hurry to get out, this gentleman accidentally whisked the corner of the cloak he was putting on over his neighbor’s head ; turning to apologize, he could nowhere see the brown haired man who the moment before had been seated in front of him, but in his place a. total stranger with a very bald head. Be- fore he had recovered from his surprise at; this conjuring trick, the bald-headed stran- ger putting his hand to his head and turning round to him, remarked, “ I think, sir, that you have knocked my hair into your pew.” Over ten thousand boxes of Briggs’ In~ dian Vegetable Life Pills are sold annually in the Dominion of Canada, which is the best proof of the estimation in which they are held by the public as a family medicine. The introduction of electricity as :L medi- cine is causing the wise heads of the world to look about. The demand for Briggs’ Elev tnc Oil is truly wonderful. l‘l[)ISD,\".\' ELECTRIC ABSORBEST BELTS do more for suil'ering humanity than drugs can do and are not dzmgerous. Their stimulat- ing and recuperating qualities are truly wonderful. The clergyinan‘s daughter kneeled down and prayed at a revival meeting with the “ worst fellow in town” at .Bedford, Ind., and when she got home missed her gold watch. She would not believe he took it, but consented to go with a. party of friends and hunt him up. They found him still at his devotions under a tree. She refused to have him disturbed, but a rude skeptic rushed to where angels feared to treml,f0und him kneeling, and in the am; of burying the watch. \Vill be found invaluable for all purposes of afamily linimeut. Immediate relief will follow its use in all cases of pain in the stomach, bowels or side; rheumatism, colic, colds, sprains and bruises. For internal and external 111v. It has no equal in the world for v V .I. 1x. is‘recommended. For sale by all do: _ of per bottle. A mqu: Vow)”: would not contain the mass of testimony which has accumulated in favor of Dr. ll"i5/(I)".~' Balsam of lVi/(l Cherry as a safe, efficient, and reliable remedy in curing coughs, colds and pulmonary dis- ease. Many of the cures are truly wonder- ful. People have nu more right to become dyspeptic, and remai n gloomy and miserable, than they have t0 take poison {mil commit suicide. It the stomach becomes weak and fails to perform functions, Burdock Blood Bitters will speedily remedy the trouble. Keep the Feet Dry. This is the season of sloppy weather so productive of colds, and lung troubles ; neg;- lected cold or dump feet is a great source of these difficulties. Cure your cough with Hagyard’s l’ectoml Balsam. Pleasant to take and always reliable. Samba smiles 2 It made our colored gen- tleman smile when the doctor told him that getting vaccinated was simply taking matter n-om one calf to put into another. Do not buy cheap medicines on the score of economy. The best are none too good for the sick, and are the cheapest. Such are the Cherry l’ectoral, the Sarsaparilla, and other standard remedies of Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. They are worth all they cost, and should be in every house. No article ever attained such unbounded popularity in so short a. time as Burdock Blood Bitters, and that too during the ex- istence of countless numbers of Widely adver- tised hitters and blood purifiers. It is evid- ent that this medicine begins its work at once, and leaves no desirable cfl'eet unattain- ed. New York Post Office. Hagvard's Yellow 011 1mm.“ ’lulegmph I»«-~>m 904‘“) ton The reasons by which they are enabled to sell their Goods cheaply : They buy all their Goods for Cash, thereby being enabled to purchase from Manufacturers direct and not from Dealers : they buy at the, very elas- est prices and get the cash discount ; they buy in very large quantities. getting the ad- ditional allowance given to large New York and Chi sage buyers in European Markets, as also by Manufaetnrcrs in this country 3 they buy all their Goods by expert Departmen - buyers, who, buying for their special rooms only. bring to bear on all lines bought great attention. knowledge. and expertneus; do- ing a large trade, they are. enabled to make the rate of expense low. which would be. inlpossible in a smaller trade ; and selling lar ely, theyare satisfied with: small prollt. TORONTO, ONT. JOHN MAGDBNALD & 00., From the foregoing reasons and nun-rs lhoy are enabled to sell to Wholesale Job- lmrs null direct Importers Goods at a price wlml they could not themselves import them for. (all and Inspel‘l or request repro- svntmivv to cull. OF PREPARED LEA THER Durable. Light, Elastic. and cheap. First prize at Provincial Exhibition, London. Testimonials on applicaâ€" tion. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address J DOAN & S03T Dravton Ont DRY GQOQS These 'l‘eus are un uestionubly the finest lot. of Term ever importe into Canada, and in order to give every one a chance to secure a caddy. our travellers will commence on their routes at once. One of them will cull on every consumer throughout the Dominion. Ladies, be prepared; ask your husbands about it, and have your orders ready. No poor 'l‘eas will be offered. Every caddy is warranted. “’0, have a reputa- tion worth Hiring. and don't propose to tarnish it byfoisting nor Teas on the public. If you wish to avoid eing swindled by pedlars, keep your orders for our travellers. JAMES LAUT, CHOICE NEW SEASON TEAS EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW. 1.000 Packages of Difierent Brands. m (B'ERRE) TRADE MARK. (AFTER) Q Is a. sure. prompt and effectual Remedy for Ncrvaummss in ALL its stages. lVau/c 111cm- ory. Losa'af Brain Pozrer. ProsM'ul‘imz, Right Sweats Weakness and General Lo 88 of Power. Itrcpairs Nervous W'aste, qutwenarfm the Ja dcd JnIeIlect. Strengthens the Enfccbled Brain, and Restores Surprising Tone and Viyar to tch Exhausted Generative Organs. The expe rience of thousands proves it an INVALUABLE REMEDY. n r lmporlor ol‘ ("bolt-c Tens, Market Lane. London: ’31 Yongc St” Toronto MACK’S MAGNETICMEDlClNE Mao s Mugnt, 11-. Medicine is sold by Drug, gists at 50 cm. per box, or 12 boxes for $5. or will be mailed free of postage. on receipt, of thv money, by addressing MAIJK’H MAGNETIC MEDICINE (1).. \Vlndsor.0m tunaulu The Medicine is pleasant to the taste, and in no case and under no circumstances can itdo harm. Each box contains sufficient for two week‘s medication. thus being much cheaper than any other medicine soldâ€"«and while it is me clipalpcst, 1'; 1.8‘ mug/L bctlm‘. Mil HIT 'fiartléfilt‘figih’ 6111‘ rpamphlet‘, which we desire to 1113.11 freq g0 guy u(1£_1ress_._ Ayer’s Gathartic Pills, FOIL All the purposes of a Family Physic, 29 EU R NI: I‘osliveness, J u u n - dice. Dyspepsia. In- digestion, Dysenlery. Foul SI eunuch and Bren": , I! on (I u 1- ll 0, lirysipelus, l'iles , Rhenmalism. Ill-up- tions and Skin Dis- Aease ‘. Bi] iousness, Livu' (Hullplnillt. ' Dropsy, Teller. 'l‘lun- 01's and .5 It Rheum. Wei-ms, Gaul. Neural- :‘in. as :1 Winner Pill, and Purifying the Blood, are the most congenial purgative yet per- fected. Their ell‘ects abundantly show how muehthev excel all other Pills. They are safe and pleasant to take. but powerful to Cure. They purge out the foul humors of the blood; they stimulate the sluggish or disordcd organs into action; and they impart health and tone to the whole being. 'l‘hey cure not only the everyday complaints of every body, but formidable and dangerous diseases. Most skille physicians. most eminent clergymen. and our best cilizens, send (certificates of cures performed, and 01' great benefits derived from these Pills. They are the safest and best physio for children. be- cause mild as well as effectual. Being sugar coated, they are easy to take; and being purely vegetable, they are entirely harmless. PRACTICAL AND ANALYTICAL CHEMISTS. Sam, I); I L'I_I)ru,j1{/1's_‘s and} Drudm's in filmlichm Dr. J. C. Ayer&CO.; WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., BRANTFORD. or (In‘n‘f‘ 1."me as “('11, as It you (out millsrone. \‘iAl mm LMHIE WORKS UO.,IJHAN1FORD.CANADA. Carpets and Fancy Goods, WHOLESALE IMPORTERS OF Gunmn‘ced 3n “rind any kind ofgmin That our Large Consignment of HAS COME T0 HAND. This Lot Comprises Nearly LOWELL, MAss., SOMETHING 1’11 EPA RED BY FIREPROOFGHAMPION IT IS WITH FEELINGS 0F DEEP REGRET that the manufacturers of Tlnorlcy‘s Improved Horse and Cattle Food feel necessitated again to call utcention to the fact of the numerous impositions pulmed olf upon the public as their food, not only by travel- lers of other foodcompunics, but 11190 by many 01' their local agents. This disreputable practice must, if unchecked, tend to tarnish the good name of Thorley‘s Improved. Farmers and feeders, make sure our trade mark is on the bu: where you purchase. For sale by dealers everywhere. Manufactured 48 John Street South, Sold in five years. Most popular and perfect engine in Canada. FARMERS! Saw Mills & Grist Mills Our Specialties. F. E. DIXON & CO. First Prim l'rovlncin! Y EL. As an inducement to those throughout the country, who have not, yet tried our we will send a. Single 511). Cattle to any Railway Station in Ontario, U.0.I).. express-carriage pro- paid, and make a reduction of 10 per cent. off regular prices. The not prices are as follows : For 5 ll). Catlio Japan, Black, Mixed. Green. and oolong Tons. $2.25, $2.70, $3.15 and $3.60. Those teas will be found fully 20 per cent. betâ€" ter value than the teas ordinarily sold. Send along your orders. and save $1.00 on every 51b. cattle. A post-office order for any amount up to $4.00 costs only TWO CEXTS. LEATHER BELTING 011311 to First March, 1882. In ordering state what sort, of ten. and the price as above. “'0 are sending: teas all over the Provmce. AGREAT OFFER! 93â€"-KING STREET EAST, TORONTOâ€"93 Established over thirty years. Noted for Pure Teas and Colfces. E DWARD LAWSON WILL CURE OR RELlEVE BIL/OUSNESS, DIZZ/NESS, D YSPEPS/A, DROPS Y, IND/GESTION, FLUTTEA‘M/G J/JUND/CE. OF THE HE E/i’YS/PELAS, ACID/TY 0/: SALT RHEUM, THE 8T0]?! HEARTBUAW, DI? Y/VESS HEADACHE, OF THE 5 And every species of disease arising disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS, STLL‘ BOWELS 0R BLOOD, T‘ MILBURN 8: (50., Vicwria Tea Warehouse, Sign of the Queen, CELEBRATED TEAS, RE.“ EMBER THE A “DRESS. IaonTABLE FARM ENGINES MANUFACTURERS OF '1:n!_l~1x.. llamllton. Ont. None genuine unless with a STAR on the head of the rivets. W Send for Price Lists and Discounts. 81 Uolhorne so. Toronto. iBELTS Have been sold. and are doing a good work. Try anc. 1 Queen 5 . E. Toronto OF THE Hymn ACID/TY OF THE STOif/ICH, DRY/V583 IIIOIISANDS of Ihcsc (‘urative Proprigtors, 0; THE mm, (Ntnwn, ls: llnmillon. I87 London. l3? Toroulu, IS? Ton-mun, 183 TORONTO.

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